Ashati 3
Ashati 3
Ashati 3
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To protect the livelihood of teachers and the integrity of the Ashati system.
Ashati 1 and 2 focused on healing the lower and higher levels of consciousness within your physical
body. These were mostly created by the seven main chakras, and the seven energy bodies directly
connected to them. All these energetic “layers” within your being influence your awareness as you
experience it within your physical body. With Ashati 3 comes something new. This level 3 energy
activation will indeed open the dormant chakras above your crown, and therefore trigger the
transition to an even higher level of consciousness within the physical body: the “spirit
consciousness”. This spirit consciousness access (and the access to the advanced Ascension levels)
is believed to be the reason why many more spiritually advanced souls decided to incarnate on Earth
at this time and will continue to do so for generations.
This level of consciousness is associated with another subtle, yet profoundly different and higher
perspective on life. It is also about progressively reconnecting with one’s own and unique abilities,
knowledge and purpose on the spirit level, which will become more easily manifested in one’s
physical being and life. Going through this process is often felt as a journey of “simplification” of
one’s life, and refinement of one’s life purpose. Indeed, it then makes it much easier to see and feel
who we truly are, and what we really need and desire, at any given time. And at the same time, it
helps to free the mind from unwanted and restrictive influences – may they be from society, others
or one’s own past – to realise and then manifest one’s unique purpose on Earth. Ashati 3 is also the
“bridge” to the Ascension levels
Ascension 5 will mark the end of a cycle and the start of a whole new journey. It will also open the
door to the final stage of the revolutionary structural transformation of the Ascension program. At
the end of your life in your current physical incarnation, and after you have completed Ascension 4
and 5, it is believed that you will be able to end your current cycle of soul incarnation in order to go
back to your highest and purest form, your spirit, within the seventh dimension. From then on, the
need and the opportunities to incarnate in the physical world will be very different. This process is
one of expansion, and the removal of soul level limitations.
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But Ascension is not just about what will happen after one’s natural physical death. It is also and
mostly about unlocking a whole new level of consciousness, connection, creativity and
manifestation within the physical reality. It is about helping you create your own heaven on Earth;
and it is about, together, changing human ways and societies to reflect a higher level of spirituality
and multi‐dimensional connection, an event in our evolution that was prophesied by many ancient
civilisations and religions, a long time ago.
Alsemia: further development opportunities are also available through the first Alsemia levels
(Alsemia 1 to 3). These are about physical healing, physical ascension, and the direct connection of
the physical body to healing energies found in nature and in higher dimensions. Furthermore, after
the completion of Ascension 5 (and if you feel guided to), you will be able to receive Alsemia 4 and
then embark on an even more advanced energetic development journey, with the Alsemia 5 to 12
energy activations and the subconscious exploration work they naturally facilitate, for yourself and
for others.
Your spirit is your highest form, energetically, and your connection to the Source. It is a self‐aware,
individualised and evolving spark of pure divine consciousness. Almost all spirits in our universe
seem to originate from the angelic dimension (seventh dimension), which is a part of the spirit
realm. I believe that spirits who remain there and don’t incarnate in lower dimensions are indeed
what many human spiritual practices and religions call angels. They guide and support their
incarnated brothers and sisters through their own life experiences in the lower realms.
Spirits can decide to embark on the “soul journey”, the incarnation experience within the six lower
dimensions of our universe. These dimensions were formed by transforming and manifesting
energies from the divine realm in various ways, therefore giving each dimension different properties
and connections to one another. By incarnating into bodies made of these specific dimensional
energies, such as the soul and the physical bodies, spirits are able to experience life, separation from
the divine, self‐manifestation and much more, in completely new and exciting ways. They continue
they journey through many lifetimes until they find their way back up to the highest dimensions
through the energetic and dimensional ascension process, after countless life experiences and
lessons. It is even very likely for this cycle of soul incarnation (and a whole new soul journey of many
physical lifetimes) to be repeated many times throughout the existence of a spirit.
