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Done Improving Yl BP Vocabulary Masttery at Accel

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A Skripsi

Submitted to Language Education Department as a partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan









Submitted by
A. A. Istri Bulan Fitria Dewi
171 117 106

This skripsi has been accepted by the board of examiners and fulfilled the
requirement to earn Bachelor Degree in English Language Teaching

Denpasar, August 9th, 2021

Board of Examiners,
Chairman Secretary

Dr. I Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra, S.S. M. Hum Putu Santi Oktarina, S.Pd., M.Pd
NIP. 19730530 200112 1 001 NIP. 19871005 201503 2 008

Examiner 1 Examiner 2

Dr. I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra, M.Pd Komang Trisnadewi, SS. M.Hum
NIP. 19880425 201503 1 005 NIP. 19871105201903 2 013

Aknowledge by,
Dean of Dharma Acarya Faculty, Head of English Language Education

Dr. Drs. Made Redana, M.Si Dr. Si Luh Nyoman Seriadi, S.Pd., S.Ag., M.Pd
NIP. 19650308 199403 1 002 NIP. 19641231 200312 2 020


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................2
1.1 Background of the study.................................................................................2
1.2 Identification of the Problem..........................................................................2
1.3 Delimitation of the problem...........................................................................2
1.4 Research questions.........................................................................................2
1.5 Research of Objective....................................................................................2
1.6 Significances of the Study..............................................................................2
1.7 Organization of the Chapter...........................................................................2
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................2
2.1 Vocabulary.....................................................................................................2
2.2 Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners.....................................................2
A. Based on the Curriculum.................................................................................2
2.3 Total Physical Response (TPR)......................................................................2
2.4 Audio Lingual Method (ALM).......................................................................2
2.5 Action Song....................................................................................................2
2.6 Teaching Vocabulary Using Action Song......................................................2
2.7 Empirical review............................................................................................2
2.8 Theoretical Framework..................................................................................2
2.9 Hypothesis......................................................................................................2
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS................................................................2
3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................2
3.2 Research setting..............................................................................................2

3.2.1 Place of the research................................................................................2
3.2.2 Time of research......................................................................................2
3.3 Research Participants.....................................................................................2
3.4 Data Collection Method.................................................................................2
1. Observation......................................................................................................2
2. Vocabulary Test...............................................................................................2
a. Before Treatment..........................................................................................2
b. After Treatment............................................................................................2
3.5 Research Instruments.....................................................................................2
3.6 Data Collection procedure..............................................................................2
a. Planning........................................................................................................2
b. Acting...........................................................................................................2
c. Observing......................................................................................................2
d. Reflecting......................................................................................................2
1. Pre-cycle’s procedure...................................................................................2
2. The First Cycle.............................................................................................2
3. The Second Cycle.........................................................................................2
4. The Third Cycle............................................................................................2
3.7 Data Analysis.................................................................................................2
1. Observation Sheet.........................................................................................2
2. Observation Checklist...................................................................................2
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS.................................................................2
4.1 Description of Research Findings..................................................................2
4.2 The Data Analysis..........................................................................................2
1. Pre-cycle.......................................................................................................2
2.First Cycle on the 1st song..............................................................................2
3. Second Cycle on the 2nd song.......................................................................2
4. Third Cycle on the 3rd song...........................................................................2
4.3 Discussion......................................................................................................2
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS..........................................2
5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................2
5.2 Implications....................................................................................................2



Table 1 Observation Sheet

Table 2 Vocabulary Checklist Form

Table 3 Observation Sheet Pre - Cycle of 1 st song (Head and

shoulder song)

Table 4 Vocabulary checklist form of pre-cycle

Table 5 Young Learner’s score in Pre-Cycle

Table 6 Observation Sheet First Cycle of 1st song (Head and shoulder


Table 7 Vocabulary checklist form of head shoulder song

Table 8 Young Learner’s score in First Cycle

Table 9 Observation Sheet Second Cycle of 2nd song (Body Part


Table 10 Vocabulary checklist form of body part song

Table 11 Young Learner’s score in Second Cycle

Table 12 Observation Sheet Third Cycle of 3rd song (My Body Song)

Table 13 Vocabulary checklist form of my body song

Table 14 Young Learner’s score in Third Cycle


Figure 1 Young Learner’s Score of Pre-Cycle

Figure 2 Young Learner’s Score of First Cycle

Figure 3 Young Learner’s Score of Second Cycle

Figure 4 Young Learner’s Score of Third Cycle

Figure 5 Young Learner’s Score Bar from Pre-Cycle until Third



Appendix 1 List of Young Learners Little Stars Group

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan

Appendix 3 Head and Shoulders Song Lyric

Appendix 4 Body Part Song Lyric

Appendix 5 My Body Song Lyric

Appendix 6 Instruments Pre-Cycle and each cycle

Appendix 7 Instruments Cycle 1

Appendix 8 Instruments Cycle 2

Appendix 9 Instruments Cycle 3

Appendix 10 Documents of Research


I the undersigned,

Name : A. A. Istri Bulan Fitria Dewi

Student Number : 171117106

Program Study : English Language Education Department

Faculty : Faculty of Language Education

University : UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar

Certify that this thesis entitled “IMPROVING YOUNG



ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2020/2021” is certainly my personal work, and

it does not consist of other people work. I am entirely responsible for the

content of this thesis. The findings of other people’s opinions included in

this thesis are cited according to ethical standards.

Denpasar, August 9th, 2021

A. A. Istri Bulan Fitria Dewi

NIM. 171 117 106


In the name of God, I am grateful to Hyang Widhi Wasa for

providing me with the wisdom, fortitude, and blessing that I needed to

study and complete this research. The researcher recognizes that without

the cooperation, assistance, support, and encouragement of a large number

of persons, this thesis would be incomplete. However, I'd like to offer my

deepest gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped me write my

thesis. As a result, I'd like to thank everyone, particularly:

1. Dr. Drs. Made Redana, M.Si. the Dean of English Language Educcation

UHN Ida Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.

2. Dr. Si Luh Nyoman Seriadi, S.Pd., S.Ag., M.Pd. the Head of

English Language Education UHN Ida Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar.

3. Dr. I Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra, S.S. M. Hum. The first advisor who

already guided and advised patiently during the research.

4. Putu Santi Oktarina, S.Pd., M.Pd. the second advisor who already

guided and advised patiently during the research.

5. All lecturers in English Education Department UHN Ida Bagus

Sugriwa Denpasar for their invaluable advice and knowledge

throughout my years of education.

6. Ekaterina Inozemtseva as the founder of ACCEL Kids Center

Ubud who has given permission for doing the research.

7. Ni Nyoman Sari Lestari as the Assitant Teacher ACCEL Kids

Center Ubud who assisted me in my research of study.

8. My cherished family, particularly my parents (A. A. Gede Alit

Swastika and Dewa Ayu Nyoman Sudi), my brother (A. A. Gede

Bagus Panji) and my sister and my tutor (A. A. Istri Bintang

Dwipayanti, S. Pd.) who always gives me support.

9. My lovely partner, Nana, who always give me love and support.

10. Last but not least, I want to thank me for doing all this hard

work and never quit. I want to thank me for just being me at all

times and believing in me to finish this thesis.

Finally, the researcher expect that this thesis will be valuable

particularly in the development of English teaching and processes

for young learners.

Denpasar, August 9th, 2021

The researcher

A. A. Istri Bulan Fitria Dewi

NIM. 171 117 106


The aim of this study are: 1) To describe the best implementation

of Action Songs in improving young learners body parts vocabularies

mastery at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud. 2) To find out the extent of the

Action Songs to improve young learner’s body parts vocabulary at

ACCEL Kids Center Ubud. The method of study used is classroom action

research, and was conducted in three cycles, the steps in this method are:

1) Planning, 2) Action, 3) Observing, and 4) Reflecting.

The findings of this study indicate from the pre-cycle only 1 young

learner out of 6 that can do more than 70% of the instruction. From the

first cycle shows from 4 young learners improved well, 1 young learner

started to improve, and 1 young learner had not improved. From the

second cycle, 5 young learners improved well, 1 learner started improved.

From the third cycle 5 young learners keep showing the progress and

improvement and 1 young learner improved. The use of action songs as

the best implementation of action songs as a media to improve young

learners' body parts vocabulary mastery was the action songs that could

encourage young learners to focus and concentrate during the activity, less

of the materials that could distracted young learners coordination and

concentration, and has the list of enough body parts vocabularies based,

not too much words of intro lyric that not highlight to the core of

vocabulary itself. To summarize, Action Songs can improve young

learner’s body parts vocabulary mastery. The use of Action Songs as

media to improve young learner’s body parts vocabulary mastery can help

encourage and engage them in the processes of learning.

Keywords: young learner’s, action songs, body parts, vocabulary mastery.



1.1 Background of the study

Currently, we are facing a global problem in which we are dealing

with Covid-19, which has paralyzed all activities in all circles, from

tourism to education. All activities are currently carried out on a limited

basis and at home from work to study. In terms of education, students

around the world will face different habits, parents will change the role of

being teachers at home for their children, where the burden as parents will

increase because the obligations that should be done by teachers at school

will be taken over by parents currently at home.

The results of distance learning activities cannot be felt and

received maximally when face-to-face learning is directly applied.

Children will lose interest in learning, and this will cause an impact on the

development of the child itself.

Furthermore, after various polemics and long debates took place

about the request to re-apply direct learning in schools, the Indonesian

Ministry of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim provided a policy

from a joint decision in Surat Keputusan Bersama 4 Menteri (SKB 4)

tentang Panduan Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran Tahun Ajaran

2020/2021, dalam Keputusan Bersama Menteri Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan, Menteri Agama, Menteri Kesehatan, dan Menteri Dalam

Negeri Nomor 01 / KB / 2020, Nomor 516 of 2020, Nomor HK.03.01 /

Menkes / 363/2020, Nomor 440-882 of 2020 tentang Panduan

Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021 dan Tahun

Akademik 2020/2021 di Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019

(COVID-19). According to Nadiem Makarim, face-to-face learning is

permitted but not required. Not only that, the authority is handed over to

local governments, schools and parents. These 3 components are the key

to implementing face-to-face learning. Face-to-face learning policy

authority from the local government, and depending on the readiness of

each region, besides that the application of health protocols must be done

during face-to-face learning. Nadiem Makarim in his statement explained

that the parents of students were released and had the right to determine

whether their children were allowed to attend school or not.

Thus, Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim

emphasized that all schools must have opened face-to-face learning by

July 2021. He announced face-to-face learning was not implemented in

July 2021, but the aspiration is that all schools have studied face-to-face in

July 2021. Face-to-face learning at school can now be implemented, the

opening of face-to-face learning in schools is in line with the ongoing

vaccination program for teachers, lecturers, and education personnel.

However, every school that opens face-to-face learning is still

required to fulfill checklists and implement health protocols. Meanwhile,

schools that have opened face-to-face learning are still welcome to


The importance of direct learning today is as important as learning

English for foreign learners, where English is the unifying language of the

world. English has also a strong influence in the modern world since the

emergence of the globalization era. Precisely, this change brings about a

crucial effect on human life, especially in communication, technology and

information, education, and the sectors of life. Due to the importance of

English as an international language, English is essential to be taught to

younger people, for this case; students from beginner up to senior high


However, a variety of problems occur when teaching English to

young learners, most of which stem from the characteristics of young

learners resulting from those of older learners. (Cameron, 2003).

Therefore, it is essential to know the characteristics of the young learner

and also language instruction. It is easy for them to understand meaningful

messages, however, they cannot analyze the language as a framework. It is

therefore important to present the language in meaningful contexts when

teaching young learners about English. In this manner, the use of language

would authentically represent (Cameron, 2001; Halliwell, 1992).

In learning English and communicating in English, the students

have to understand the structure in forming sentences, know the

vocabulary in making sentences, and then know how to pronounce a word

so that the listener will understand. These components of language will

also support their mastery in communicating in English.

Thus, to supports young learner’s mastery in communicating in

English can be through from formal or non-formal environment, which

young learners could gain this skills. They acquire information by

receiving formal knowledge from their school environment and teachers.

While in the non-formal environment, is an educational path outside

formal education that can be carried out in a structured and tiered manner

such as courses and training, and knowledge can be acquired to create.

Then, the teachers and the learning center foundation must be aware of the

characteristics of the learners, the process of both metals, the cognitive and

language development component, as the source of knowledge to teach

appropriately and effectively.

