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Media in Learning

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Recruitments for the Educational Degree

in English Education Program of Tarbiyah Faculty
of IAIN Bone



Student Id. 02.18.4117



This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this thesis
entitled “Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teaching
English” is my own work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other
purposes. I certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own
work and this is proven by the result of plagiarism check attached in this thesis.
Further, all the assistance received in preparing this thesis and sources have been

Watampone, ,2022
The Researcher,


Student Id. 02.18.4117


The supervisor of the thesis of M. Saizal Harmais Kasim, Student Id.

02184117, The Students of English Teaching (TBI) Study Program, Faculty of

Tarbiyah IAIN Bone, after carefully researching and correcting the thesis concerned

with the title "Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teaching

English" stated that the thesis has fulfilled the following requirements: scientific

requirements and can be approved for munaqasyah. With this approval is given for

the next process.

Approved by:

Consultant I Consultant II


NIP. 196604051992031004 NIP. 199209172019031008


The thesis untitled “Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in

Teaching English” is written by M. Saizal Harmais Kasim, students Id. 02184117
The student of English Education Program, Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, has seen
examined and defended in the final examination held on ……. 2022 and it is accepted
to fulfill the requirements for the degree of bachelor of English Study Program.

Watampone, ................... 2022


Dean : Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd. (.......................)

Secretary : (.......................)

Examiner I : (.......................)

Examiner II : (.......................)

Consultant I : Dr. Mujahidin, M.Pd.I. (.......................)

Consultant II : Wahyu, M.Pd (.......................)

Recognized by,
Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

Dr. Ishak, S. Pd., M. Pd.

NIP. 197910072009011011


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’Aalamiin,the researcher would like to say thanks to the

Almighty Allah SWT., for His countless blessings, taufik and guidance in the form of

the opportunity that has been given to the researcher to complete a scientific work

entitled "Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teahing English" as

one of the requirements in obtaining a degree Bachelor of Education at the Institute of

Islamic Religion (IAIN) Bone. Shalawat and greetings are poured out on the lord of

the Prophet Muhammad SAW. his family, friends and followers.

The author realizes that in completing the writing of this thesis there are many

obstacles that cause difficulties experienced, but thanks to the support, assistance,

guidance, and advice from various parties so that these difficulties can be overcome.

For this reason, it is an obligation for the author to express his sincere thanks to:

1. A big thank full to the researchers’ parents, Muh. Kasimuddin, S.Pd and

Herawaty, SKM., who is dearly educating with full responsibility, prays and

provides support, both morally and spiritually, sincerely so that the researcher

can complete the preparation of this thesis. May Allah bestow sustenance and

protect them always. Aamiin.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Syahabuddin, M.Ag., as the Rector of IAIN Bone, Dr. Amir B.,

M.Ag., as the Vice Rector I for Academic and Institutional Development at

IAIN Bone, Dr. Hasbih Siddik, S.Ag., as Vice Rector II for General

Administration, Planning, and Finance of IAIN Bone, Dr. H. Lukman Arake,

Lc., MA., as Vice Rector III for Student Affairs and Cooperation at IAIN

Bone, Hj. Musyarrafah Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., as the Head of the Administration

and Finance Division of IAIN Bone, who has provided invaluable facilities,

facilities and infrastructure, education, as well as advice, guidance and

instructions for the researcher.

3. Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, Dr. Andi

Muhammad Yauri S., Ss., M.Hum., Ph.D., Deputy Dean I for Academic

Affairs, Student Affairs and Cooperation of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN

Bone, Ilyas, M. Pd., Deputy Dean II for General Administration, Planning and

Finance of the Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone.

4. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Hum. for her

biggest support and his contribution as the Head of the English Education


5. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Dr. Mujahidin, M.Pd.I. For the guidance

and motivation in the accompliment of this research as the first consultant.

6. My deepest gratitude is devoted to Wahyu, M.Pd. as the second consultant

who has guided, motivated, and supported the researcher in finishing the


7. All my lectures and staff that the researcher cannot mention one by one for

their assistance, support, insightful, and invaluable comment this research

which make the researcher has been able to complete this research.

8. Kamise, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Principal of SMPN 4 Barebbo who has given

permission and assistance to collect the data needed in the preparation of this


9. Heriyanti, S.Pd., M.Si., as the English teacher of the eighth grade of SMPN 4

Barebbo and her students as the research participants of this research for the

opportunity, assisting this research in meeting, and being cooperative. May

Allah always be with them all the time.

10. The deepest appreciation, thanks to the researchers’ friends Widya Sari,

A.Winda Faradiba, Nur Fifiana, Irma Irawati, Ade Surya Saputra, Masnur

Mena, and Nasril. Thanks for the friendship, togethermess, advice, and

suggestions in completing this thesis.

11. The researcher’s families, who always educate, support, and pray for the

researcher success.

Only to Allah the author asks for a reply. Hopefully all those who have helped

in writing this thesis will get a reward from Allah SWT. With all humility, the writer

realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism

and suggestions so that in the future it can improve and perfection of further scientific

works. With the completion of this thesis, the author hopes that it can be useful for

those who read, especially for future researchers.

Wassalamu Alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh


Watampone, 2022
The Researcher

M. Saizal Harmais Kasim

Student Id. 02.18.4117


COVER PAGE......................................................................................................

TITLE PAGE.........................................................................................................

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY......................................................................

APPROVAL SHEET.............................................................................................



LIST OF CONTENT.............................................................................................

LIST OF TABLE...................................................................................................

LIST OF FIGURE.................................................................................................




A. Background........................................................................
B. Problem Identification........................................................
C. Research Question..............................................................
D. Research Objectives...........................................................
E. Research Significance.......................................................
F. Research Scope..................................................................

A. Review of Related Literature.............................................

B. Theoretical Review............................................................
C. Conceptual Framework......................................................

A. Research Approach and Design.........................................

B. Site and Participants...........................................................
C. Research Instruments.........................................................
D. Procedure of Data Collection.............................................
E. Technique of Data Analysis...............................................

A. Findings..............................................................................
B. Discussion .........................................................................

A. Conclusion.........................................................................
B. Suggestion .........................................................................


CURRICULUM VITAE.......................................................................................


Name : M. Saizal Harmais Kasim

Student.Id : 02184117

Title : “Students Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teaching

English at Eighth Grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo”

The main purpose of this study was to determine students' perceptions of the
media used by teacher in teaching english at eighth grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo.
Researcher apply qualitative research. Researcher used this method because
researcher focus on the students’ perception of teacher’s media. The main instruments
in data collection in this study were observation and interviews. The researcher
interviewed 10 eight grade students, which 5 students were taken from class VIII.A
and 5 students from class VIII.B at SMPN 4 Barebbo. Observation data aims to
determine what media are used by teacher in teaching, while interview data aims to
determine students' perceptions of the media used by the teacher in teaching English.
The results showed that there were seven kinds of media that teacher used in teaching
English. They were dictionary, English textbook, flashcard, speaker, whiteboard,
LCD projector, and laptop. There were also benefits from the use of instructional
media. The students feel pleased and excited in learning English, the students
understand the lessons more easily, the students feel more active in learning English,
the students can expand their vocabulary, the students are able to improve their
pronunciation, and the students are able to keep their focus on the lesson.

Keywords: Perception, Instructional Media, Students’ Perception, Teacher’s Media

in Teaching English.



