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Assessing the Environmental

Impacts of Oxo­degradable
Plastics Across Their Life Cycle
Loughborough University
A research report completed for the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs

(January 2010)
Published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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EV0422: Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Oxo­degradable
Plastics Across Their Life Cycle

Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Date (January/2010)

This research was commissioned and funded by Defra. The views expressed reflect the
research findings and the authors’ interpretation; they do not necessarily reflect Defra policy
or opinions.

Authors: Dr Noreen Thomas, Dr Jane Clarke, Dr Andrew McLauchlin & Mr Stuart Patrick

Department of Materials,
Loughborough University,
LE11 3TU, UK

Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 1

1 Introduction and objectives ............................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Context................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Degradability, Biodegradability and Compostability .............................................................. 8
1.5 Disposal Routes ..................................................................................................................... 9
2 Conclusions and interpretation .................................................................... 10
2.1 Production and in-use phase ............................................................................................... 10
2.2 Degradation and Bio-degradation ........................................................................................ 11
2.3 Bio-accumulation of Plastic Fragments in the Environment ................................................ 12
2.4 Toxicological Impact ............................................................................................................ 13
2.5 Post Consumer Recycling ................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Littering ................................................................................................................................ 14
2.7 Landfill.................................................................................................................................. 14
2.8 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.9 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 16
3 Methods and approach .................................................................................. 17
3.1 Literature Reviews ............................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Stakeholder views ................................................................................................................ 17
4 Results ............................................................................................................ 19
4.1 Results of the Peer-reviewed Literature Survey .................................................................. 19
4.2 Non-Peer-Reviewed Literature ............................................................................................ 25
4.3 Stakeholder Views ............................................................................................................... 28
5 Limitations ...................................................................................................... 31
6 Additional resources...................................................................................... 32
Annex A: Degradation Studies: Peer-Reviewed Literature ................................... i
6.1 Annex A1: Chemistry of Oxidative Degradation of Polyolefins ............................................... i
6.2 Annex A2: Evidence for Biodegradability .............................................................................. ii
6.3 Annex A3: Evidence for Bioaccumulation .............................................................................xii
6.4 Annex A4: Environmental Impact .........................................................................................xii
6.5 Annex A5: Evidence for Toxicological Effect of Oxo-degradable Polyolefins .....................xvi
6.6 Annex A6: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ............................................................................xvi
6.7 Annex A7: Conclusions ...................................................................................................... xviii
Annex B: Results of the Non-Peer-Reviewed Literature Survey ...................... xix
6.8 Annex B1: Performance Evaluation by the University of California.....................................xix
6.9 Annex B2: Evaluation of Degradability by M J Carter Associates ..................................... xxvi
6.10 Annex B3: Testing carried out at the Composting Plant at Vienna Neustadt in Austria. .. xxvii
6.11 Annex B4: Results of a Landfill trial in Wisconsin conducted from 2005 to 2006 ............. xxix
Annex C: Stakeholder views and claims ....................................................... xxxviii
6.12 C1: Additive Producers/ Masterbatch Suppliers ............................................................ xxxviii
6.13 C2: Trade Associations in the Plastics Industry ..................................................................xlv
6.14 C3: Retailers .........................................................................................................................liv
6.15 C5: Agricultural and Horticultural Applications .....................................................................lvi
6.16 C6: Plastics and Organics Recyclers .................................................................................. lvii

Aerobic (of a process) carried out in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic (of a process) carried out in the absence of oxygen.
Antioxidant A substance that inhibits the oxidative degradation of a
ASTM D6400 American standard specification for compostable
Bio-accumulation The build-up of a chemical or substance in a plant or
animal, either individual or population, over a period of
Biodegradability The breakdown of an organic chemical compound by
micro-organisms in the presence of oxygen to carbon
dioxide, water and mineral salts of any other elements
present (mineralization) and new biomass or in the
absence of oxygen to carbon dioxide, methane, mineral
salts and new biomass (from EN13432)
Biodegradable plastic a degradable plastic in which the degradation results
from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms
such as bacteria, fungi and algae (ASTM D 6400-99)
Bio-degradation Degradation brought about by the action of naturally
occurring micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and
Composting A managed process that involves the biological
decomposition and transformation of biodegradable
material to produce carbon dioxide, water, minerals and
organic matter (compost or humus)
Cross-linking Cross-linking is a chemical process in which polymer
molecules join together to form a network structure.

A chlorinated pesticide associated with a number of toxic

DDE effects on humans and animals. It has many chemical
pseudonyms including 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) A chlorinated pesticide,
banned under the Stockholm Convention, although still
in use as an agricultural insecticide. It is strongly
adsorbed by soils.
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Degradation A change in the chemical structure of a plastic involving
a deleterious change in properties
Disintegration (syn. The physical breakdown of a material into very small
fragmentation) fragments. (After ISO/DIS 17088)
EA Environment Agency
Electron spin An analytical technique which detects free radicals in a
resonance material.
EN 13432 European standard for packaging recoverable through
composting and biodegradation.
Fossil Carbon Carbon derived from fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas)
Fourier Transform An analytical technique capable of detecting chemical
Infrared Spectrosocopy bonds in a compound. It is a useful tool for detecting the
presence of oxidised polymers.
Fragmentation See Disintegration.
ISO/DIS 17088 Life Cycle Assessment. A process for assessing various
LCA impacts of a process or material or technology by
considering all inputs and outputs throughout its lifetime.
(previously known as Life Cycle Analysis)
Masterbatch A formulation containing a high concentration of additive
intended for dilution into a pure resin (plastic) during
processing to produce the end product.
Nonylphenols A class of industrial surfactant or detergent. Although
used widely outside the EU, within the EU they are
replaced by less harmful alternatives such as alcohol
Oxidative Degradation A complex series of chemical reactions in which the long
chains of polyethylene molecules are broken down into
shorter lengths by the action of oxygen, ultra-violet light
and/or heat.
PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. Organic compounds
found in coal, oil and tar. Also produced by incomplete
combustion of many materials. Some PAHs are known
to be highly carcinogenic. They are much more soluble
in oil than water and are strongly adsorbed by materials
such as polyolefins.
PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl: A class of compounds
implicated in a number of human toxicity and
environmental pollution incidents. Production was
banned in 2001 by the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants.
PE Polyethylene
PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
Phytotoxicity Toxicity to plants
PP Polypropylene
Prooxidant A substance that promotes the oxidative degradation of
a polymer.
PVC Polyvinylchloride
Robustness An overall measure of the quality of evidence, including
criteria such as reliability of source and objectivity.
Robustness in this report is assessed according to the
Defra guidelines “Five Components of Robust
Windrow composting A composting process in which the material to be
composted is formed into long piles which are turned at
intervals so as to ensure all the medium experiences the
composting conditions in the centre of the pile. The
process may be done outdoors or under cover.
Executive Summary
This report addresses the environmental impact of oxo-degradable plastics. These
plastics are mainly based on polyethylene (polythene) and contain additives that
cause the plastic to degrade by a process initiated by light and/or heat. The additives
are typically organic compounds of transition metals (such as iron, nickel, cobalt and
manganese). Applications using oxo-degradable plastics include degradable plastic
bags, refuse sacks, flexible packaging and agricultural mulch films.
The reason for using these additives in plastic packaging or film is to cause
premature degradation of the product. For example, it is claimed by the producers
that agricultural mulch film containing these additives will break down and effectively
disappear at the end of the growing season, thus saving farmers the time and cost in
collecting it. Similarly, the producers claim that oxo-degradable plastic bags that are
released into the environment as litter will degrade and disintegrate in a much-
reduced time.
Aims and Methodology
The aim of this study is to assess the evidence for the effects (both positive and
negative) of oxo-degradable plastics on the environment, across their life-cycle. The
difference between oxo-degradable plastics and other petroleum based plastics is
the use of additives to give them the accelerated property of degradation, hence the
focus of the study was on the environmental effects at disposal or end of life. In
particular the study has assessed:

 The extent and timeframe of degradation or biodegradation of oxo-degradable


 The effects of degradation or biodegradation of oxo-degradable plastics on the

natural environment (e.g. soil, water) and different disposal facilities (e.g.
recycling, landfill, compost)
The methodology employed in the study has been to review the published research
on oxo-degradable plastics, assess other literature available in the public domain,
and also to engage with stakeholders throughout the life-cycle of the product,
including the additive manufacturers, producers, retailers, end-users and those
involved in recycling and composting.
Issues for Examination
The most important issue regarding oxo-degradable plastics is the extent to which
they degrade or biodegrade and the impact of this on the environment. There are
various claims made on degradable packaging, such as: ‘photodegradable
polythene’, ‘100% degradable plastic’, ‘100% biodegradable’, ‘the plastic will start to
degrade in 18 months from the date of manufacture and the whole process will take 3
years’. The extent to which such claims can be substantiated has formed an
important element of the investigation reported here.
A key question is whether oxo-degradable plastics biodegrade (i.e. whether the
plastic can be colonised and metabolised by microbes) and if so, what is the extent
and time frame of this process.
That oxo-degradables do degrade when exposed to either sunlight or heat (~60ºC) is

not in any doubt. The additives serve to catalyse and accelerate break-down of the
polyethylene by a process known as oxidative degradation.1The mechanisms of
these reactions have been studied over a period of several decades and are widely
reported and well established in the scientific literature. This degradation process
causes deterioration in the strength of the plastic, which becomes brittle and easily
fragments into small pieces. The time taken for fragmentation to occur will depend on
the amount of additive in the plastic film and the environment to which it is exposed.
For example, degradation reactions leading to fragmentation of polythene films will
occur much more quickly in Florida compared with the UK because of the differences
in the intensity of the sunlight.
Biodegradation, however, is caused by the action of living organisms rather than
physical or chemical processes. However, the term biodegradable does not specify
the extent, time-scale or conditions under which biodegradation has taken place. The
term compostable is more precisely defined. According to the European standard on
compostable packaging materials, EN13432, a biodegradation level of at least 90%
must be achieved in less than six months for a plastic to be described as
compostable. This study examined (so far as was possible) the length of time it
would take for oxo-degradable plastics to degrade and bio-degrade, although there
were limitations in the evidence beyond 6 months to 1 year.
Furthermore, after the oxo-degradable plastics start to degrade it is unclear what
happens to the small fragments of plastic in the environment. Are they able to be
completely assimilated by micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi and/or algae) and
ultimately converted to carbon dioxide and water vapour, so that they disappear?
Does it matter if they remain as fragments in the soil? Does it matter if they become
air-borne or enter water courses?
Consequently this study has reviewed the timeframe within which oxo-degradable
plastics biodegrade and the effects of the degraded plastics and additives on the
environment. Evidence of biodegradation of oxo-degradable plastics has formed a
major element of this review. Also examined is the potential for bio-accumulation of
plastic fragments that remain in the soil. Another issue examined is the potential for
transition metal additives to accumulate in the soil and hence to have a toxic effect
on plants and potentially enter the human food chain. Hence toxicological studies
on oxo-degradable plastics have also been reviewed.
Other issues examined are re-use of oxo-degradable bags and end-of–life scenarios
including recycling (i.e. the impact of oxo-degradables on mechanical recycling),
incineration and also landfill.
The key findings and recommendations of the report are summarised below.