Undang – Undang RI No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sisdiknas Bab 1

Pasal 12 Pendidian nonformal adalah jalur pendidikan di luar pendidikan

formal yang dapat dilaksanakan secara terstruktur dan berjenjang. Non-

formal education, according to its kind, has educational goals defined by

the form of formal education itself. Non-formal education can act as a

replacement, supplement, extension, and developer of formal and informal

education, according to Wahyudin (2007: 3.13). Non-formal education has

the purpose of improving the capacity of students with a focus on learning

practical knowledge and skills as well as developing professional attitudes

and personalities. The results of non-formal education can be valued as

equal to the results of formal education programs after going through an

equalization assessment process by institutions appointed by the (central)

government and local governments concerning national education

standards (Abu Ahmadi & Nur Uhbiyati, 2002: 183-184). Following the

draft Government Regulation, the target of non-formal education can be

viewed as Pre-School Age (0-6 years). The function of this institution is to

prepare children before they go to school (formal education) so that they

are accustomed to living in situations that are different from the family

environment (Muri Yusuf, 2005: 63).

In addition, ACCEL Kids Center is one of the non-formal

education that located in Ubud Bali at Jl. Sri Wedari Ubud Tegalalang.

ACCEL Kids Center Ubud is stands in the middle of Parq Space Building.

ACCEL Kids consisted of 3 classes, named KG Rainbow, KG Younger

Rainbow, and Toddler Little Stars, and each class consisted of 5-8 kids per

class, which every class was led by 1 main teacher and 1 assistant teacher.

The school hours at ACCEL Kids run from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. from

Monday to Friday. ACCEL Kids also provided the studio class after 3.00

p.m. and finished around 5.00 p.m. In the term of teachers, most of the

teachers were from Bali and local citizens while the founder of ACCEL

Kids Center was an original from Russian and stayed in Ubud Bali. Also,

the variety of students in the ACCEL Kids were totally based from

Russian. ACCEL Kids used a process learning planned based of

Montessori that prioritizes creativity, independent, and freedom in

exploring activities.

Meanwhile, based on the experience of the researcher who teaches

directly at ACCEL Kids Center, many of the young learners have lack of

vocabulary in English and also have problems with English vocabulary.

As an example, when the researcher tries to ask some questions during the

direct teaching and learning process on December 12th, 2020 about parts

of their body and offers some of the questions regarding body parts

vocabulary, such as: "Can you point your eyes? Where is your nose? And

where is your mouth? Etc". However, there were 6 young learners in the

class, and thus, after asking the question, many of the young learners don’t

know how to respond and don’t understand how to answer in English. As

it was not the researcher’s merely an opinion, and as it can be considered a

young learner’s issue in English vocabulary that they were not able to

answer the questions during the direct interview in the teaching and

learning process regarding parts of the body.

Thus, the researcher needs strategies to teach vocabulary mastery

to young learners that will help the young learners develop their

vocabulary bit by bit. The former teacher in this position, however, does

not know the English method, and does not know what the right method

for young learners is and how to teach young learners vocabulary as he/she

did not come from the education field and tend to used Russian language

(pyccĸий яɜьɪĸ) to get along with young learners during the school hours

which that could occur the lack of vocabulary in English as the language

that has been standardized from the school is English. Therefore, the

researcher is interested in doing research on young learners’ body parts

vocabularies mastery at ACCEL Kids Ubud to help them improve their

vocabulary mastery in English by introducing the vocabulary of body


In addition, the researcher put more concern in this situation as

learning to recognize body parts is not only about introducing young

learners to the names of the body parts, but young learners also learn that

every part of the body has a function. So, young learners who learn to

recognize body parts are able to take care of the body. Learning and being

familiar with body parts not only improve vocabularies in English but also

improve the cognitive and psychomotor aspects. Cognitive aspect, namely

young learner’s ability to recognize the name of body parts and identify

the body parts, meanwhile for the psychomotor aspect, to enhanced young

learner’s ability to point to their body parts. After young learners being

able to point out their own body parts, another ability that needs to be

improved is young learners' ability to count the number of body parts by

using the media of action songs. Therefore, the researcher conducts the

research in improving young learners' vocabulary mastery through body

parts by using action songs at ACCEL Kids Ubud in 5 weeks to see how

the action songs of body parts affect young learners' vocabulary

achievement. The researcher also determined the achievement of

vocabulary using a minimal standard of score (KKM) of 7.0 in each action

song during the research. The achievement of vocabulary with a standard

score is a learning completeness criterion set by the educational unit that

refers to the graduation competency standard (Fahmitati, 2016).

The considerable numbers of strategy has been applied about

improving vocabulary mastery such as, the text message could improve

vocabulary mastery according to (Fatma, 2016). (Ashraf, 2014) also said

online games could be one of strategy to improve English vocabulary.

Then, (Hashemi, 2011) stated strategy that can be used to enrich the

vocabulary mastery is strategy of word attack. The various of previous

researches have claimed that by using numerous strategy could be done to

improving English vocabulary mastery, however, here the researcher

create a new different strategy by using actions songs to improve young

learner’s body parts vocabularies mastery.

Action song is a combination of Total Physical Response (TPR),

and Audio Lingual Method (ALM). This combination the researcher has

chosen to apply because young learners aged 1.5-3 years have the

attraction to move when accompanied by a song that is familiar to them

and also sounds interesting. As using a strategy of Total Physical

Response (TPR) and Audio Lingual Method (ALM) are the language

teaching methods that built around the coordination of speech, action, and

repetition, it attempts to teach the language through physical activity

(Richard & Rodgers, 2001; Rokhayati, 2017). Other than that, using the

parts of the body as an action song to improve English vocabulary to

young learners could be a problem solver as they were not familiar with in

English, and as a body part song is a powerful tool for manipulating young

learners' behavior and guiding them towards understanding through

motion or action in songs.

Recent research suggests that vocabulary teaching can be

problematic because many teachers do not consider the strategies in

vocabulary teaching and often may not know where to begin to work on

word learning (Berne &Blachowicz, 2008).

It is also harder to teach English vocabulary to young learners than

to older learners. The characteristics of young learners are one of the most

significant factors. Young learners seem to have a short attention span. In

addition, they can’t learn better unless learning is interesting, meaningful,

and enjoyable for them (Pinter, 2006).

Therefore, in planning classroom activities, English teachers need

to be innovative. For young learners, certain teaching strategies may be

called enjoyable because the approaches can promote one of the features

of young learners. Gerngross and Puchta (2009;15) admit that flashcards

are the instrument that can be used to visually introduce new

words/vocabulary to young learners. Teachers can use flashcards anytime

and wherever, use the flashcards and save time to draw the image on the


In addition, (Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby, 2005) state that games

are used during language learning to support young learners. They make it

entertaining for classes and maintain effort and interest. They create an

environment of positive contact before, during, and after the games, where

young learners communicate.

The exposure and repeated words from the songs thus make it

easier for young learners to recall the words, so that young learners can

create or pronounce the words (Yuliana, 2003). Via colorful visions and

repetitive rhythmic phrases, songs capture the attention of young learners.

The use of songs in the classroom setting improves the language skills, the

learning process and, in many ways, often positively attracts young

learners. Therefore, the approach of using the song as a technique to

enhance the vocabulary mastery of young learners and give one of the

teaching media, namely action songs, is selected from the above methods.

Using an action song as a media, the vocabulary mastery of young

learners will ideally enhance the teaching and learning process as the song

plays a significant impact on the young learner lives, and may be said that

the song is the playmate who is most liked and closest to the world of

young learners. For a long time, the song has been a part of human life.

Everywhere it can be heard; on radio, television, family events, such as

wedding parties, funerals, etc (Mcdermott & Hauser 2005:29 as cited in

Kusnierek, 2016).

The researcher also showed the efficacy of using the song to

develop the vocabulary of young learners, as Neil T. Millington (2011)

said in his book "Using songs to teach English effectively to young

learners," the song can add a variety to the daily routine of the classroom

and establish a comfortable and enjoyable environment that makes the

classroom non-threatening.

Songs are used by teachers to help learners learn a foreign

language, according to Vinyets (2013:7). It means that English songs can

help students gain vocabulary and grammar, enhance their spelling, and

learn reading, writing, speaking, and listening linguistic skills. In addition,

Vinyets adds that the key benefit of using songs and music is that they

offer a fun experience to students and the comfortable environment they

create in a classroom. This statement means that using English songs will

encourage the high level of thought and interest of the student while

learning English because it is easy to memorize each word by using a song

and learners can remember it as well.

Thus, the correct way to train them to learn how to communicate in

English is to practice communicating in English vocabulary. The young

learners were supervised by an instructor who, instead of using English in

everyday conversations, often liked to talk in another language (Russian

language) with young learners in their daily routine at school. As young

learners like to imitate, it becomes a problem that could make young

learners lack in English vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher wanted to

solve the issues by encouraging young learners to learn English

vocabulary through action songs with body parts songs in a strategy of

Total Physical Response (TPR) and Audio Lingual Method (ALM) to

attract their attention, interest, and their motivations in learning English


In addition, the researcher conducts research in the younger class

of ages 1,5-3 years old at ACCEL Kids Ubud by using Classroom Action

Research (CAR) with the aim to improve English vocabulary mastery of

young learners by using body parts action songs.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Regarding the problems above, the researcher decided to combine

Total Physical Response (TPR) and Audio Lingual Methods (ALM) to

overcome the problems and to improve young learners' vocabulary

mastery at the toddler group of ACCEL Kids Center Ubud by using the

strategy of the action songs. The researchers believe the use of the song

can improve young learners' vocabulary mastery and also make the

learning process more interesting and entertaining.

The researcher found the problem during the approach period with

young learners (toddler group) according to preliminary observation which

was done as following:

1. First, most of the young learners lack the motivation to speak

English because the young learners thought it was difficult to find the

correct words and pronounce them.

2. Secondly, most of the young learners communicate in the

Russian language on their daily at school.

3. Third, most of the young learners don’t understand how to

communicate in English because of their very limited vocabularies in


From the problems above, the researcher uses a method of Total

Physical Response (TPR) and Audio Lingual Method (ALM) with the

strategy the use of action body parts songs to help the young learners and

to increase their motivation in learning English vocabulary interestingly.

By paying attention to these issues and considerations, the

researcher used song as a strategy to improve young learners' vocabulary.

It has never been implemented in this learning center. Therefore, all

aspects related to the learners, and the teaching and learning process in the

Toddler Group at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud need to be improved by

using the action body parts songs.

1.3 Delimitation of the problem

Based on the problem above, the researcher delimited the problem

into the use of the action songs in teaching body parts vocabulary at

ACCEL Kids Center Ubud and focused on the strategy that could be used

to overcome the problems of improving young learner’s vocabulary. The

strategy will be implemented in teaching-learning activity through action

songs and the learners have to follow the instructions/commands through

questions related to the body parts given by the teacher. While giving

every question, the researcher also observes the learner’s in the

implementation of teaching vocabulary using body parts action songs.

1.4 Research questions

1. What is the best implementation of action song in improving young

learners’ body parts vocabulary mastery?

2. To what extent does the song improve the young learners’ body parts

vocabulary mastery?

1.5 Research of Objective

The objective of the research is to improve the young learner’s

vocabularies mastery at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud by using the body

parts action songs.

1.6 Significances of the Study

The significances of the research follow as:

a. Headmaster of Kindergarten

To encourage English teachers to use the best method for

improving young learners' vocabulary mastery at ACCEL Kids


b. For the teacher

The researcher hopes that the result of this study can be

useful for the teacher as one of the resource material that

interesting for teaching learning process, especially for teaching

young learners vocabulary mastery.

c. For the students

Hopefully the outcomes would be useful to the learners,

allowing them to enjoy learning English through action songs.

Learning vocabulary throughout body parts song would make the

learners enjoy and relax, because by this method they could learn

quickly of vocabulary and without get difficult using this strategy.

d. For the researcher

The researcher could have experience and a broad

understanding of how to teach vocabulary using a combination of

Total Physical Response (TPR) and Audio Lingual Method

(ALM) through the strategy of action song, especially to teach

young learners.

e. For other educators

The researcher hopes that the result of the research can be

used by the next educators to dealing with students in teaching

young learners vocabulary mastery.

1.7 Organization of the Chapter


This chapter discuss the reasons for conducting the research

and it contain of several points, namely introduction that discusses the

study’s background, problem identification, problem delimitation,

question of research, objective of research and the study significances.

Literature Review

This chapter will consist of a literature review or some theories

that will be used to support the research. The vocabulary theories in

general, teaching vocabulary for young learners, total physical

response (TPR), audio-lingual method (ALM), action song, teaching

vocabulary using song, empirical review, theoretical framework and


Research Methods

The research design, research setting, research participants,

data collection technique, research procedure, and data analysis are all

covered in this chapter.

Research Findings

The information gathered is discussed in this chapter. The

researcher thoroughly explains the data findings that collected from the

beginning to the finish of the research of this chapter. The findings are

based on the outcomes of cycle 1, 2 and 3. However, the reporting of

the outcomes of cycle 1, 2 and 3, the researcher would like to give the

pre-cycle outcomes. This pre-cycle is a treatment performed before the

cycle 1 research action. It is a required to provide a comparison of

young learner’s body parts vocabulary in content before and after the

treatment of action songs implementation

Conclusion and Implications

The researcher wants to bring the research’s final results to a

conclusion and needs to convey and communicate to all the readers,

particularly to the young learners and the teachers. The researcher

expects that it will valuable to the readers in improving English

learning, particularly in teaching toddler class body parts vocabulary.