A. Background
Teaching English to young learners is considered necessary needs in
Indonesia especially in big cities. (Sukmahidayanti, T., 2015, p. 90). Many
parents compete to get their children to learn English while they are as young
as possible. The question is how the school handles this situation and how
they can deliver effective and efficient learning to the children. There are a
variety of factors that influence how successful and efficient learning is. The
instructional or learning media is one of them.
Instructional media are the human and non-human devices, material or
methodologies used by teachers to overcome all learning problems. Hindle (as
cited in Adegbija & Fakomogbon, 2012) argues that the use of instructional
media enables teachers to explain, illustrate, disseminate and deliver their
lectures more easily and effectively than when they depend on words only.
Heinich, Molenda, Russel and Smaldino (as cited in Adegbija &
Fakomogbon, 2012) also state that properly designed instructional media can
enhance and promote learning and support teacher-based instruction. It means
that instructional media is one component of learning that has an important
role in teaching and learning activities. The use of media should be a part that
must get the attention of the teacher in every learning activity. Therefore,
teachers need to learn how to determine learning media in order to effectively
achieve learning objectives in the teaching and learning process.
According to Mutohhar (as cited in Sukmahidayanti, T. 2015) a good
media is media which is suitable for the topic, material, the students, and
practical to use. Teachers commonly convey their content in such a way that
the students would bored and dissatisfied with the learning process. Many
teachers merely use things that is available in their classrooms to demonstrate

the learning materials to their students, rather than conveying knowledge in

attractive ways. This issue occurs because some teachers believe that
sophisticated media requires a large mount of money. A good media doesn't
have to be expensive; it only has to be reusable, and it should be able to assist
the teacher in creating effective learning in classroom.
In this 21st century, the rapid growth of technology could not be
restrained. Technology is not a new thing; it has become human need in daily
life. So does in the education, the growth of technology also influences the use
of learning media in schools. Learning technology is the theory and practical
in development design, utilization, management and evaluation of process and
resources for learning. In this global era, teachers are required to be able
teaching creatively by optimizing the use of technology. The use of
technology in the learning process will increase student motivation. Hence,
learners who has an access to information will study more passionate and
motivated. According to Punaji & Sihkabuden (as cited in Fajriah &
Churiyah, 2016) one of the elements that affect the learning is learning media.
At this time teachers are required to be able to use technology as a learning
media in the classroom. This is because the existing technology is sufficient to
be used as an instructional media. If the teacher brings subject matter without
fun learning media it will only make students feel bored quickly so that it can
reduce their attention to the lesson.
Based on the findings of the problem obtained by the researcher, the
learning media that are usually used by the teacher in the class is very limited.
teachers commonly convey the subject in mediocre way that the students
would bored and unable to keep their eyes to the lesson. This kind of learning
environment will certainly affect student achievement in the future.
Therefore, the researcher will conduct a research to find out what
media are used by teachers in the classroom and how the students' perception
of the media used by teachers. The results of this study are expected to be a

reference for teachers to be able to carry out a better teaching and learning
process because a good learning environment will certainly improve student
B. Problem Identification
Based on the findings found by researchers, problems that are often
found in schools include:
1. Lack of learning media used, especially technology based learning media.
2. Teachers usually teach using a textbook, while some textbooks are only for
3. Students do not understand well the material presented by the teacher.
4. Students often feel bored and cannot express how monotone the teacher is
in delivering the material.
C. Research Questions
Based on the background above, the problem of the research can be
formulated in the following questions:
1. What media are used by the teacher in teaching English at eighth grade of
SMPN 4 Barebbo?
2. How is the students' perception of the media used by the teacher in
teaching English at eighth grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo?
D. Research Objectives
1. To find out the media used by the teachers in teaching English at eighth
grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo.
2. To find out the students' perception of the media used by the teacher in
teaching English at eighth grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo.
E. Research Significance
1. Theoretically, this research is expected to be a good refence to increase
knowledge about the students' perception on the effect of teachers'
creativity in teaching learning process.

2. Practically, this research is expected to be one of the sources of information

and knowledge for people:
a. For the researcher, this research is aimed to increase the researcher’s
b. For the teacher, this research is expected to be a useful reference
especially for English teachers, to be more creative in teaching english.
c. For the students, it is expected that the results of this study will help
improve students' achievement.
d. For the next researchers, it is expected that the results of this study can
help in finding references for further research.

F. Research Scope
The title of this research is “Students Perception of The Media Used
by Teacher in Teaching English at Eighth Grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo”.
Comprehending the title above, the definition of each word is explained as
1. Perception
There are several definitions of perception according to experts (as
cited in Fitria & Daharnis, 2013). According to Slameto, perception is a
process that involves the entry of information into the human brain. In line
with that, Fauzi also states that perception is interpreting a stimulus that
already exists in the brain. Thantawi argues that perception is the process
of remembering or identifying an object by using understanding. Based on
the definition above, it can be stated that perception is an understanding of
information that enters the human brain through a stimulus.
2. Media
Instructional media are the human and non-human devices, material or
methodologies used by teachers to overcome all learning problems.
According to Hindle (as cited in Adegbija & Fakomogbon, 2012) the use of
instructional media enables lecturers to explain, illustrate, disseminate and
deliver their lectures more easily and effectively than when they depend on
words only. It means that instructional media is a device, material, or
method used by a teacher that aims to explain, illustrate, deliver learning
material more effectively and easily understood for students.
In order to avoid misunderstanding about this research later, the
researcher limited perception that only focused on students' perceptions of
learning media and media focused on kinds of instructional media (learning
media) used by teacher in class.



A. Review of Related Literature

There are researchers conduct their research that related to this
research as follows:
The first thesis, entitled “Students' Perception towards the Methods
Used by the Teacher in Teaching English”, was written by Nurjannah (2016)
at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The findings of this research
revealed that the teacher's strategies can make students happy and excited
about learning English; students can better understand the materials, improve
their pronunciation, and expand their vocabulary. The similarity with this
research is that researchers both want to examine students' perceptions of
teachers who teach English. The difference is that previous research focused
on the methods or strategies used by teachers, while this research focused on
the media used by teachers in teaching English.
The second thesis, entitled “Students' Perception on the Use of Movie
Media in English Language Teaching”, was written by Reza (2016) at Islamic
University of As-Syafi'iyah. The findings of this research revealed that most
students believed the movie media provided more benefits than drawbacks.
According to the findings, movie media can be employed as an alternate
method of teaching English in the classroom for listening practice. It can
attract students' attention by presenting language in a more natural manner
than in textbooks. The similarity with this research is that researchers both
want to examine students' perceptions of the media used by teachers in
teaching English. The difference is that previous studies only focused on one
media (Movie), while this study focused on the media used by teachers in
general. so the media that will be discussed will be wider.

The third thesis, entitled “Saudi Students' Perspective on Social Media

Usage to Promote EFL Learning”, was written by Vipin Sharma (2018) at
Jazan University of Saudi Arabia. The result indicated that students perceived
positive attitudes toward social media usage. They feel more confident, less
anxious, more competent, and more willing to communicate in English on
social media. The similarity with this research is that researchers both want to
test students' perceptions of the media used in the language learning process.
The difference is that previous research focused on the use of social media
and its positive effects in the language learning process, while this research
focused on the media used by the teacher while teaching in the classroom.
The fourth research, an international journal entitled “Relationship
between students’ perceptions of classroom environment and their motivation
in learning English language” was written by Wei & Elias at secondary school
in Malaysia. The findings showed that the majority of the students perceived
their classroom as having revealed that the students’ affilitation and task
orientation in the classroom were positive and significantly correlated with
their motivation whereas students involvement was negatively with their
motivation. The similarity with this research is that researchers both want to
investigate the students’ perception in English learning. The difference is that
previous research focused on investigating the relationship between students,
perceptions of classroom environment and their motivation in learning
English, while this research focused on the media used by teacher in teaching
The last research, entitled "Students’ Perception on the Use of Google
Based Learning Media in English Class at SMP Negeri 1 Bukateja”, was
written by Windy Okstian (2021) at Instute of Islamic Studies Purwokerto.
The similarity with this research is that researchers both want to find out the
students’ perception of media used by a teacher in teaching. The difference is

that previous research only focused on Google Based Learning Media, while
this research focused on instructional media in general.