1. Key findings
The overall conclusion of this review is that incorporation of additives into petroleum-
based plastics that cause those plastics to undergo accelerated degradation does not
improve their environmental impact and potentially gives rise to certain negative

(a) Degradation and biodegradation

O xidative degradation is a complex series of chemical reactions in which the long chains of polyethylene molecules are
broken down into shorter lengths by the action of oxygen, ultra-violet light and/or heat).

 The length of time to degradation of oxo-degradable plastic cannot be
predicted accurately because it depends so much on the environmental conditions. It
is suggested that oxo-degradable plastics left in the open environment in the UK
degrade to small fragments within 2 to 5 years.

 Oxo-degradable plastics are not compostable, according to established

international standards EN13432 and ASTM 6400. Oxo-degradable plastics should
not be included in waste going for composting, because the plastic fragments
remaining after the composting process might adversely affect the quality and
saleability of the compost.

 It is thought that labelling the oxo-degradable plastics as biodegradable can

lead to confusion on the part of consumers, who may assume that ‘biodegradable
plastics’ are compostable. This may lead to contamination of the composting waste-
stream with oxo-degradable plastics.

 Biodegradation of oxo-degradable plastics can only occur after they have

fragmented and then proceeds very slowly, for example, at a rate many times slower
than that of a compostable plastic.

 The fact that the term “biodegradable” can be applied to materials with
extremely widely differing rates of biodegradation demonstrates that the term is
virtually meaningless unless the rates of biodegradation and conditions under which
it is measured are specified, preferably with reference to a widely recognised

(b) Bio-accumulation of plastic fragments in the environment

The fate of plastic fragments that remain in the soil is an area of uncertainty.
Although these are regarded as beneficial by the producers, concerns have been
raised that these particles of plastic may be ingested by invertebrates, birds, animals
or fish. No evidence was found in this study that oxo-degradable fragments have a
harmful bio-accumulative effect but neither was there evidence that they do not.

(c) Toxicological Impact

No evidence of a toxicological impact of oxo-degradable additives was found in this

review. It is concluded that the transition metals used are present in such small
amounts that they will not significantly increase the concentrations naturally present
in the soil at expected levels of usage.

(d) Re-use

The fact that they are degradable limits the re-use of oxo-degradable bags: they are
unsuitable for storing items for an extended length of time.

(e) Recycling

Oxo-degradable plastics are not suitable for recycling with main-stream plastics. The
recyclate will contain oxo-degradable additives that will render the product more
susceptible to degradation. Although the additive producers suggest that stabilisers
can be added to protect against the oxo-degradable additives, it would be
problematic for recyclers to determine how much stabiliser needs to be added and to

what extent the oxo-degradable plastic has already degraded. On this basis it seems
unreasonable to claim recyclability of oxo-degradable plastics in existing recycling

(f) Disposal – Incineration and Landfill

The potential for problems to be caused by incorrect disposal of oxo-degradable

plastics means that any packaging should be clearly labelled with the appropriate
means of disposal. Life cycle analysis suggests that the best means of disposal for
oxo-degradable plastics is incineration. If incineration is not available then landfill is
the next best option.

There is a lack of evidence about what actually happens to oxo-degradable plastics

in landfill. It is possible that they will degrade in landfill sites if sufficient oxygen is
present but the most likely scenario is that they remain un-degraded.

(h) Litter
Some oxo-degradable producers maintain that their products are a solution to the
littering problem because oxo-degradable packaging will eventually degrade and
then biodegrade. However, as the plastics will not degrade for approximately 2-5
years, they will still remain visible as litter before they start to degrade.

2. Recommendations
The recommendations regarding oxo-degradable plastics made on the basis of all
the evidence reviewed in this study from the peer-reviewed literature, non-peer-
reviewed literature (reports and websites) and also from stakeholder interviews are
given below.

• The term ‘biodegradable’ does not indicate the environment or timescale

required for biodegradation to occur and is therefore problematic for labelling
packaging. There are two possible solutions to this:-

(i) One solution is that if the term ‘biodegradable’ is used then it is

necessary to define the disposal environment, extent of biodegradation in a
short given time period or the time taken to complete biodegradation.
(ii) The other solution is not to use the term ‘biodegradable’ for labelling
packaging at all, but to only label with instructions on the means of disposal.

• The fate of oxo-degradable plastic after it has fragmented to a fine powder is

not clear. Therefore it is recommended that further research is carried out to
determine whether complete degradation to carbon dioxide and water is achieved,
and if so, over what time scale. If the fine particles are found to persist in the
environment for a long period of time, research should be carried out to determine
the effect of the particles on the wider environment.

• The uncertainties surrounding the effect of oxo-degradable plastics on the

conventional plastics recycling process means that the safest solution is to keep oxo-
degradable plastics out of mainstream plastics recycling processes.

1 Introduction and objectives
1.1 Introduction

The subject of this study is oxo-degradable plastics and their impact (positive or negative) on
the environment. Oxo-degradable plastics are mostly made of polyethylene (PE) but may be
made of polypropylene (PP). They are plastics that contain special additives that cause them
to degrade after a certain amount of exposure to either sunlight or heat. The time over which
the degradation process takes place depends on the concentration of additive in the plastic
and the amount of sunlight and/or heat to which it is exposed.

The aim of this research project is to review existing data and published research on the
environmental impact of oxo-degradable plastics during their whole life cycle. In addition to
the hard data and evidence collected in reviewing the published literature, the project has
also involved interviewing stakeholders. The reason for engaging with stakeholders has
been to gauge perceptions of the environmental impact of these materials. The stakeholders
have included additive manufacturers and masterbatch producers, retailers, end-users and
those involved in end-of-life issues such as recycling and composting.

A key driver for this project was to assess the evidence behind the claims being made about
oxo-degradable plastics. They are variously described as ‘100 % degradable’ or ‘100%
biodegradable’ but it is not clear what is meant by this. What is the evidence that these
materials actually degrade or biodegrade and under what conditions and over what

1.2 Objectives

The purpose of the research is to assess the environmental impact (both positive and
negative) of oxo-degradable plastics. The specific objectives of the project are enumerated

1. To gather and review existing data, research and stakeholder views on the
environmental impact of oxo-degradable plastics across their life-cycle.

2. To assess the evidence of the impact of oxo-degradables on the environment

considering the following :-

 What happens to the polymers and metal salts after the oxo-degradable plastics
 Are the claims that oxo-degradable plastics degrade or biodegrade completely, often
within a certain timeframe, accurate? What is the evidence to support this?
 How do oxo-degradable plastics affect the recycling stream? Do they contaminate
recycling and affect the value or application of the recycled product?
 How do oxo-degradable plastics behave in, and affect, other disposal environments
such as composting and landfill?
 What is the wider effect of oxo-degradable plastics if they are left to degrade the
natural environment? This addresses issues such as toxicity and bioaccumulation.

 How would the environmental impacts of an oxo-degradable product compare with
the environmental impacts of the same product without the additive?

3. To identify any deficits of information that prevent a completely confident assessment

being made

The main focus of the study has been evidence for degradability, biodegradability, bio-
accumulation, toxicity and the impact on recycling. Hence, in the conclusion and results
sections (sections 2 and 4), the work is considered under these headings.

1.3 Context

To set oxo-degradable plastics in context, some information is given here about the types of
additives used and the applications that have been developed so far.

The additives used in oxo-degradable plastics are usually metal salts of carboxylic acids or
dithiocarbamates. The additive producers do not precisely disclose the concentration or
types of metals used (Annex C) but it seems from the literature that the metals are typically
transition metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt and manganese. The additives catalyse the
break-down of the long molecular chains in the plastic material (whether polyethylene or
polypropylene or polystyrene). This degradation process is caused by the action of oxygen
and ultra-violet light and/or heat. The reaction is accelerated by the metal ions present. This
causes the plastic to become brittle and fragment into small pieces, which then become
distributed in the environment.

The sorts of applications in which oxo-degradable additives are utilized are plastic films in a
range of products for agricultural, packaging and waste disposal applications. The reason for
using them is that they cause premature degradation of the product.

One application is agricultural mulching films for growing a whole range of fruits and
vegetables. These are used in various parts of the world to provide a controlled environment
for crop growth e.g. conserving water or protecting against frost. The use of oxo-degradable
additives is purported to cause disintegration of the film at the end of the growing cycle and
hence it does not need to be collected, thus saving time and money for farmers. Note that
the Environment Agency (EA) has banned the ploughing in of these materials in the UK.

Other potential agricultural uses are silage wrap, grow bags and plant pots – the latter being
made of polystyrene1
. Another major use of oxo-degradables is in plastic carrier bags and some other forms of
plastic bags used for packaging either food or clothes.

Some very specific claims are made on these products, indicating that there is an
environmental benefit in their use. For example: this bag is made from 100% biodegradable
plastic; this bag is 100% degradable and recyclable; this bag is made from 100%
degradable polythene – it will totally degrade after 12 to 18 months of being buried in the
ground. See Figure 1.1 below. Such claims may give rather confusing messages to the
public in terms of the use, re-use and disposal of this type of packaging.

Figure 1.1. Examples of Claims made on Oxo-degradable Plastic Packaging

Another major application is in packaging used for waste disposal, such as refuse sacks and
composting sacks2
. The functionality of these products relies on their degradability and biodegradability, which
is discussed in detail in the other parts of this report. See section 4 and Annex C.

