2223 Obtl Tax 1
2223 Obtl Tax 1
2223 Obtl Tax 1
VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.
Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education
ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
Towards this end, TSU shall:
1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support
MISSION staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and
strengthening collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and
E – xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness
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Program Goals
To produce competent and ethical professional accountants, with an attitude of “learning to learn,” capable of adapting to change, and providing relevant contributions to the profession
and society in which they work.
Program Outcomes
GRADUATE should be able to:
1. Resolve business issues and problems with a global and strategic perspective using knowledge and technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and reporting, cost
accounting and management, accounting and control, taxation, and accounting information systems;
2.Conduct Accountancy/Accounting Information System research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies;
3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions;
4. Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to various type of assessments; and (including professional licensure and certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.
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3. Understanding of the definition, recognition, Portfolio journal will be used for the work exercises assigned to the students,
measurement, reporting and presentation of gross income Portfolio Journal for work exercises either synchronous or asynchronous, which include but not limited to problem
and deductions. (Income Tax Return Portfolio) solving, theoretical applications and organization or business scenarios or case
studies. Scenario building on the other hand will allow the students to form a story
that will show or illustrate a concept or principle under study. It is considered to be
4. Competence in preparing income tax returns and other a modern script writing (a play not to be performed). This is effective in assessing
special returns used involving income taxation in general the deeper understanding of the students on the topic.
and specific.
To enhance and assess competence of the students on preparing actual life
compliance with the regulatory agencies such as BIR, actual forms will be
accomplished given a specific problem or scenario.
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Formative Examinations the traditional way of assessing students earned knowledge is through the
conduct of the formative and summative examinations. Formative examinations
Summative Examinations will be conducted per topic or group of related topics. While summative
examinations are divided into two, midterm examination and final term
examination. It can be done either through the traditional proctored pen and paper
test (if permitted by circumstances) or automated examinations with the use of
technology or electronic media websites and various application for test
measurements (if face to face is not allowed). To achieve the outcomes expected
from the accounting graduates, the formative and summative assessments can be
done in multiple choice questions, true or false, essay, problem solving, creating
financial statements, working papers or reports, and the likes.
Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Flexible Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter
(DLOs) References Learning Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Explain the role of the Introduction to Blended/ Flexible TSU Code Online Discussion of the Poll Questioning LMS and other Week
students, the instructors and Learning as applied to Tertiary Student Manual pertinent preliminaries in the (Optional - educational 1
the TSU administration in the Education. College Code conduct of blended/flexible Bonus Points) platforms
conduct of blended/ flexible i. Students Role Various TSU Memo learning as applied to Tertiary
learning. ii. Instructors Role and Guidelines in the Education. (MS Teams, Zoom,
iii. TSU Administration Role conduct of blended / Teacher Managed Learning Facebook, etc.)
flexible learning. Activities\
Assigned Reading
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taxation. iii. Scope and Limitations of Code) Use of scheduled and Portfolio Journal platforms
Taxation RA 10963 TRAIN unannounced oral exercises for work
3. Enumerate and explain the iv. Stages of Taxation Law exercises (MS Teams, Zoom,
various concepts in the v. Situs of Taxation RA 11534 CREATE Use of case study, and related Facebook, etc.)
environment of taxation. vi. Escape from Taxation Law articles Formative
vii. Other concepts in Taxation Examinations Portfolio Journal
4. Enumerate and explain the Relevant Revenue Use of work exercises such as
theoretical application and Summative Printed Module
sources of tax laws. Chapter 2: Taxes, Tax Laws and Tax Regulations,
Administration Memorandum problem solving, and building Examinations Video Links
5. Explain how the tax system i. Sources of Tax Laws and Circulars, scenario exercises
works in the Philippines. Administrative Issuances Memorandum Order, Slides
ii. Nature and Elements of Tax and Rulings from the Use of offline BIR Forms
6. Enumerate and illustrate the iii. Classification of Taxes Bureau of Internal Case Study and
powers of the CIR. iv. Tax vs. Other collections Revenue Teacher Managed Learning related articles
v. Sound Tax System Activity:
7. Explain the concept of gross vi. Tax Collection System Banggawan, Income Offline BIR Form
Assigned reading -
income. vii. Classification for tax Taxation 2021e
materials from RRs ,
administration purposes.