B. Theoretical Review
1. Concept of Perception
a. Definition of Perception
According to Nasution (as cited in Sihatul Mardiah, 2020),
perception is the stimulation received someone, and the observations
of the person. It means that perception occurs when humans are
stimulated and the outcomes of observations are used to understand
the surrounding environment and its aspects.
According to Bimo Walgito (2010, p. 156), perception is
organization or stimulus received by the organism or individual that is
something meaningful and is an activity that is intregrated inside of
the individual. It means that perception is stimulus received by a
human that has meaning. All the process occured and blended inside
the human body.
According to Nugroho (2012, p. 138), perception is a process
that starts from the use of the senses in receiving a stimulus, then it is
organized and interpreted so that it has an understanding of what is
sensed. In other words, perception is a state where we finally have an
understanding of something as a result of the stimulus that is felt by
our senses.
According to Slameto (as cited in Fitria & Daharnis, 2013),
perception is a process that involves the entry of information into the
human brain. It means that through the human senses, humans can
produce information or understanding about something that will be
processed in brain.

According to Thantawi (as cited in Fitria & Daharnis, 2013),

perception is the process of remembering or identifying an object by
using understanding. It can be stated that in order to make a perception
of an object, humans need to feel the object first by the human senses
so that human can identify, remember, and understand the object.
Based on the definitions above, the researcher deduces that
they all have some characteristics in common. All of them define
perception as a process of receiving a stimulus received by the human
senses so that it can produce understanding and knowledge about
b. Indicators of Perception
According to Bimo Walgito (as cited in Al Ikhlas, 2021), there
are three kinds of perception indicators:
1) Absorption of stimulus or objects from outside the individual
These stimulus or objects are absorbed or received by the five
senses, there are vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste,
individually or together. From the results of absorption or
reception by sensory devices would get a picture, response, or
impression in the brain. These images can be single or plural,
depending on the object of perception observed. Inside the brain,
there are images or impressions, both old and newly formed. Clear
whether or not the picture depends on whether or not stimulation
is clear, sensory normality and time, just or long ago.
2) Understanding
After the images or impressions occur in the brain, the picture
is organized, classified (classified), compared, interpreted, so that
understanding is formed. The process of understanding is very
unique and fast. The definition formed depends also on the old

images that have been owned by the individual before (called

3) Assessment or Evaluation
After understanding is formed, there is an assessment or
evaluation of the individual. Individuals compare the
understanding that has just been obtained with the criteria or
norms that individuals have subjectively. Individual assessments
or evaluations are different even though the object is the same.
Therefore perception is individual.
c. Types of Perception
There are many types of perception according to Zaden (as
cited in Al Ikhlas, 2021), there are person perception, social
perception, and situation perception.
1) Person Perception
Person perception refers to those processes by which we come
know and think about other, their characteristic, qualities, and
inner state. We construct image of others in ways that serve to
stabilize, make predictable, and render our manageable view of
social world to the extent to which we attribute stable straits and
enduring disposition to others people. A person without sight may
perceive sound different that somebody with the ability to see.
Each person’s individual perception is based on that people
perceive life experience and with that being the case no two
people perception of the same situation is likely to be exactly the
same. In these types, it has a correlation to students who have
personal perception or own perception. Every student has a
different perception to think about the characteristic of the teacher,
the way teacher to teach, the quality of a teacher, even the

instructional media used teacher in teaching and learning process.

Every student also has a different perception of what the material
is taught by the teacher. So it could be understood that person
perception refers to a general tendency to form impressions of
other people, the different conclusion we make about other people
based on our impressions.
2) Situation Perception
Social psycholinguistics views a situation as the factors that
influence a persons' experience or behavior a given time and given
a place. The situational contest in which stimulus occur has
consequences for their interpretation. Anyone of multiple words
may emerge. Depending on which stimulus we received. This
typically means that people perceive are different based on the
situation. The students' attitude in the past is different students'
attitude now. It is because the social factors that influence a person
behavior and it also about the difference of knowledge students
that flow the information and technology, thereby affecting the
students' thought.
3) Social Perception
Social perception is a complex process; people observe other
people's behavior carefully until they get a complete analysis of
the person, situation, and behavior. This means that people
perceive something to depend on the quality would give good
perception. Trying to understand people whether they are
professional athletes, political, criminal, leader, or entertainer is
not an easy task. Knowing that other people have thoughts,
beliefs, emotions, intentions, and desires, being able to read other
people's inner states based on their words, behavior, and facial

2. Concept of Instructional Media

a. Definition of Instructional Media
According to Djamarah (2010, p. 120) media is from Latin
language and it is a plural from the word “Medium” literally is
intermediary or introduction. In the other word, media are all tools
used by teachers to facilitate the delivery of material, efficiency in
learning time, and increase student interest.
Smaldino (as cited in Sukmahidayanti, T., 2015) argues when
media is used for instructional purposes and utilized to analyze teacher
students communication, is categorized as instructional media. so the
effectiveness of media does not concern whether teachers use media in
the classroom or not; rather, it concerns how teachers maximize the
use of instructional media in the classroom.
Sadiman (as cited in Putro, 2015) also said that media is
everything that can use to transfer information from the sender to
receiver so that can stimulate think, feel, attention, and interest of
receiver. Based on the statement before, it can be understood that the
media is essential for effectively communicating information from the
sender to the recipient.
Reisser and Dick (as cited in Sukmahidayanti, T., 2015)
purposed that instructional media might be all the traditional ways to
deliver the lesson (chalkboards, textbooks, and other printed materials)
or the new instructional media (CD Room, computer, interactive video
and multimedia system). Instructional media are defined in this study
as tools used in educational settings to transmit contents and
information in order to achieve effective teaching-learning outcomes.
Amri and Ngatia P (as cited in Omenge & Priscah, 2016) argue
that teaching aids/media are like a teacher; it is meant to facilitate
learning. A teaching aid/media is not a miracle device; neither does it

induce learning on its own. It has to be used properly and with

discrimination. It means that instructional media is just a tool that
serves to facilitate or support the learning process. Without a teacher,
the teaching aids/learning media will not work properly. So in addition
to learning media, the role of the teacher in the classroom is also
important and very much needed.
b. Function of Instructional Media
Levie & Lentz (as cited in Aghni, 2018) suggested functions of
instructional media as follows:
1) Attention Function
The function of media attention is the core, which is to attract
and direct students' attention to concentrate on the content of the
lesson related to the meaning displayed or accompanying the text
of the subject matter.
2) Affective Function
It can be seen from the level of enjoyment of students when
learning (or reading) illustrated texts. Visual images or symbols
can arouse students' emotions and attitudes.
3) Cognitive Function
Research findings reveal that visual symbols or images
facilitate the achievement of goals to understand and remember
information or messages contained in images.
4) Compensatory Function
Learning media serves to accommodate students who are weak
and slow to accept and understand the content of lessons presented
by text or presented verbally.
c. Types of Instructional Media
According to Hamdani (as cited in Yudha, P., 2018) media can
be organized into three types:

1) Visual Media
Visual media are media that can only be seen using the sense
of sight. This type of media is often used by teachers to help
convey the content of the lesson material. Visual media consists of
media that cannot be projected (non-projected visual) and media
that can be projected (project visual).
2) Audio Media
Audio media is media that contains messages in auditive form
(can only be heard) that can stimulate students' thoughts, feelings,
concerns, and abilities to learn teaching materials. Sound cassette
programs and radio programs are forms of audio media. The use
of audio media in learning in general is to convey subject matter
about listening.
3) Audio-Visual Media
As the name implies, this media is a combination of audio and
visual or commonly called viewing-hearing media. Audio visuals
will make the presentation of teaching materials to students more
complete and optimal. In addition, this media within certain limits
can also replace the role of the teacher. This is because the
presentation of material can be replaced by the media, and the
teacher can turn into a learning facilitator, which makes it easier
for students to learn. Examples of audio-visual media include
video programs or television, and sound slide programs.

