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Submitted as a Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Educational Degree
(Sarjana Pendidikan) in English Education Program

Student Id.



This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this thesis entitled

“Students’ Perception Of Digital Reading At Eleven Grade Of SMA Negeri 12 Bone is my

own work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes. I certify that

the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work and that all assistance

received in preparing this thesis and sources have been acknowledged.

Bone, 2022

Irma Irawati

Student Id. 02.18.4129



The two consultants of Irma irawati, Student Id 02184129, the student of English

Education Department of IAIN Bone had carefully examined and corrected the thesis on the

title “Students’ Perception of Digital Reading at Eleventh grade of SMA Negeri

Bone”,and assumed that the thesis fulfilled the requirements to be scientific writing and can

approved to be submitted to final examination.

Bone, August 6th 2022

Consultant I Consultant II

Nirwana Darwis. SS.,M.Pd Rahmah Wahdaniati Suaib, SPd., M.Pd.



The thesis entitled “Students’ Perception of Digital Reading at Eleven Grade of SMA

Negeri 12 Bone” is written by Irma Irawti, student id. 02.18.4129, the student of English

Program, Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, has been examined declared acceptable as one of

recruitments for Bachelor Degree of English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty.

Bone, August 25th 2022


Head : Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd. (………………..)

Secretary : Andi Muhammad Yauri, S., SS., M.Hum., Ph.D (………………..)

Examiner I :Wahyu, M.Pd (………………..)

Examiner II : Herman Resyadi , S.Pd., M.Pd. (………………..)

Supervisor I :Nirwana Darwis,SS.,M.Pd (………………..)

Supervisor II :Rahma Wahdaniati,S.Pd.,M.Pd. (………………..)

Approved by:
Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Bone

Dr. Ishak, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

NIP. 197910072009011011


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘Alamiin. Lord of the worlds, Allah SWT who has given grace,
love, strength and guidance to the researcher who has successfully completed this thesis.
Peace and blessing may always be poured out to the prophet and apostle Muhammad SAW,
his family, relatives, and all his followers.
During the writing of this thesis, the researcher received a lot of help from various
parties, ranging from providing valuable guidance, corrections, input, suggestions, and
support. Without them, this thesis would not have been possible to complete. Therefore, the
researcher would like to express the greatest thanks and appreciation to these parties, they
are :
1. The deepest appreciation, thanks to my family especially my parents, Juliana and nur
fifiana, who always educate, motivate, support, and provide endless prayer for the
success of the researcher.
2. Prof. Dr. H. Syahabuddin, M.Ag is the rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies
(IAIN) Bone.
3. Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd is the dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Institute of Islamic
Studies (IAIN) Bone.
4. Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Pd as the head of English Study Program for her motivation
and big constribution and all my lectures that the researcher can not mention one by
one for their assistances, supports, insightfuls, and invaluable comment this research
which make the researcher has been able to complete this research.
5. Nursidah, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Rahmah Wahdaniati Suaib, SPd., M.Pd. are the first and
the second supervisors, thank you very much for their guidances, directions, inputs,
and motivations during the writing of this bachelor thesis.
6. Mardhaniah, S.Ag., S.Hum., M.Si as the head of Library of State Institute of Islamic
Studies (IAIN) Bone.
7. A greatest thanks for the Principal, Hj. Andi Sitti Marwah,S.Pd,M.Pd. and Teachers
who have helped me a lot while conducting research at school.
8. To my beloved parents and brother who always supports, affections, and prays for the
researcher’s success.
9. Thank you to all my big family who always give love, affection, enthusiasm and
support to the resercher.

10. My classmate 18-TBI-5 and member of KKLP who always support and help the
The researcher realizes that, this thesis is still far from perfect. The remaining errors
are the researcher’s own. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions will be highly
Finally, the researcher pray that all our efforts will always be blessed by Allah SWT.

The Researcher

Irma irawati


COVER PAGE......................................................................................................

TITLE PAGE.........................................................................................................

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY......................................................................

APPROVAL SHEET.............................................................................................



LIST OF CONTENT.............................................................................................

LIST OF TABLE...................................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURE.................................................................................................




A. Background........................................................................

B. Problem Identification........................................................

C. Research Question..............................................................

D. Research Objectives...........................................................

E. Research Significance.......................................................

F. Research Scope..................................................................


A. Review of Related Literature.............................................

B. Theoretical Review............................................................

C. Conceptual Framework......................................................


A. Research Approach and Design.........................................


B. Site and Participants...........................................................

C. Research Instruments.........................................................

D. Procedure of Data Collection.............................................

E. Technique of Data Analysis...............................................


A. Findings..............................................................................

B. Discussion .........................................................................


A. Conclusion.........................................................................

B. Suggestion .........................................................................



CURRICULUM VITAE.......................................................................................