Evidence for degradation of oxo-degradable packaging is not difficult to come by and there is
no doubt that when exposed to sunlight for an extended period of time, the plastic will
become embrittled and fragment, as illustrated in Figure 1.2 below. Obviously, the time
required depends on the strength of the sunlight and will clearly be much quicker in the
Middle East, for example, than in the temperate climate of northern Europe.

Fig 1.2. Illustrating Degradation of an Oxo-degradable Carrier Bag

The chemical mechanism by which this fragmentation process takes place is known as
oxidative degradation and it has been studied for many years. It is widely reported and
accepted in the scientific literature3.

Less clear is the extent to which these fragments of plastic are biodegradable i.e. capable of
being metabolised by microbes and converted into carbon dioxide and water. Investigation of
this evidence has formed a major part of the current report.

Detailed information about the size of the market for these materials is outside the scope of
this report. Although information from two of the major producers suggests that the market is
increasing in volume and in geographical spread. One company has seen a spread of
interest in North and South America, the Middle East, India and Eastern European countries.
According to their website, another company sells their additive in 60 countries with
thousands of tonnes of oxo-degradable product made per annum.

1.4 Degradability, Biodegradability and Compostability

The degradation of oxo-degradable plastics is due to a chemical process known as

oxidative degradation, when the plastic is exposed to heat or light. Oxidative degradation
is a complex series of chemical reactions in which the long chains of polyethylene molecules
are broken down into shorter lengths by the action of oxygen, ultra-violet light and/or heat.

Biodegradation is a biological process that occurs only after the plastics have started to
degrade. A biodegradable plastic is defined in EN ISO 472:2001 as: “degradable plastic in
which degradation results in lower molecular weight fragments produced by the action of
naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae”. In the American
standard ASTM D 6400-04 it is defined as: “a degradable plastic in which the degradation
results from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and
algae”. In both of these definitions, it is stated explicitly that the degradation is brought about
by the action of living organisms rather than physical or chemical processes.

A compostable plastic is defined by the ASTM D 6400 standard as: “A plastic that
undergoes degradation by biological processes during composting to yield CO2, water,
inorganic compounds and biomass at a rate consistent with other known compostable
materials and leaves no visible, distinguishable or toxic waste”. The process of composting
is defined in the British standard PAS 100:2005 “Specification for Composted Materials” as a
“process of controlled biological decomposition of biodegradable materials under managed
conditions that are predominantly aerobic and that allow the development of thermophilic
temperatures as a result of biologically produced heat”. To be compostable, a plastic must
biodegrade within 180 days.

1.5 Disposal Routes

The main disposal routes for plastics waste are: mechanical recycling; incineration (with or
without energy recovery) and landfill.

Recycling is the reprocessing of waste material, usually by combining it with fresh or ‘virgin’
material in such proportions that the properties of the latter are not compromised. There are
currently limited facilities for recycling, although these are expected to increase as legislation
on recycling becomes tighter. Barriers to recycling include: the high volume to weight ratio
of waste plastic, which makes it expensive to collect, store and transport; high levels of
contamination, which compromise the quality of the recyclate; the wide range of plastics,
which requires sorting and the low market price for recyclate.

Incineration is a controlled burning process which destroys waste or transforms it into less
hazardous or bulky constituents. Energy from Waste (EfW) plants harness the heat from
combustion to produce energy, thus the calorific value of the waste is of prime importance.
At present, there are fifteen EfW plants operating in the UK. However EfW plants are
generally not received well by the public and are often associated with harmful emissions
and greenhouse gases although these plants are tightly controlled by the Environmental
Protection Act (1990) and EU directive 89/429/EEC. The energy content of polyethylene is
similar to that of the oil from which it is derived4.

Landfill has been the most common means of waste disposal in the UK for many years,
largely due its low cost and at one time, the ready supply of large holes left behind from
quarrying. However, the available landfill capacity is nearly all gone and concerns over the
production of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) among other exudates from the sites has
led to the Landfill Directive 99/31/EC which aims to reduce the amount of biodegradable
waste going to landfill to 35% of the 1995 total by 2020.

2 Conclusions and interpretation
The focus of this report is on the environmental impact of oxo-degradable plastics in the end-
of-life phase of the life cycle. Hence the conclusions from this report will concentrate on the
end-of-life scenarios under the headings of degradation and biodegradation, bio-
accumulation, toxicological impact, recycling, littering and landfill.

However, before focussing on end-of-life issues, it is worth summarising the evidence from
the limited number of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies that consider the environmental
impacts of the production and use phases of oxo-degradable products.

2.1 Production and in-use phase

It is concluded that oxo-degradable polyethylene (PE) bags have the same effect on green-
house gas emissions and on depletion of resources (i.e. oil depletion) as do conventional
single-use polyethylene bags. (Section 4.1.5 and Annex A6). Hence, in the production and
use phases of the life-cycle, oxo-degradable PE bags are not considered to have a
significantly better or worse environmental impact than conventional single-use PE bags.
The reason for this is that, during the production and use phases, by far the largest
contributing factor to the environmental impact is the energy and oil used in the production of
ethylene and its conversion to polyethylene.

In cases where the bag is being re-used, as in the ‘bag for life’, then the LCA study5
concluded that the oxo-degradable bag and the single-use bag both have a more negative
impact than the ‘bag for life’.

During the use phase of the PE bags, it should be noted that the fact that they are
degradable limits the re-use of oxo-degradable bags. For example, the bags will fragment
into small pieces and are therefore not suitable for storing items in the home over timescales
in excess of one to two years.

Another point to make regarding the LCA of oxo-degradable bags is that because
polyethylene is derived from oil, then, when these bags degrade to CO2, they are releasing
fossil carbon into the atmosphere. Hence they have a more negative environmental impact
during this phase of the life cycle compared with disposable bags made from biopolymers,
which are derived from renewable biomass sources6.

The oxo-degradable additive masterbatches are added at relatively low levels (usually 1 – 5
weight %) and of this only a fraction is the active ingredient (transition metal compound). The
actual level of transition metal compound added to the end-product will vary according to the
anticipated environmental conditions and the required time to degradation of the product.
This information is not disclosed by the additive producers, but from examination of the
patent literature7, 8 and discussion with stakeholders (Annex C) it is estimated to be between
0.01 and 0.5 weight %. Given that the additives are used in very small amounts and are not
considered harmful (see section 2.3 on toxicity below) it has not been found that these
additives have a negative environmental impact in the production and use phase of the
product life-cycle.

The key difference between oxo-degradable plastics and non degradable conventional
plastics is in the disposal or end of life. Thus the effects at the ‘end of life’ are described in
detail below.

2.2 Degradation and Bio-degradation

The most important parts of the study are the questions of the time scale over which oxo-
degradables degrade and the extent to which they are biodegradable.

According to the additive producers, the time scale over which these materials degrade can
be tailored according to the amount of additive in the formulation, particularly the active
ingredient. Tests carried out under controlled conditions show this to be the case. However,
the exact environment in which the product may end-up cannot be controlled, and so specific
claims as to the time and extent of degradability cannot be justified. From discussion with
stakeholders, it is suggested that degradation to small plastic fragments in the UK usually
takes somewhere in the range of 2 to 5 years (section 4.3.1).

There is no question that oxo-degradable products do degrade and fragment when exposed
to sunlight and/or heat for an extended period of time. The mechanism by which this
happens is well researched and reported9(also Annex A). There is a complex series of
chemical reactions in which the long chains of polyethylene molecules are broken down into
shorter lengths by the action of oxygen, ultra-violet light and/or heat and this process is
catalysed and accelerated by the transition metal compounds. The resulting material
becomes brittle and will disintegrate into small fragments.

Much more questionable is whether these small fragments can be colonised and assimilated
by microbes and therefore be described as biodegradable.

Conversion of the polymer to carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most direct measurement of
biodegradation. Therefore studies based on CO2 evolution give a much more reliable
indication of biodegradability rather than those based on, for example, weight loss
measurements or images showing that the surface of the plastic has been colonised by
micro-organisms. From the peer-reviewed literature, there were a lot of articles investigating
the chemical changes that take place in artificially weathered oxo-degradable PE, which is
then incubated in soil or exposed to cultures of specific bacteria. Some studies10-13
investigated the growth of selected bacteria and fungi on previously degraded oxo-
degradable polyethylene, where it was the only source of carbon. Very few studies14-18
measured the extent to which the degraded polymer was converted by micro-organisms to
carbon dioxide. (See results in section 4.1 and also Annex A1).

In these studies the oxo-degradable plastic films are first exposed to artificial weathering
conditions, either of ultra-violet light or of heat (70ºC), to accelerate the degradation process
before biodegradation studies are carried out. It is not clear to what extent such accelerated
weathering regimes correspond to or can be correlated with the conditions actually
experienced in the environment. For this reason it is difficult to draw conclusions from these
studies about the degree and timeframes for biodegradation of oxo-degradable plastics in
the natural environment.

There is limited evidence from published research work, sponsored by the producers, that
previously degraded material can be converted to carbon dioxide after burial in soil. For
example, the work of Chiellini and Corti19 has shown conversion of about 50% of the material
to carbon dioxide, when oxo-degradable polyethylene samples were buried in the soil for a
relatively long period of time (550 days). The samples had been subjected to thermal
treatment to initiate the degradation process prior to the biodegradation study. (See
discussion in section 4.1.1 and Annex A2.1).

Contrary to these results, an international study funded by the European Commission using
a standard biodegradation test (ASTM D5988-96) reported that after a year the oxo-
degradable polyethylene had only converted to 15% carbon dioxide. This study by Feuilloley
et al17 concluded that the oxo-degradable polyethylene mulch films underwent a very low
degree of biodegradation in the standard tests. They also cited evidence of cross-linking
between the molecular chains in the degraded polyethylene that may lead to fragments that
can persist in the soil. This work is considered highly robust because it was part of an
international programme using a number of standard test methods. (See section 4.1.1 and
Annex A2.1).

Another independent study20 carried out on behalf of the California Integrated Waste
Management Board found that according to the biodegradation standard, ASTM D5338, the
conversion of oxo-degradable plastic to carbon dioxide was about 2% over a 45 day test
period compared with over 60% conversion for biodegradable plastics, such as polylactic
acid. This study is regarded as highly robust: the experiments were run in triplicate and
positive and negative controls were also run to ensure that the test system was valid.
Moreover, trials in three commercial composting facilities that produce compost for sale to
the public all reported that oxo-degradable plastic bags did not show any signs of
degradation in timeframes of 120, 170 and 180 days. (See section 4.2.1 and Annex B1).

