Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
Introduction: Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most prevalent head and neck tumour, which is
also one of the main causes of cancer-specific mortality. The most often impacted area of OSCC is the
tongue. Occult nodal metastasis is the most significant indicator for prognosis of early-stage OSCC
with a clinically negative neck. It was discovered that depth of invasion was a highly accurate indicator
of occult nodal metastasis in OSCC, making it potentially a very valuable tool for predicting the
incidence of nodal dissemination and, consequently, prognosis.
Aim: To determine the correlation between depth of invasion and staging of cancer.
Materials and methods: Evaluated the records of OSCC patients retrospectively. Depth of invasion
for 30 excision specimens were measured using the magna software. The data was statistically
analysed using SPSS software.
Results: DOI less than 5mm can be considered as stage one of OSCC. Similarly DOI of 6-10 mm as
stage 2 and 11-15 mm as stage 3. Furthermore, depth of invasion above 16mm can be considered as
stage 4 which involves nodal metastasis.
Conclusion: The study concludes that there is correlation between depth of invasion and staging of
OSCC, thus DOI can be considered as an important prognosis factor.
Keywords: Depth of invasion, nodal metastasis, oral squamous cell carcinoma, prognosis, Good
health and well being
Histological depth of invasion and its correlation in oral squamous cell carcinoma- a retrospective study
OSSC most commonly develops on the sites such studies have consistently shown a relationship
as lips, tongue and floor of the mouth, while some between a number of prognostic markers and
OSCCs arise in apparently normal mucosa and disease-specific survival, local and regional
some may be preceded by clinically obvious recurrence, and lymph node metastasis. The
premalignant lesions like leukoplakia and prognosticators are extranodal extension (ENE),
erythroplakia (4,5). Typically, OSCC often lymphovascular invasion (LVI), perineural
presents as an ulcer with prominent exophytic invasion (PNI), depth of invasion (DOI), and
margins or fissures(6). It can also develop as a pattern of invasion (POI)(1,3,5) .
lump, an enlarged, hard, or fixated cervical
DOI is regarded as an objective metric that has
lymph node, a white or mixed white and red
been examined by numerous researchers for the
lesion, an extraction socket that won't heal, or a
prognosis of OSCC. Although the majority of
red lesion (erythroplakia)(7,8). If any of these
writers mostly concur that DOI is a crucial factor
characteristics last for longer than two weeks,
in determining nodal metastasis and survival,
OSCC should be taken into consideration(9).
there is no set threshold for when neck dissection
The two biggest risk factors for oral cancer are should be performed because the outcomes in the
smoking and alcohol consumption. 75% of all research differ. The aim of the present is to
incidences of oral cancer are related to tobacco analyse the correlation between DOI and staging
use. Smokers are six times more likely to get oral of OSCC.
cancer than non-smokers.(10). Alcohol drinkers
are also six times more likely than non-drinkers
to acquire oral cancer. Users of cigarettes and MATERIALS AND METHODS
alcohol have an oral cancer risk that is fifteen The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
times greater than non-users. While smoking and Pathology's archives provided access to 30
drinking are typically the biggest risk factors, it's formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks
vital to take into account other aspects as well, that represented the core specimens of excision
like betel quid chewing in some ethnic groups. specimens. The excision of oral squamous cell
Chewing betel nut is common among Indian and carcinoma and the removal of lymph nodes were
Taiwanese people, and it raises your risk of both inclusion criteria for the study.
mouth cancer substantially (11). Use of cannabis,
areca nuts, and opioids leads to a higher risk of
oral cancer. Older men, people from poorer Staining Protocol
socioeconomic backgrounds, and members of The sections were rehydrated with alcohol for 10
ethnic minorities are most likely to have OSCC. minutes after being deparaffinized with Xylene
There are additional considerations at play. These for 20 minutes. During the differentiation
consist of decreased capacity to repair mutagen- process the slides were dipped in acid alcohol and
induced DNA damage, an inability to digest ammonia each for one dip, and then washed in
cancer-causing substances, vitamins A, E, or C, running water for bluing. Harris's haematoxylin
or trace element deficiencies and immunity stain was used to stain the sections for 5 minutes
problems (12). after which it was rinsed in running tap water for
3-5 minutes. Slides were dehydrated using
Oropharyngeal and oral SCC are becoming more progressively stronger alcohol, after being
common. Globally, there are about 263,000 new dipped once in eosin. The slides were mounted
cases of oral cancer each year, and the illness with DPX after being cleaned in xylene.
claims 127,000 lives (13). It is the third most
prevalent malignancy in India and causes close to The slides were observed under a microscope and
40% of fatalities. In India it is the second most the DOI was recorded and tabulated. Magna
frequent site in men and the fourth in women. Software was used to measure the DOI. The
Male incidence rates were 10.1 per 100,000 in patient’s information was recorded using the
2012, while female incidence rates were 4.3 per patient data. Measurements were taken in
100,000 (14). Numerous single or multicenter millimetres by an experienced pathologist.
Histological depth of invasion and its correlation in oral squamous cell carcinoma- a retrospective study
Statistical analysis The SPSS software was used to analyse the data.
To summarise qualitative data, descriptive
statistics expressed as percentage was generated.
FIGURE 3: Bar graph depicting the correlation between DOI and mean stagging. X axis represents
the depth of invasion in millimetres and Y axis represents mean staging of OSCC.
Histological depth of invasion and its correlation in oral squamous cell carcinoma- a retrospective study
Group Stagging
Group Pearson Correlation 1 .914**
Sig. (2- tailed) .000
N 40 40
Histological depth of invasion and its correlation in oral squamous cell carcinoma- a retrospective study
Histological depth of invasion and its correlation in oral squamous cell carcinoma- a retrospective study