Through your spirit, you are also able to connect with the archangels, and through them with the
Source. This part of our being can therefore provide us with guidance, a connection to all that is,
and help throughout our existence within the soul and the body. This connection is however more
or less developed for each individual. The more open and strong the connection is, the more inner
guidance, intuitive knowledge and psychic or healing abilities one can develop. The Ashati 3 energy
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activation starts the energetic connection between your soul and your spirit. The Ascension 1
energy activation will take it a big step further, by directly connecting your spirit body to the higher
chakras that Ashati 3 will have opened and activated.
NOTE: The term “spirit” in Ashati (as defined above) is different than the term “spirit” that can be
more commonly used to describe a non‐physical soul, like a “ghost”, for example.
Humanity is going through a great evolutionary shift, one that was predicted by many ancient
civilisations a long time ago. This process, centred on the year 2012, is progressive and will require
a number of years to unfold.
Humanity only started to scientifically acknowledge and study the power of the mind, emotions and
the invisible unconscious aspect of our human consciousness in the 1870s. Since then, many mind
and emotion centred healing and personal development modalities have emerged. Humanity
opened up to the psychological aspects of our existence, and this was a giant step forward in our
Today, we are already in the next phase of our evolution, opening to what is starting to become a
new awakening, a new age. This time, it is about the energetic and therefore the spiritual aspects
of our being and existence, going beyond our time on earth as physical beings. This path and
knowledge opens the door to a lot more change, new perspectives, knowledge and deeper healing
than probably ever available before. It is the next “big change” for humans, as a species. And many
people subconsciously feel this transformation, which leaves them with a “need” to search for and
fulfil “something missing” in their life: their spiritual connection and the ascension process.
Many spiritually developed souls are incarnated on Earth today because of the planned emergence
of new energies, and because of the complete energetic ascension (or structural ascension)
opportunity, now available on Earth, that will help them leave their cycle of soul incarnations to go
back to their spirit form. Although Ashati simplifies and greatly accelerate this ascension process
over a few energy activations, please do not rush from one level to the next, but rather make sure
your intuition tells you that you are ready, as some of you will need more than 21 days between
levels to really and fully adjust (especially if you don’t do the self‐healings as often as
recommended). Ashati is a journey, try to enjoy every moment and lesson it brings you. The many
questions you may have at the beginning will find their answers soon, or later. They are the many
pieces of the puzzle of your existence that will come together, perfectly and at the right moments,
over time.
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2. Ashati Healing
On the energy level, this Ashati 3 activation and the opening of the higher chakras will create a
connection to a much higher dimension, with powerful energies for healing and manifestation
purposes. Using these energies is the foundation of the Ashati 3 technique described below (see
2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique), which is used for a wide range of activities, from healing and
clearing work to psychic messages and spiritual guidance.
The level 3 energies and techniques are completely different and to be used in addition to the Ashati
1 and Ashati 2 energies and methods of healing. This energy activation, and the healing and
development work it will naturally initiate, will trigger major changes in your energy and natural
abilities, providing that you make use of this potential by doing regular self‐healing and meditation
work (incorporating the Ashati 3 technique into the hands‐on healing work), especially during the
first 21 days (with daily self‐healing sessions).
STEP 1: Connect
Intend to connect with the soul light dimension.
To help you achieve this consciously, you may want to close your eyes, and then feel your
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awareness go up your main chakras all the way to the space above your crown and physical
head, where your soul light chakra is located – the first of the newly activated chakras.
In your mind, you may then see or feel a beautiful white light all around you, filling this higher
dimension you are now partly connected to. Remain there until the end of step 3.
STEP 2: Request
Simply request with words or intentions only (see 4.3. Intention Thinking) what you want to
achieve (e.g. healing, clearing, messages…). You can refer to the different sections below for
more specific details.
STEP 3: Observe
Observe your request being manifested (using your higher senses). You can refer to the
different sections below for more specific details.