Name : Irma Irawati

Student.Id : 02184129

Title : “Students Perception Of Digital Reading At Eleven Grade Of

SMA Negeri 12 Bone”

The main purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of digital

reading and reading interest in class XI SMA Negeri 12 Bone. Researchers apply qualitative

research. Researchers use this method because researchers focus on the benefits of digital

reading on students' reading interest. The main instruments in data collection in this study

were observation, interviews and documentation. The researcher interviewed 7 students from

27 students of class XI SMA Negeri 12 Bone. Observation data aims to determine students'

reading interest, while interview data aims to determine students' perceptions of digital

reading. The results showed that there were benefits of digital reading on students' reading

interest. Digital reading improves students' understanding of reading. More effective, save
time, expand information quickly and up to date. Digital reading can make learning easy

because students can find whatever they want. Students can also learn in a relaxed manner,

feel cool and not pressured because there are many lessons that students get so they don't get


Keywords: digital reading, reading, students perception.



A. Background

Reading is one of the four language skills taught in English language learning
process besides listening, speaking and writing. However, among of all the skills reading is
considered as the most important skill. Snow in Melandita stated that “reading is essential to
success in our society. The ability to read is highly valued and important for social and
educational advancement.” Furthermore, according to Komiyama, “reading supports the
development of overall proficiency and provides access to crucial information at work and
in school.” (Komiyama, 2019, p.1) Therefore, it can be concluded that people's daily life and
reading activity are closely related because reading is not only useful in the world of
education, but also in social and working life
Reading is important for our language capability. This statement supported by
Harmer says, reading is useful for language acquisition. Provide that student more or less
understand what they read, the better they get at it. So when people read, they must
understand what the people read. When they read and do not get meaning, their activity is
useless ( Jeremy Harmer, 1998, p.9)
Since English in Indonesia is a foreign language, there are possibilities that the
English language students may get difficulties in comprehending reading text, it may be
because of faulty word identification and recognition, limited special comprehension
abilities, or poor oral reading.
According to Nuttal (Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann, 2012, p.9) “There are five
problems students usually face while they are reading not in their first language, especially
when they try to comprehend the text. Those problems are: the code or alphabet symbol,
vocabulary and sentence structure, cohesive devices and discourse markers, problem beyond
plain sense and the conepts.” 5 All of those problems are probably because Indonesian
students’ first language has different form, sound, vocabulary and structure from that of
Based on preliminary research that researcher conducted by interviewing the English
teacher and some students of SMA Negeri 12 Bone, the researcher get information that there

are still many students have problem in learning English especially Reading. They assume
that reading is very difficult because the spelling is different with the pronunciation, and also
lack of vocabulary become a reason they do not comprehend the reading very well.
At the present day, technological advancement keeps on causing accelerative
changes in almost every way of life, including education Science stated, "Technology has
transformed the way we do things and the way we live". Reading is no exception to it.
Technology makes information easy to access, especially in digital sources. By connecting
to the internet, people have many optional tools to access information, such as WhatsApp
group, online news, Wikipedia, journals, etc.
Science, J. (2018) states that “Digital texts provide a new format of text in terms of
view, font, and color to readers to interact with. Digital texts have essentially offered readers
a new experience in reading”.
One of the consequences of digital text availability is that today the way students
read has changed. Many students now tend to read the digital texts which give them a new
experience. The digital texts also advance reading experience because they offer a huge
variety of information. Gilberthausen (as cited in Pardede 2019) accentuated "The use of
digital tools as reading devices has also driven educational institutions to move to paperless
classrooms around the world."
In the globalization era, students become familiar with the use of technology in their
daily life, especially in their education. With technology, students can explore and browse
many kinds of things on the internet, such as news, social media, application, blog, etc.
Reading is one of many things that students can do with technology. Digital reading is very
popular in this era especially among the students as it is more practical than printed reading
and this makes printed reading become less popular.

Byars states as (2015) Technologies such as the Kindle and the other devices for
digital reading have already stolen the spotlight of printed reading. In other words,
nowadays the popularity of printed reading is not as bright as digital reading.
In every educational activity, students’ perception is one of the most important
factors that determine the activity effectiveness. The more positive the students’ perception,

the more conducive the activity will be, and the better results will be achieved. Thus the
researcher decides to conduct research about the students’ perception about digital reading
Based on explanation above, the researcher formulates the research entitle
“Students’ Perception of Digital Reading at the eleven Grade of SMA Negeri 12 Bone”.

B. Problem identification
Based on the results of the pre-survey conducted by the researcher, there are several
things or conditions that are strongly suspected to be related to the research problem.
1. Reading is a skill that must be mastered by students, but the students treat that reading
is very difficult.
2. Students perceive that reading is very difficult due to lack of vocabulary and spelling
3. The teaching methods are not appropriate on activities to practice reading.
4. The teacher never tries the digital reading before

C. Research question
Based on the background described earlier the Researcher formulates one major
problem statement as follows: “How is the student’s perception of Digital Reading at the
eleven grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone in academic year 2021/2022?