After reviewing a large body of published literature (sections 4.1 and 4.2), it has been
concluded that studies carried out according to international standards EN13432 and ASTM
D6400 show that oxo-degradables cannot be described as compostable and to describe
them as biodegradable is likely to be confusing to consumers, over the most appropriate
disposal routes for these materials.

This so called ‘biodegradation’ of oxo-degradable plastics is of particular concern to the

organics recyclers, who are in the business of making and selling compost. The presence of
contamination in the form of fragments of degraded plastic will adversely affect the quality
and saleability of their product. Their experience of oxo-degradables is that they do not
compost in industrial composting facilities. Such companies only want materials that are
compostable according to the standard EN13432 to be allowed into the composting stream
(section 4.3.1). In fact all stakeholders accept that oxo-degradable plastics do not pass the
EN13432 compostability standard and, indeed, oxo-degradables are not claimed to be
compostable. There is, however, concern among the composters that an alternative
composting or biodegradation standard may be put forward in the future, which oxo-
degradable plastics would be able to pass. This would then result in oxo-degradable material
entering the composting stream. (Annex C6.1).

2.3 Bio-accumulation of Plastic Fragments in the Environment

An area of uncertainty is the fate of plastic fragments that remain in the soil. These are
regarded as beneficial by the producers because they are claimed to add to the content of
humus in the soil2. However, there is a lack of evidence about the environmental impact of
oxo-degradable plastic fragments in the soil and a number of concerns have been raised.
For example, these fragments might act to concentrate pesticide residues in the soil21. It is
possible that they may become ingested by earthworms, other insects, birds or animals.
Alternatively, they may enter watercourses and become ingested by fish or birds. It is also
possible that they may find their way into the marine environment and become ingested by
marine organisms22. There are also concerns that degraded fragments may become cross-
linked and hence persist in the environment17. (See section 4.1.2).

No evidence was found in this study that oxo-degradable fragments have a harmful
bioaccumulative effect but neither was there evidence that they do not. It was therefore
concluded that this is a topic requiring more research.

2.4 Toxicological Impact

No evidence of a toxicological impact of oxo-degradables has been found in this literature


Research into the toxicological impact of oxo-degradable additives has been carried out by
the University of California and also by the manufacturers of one additive (Section 4.2.3 and
Annex B). The effect of compost derived from oxo-degradable polyethylene on the
germination and growth of seeds from various plants was examined and no adverse effects
were found. Both tests were carried out according to standard procedures (ISO 11269) and
are therefore considered to be highly robust. No evidence was found of the toxicological
impact on animals.

Concerns have been raised about release of ‘heavy metals’ from the oxo-degradable
additives into the soil. The additive producers respond to this by saying that the metals used
are transition metals (iron, nickel, cobalt and manganese) and are not “heavy” metals.
Moreover, they are present in such small quantities that they will not significantly increase
the concentrations of the metal ions already present in the soil. Their claims are supported
with results from trials and calculations based on expected levels of usage. These claims
seem reasonable and no evidence has been found in this study to dispute them. (Section

2.5 Post Consumer Recycling

According to the producers and suppliers, oxo-degradables are claimed to be recyclable

(i.e. capable of being recycled). This is strictly true in the sense that, even if degradation has
started to take place, it is still possible to re-melt the polyethylene and re-process it together
with other recycled material. However, there is an obvious concern from plastics recyclers
that the presence of oxo-degradables in the recycling stream will have an adverse effect on
the quality and usability of the product. It is quite clear that the product will be more prone to
degradation, which will be particularly damaging for long-life applications such as
membranes used in construction, and medium-life applications, such as garden furniture.
The additive producers suggest that stabilisers can be added to offset the effect of the oxo-
degradable additive, but the problem then arises as to the quantity of stabiliser required.
Also, if the oxo-degradable plastic has already undergone degradation, this process will not
be reversed by addition of stabiliser. It has been concluded on this basis that it is
unreasonable to claim that oxo-degradable plastics are recyclable in existing recycling
streams. (See section 4.3.4).

In the course of this study, it was difficult to find evidence of the impact of oxo-degradables
on the recycling stream. At present there seems to be very little post-consumer recycling of
the sort of plastic film products where oxo-degradable plastics are usually used. This is
mainly because such material is difficult to collect, is generally of poor quality and is
therefore not economically viable for recyclers. Hence, at present, any deleterious effect is
limited. (Annex C6.4).

There is another more far-reaching concern, that now that this technology is being
developed for use in other plastics, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and for other
applications, such as bottles, then there is more potential for a negative impact on the quality
of recycled plastic from existing recycling schemes23, 24.

2.6 Littering

Littering is an aspect about which it was difficult to acquire robust evidence. The oxo-
degradable producers maintain that their products are a solution to the littering problem
because oxo-degradable packaging will eventually degrade and then biodegrade. Some
retailers are concerned that oxo-degradable carrier bags are less likely to be re-used by the
public and it is much better to promote the concept of good quality multi-use carrier bags.
There is also concern that oxo-degradable carrier bags may promote littering if the public are
told that these bags are biodegradable.

There was not found to be any robust evidence that the type of carrier bag (oxo-degradable
or not) affects the way in which they are disposed of by the public. The perceived amount of
litter may be reduced by the use of oxo-degradables because after embrittlement takes
place the bags become fragmented and disperse. Whether this is actually beneficial or
harmful for the environment depends on what happens to the plastic fragments. As
discussed in section 2.2 above, there is very little robust evidence for the fate of oxo-
degradable fragments and this is an area identified as requiring further research.
Nevertheless, as the plastics will not degrade for 2-5 years the plastics will still cause litter
within this timeframe.

2.7 Landfill

There is only a limited amount of information about what, if anything, happens to oxo-
degradable plastics in landfill sites. Two reports are discussed in section 4.2.1 and in Annex
B1 and Annex B2. Results from these are summarised briefly below.

A landfill study carried out by the University of California20 (Annex B1) has reported that oxo-
degradable PE did not undergo anaerobic biodegradation (biodegradation in the absence of
air) during the study period of 43 days. A control sample of paper did biodegrade under the
same anaerobic conditions to produce methane gas. This supports claims from the
producers of oxo-degradables that these products will not emit methane in anaerobic
conditions in landfill sites (Annex B5). However, 43 days is a rather short time and further
evidence would be required to confirm that oxo-degradable PE will not emit methane in
landfill sites.

A second landfill study is reported in Annex B2. This relates to aerobic conditions i.e. where
air is available near the surface of the landfill. There is evidence from this study that oxo-
degradable PE will continue to degrade in a landfill site where sufficient oxygen is available.
However, there are some unexplained contrary results in this study and so it is regarded to
be of low robustness and there is some doubt over the general applicability of the findings.

2.8 Conclusions

The overall conclusion of this review is that incorporation of additives into petroleum-based
plastics that cause those plastics to undergo accelerated degradation does not improve their
environmental impact and potentially gives rise to certain negative effects.

2.8.1 Degradation and biodegradation

a) The length of time to degradation of oxo-degradable plastic cannot be predicted

accurately because it depends so much on the environmental conditions. It is suggested
that oxo-degradable plastics left in the open environment in the UK degrade to small
fragments in 2 to 5 years.

b) Biodegradation of oxo-degradable plastics can only occur after they have fragmented
and then proceeds very slowly, for example, at a rate many times slower than that of a
compostable plastic.

c) Oxo-degradable plastics are not compostable, according to standards EN13432 and

ASTM 6400. Oxo-degradable plastics should not be included in waste going for
composting, because the plastic fragments remaining after the composting process will
adversely affect the quality and saleability of the compost. It is thought that labelling the
oxo-degradable plastics as biodegradable may lead to confusion on the part of the
consumer and possible contamination of the composting waste-stream with oxo-
degradable plastics.

d) The fact that the term “biodegradable” can be applied to materials with extremely widely
differing rates of biodegradation demonstrates that the term is virtually meaningless
unless the rates of biodegradation and conditions under which it is measured are
specified, preferably with reference to a widely recognised standard.

2.8.2 Bio-accumulation of plastic fragments in the environment

The fate of plastic fragments that remain in the soil is an area of uncertainty. Although these
are regarded as beneficial by the producers, concerns have been raised that these particles
of plastic may be ingested by insects, birds, animals or fish. No evidence was found in this
study that oxo-degradable fragments have a harmful bio-accumulative effect but neither was
there evidence that they do not.

2.8.3 Toxicological Impact

No evidence of a toxicological impact of oxo-degradable additives was found in this literature

review. It is concluded that the transition metals used are present in such small amounts
that they will not significantly increase the concentrations naturally present in the soil at
expected levels of usage.

2.8.4 Re-use

The fact that they are degradable limits the re-use of oxo-degradable bags: they are
unsuitable for storing items for an extended length of time.

2.8.5 Recycling

Oxo-degradable plastics are not suitable for recycling with main-stream plastics. The
recyclate will contain oxo-degradable additives that will render the product more susceptible
to degradation. Although the additive producers suggest that stabilisers can be added to
protect against the oxo-degradable additives, it is problematic to determine how much
stabiliser needs to be added and to what extent the oxo-degradable plastic has already

2.8.6 Disposal

The potential for problems to be caused by incorrect disposal of oxo-degradable plastics

means that any packaging should be clearly labelled with the appropriate means of disposal.
Life cycle analysis suggests that the best means of disposal for oxo-degradable plastics is
incineration. If incineration is not available then landfill is the next best option.

2.9 Recommendations

The recommendations regarding oxo-degradable plastics made on the basis of all the
evidence reviewed in this study from the peer-reviewed literature, non-peer-reviewed
literature (reports and websites) and also from stakeholder interviews are given below.

 The term ‘biodegradable’ does not indicate the environment or timescale required for
biodegradation to occur and is therefore problematic for labelling packaging.

There are two possible solutions to this:-

(i) One solution is that if the term ‘biodegradable’ is used then it is necessary to
define the disposal environment, extent of biodegradation in a short given
time period or the time taken to complete biodegradation.
(ii) The other solution is not to use the term ‘biodegradable’ for labelling
packaging at all, but to only label with instructions on the means of disposal.