RMCs, RMOs, and
8. Enumerate and classify the viii. Powers of the Commissioner of Tabag, Income
rulings from BIR
types of income taxpayers. Internal Revenue Taxation 2021e
Lecture forum
9. Explain and illustrate the Chapter 3: Introduction to Income Ballada, Ballada,
concept of situs of taxation. Taxation Income Taxation
Concept Mapping
i. Concept of Income 2019e
10. Explain the applicable ii. Capital vs. Profits
income tax schemes, iii. Realization of Income Tamayo, Income
accounting period, methods iv. Types of Income Taxpayers Taxation 2019e
and reporting works in the tax v. Individual Taxpayers
system. vi. Corporate Taxpayers Ampongan, Income Interactive Lecturing
Taxation, 2019e
Chapter 4: Income Tax Schemes, Student Managed Learning
Accounting Periods, Methods and Activity:
Reporting Study Group
i. Income Tax Schemes
ii. Classification of Gross Income Searching the web
iii. Accounting Period
iv. Accounting Methods
v. Information Returns Information Inquiry
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Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Flexible Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter
(DLOs) References Learning Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Enumerate and provide for Unit 2. Income Subject to Special The 1987 Philippine Use of online lecture (Slides, Poll Questioning Internet Week
the applicable tax rate for the Treatment (Not subject to Regular Constitution Videos and Online discussion) during Lecture connection 4-5
items of income subject to final Income Taxation)
tax. RA 8424 The Tax Use of poll questioning during Discussion Electronic device
Chapter 5: Final Income Taxation for Reform Act of 1997 lecture discussion
2. Differentiate capital assets Passive Income (also known as Tax Oral Exercises LMS and other
from ordinary assets. i. Final Withholding Tax System Code) Use of scheduled and educational
unannounced oral exercises Portfolio Journal platforms
ii. Items of income subject to final RA 10963 TRAIN for work
3. Identify the transactions income tax for individual and Law
Use of case study, and related exercises (MS Teams,
subject to capital gains tax. corporate taxpayers. RA 11534 CREATE
Law articles Zoom, Facebook,
Formative etc.)
4. Prepare the applicable BIR Chapter 6: Capital Gains Taxation Use of work exercises such as Examinations
Form and enumerate the i. Ordinary vs. Capital Assets Relevant Revenue theoretical application and Portfolio Journal
attachments required for final ii. Transactions subject to capital Regulations, problem solving, and building Summative
income taxation and capital gains tax Memorandum scenario exercises Examinations Printed Module
gains tax. iii. Coverage of Capital Gains Tax Circulars,
iv. Tax Base and costing Memorandum Order, Use of offline BIR Forms Video Links
procedures and Rulings from the
v. Filing and payment Bureau of Internal Slides
Teacher Managed Learning
vi. Installment payment Revenue Activity: Case Study and
vii. Exempt transactions and related articles
exceptions to the general capital Banggawan, Income Assigned readings -
gains taxation Taxation 2021e materials from RRs , Offline BIR Form
viii. Documentary stamp tax on sale RMCs, RMOs, and
of capital assets Tabag, Income rulings from BIR
Taxation 2021e
Lecture forum
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Ballada, Ballada,
Income Taxation Concept Mapping
Lecture- Demonstration
Tamayo, Income
Taxation 2019e Interactive Lecturing
Information Inquiry
Reciprocal Questioning
Note taking
Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Flexible Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter
(DLOs) References Learning Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Identify if an item is treated Unit 3. Exclusions and Inclusions to The 1987 Philippine Use of online lecture (Slides, Poll Questioning Internet Week
as income or not. the Gross Income Constitution Videos and Online during Lecture connection 6-8
2. Enumerate the items of Chapter 7: Introduction to Regular RA 8424 The Tax Discussion Electronic device
income not subject to income Income Taxation Reform Act of 1997 Use of poll questioning
tax. i. Gross Income vs. Taxable (also known as Tax during lecture discussion Oral Exercises LMS and other
Income Code) educational
3. Explain the difference ii. Determination of gross income RA 10963 TRAIN Use of scheduled and Portfolio Journal platforms
unannounced oral exercises for work exercises
between final withholding tax from business or profession Law
(MS Teams,
and creditable withholding tax. iii. Income tax reporting format RA 11534 CREATE
4. Differentiate how tax iv. Operating vs. Non-operating Law Use of case study, and Formative Zoom, Facebook,
related articles Examinations etc.)