D. Research Objectives

The objective of the research is to find out the students’ perception of Digital
Reading at the eleven grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone in academic year 2021/2022?

E. Research Significance

The results of the research are expected to be useful for:

1. The students
Hopefully, it can help students learn to be actively engaged and monitor their
understanding as they speak and encourages students to think about their own thought

2. The teachers
It gives some information about the using of media can be interesting in teaching and
learning process.
3. The school
It can be an alternative method for teacher of English subject in general, and
particularly those who teaching English in SMAN 12 Bone in Academic Year
4. The next researchers
For the next researchers, this study will be as a comparative study for reference

F. Research Scope

This study focuses on the perception of digital reading on interest in reading in class
XI SMA Negeri 12 Bone. And the scope of this research is limited to three aspects, namely:
(1) according to discipline, (2) according to content, and (3) according to activity.
Disciplinedly, this research is theoretically under linguistics. Content-wise, this research
covers what benefits students get when learning to read through digital reading. In terms of
activity, this research uses qualitative methods. Researchers will prepare an observation
checklist when conducting observations to see if there are any benefits that students get in
learning to read through digital reading. The researcher will fill in the list of observations
according to the situation in the classroom. After making observations, the researcher will
prepare questions to conduct interviews with teachers and students. Researchers will obtain
documentation during observations and interviews. Documentation can also be completed
by adding school history, lesson plans and some existing documents if there are previous
researchers who have conducted research at the same school.



A. Review of related literature

There have been many researchers done related to reading some of them are
presented below:
1. The first research by Anita FatimatulLaeli (2020) entitled “Reading Digital Text
as A New Literacy In Elt: Teachers' Perception & Practices”. This study aims to
investigate teachers' perceptions of reading digital texts in ELT, this study's result
could contribute to the ELT curriculum in responding to the need to facilitate the
new literacy in (online) reading and teacher professional development to develop
teachers' reading digital text competencies. However, teachers as facilitators in
classroom learning activities must recognize new literacy in online reading
(especially reading digital text) to help students achieve reading competence in
today's digital-based information era
2. The second research by Firima Zona Tanjung, et al (2020) entitled “Reading
Habits In Digital Era: A Research On The Students In Borneo University”. This
research aims to explore the current reading habits of university students.
Moreover, it aims to determine the effects of widespread use of the internet and
other digital resources in reading habits and to give some possible
recommendation to improve students reading habits in the digital era. The
research design was descriptive survey research. The instrument of the research
was questionnaire). The participants of the research were 320 students studying
in six majors in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Borneo
University. They were selected through the cluster random sampling. The
questionnaire involved six categories, namely demographic information,

frequency of items read, contents of online reading, online activities, content first
clicked when online, and techniques to develop reading habits. All research data
was analyzed using SPSS Statistics 22 program.
3. The third research by Pardede(2019) entitled “Print vs Digital Reading
Comprehension in EFL”.This research reviews and synthesizes current ideas and
research findings on digital reading in EFL context to provide a more solid
theoretical basis for digital texts use in reading comprehension programs.
Discussion in this research begins with the comparison of the nature of
conventional or print reading versus digital reading and the characteristics of
printed texts versus digital texts. After that, the discussion proceeds to the
findings of relevant studies concerning the effect of digital reading to
comprehension, students and instructors' perception of digital texts, and strategies
for reading digital texts.
4. The fourth research by Ambarwati(2021), entitled “Students’ Perceptions
towards Digital Text Reading”. This research is a survey research in line with
finding out the dominant perceptions of UPT students of SMA Negeri 7 Ogan Ilir
towards Digital Text Reading. The samples of the research were 87 students, 44
tenth graders and 43 eleventh graders. The researchers used collect the data. To
analyze the data, the researchers used percentage analysis. The results showed
that the students had positive perception towards digital text reading in their daily
life. They often learn and do assignment using digital media because it gives
positive experience,motivation and improve reading comprehension
achievement. In conclusion, It is comfortable, flexible and helpful to search
relevant additional text to study.