 The fate of oxo-degradable plastic after it has fragmented to a fine powder is not
clear. Therefore it is recommended that further research is carried out to determine
whether complete degradation to carbon dioxide and water is achieved, and if so,
over what time scale. If the fine particles are found to persist in the environment for a
long period of time, the potential for harm is such that research should be carried out
to determine the effect of the particles on plants, invertebrates and animals.
 The uncertainties surrounding the effect of oxo-degradable plastics on the
conventional plastics recycling process means that the safest solution would be to
keep oxo-degradable plastics out of mainstream plastics recycling processes.

3 Methods and approach

3.1 Literature Reviews

An extensive survey of the peer-reviewed, scientific literature was carried out on oxo-
degradable plastics. Literature searches were carried out using the following databases:
CSA, Web of Science, Esp@ce Patent Database and Google Scholar. Initial search terms
were selected to give as wide a spread of results as possible. From the initial results, more
selective terms were introduced to give a more manageable list of ‘hits’ from which to work.
From these results, working bibliographies were selected, containing all the articles to be
analysed for the report.

Papers from the peer-reviewed literature are discussed in the Results Section 4.1 and in
Annex A.

Other literature reviewed in this report is described as ‘non-peer reviewed’. This was found
from websites and other sources in the public domain. This series of studies is reviewed in
the Results Section 4.2 and in Annexes B1 – B5. These mainly take the form of specially
commissioned studies and are an important source of information.

3.2 Stakeholder views

The views of various stakeholders were obtained by interviews carried out face-to-face, over
the telephone or via e-mail. Stakeholders were encouraged to provide evidence for their
views where possible and were asked to justify their opinions. Some stakeholders had
significant amounts of information on their websites and this provided a good source of

The nature of the questions and topics of conversation varied with the type of stakeholder
and some examples are given below. It was made clear that the information would be used
to prepare a report that would be widely available and probably published on the DEFRA

3.2.1 Producers of Additives

Seven producers of oxo-degradable additives were contacted and asked:-

1. To provide as much information as possible about the content of the additives

2. Their opinion on the effect of the degradation products of an oxo-degradable plastic
on the environment
3. How long they thought oxo-degradable plastics would persist before breaking down
in the environment
4. Whether they thought oxo-degradable plastics were biodegradable
5. What they believed the effect would be if oxo-degradable plastics were added to a
plastics recycling stream.
6. Where they believed the use of oxo-degradable plastics lay in relation to recycling of
conventional plastics and the use of biopolymers.

3.2.2 Retailers

Eight major retailers were contacted for their views on oxo-degradable plastics, including
both those who use and those who do not use oxo-degradable plastics.

Retailers were asked about the following:-

1. On what basis they made their choice to either use or not use oxo-degradable
packaging? (e.g. survey of customer opinion, result of their own research into best
environmental option).
2. Their opinions of relative advantages/disadvantages of oxo-degradable plastics
compared with other approaches – e.g. recycling, re-usable bags.
3. Whether they used oxo-degradable packaging and if so, for what type of product
(e.g. carrier bags, fresh food packaging).
4. If they used oxo-degradable packaging, whether they labelled it as such and whether
they gave instructions to the consumer on how to dispose of it.
5. Whether they had any feedback from customers or others regarding oxo-degradable
plastics for example, with regard to littering.

3.2.3 Business Organisations

The organisations contacted were as follows:-

 The British Plastics Federation (BPF) – Biobased and Degradable Plastics Group.
Contact was made with individual members of this group.
 British Plastics Recycling Council
 Re-coup
 The Packaging and Films Association (PAFA)
 Plastics Consultancy Network (via BPF) for information on processing of oxo-
degradable polyethylene.

The organisations were asked for their opinions on the environmental effects of oxo-
degradable plastics and their possible impact on recycling of plastics.

3.2.4 Agricultural users

The National Farmers Union was contacted to find their views on the application of oxo-
degradable plastics in agricultural applications such as mulch.

They were asked to what extent the oxo-degradable plastics broke down and whether there
was any evident build-up of plastic particles in the soil. They were also asked if they knew of
any effects on plant growth that could be attributed to the oxo-degradable plastics.

3.2.5 Organics recyclers

The Association for Organics Recycling (formerly The Composting Association) and an
organics recycling company were asked for their views on how they thought oxo-degradable
plastics affected their sector.

They were asked if:-

1. There were policies regarding the admission of oxo-degradable plastics to
composting facilities.
2. They had observed that oxo-degradable plastics broke down during composting
3. Oxo-degradable plastics adversely affect the composting process

4 Results

4.1 Results of the Peer-reviewed Literature Survey

4.1.1 Biodegradability

There are a limited number of reviews covering the subject of biodegradable plastics or oxo-
degradable polyethylenes in particular. The review by Kyrikou25 addresses the question as to
what is an acceptable timescale for biodegradation and how it should be measured. A paper
given by Narayan21 sets out the case for the measurement of evolved carbon dioxide when
the polyethylene is incubated in a soil or compost as the true measure of biodegradability. In
the same review, Narayan, maintains that claims that a plastic will ‘eventually degrade’
without specifying a timescale are unacceptable:

“Specifying time to complete biodegradation or put in a better way time to complete

microbial assimilation of the test plastic in the selected disposal environment is an
essential requirement – so stating that it will eventually biodegrade or it is partially
biodegradable or it is degradable is not acceptable.”21

In view of the above, the most robust data for the purpose of this survey would satisfy the
following conditions:

1. The tests were performed according to international or national standards defined by

standards bodies such as the International Standards Organisation (ISO), the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the European Organisation
for Standardisation (EN).

2. The tests were carried out with sufficient replicates to enable some estimate of the
variability to be made.

3. The methods and test results are published in peer-reviewed journals, where the
article has been read and commented on by experts in the subject who have then
approved that the article be published.

There is very little peer-reviewed literature that presents data on the biodegradation of oxo-
degradable polyethylene, where the biodegradation has been followed by measuring the
carbon dioxide released by the polymer. In these tests, the sample would be incubated in
either soil or compost in a closed vessel through which air is passed. The exhaust air would
be sampled for carbon dioxide. Where no biodegradable material is present, the carbon
dioxide emissions would be low and this would be considered the ‘background’ or ‘control’
level. Where a biodegradable material is present, the carbon dioxide emissions would be
higher and the difference between this higher value and the control represents the carbon
dioxide produced as a result of biodegradation of the sample. It is important to have two
other controls: a positive control, which is a sample of material that would be definitely
known to degrade, such as cellulose and a negative control which would consist of a
material that would not be expected to degrade. Polyethylene is often used as a negative

Although many reports in the peer-reviewed literature include ‘biodegradation’ in the title, the
meaning of the term is flexible. For example, some studies26, 27 use the term to refer to
evidence of microbial growth on the surface of the polymer whereas other studies use the
term to indicate that the PE samples were subjected to a biotic environment (soil, compost)
as part of the experimental procedure28.

It is claimed by the manufacturers of oxo-degradable polyethylene that this material

becomes biodegradable after a suitable period of exposure to ultraviolet light, or elevated
temperature. The former treatment may be referred to as ‘photodegraded’ or ‘photo-
oxidised’ while the latter may be referred to as ‘thermally activated’ or ‘thermally oxidised’.

In a report published in 199429, two samples of oxo-degradable polyethylene from different

manufacturers were exposed to sunlight for 6 and 12 weeks before being subjected to soil
burial for 3 months during which the evolved carbon dioxide was measured. The exposure
was carried out to ASTM D1346-75, which stipulates the conditions for testing the outdoor
weathering of plastics. This is the only account of a test where the materials were subjected
to an environmental exposure to ultraviolet light before the soil burial. In all other studies
reviewed in this report, the material had been exposed to ultraviolet light in laboratory
conditions. The authors calculated how much of the oxo-degradable polyethylene carbon
had been converted to carbon dioxide and found values of 3.5% and 4.5% for the two
samples. This was for samples that had been exposed for 6 weeks. When the samples
were exposed for 12 weeks, the amount of conversion were lower, being 2.9% and 1.5%
respectively. This result would suggest that increasing the exposure to sunlight had
rendered the samples less biodegradable rather than more.

There is only one report that tests the biodegradation of an oxo-degradable polyethylene by
a standard method. This was conducted by Feuilloley et. al.17. In this study, three materials
were tested: Mater-Bi (a blend of starch and a biodegradable polymer derived from
petroleum); Ecoflex (a compostable synthetic polymer) and Actimais (polyethylene with a
pro-oxidant additive). These materials were tested by ten different standard ASTM, ISO and
EN methods. Further details of these tests are given in Annex A.

The ASTM5988-96 test measures the carbon dioxide evolved by the test material when
incubated in real soil. In this test, the oxo-degradable polyethylene sample showed a
biodegradation of 15% after 350 days of incubation, whereas the paper control sample
showed a biodegradation of 90%. Furthermore, the authors found that the evolution of
carbon dioxide by the oxo-degradable polyethylene reached a maximum after 200 days and
did not increase thereafter, in other words, a plateau was reached before seven months. In
eight of the remaining nine tests, the biodegradation of oxo-degradable polyethylene varied
from negative to a maximum of 1.8%. The exception was the “Agricultural soil test” where
the sample was buried in real agricultural soil for 330 days. In this test the apparent
biodegradation was 90% although, as the authors commented, the assessment is made by
visual inspection and it was found to be possible to extract significant quantities of
microscopic fragments of undegraded oxo-degradable polyethylene from the soil after the
test. The implication of these fragments is discussed later in this section under the heading

For comparison, the biodegradation of Mater-Bi was 75-88% and that of Ecoflex was 5-95%
in all ten of the tests under the different standard methods.

In a report published in 2003, Chiellini & Corti19 used a modified test to measure the ultimate
biodegradability of natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic polymeric materials in soil and
mature compost. The original test was intended to measure the biodegradability of
pesticides in soil. In the modified version, soil and compost samples were diluted with perlite

(an inert material often used in commercial compost) to ensure optimal conditions for
microbial growth. In this study, the material was incubated in a closed vessel for 550 days
and the carbon dioxide produced was measured. It is notable in this account that there is no
description of the thermal treatment of the test specimen before the incubation although in
the results section, the graph showing the carbon dioxide evolution refers to the samples as
“thermally oxidized LDPE”. Thus the implication is that the samples had been pre-treated by
heating in order to activate the additive, but it is not known at what temperature and for how
long. The oxo-degradable polyethylene was tested at two concentrations: 22 and 45 mg of
sample per gram of soil. These are referred to as ‘replicates’ by the authors despite the
twofold difference in concentration.