The outcome you intend or expect from your conscious mind (within your physical body) may not
always be what is truly best for yourself and everyone involved, despite your best efforts. Therefore,
what you requested may not always manifest as intended, or at all.
It is therefore important to do STEP 3 to observe or feel what is actually being manifested, and to
be open to guidance about whether or not what you are asking is possible at this time. Sometimes,
even issues or blockages you have the ability to heal or remove will remain unchanged, just because
the person still needs these issues, must understand their lessons, needs to heal them in another
way, or because of something else. There is an important element of timing that is also to take into
account. Everything ultimately happens at the right time, for a good reason – before then is too
early and sometimes even detrimental to someone’s life purpose, from a higher level of perspective,
in one way or another.
The third Ashati symbol is called Ushuru (pronounced Ooh ‐ Shoo ‐ Roo). This name must be
pronounced 3 times to activate the symbol (mentally or out loud).
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It is drawn with two continuous lines. The first one starts with the smaller top anticlockwise spiral
and finishes with the larger bottom clockwise spiral (big to small). The second line creates a triangle
around the bottom spiral, drawn in a clockwise motion too, and starting from the top.
Ushuru is especially for anyone who has received their Ashati 3 activation, to help them connect
with their soul light body and their spirit within it. It is a symbol you can also use for healing,
development or even manifestation purposes.
It is best to visualise and activate this symbol in front of the recipient’s third eye, starting above the
head, and visualising the bottom half over the forehead. When using this symbol for yourself, simply
visualise it in front of you and then intend for it to be turned around and place in the right location.
Alternatively, and for example, you can imagine a miniature version of yourself in your mind and
visualise the symbol being drawn in the correct position.
Once you have received the Ashati 3 energy activation, you will be able to use the newly created
connection to the soul light dimension and its powerful energies to perform healing in any of the
lower and higher energy bodies, for yourself and others, as well as healings for animals, plants,
objects, situations, etc.
All you need to do is to follow the three above steps (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique) in
order to connect with the soul light dimensional energies, and to request a healing for the highest
good and on any level of the person’s being (or your own being for a self‐healing). Alternatively, you
can intend to go through each energy body, one after the other, taking the time to connect with
them and to manifest healing within each one of them individually.
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Once requested from the soul light dimension, the healing will manifest directly into the person’s
being. This means that the energies will flow directly into their energy bodies, without having to be
channelled through your hands (your hands are not required for this Ashati 3 healing technique).
With practise, you may also be able to see or feel where the energies specifically go to and have an
understanding of what they are working on. The energies may flow for a few seconds or continue
for a while longer, sometimes even after you have disconnected and left the room. You can have
some control over the duration of the healing by adding this duration request before the start.
Like for any healing, it is highly recommended not to consciously select what energy is required,
where and for how long. You simply need to focus on the goal of the healing, and then let your
higher‐self determine what energies need to be sent, where and why. You can request a general
healing for someone on all levels and for their highest good, or you can be more specific and request
emotional healing, for example, on all required levels and without consciously specifying these
(some issues may originate from higher levels and work then needs to happen on those levels first).
The main thing to keep in mind is that the brain is limited in its understanding of the whole picture
and all the aspects to take into account. However, your higher‐self has all the knowledge needed to
perform the most effective healing for that same overall goal.
Then just observe the healing, through all your senses, but without forcing anything – simply open
to these images and feelings, and observe them.
This technique can be done once or many times during a healing right after, before or during the
Ashati 1 and 2 hand positions (or distance healing method). When performing an Ashati healing for
someone or for yourself, it is indeed recommended to continue to use the hand positions in addition
to this new technique. All these methods bring in different and complementary energies, or provide
different ways to effectively use these powerful energies. This also applies for self‐healing healings.