5. The fifth research by Amy Trimble (2017) entitled “Exploring Personal

Connections in A Digital Reading Environment”. This research presents a

phenomenological, qualitative study of students and faculty and their experience

with reading in both the physical and digital realms of reading. Results are based
on the analysis of personal, one-on-one interviews from the context of a
university environment, specifically, community members of the University of
Hawaii. The phenomenon of connection between readers and their reading
sources is explored resulting in six themes, which represent manifestations of
connection between the study participants and their reading. Important to note,
touch and tangibility continue to play a significant part in the reading process,
especially due to aspects of familiarity, accessibility

B. Theoretical Review
1. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
Reading has different definition based on different people. According to Sutari
(2000, p.20) “reading is a process of getting the meaning of something written of printed by
interpreting its characters or symbols. Reading is a second language that defined as process
of grasping full linguistics meaning in the new language through the symbol used to
represent it.” According McCradien and Walcutt (1969, p.4) “reading is to get information
of some words from turn the printed symbols into the sounds which are language. But since
we get information in the same way from spoken language, this purposes does not define
reading in a way that distinguishes it from talking”. Meanly the reason we turn the print into
sound is to get at the meaning.
On the other hand, Harris (1962, p.9). said that “reading is the meaningful
interpretation of printed of written verbal symbols which also involves sensing, perceiving,
achieving meaning, learning reacting in variety of ways.”
From these definitions, it conclusion that reading is an effort from the students to get
or transfer the meaning and information from the text by understanding, grasping,
translating, and giving meaning to the written form. Therefore, it can be concluded that
reading is not only looking at word in the form of graphic symbols but alsogetting meaning
from word to word to understand the content of a text and to get information from the text.

Reading is only incidentally visual more information is contributed by the reader

than print in the page ( H.D Douglas Brown, 2001,p.68). The meant of this statement is from
the product like book have we read we have to get the conclusion there is information that
we get from it.
Not just read, after read we forgot all of have we read. If we just hope we can get
more many knowledge just from listening and looking it is wrong because almost of
knowledge is print in the textbook.
From this statement above the researcher making decision that reading is get
meaning from we have written and get the information from what we have read. Reading is
also connected between the writer and reader, the writer explain her statement and her
knowledge and the reader accept meaning and information. Reading not only read and
forgets it but also comprehension what the writer mean
2. The importance of reading
Reading skill becomes very important in the world of education. By reading,
students may get beneficial information that is not given by teachers in the classroom.
Furthermore, almost 50 percent of the national final examination items consist of reading
skill. Therefore, the students should be trained in order to havegood reading skill. Harmer
(1998, p.68) states that, reading is useful for language acquisition, because it is needed for
career, for study purposes, or simply for pleasure.
Reading and understanding are the important things that we need to use in our day
life. Hudson explains that (2011,p.12) “Only by reading, the people can acquire the speed
and skill he will need for practical purpose when he leaves the school. In our literate society,
it is so hard to imagine any skilled work that does not require the ability to read”.
In other word, reading skill is very crucial to be mastered by language learners,
especially for the junior high school students because it will be useful for them when they
decide to continue their study
3. Reading skill
Reading skills should be taught functionally. Therefore, as you as a middle or
secondary school teacher must teach reading skill in your regular contents courses. Besides,
learning to use these skills while reading material they must study anyway gives students a
reason for trying them. (Clark and Starr,1999.p271)

Douglas (2001, p.68) states that reading skills contents of :

1) Vocabulary
a) Learning terms to English (e.g., apostrophe, adjective)
b) Learning English (literary or grammatical) meaning for common words
(e.g., romantic, subject, act)
c) Understanding words change in meaning and pronunciation (e.g., edelweiss,
croissant). d. Understanding how new words are coined or how they enter
our language (e.g., snafu, morpheme).
2) Comprehension
a) Selecting significance details, classifying convergently, formulating main
b) Following directions.
c) Recognizing sequence
d) Inferring time, place, mood, motive of characters
e) Making comparisons
f) Responding to imagery
g) Recognizing semantic and literary devices
h) Distinguishing between fact and literary devices
i) Detecting fallacies of reasoning
4. Types of Reading
Inmon, and Lenier (1992, p.156) states that Several types of reading may occur in a
language classroom. These may be categorized, as follows :
a. Oral
b. Silent
a) Intensive
b) Linguistic
c) content
c. Extensive
i. skimming
b). scanning
c). global

The first dustiction that can be made is whether the reading is oral or silent. Within
the category of silent reading, one encounters intensive and extensive reading. Intensive
reading is used to teach or practice specific reading strategies or skills. The text is treated as
an end in itself. Extensive reading on the other hand, involves reading of large quantities of
material, directly and fluently. It is treated as a means to an end. It may include reading
simply for pleasure or reading technical, scientific or professional material. This layer type
of specific types of reading, scanning for key details or skimming for the essential meaning.
A relatively quick and efficient read, either on its own or after scanning or skimming, will
give a global or general meaning

