Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Reproduction which is an essential feature of living things requires functional male and female reproductive
systems to ensure the production of offspring and the continuity of life. The testes in males and the ovaries in
females constitute the primary sex organs or gonads. They produce the sex cells, or gametes, and secrete
various steroid hormones commonly called sex hormones. Outside the testes and ovaries, the remaining
reproductive structures - ducts, glands, and external genitalia make up the accessory reproductive organs.
Although the male and female reproductive organs differ in many ways, their common aim is to produce
This is a fibromuscular pouch (sac) of pigmented skin (covered with sparse hairs) that contains the oval testes
and associated structures. It is located postero-inferior to the penis, inferior to the pubic symphysis and in
front of the upper parts of the thighs. Externally, the scrotum has a longitudinal midline ridge known as
scrotal raphe which extends from the anus, over the scrotal sac and onto the inferior (ventral) surface of the
body of the penis. The scrotal raphe indicates the line of fusion between the labioscrotal swellings in the
Layers – the scrotum consists of 2 layers; (i) heavily pigmented skin with sparse hairs (ii) Dartos fascia – this
layer is closely related to the pigmented skin. It is a fat-free fascial layer including the dartos muscle (smooth
muscle fibres). The dartos muscle is responsible for the rugose (wrinkled) appearance of the scrotum. Its
contraction causes the scrotum to wrinkle in cold weather, causing the scrotal skin to become thickened
thereby reducing the scrotal surface area. This action reduces testicular heat loss. Because viable sperm
cannot be produced in abundance at core body temperature (37°C), the superficial location of the scrotum,
which provides a temperature about 3°C lower, is an essential adaptation.
The testes which represent the male gonads are a paired of oval or egg-shaped reproductive glands that
produce the sperm cells (exocrine function) and male sex hormones (endocrine function) especially the
testosterone. The testes are the equivalent of the ovaries in the female. They measure about 4-5cm long, 2-
3cm wide and 3cm thick and weighs about 10-20grams. The testicles are suspended in the scrotum by the
spermatic cord, with the left testis usually hanging lower than the right.
The fibrous septa of the tunica albuginea divides the internal structure of the testis into about 300-400 lobules,
and within each lobule is contained about 2-4 minute, long and highly convoluted (coiled) seminiferous
tubules lined with germinal epithelial cells. The seminiferous tubules function as the sites of spermatogenesis,
and are joined by straight tubules (tubuli recti) to the rete testis (rete = net) – a network of canals in the
mediastinum of the testis. From the rete testis, sperm leave the testis through the efferent ductules and enter
the epididymis, which firmly attached to the external testis surface posteriorly. The immature sperm pass
through the head, the body, and then move into the tail of the epididymis, where they are stored until
Surrounding the seminiferous tubules are clusters of endocrine cells known as interstitial cells or Leydig
cells – they secret the hormone testosterone which they release into the surrounding interstitial fluid. Hence,
completely different cell types carry out sperm-producing and hormone-producing actions of the testis.
Around 8 weeks after fertilization, the testes have developed as retroperitoneal abdominal organs, just below
the kidneys. However, between 7 and 9 months of development (about 2 months before birth), they move
through the inguinal canal into the scrotum dragging their blood vessels and nerves along behind them. This
migration is stimulated by the testosterone produced by the fetus’s testes. The migration is mechanically
guided by a strong fibrous cord called the gubernaculum, which extends from the testis and anchors it to the
floor of the labioscrotal swelling (which would later become the scrotum). Other factors responsible for the
descent of the testes are; (1) enlargement of the fetal pelvis (2) elongation of the fetal trunk (3) increase in
intra-abdominal pressure as a result of the growth of abdominal viscera (organs).
This is an elongated comma–shaped structure on the posterior surface of the testis. It is formed by the
efferent ductules and measures about 5-6m in length. The efferent ductules empty into the duct of the
epididymis which forms tightly compacted minute convolutions with a solid appearance.
Each epididymis consists of; a head, a body and a long tail. The head is the superior expanded portion that is
composed of coiled ends of about 15-20 efferent ductules. The body is the major part consisting of tightly
coiled duct of the epididymis. It contains pseudostratified columnar epithelium with elongated non-motile
microvilli called Stereocilia. The huge surface area of these stereocilia allows them to absorb excess
testicular fluid and to pass nutrients to the many sperm stored temporarily in the lumen. The duct of the
epididymis ends at the tail of the epididymis. The tail is the tapering continuation with the ductus deferens.
The sperm cells that leave the testis into the epididymis are immature and nearly non-motile. They are moved
slowly through the duct of the epididymis through fluid that contains several kinds of antimicrobial proteins,
including defensins. Final maturation of the sperms occurs within the epididymis. Structural and functional
changes take place in the sperm cells as they travel through the epididymis (a trip that takes about 20 days), –
they develop/acquire; (1) ability to move (motility) (2) ability to bind to the zona pellucida of the oocyte and
fertilize it (3) a further reduction in cytoplasm and maturation of the acrosome.
Sperm can be stored in the epididymis for several months. If they are held longer, epithelial cells of the
epididymis eventually phagocytose them. This is not a problem for the man, as sperm are generated
continuously. Sperm cells are ejaculated from the epididymis and not from the testis. Sexual stimulation in
male causes the smooth muscles in the duct of the epididymis to contract expelling the sperm cells.
The spermatic cord contains structures running to and from the restis and suspends the restis in the scrotum.
It begins at the deep inguinal ring, passes through the inguinal canal and exits at the superficial inguinal ring.
It then ends at the posterior border of the testis in the scrotum.
Coverings of the spermatic cord
The coverings of the spermatic cord include (1) The external spermatic fascia – derived from the external
oblique aponeurosis and its covering (investing) fascia (2) The cremaster muscle - an extension of the
muscle fibers of the internal abdominal oblique muscle of the abdomen (3)The internal spermatic fascia –
derived from the transversalis fascia
Contents of the spermatic cord
The spermatic cord contains (1) The ductus deferens (2) The testicular artery (3) Pampiniform (venous)
plexus (4) Lymphatic vessels (5) Nerves (6) Fibrous remnants of the process vaginalis (7) Cremasteric
The penis is the male copulatory organ through which sperm cells in semen are conveyed from the male to
the female. It also provides an outlet for urine and together with the scrotum, make up the external
reproductive structures, or external genitalia of the male. The penis consists of an attached root, a free
pendulous (swinging) body or shaft and glans (glans penis), which is the enlarged end of the shaft or body.
The skin of the penis is loose which allows it to slide. Beneath the skin, the penis is composed of 3 long
cylindrical columns of erectile tissues or bodies (corpora). They are (1) the paired corpora cavernosa
dorsally (2) the single corpus spongiosum ventrally.
These erectile tissues are a spongy network of connective tissue and smooth muscle riddled with vascular
spaces. During sexual excitement, the vascular spaces fill with blood, causing the penis to enlarge and
become rigid. This condition, called erection, enables the penis to serve as a penetrating organ.
The spongy (penile) urethra measures about 15cm in length and passes within the corpus spongiosum of the
penis and terminates at the urethral orifice in the glans penis. It is the longest and most mobile part, and
contains the opening of the bulbo-urethral (in the bulbous part) and urethral glands (mucus secreting).