Just like for any type of energy healing, there is a limit to how much a person can receive, heal and
release each time. Many sessions may therefore be necessary to heal a specific issue, or to have
more noticeable and permanent effects. Also, as for any energy based healing, the recipient of the
healing will subconsciously use these energies to naturally go through a self‐healing process over
the following few days. Because of this, don’t expect an instantaneous healing all the time, even
though the visualisations you may see in your mind will often seem like a quick process when doing
this technique. With experience, you will be able to “feel” the duration of the healing process that
you observed from the soul light level.
Because of this self‐healing process, the recipient of the healing may also feel particularly tired,
sensitive or emotional, for example, for the following few hours or days.
As this Ashati 3 technique is very quick to perform, it can also be combined with any other form of
healing, such as counselling, Reiki, Kinesiology, massage, and many other modalities.
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Relationship cords are often sent out to and received from the people you love. They help to create
a “closeness” with them, and may therefore be positive and necessary (unless you need to get more
“distance” from someone – e.g. after a break up – or when the “closeness” is unbalanced, unhealthy
or inappropriate).
Relationship cords can require some healing from time to time. A change to a cord, positive or
negative, will greatly influence the relationship they create and support, almost right away.
To heal a cord, simply do the three steps of the Ashati 3 technique (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection
Technique) and request to “heal the necessary cords between ... and ..., for the highest good”. Then
just observe or simply feel healing energies go directly into the cord(s) to heal and repair them as
required. Alternatively, you can be less specific and request to “heal all necessary cords for the
person’s highest good”.
It is also a good idea to request to “cut all unnecessary cords, for the highest good of the person (or
yourself)”. This is especially for other types of cords (not those to loved ones), and whenever these
cords are negatively affecting the energy of the person. After you made this request, simply see or
feel cords being disconnected, brought back and re‐integrated into the energy of the person who
projected and created them in the first place (if there are unnecessary cords). You do not need to
consciously see all the details and the people they were connected to.
NOTE: relationship cords will often be double, as each person will have sent a cord to the other,
from and to the same chakra(s). Healing will then need to take place for both cords and both cords
will need to be cut, if required and for the highest good. Again, this work should not be determined
from a brain level (the conscious mind of the healer, or even the recipient), but it should be done
by your higher‐self. You therefore simply need to ask and to then observe what is being done, for
the highest good.
The array of possibilities with these new energies and this level 3 technique is almost only limited
by your own creativity.
Before a healing, for example, you can perform a psychic “scan” of the person (or yourself) for any
issues that require healing and that are ready to be dealt with, on any level of the person’s being.
The technique remains the same, starting by connecting with the soul light dimension and its
energies (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique), and requesting the scan. Then let the
information come to your higher senses, through visions, feelings, a sense of knowing, words in your
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mind, or otherwise. You may sometimes need to start with a basic visualisation of the body of the
person being scanned (yourself if you wish to scan you own being) to then observe what naturally
appears within this visualisation, as you let your clairvoyance show you the issues that require
healing. You may sometimes also need to feel what level(s) those blockages and issues are located
on. Regular practice will greatly develop this specific skill and ability.
Advanced levels of this technique will allow you to not only scan a person’s physical and energy
bodies, but also to connect with the origins of their conditions, on any level.
Remember, however, that this is done for the highest good. Your possible lack of understanding,
fears and wrong expectations may prevent you from “seeing” all you can see. Sometimes, you also
won’t be meant to discover a specific issue. This may be because the person is not meant to know
it just yet, because they are not comfortable with the idea of you knowing about it, or for another
reason. As healers, we need to respect this and to try not to force anything (which will not work
anyway). You also need to make sure to let the person you are healing know that this is based on
your intuitive connection only, and that what you are saying does not replace medical advice.
Working with the soul light energies allows you to clear unnecessary energies in just a few moments,
very easily and effectively. Understand however that you can only remove “foreign” energies
(energies picked up from places, others, etc.).
“Dark” and stagnant energies that are part of the person’s being (e.g. negative emotions, thoughts,
etc.) can only be changed or released by the person and by working on the related issues. You cannot
“delete” the issues and the challenges people face in their lives. Ultimately, these issues may be
what these people chose to experience from a higher‐self perspective, and they may be needed to
learn the lessons they want to learn and become the people they chose to become.