2.1 Vocabulary

Students need chunks of vocabulary in a speech to help them create

and use meaningful sentences and phrases in both spoken and written

ways. For each student who performs well in the English language,

vocabulary mastery is necessary. Harmer (2001) observes that vocabulary

offers contact with the basic organs and flesh. To be able to interact in the

target language with their teachers and peers, students have to improve

their vocabulary and master it. The more vocabulary students learn in the

target language, the more concepts and thoughts they have to


Vocabulary, according to Nunan, is the set of words a person

knows (2005:121). Students can master certain vocabulary elements while

learning vocabularies, such as the pronunciation of the phrase, the spelling

of the word, the meaning of the word, and the word's grammatical pattern.

If, aside from Harmer (2005:203), readers and listeners do not know half

the words in a text, reading the text as a whole would be very difficult for


Learning a foreign language requires learning new vocabulary

since the secret to comprehension and understanding is knowing the

vocabulary. To conclude, in language learning, vocabulary has a

significant role. If the communicator does not have enough vocabulary, the

conversation will not perform well. No matter how strong the grammar is,

the secret to language learning is always the vocabulary. Vocabulary can

be represented in the language as an essential term. There are still many

pupils, however, who have trouble memorizing vocabulary.

Therefore, to be sure of the value, they have to figure out the basics

of vocabulary. One of the key components of a language is vocabulary. If

he or she needs to be able to communicate, it has to be taught by others.

This is related to the argument that vocabulary is a key component of

language skills by Richards and Renandya (2002) and provides much of

the basis for how well students speak, listen, read, and write. Mehta

(2009), who says that vocabulary is the first and foremost essential step in

language learning, also emphasizes this notion.

Vocabulary is very important in communication as it is the

gateway to language mastery (Murcia, 2001). In addition, Wilkins states in

Thornbury (2002) that a little can be spoken and delivered without

grammar, but nothing can be spoken without vocabulary. It means that in

communication, vocabulary is required. It is hard for anyone to learn

language skills without vocabulary (listening, speaking, reading, and

writing). It is, therefore possible to interpret vocabulary as words that play

an important role in language. It is a fundamental component that will be

used in each language or communication ability.

Early childhood is the perfect time to learn vocabulary (Kusuma,

Adnyani, Taharyanti, 2017). It will take more time, however, to teach

them, and the instructor should have several innovative ways to get their

attention. Instructors must be able to inspire students to teach vocabulary

to young learners and make the classroom environment more fun and

comfortable (Nurlaili, Nurani, & Yohana, 2015). If the students liked the

classroom environment, they would also love the content provided by the

teacher easily, so they would understand it easily as well. The teacher must

also have trained himself to teach young learners. In teaching young

learners, planning content that is appropriate for their age is also very

necessary. Several techniques, such as the use of drama (Demircioğlu,

2010), games (Turgut & Irgin, 2009; Huyen & Nga, 2003), and songs, can

boost vocabulary among young learners (Millington, 2011).

Additionally, to measure a young learner’s vocabulary to have a

meaningful and useful result to be produced, the test will have to use the

unit of measurement that fits this learner’s ability to handle language. A

test will have to meet the particular demands that interaction with very

young learners presents. When measuring very young learners, several

factors need to be taken into consideration. First off, you need to consider

their characteristics. Young learners are not adults, and, as with the

teaching materials which are used, the methods of assessment will need to

match their particular needs and qualities. Their cognitive development

should be taken into account as well when designing tasks for any age

group and especially very young learners.

With these young learners, any testing materials will probably have

to be similar to the types of activity such children are familiar with, such

as show/find/choose/point to/match/group/sequentially. The test will want

to test words and not the user’s familiarity with the type of activity.

Assessment formats and instructions can often be too complex and

difficult to understand for young learners. Even where learners have quite

a considerable vocabulary, they can be unable to show this if the format is

unfamiliar or too challenging. Alexiou et al. (2019) give an example of

this: every young learner who had been working on the names of body

parts was required to show this knowledge by writing full sentences

incorporating these names. The sentence writing task defeated the learners,

so it appeared they knew nobody parts at all. It was a demoralizing

experience for both teachers and learners. But when a simple listing task

was substituted, it became clear that this vocabulary had been learned, and

it was the task which was at fault – not the teacher and not the learners.

Any test for this age should be child-friendly. Adult versions of

tests appear serious and formal. A teacher who wants to measure their

students’ vocabulary can use a popular song to provide a context of

interactions to fit young learners. Using a song can add purpose and sense

to what they are doing and why. Children need a purpose for doing

anything. This may not be possible with a test that also needs to be

standardized in its delivery and capable of efficient delivery, which may

not fit with a technique that is variable and driven by the needs and

interests of the individuals being tested. Nonetheless, allowing the test to

be administered on a one-to-one basis may be feasible with the use of

modern technology. This would ensure that there are no issues with tests

not understanding the test or failing to engage so that meaningful results

can emerge. Tests of language with young children are often oral and are

also tests of language production.

2.2 Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners

A. Based on the Curriculum

In a school or a particular course or program, the term curriculum

refers to the lessons learned and the instructional content. The curriculum

is often described in dictionaries as the courses offered by a school, but it

is seldom used in schools in such a general sense. The curriculum usually

refers to the data and skills students are required to learn, depending on

how commonly educators interpret or use the term.

The program for teaching English to young learners differs from

teaching English to adults. English is not as nuanced for young learners as

for adults. For example, children are unable to comprehend abstract ideas

such as grammar. Young learners have no concept of things like

components of speech, discourse, or phonology, according to Bourke

(2006: 280). Any effort to describe these abstract concepts at an early age

would probably serve only to confuse them.

Kids also appear from an early age to find terms for concrete

structures. They need a very simple vocabulary that applies to objects they

will touch or see when introduced to the L2 classroom (Cameron 2001:

81). Adult learners can cope with abstract thinking by contrast. Teaching

young learners English must, therefore, avoid teaching grammar and focus

on vocabulary. Reading and writing are often delayed until an acceptable

age in order to introduce English literacy.

2.3 Total Physical Response (TPR)

Total Physical Response is a language learning technique that

began in the '60s and' 70s and it is founded on idea that before

development, the process of learning a language must start with listening

comprehension. Total Physical Response (TPR) has to do with speech and

action synchronization. The teacher gives the students instructions and the

pupils have to prove that by following them, they understand the

commands. Total Physical Response (TPR) is a technique of language

teaching developed around speech and action coordination; it aims to teach

language through physical (motor) movement. Established at San Jose

State University, California, by James Asher, professor of psychology, it

draws on many traditions, including developmental psychology, learning

theory, and humanistic pedagogy, as well as on the methods of language

teaching suggested by Harold and Dorothy Palmer in 1925.

2.4 Audio Lingual Method (ALM)

The audio-lingual process, like the direct form, is also an oral

approach. The audio-lingual approach trains students to use grammatical

sentence patterns instead of stressing vocabulary learning by exposure to

its use in situations (Anggraeni, 2007, p.13). Conditioning may encourage

students to respond correctly to stimuli by shaping and shaping rather than

emphasizing vocabulary acquisition by exposure to its use in situations.

Some typical techniques that are closely related to the Audio Lingual

System are given by Larsen-Freeman (2000): (1) Dialogue memorization,

(2) Backward Build-up (Expansion Drill), (3) Repetition drill, (4) Chain

drill, (5) Single-slot Substitution drill, (6) Multiple-slot Substitution drill,

(7) Transformation drill, (8) Question and Answer drill, (9) Minimal Pairs,

(10) Complete dialog In many studies, particularly with regard to

children's language learning, repetition is an important factor in learning a

language. Children’s discourse is particularly repetitive at the early stages

of language learning. Children often repeat a large number of statements

(other repetitions) given to them; they also repeat their statements as well

(self-repetition). In psychology, linguistics, and anthropology, the role of

repetition in language learning has been discussed widely (Huang, 2010,


2.5 Action Song

The action song is the combination of Total Physical Response

(TPR) and Audio Lingual Method (ALM) that encourage the learners to

move according to the actions of the songs which help the young learners

become familiar with new vocabulary, especially in English. By repeating

playing the music and practicing the movements will increase the learner's

memorization of vocabulary.

According to Al-Jawi (2010), recorded materials are commonly

used in teaching listening because they contain different native language

voices that help learners adapt to the second language. The songs’

activities are important in the learning of the second language, because the

younger love to sing and take advantage of it, and are essential to include

the activities to reinforce learning; according to Kelly (2015), indicates

that methods, fill in the blanks helps a student to learn the knowledge of a

term, knowledge of specific facts, interpretation of data. These activities

together with the songs cause the learner's enjoyment and at the same time

learn the language. The songs that are included in the action songs are

head and shoulder song, body parts song, and my body song.

One type of song that children love most is action songs, Nurhayati

(2012) states in her paper. Typically, this form of song involves body

movements of all or only certain parts of the body. In relation to children's

English language learning, action songs are regarded as powerful

instruments that assist their language development. By default, children

love playing and singing songs, and when they are exposed to unique

English songs in the English classroom, they have a number of advantages

(Nurhayati, 2012:2).

The research was conducted by Noor Arina Nadiah Abdul Razak &

Melor Md Yunus (2016) to find out the efficacy of using action songs in

helping low-skilled learners develop their acquisition of vocabulary. A

successful solution is to use action songs to assist low-competency ESL

learners in recognizing words of action. The results showed that when

action songs are used during the lesson, learners develop action words

more effectively. Secondly, the findings indicate that through action songs,

students appreciate learning vocabulary as it makes learning more exciting

and engaging. It also indicates that the use of action songs is a positive

way to support students' poor competence in recognizing terms of action.

Another study conducted by Maimunah Sohot and Melor Md.

Yunus (2018) was carried out to determine the perception of using action

songs in enhancing vocabulary acquisition. The action songs lower young

learners' anxiety, removes their insecurities, and encourages them to learn

vocabulary. This study found out that not only the learner’s motivation

increased when suitable action songs were used, but they also felt less

burdened and could concentrate during the lesson.

According to the statements above, an action song can be defined

as a song with body movement which can help students to understand and

develop their language skills.

2.6 Teaching Vocabulary Using Action Song

The use of the action song in teaching English vocabulary has been

studied by several researchers. The results showed that the use of action

songs, particularly to increase the vocabulary of young learners, has been

shown to be advantageous in teaching English.

Çakır (2004) notes that elementary education learners have a great

potential to enjoy themselves, which supports the view that they are

typically fascinated by the activity and want to proceed with it when

learners enjoy it. When English lessons are provided with fun and

kinesthetic activities such as playing games, singing songs, drawing

images, and performing hands-on activities, very young learners will

spontaneously and unintentionally learn and remember things.

Learners have some features that English language teachers need to

bear in mind as they decide to set up activities. They are students who are

highly inspired, lively, and enthusiastic. On the other hand, since they

don't have access to the same meaning as adult learners, they don't feel

comfortable using language to talk about anything (Cameron, 2001).

The advantage of teaching English using action songs at an early

age as a learning resource has many benefits, according to Brewster et al

(2002: 162). Among benefits are first, the song is a linguistic resource. In

this case, the song became a medium for the introduction of new

languages, as well as media for the reinforcement of grammar and

vocabulary. The action song also presents the recognizable language of the

student in a new and fun form. The action song also allows the occurrence

of language repetition naturally and fun. Action songs can be used to

develop all integrative language skills, including improving students'

pronunciation skills. Second, the action song is an effective/psychological

resource. Besides having fun, the action song is also able to motivate

students as well as foster a positive attitude towards the English language.

Action songs are not scary or threatening things for students. Even action

songs can help improve students' self-confidence. Third, the action song is

a cognitive resource. Action songs help to create memory, concentration,

and coordination. Students become more sensitive to rhyme as a tool to

interpret meaning.

2.7 Empirical review

Regarding the use of songs in increasing learners vocabulary

during the teaching and learning process was carried out by (Yüksel, 2016)

the children’s oral skills are confirmed that the result of his study show a

significant improvement. As a result when songs are used and chosen

according to the learner’s interest, level and taught in the manner of

meaningful with additional and relevant activities within the language

classroom it can create positives and motivational environment when the

language learning process can be accelerated.

Furthermore, (Indraswari, 2018) in her research concluded that

there is a significant difference between vocabulary mastery achievement

for the eighth-grade students of SMPLB Negeri Jepara before and after

being taught by using English songs such as Tuna Grahita in English,

which is known as mentally handicapped or mentally retarded.

Extraordinary children are children who have shortcomings, limitations of

normal children.