2. Digital Reading

The use of technologies such as mobiles, computers, and the internet in today's life
leads to an enormous change in English teaching and learning. The most key system to bring
current technology is the internet, which enforced new writing competencies, reading, and
communicating adequately (D. J.Leu.2011).
Afflerbach (2017,p.22) states that the internet provides users to read texts within a
new environment called digital text. Reading digital text refers to reading online in the
internet sources that allow readers to read the hypertext information, containing multiple
webs, links, and nodes.
Besides, texts in the digital environment have various formats (paragraphs, graphs,
pictures, and charts (S. Seok, & DaCosta, 2017) In other words, the use of technology-
particularly the use of the internet- enlarges the tradition of reading in a printed text to read
digital text.
Concerning reading digital text, three main theoretical perspectives are associated;
literacy, technology, and learning. Reading is viewed as a constructive and making-meaning
process; readers interact with the text to construct meaning actively. In this process, readers
mostly used cognitive processing strategy by asking questions, connections, drawing, and an
inference. Readers tend to interpret and evaluate particular texts to answer the task. The
perspective concerning digital text is mastering the new literacy that developed along with
the development of technology. For this new literacy, readers are required to read the

information provided in internet sources. Adequate reading comprehension should include

new skills and strategies to read and learn from information on the internet.
The last theoretical perspective is learning; internet readers learn to construct
meaning from the text and construct meaning through the purposeful and flexible choice of
related icons, interactive diagrams, and hyperlinks. In the digital text, reading activities
requires the ability to use computers or the internet and locate, evaluate, communicate,
synthesize information, and navigate hyperlinks provided by the Internet
Therefore, related to this study, it is vital to recognize the teacher's perception of
reading digital texts. It is done to ensure the teacher has the precise concept of reading
digital text
Besides, teachers need to provide accurate activities to facilitate the students to have
new reading literacy in the digital environment (texts). Since explicit teaching and modelling
for practices can help students enhance their reading digital comprehension, it will also help
students be autonomous learners. (N.Brun-mercer, 2019, p.2).

C. Conceptual Framework

Learning Reading

Using Digital Reading

Students’ Perception

Based on conceptual framework above, it can be known that the researcher will
conduct reading learning by using digital reading. Then, the researcher analyze the students
feeling, opinion, and perception about their reading experience by using digital reading.



A. Research Method
1. Research Approach and Design
The research to be carried out is descriptive research using a qualitative approach.
Qualitative descriptive research aims to reveal events or facts, circumstances, phenomena
that occurred during the research by presenting what really happened in the field. This study
did not make comparisons of variables in other samples and looked for the relationship
between one variable and another.

B. Site and Participants

1. Site of the research

This research took place in SMA Negeri 12 Bone which is a formal education

institution at the school level in the district Sibulue, Bone regency, South Sulawesi Province.
2. Participants of the research

The participants of this research was one class of eleventh grade students of SMA

Negeri 12 Bone which has 27 students and the researcher will use a simple random sampling

technique where every student has a chance of being selected in the sample.

C. Research Instruments

The instrument as a data collection tool must be designed and made in such a way
that it produces empirical data as it is, in order to facilitate the acquisition of the data needed
in the field or research location, the researcher uses the instrument as a tool to collect the
required data. The main instruments in collecting data in this research are:

1. Observation
This technique is called observation because it is done by the observer. The activity
of this technique is observing student utterance.
a. Interview
The researcher will use interview to students. By interview, the researcher is able to
know about students’ perception,feelings, opinons and expecting about digital reading.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

In data collection techniques, there were several procedures used by the researcher,
they were:
1. Observation
The procedures of observation are as follows: (1). the researcher was going to ask
permission to the headmaster of SMA 12 Bone and also the English teachers there. After
that, the researcher asked the participant readiness and willingness to be the part of the
research, (2). Then the researcher was going to introduces her-self to the samples or
students, (3). The researcher then explained about research plan that she was going to
conduct as research (4). The researcher gave the chance to the samples to introduce them-
selves, (5). The next action was explaining about what action should be followed by the
researcher during the research, (6). During the teaching and learning process, the researcher
observed the phenomena and occurrences. The researcher needed to mark the observation
checklist about the phenomena and occurrences in order that data did not lose. Audio and
video recorder might be needed so that the researcher reviewed the phenomena in other
time. The teaching and learning process done for several times so that the data obtained
during observation should be noted and saved carefully, the student observation result in a
note applied to all of the treatments section. It meant that there were ten students observed
during joining the treatments.

2. Interview

The process of interview was applied after the samples had filled the treatment also
observation. It run in the day after the last treatment finished. The type of interview used
was structured interview where the reason why the researcher took the type of interview it
was because the researcher known exactly what information obtained (Sugiyono, 2010, p.
203). Therefore in conducting interview the interviewer prepares a research instrument in
the form of written questions whose alternative answers had also been prepared. With this
structured interview, each sample was asked the same questions and the data collector
records them. The student interviewed process was taken with notes and recorders and
applied to all of the students who had been taken as samples that was include five students.
There were ten interview questions for the students.