To do an energy clearing, follow the same three main steps (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection
Technique), requesting to “clear all unnecessary energies from the person’s body and aura, for their
highest good”. You can also do this for yourself using the same method.
Then feel the clearing, and / or allow images to form in your mind, showing the person’s body and
aura being cleansed of all unnecessary energies. These will often disappear through their crown as
if a vacuum cleaner became connected to this chakra, pulling the “darkness” up to another
dimension and transmuting it forever. Or it may come to you in another way. However, don’t worry
about seeing this process perfectly; simply let the images or feelings come to you to show you what
has happened, even if it is at first in a symbolic way. Like most actions requested from the soul light
dimension, this should only take a few seconds, if not done instantaneously sometimes.
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This technique can also be applied to animals, places, crystals, objects, etc. The dark energies you
may see in your mind, or feel, will then often appear to be “pulled” into a vortex of white light,
although, again, you may see this in a different way.
Psychic readings can be performed with much more ease and accuracy using the Ashati 3 technique.
This also helps to “step out” of the lower ego’s influence. Perform the three general steps
mentioned above (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique), requesting to receive messages and
guidance for a specific person to help them on their journey at this time.
Then open your mind, remain connected to the soul light dimension (within the perceived white
light) and, as much as you can, let go of all expectations, worries (e.g. about not being able to give
accurate information...), fears (e.g. about not being able to “impress” this person or to help
her/him...) and anything else that could prevent you from connecting with the psychic messages.
The information may come to you as images in your own mind, sensations in your body, random
words and thoughts coming to you, or simply a sense of knowing something about the person. Don’t
expect to become the best psychic overnight and without effort. The technique is simple and very
effective, and it will help you receive very accurate and pertinent messages. It is however important
to develop this connection to higher energies and thought patterns, learn to identify and understand
messages, control and let go of personal blockages or limitations, etc. This comes with time, practise
and the opportunity to validate your results. Finding an Ashati Circle or another similar development
group in your region is a great opportunity to work with a group energy, learn from others and have
opportunities to validate your messages and to practise your skills.
It is highly recommended to receive some training in Higher Senses development in order to perform
accurate psychic messages and also to make the most out of this new part of your personal and
spiritual development journey.
Whenever you wish to balance your chakras or someone else’s chakras, you can simply use the
general Ashati 3 steps (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique), requesting to initiate a chakra
balance for the recipient’s highest good. Then simply allow yourself to see in your mind’s eye the
process that will take place. The actual “download” of energy and the chakra balancing process may
take a few minutes to be completed. However, it usually only takes a few seconds to connect with
the soul light dimension and request it. Once the request has been done and observed, you don’t
need to request anything else ‐ just let the process happen while you move on to other activities.
The recipient of the chakra balance (yourself or someone else) will receive the energies until
completion of the balancing, regardless of what you are consciously doing during that time.
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3. Ashati Teaching
If you are interested in teaching Ashati, you will need to register as a teacher on
This will provide you with the information you need to perform the Ashati 1, 2 and 3 energy
activations, and authorise you to pass on the associated course manuals and additional multimedia
content, gain access to additional documents, training and support, and to provide the official Ashati
Certificates, with your name as the teacher.
As part of the Ashati Teacher training, you will also be then able to complete Ashati Circle training
in order to gain all the knowledge and the practical tools (e.g. meditation scripts, psychic
development activities, group healing activities, planet healing set‐up, etc.) to organise your own
official Ashati Circle. More details are available on
If you do wish to teach Ashati professionally, it is strongly advised to get a public liability and
professional practice insurance. It is also recommended to join a professional association for energy
healing or complementary health practitioners and teachers. Most of these associations will provide
you with ethical and business guidelines, opportunities for further development, additional support
and also perhaps marketing and advertising avenues. Completing Ascension 1 at least is also very
much recommended for more advanced healing abilities, as well as a much stronger intuition and
inner guidance.