Based on the description above, it can be stated that the types

of media are very diverse, so a teacher must be skilled in choosing
media. The selection of the right and correct media in the learning
process will make students motivated to follow the lesson, but if the

media used is not interesting then the material taught by the teacher
will not be noticed by some students.

C. Conceptual Framework
The theoretical framework is arranged by the researcher as follows:

English Subject

Teaching and Learning


Media Used by Teacher Students’ Perception of

in Teaching the Media

On the conceptual framework above, the researcher will analyze the

types of media and students' perceptions of the media used by teachers in
teaching English. As a teacher who will teach in the classroom, the teacher
must realize the importance of using learning media in the classroom so that it
can make the teaching and learning process more attractive.
In the teaching and learning process, there will be various responses
made by students. The students will feel more excited when the teacher is able
to use the media to convey the material being taught. On the other hand, some
students also will feel bored quickly when the teacher conveys learning
material in a mediocre way and of course this will affect student learning



A. Research Approach and Design

In this research, the researcher will conduct qualitative descriptive
research. Qualitative research methods are used to investigate questions that
are best answered by vocally explaining how participants see and interpret
various aspects of their surroundings. These methods are used in qualitative
research to analyze, interpret, describe, and construct a hypothesis about a
phenomenon or context. It is a method for describing and giving meaning to
life experiences that is methodical and subjective. In this study, the researcher
will look into students' perceptions of the media used by teachers, with the
goal of identifying students' perspectives through observation and interviews.
B. Site and Participants
1. Site of the research
This research will be conducted in the eighth grade of SMPN 4
Barebbo in academic year of 2022, which is a formal education institution
in Barebbo, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi.
2. Participants of the research
The Participants of this research will be the teacher and students. The
researcher will observe two classes (class VIII.A and class VIII.B) with
the English teacher who will teach in the class. The researcher will
observe the teacher and take 5 students from each class as the sample of
this research so that the total of all the subjects taken by the researcher is 1
teacher and 10 students.

C. Research Instruments
The data is collected by the researcher using two instruments:
1. Observation
Observation is a method of gathering information about activities,
behavior, and the environment in general. The purpose of the observation
is to find out the instructional media that teachers utilize in the classroom
when teaching English. In this study, the researcher will use an
observation checklist.
2. Interview
Interview is a conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee
in which the interviewer asks the interviewee a series of questions that the
interviewee must respond to. The interview is used by the researcher to get
information regarding students' perceptions of the media used by teachers
in English classes.

D. Procedure of Data Collection

The following procedures are used by the researcher for collecting
1. Observational data collection steps
Data for observation is collected by the following steps:
a. In order to enter the class, the researcher first ask for permission from
the teachers.
b. The researcher enter the classroom as the teacher begin the class.
c. The researcher observes the teaching and learning process to find out
what media are used by teacher in teaching English in the classroom.
d. The researcher uses an observation checklist to mark all media used by
the teacher
2. Interview data collection steps
Data for interview is collected in three steps:
a. The researcher will choose some students in the class as the subject of
this research.
b. The researcher conducts face-to-face interviews with the students and
gives some questions for them.
c. The researcher records their responses and gathers the data about
students' perception of the media used by teacher in teaching English.
E. Technique of Data Analysis
Bungin (2015, p. 79) states that all the technical analysis of qualitative
data is closely related to the method of data collection. This research will use
interactive model of analysis as the data analysis technique.
According to Miles and Huberman (1994, Vol. 2) qualitative data
analysis is consisting of three procedures. They are data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing.
1. Data Reduction

Data Reduction means summarizing, choosing the main things,

focusing on the things that are important, looking for patterns and themes
and removing unnecessary ones. Thus the data that has been reduced will
make it easier for researchers to conduct further data collection, and look
for it when needed. Data reduction is done by recording the interview,
then making verbatim from the interview, after that selecting the data that
can be used in the research. In this research, the researcher select data
obtained at the time of research about the students' perception about the
media used by teacher in teaching English, and then the data will be
2. Data Display
Data display is the process of showing the data simply in the form of
words, sentences, narrative, or chart. The presentation of data generally
used in this research is narrative text form. At this point, the researcher
describes previously classified information about students' perception of
the media used by teacher in teaching English then conclusions will be
presented in narrative text form.
3. Conclusion Drawing
In this process, the researcher begins to develop a conclusion
regarding the research. Therefore, the researcher analyze the data of
observation and recording which are descriptive analysis in nature. At this
point, the researcher draws conclusions from the previously analyzed data
and compares them to the notes and observations made by the researcher
during the analysis.



A. Research Findings
1. Media Used by the Teacher in Teaching English
According to the observation checklist, the researcher discovered the
kinds of media used by teacher in teaching English as follows:
a. Dictionary
Dictionary is a type of reference book that explains the meaning of
words. Dictionary serves to help someone recognize new words. The
dictionary contains words from A to Z where each word has a
meaning. When students do not know the definition of a word, the
teacher instructs them to open their dictionaries. The students look up
words in the dictionary to find out the meaning of words in English to
their main language, Bahasa Indonesia.
b. English Textbook
Textbook is a book in a particular field of study, which is compiled
by experts for instructional purposes and is equipped with suitable
teaching facilities to support a teaching program. Textbooks contain
descriptions of certain subject matter or field of study, which are
arranged systematically and have been completed based on certain
objectives oriented to student learning and development. Based on the
observation, researcher found that the teacher used English textbooks
to teach in class.
c. Flashcard
According to Rahman & Haryanto (2014, p. 129) Flashcard is a
media in the form of a card that contains pictures accompanied by
letter or words. The advantages of flashcard media are practical, easy
to carry, easy to remember and fun. With the pictures on the

flashcards, it is hoped that students will become interested, and more

enthusiastic in learning, and it will make easier for students to read and
understand the contents of the reading.
d. Speaker
Speaker is a medium that converts electrical signals to audio
frequencies (sound) through vibrating components to vibrate the air so
that sound waves are heard by the eardrum and can be heard as sound.
Based on the researcher's observation, the teacher used speaker so that
students can hear more clearly the sounds spoken in English, as well as
how the pronunciation is.
e. Whiteboard
Whiteboard is one of the main media for learning in the classroom.
There are many benefits of using a whiteboard, it can be used to
explain subject matter, draw graphs, or conduct evaluations/tests.
Through the whiteboard, the teacher can explain the subject matter,
both in parts and in whole (Sutiarso, 2020, p. 179). Based on the
observation, the teacher used the whiteboard to write down the
material taught to students. Writing on the whiteboard helps students
to record material in their notebooks more clearly. The teacher also
asked students to come in front of the class and write the material they
have understood. They write it on the whiteboard so that other students
can see and understand it as well.
f. LCD Projector
LCD projector is a media that is used to display video, images, or
data from a computer on a screen or something with a flat surface such
as a wall, and so on. The teacher used a projector to visualize the
subject matter in the form of power point slides so that students can
understand more easily the material being taught.
g. Laptop

Laptop is a relatively small and light personal computer. As a

personal computer, laptops have the same functions as desktop
computers in general. The components contained in laptop are exactly
the same as the components on a desktop computer. the difference is
only in its reduced size, made lighter, less hot, and more energy
efficient. The teacher put the learning materials in the laptop in the
form of power point slides, audio, or video which will be connected to
other media such as LCD projectors or speaker depending on the need.

2. Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teaching English

The Interview was done by the researcher to collect the data. 10
students answered the questions asked by the researcher. Based on the
collected data, the researcher found how the students’ perception of the
media used by the teacher as follows:
1) What media does your teacher use in teaching English?
Student 1 : Dictionary, English textbook, LCD projector.
Student 2 : She used dictionary, speaker, laptop, and LCD.
Student 3 : Today she used a flashcard. It contains words in
English. she told us to memorize the meaning of each words.
Student 4 : Almost every class meeting we used a dictionary and
english textbook.
Student 5 : There are LCD projector, speaker, laptop.
Student 6 : Today she used LCD projector, but in the last week
she used a speaker.
Student 7 : So far we used whiteboard, english textbooks,
dictionary, laptop, LCD, speaker.
Student 8 : Whiteboard and marker, LCD projector, and speaker

Student 9 : The most frequently used by the teacher are

whiteboard, dictionary, and English text books
Student 10 : English textbook, dictionary, and sometimes we learn
using LCD projector.

Some of the students interviewed had the same answer. from the
students' answers, the researcher concluded that there were seven media
used by the teacher. They are Dictionary, English Textbook, Whiteboard,
Speaker, Flashcard, LCD Projector, and Laptop.

2) How do you feel when your teacher used learning media in class?
Student 1 : emm.. somehow I feel excited because the learning
situation is different if the teacher didn't use media.
Student 2 : I feel excited to take lessons in class.
Student 3 : I feel happy because it's easy to understand.
Student 4 : if the teacher used learning media it is very fun.
especially when she used LCD projector.. I can focus more to the
Student 5 : Usually I get bored when studying. but when the
lesson is presented in the form of power point slides with funny
animations, I feel pleased to learn and don't get bored easily.
Student 6 : I feel enjoy and there is no tension in study.
Student 7 : It is fun, even if possible I want every meeting to use
learning media.
Student 8 : Usually I am forced to pay attention to lessons
because I am afraid of the teacher, but when the teacher used learning
media I feel pleased in learning.
Student 9 : Enthusiastic. especially when the teacher used the
speaker.. we can sing and learn as well.

Student 10 : If the teacher used learning media, I feel pleased to

learn. but if not, that's okay.

This section aims to find out how students feel when teachers use
learning media in class. Of the several students observed, all of them
showed a positive response and enjoy learning with instructional media.

3) Can using the media make it easier for you to accept and understand
English subject matter? Why?
Student 1 : yes it can. especially if the teacher used LCD... i can
see it so it's easier to understand.
Student 2 : Yes, I understand the lesson better when the teacher
used the media. for example, the teacher only explains the material by
speaking, it will be easier to understand if the material is written on the
Student 3 : I'm not very good at English, but when the teacher
used learning media I can understand a little.
Student 4 : For me, it will be easier to understand if teacher use
learning media.
Student 5 : yes. Usually we just pay attention to the teacher
speaking English without knowing the meaning. but since we bring
dictionaries to school we can know some words in English.
Student 6 : yes. I think it's easier to understand.
Student 7 : The teacher had told us to memorize English
vocabulary and it was difficult to memorize. but when the teacher
showed a card containing words and pictures (flashcard) it become

Student 8 : hmm i think so. because usually I need to be explained

repeatedly but when the teacher used the LCD projector I immediately
Student 9 : more or less the same. but it's a bit easier if the teacher
used instructional media because it can be demonstrated.
Student 10 : for me yes. I can undersand it easily.

This section aims to find out whether learning media can facilitate
students or make it difficult for them. Some of the students interviewed
had the same answer. Students said they can understand the subject matter
better when the teacher uses learning media

4) Can using the media make you more active in learning? Why?
Student 1 : Yes, because if I understand the lesson it will make
me more active.
Student 2 : yes, it can. if there is no media we can get bored but if
teacher use media we become active.
Student 3 : yes, especially when the teacher played a song on the
speaker it makes me active and restores my mood in class.
Student 4 : for me it feels normal. but definitely it's easier to
Student 5 : Yes. Usually I am sleepy in the class but when the
teacher used the LCD projector I become active and my sleepiness
Student 6 : yes. at the previous meeting, the teacher asked the
meaning of some English words in the textbook but we didn't know.
when we have a dictionary we become more active and can finally find
the meaning of the word we are looking for.

Student 7 : Usually in our class the students are really active. So

in terms of activity, it might not have much effect.
Student 8 : whether the teacher used learning media or not, I will
still active in class.
Student 9 : for me yes. because when the teacher uses learning
media in our class, we are happy. when we are happy we will be active
to answer the questions given by the teacher.
Student 10 : I am usually active in class. but when the teacher used
learning media, I become more active.

This section aims to find out whether by using learning media the
teacher can get students' attention or not. Based on the results of
interview, most of students feel they become more active in class and
some of them felt like normal as usual.

5) Can the media affect your English skills?

Student 1 : for me yes. I know a lot of English words from the
teacher's flashcard.
Student 2 : yes, especially my English vocabulary. when we find
some words in the textbook it is very difficult to remember. but when
the teacher showed us flashcards containing pictures and words it
become easier to remember.
Student 3 : yes. I feel that there is an improvement in my English
skills, especially pronunciation. The teacher sometimes played
children's songs on YouTube using speakers then we were told to
follow the song. From here I unconsciously began to be able to
pronounce a few words correctly.
Student 4 : The impact that I feel the most due to the use of
learning media on my English skills is my vocabulary. but I also feel

that there is an improvement in my pronunciation when the teacher

used speaker.
Student 5 : yeah. I think using learning media such as
dictionaries, flashcards, etc. can increase my English vocabulary.
Student 6 : yes. the teacher trained our pronunciation by repeating
the sound that has been played on the speaker. so I think the use of
speaker really supports the development of my pronunciation.
Student 7 : yes. the more vocabulary we know.
Student 8 : yes. I usually mark a few words in the short story in
the textbook and then ask the teacher what the words mean and how to
pronounce them. So besides increasing my vocabulary, my
pronunciation has also improved.
Student 9 : when the teacher used flashcards in the previous
meeting I memorized some vocabulary. Until now I still remember so I
think learning media can affect my English skills, especially my
Student 10 : yes. I think my English vocabulary improved after the
teacher used the speaker and played a song. I can recognize some
words even though I still don't know most of them.

This section aims to find out whether instructional media can affect
students’ English skills. based on the interview, learning media has an
influence on students' English skills. most of them feel there is an
improvement, especially in the field of vocabulary and pronunciation.

6) Do you prefer to study using learning media or not? Why?