In biodegradation studies, there is very often a delay in the start of carbon dioxide evolution
which is referred to as the ‘lag phase’ and is usually explained as the time taken for the
microbial population to ‘adapt’ to the new material, or substrate. In the modified test of
Chiellini and Corti, the biodegradation of the oxo-degradable polyethylene did not commence
until after 150 days, whereas that of the paper control was less than 10 days. The test ran
for 567 days after which the biodegradation of the lower concentration of sample was 59%
and that of the higher concentration was 47%. It is difficult to say how these results can be
translated to a real-life usage of the materials because of the lack of information as to the
thermal pre-treatment. In other accounts, the typical temperatures used for thermal
activation are in the range 50˚C to 70˚C and such temperatures are unlikely to be obtained in
fields in the UK.

Although there are very few published studies of the biodegradation of degradable
polyethylene, the author E.Chiellini has produced a number of publications since 2007 and
this could be an indication of increased activity in this field. However, these studies are
complicated by the fact that the polyethylene is extracted with solvents after thermal
activation and the fractions are tested. Thus, although a biodegradation of 60% is claimed
for oxo-degradable polyethylene in one study16, this is actually for a low molecular weight
fraction and is therefore not representative of the whole material.

There are some reports of studies where the test material was incubated in microbial
cultures to look for evidence of degradation. These were not true biodegradation tests
where evolved carbon dioxide was measured. The results of these studies suggest that
while microorganisms can colonise the surface of degradable polyethylene and can initially
multiply, the growth rate soon drops. This was explained by suggesting that the
microorganisms were capable of feeding on the easily-degraded portion of the polyethylene,
but that this is soon exhausted and the growth rate drops as this supply is depleted11.

In conclusion, the peer-reviewed evidence based on standard methods suggests that the
biodegradation of oxo-degradable polyethylene is no more than 15% after 350 days.
Although a higher rate can be achieved this requires thermal activation and it is uncertain as
to exactly what temperature is required to do this. Even with thermal activation, there is a
significant delay before the degradation commences.

4.1.2 Evidence for cross-linking of oxo-degradable polyethylene fragments

Cross-linking is a chemical process in which long-chain molecules such as polyethylene can

join “side by side” instead of “end to end”. The result is that a molecule which starts as a
straight chain can become branched. If this reaction continues, the branched molecule
becomes less easily broken down and also less soluble. Thus polyethylene is soluble in
certain organic liquids, but when it becomes cross-linked, it becomes insoluble and instead
swells in the liquid without dissolving. The oxidative degradation mechanism proposed by

Scott and others includes the possibility that polymer fragments can recombine and cross-
link30 . The consequence of cross-linking between the molecular chains in the degraded
polyethylene is that it may lead to fragments persisting in the soil.

Feuilloley et. al.17 retrieved polyethylene fragments from soil that had an oxo-degradable
polyethylene mulch applied 2 years previously. Fragments of 5-70um size were recovered
but not quantified other than to be described as ‘numerous’. The authors suggested that the
low solubility in hot xylene was strong evidence that the polyethylene in these fragments was
cross-linked, possibly as a result of the degradation process. This author suggested that the
implications of crosslinking of the degrading polyethylene were rarely discussed and that the
extent may well be underestimated.

Further evidence for crosslinking comes from a study conducted in 1994 where
photodegradable polyethylene samples were exposed to sunlight for 6 and 12 weeks before
being subjected to a biodegradation assay29. The results indicated that the biodegradation of
the 12-week sample was significantly lower than that of the unexposed sample and the 6-
week sample, suggesting that the longer exposure had made the material less
biodegradable rather than more. Other workers30 have suggested that the extent of cross-
linking depends on the film thickness, such that thicker films are more likely to crosslink than
thinner films and that thermal treatments are also likely to lead to crosslinking reactions. In
this study, crosslinking was found to occur at 60˚C, which is the temperature achieved in the
composting process.

4.1.3 Bioaccumulation Evidence of Accumulation of Pro-oxidant Metals in Plants

There are very few reports dealing with the possibility of bio-accumulation of pro-oxidant
metals by plants, after oxo-degradable plastics have been applied. However,
Wolfe et. al.31 attempted to mimic the cumulative effect on a soil of applying a oxo-
degradable mulch annually for thirty years. They added a single amount of photodegraded
polyethylene that represented thirty years worth of annual use of degradable mulch film. In
this context, ‘photodegraded’ means that the plastic film had been exposed to ultraviolet light
in order to degrade the polyethylene.

The authors looked for two substances: the nickel, which is a metal used in the oxo-
degradable formulation and a substance called dithiocarbamate which is used to carry the
nickel in the formulation. The authors did not detect any dithiocarbamate residues in either
the harvested crop or soil samples. There were no consistent differences in the amounts of
nickel between the treated or the control crops and the treated soil and control soil samples.

The material added in this study was photodegraded but had not necessarily been
composted or exposed to soil. This means that although the material had undergone
degradation, this was not by the action of soil microorganisms and it is still unknown
therefore, how the biodegraded material would act in this situation. It is also unknown how
such a system would respond to a repeated annual input of degradable polyethylene. Evidence for Accumulation of oxo-degradable polyethylene residues in organisms

There are no reports of this in the literature. Although it has been shown that PE fragments
of size 5-70um persist in the soil17 and are therefore of a size that could possibly be ingested
by earthworms, this is an area where further research needs to be done.

22 Evidence for Concentration of Pollutants by oxo-degradable polyethylene Residues
There is no direct evidence specific to the accumulation of pollutants by oxo-degradable
polyethylene residues, although several authors have alluded to the possibility with plastics
in general 3233

There is one study on the accumulation of marine pollutants by polypropylene resin pellets
(so-called ‘nurdles’) 34. This study found that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), the pesticide
DDE and nonyl phenols were concentrated from sea water by polypropylene pellets by a
factor of x100,000 to x1,000,000. There are no equivalent terrestrial-based studies on this

4.1.4 Toxicological Impact

A study on the effects of degradable municipal waste bags on windrow composting did not
show any evidence of increase in transition metal content (copper & cobalt) of compost35.
However, in this report it was noted that one effect of the presence of shreds of waste bags
in the compost windrows was that the free drainage of water through the soil was impeded
by the plastic shreds. The composting process is very sensitive to moisture content and
slows down in waterlogged material.

Environmental toxicity of a substance is assessed by standard tests in which the substance

is introduced to the environment of selected plant and animal species judged to be sensitive
to pollutants. The test plants used are cress and oat lentil while the earthworm is used as a
sensitive indicator of the toxic effects of substances likely to end up in soil. For assessment
of toxicity to freshwater organisms, the microscopic organism Daphnia is used. There is no
published peer-reviewed evidence on the toxicity of compost to the organisms listed in the
standard tests (Daphnia, earthworm, cress, oat lentil) although one article refers to these
tests without giving any further details.

Very little peer-reviewed published work has been done to assess the toxicity of the oxo-
degradable additives to plant, soil and freshwater organisms.

There is only one peer-reviewed report that assesses the toxicity to plants of compost made
from oxo-degradable polyethylene35 and this report did not find any toxic effect on tomato

Food Toxicity

This review has not revealed any direct toxicity of degradable polyolefins. Private tests
carried out by Rapra on behalf of a producer of oxo-degradable plastics (see Annex B5)
concluded that the materials tested passed the Food Migration standards stipulated by, for
example, Current European Directives 2004/19/EC2.

2004/19/EC Commission Directive of 1 March 2004 amending Directive 2002/72/EC relating to plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

4.1.5 Production and In-use Phase

To date, there is one full Life Cycle Assessment carried out that includes oxo-degradable
polyethylene bags and compares them to other polymers including poly(lactic acid) and non-
degradable polyethylene5. The assessment indicated that the impacts at the production and
in-use phase of oxo-degradable polyethylene were similar to those of non-degradable
polyethylene. The most serious negative impact of oxo-degradable polyethylene was on the
depletion of resources of oil, coal and natural gas.

In cases where the bag is re-used, as in the ‘bag for life’, then the LCA study5 concluded that
the oxo-degradable bag and the single-use bag both have a more negative impact than the
‘bag for life’. The fact that they are degradable limits the re-use of oxo-degradable bags. For
example, the bags will fragment into small pieces and are therefore not suitable for storing
items in the home over timescales in excess of one to two years.

Nevertheless, the key difference between oxo-degradable plastics and non-degradable

polyethelene is in its disposal, or ‘end of life’ – thus the focus of this review.

4.2 Non-Peer-Reviewed Literature

The non peer-reviewed literature surveyed in this report consists mainly of material
presented by oxo-degradable polyethylene additive manufacturers, and often available on
their websites. Most of the literature is in the form of technical reports which were
commissioned by the manufacturers of the additives and prepared by independent

The five sources of information listed below represent a balanced view of what is available in
non-peer reviewed literature on the subject of the environmental impact of oxo-degradable
plastics. Each of the documents has been analysed in detail in Annex B and the main
conclusions from the analysis are discussed in the following sections:
1. A Performance Evaluation carried out by the University of California on behalf of the
Integrated Waste Management Board of the State of California20 (Annex B1)
2. An Evaluation of Degradability carried out by MJ Carter Associates36 . This was based
on a landfill trial located in Birmingham, UK (Annex B2).
3. A report on a windrow composting trial carried out at Vienna Neustadt in Austria.
(Annex B3).
4. A report on a windrow composting trial in Wisconsin US.(Annex B4).
5. A list of claims made on a company website, which refers to several technical
reports, which were then obtained and examined in detail. (Annex B5).

4.2.1 Degradation and Biodegradation

One of the issues concerning the degradation of oxo-degradable plastics is that it depends
very much on environmental conditions. Most oxo-degradable plastics would be expected to
end up in landfill sites, so it is clearly important to understand the type of degradation that
occurs in this environment.