IMPORTANT: Please note that this training is centred on giving you access to very powerful and
effective energies, mostly for healing and personal development. In addition, it gives you skills in
structuring and offering healings and the Ashati energy activations. Further training may be
required in some countries in order to work as an energy healing practitioner or teacher. It is up
to each individual to find out the relevant requirements in their own country and to assess what
complementary skills and training they need to acquire in order to start their practice, whether
these are legally compulsory or not.
The soul realm contains the astral, the soul and the soul light dimensions. The soul light dimension
is the transition world between the spirit realm and the soul realm. It is a place where spirits initiate
their incarnation into lower dimensions by creating a soul light body. This soul light body is also
called the higher‐self of the soul.
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At this stage in our evolution, the three chakras above the crown of human beings are inactive and
have no associated energy bodies (the very top chakra seems partially active before this energy
activation). This creates a separation between their physical bodies and the highest parts of their
consciousness and being – and the higher dimensions within our universe.
This Ashati 3 activation will open up these higher chakras above your crown, helping you start a
partial reconnection with your soul light body, your spirit and their energies. This higher part of your
consciousness will however remain in the soul light dimension. This means that connecting with
your higher‐self and spirit will feel like partially leaving your physical body to reach the soul light
dimension (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection Technique). This stage is the first step in the spirit
reconnection, which is something that is believed to have been predicted for humanity a long time
ago, and a giant leap forward in one’s personal and spiritual development.
Connecting to your soul’s higher‐self, within the soul light dimension, and through it to your spirit,
will offer you access to higher energies, and new levels of psychic and healing abilities. Furthermore,
it will provide magnified manifestation abilities, as the energies from the soul light dimension are
some of the most powerful manifestation energies available.
The complete energetic reconnection will take place with the Ascension 1 activation, which will
connect your soul light body and spirit to the newly activated chakras above your crown.
4.2 Spirit Consciousness Meditation
The spirit consciousness is a term used to describe the level of awareness one can reach, within
their physical body, when energetically connected to their spirit. The spirit consciousness is
introduced with this Ashati 3 energy activation. It will be greatly developed throughout the different
levels of the Ascension program.
As for any meditation and energy healing work, energy protection and cleansing of yourself and the
room beforehand is highly recommended, along with a grounding visualisation afterwards. An
average meditation will take around 20 minutes. It may however be shorter or longer. Trust your
inner guidance as to what else you need to do, and how long or how often you need to meditate.
Everyone is able to think with higher thoughts and intentions. The fact is that we do it all the time,
but this process happens in the background of other processes (e.g. the creation of images and
words). Every single word or image we create in our mind and express to the world is the second
stage processing of those higher thoughts and intentions. The Ashati 3 energy activation enables
you to start bringing this background process to the foreground, and to use its full potential.
When you become consciously aware of the real intentions behind everything you think, say,
visualise and do, you gain great power. You suddenly gain access to invaluable information about
yourself and your deeper mental processes. You also become far more effective at communication
and manifestation.
Many people now understand the power of their thoughts and emotions to affect their present and
manifest their future. However, the greatest manifestation power does not come from the lower
levels of thoughts (e.g. words and visualisations), it comes from the intentions that created them.
Regardless of the words and the images you consciously create when intending to manifest
something, it is the intentions you send out within those lower vibrational creations that really have
an impact. You may say something in your mind to try to manifest or do something, when your true
intention, in the background, may be to wait for a bit longer before you manifest it, or to never do
it at all because you don’t feel ready, worthy or for another subconscious reason. Indeed, our real
intentions are not always aligned with our spoken words, our superficial conscious thoughts or our
Developing your spirit consciousness connection and your conscious awareness of the true
intentions behind everything that you say or do will help you “feel” and better understand and
control your deeper mental processes (currently mostly subconscious).