Another research was from (Simmons, 2019). In his research the

results found the following: participants enjoyed the song and music class,

their favorite aspect of music was playing instruments, more visuals,

sensory activities, and movement would make their experience more

enjoyable for the deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and the music teacher

believed they could improve rhythm.

Therefore, based on the findings of several studies discussed

above, it can be proved that the use of the song is very beneficial in

teaching English, especially in increasing young learners’ English

vocabulary. The song not only gives a great achievement to young

learners, but it could also create a good atmosphere and help the special

needs learners to cope with the activities. Thus, song as a media could be

implemented on any kinds of methods in the school around the world to

help the learners in improving their interest and vocabulary ability as the

song could transfer relax vibes and remove anxiety for the learners. On the

other hand, as song could offer great energy to young learners and

entertain the classroom environment, the researcher chose the use of song

as a media to improve young learners' vocabulary at ACCEL Kids Center


Additionally, the best time to learn songs is in the morning to raise

their mood. When their enthusiasm is still full and fresh, and their focus is

still maintained, they will be able to capture the purpose of learning

through songs. Learning takes place easily as the songs' teaching

atmosphere is relaxing them to engage in the activity. Believing that the

learners get excited when they listen to songs, therefore, the teacher needs

to choose the right time for presenting songs to the learners to gain the

purpose and the goal of the learning process.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

-The researcher has not decide the

Most of the
appropriate learning method learners can’t
Initial Condition communicate in
-Most of the young learners still
English yet
communicate using Russian language and
don’t understand how to communicate in
English yet

The researcher applies 1st cycle

Action the TPR and ALM The researcher plays 3 different songs at
methods with the different period& teach young learners to
strategy of teaching follow the movements that shown by the
English vocabulary researcher.
using song (action - Head & Shoulder song
songs) - Body parts song
- My Body song

It is suspected that the

Final application of using action
Condition songs can improve young
learners learning outcomes
in learning the vocabulary

-Lack of
Researcher communicating in
Before action English
-Problem in the
language barrier
Teaching &
Learning Process

Researcher Execution of the
with action action by
1st cycle outcomes
repetition of body
after using
parts song
action songs

One of the universal languages of the world is English. Therefore,

the strongest approach to teaching vocabulary to young learners is the use

of action songs that can attract young learners to travel and observe

movements. The songs that have activities are important for young

learners to learn a second language because young learners want to sing

and take advantage of it, and activities to enhance vocabulary learning

need to be carried out.

2.9 Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an assumption that may or may not be true. The

temporary truth determined by the researcher is what must be confirmed

and proven. A research hypothesis is a statement that shows a link or

relationship between two or more variables which is an allegation or a

temporary answer to a research problem which to determine whether it is

true or not still needs empirical testing through the collection and

processing of research data (Sulthon, 2014:72- 73). In this classroom

action research the action hypotheses used are as follows: “If the

implementation of action songs is carried out in improving body parts

English vocabulary for young learner’s at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud in

the academic year of 2020/2021, then the body parts English vocabulary

for young learners aged 1.5-3 can improve”. In addition, the target of this

research from 4 out of 6 young learners can perform more than 70% of the

instruction is confirmed to be carried out 3 times.



3.1 Research Design

This research was designed by applying classroom action research

(CAR) Kunandar (2008:45). The classroom Action Research (CAR)

research is done to improve the quality of learning in the classroom. It

means that classroom action research is one of the kinds of research to

develop the student’s ability in learning English, especially in vocabulary.

Classroom action research is a study in which a group of teachers can

organize the conditions of their learning practices such as the methods,

materials, and media used and through the learning process that has been

implemented. Then they can try out an idea of improvement in their

learning practices, and see the real effect of that effort (Wiriaatmadja,

2012: 13).

There were four components in each cycle for conducting

classroom action research. It consists of planning, action, observation, and

reflection. Each phase ends based on the results of each cycle. It means

that the activities in the classroom action research were based on planning,

action, and observation, then, the researcher could make a reflection to

determine the next cycle.

There are four steps the researcher carries out in carrying out the

operation of this study, which are supplied by Burns (2010: 8): a)

Planning. Identify an issue or problem in this process and create an action

plan to bring about changes in a particular area of the research context. (b)

Action. The strategy is carefully considered, requiring the same intentional

interventions in teaching circumstances that bring an agreed period into

effect. Users are critically aware that the strategies challenge assumptions

about the current situation and intend to do things in different and

alternative ways. C) Observation. This stage includes periodically

evaluating the outcomes of the operation and recording the past, actions,

and views of those involved. D) Reflection. Concentrate on the assessment

and clarification of the results of the intervention at this point to make

sense of what has occurred and to explain more clearly the phenomenon

that has been discussed.

3.2 Research setting

3.2.1 Place of the research

The research setting of this research is at ACCEL Kids Center

Ubud Bali. This learning center is one of the best learning centers in Ubud

Bali. ACCEL Kids Center Ubud is Located in the middle of Parq Space

Building. Previously, ACCEL Kids Center was located in the Villa Eden

Ubud at Jl. Raya Mas Ubud decided to move to the new building in the

Parq Space at the beginning of September 2020. There are 3 classes,

named KG Rainbow, KG Younger Rainbow, and Toddler Little Stars, and

each class consisted of 5-8 kids per class, which every class was led by 1

main teacher and 1 assistant teacher. The school hours at ACCEL Kids run

from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. ACCEL Kids also

provided the studio class after 3.00 p.m. and finished around 5.00 p.m. In

the term of teachers, most of the teachers were from Bali and local citizens

while the founder of ACCEL Kids Center was an original from Russian

and stayed in Ubud Bali. Also, the variety of students in the ACCEL Kids

were totally based from Russian.

3.2.2 Time of research

The research was conducted in a group of toddlers at ACCEL Kids

Center Ubud Bali in the year 2020/2021. This research began on April

12th, 2021. In collecting all the data, the researcher took 5 weeks.

3.3 Research Participants

The researcher researches in a single classroom of a toddler group

containing 6 kids as participants because they are beginner level foreign

learners at ACCEL Kids. The learners consist of 3 girls and 3 boys in the

toddler group and the background of the learners in ACCEL Kids Center is

that they are immigrants who come from Russia and live in Ubud Bali. The

age range of those learners who choose to study at ACCEL Kids Center

Ubud, especially in the toddler group, is around 1.5 to 3 years old. Most of

their parents own businesses and build shares in the Ubud area, just like the

owner and founder of ACCEL Kids Center, they come from Russia and live

in Ubud Bali. It can be said that the number of the Russian who moved to

Ubud Bali is quite a lot. Their first language is called Slavic which is

commonly spoken in Russian, and according to the Language Protection

Institute at Monterey, Russian is classified as a level III language, a

language that native English speakers find quite difficult to learn.

3.4 Data Collection Method

The data of this study was collected from observation and

vocabulary tests to gain the answers to the research questions. The tools of

data collecting are an observation sheet and vocabulary checklist form.

1. Observation

Observation used to collect data about the situation in the

classroom while the combination in teaching vocabulary to young learners

using action songs. To observe the students’ responses in the

implementation of the action songs strategy, the researcher acts as an

observer and teacher. The teacher used classroom action research (CAR)

to observe the learning activity in the classroom. The objective of

observation according to Setiyadi (2006a), is to explain the studied

context, activities, outcomes, people or individuals involved in the

activities, and the relationship between them. The subject observed is the

problem of teaching and learning vocabulary. To get more data, the

researcher recorded and took a note of a young learner’s activities during

teaching vocabulary using the action songs to know more detail about the

teaching-learning process during the implementation.

Table 1

Observation Sheet

No Indicators Remarks

1 Showing interest to the song

2 Responding by correct gesture

3 Engaging in the activity

4 Singing the song

5 Being able to mimic some of the

body parts vocabulary spoken

by the teacher

Source: (Fahmitati,2016)

2. Vocabulary Test

The researcher used a vocabulary checklist form to find out how

young learners improve in vocabulary achievement and how many

questions/instructions can be performed correctly by young learners.

Table 2

Vocabulary Checklist Form

Name: Performance

Vocabulary list Observed Unobserved


2. Shoulder

3. Knees

4. Toe

5. Eyes

6. Ears

7. Mouth

8. Nose


In this vocabulary checklist form, the researcher gave it before

treatment and after treatment to find out if songs are used to improve the

young learners’ body parts vocabulary mastery after the implementation of

the action songs to young learners at ACCEL Kids Center. The

explanations can be explained as follows:

a. Before Treatment

Before treatment conducted to give evidence to the identified

problems. The type of treatment was given in the form of questions, the

researcher asked them to point out their body parts.

b. After Treatment

This treatment aims to determine how many words/instructions can

be performed/showed correctly by the young learners after the

implementation of the action songs in teaching body parts vocabulary to see

the improvement of young learners' vocabulary mastery.

3.5 Research Instruments

Research instrument is used by the researcher to get the data

observation by using:

1. Observation Sheet: A technique for collecting data about a researcher

and a young learner’s activities in the teaching and learning process. Then

the observation sheet was given based on the reality in the classroom, the

type of observation that was used in this research was direct observation.

2. Vocabulary Checklist Form: Used for getting data research results of

young learners in vocabulary achievement after the implementation of the

action song. There are three vocabulary tests used in this research as


a. Before treatment was the first activity before the researcher did a

treatment activity. Young learners would perform the song of body parts

songs that have been prepared by the researcher in each cycle. Their ability

and performance would be recorded by the researcher on the vocabulary

checklist form to see if there is any improvement after the song is


b. After Treatment was the last activity, young learners did the last

treatment as cycle 1. In this treatment, young learners would stick the body

part vocabulary according to the body parts vocabulary list in each song.

Then, the researcher recorded the learners’ activity.

3.6 Data Collection procedure

The implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was

conducted by using some steps: planning (for doing the research),

implementing/ acting (application), observing (to see how the process of

the treatment), reflecting (study what the learners have done and affect the

learners’ vocabulary improvement) this research carried out of 3 cycles and

in every cycle consisted of four steps.

a. Planning

The researcher created a lesson plan at this point and prepared the

song of body parts that were used and introduced in the class. As the

evaluation instrument, the researcher prepared an observation sheet, a

vocabulary checklist form. During the teaching-learning cycle, the

observation sheet was completed by the teacher. As they were singing or

displaying the gestures in the song, the collaborator instructor also took

video/photos of the young learners. If required, the collaborator records

that important activity.

b. Acting

In this step, the researcher teaches the lesson that has already been

prepared. The researcher was helped by a collaborator teacher to observe

the classroom situation. The researcher presented the material in the lesson

plan to the young learners in the classroom step by step as what has been

explained. Every activity in the lesson plan takes 30 minutes/meeting.

First, the researcher would ring the bell, which means they enter the class,

the researcher had prepared the song and connected the speaker via

Bluetooth. The collaborator teacher and the researcher invited the learners

to make the circle and sing the good morning song together. After singing

the good morning song, the learners were invited to remain standing in

their positions on the circle mat that had been prepared by the teacher. The

researcher has prepared a song that will be used as teaching material

according to the lesson plan of learning body parts. In the first meeting,

the researcher will play 1 song and repeatedly 3 times, the title of the song

is “Head and Shoulder Song”, the researcher would invite the learners to

sing together and follow the movements of the song that were presented by

the researcher. The flow of the application would take in 2 meetings in a

week, 1 meeting for the pre-cycle and 1 meeting for the 1st cycle.

c. Observing

The researcher would gather data through regular observation with

the collaborator teacher about all activities in teaching and learning

activities that happened in the class. The results of the observation were

written on the observation sheet. Besides, young learners' ability in

mastering the body parts vocabulary that appears in the song was recorded

on the vocabulary checklist form. After the lesson plan has all been

implemented in the class, the researcher evaluated it by checking the

observation sheet and vocabulary checklist form.

d. Reflecting

To focus on the next period, the researcher evaluated the outcome

of the observation collected. At this point, the researcher paid attention to

the outcome between the preparation and the action process, aimed at

assessing the outcome of the observation and identifying the lack and

progress of the young learner. The assistant teacher in the class was the

teacher's partner in this report. The partner teacher is responsible for

assisting the teacher in introducing body parts song during teaching and

learning sessions. Therefore, the learners will be asked to perform a

number of instructions related to the questions of the body parts, and if in

each cycle and in each of 3 action songs 4 from 6 learners can perform

more than 70% of the instruction, this research will be stopped.

The researcher planned to conduct three cycle for 3 action songs in

the process of teaching body parts vocabulary in this classroom action

research. Each cycle consisting of 4 steps: planning, action, observation

and reflection. The 4 steps of cycle in the classroom action research are

described below as the continuous cycle:

Figure 3.1. Kurt Lewin's Action Research Model.