Student 1 : For me i prefer to learn using instructional media
because I can focus on the subject matter and can understand it more

Student 2 : i think learning in class using instructional media is

really fun. so I prefer if we use media.
Student 3 : I prefer if there is a learning media. because if it's not,
I don't pay attention much to the lesson.
Student 4 : In my opinion, it's better if the teacher used learning
media because our attention can focus on the lesson.
Student 5 : it's good if there is a learning media. we are not sleepy
in class.
Student 6 : i like it if we learn using instructional media. Because
sometimes the teacher have their own textbooks that we don't have. so
we focus only on taking notes rather than focusing on understanding
the material.
Student 7 : for me it's up to the teacher to use learning media or
not. but when she use it, i feel like i'm more focused than she did not
use any media.
Student 8 : In my opinion, it's better if the teacher used learning
media but not too often, or later we can get bored. It's better if the
teacher used a different media for each lesson.
Student 9 : I prefer the teacher use learning media than none at
Student 10 : yes. I would rather study with learning media instead
of the teacher only explained the material by lecturing. If there is
media such as speaker, I can focus on the sound. if the teacher used
LCD media I focused on the picture.

This section aims to find out whether students prefer to learn using
learning media or not. Most of them give a positive reaction. They like to
learn using learning media because it can make them stay focused on the
subject matter.

B. Discussion

After analyzing all the research data, it is necessary to revisit the

research results. The aim is to find out the answers from the research

1. Media Used by the Teacher in Teching English

The first research question is "what media are used by the teacher in
teaching english?". This can be explained from the results of observation
made by researcher which is done by using observation checklist. It
contains a variety of media that the teacher use while teaching in the
classroom. The results show that there are seven media used by the teacher,
including Dictionary, English Textbook, Whiteboard, Speaker, Flashcard,
LCD Projector, and Laptop.
In the first meeting, the researcher visited SMPN 4 Barebbo to make
observations. based on the results of observations, the learning media used
by the teacher that day included flashcards, whiteboards, English textbook,
and dictionary. In the second meeting, the researcher made a visit to
interview 5 students from class VIII.A about the learning media used by
the teacher at the previous meeting. In the third meeting, the researcher
made observations again in class VIII.B to see what media the teacher used
in teaching English. the results of the observations showed the learning
media used were almost the same as the observations at the first meeting.
The media used are laptop, LCD projector, whiteboard, dictionary, and
English textbook. In the fourth meeting, the researcher collected data by
interviewing 5 students from class VIII.B as previously done. The results
of the observation made by researcher in 4 meetings showed that there are
6 media used by the teacher in teaching English. The last learning media
that has not been mentioned is speaker. Based on a few questions and

answers with students, researcher found that the teacher had used speakers
in teaching English in the previous meeting before the researcher arrived at
SMPN 4 Barebbo to conduct observations. Finally, researcher conclude
that the total of instructional media used by the teacher is seven media.

2. Students’ Perception of the Media Used by Teacher in Teaching English

According to the result of interview, the majority of students stated a
positive perception of the media used by teacher in teaching English in the
classroom. The results found from the interview are described as follows:
a. The students feel pleased and excited in learning English
Students’ learning achievement can be viewed from the student
learning process in class. A positive and pleasant learning environment
can affect students' learning achievement. There will be a good
feedback between the teacher and students if students feel happy and
enthusiastic in learning, and vice versa. The results of the interview
show that the learning media used by the teacher can make students
feel pleased and excited in learning. It can be seen from the extract as

Extract 1
Student 1 : emm.. somehow I feel excited because the learning
situation is different if the teacher didn't use media.
Extract 2
Student 4 : if the teacher used learning media it is very fun. especially
when she used LCD projector.. I can focus more to the lesson.
Extract 3
Student 5 : Usually I get bored when studying. but when the lesson is
presented in the form of power point slides with funny animations, I
feel pleased to learn and don't get bored easily.

According to the extracts above, When students were asked

about how they feel when the teacher using learning media, most of
them give a positive reaction. It can be seen from the words such as
(happy, fun, excited, etc). The researcher conclude that using
instructional media can make students feel pleased and excited in

b. The students understand the lessons materials more easily

Based on the data obtained from students' interview, one of the
benefits of using learning media is students understand the lessons
materials more easily. It is shown from the following extract:

Extract 4
Student 2 : Yes, I understand the lesson better when the teacher
used the media. for example, the teacher only explains the material by
speaking, it will be easier to understand if the material is written on the
Extract 5
Student 4 : For me, it will be easier to understand if teacher use
learning media.
Extract 6
Student 7 : the teacher had told us to memorize English vocabulary
and it was difficult to memorize. but when the teacher showed a card
containing words and pictures (flashcard) it become easy.
Extract 7
Student 8 : hmm i think so. because usually I need to be explained
repeatedly but when the teacher used the LCD projector I
immediately understand.

c. The students feel more active in learning English

The next students' perception of the media used by teacher is
they feel more active in learning English. This is shown in the
following extracts:

Extract 8
Student 1 : Yes, because if I understand the lesson it will make me
more active.
Extract 9
Student 3 : yes, especially when the teacher played a song on the
speaker it makes me active and restores my mood in class.
Extract 10
Student 5 : Yes. Usually I am sleepy in the class but when the teacher
used the LCD projector I become active and my sleepiness
Extract 11
Student 6 : yes. at the previous meeting, the teacher asked the meaning
of some English words in the textbook but we didn't know. when we
have a dictionary we become more active and can finally find the
meaning of the word we are looking for.
Extract 12
Student 9 : for me yes. because when the teacher uses learning media
in our class, we are happy. when we are happy we will be active to
answer the questions given by the teacher.

d. The students can expand their vocabulary

According to Adiwimarta, et al (as cited in Rahmawati, N., 2014,
p. 3) vocabulary can be defined as all words contained in a language,
words controlled by a person or words used by a group of people in

the same environment and a list of words and phrases of a language

arranged alphabetically with boundaries and descriptions.
The next benefits of using learning media by students’
perception is students can expand their vocabulary. It can be identified
from the extracts below:

Extract 13
Student 2 : yes, especially my English vocabulary. when we find
some words in the textbook it is very difficult to remember. but when
the teacher showed us flashcards that containing pictures and words it
become easier to remember.
Extract 14
Student 5 : yeah. I think using learning media such as dictionaries,
flashcards, etc. can increase my English vocabulary.
Extract 15
Student 9 : when the teacher used flashcards in the previous meeting I
memorized some vocabulary. Until now I still remember so I think
learning media can affect my English skills, especially my
Extract 16
Student 10 : yes. I think my English vocabulary improved after the
teacher used the speaker and played a song. I can recognize some
words even though I still don't know most of them.
Based on those extracts above, it can be understood that
vocabulary can also be increased through the use of learning media.
There are several learning media used by teacher to provide new
vocabulary to students. They are English textbook, LCD projector,
speakers, flashcards, etc. When the researcher made observations, the
teacher was using flashcards. This flashcard contains English words

along with their pictures. First the teacher read the flashcard one by
one and then the students start to follow it. Next, the teacher
distributed the flashcards to each student in the class. The student was
told to memorize the card in half-minute and then exchange it with a
friend beside them. This continued until the card returned to its
original owner. The teacher then gave the task to write a list of how
much words that were remembered by the students.
e. The students are able to improve their pronunciation
Based on the students' answers, another benfits of instructional
media on improving students’ English skills is the students are able to
improve their pronunciation. This obtained from the students’
interview which is shown in the extract below:

Extract 17
Student 3 : yes. I feel that there is an improvement in my English
skills, especially pronunciation. The teacher sometimes played
children's songs on YouTube using speakers then we are told to follow
the song. From here I unconsciously began to be able to pronounce a
few words correctly.
Extract 18
Student 4 : The impact that I feel the most due to the use of learning
media on my English skills is my vocabulary. but I also feel that there
is an improvement in my pronunciation when the teacher used
Extract 19
Student 6 : yes. the teacher trained our pronunciation by repeating the
sound that has been played on the speaker. so I think the use of
speaker really supports the development of my pronunciation.
Extract 20