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a method of finding and compiling data obtained from interviews,
field notes, and documentation and then making conclusions that are easy to understand for
both yourself and others.
Bungin (2015) stated that all qualitative data analysis techniques are closely related
to data collection methods. In this study, data analysis was done by interview, observation
and documentation. According to Miles and Huberman data analysis consists of three
procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions:
1. Data Reduction (Data Reduction)
Reducing is defined as selecting, summarizing the main points, focusing on the
important things.
2. Data Display (Data Display)
The next step is to present the data, the presentation of the data used is in the form of
a short description using narrative words or using a chart. This presentation is useful to
make it easier for researchers to group data and make conclusions.

3. Conclusion Drawing
The away conclusions presented are temporary so they can develop along with data
collection when the researcher is in the field. If the data collected in the field is supported by
valid evidence, conclusions can be drawn and can answer the existing problem formulation.



This study aims to describe the benefits of digital reading on students’ reading
interest, especially students of class XI SMA Negeri 12 Bone. In this study, researchers used
qualitative methods. Furthermore, in this chapter, the findings and discussion are derived
from the steps the researchers took. They conduct interviews and documentation. The result
is divided into two parts. There are research findings and discussion. The research findings
report the facts faced by the researchers and the discussion represented in the teories from
experts compared to the facts in the field.

A. Findings

The research of student perception of Digital Reading at the eleven grade SMA
Negeri 12 Bone
1. Data from the observation checklist
This study analyzed the results of individual per indicator for each indicator has seven items.
a. Students pay attention or focus on reading lessons using digital reading this item
aims to determine whether students pay attention and focus or not on learning to
read using digital reading. Based on the results of interviews, students pay
attention on focus on learning to read using digital reading. The researcher saw
that the students did not do any activities outside of reading lessons.
b. Students look active when the researcher explains the reading material. The
purpose of this item is to find out whether students look active or not when the
researcher explains the reading material using digital reading. The results looked
active when the researcher explained the reading material using digital reading.

c. Students look bored and sleepy during reading lessons this item is to find out
whether students look bored and sleepy during learning to using digital reading.
Researchers saw that most of them looked active, enthusiastic and enthusiastic in
learning to read.
d. Students ask a question when something is not understood. The purpose of this
item was to know that students ask a question or not when something is not
understood. The result showed that the students ask a question when something is
not understood. The researcher saw there were some students raised their hand to
give a question about the material.
2. Data from interviews

The interview was done by the researcher to collect the data. The students answered

10 questions from the researcher. There are 4 students. Based on the collected data, the

researcher found the benefits of digital Reading toward the students’ interest in reading, as

follows student perception of Digital Reading at the eleven grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone

student perception of Digital Reading at the eleven grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone.

Digital literacy is an individual’ interest, attitude, and ability to use digital

technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate.

a. . Have you ever or often use digital literacy in learning reading especially in

learning reading? What digital devices do you usually use?

Student 1:

The student 1 said she often used digital literacy when learning reading. She used

mobile phone. She often used it to open a dictionary or looking up related

material. When studying online, she often used her mobile phone and laptop.

Students 2:

The student 2 said she often used digital literacy when learning reading. She

used mobile phone to study. When studying online, she also usually used her

laptop to open learning applications and looking for additional material that she

does not understand. She also usually used the television to find some


` Student 3:

The student 3 said she often used digital literacy when learning reading. She used

mobile phone to study. When in online class, she usually used mobile phone and

laptop to found some material and do the online meeting.

Student 4:

The students 4 said she often used digital literacy when learning reading. She

often used mobile phone. When in online class, she usually used mobile phone

and laptop. She used it to open the learning application such us google and

youtube to further clarify a material or learning that is not understood.

Based on data of interview above, it can be stated that all students stated that they

often use digital reading media as good and effective learning process, especially

during the past pandemic or carrying out online learning, and even now teachers

still use it.

b. What do you like about learning reading using digital literacy?

Student 1:

With digital literacy we can save paper usage through digital devices. Add new

skills, easy to found information, more effective and also cost-effective.

Student 2:

With digital literacy we can study easier. For example, there are some materials

that we cannot finish or forgot how it works, we can search or view the material

using mobile phone or laptop.

Student 3:

Digital literacy can make our learning activities easier. With digital literacy, we

can open several applications that can be used as a reference to found some

materials and other information

Student 4:

If we are tired of studying, we can use digital devices for entertainment, such us

watching. We also will not miss lessons or material because we can search and

explained again by google or youtobe.

Based on the interview data above, the researchers found various answers from

students. Four students stated that they like to use digital reading as a medium for

reading learning because some reading materials can be chosen as desired. In

addition, students like it because

Learning to read is easier to understand and besides that we can also relax so we

don’t feel bored.

c. Is using digital literacy in learning to reading to read important? Why?

Student 1:

Important. Because in addition to supporting in finding references, we can also

have the skill to think critically in dealing with the online learning process.