1. Pre-cycle’s procedure

The researcher used a pre-cycle in making classroom action

research to examine the English vocabulary mastery of young learner’s

body parts before treatment. In this activity, researchers teach young

learners with conventional methods. The researcher gathers the learners to

the classroom and sings a good morning song. Then, the researcher

encouraged the young learners to stand on the circle mat and gave the

question related to the material. The aim of this question is to see how far

young learners know their parts of the body, and then the researcher

played the song of body parts in a pre-cycle and repeated it 3 times to find

out the young learners’ ability during the activity. After the researcher gets

the data from the before treatment and the observation, the researcher

analyzed the result to determine the effectiveness of Action Songs to

improve young learners' body parts vocabulary mastery.

2. The First Cycle

No Step Researcher’s activity

1 Planning -Prepare the teaching


-Prepare the instruments.

-Prepare the observation


2 Action - The researcher rings the

bell, all of the learners

gathered into the classroom

-The activity of body parts

vocabulary was introduced

by the researcher in the song

of Head and Shoulder Knees

and Toes, and explained how

the learners do the activity of

the body parts vocabulary.

3 Observing -Observe the learners’

responses toward the activity

carried out.

4 Reflecting - The researcher evaluates

and analyzes the teaching

and learning process from

the results of the observation

form to determine the

improvement in the body

parts of young learner’s

vocabulary mastery by using

action song. The target of

this research is 4 out of 6

young learners can perform

more than 70% of the

instruction, then this research

is confirmed to stop if it is

repeated 3 times.

3. The Second Cycle

No Step Researcher’s activity

1 Planning -Prepare the teaching


-Prepare the instruments.

-Prepare the observation


2 Action - The researcher rings the

bell, all of the learners

gathered into the classroom

-The activity of body parts

vocabulary was introduced

by the researcher in the song

of My Body Part and

explained how the learners

do the activity of the body

parts vocabulary.

3 Observing -Observe the learners’

responses toward the activity

carried out.

4 Reflecting - The researcher evaluates

and analyzes the teaching

and learning process from

the results of the observation

form to determine the

improvement in the body

parts of young learner’s

vocabulary mastery by using

action song. The target of

this research is 4 out of 6

young learners can perform

more than 70% of the

instruction for the second

research has been confirmed.

4. The Third Cycle

No Step Researcher’s activity

1 Planning -Prepare the teaching


-Prepare the instruments.

-Prepare the observation


2 Action - The researcher rings the

bell, all of the learners

gathered into the classroom

-The activity of body parts

vocabulary was introduced

by the researcher in the song

of My Body and explained

how the learners do the

activity of the body parts


3 Observing -Observe the learners’

responses toward the

activity carried out.

4 Reflecting -The researcher evaluates

and analyzes the teaching

and learning process from

the results of the

observation form to

determine the improvement

in the body parts of young

learner’s vocabulary

mastery by using action

song. The target of this

research is 4 out of 6 young

learners can perform more

than 70% of the instruction.

This research will be

stopped if the target is

reached 3 times.

- The researcher reflect on

the activities that have been

carried out from the cycle 1

to the cycle 3. The results of

the analysis can be used as a

review that action song can

improve vocabulary mastery

of young learner’s body


3.7 Data Analysis

The researcher analyzes all data gathered from the observation sheet,

vocabulary checklist form by using certain indicators. The researcher fills the

observation sheet from the reality in the classroom during the implementation

of body parts song to young learners and fills the score that young learners got

from the vocabulary checklist form that was given by the teacher.

1. Observation Sheet

The data gained from the observation sheets were in the form of

descriptions which have been used to provide some information about the


2. Observation Checklist

The observation checklist was given in every cycle to know the

improvement of the achievement of the young learners. The formula that

will be used to analyze during this research it is the form of percentages.

The formula is (Sam’s, 2010) :


P = percentage of score

x = total of score

xi = maximum score

The formula above was used to figure the percentage score. From

the result, the researcher analyzed to find the improvement of young

learners. The young learners will be asked to perform a number of

instructions related to the questions of the body parts, and if 4 out of 6

young learners can perform more than 70% of the instruction this research

will be stopped.



4.1 Description of Research Findings

The research was held in ACCEL Kids Ubud. The location of the

school is in the environment of Parq Space Ubud. Three cycles and four

meetings were used to conduct in this study of research. The young

learners taught by the researcher in each cycle. At the end of the cycle, the

researcher gave the treatment. The young learners would stick the body

parts vocabulary and match it according to the body parts vocabulary list

in every song. The researcher collaborated with the Teacher Assistant in

the toddler class, and she was an observer while the researcher was

teaching young learners. The class used by the researcher to carry out this

research is the toddler class as the younger class with 6 young learners.

4.2 The Data Analysis

1. Pre-cycle

On Monday, April 12th, 2021 this activity was completed. By this

stage, the researcher used a conventional way of teaching vocabulary to

young learners. This is done to get to know young learners based on

vocabulary mastery. In this activity, the researcher teaches young learners

as usual in the teaching and learning process. The researcher gave a

brainstorming to the young learners on the point the parts of the body that

will be used at that time and encouraged the young learners to do the same

as the researcher did. As the data collected the researcher got from the

instruments of direct observation sheet and vocabulary checklist form.

Observation sheet took from the direct observation to know the process of

implementation of action song as a media to improve young learner’s body

parts vocabulary mastery and vocabulary checklist form is to know the

improvement of young learners after being taught body parts action song

aged 1.5-3 years old at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud.

According to the observation that conducted by the researcher

during the implementation body parts action song in the classroom got

some problems such as the young learners could not stand still and pay

attention to the researcher, could not follow and listen the instructions

from English language and could not give the concentration. Therefore,

the researcher tried to solve this process learning by using action songs. In

this classroom action research the researcher used the action that consist of

3 cycles.

As the pre-cycle the researcher did the observation and 4 out of 6

young learners could follow the activity. The action song that used in the

pre-cycle was head and shoulder song. The young learners were asked to

follow what the researcher did and how the researcher move during the

implementation of head and shoulder song in the classroom. When the

researcher was doing the teaching process, only 4 from 6 young learners

could show interest to the song and watched the researcher move in front

of them. Those 2 young learners ran away from the classroom. From the

activity of the pre-cycle could get the description on the table 3 with the

description of the 5 indicators, vocabulary checklist form on the table 4

and summarized data from the table 5 that not able to develop yet as young

learners never been taught using English language and involve seriously in

the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Therefore the

researcher want to implement the action songs as a media to improve

young learner’s vocabulary mastery, as the theory of recent research of

Brewster in action song could improve young learner’s language skills.


Class : Little Stars
Vocabulary : Head, Shoulder, Knees, Toes, Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose
Theme : Head and shoulder song
Day/Date : Monday, April 12th 2021

Learning Learning Activity

Material Researcher Learners
Head and a. The researcher rings a. Young learner’s
Shoulder Song the bell and asked them gathered in the
to stand in the line on the classroom and stand on
circle mat the circle mat
b. The researcher b. Young learner’s listen
introduce Head and carefully to the
Shoulder song researcher when
introducing Head and
Shoulder song.
c. The researcher shows c. Young learner’s pay
the head, shoulder, attention, listen and
knees, toes, eyes, ears, recall the vocabulary of
mouth, nose, to the head, shoulder, knees,
young learner’s. toes, eyes, ears, mouth,
nose that shown by the
d. The researcher starts d. Young learners start
the learning process by the learning process by
playing the head and dance together with the
shoulder song and researcher and pay
dancing together while attention to the
accompanying by the researcher and how the
head and shoulder song. researcher move and
point the head, shoulder,
knees, toes, eyes, ears,
mouth, nose.

e. The researcher asked e. Young learners re-
young learners one by point the vocabularies
one to re-point the based on the command.
vocabulary from the
head, shoulders knees,
toes, eyes, ears, mouth,
nose, after being
implemented head and
shoulder song.
f. The researcher asked f. Young learners match
young learners to match and stick the
and stick the vocabularies pictures of
vocabularies pictures of the head, shoulders
the head, shoulders knees, toes, eyes, ears,
knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose to the right
mouth, nose to the right place and the right
place and the right colors.

Table 3
Observation Sheet Pre - Cycle
1st song
(Head and shoulder song)

No Indicators Remarks

4 of the 6 young learners are

showing interest in the song,

they watched how the researcher

Showing interest to the
1 moved in front of them. 2 young
learners don’t want to join. They

are playing car and making

noise. Leo ran away with the car.

Some of them are not able to

Responding by correct
2 follow and point to the correct
gestures yet, Mars keeps going

in and out from the line. After

pointing at some of the body

parts, he just sits and plays with

the mat circle.

Not all of them can engage in the

activity until the last repetition.

3 Engaging in the activity
They run and get out of the line

and go play.

Not all of them can sing the

song. Only Dara and Mars are

4 Singing the song able to sing some parts of the

song, the rest only repeat the

vocabulary only.

Being able to mimic some Yes, Yasna, Mars, Dara are able

of the body parts to mimic some of the body parts.

vocabulary spoken by the Aurora is not able yet to mimic it

teacher during the activity.

After doing the observations on the researcher, the researcher

moved to the next assessment by using vocabulary checklist form to know

how deep the young learners pay attention to the song by asking them one

by one to point their own body parts according to the 8 vocabularies list

from the song. The researcher was asked the vocabulary in sequence

according to the lyrics of the first song to improve their memorizations and

to keep their motivation to remember the parts and the pattern. The tables

can be seen below:

Table 4
Vocabulary checklist form of pre-cycle

Observed / unobserved
Yasna Dariy Dara Mars Aurora Leo

1. head  -   - -

2. shoulder - -   - -

3. Knee - - -  - -

4. Toe - - -  - -

5. Eye  -   - -

6. Ear - - - - - -

7. Mouth     - -

8. Nose     - -

Total 4/8 2/8 5/8 7/8 0/8 0/8

Perrcentage 50% 25% 62.5% 87.5% 0% 0%


Table 5
Young Learner’s score in Pre-Cycle

No Name Score (%)

1 Yasna 50%

2 Mars 87.5%

3 Dara 62.5%

4 Aurora 0%

5 Leo 0%

6 Dariy 25%

In the pre-cycle score of percentage, only 1 young learner out of 6

that can do more than 70% of the instruction. 3 young learners can do less

than 70% of the instruction, 2 young learners can’t do at all and prove that

there is a problem because only 1 young learner can do more than 70%.

Therefore, the researcher concluded that the treatment in next cycle was

necessary to improve young learners’ vocabulary achievement. Below is

the chart of young learners' score who could pass the standardized of 70%

and who less the standardized. From the result of pre-cycle only 1 from the

6 young learners who passed the standardized score are:

Young Learner’s Score of Pre-Cycle


Figure 1

2.First Cycle on the 1st song.

The first cycle of the 1st song as the treatment was conducted on

April, 14th, 2021. In this meeting during the implementation of the first

action song in the classroom consist of 4 steps, they are:

a. Planning

The planning stage begins with the introduction of action song

media to collaborator. Furthermore, together with collaborator,

arranged learning steps by applying learning with action song as a

media. Then prepare a lesson plan to be used as a reference in carrying

out the actions in the first cycle. The lesson plan contains learning

scenarios (initial activities, core activities, and closing), the

instruments used are observation sheets, and a vocabulary checklist



Class : Little Stars
Vocabulary : Head, Shoulder, Knees, Toes, Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose
Theme : Head and shoulder song
Day/Date : Wednesday, April 14th 2021

Learning Learning Activity

Material Researcher Learners
Head and a. The researcher rings a. Young learner’s
Shoulder Song the bell and asked them gathered in the
to stand in the line on the classroom and stand on
circle mat the circle mat
b. The researcher b. Young learner’s listen
introduce Head and carefully to the

Shoulder song researcher when
introducing Head and
Shoulder song.
c. The researcher shows c. Young learner’s pay
the head, shoulder, attention, listen and
knees, toes, eyes, ears, recall the vocabulary of
mouth, nose, to the head, shoulder, knees,
young learner’s. toes, eyes, ears, mouth,
nose that shown by the
d. The researcher starts d. Young learners start
the learning process by the learning process by
playing the head and dance together with the
shoulder song and researcher and pay
dancing together while attention to the
accompanying by the researcher and how the
head and shoulder song. researcher move and
point the head, shoulder,
knees, toes, eyes, ears,
mouth, nose.
e. The researcher asked e. Young learners re-
young learners one by point the vocabularies
one to re-point the based on the command.
vocabulary from the
head, shoulders knees,
toes, eyes, ears, mouth,
nose, after being
implemented head and
shoulder song.
f. The researcher asked f. Young learners match
young learners to match and stick the
and stick the vocabularies pictures of
vocabularies pictures of the head, shoulders
the head, shoulders knees, toes, eyes, ears,
knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose to the right
mouth, nose to the right place and the right
place and the right colors.

b. Acting

The implementation of a teaching and learning activity for the first

cycle in the form of a head and shoulder song was carried out on April

14th, 2021. In this study, the researcher acts as an observer and

teacher, while the collaborator acts as an assistant teacher. The

teaching and learning process refers to the learning scenario contained

in the lesson plan. Observation and vocabulary checklist form made

during the learning process of implemented the head and shoulder as

action song and the resulted in the first cycle in the form of data which

is summarized in Table 8.

c. Observing

Observations are carried out directly during the implementation of

action songs in the teaching and learning activities. At the observation

stage of the first cycle was head and shoulder song. When the teaching

and learning process is taking place, it can be seen during the activity

when the researcher introduced the head and shoulder song as an

action song media. The young learners looked excited and the class

atmosphere was more lively than the previous cycle. After finishing

with a direct observation sheet in the implementation of the head and

shoulder song, then the young learners were asked to answer questions

from the researcher according to the list of vocabularies in the head

and shoulder song. After direct observation and implementation of the

vocabulary list, the researcher continued the next treatment by giving a

vocabulary activity, where the young learners were asked to stick and

match the vocabularies pictures to the right place and to the right

colors. This activity has never been applied in process learning to

improve English vocabulary with action song as a media so that it is

able to attract the attention and interest of young learners to participate

in teaching and learning activities. Below is the description of the

direct observation, vocabulary checklist and the summarized data in

the first cycle:

Table 6
Observation Sheet First Cycle
1st song
(Head and shoulder song)

No Indicators Remarks

There are 5 young learners that

show interest in the song

although the researcher needs to

Showing interest to the
1 pause the music and play it
again as the young learners

want to get attached to the


Now Aurora is able to point to

the correct gesture. Yasna is

freezing for a minute, but then

Responding by correct she is able to point to the

gesture correct gestures. Dara, Dariy,

Mars are able to. Leo is running


They can engage in the activity

but can’t until the last

repetition. The last repetition is

3 Engaging in the activity
messy. They come and out of

the line.