Student 8 : yes. I usually mark a few words in the short story in the
textbook and then ask the teacher what the words mean and how to
pronounce them. So besides increasing my vocabulary, my
pronunciation has also improved.
Based on the extracts above, it can be stated that learning media
can also affect students' English skills, especially the pronunciation.
The media used by the teacher is speakers, then connected to a laptop.
The teacher played the song repeatedly and then gave an essay to the
students. The students repeatedly listened to it before filling in the
blanks on the questions. In the end they found that the words were
generally simple for them to pronounce. They then train to do it
correctly, just like a native speaker.
f. The students can keep their focus on the lesson
Before starting the lesson, the teacher should first pay attention
to students. Teacher have to make sure how the students behave in the
classroom, whether they are ready to study, or whether they listen
what the teacher is saying. If they don't focus on the lesson, the use of
learning media is needed to attract students' attention. Based on the
observation, the researcher found that learning media also can keep the
students’ focus on the lesson. It can be seen from the extract as

Extract 21
Student 1 : For me i prefer to learn using instructional media because I
can focus on the subject matter and can understand it more easily.
Extract 22
Student 10 : yes. I would rather study with learning media instead of
the teacher only explained the material by lecturing. If there is media
such as speaker, I can focus on the sound. if the teacher used LCD

media I focused on the picture




A. Conclusion
The researcher would draw conclusions based on the research findings
by displaying the results of the observation checklist and interview with the
1. The kinds of instructional media that the teacher used in teaching english
were dictionary, English textbook, flashcard, speaker, whiteboard, LCD
projector, and laptop.
2. Based on the student interviews, the majority of the students have a
favorable perception toward the media used by the teacher in teaching
English. The students feel pleased and excited in learning English, the
students understand the lessons more easily, the students feel more active
in learning English, the students can expand their vocabulary, the students
are able to improve their pronunciation, and the students are able to keep
their focus on the lesson.
B. Suggestion
Based on the results of research on students perception of the media
used by teacher in teaching english at eighth grade of SMPN 4 Barebbo, the
researcher have suggestions for several parties, including:
1. For the Teacher
Teacher is expected to be able to use instructional media in the class.
The use of learning media can make students more interested in the lesson.
Furthermore, teacher also expected to be creative in selecting instructional
media that is appropriate for the materials being taught. The use of
appropriate media can make students understand the materials more easily.
2. For the Student

Students are expected to be able to focus on the subject matter

presented by the teacher in order to create an effective learning
environment. Students should also provide feedback so that the teacher can
find out the student's shortcomings. In addition, students are also expected
to be able to find sources of subject matter that are not provided by the
teacher so that they can be more independent in learning.
3. For the Future Researcher
To improve quality of educational institutions, writers suggest that
research is needed further to find out other factors that can help students in
learning English apart from instructional or learning media. For example,
teacher teaching methods and so on.


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A. List of Observation

Observation of the Teacher’s Instructional Media

No. Observation Yes No

1. The teacher used instructional media in delivering learning ✓
2. Teacher used printed media
a. Dictionary ✓
b. English Textbook ✓

c. Students’ Worksheet
3. Teacher used audio media
a. Speaker ✓
b. Headset/Earphone
c. CD
d. Radio
4. Teacher used visual media
a. Whiteboard ✓
b. LCD Projector ✓

c. Over Head Projector (OHP)

d. Picture/Poster
e. Flashcard
5. Teacher used audio-visual media
a. Television
b. Laptop ✓

c. Computer

B. List of Interview
List of Interview Questions for Students
1. What media does your teacher use in teaching English?
2. How do you feel when your teacher used learning media in class?
3. Can using the media make it easier for you to accept and understand English
subject matter? Why?
4. Can using the media make you more active in learning? Why?
5. Can the media affect your English skills?
6. Do you prefer to study using learning media or not? Why?

Question 1

“Media apa saja yang digunakan guru kamu dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris?”

No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 Kamus, buku paket, LCD proyektor.
2 Student 2 anu na pake kak.. kamus, speaker, laptop sama LCD.
3 Student 3 Hari ini tadi pake kartu-kartu yang ada isinya kata-kata
bahasa inggris kak. disuruh ki hafal ki sama bu guru kak.
4 Student 4 Hampir setiap pertemuan pake ki kamus sama buku paket.
5 Student 5 Ada LCD, speaker, laptop.
6 Student 6 Tadi kak pake LCD proyektor, tapi minggu lalu speaker
di pake
7 Student 7 Selama ini yang kita pake papan tulis, buku paket, kamus,
laptop, lcd, speaker.
8 Student 8 Spidol dan papan tulis, lcd, sama speaker kak.
9 Student 9 Yang paling sering na pake bu guru papan tulis, kamus,
sama buku paket.
10 Student 10 Buku paket, kamus, kadang-kadang ki juga pake LCD
belajar kak.

Question 2

“Apakah yang kamu rasakan jika guru kamu menggunakan media pembelajaran di

No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 emm.. entah kenapa senang ka kurasa kak karena situasi
belajarnya beda sama kalo guru tidak pake media.
2 Student 2 semangat ka kurasa mengikuti pelajaran di kelas kak.
3 Student 3 Senang ka kak karena gampang dipahami.
4 Student 4 kalo pake media pembelajaran bu guru kayak
menyenangkan sekali. apalagi kalo pake lcd projector..
bisa ka lebih fokus ke pelajaran.
5 Student 5 Biasanya saya bosan ka waktu belajar. tapi kalo
pelajarannya disajikan dalam bentuk slide power point
ditambah ada animasinya lucu-lucu, senang ka kurasa
untuk belajar terus nda gampang bosan kak.
6 Student 6 Lebih santai kak, tidak tegang belajar orang.
7 Student 7 Menyenangkan kak, bahkan kalau bisa mau ka setiap
pertemuan pake media pembelajaran.
8 Student 8 Biasanya kayak terpaksa ka perhatikan pelajaran karena
takut ka sama bu guru, tapi sekalinya bu guru pake media
pembelajaran jadi kayak merasa senang ka belajar kak.
9 Student 9 Antusias kak. apalagi kalau bu guru pake speaker.. bisa ki
nyanyi-nyanyi sambil belajar.
10 Student 10 Kalau pake media pembelajaran ki bu guru senang ka
belajar. Tapi kalau tidak, ndak apa-apa ji.

Question 3

“Apakah dengan menggunakan media tersebut dapat mempermudah kamu dalam

menerima dan memahami materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Kenapa?”

No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 Iye kak bisa. Apalagi kalau pake LCD bu guru.. bisa ki
lihat ki jadi lebih gampang dipahami.
2 Student 2 Ya, saya lebih kupahami pelajaran kalo guru
menggunakan media. kalo misal guru cuma menjelaskan
materi dengan ngomong ji, lebih gampang ki dipahami
kalo materi nya sambil ditulis di papan tulis.
3 Student 3 Nda terlalu pintar ka bahasa inggris kak, tapi waktunya
pake media pembelajaran bu guru bisaji kupahami sedikit.
4 Student 4 kalau saya, akan lebih mudah ki dipahami kalau bu guru
menggunakan media pembelajaran kak.
5 Student 5 iye. biasanya kalo bicara bahasa inggris ki bu guru di
perhatikan saja terus nda ditau artinya. tapi semenjak
bawa ki kamus ke sekolah bisa ki tau beberapa kata
bahasa inggris kak.
6 Student 6 Iye, lebih gampang kurasa dipahami kak.
7 Student 7 na suruh ki bu guru menghafal kosakata bahasa inggris
tapi susah sekali dihafal kak. tapi sekalinya dikasih lihat
ki kartu-kartu yang ada gambar-gambar nya (flashcard)
jadi gampang ki.
8 Student 8 hmm menurutku begitu kak. karena biasanya harus pi
dijelaskan ka berulang-kali tapi sekalinya pake LCD bu
guru langsung ka mengerti.
9 Student 9 Kurang lebih sama. Tapi agak lebih gampang ki kalau
pake media bu guru karena bisa diperagakan diatas.