This form of thinking can help you utilise your energy and your mind in a whole new way. Being able
to become aware of your true intentions doesn’t however mean that you now must avoid thinking
through images and words. These correspond to different levels of your mind and different types of
information processing, which are all important to reach your full potential in our physical world.
This intention thinking training is simply about expanding your awareness to a whole new and
deeper level.
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STEP 1: Simply intend to connect with the intention that you have behind any specific action,
decision, conversation, etc. Try to connect with this deeper level that reveals the true
reasons behind everything that you do, say, or don’t do and don’t say. For example, think
about a recent conversation you had with someone and ask yourself: “what were my
intentions when I was speaking with ...? When I was saying …? When I did …? Etc.” Were you
“intending” them to hear every word? Were you focusing on the way they perceive you?
Were you intending to highlight a message, to hide something, to convince them, to get back
at them for something they said or did that offended you, etc.?...
This part of this training is more about reflecting on past actions and therefore on
introspection work.
STEP 2: Once you are more familiar with this level of thoughts, you can start using it, or
rather connecting with it, when thinking, planning, visualising (e.g. a symbol, moving energy,
etc.) and especially when doing the Ashati 3 technique (see 2.2. Soul Light Connection
Indeed, after some practise, when using the Ashati 3 technique described in section 2.2., try to
slowly stop using words and visualisations to set your intentions and request an action (e.g. a
healing, a message, etc.). Instead, slowly replace these with intentions, which will be quicker and
even more effective.
Doing this exercise on a regular basis and in different settings will help you become more aware of
the energetic influences around you all day.
Start by bringing your attention to the subtle sensations you can feel around or within your body.
These sensations may be caused by different energies (for example, when you go to new places,
when you are near people, etc.), your guides or other non‐physical souls around you, etc.
Do this for a few moments at first. Then, try to extend the duration of this activity until you are able
to feel subtle energy changes when you are not trying to.
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Soul Rescue is an essential part of your energetic and spiritual development journey, helping you to
better understand what astral entities are, how they may influence you and those around you, and
how to remove them and cross them over to the fifth dimension (“Heaven”). The unique chakra
activation offered with this course will help you to sense entities more easily, and a symbol will be
provided to help you remove them in seconds, without having to perform difficult techniques or
connect with them.
Alsemia 3 (Alsemia 1 and 2 are also required) will access a whole new level of energy connected to
the soul light dimension (sixth dimension). These energies are very powerful for physical healing
and manifestation purposes – and different to those accessed through Ashati 3. This course also
includes new and practical ways to apply these changes and energies in various aspects of your life,
including how to create energy vortexes and a new type of very effective energy clearing.
Ascension 1 will then be the next ‐ big ‐ stage in your development. It will initiate the start of the
Ascension program and the activation of revolutionary changes within your chakra and energy body
system – a transformation of your energetic make‐up and your consciousness only available through
this system. This first level will be about directly connecting your chakra system to your soul light
body (or soul’s higher‐self) and your spirit. These will form two new energy bodies connected to the
chakras above your head, which Ashati 3 will have activated.
It is normal and expected as part of this healing and personal development journey to experience some emotional and
possibly physical clearing / healing symptoms, from time to time, especially in periods of regular self‐healings. This
process, driven by you and your own individual healing journey, may affect you for a few minutes to a few days. It is
then recommended to continue regular self‐healings to speed up this healing process. However, if you experience
unusual or severe symptoms, or if you feel concerned in any way, please make sure to seek medical advice. All the
content and healing work within this course is considered complementary in nature and should not, under any
circumstance, alter or replace the service, treatment, medication or advice provided by medical practitioners.
Feel free to also join the Ashati Facebook Group to ask questions, find support, share your experience and meet like‐
minded people from all over the world.
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To protect the livelihood of teachers and the integrity of the Ashati system.
© Copyright ‐ All rights reserved ‐ Ashati Institute PTY LTD. Published in 2014 (First Edition in 2010) by the Ashati
Institute, The content in this manual is protected under international copyright and trademark laws
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