A landfill-based trial was conducted at a site in Birmingham (UK) over 14 months from
January 2001 to March 200236. The assessment was based on physical tests rather than
appearance, however, the numeric data from this study were not available. The main test
was based on the melt flow index: this is a value that increases as a polymer degrades so
that a high value is taken to indicate that degradation has taken place. This trial also
focused on whether a critical value of 30°C was reached in the landfill site during the testing
period. It was found that the critical temperature (30°C) was not reached until four months
into the trial when one temperature probe registered this temperature. After ten months into
the trial (November), ten of the probes registered the critical temperature. The molecular
weight of one recovered oxo-degradable polyethylene sample was measured and it was
found that the molecular weight had dropped to below the 5000 value required for
biodegradation to take place. The melt flow index results indicated that the oxo-degradable
polyethylene material had degraded significantly ten months into the trial, because the melt
flow index had increased by tenfold. However, fourteen months into the trial, the melt flow of
recovered samples had dropped and no explanation was given for this. Furthermore,
although it was noted that four out of nine recovered oxo-degradable polyethylene samples
gave melt flow index values that were higher than the control materials, the values of the
other five samples were not discussed. The implication is that they were either equal to the
control or greater. The results of this trial do provide evidence for some molecular level

degradation in landfill but the unexplained contrary results cast some doubt over the
certainty and broad applicability of the conclusions.

Another study that may relate to the deeper levels of a landfill site, where anaerobic
conditions are expected, was carried out by the University of California20 (Annex B1). From
the results it was concluded that oxo-degradable polyethylene did not undergo anaerobic
biodegradation (biodegradation in the absence of air) after 43 days, whereas a control
experiment using paper showed 6% anaerobic degradation (thus confirming the validity of
the test). This result supports claim 11 in Annex B5 that oxo-degradable additives will not
emit methane in anaerobic conditions.

Oxo-degradable plastic additive manufacturers and suppliers generally claim that oxo-
degradable plastics are bio-degradable, some even naming them “oxo-biodegradable”.
Claims of biodegradability are usually supported by reference to the results of experimental
studies. The credibility of the claims depends strongly on the relevance of the experimental
conditions, the use of controls, the robustness with which the results were analysed and
whether results have only been selectively referred to. An example of a typical claim is
given in claim 4 in Annex B5, where it is implied that the product will comply with a standard
biodegradation test (ASTM6954-04). The basis of the claim is that the molecular weight of
the material has been reduced by heat treatment (70°C) to below a critical value of 5,000,
the value required for biodegradation to commence. However the report cited in support of
this claim described what happened to three samples37. One sample did indeed reach the
value of 5,000 after 7 days at 70°C, however another sample heated for 9 days had a
molecular weight greater than 5000 while another sample had a molecular weight of 12,000
after treatment with ultraviolet light for 7 days. There was therefore considerable variability
in the behaviour of the samples and as no replicate measurements were performed, the
evidence is of low robustness. A further document cited in support of this claim appears to
have been prepared by an independent investigator. This document presents microscope
images showing that the surface of the samples had been colonised by microorganisms and
suggests that some of the plastic mass had been removed as a result. The conclusion that
the samples would “fully biodegrade” is based on these observations. It also appears from
this second report that the sample was tested for biodegradation by placing it in an outdoor
fishpond. In view of this and the lack of replicate measurements or any statistical analysis,
this evidence again is of low robustness.

A rare example of a more rigorous non-peer reviewed study is one carried out by the
University of California20, where biodegradation was measured by the level of conversion of
the material to carbon dioxide (CO2), according to ASTM D5338. The experiments were run
in triplicate and positive and negative controls were also run to ensure that the test system
was valid. The finding was that over 45 days, whereas the degradation of the cellulose
control was greater than 70%, that of the oxo-degradable polyethylene sample was 2.2%,
while the blank value for the compost alone was 1.7%. There are no other non peer-
reviewed reports of similar experiments, but this result can be usefully compared to that
published by Feuilloley et al.17, which was a peer-reviewed study.

A special case of biodegradation is composting, a significant distinction because it is a

commercially important process. Most oxo-degradable plastics are not claimed to be
compostable. For example, the makers of one additive state on their company website that
their “oxo-biodegradable plastics are not currently intended for composting” (see Annex B5).
Lack of compostability was confirmed in a trial involving three municipal composting facilities
in California20 where the composting period ranged from 90 days to 180 days. It was
concluded that the oxo-degradable polyethylene samples tested did not significantly degrade
during the course of the trials. The conclusions were based on visual assessment of the
samples and photographs of the materials before and after testing are shown in Annex B1.

4.2.2 Bioaccumulation

There is very little in the non peer-reviewed literature on bioaccumulation. This is to be

expected as such tests are often expensive to run.

4.2.3 Toxicological Impact

The toxicological impact of the oxo-degradable additives has been assessed by various
bodies by evaluating the effect of compost derived from oxo-degradable polyethylene on the
germination of various plant seeds.

This has been done by the University of California20 and also by one manufacturer38, as
asserted in claim 5 (Annex B5). Both tests were carried out according to standard
procedures. The University of California found no evidence of toxicity to tomato, cucumber
or cress seeds while the report cited in claim 5 (Annex B5) concluded that there were no
adverse effects on either summer barley or cress and that the compost therefore met the
requirements of EN13432. As these tests were performed in strict accordance with standard
procedures with the required number of replicates, the evidence here is considered to be
highly robust.

4.2.4 Recycling

No non peer-reviewed articles were found on the subject of the effect of oxo-degradable
plastics on melt recycling of conventional plastics. The effect on the organics recycling
(composting) process is discussed in the Degradation and Biodegradation section.

4.2.5 Production and In-use Phase

No non peer-reviewed evidence concerning life cycle analysis of oxo-degradable plastics

was found.

4.3 Stakeholder Views

4.3.1 Degradability and biodegradability

There are two main areas of contention surrounding the degradability of oxo-degradable
plastics. One is the time scale over which they degrade and the other is the extent to which
they are biodegradable.

Some additive producers contend that the timescale of degradation can be quite closely
controlled by tailoring the additive package for a particular application. Examples of results
from studies may support this (see Annex A and Annex B), however, by their nature, these
studies are under controlled conditions. In real life there is a wide range of environments
that the plastic may pass through. Some additive producers accept this point and admit that
it is difficult to predict the time of degradation because it is dependent upon the
environmental conditions. Claims on packaging such as carrier bags, sometimes give a
particular number of years by which time the plastic should have degraded. The claims
indicate to the consumer a degree of certainty that is probably not justified considering the
range of possible locations where the plastic may end up. The claimed degradation times
are usually in the range of 2 to 5 years.

The uncertainty of the extent of degradation in different environments is illustrated in the

conflicting views of what happens in landfill. Some stakeholders say that as landfill is an
anaerobic environment, the oxo-degradable plastics will not degrade. However, others say
that at the early stages of land-filling the environment is aerobic and at a relatively high
temperature, so that oxo-degradable plastics will degrade.

There is little controversy about the early stage of degradation which leads to embrittlement
of the plastic, followed by disintegration into smaller pieces. However, there is much
disagreement about what happens next. The additive producers on the whole state that
once the plastic has fragmented into a sufficiently fine powder it is then available as a
substrate for organisms and is biodegradable, ultimately breaking down completely to
carbon dioxide and water. Their assertion of biodegradability is made clear in the fact that
some of these materials are even termed oxo-biodegradable. Many other stakeholders do
not believe this claim but assume that the plastic remains in the environment essentially
chemically unchanged but as a fine powder. The distinction between the two points of view
becomes important when the fate of any plastic powder that persists for a long period in the
environment is considered. The section on bio-accumulation (4.3.2) addresses this issue.

A very particular and commercially important form of biodegradability is compostability.

There are many waste management companies that take in organic waste and process it to
make compost that can then be sold. One concern of these composters is that of
contamination of their input material by plastic of any kind, which might adversely affect the
composting process and the resultant product. Such companies are keen that only materials
that are compostable according to the standard EN13432 should be allowed into the
composting stream. It is accepted by all stakeholders that oxo-degradable plastics do not
pass this compostability standard and they are not generally claimed to be compostable.
However, there is still unease among the composters that an alternative composting or
biodegradation standard will be put forward that oxo-degradable plastics will pass and so
open the door to this type of plastic entering the composting stream. The composters are
very much against any such loosening of standards since their experience of oxo-

degradable plastics in composting systems is of incomplete degradation, which can lead to
visible plastic remaining in the compost, adversely affecting its saleability. For their part, the
producers of oxo-degradable plastics state that their objective is to ensure degradation and
biodegradation in the open environment, rather than in industrial composting processes.

Another application where compostability has been an issue is in the use of agricultural
mulch films. The main reason for using them in these applications is that they can be
disposed of in-situ and need not be removed and disposed of. Citing their lack of
compostability, the Environment Agency does not allow un-degraded oxo-degradable
plastics to be returned to the soil by ploughing in. This prohibition, fundamentally limits the
application of these materials and means that oxo-degradable mulch films have only been
used in trials in the UK. The NFU suggests that degradable mulch films that can be
ploughed in are of potential benefit to the farmer, avoiding the need for collection and
disposal that can be both costly and potentially damaging to the environment. However,
such films could only be used if they could be proved to be safe, to the satisfaction of the
Environment Agency and if they could be proved to be effective in the field. Farmers would
do not want to risk losing single farm subsidy payments by carrying out practices not
approved by the Environment Agency. One producer of mulch films indicated that
uncertainty about time to degradation would certainly limit the use in such applications.

4.3.2 Bio-accumulation

The additives used to make plastics oxo-degradable are usually metal salts of carboxylic
acids. Additive producers do not usually disclose which metal salts are used. This has lead
to claims that the environment will be contaminated by heavy metals when they are released
by the degrading plastics. The additive producers respond to this by saying that the metals
are not “heavy” metals and are present in such small quantities that they will not significantly
increase the concentrations of the metal ions already present in the soil. They have
supported their claims with results from trials and calculations based on expected levels of

Another aspect of bio-accumulation is the plastic particles themselves. It has been

suggested that the plastic particles being hydrophobic could absorb and concentrate
pollutants from the environment21. This would also be true of any plastic particles, whether
or not they were of oxo-degradable origin34. Furthermore, even if such concentration of
pollutants was to occur it is not clear that it would necessarily be detrimental to the
environment. There is a potential, rather than a proven risk, but some may consider that the
precautionary principle should be applied.