10 Student 10 Bagi saya iya. Bisa ka pahami ki dengan mudah.

Question 4

“Apakah dengan menggunakan media tersebut dapat membuat kamu lebih aktif
dalam belajar? Kenapa?”

No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 ya, karena kalo kupahami pelajaran kak tentu jadi aktif ka
2 Student 2 Iye, bisa. Kalau tidak ada media bisa ki bosan kak. Tapi
kalau guru pake media jadi aktif ki.
3 Student 3 ya, terutama dulu waktunya putar lagu bu guru pake
speaker jadi aktif ka terus na kasi kembali juga mood ku
di kelas.
4 Student 4 Bagi saya biasa ji kak. Tapi memang lebih mudah ki
5 Student 5 Ya. biasanya mengantuk ka di kelas tapi sekalinya pake
LCD bu guru langsung ka jadi aktif dan hilang rasa
ngantuk ku.
6 Student 6 ya. di pertemuan lalu, na tanyaki bu guru apa artinya kata-
kata bahasa inggris yang ada di buku paket tapi ndak tau
ki. sekalinya ada kamus ta jadi lebih aktif ki terus bisa
mki dapat ki arti kata yang mau dicari.
7 Student 7 biasanya di kelas ta kak aktif-aktif memang siswa nya.
jadi kalo dari aktif atau tidaknya kayaknya nda terlalu
berpengaruh ji kak.
8 Student 8 mau pake media pembelajaran bu guru atau tidak, tetap ja
aktif di kelas kak.
9 Student 9 kalo bagi saya iya kak. karena waktunya pakai media

pembelajaran bu guru di kelas ta, senang ki. kalo senang

ki jadi kayak aktif ki juga menjawab pertanyaan yg dikasi
bu guru kak.
10 Student 10 Biasanya aktif ka di kelas kak. Tapi kalau guru pake
media pembelajaran, jadi lebih aktif ka kak.

Question 5

“Apakah media tersebut dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan skill Bahasa


No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 Bagi saya iya. Banyak mi saya tau kata-kata bahasa
inggris karena kartu-kartu (flashcard) nya bu guru.
2 Student 2 ya, terutama kosakata bahasa inggris ku kak. waktunya
ada didapat beberapa kata di buku paket susah sekali
diingat kak. tapi sekalinya na kasih lihat ki bu guru
flashcard yang ada isinya gambar sama kata-kata bahasa
inggris nya, jadi lebih gampangki diingat.
3 Student 3 ya. kurasa ada peningkatan skill bahasa inggris ku kak,
terutama pengucapan. karena bu guru kadang-kadang
putar ki lagu anak-anak di YouTube pake speaker
kemudian kita disuruh ki ikuti ki. terus tanpa disadari
mulai ka bisa ucapkan beberapa kata dengan benar kak.
4 Student 4 kalo pengaruh yang paling kurasakan mengenai media
pembelajaran sama skill bahasa inggrisku, kosakata ku
kak. tapi kurasa ada juga peningkatan pengucapan bahasa
inggris ku kak waktu pake speaker bu guru.
5 Student 5 iye' kak. menurut saya kalo pake media pembelajaran
kayak kamus, flashcard, dll. bisa menambah kosakata

bahasa inggris ku.

6 Student 6 ya. pernah ki dilatih pengucapan bahasa inggris ta' sama
bu guru, caranya na putar berulang-ulang ki itu suara di
speaker. jadi kalo menurut ku kak speaker mendukung
sekali sama berkembangnya pengucapan bahasa inggris
ku kak.
7 Student 7 Iye kak. Makin banyak kosakata yang kita tau.
8 Student 8 iye'. biasanya ku tandai beberapa kata didalam cerpen di
buku paket terus kutanya bu guru apa artinya dan
bagaimana pengucapannya yang betul. jadi selain
menambah kosakata, pengucapan ku juga jadi semakin
baik kak.
9 Student 9 waktu di pertemuan sebelumnya pake flashcard ki bu guru
ada beberapa kosakata saya hafal. sampai sekarang masih
ku ingat ki jadi menurutku media pembelajaran itu bisa na
pengaruhi skill bahasa inggris ku kak terutama kosakata
ku kak.
10 Student 10 iye. menurut ku bertambah kosakata bahasa inggris ku
sudah nya pake speaker terus putar lagu ki bu guru kak.
bisa ka tau beberapa kata tapi sebagian besar masih tidak
kutau kak.

Question 6

“Apakah kamu lebih suka belajar menggunakan media pembelajaran atau tidak?

No. Name Answer

1 Student 1 kalo saya, lebih ku suka belajar pake media pembelajaran

karena bisa ka fokus ke materi pelajaran dan gampang ki

juga dipahami.
2 Student 2 Kalau menurutku belajar dengan media pembelajaran
menyenangkan sekali. Jadi lebih kupilih kalo pake ki
media kak.
3 Student 3 Lebih ku suka kalau ada media pembelajaran kak. Karena
kalau tidak ada, nda terlalu kuperhatikan ki pelajaran.
4 Student 4 kalo pendapatku kak, lebih bagus kalau bu guru pake
media pembelajaran karena bisa ki fokus ke pelajaran.
5 Student 5 Bagus kalo ada media pembelajaran kak, tidak mengantuk
ki di kelas.
6 Student 6 Ku suka saya kalau belajar ki pake media pembelajaran
kak. Karena kadang-kadang ada buku paket sendiri nya
bu guru terus kita nda ada. Terus disuruh ki mencatat jadi
lebih fokus ki mencatat daripada fokus ke materi kak.
7 Student 7 Kalau saya terserah bu guru ji kak mau pake media
pembelajaran atau tidak tapi kalau pake ki, lebih fokus ka
kurasa daripada tidak pake media sama sekali kak.
8 Student 8 Menurut ku kak, lebih bagus kalau ibu guru pake media
pembelajaran tapi jangan terlalu sering, nanti bosan ki.
Sebaiknya setiap materi beda-beda media yang dipake.
9 Student 9 Saya lebih ku suka kalau guru pake media pembelajaran
daripada nda ada sama sekali kak.
10 Student 10 iye. lebih ku pilih belajar pake media pembelajaran
daripada guru cuma menjelaskan materi kayak ma
ceramah. kalo ada media kayak speaker, bisa ka fokus ke
suara. kalo bu guru pake media LCD fokus ka ke gambar.

C. Documentation
1. Observation

2. Interview


The researcher's name is M. Saizal Harmais Kasim, born

in Bone on September 21th, 2000. He is the first child of
Muh.Kasimuddin, S.Pd and Herawaty, SKM. He has one younger
brother. The researcher finished his education at Mario Pulana
Kindergarten in Mare, 2006. Furthermore, the researcher
continued his education at SDN 242 Padaelo and graduated in
2012. After that, the researcher continued his education at SMPN 1 Mare and
graduated in 2015. The same year the researcher continued his studies at SMA Negeri
2 Bone and graduated in 2018, in the same year the researcher decided to continue his
studies to college. The researcher was accepted at IAIN Bone. He is a student of the
Department of English Education (TBI) at the Tarbiyah Faculty.

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