Student 2:

Important. In addition to increasing our knowledge in learning to read trough

digital literacy, we can also relax.

Student 3:

Because, digital literacy is a good approach to improve reading skill.

Student 4:

Important, in addition to adding insight we can also relax while reading without

felling bored and in part.

Based on the interview data above, the researchers found various students answers.

Some students stated that they wanted to learn by using digital reading learning

media, namely google and whatsApp, these two unique and interesting

applications, for example on the google application they could find material.

Explanation of the material easily and clearly. In edition, some students also

stated that through the materials they read on the interview they could learn

easily and were able in improve and motivate them to be more confident in

speaking English in public. Likewise with the whatsApp application, they are

also interested in learning to speak because some features of whatsApp can be

used to practice speaking such as using voice notes, and various assignments

besides that, there are students who state that the internet and whatsApp and

practical. Easy to use, everyone can access it, especially students and educators,

and we understand a wide range of English in pronunciation and language. Then

there are students who express expressions because they can know lesson or

materials outside those taught at school materials to be taugh.

d. What are the benefits that you get when learning reading using digital literacy?

Student 1:

Digital literacy increase a person understands of reading. More effective and save

time. Expand information quickly and up to date.

Student 2:

Digital literacy can made learning easy for us because we can found anything we

wanted. We can also learn in a relaxed manner, felt cool and not pressure because

there are many lessons we can got that made us not bored. We can watch while

learning trough youtube and others.

Student 3:

The benefits of digital literacy are; many references obtained, efficient time in

the learning process, saved cost and can be accessed everywhere

Student 4:

The benefits can obtain and expand information quickly, enrich skills, save costs,

more environmentally friendly and able to make a better decision.

Based on the interview data above, there are various answer from students. Students

said that the benefits of learning reading that had been given by the teacher were

in the from of material, then one students also said that the material was in the

form of memorizing English texts, and one student stated that the material was in

text from. From of learning to speak in public. Namely how to speak properly

and correctly, as well as material on pronunciation and grammar.

f. Are you interested in learning reading using digital literacy? Why?


Student 1:

Yes, because digital literacy can improve the ability to think critically and

understand information. Digital literacy can increase the individual’s ability to

read, compose sentences and write information.

Student 2:

Yes, because actually reading using digital literacy is difficult and easy, at least

with the way we read digitally we can read easily and did not need to carry books

everywhere because reading using digital literacy can be anywhere and anytime.

Student 3:

Yes, because it increases the individual’s ability to be more critical in thinking

and understanding information. Increased the mastery of individual vocabulary

from various information have been read. Improve individual verbal abilities.

Digital literacy can improve individual focus concentration.

Student 4:

Yes, because there are many motivations we can get and can expand notification.

With digital literacy we can get any friends and we can get.

g. What kind of motivation do you get when learning reading using digital literacy?

Student 1:

With digital literacy we can familiar with performance and communication in the

digital world and can make people much wiser in using and accessing


Student 2:

Digital literacy made us wanted to learn and learn more, the main thing is always

to be inspired.

Student 3:

As for my motivation, that is because technological advances today require an

expansion of understanding in digital-related learning.

Student 4:

In the field of technology, especially information and communication, digital

literacy was related to the ability of its users. The ability to use technology to

create a positive interaction and communication.

h. How did you implement digital literacy when you learned to read?

Student 1:

I think it’s good because it’s flexible and easy to reach.

Student 2:

By using some of the applications that we need such as you tube, telegram a d

others besides this we can also play.

Student 3:

By opining several applications and we look for the references we need so that

we can apply them weel

Student 4:

By using digital literacy we can apply it well so that it is easier for us to learn to


i. Can digital literacy help you improve your reading skills?

Student 1:

Yes, because with digital literacy we can easily access the information we are

looking for, wherever and whenever.

Student 2:

Yes, by using digital literacy students ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect

on various types of written texts to develop individual capacities.

Student 3:

Yes, in addition to increasing understanding students can also learn easily

without being burdened with many assignments from school and students can

also relax when applying it.

Student 4:

Because of digital literacy students can understand easily.

j. Do you agree that digital literacy well be used as a medium for learning English,

especially reading lesson?

Student 1:

Yes, I agree, because digital literacy makes reading lessons in English more fun

and not monotonous. Digital literacy consists of several types so that the method

of learning to read in English that is used can increase students’ learning


Student 2:

Agree. Because we as students find it easier to use the application as a learning


Student 3:

Agree. Because we as students also find it easier to learn to read and more

precisely, not boring.

Student 4:

Agree. In addition to adding experience, we can also increase knowledge by

using these media. Besides being more practical and flexible, we also make it

easier for us to find the pages we want to read, just type in the keywords. When

compared with printed books.