Dara, Dariy, Mars are able to

sing the song but not all the

4 Singing the song
lyrics. Yasna, Aurora is still


They can mimic some of the

Being able to mimic
body parts during singing and
some of the body parts
5 dancing with the researcher.
vocabulary spoken by
Except for Leo, Leo is playing
the teacher

Based on the direct observation sheet above, it can be seen that in

the first cycle of learning the head and shoulder action song of the five

indicators, has improved.

Table 7
Vocabulary checklist form of the first cycle

Observed / unobserved
Yasna Dariy Dara Mars Aurora Leo

1. head -     -

2. shoulder  -    -

3. Knee   -  - -

4. Toe     - -

5. Eye      -

6. Ear  -   - -

7. Mouth     - -

8. Nose      -

Total 7/8 6/8 7/8 8/8 4/8 0/8

Percentage 87.5% 75% 87.5% 100% 50% 0%


From Table 7 as a whole data of vocabulary checklist form, data

obtained 4 out of 6 young learners in qualifications can do more than

70% of the instruction than the pre-cycle as they has been listened

many times from the pre-cycle and during the repetitions in the first

cycle as well, and 1 young learner started to improve, and 1 young

learner had not improved.

Table 8
Young Learner’s score in First Cycle

No Name Score (%)

1 Yasna 87.5%

2 Mars 100%

3 Dara 87.5%

4 Aurora 50%

5 Leo 0%

6 Dariy 75%

And as after treatment of vocabulary activity, there is an

improvement in completeness of the qualifications because some of

young learners are getting trained to remember English body parts

vocabularies. The researcher is also easy to motivate the young

learners. When compared with the pre-cycle, there has been a

significant improvement in the first cycle. The learning and teaching

process of young learners in cycle 1 was about stick the body part

vocabulary and matched it according to the body parts vocabulary list.

The vocabulary list in the first song consisted of 8 body parts

vocabularies. The researcher also motivates young learners to increase

their enthusiasm towards English. As a treatment in the cycle 1, the

young learners would show enthusiasm to match the pictures and stick

them in the correct color and in the correct places. The percentages

score in the Cycle 1 showed 4 out of 6 young learners can do more

than 70% of the instruction, however as the target research that the

researcher has been stated that this research will be confirmed to stop

if it is repeated 3 times with the addition of vocabulary mastery. That

means the cycle 1 score percentages of young learners can be classified

as good because the results of cycle 1 are greater than 70% in the first

action song. The score indicates an increase from the previous pre-


Below is the chart of young learners' score who could pass the

standardized of 70% and who less the standardized in the first cycle.

From the result of the first cycle, only 4 from 6 young learners who

passed the standardized score, they are:

Young Learner’s Score of First Cycle


Figure 2

d. Reflecting and analysis

According to the evaluation of the implementation of action song

that conducted in the first cycle of the first body parts action song, could

be seen that 5 of 6 young learners that could engage in the activities with

the result as follow:

1. Observation sheet. According to the implementation and repetition of

head and shoulder song in the first cycle could be seen as:

a. In the indicator of showing interest to the song shows 5 young

learners could show the interest and 1 of young learner not get the interest.

b. In the indicator of responding the correct gesture shows 5 of

young learners could show and point it and 1 of young learner keeps run

away from the activity.

c. In the indicator of engaging in the activity 6 of the young

learners could engage in the activity although not until the last repetition.

d. In the indicator of singing the song 3 young learners could sing

the song although not all the lyrics and 2 of young learners still freezing.

e. In the indicator of being able to mimic some body parts

vocabulary spoken by the teacher 5 of young learners could mimic/recall

some of the body parts vocabulary and 1 young learner was keep playing

by himself.

2. Vocabulary checklist form. 4 young learners could improve well, 1

young learner started to improve and 1 young learner had not improved.

In addition, the weakness of head and shoulder song in the first


has uncompleted based of body parts vocabulary to improve young

learners vocabulary mastery as a media of teaching process, however, the

strength of head and shoulder song has easy lyric and rhythm that match to

young learners aged 1.5-3 years old.

As the English body parts vocabulary in the first cycle was limited

than the researcher decided to continue the next cycle as second cycle to

improve their vocabulary through another body parts action song that has

more several of body parts vocabulary and to get the consistent result in

second cycle.

3. Second Cycle on the 2nd song

The second cycle on the second song was conducted on April,

19th, 2021. The teaching and learning process in second cycle on second

song, entitled Body Part Song consist of 13 vocabularies. When the song

started, young learners gathered by researcher to stand on their circle mats.

Encourage them to move like what the researcher did in front of them.

However, they were running in and out of the line and laughing as

reactions were still the same as in the previous cycle, however, in this

meeting some of them could show the improvement and were still excited

to follow the activity.

a. Planning

The planning in the second cycle arranged based on result analysis

and reflection in the first cycle. Known as the weakness in the first cycle

has uncompleted based of body parts vocabulary to improve young

learners vocabulary mastery as a media of teaching process, therefore, in

this second cycle the researcher could improve the quality of young

learners body parts vocabulary mastery by given the more vocabularies

mastery such as, face, hair, shoulder, neck, arms, hands, chest, back, bum,

legs, knees, feet, and head. Then prepare a lesson plan to be used as a

reference in carrying out the actions in the second cycle.


Class : Little Stars
Vocabulary : Face, hair, neck, arms, hands, chest, back, bum, legs,
and feet
Theme : Body Part song
Day/Date : Monday, April 19th 2021

Learning Learning Activity

Material Researcher Learners
Body Part Song a. The researcher rings a. Young learner’s
the bell and asked them gathered in the
to stand in the line on the classroom and stand on
circle mat the circle mat
b. The researcher b. Young learner’s listen
introduce body part song carefully to the
researcher when
introducing body part

c. The researcher shows , c. Young learner’s pay
face, hair, shoulder, attention, listen and
neck, arms, hands, chest, recall the vocabulary of ,
back, bum, legs, knees, face, hair, shoulder,
feet, and head, to the neck, arms, hands, chest,
young learner’s. back, bum, legs, knees,
feet, and head that
shown by the researcher.
d. The researcher starts d. Young learners start
the learning process by the learning process by
playing body part song dance together with the
and dancing together researcher and pay
while accompanying by attention to the
the body part song. researcher and how the
researcher move and
point , face, hair,
shoulder, neck, arms,
hands, chest, back, bum,
legs, knees, feet, and
e. The researcher asked e. Young learners re-
young learners one by point the vocabularies
one to re-point the based on the command.
vocabulary from the ,
face, hair, shoulder,
neck, arms, hands, chest,
back, bum, legs, knees,
feet, and head after
being implemented body
part song.
f. The researcher asked f. Young learners match
young learners to match and stick the
and stick the vocabularies pictures of
vocabularies pictures of face, hair, shoulder,
face, hair, shoulder, neck, arms, hands, chest,
neck, arms, hands, chest, back, bum, legs, knees,
back, bum, legs, knees, feet, and head to the
feet, and head to the right place and the right
right place and the right colors.

b. acting

The implementation of action songs as a teaching and learning

activity for the second cycle in the form of a body part action song was

carried out on April 19th, 2021 with the young learners that could

participated during the activity are 4 from 6 young learners. The

teaching and learning process refers to the learning scenario contained

in the lesson plan. Observation and vocabulary checklist form made

during the learning process of implemented the body part as action

song and the resulted in the second cycle in the form of data which is

summarized in Table 11.

c. Observing

Observations are carried out directly during the implementation of

action songs in the teaching and learning activities. At the observation

stage of the second cycle was body part song. When the teaching and

learning process is taking place, it can be seen during the activity when

the researcher introduced the body part song as an action song media.

The young learners still could show their enthusiasm in getting

involved of the activity as some of them already getting used with the

teaching process although took time to ask them to stand still and pay

attention during the learning process and they were busy protected and

fought the color of the towel as well that given by the researcher as the

learning material that used on the second song. As the distraction of

the towel the researcher gave them a guidance that every learner will

have one of the different colors of towel and don’t need to fight of it.

After finishing with a direct observation sheet in the implementation of

the body part song, then the young learners were asked to answer

questions from the researcher according to the list of vocabularies in

the body part song. After direct observation and implementation of the

vocabulary list, the researcher continued the next treatment by giving a

vocabulary activity, where the young learners were asked to stick and

match 13 vocabularies pictures to the right place and to the right

colors. From the learning process of the implementation action song in

pre-cycle until the second cycle, young learners getting familiar and

getting improved as they were listened and watched often during the

implementation of action songs in the classroom. Below is the

description of the direct observation, vocabulary checklist and the

summarized data in the second cycle.

Table 9
Observation Sheet Second Cycle
2nd song
(Body Part Song)

No Indicators Remarks

1 Showing interest to the Dara, Dariy, Yasna, and Aurora

song are still in and out of the first

song of repetition. Mars runs

away, and Leo is busy playing

outside. In the next repetition,

they are able to stand still and

show interest in the song.

Dara, Dariy and Aurora are able

Responding by correct
2 to respond to some of the correct

4 young learners could engage

until the last repetition of the

Engaging in the
3 song, they are, Dara, Dariy,
Yasna, Aurora. Mars only

engages in it for a while.

2 from 6 young learners are able

4 Singing the song
to sing some lyric of the song.

Being able to mimic Yes, some of the body parts. 4

some of the body parts from 6 young learners can mimic

vocabulary spoken by it but not at all, and sometimes

the teacher not clear.

Table 10
Vocabulary checklist form of the second cycle

Observed / unobserved
Yasna Dariy Dara Mars Aurora Leo

1. Face      -

2. Hair      -

3. Shoulder      

4. Neck      -

5. Arms      -

6. Hands     - -

7. Chest   -   -

8. Back -     -

9. Bum    -  -

10. Legs    -  -

11. Knees  -   - -

12. Feet     - -

13. Head  -    

Total 12/13 11/13 12/13 11/13 10/13 2/13

Percentage 92.3% 84.6% 92.3% 84.6% 76.9% 15.3%


From Table 10 as a whole data of vocabulary checklist form, data

obtained from 5 out of 6 young learners can do more than 70% of

instruction and 1 young learner started improved.

Table 11

Young Learner’s score in Second Cycle

No Name Score (%)

1 Yasna 92.3%

2 Mars 84.6%

3 Dara 92.3%

4 Aurora 76.9%

5 Leo 15.3%

6 Dariy 84.6%

And as after treatment of vocabulary activity, there is an improvement

in completeness of the qualifications because some of young learners as

they getting trained to following the learning process and concentration

during the learning process, other than that the approaching learning from

the researcher to the young learners started to hit the mark therefore the

more new vocabularies that given by the researcher could be maximal.

When compared with the first cycle, there has been a significant

improvement in the second cycle as in the second cycle had not learner

without improvement. In second cycle the young learners would stick 13

body parts vocabulary, more vocabulary list than the previous cycle, and

they matched it according to the body parts vocabulary list in the second

song. The percentages score in the cycle 2 showed 5 out of 6 young

learners can do more than 70% and that can be confirmed that the second

research has been carried out. The score of young learners in second cycle

can be classified as very good as the results in second cycle exceed 70% in

second action song. The score shows improvements from the previous


Below is the chart of young learners' scores who could pass the

standardized of 70% and who less the standardized in the second cycle.