treatment of income differs income
from rank and file employees v. Tax Table Relevant Revenue Use of work exercises such Summative
and supervisory and vi. Income tax forms (quarterly and Regulations, Examinations
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Information Inquiry
Note taking
Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Flexible Teaching and Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter
(DLOs) References Learning Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
1. Prepare the appropriate BIR Unit 5: Individual Income Taxation The 1987 Philippine Use of online lecture (Slides, Poll Questioning Internet Week
Form to be filed and paid by Constitution Videos and Online during Lecture connection 14-15
the individual income taxpayer Chapter 14: Individual Income discussion)
based on existing rules and Taxation RA 8424 The Tax Discussion Electronic device
regulations of the BIR. i. Pure Compensation Income Reform Act of 1997 Use of poll questioning
Earners (also known as Tax LMS and other
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ii. Business or professional income Code) during lecture discussion Oral Exercises educational
earners RA 10963 TRAIN platforms
iii. Mixed Income Earners Law Use of scheduled and Portfolio Journal
iv. The 8% optional income tax RA 11534 CREATE unannounced oral exercises for work exercises (MS Teams,
v. Taxable Estates and Trust Law Zoom,
vi. Miscellaneous provisions Use of case study, and Formative Facebook, etc.)
vii. Filing and payment of income tax Relevant Revenue related articles Examinations
viii. Married taxpayers Regulations, Portfolio Journal
Use of work exercises such Summative
ix. Installment payment Memorandum as theoretical application and Examinations Printed Module
x. Amendment of return Circulars, problem solving, and building
Memorandum Order, scenario exercises Video Links
and Rulings from the
Bureau of Internal Use of offline BIR Forms Slides
Case Study and
Teacher Managed Learning related articles
Banggawan, Income
Taxation 2021e
Offline BIR Form
Assigned readings -
Tabag, Income materials from RRs ,
Taxation 2021e RMCs, RMOs, and
rulings from BIR
Ballada, Ballada,
Income Taxation Lecture forum
Concept Mapping
Ampongan, Income
Taxation, 2019e Lecture-
Interactive Lecturing
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Information Inquiry
Note taking
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Interactive Lecturing
Student Managed
Learning Activity:
Study Group
Information Inquiry
Note taking
INCOME TAXATION, Banggawan 2021 edition
INCOME TAXATION, Tabag 2021edition
INCOME TAXATION, Ballada, Ballada 2019 edition
INCOME TAXATION, Tamayo 2019 edition
INCOME TAXATION, Ampongan 2019 edition
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Grading System STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Weight Grade Equivale Description Remarks Grade Equivalence Description Remarks
Poll Questioning and Oral Exercises 10% 1.00 98-100 Excellent Passed 3.00 75% Passing Passed
Portfolio Journal for work exercises 10% 1.25 95-97 Excellent Passed 3.50 75-78% C. Failure C. Failure
(Income Tax Return Portfolio)
Formative Examinations 30% 1.50 92-94 Very Good Passed 4.00 71-74% C. Failure C. Failure
Summative Examinations 50% 1.75 89-91 Very Good Passed 5.00 Failed Failure Failed
TOTAL 100% 2.00 86-89 Good Passed DRP Dropped Dropped Dropped
Credit Grade (Final Grade) = (Midterm Grade + 2.25 83-85 Good Passed INC Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
Final Term Grade) / 2
2.50 80-81 Good Passed UD Unofficially Failure Failed
Abide by the BSA Retention Policy to qualify for Dropped
2.75 78-79 Satisfactory Passed
BS Accountancy Program.
1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned
application. Just go to office.com. and login using your @student.tsu.edu.ph account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your
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Recommending Approval:
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