B. Discussion

The main research objective of this research was about the students’ perception of

Digital Reading at the eleventh grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone. Then the researcher formulated

one research question, what is the students’ perception of Digital Reading. The researcher

gave further interpretation and discussion as follows:

First, Digital reading improves students' understanding of reading, is more effective,

saves time and expands information quickly and up to date. With digital reading, students

can better understand something, including reading because they can easily find any

information. If students do not understand a material or reading, then they can easily access

the internet or several learning applications related to their needs through digital devices.

Besides being easily accessible, digital reading can also save our time in studying. If we are

busy with other things, we can learn through digital reading. Search for multiple lessons and

resource materials and can save them for use or reading at any time by simply downloading

the file. Without a doubt we can also find out the latest and not outdated information.

Second, digital reading can make learning easier because students can find whatever

they want. Students can also study in a relaxed manner, feel cool and not pressured because

there are many lessons that we can get that make us not bored. In addition, students can

watch while learning through YouTube and others. Apart from being a means of learning

and teaching, digital reading can also be a means to entertain us when students are tired of

studying. For example, students can watch via youtube, telegram or other applications.

Through this application students can take some lessons if they use it for positive things. So

that students feel they will not be bored to learn because there are distractions that they can

use when bored and not pressured to learn.

Third, the benefits of digital reading are; many references are obtained, time is

efficient in the learning process, cost-effective and can be accessed anywhere. There are

many references that students can find on the internet. Can save time to study. Students no

longer bother going to the library or shop to buy textbooks because there are already

libraries or online books in the form of documents that they can take to be used as study

materials. In addition, students can also save costs because they no longer buy many books.

There are several book applications and of course they are easy to access anytime and


Fourth, Digital reading is environmentally friendly and able to make better decisions.

In addition to some of the benefits mentioned above, digital reading can also be accepted by

the community or commonly referred to as environmentally friendly. Digital reading can be

used by everyone, students, teachers, lecturers, and others. Besides being environmentally

friendly, digital reading is also an alternative for making decisions. By using digital devices,

we can open the internet and look for some opinions from other people's opinions. We can

also look for some solutions to problems that are difficult for us to make decisions about.


A. Conclusion

Based on the research question in the first chapter about the students perception of

Digital Reading at the eleven grade SMA Negeri 12 Bone, it is concluded that in terms of

student perception from several other aspects that using digital reading is importance for

students, students had positive perception toward digital reading because the results showed

that students often used digital reading and students think that digital reading is important

and also students interested using digital reading.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher put some suggestion as follows:

1. For Teacher

For the teachers, especially English teachers, is expected to make this finding as one

of the supporting aspects in English learning process, especially about using digital reading.

3. For Students
For students are expected to follow the English learning media delivered by the

teacher well so as to maximize the learning process of learning digital reading.

4. For Researcher

For the next researchers to prospective researches which can find more effective

learning media to improve students’ reading comprehension and also can make this research

as a reference. In addition, the researcher also hopes that prospective researchers can

produce the better research work in the future.

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Observational Checklist
NO Indicators Yes No
Students pay attention or focus on √
reading lessons using digital reading

Students look active when the √

researcher explains the reading
Students look bored and sleepy √
during reading lessons.
Students are active in discussing √
about the example the material and
the example that given by the
Students ask a question when √
something is not understood.

1. Apa saja yang anda ketahui tentang literasi digital?
2. Apakah anda pernah atau sering menggunakan literasi digital dalam belajar khususnya
dalam pelajaran membaca? Perangkat digital apa saja yang biasanya anda gunakan?
3. Apa saja yang anda sukai ketika belajar membaca menggunakan literasi digital?
4. Apakah menggunakan literasi digital dalam belajar membaca itu penting? Mengapa?
5. Apa saja manfaat yang anda dapatkan ketika belajar membaca menggunakan literasi
6. Apakah anda tertarik menggunakan literasi digital dalam belajar membaca? Mengapa?
7. Motivasi apa saja yang anda dapatkan ketika belajar membaca menggunakan literasi
8. Bagaimana implementasi literasi digital yang anda rasakan ketika belajar membaca
9. Dapatkah literasi digital membantu Anda meningkatkan keterampilan membaca Anda?
10. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa literasi digital akan digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris, khususnya pelajaran membaca?

Student 1



First meeting

Second Meeting

Third meeting




Researcher Irma Irawati was born in Pattiro Riolo, June 26, 1999.
She is the sixth child of the marriage of Competitive and Sitti. He
has two brothers. They are Jamaluddin and Dedi. He started his
education in elementary school at SDN 224 Pattiro Riolo. Then he
continued his junior high school in 2012 at SMP52 Boarenge and
graduated in 2015.
Then entered high school at SMA Negeri 12 Bone in 2015 and
graduated in 2018. In the same year the researcher continued his
studies at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bone, Department of
English Education (Faculty of Tarbiyah) through the SPAN-PTKIN entrance.

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