From the result of the second cycle only 5 from 6 young learners who

passed and beyond the standardized score. Goodly, Leo started to show the

improvement in this second cycle than the previous cycle, they are:

Young Learner’s Score of Second Cycle


Figure 3

d. Reflecting an analysis

According to the evaluation of the implementation of action song

that conducted in the second cycle of the second body parts action song,

could be seen in the activities with the result as follow:

1. Observation sheet. According to the implementation and repetition of

body part song in the second cycle could be seen as:

a. In the indicator of showing interest to the song shows 4 young

learners could show the interest and 2 of young learner not get the interest.

b. In the indicator of responding the correct gesture shows 3 of

young learners could show and point it and 2 of young learner keeps run

away from the activity, 1 young learner still freezing.

c. In the indicator of engaging in the activity 4 of the young

learners could engage in the activity until the last repetition. 1 young

learner only engage a while, and 1 young learner run away.

d. In the indicator of singing the song 2 young learners could sing

the song although not all the lyric.

e. In the indicator of being able to mimic some body parts

vocabulary spoken by the teacher 4 of young learners could mimic/recall

some of the body parts vocabulary.

2. Vocabulary checklist form. 5 young learners could improve very

well, 1 young learner started to improve.

In addition, the weakness of body part song in the second cycle that the

song is too long and too much words of intro lyric that not highlight to the

core of vocabulary itself, and the towel as the material that needed in the

second song could distracted the concentrations of young learners,

however, the strength of body part song has fun lyric and rhythm that still

match to young learners aged 1.5-3 years old and consisted of several

based of vocabulary list than the first song.

As the action song in the second cycle has too much words of intro

lyric that not highlight to the core of vocabulary itself and the towel as the

material that needed in the second song could distracted the concentrations

of young learners, than the researcher decided to continue the next cycle as

third cycle to improve the coordination and concentration of young

learners and provided less material and focus with the body part

vocabulary itself through another body parts action song that has more

several of body parts vocabulary than the second song as well and action

song that could highlight the vocabularies and also to get the consistent

result in third cycle.

4. Third Cycle on the 3rd song

The third cycle on the third song was conducted on April, 23th, 2021.

The teaching and learning process in third cycle on third song, entitled

My Body song consist of 18 vocabularies. The purposes to conduct the

third cycle is to get the numerous body part vocabulary and body parts

song that in the song highlight full of the body parts vocabulary itself,

less tools or materials that could distracted the young learners

concentration and coordination during the implementation of action song

in the classroom.

a. Planning

The planning in the third cycle arranged based on result analysis

and reflection in the second cycle. Known as the weakness in the

second cycle the weakness of body part song in the second cycle that

the song is too long and too much words of intro lyric that not

highlight to the core of vocabulary itself, and the towel as the material

that needed in the second song could distracted the concentrations of

young learners. Therefore, in this third cycle the researcher could

improve the quality and the quantities by given the motivations and

deliver the media of young learners body parts vocabulary mastery by

given the more vocabularies mastery such as, head, nose, eyes, ears,

mouth, teeth, wrist, ankles, elbow, knees, hip, shoulders, toes, fingers,

hands, feet, arms, and legs. Then prepare a lesson plan to be used as a

reference in carrying out the actions in the third cycle.


Class : Little Stars
Vocabulary : Head, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, wrist, ankles,
elbow, knees, hip, shoulders, toes, fingers, hands, feet,
arms, and legs
Theme : Body Part song
Day/Date : Friday, April 23th 2021

Learning Learning Activity

Material Researcher Learners
My Body Song a. The researcher rings a. Young learner’s
the bell and asked them gathered in the

to stand in the line on the
classroom and stand on
circle mat the circle mat
b. The researcher b. Young learner’s listen
introduce my body song carefully to the
researcher when
introducing my body
c. The researcher shows , c. Young learner’s pay
head, nose, eyes, ears, attention, listen and
mouth, teeth, wrist, recall the vocabulary of ,
ankles, elbow, knees, head, nose, eyes, ears,
hip, shoulders, toes, mouth, teeth, wrist,
fingers, hands, feet, ankles, elbow, knees,
arms, and legs to the hip, shoulders, toes,
young learner’s. fingers, hands, feet,
arms, and legs that
shown by the researcher.
d. The researcher starts d. Young learners start
the learning process by the learning process by
playing my body song dance together with the
and dancing together researcher and pay
while accompanying by attention to the
my body song. researcher and how the
researcher move and
point, head, nose, eyes,
ears, mouth, teeth, wrist,
ankles, elbow, knees,
hip, shoulders, toes,
fingers, hands, feet,
arms, and legs
e. The researcher asked e. Young learners re-
young learners one by point the vocabularies
one to re-point the based on the command.
vocabulary from the ,
head, nose, eyes, ears,
mouth, teeth, wrist,
ankles, elbow, knees,
hip, shoulders, toes,
fingers, hands, feet,
arms, and legs after
being implemented my
body song.
f. The researcher asked f. Young learners match
young learners to match and stick the
and stick the vocabularies pictures of
vocabularies pictures of head, nose, eyes, ears,

head, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, wrist,
mouth, teeth, wrist, ankles, elbow, knees,
ankles, elbow, knees, hip, shoulders, toes,
hip, shoulders, toes, fingers, hands, feet,
fingers, hands, feet, arms, and legs to the
arms, and legs to the right place and the right
right place and the right colors.

b. acting

The implementation of action songs as a teaching and learning

activity for the third cycle in the form of my body action song was

carried out on April 23th, 2021 with the young learners that could

participated during the activity are 5 from 6 young learners. The

teaching and learning process refers to the learning scenario contained

in the lesson plan. Observation and vocabulary checklist form made

during the learning process of implemented my body as action song

and the resulted in the third cycle in the form of data which is

summarized in Table 14.

c. Observing

Observations are carried out directly during the implementation

of action songs in the teaching and learning activities. At the

observation stage of the third cycle was my body song. When the

teaching and learning process is taking place, it can be seen during the

activity when the researcher introduced my body song as an action

song media. The young learners looked happy, still participated well in

getting engaged and involved of the activity as most of them already

getting used with the teaching process although there was still 1 of

young learner get easy to distracted, but still the flow of the third cycle

overall run smoothly. After finishing with a direct observation sheet in

the implementation of my body song, then the young learners were

asked to answer questions from the researcher according to the list of

vocabularies in my body song. After direct observation and

implementation of the vocabulary list were given, the researcher

continued the next treatment by giving a vocabulary activity, where the

young learners were asked to stick and match 18 vocabularies pictures

to the right place and to the right colors. Below is the description of the

direct observation, vocabulary checklist and the summarized data in

the third cycle.

Table 12
Observation Sheet Third Cycle
3rd song
(My Body Song)

No Indicators Remarks

Dara, Dariy, Mars, Yasna, and

Aurora are more calm and show

Showing interest to the interest in the song, and they are

song able to follow the movement even

though not for long and not until

the last repetition.

2 Responding by correct Yasna response just a few of the

movements. Dariy, Dara, and

Mars also respond to some of the

gesture movements and responses more

than Yasna. Aurora is still


Dara, Dariy, Mars, and Aurora

are able to engage in the activity

3 Engaging in the activity more than Yasna, although not

until finished. Yasna was

distracted by her basket clothes.

They are not able to sing the song

4 Singing the song yet. They just enjoyed the


4 young learners, but not all the

Being able to mimic
body parts, just some of them
some of the body parts
5 which they can recall. The rest
vocabulary spoken by
are not able yet, they just follow
the teacher
the movement.

According the direct observation sheet in the third cycle, young

learners' reactions are more calmer in observing the song and the

researcher's movement. 4 young learners still able showing the progress in

responding the correct gestures, engaging in the activity and recall body

parts vocabularies in the third song. However, and in this meeting, they

were still not able to sing clearly yet. Overall as in the table direct

observation above most of the young learners participated well, keep

showing the progress and improvement in each young learner.

Table 13
Vocabulary checklist form of the third cycle

Observed / unobserved
Yasna Dariy Dara Mars Aurora Leo

1. Head      

2. Nose      

3. Mouth      

4. Teeth      -

5. Eyes      

6. Ears      

7. Wrists - - -  - -

8. Ankles    - - -

9. Elbow      

10. Knees      

11. Hip   -  - -

12.      


13. Toes      

14. Fingers      -

15. Hands    - - -

16. Feet -   - - -

17. Arms  -    -

18. Legs   -   -

Total 16/18 16/18 15/18 15/18 13/18 9/18

Percentage 88.8% 88.8% 83.3% 83.3% 72.2% 50%


From Table 13 as a whole data of vocabulary checklist form, data

obtained 5 out of 6 young learners keep showing the progress and do more

than 70% and 1 young learner improved. The improvement in the third

cycle as young learners get used with the action song in the classroom

which young learners trained to focus and concentrated in following the

activities, recall the vocabularies and trained the memorization in

remembering the vocabulary and the pattern of each body parts. The

teaching approaches and strategy in delivering the media and the type of

action song also suit and hit the mark of expectations that could make the

young learners able to concentration during the implementation of action

song in the classroom.

Table 14
Young Learner’s score in Third Cycle

No Name Score (%)

1 Yasna 88.8%

2 Mars 83.3%

3 Dara 83.3%

4 Aurora 72.2%

5 Leo 50%

6 Dariy 88.8%

In third cycle, the young learners would stick 18 body parts

vocabulary and match it according to the body parts vocabulary list in the

third song. The young learners would match the pictures and stick them on

the correct places. The percentages score in the cycle 3 showed 5 out of 6

young learners can do more than 70% and it can be confirmed that the

third research had been carried out, so that means the target research

stopped in the third cycle as the target research had been stated above that

this research is confirmed to stop if it is repeated 3 times. Although each

song has its own difficulties, however, the score of young learners in cycle

3 that consisted of 18 body parts vocabulary mastery can be categorized as

excellent and could exceed 70% of the standardized score for the third

song, and this research had been successfully done as the best

implementation of the third song was suit in the term of the standard based

body parts vocabulary mastery for the young learners as the song doesn’t

need any material that could distracted the young learners concentrations,

not too much words of intro lyric that not highlight to the core of

vocabulary itself. Below is the chart of young learners' scores who could

pass the standardized of 70% and who less the standardized in the third

cycle. From the result of the third cycle, 5 from 6 young learners passed

and beyond the standardized score. Although Leo could not pass the

standardized score yet, however, Leo kept showing his improvement in

this third cycle, they are:

Young Learner’s Score of Third Cycle


Figure 4

d. Reflecting an analysis

According to the evaluation of the implementation of action song

that conducted in the third cycle of the third body parts action song, could

be seen in the activities with the result as follow:

1. Observation sheet. According to the implementation and repetition of

body part song in the second cycle could be seen as:

a. In the indicator of showing interest to the song shows 5 young

learners could show the interest and able to follow the movements.

b. In the indicator of responding the correct gesture shows 4 young

learners could show and point the correct gesture.

c. In the indicator of engaging in the activity 5 young learners

could engage in the activity.

d. In the indicator of singing the song none of young learners could

sing the song yet, they were just recall the vocabularies.

e. In the indicator of being able to mimic some body parts

vocabulary spoken by the teacher 4 of young learners could mimic/recall

some of the body parts vocabulary.

2. Vocabulary checklist form. 5 young learners could improve very

well, 1 young learner improved.

Therefore, clearly the researcher stopped the research in the third

cycle of my body song as the third research had been carried out and the

target research had been stated above that the research is confirmed to stop

if it is repeated 3 times. The action song on the third cycle was suit in the

term of the standard based body parts vocabulary mastery for the young

learners to improve young learners body parts vocabulary mastery, and as

the action song in the third cycle doesn’t need any material that could

distracted the young learners concentrations and coordination, not too

much words of intro lyric that not highlight to the core of vocabulary


Other than that, the implementations of action songs overall has

gone well as young learners involved actively and encourage them to

concentrate in observing the vocabularies from the head and shoulder

song, body part song and my body song that could help them to improve

the body parts vocabularies mastery. Below is the table result of all the

treatments from the pre-cycle until third cycle, which can briefly be seen

from the table below:

Table 15
The result from Pre-Cycle until Cycle 3

No Name Pre-Cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

(%) (%) (%) (%)
1 Yasna 50% 87.5% 92.3% 88.8%

2 Mars 87.5% 100% 84.6% 83.3%

3 Dara 62.5% 87.5% 92.3% 83.3%

4 Aurora 0% 50% 76.9% 72.2%

5 Leo 0% 0% 15.3% 50%

6 Dariy 25% 75% 84.6% 88.8%

As of the table above, it could be visible there were enhancing

outcomes from pre-cycle and the first cycle of Head and Shoulder song,

second cycle of body part song, and until third cycle of My body song that

consisted the different numbers of body parts in each cycle. From pre-

cycle it showed that 1 out of 6 young learners achieved more than 70%.

And on the first cycle 4 out of 6 young learners achieved more than 70%

that consisted of 8 body parts vocabulary. The young learner’s

achievement changed into improvement after being taught through action

songs. On the other hand, on second cycle 5 out of 6 young learners

achieved more than 70% that consisted of 13 body parts vocabulary.

Besides, on third cycle 5 out of 6 young learners achieved more than 70%

that consisted of 18 body parts vocabulary, and there were improvements

from pre-cycle until third cycle. That shows these 3 songs as action songs

could improve young learners' body parts vocabulary mastery, and those 3

action songs as a media of learning and teaching vocabulary are

appropriate for young learners of this age to enhance their English

vocabulary mastery.

Other than that, this Classroom Action Research (CAR) is effective

to be implemented in the classroom to improve body parts vocabulary

mastery to the young learners at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud is success. In

accordance with the indicators of achievement, the learning outcomes of

young learner’s in the treatment are more than 70% in each song of the

target standard. The improvement is not only in the teaching and learning

process but also in the results of the treatment. In addition, the score bar

below clearly shows the change of improvement score in the vocabulary of

young learner’s body parts through action song from pre-cycle to the third


Graphic 5
Young Learner’s Score Bar from Pre-Cycle until Third Cycle

Young Learner's Score Bar from Pre-Cycle until
Third Cycle
Yasna Mars Dara Aurora Leo Dariy

Pre-cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

4.3 Discussion

This research attempt to find whether the implementation of action

song as a media can improve young learners' body parts vocabulary


As the implementation head and shoulder action song that consisted 8

body parts vocabulary in the first cycle on April 14 th, 2021 shows from 4

young learners in qualifications improved well, 1 young learner started to

improve, and 1 young learner had not improved. In the implementation

body part action song that consisted 13 body parts vocabulary in the

second cycle on April 19th, 2021 from 5 young learners improved well, 1

learner started improved. While in the implementation of my body action

song that consisted 18 body parts vocabulary in the third cycle on April

23rd, 2021 from 5 young learners keep showing the progress and

improvement and 1 young learner improved.

From the result from the pre-cycle until the third cycle can be said that

the implementation action songs could help the young learners following

the activities well and improve their vocabularies mastery. The

effectiveness of the implementations action songs in the classroom

because young learners starting to get used to a rule in the learning


After collecting and processing all data obtained from the treatments, it

is important to discuss the research findings in order to answer all the

purposes of the research questions. Based on the data obtained during the

research, the researcher will answer the research questions. The first

research question is “What is the best implementation of action song in

improving young learners’ body parts vocabulary mastery?”. According to

the data, from all activities conducted by the researcher in teaching body

parts vocabulary mastery to young learners, the researcher noted the best

implementation of action songs as a media to improve young learners'

body parts vocabulary mastery was the action songs that could encourage

young learners to focus and concentrate during the activity, less of the

materials that could distracted young learners coordination and

concentration, and has the list of enough body parts vocabularies based,

not too much words of intro lyric that not highlight to the core of

vocabulary itself. In addition, most of the young learners gave positive

responses toward the implementation of action songs as a media in

teaching body parts vocabulary mastery. They agreed that this media was

not only interesting but also easy and made them enjoy being in the

classroom. It could motivate them to improve the body parts vocabulary

better. However, the young learner’s good responses toward action songs

as a media are also relevant to the teacher's role in the classroom, the

teacher's role in choosing the media is very important in teaching young

learners their body parts vocabulary mastery. Moreover, choosing

appropriate songs and time organizing were also very crucial. Therefore,

the teacher should organize the time as well as possible and choose the

most appropriate materials or songs to the young learner’s level and

interest. The last research question is “To what extent does the song

improve the young learners’ body parts vocabulary mastery?”. In this case,

the researcher chooses the appropriate action songs for the young learners,

and they have positive characteristics that are suitable for improving their

body parts vocabulary mastery, such as:

1. The theme of the action songs is appropriate for young learners and


2. The action songs are interesting and fun

3. The level of action songs are happily

4. The language used is simple and young learners could easy to


5. The lyrics of action songs nuanced childhood life.

So that, by using action songs as a media in teaching body parts

vocabulary mastery to the young learners at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud, is

improving their body parts vocabulary mastery. Through the treatments,

the researcher also analysis the result from pre-cycle that showed 1 out of

6 young learners achieved more than 70%. And on the first cycle 4 out of

6 young learners achieved more than 70% that consisted of 8 body parts

vocabulary. The young learner’s achievement changed into improvement

after being taught through action songs. On the other hand, on second

cycle 5 out of 6 young learners achieved more than 70% that consisted of

13 body parts vocabularies. Besides, on third cycle 5 out of 6 young

learners achieved more than 70% that consisted of 18 body parts

vocabularies, and there were improvements in each cycle and showed

significant improvements of young learner’s body parts vocabulary

mastery after implemented action songs as a media to teach body parts

vocabulary mastery to young learners. From the analysis, the result of the

hypothesis showed that action songs are effective to improve young

learners' body parts vocabulary at ACCEL Kids Center Ubud. Eventually,

it could be concluded that action songs could improve young learners'

body parts vocabulary mastery.

Other than that, the use of action songs had improved the young

learner’s vocabulary mastery more. In fact, action songs might be a

selection in teaching vocabulary activities. Right here the young learners

had been actively involved within the learning activity. The teachers gave

the real objects as something familiar and common. It could be seen

immediately by the young learners, and from it, the young learners could

memorize their vocabularies less complicated. As action songs, in

particular, could enhance young learners’ English vocabulary abilities,

motivation, and attitude with regard to using songs in the classroom and

teacher's and young learners’ perception of the use of songs. It suggests

that songs improve memory and recall, increase language abilities and

promote social skills and cooperation.

A similar result was also found by (Faizah, 2019) who stated in her

research “The Use of English Song in Vocabulary Teaching to Young

Learners: A Case Study on Kindergarten B at Paud Asalam Trik Sidoarjo“.

That the students were interested in teaching and learning vocabulary

using English songs. The song can represent a situation that helps them to

memorize a lot of the vocabulary.

In another research (Rifayanti,2013) who wrote “A Portrait of

Teaching English Vocabulary through Songs to Young Learners (A Case

Study in TK Gagas Ceria Bandung)”. In her research she found teaching

vocabulary through songs to young learners gives positive responses to

children’s language development. Songs that have simple wordings and

clear vocabulary target learning can help children to learn a language


From the similarity study above, it could be proved that the used of

songs in the teaching and learning process was really effective to teach and

improve vocabulary development. It could make the young learners be

more motivated in improving and memorizing the vocabulary better and

easier. Thus, as the theory of the action song that action song as a media

and a media can act as a store in delivering the information. Media in the

process of learning often used by others research to improve the

comprehension learners towards the lesson and make a process learning

become more entertaining. Action song / song is a versatile medium for

language learning. All the features in the song can support the progress

learning, and all language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing)

can be obtained taught by using song. Song is an alternative media to

facilitate language learning, and song have a number of advantages.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the class action research results that has been done

through the some action from the first cycle, second cycle, third cycle, and

according to the whole observation and analysis that has been done during

the research that can be concluded as the use of action songs affective in

improving young learners body parts vocabularies mastery as the process

of implementation action song from pre-cycle until the third cycle is

improving. As the evaluation from the pre-cycle shows only 1 young

learner out of 6 that can do more than 70% of the instruction. From the

first cycle shows from 4 young learners improved well, 1 young learner

started to improve, and 1 young learner had not improved. From the

second cycle, 5 young learners improved well, 1 learner started improved.

From the third cycle 5 young learners keep showing the progress and

improvement and 1 young learner improved.

The use of action songs as the best implementation of action songs

as a media to improve young learners' body parts vocabulary mastery was

the action songs that could encourage young learners to focus and

concentrate during the activity, less of the materials that could distracted

young learners coordination and concentration, and has the list of enough

body parts vocabularies based, not too much words of intro lyric that not

highlight to the core of vocabulary itself, action songs also could trained

the young learners disciplines in following and concentrate the learning

process so that young learners are able to follow the learning from the start

to finish well and meet the existing learning rules.

5.2 Implications

The teacher needs to create a fun, interesting, and an exciting

environment in teaching and learning English vocabulary to young

learners. Enjoyment is the best primary modal that must be noticed as a

way to get young learners' interest in learning. So, the young learners

could interested in the learning process. The teacher be able to create

enjoyment or entertaining situations through giving action songs in

delivering materials. The young learners not only pay attention in the

lesson, but they may also be cooperate and participate enthusiastically

enhance the vocabulary in different way and motivating way through the

use of action songs. If the young learners have a high interest in that way

(the use of action songs), it might no longer be too challenging for teachers

to carry the object lesson. Additionally, young learners may could be

without problems opening their thoughts on accepting the object lesson.

The researcher courage that the school organization able to maintenance

the teacher to make amusing, fun, and exciting environment in knowledge

vocabulary for example action songs as a learning method in improving

body parts vocabulary mastery. So, this research can improve young

learners' body parts vocabulary mastery. The readers are the focus of this

study. It is still far from perfect according the researcher. The researcher

has high hopes that all the guidelines and criticisms will improve it. The

researcher hopes that it will be useful for the readers.


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Yüksel , D. (2016). Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young



Appendix 1
List of young learner’s Little Stars Group
No Name
1 Aurora
2 Dara
3 Dariy
4 Leo
5 Mars
6 Yasna

Appendix 2
Head and shoulder song lyric
Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…
And eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…

Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…

And eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…

Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…

And eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
Head, shoulder, knees and toes.. knees and toes…

Appendix 3
Body Part song lyric
When I get out of the shower, I dry my body
When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

I dry my face, I dry my hair, I dry my shoulders, I dry my neck

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

I dry my arms, I dry my hands, I dry my chest, I dry my back

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

I dry my bum, I dry my legs, I dry my knees, I dry my feet

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

I can dry all of me, a towel is all I need

From my head to my feet… its easy!

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

When I get out of the shower, I dry my body

Appendix 4
My Body song lyric
My head is on top of my body
My head has a nose, mouth and teeth
My head has two eyes and ears
My body is special to me…

Eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, my body is special to me, to me.

My body can do many things
My body is special to me…
My body has wrists and ankles
My body has elbow and knees
My body has his and shoulders
My body is special to me…

Ankles, wrists, elbows, knees, my body is special to me, to me.
My body can do many things
My body is special to me…

My body has ten toes and fingers

My body has two hands and feet
My body has two arms and legs
My body is special to me…

Fingers, toes, hands, feet, my body is special to me, to me.

My body can do many things
My body is special to me.

Appendix 5
Instruments Pre-Cycle and each cycle

Observation Sheet

No Indicators Remarks
1 Showing interest to the song

2 Responding by correct gesture

3 Engaging in the activity

4 Singing the song

5 Being able to mimic some of the

body parts vocabulary spoken by
the teacher

Vocabulary Checklist Form

(Head Shoulders Song)
Name: Performance
Vocabulary list Observed Unobserved

1. Head

2. Shoulder

3. Knee

4. Toe

5. Eye

6. Ear

7. Mouth

8. Nose


Percentage (%)

Vocabulary Checklist Form

(Body parts song)

Name: Performance
Vocabulary list Observed Unobserved

1. Face

2. Hair

3. Shoulder

4. Neck

5. Arms

6. Hands

7. Chest

8. Back

9. Bum

10. Legs

11. Knees

12. Feet

13. Head


Percentage (%)

Vocabulary Checklist Form

(My Body song)
Name: Performance
Vocabulary list Observed Unobserved

1. Head

2. Nose

3. Mouth

4. Teeth

5. Eyes

6. Ears

7. Wrists

8. Ankles

9. Elbow

10. Knees

11. Hip

12. Shoulder

13. Toes

14. Fingers

15. Hands

16. Feet

17. Arms

18. Legs


Percentage (%)

Appendix 6
Instrument First Cycle

Appendix 7
Instrument Second Cycle

Appendix 8
Instrument Third Cycle

Appendix 9
Documentation of Research

Data Pribadi

Nama : A. A. Istri Bulan Fitria Dewi
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Kusamba, 03 Oktober 1992
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Agama : Hindu
Hobby : Menonton film
Nomor Hp : 085792171139
Email : bulan.luminous@gmail.com

Riwayat Pendidikan
1. SD No. 3 Kusamba, lulus pada tahun 2004
2. SMPN 1 Dawan, lulus pada tahun 2007
3. SMKN 1 Klungkung, lulus pada tahun 2014
4. Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
lulus pada Senin 9 Agustus 2021


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