4.3.3 Toxicological Impact

The additive manufacturers indicate that oxo-degradable plastics are non-toxic because of
the many food contact and migration regulations that they comply with. These claims of lack
of toxicity are not generally in contention. The possibility of toxicological impact when the
metal ions are released into the environment, is discussed in section 4.3.2.

4.3.4 Recycling

Additive producers and suppliers claim that oxo-degradable plastics are recyclable. Strictly
speaking this is true, however, recycling does not destroy the oxo-degradable function.
There is therefore a concern among plastics recyclers that if oxo-degradable plastics are
included among other plastics to be recycled, the product will also be prone to degradation.
This could be particularly damaging for long-life applications such as membranes used in
construction, where recycled plastic is often used. The additive producers say that the oxo-
degradable function can be neutralised by the addition of sufficient stabilisers. The problem
for the recycler would be knowing how much stabiliser to add, given the unknowns such as
proportion of oxo-degradable potential left in the material. On this basis it seems
unreasonable to claim recyclability of oxo-degradable plastics in existing recycling streams.

5 Limitations

One of the major limitations that prevented very firm conclusions being drawn was the lack
of hard evidence produced by systematic, well-controlled studies carried out by independent
parties. This is perhaps understandable because of the long time scales involved and the
consequent high cost of such studies. Some of the reports produced as evidence to support
claims, of the additive manufacturers in particular, did not contain all the original data,
leading to uncertainty about the robustness of the evidence. A similar lack of robustness is
apparent where evidence of potential harm caused by oxo-degradable plastics has been
extrapolated from studies related only tenuously to oxo-degradable plastics.

In the stakeholder study not all those contacted replied. Most of those that responded had
fairly strong and polarised views and it is possible that middle-ground opinion was under

Some very specific information on the composition of additives was not obtained because of
the commercial sensitivity of the information. In particular, this limits the inferences that can
be made about the environmental impact of the additives in generic terms. In the event of
further research being carried out, more information on the range of compositions currently
used would help to limit the number of materials that would need to be tested for their
environmental impact.

6 Additional resources
There are no additional resources.

Annex A: Degradation Studies: Peer-Reviewed

6.1 Annex A1: Chemistry of Oxidative Degradation of Polyolefins

The general scheme of polyolefin degradation, according to Scott9,39,40,41,42 and others43 is

shown as follows:

1. Initiation: polymer chains are sheared by heat, atmospheric oxygen or mechanical stress
to give hydroperoxide [ROH(H2O)] groups by various reactions.

RH (heat, O2, stress) → ROOH 1.1

ROOH (heat and/or UV light) → RO• + •OH 1.2

PH → R• + POH(H2O) 1.3

2. Propagation:

R• + O2 → RO2• 1.4

RO2• + RH → ROOH + R• 1.5

3. Termination:

2 R• → R-R 1.6

R• + ROO• → ROOR 1.7

2 ROO• → O2 + ROH + R=O 1.8

Where RH = polyolefin molecule

It is claimed that the species RO• can then lead to production of biodegradable

RO• + RH → alcohols, acids, esters, ketones.

The function of the metal ion soaps (e.g. cobalt stearate) is to catalyse the decomposition of
the hydroperoxide groups. The transition metals do not catalyse the initial cleavage of the
polymer chain.

Iron for example catalyses the decomposition by two processes:

Fe2+ + ROOH → Fe3+ + RO• + OH- 1.6

Fe3+ + ROOH → Fe2+ + ROO• + H+ 1.7

The above is an example of a redox couple (a transition metal in two oxidation states).

The so-called Scott-Gilead formulation is based on variations of the following composition7, 8:

 An activating complex consisting of iron or cobalt complexed with acetylacetone.

This acts as an initiator of photodegradation and thermal degradation.
 A thermal stabilising complex consisting of zinc or nickel or cobalt complexed with
one of the following: dialkyldithiocarbamate; dialkyldithiophosphate; alkylxanthate;

Other reactions are possible which lead to larger molecules instead44:

Cross linking (a form of termination): R• + R• → R-R

Intra-molecular hydrogen transfer: -CH2-CH2-CH•-CH2- → -CH2-CH•-CH2-CH2-

Inter-molecular hydrogen transfer: R’• + R’’ → R’ + R’’•

Abstraction of hydrogen: -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2- + H• → -CH2-CH•-CH2-CH2- +H2

6.2 Annex A2: Evidence for Biodegradability

6.2.1 A2.1: Laboratory Degradation Studies Based on Measurement of CO2 Evolution

(Respirometric studies)

Arnaud et. al.45 examined commercial photodegradable polyethylenes with respect to rate
and extent of oxidation as measured by carbonyl formation, molar mass reduction and ability
to support microbial growth.

 These tests were performed on agar, not soil

There is no reference to either O2 uptake or CO2 evolution: this was not therefore robust
evidence for biodegradation.

In a study by Orhan and Buyukgungor46, soil samples inoculated with P. chrysosporium were
mixed with low-density polyethylene(LDPE)/starch blend films and biological changes of the
films and soil were monitored for 6 months. The biodegradation of polyethylene starch blend
film were determined by following changes in the physical, chemical and biological
properties of the samples such as pH, biomass, CO2 formation, percentage elongation
(which decreases with increasing degradation), relative viscosity (which decreases with
increasing degradation) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectrum (FTIR), which can reveal
chemical changes in the material related to degradation.

 The test material contained 12% starch which could easily have accounted for the
observed increase in CO2 production.

 The test material did not undergo the thermal or photo activation that is claimed
necessary for these materials, which is further evidence that the evolved CO2 was
from the starch.

This was not therefore robust evidence for biodegradation.

Chiellini & Corti19 used a modified experimental set-up normally used to examine pesticide
degradation was adopted for testing the ultimate biodegradability of natural, synthetic and
semi-synthetic polymeric materials on solid substrates such as soil and mature compost.
The materials tested were polycaprolactone, PVAL, EVOH and LDPE and lignin graft
copolymers. Soil and compost samples were diluted with perlite to ensure optimal conditions
for microbial growth. The CO2 evolution from LDPE showed a lag phase of >150days
(Figure 1). After 567days the highest extent of biodegradation was 59% (initial inoculum
22mgLDPE/g soil).

 There was a considerable lag phase before biodegradation (as shown by CO2
evolution) began.
 The authors refer to the two levels of treatment (22 and 45 mg/g soil) as ‘replicates’
 The paper control degraded from the start of the experiment.
 The paper control was 70% degraded at the end of the experiment.

Figure 1. Biodegradation (as CO2 evolution) of thermally oxidised LDPE in a soil burial test19

It would appear that this experiment and its results are reported more than once in the
literature elsewhere by the same authors14. There is therefore some duplication of evidence
in the literature and merely counting the number of references from an author would not
necessarily give the most accurate record of the weight of evidence for biodegradation.

In a later report in 2007 Chiellini et. al.47 report 60-70% conversion of oxo-degradable
polyethylene to CO2 after 800 days soil burial following thermal treatment (55°C is inferred
from cited prior publications by the same author)

Chiellini et. al.16 reported 40-50% biodegradation of thermally oxidised (accelerated ageing
at either 55°C or 70°C according to the author but not specified) oxo-degradable
polyethylene films in river water. The curves are reproduced in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The
shapes of the curves imply that the conversion to CO2 was reaching a maximum extent at
around 50%. However the highest degree of degradation is for extracts of the oxidised
polymer which would have a lower molecular weight. It should be noted that the
biodegradation for the entire film in either figure was not more than 8%.

Although the study is well-presented, it is not robust evidence for biodegradability of the total

Figure 2. Biodegradation profiles of thermally treated FCB-ZSK15 films and acetone

extracts in river water medium at room temperature.

Figure 3. Biodegradation profiles of thermally treated FCB-ZSK10 films and acetone

extracts in river water medium at room temperature.

The most rigorous test on the biodegradability of oxo-degradable plastics (as found in this
review) was conducted by Feuilloley et. al.17. Three materials were tested, details of which
are given in Table 1. All materials were subjected to ten tests including EN and ASTM
standard tests as detailed in Table 2. The results were as follows:

 Oxo-degradable polyethylene showed a biodegradation of <15% as measured by the

respirometric test. This is clearly shown in Figure 4

 The paper positive control showed a biodegradation of >90%.

 The biodegradation of Mater-Bi was 75-88% in all tests

 The biodegradation of Ecoflex was 5-95% in all tests

 The biodegradation of oxo-degradable polyethylene ranged from negative values in

some tests to 1.8% in nine of the tests

 The “biodegradation” of oxo-degradable polyethylene as measured by the soil burial

test was 90%. However, this assessment is based on visual assessment rather than
actual measurement of CO2 released, that is to say, the test showed that 90% was
not visible to the naked eye after 11 months.

This is a highly robust study that shows the limited degree of biodegradation by standard test

Figure 4. Respirometric test on biodegradation of PE with prooxidant additives compared to a paper

control. The results show that the biodegradation of the PE sample was 15%. ( Figure taken from
F euilloley et al 17).

Figure 5. Comparison of the percentage biodegradation of materials A, B and C (see Table 1) according
to the tests given in Table 2. The tests are shown left to right in the same vertical order in Table 2.

Table 1. Description of three packaging materials tested for biodegradation (from Feuilloley et al 17).
Material Description Thickness (micron)
A: Mater-Bi (Novamont) PCL/Starch (60:40w/w) 50
B: Ecoflex Aliphatic/aromatic 60
C: Actimais (SMS PE+pro-oxidant additive 36

Table 2. Tests used to evaluate biodegradation of the materials in Table 1(from Feuilloley et al 17).
Test Name Details
Stürm Stürm test (OCDE 301B, ISO 14852) for 180 days
Bodis Test on the oxygen demand in solid medium (ISO 14851) for 117 days
Compost Compost test under laboratory conditions (ISO/DIS 20200, EN 261085,
ISO 14855) for 50 days
Anaerobic Anaerobic tests (ASTM D5210) for 58 days*
Headsp 25°C Closed bottle at 25°C (OCDE 301D, ASTM D5988-96 modified) for 48
Headsp 50°C Closed bottle at 50°C (OCDE 301D, ASTM D5988-96 modified) for 48
Compost pilot Pilot compost test (EN 14045) for 84 days
Soil test (lab) Test on reconstructed soil in the laboratory (DIN 53739) for 84 days
Agricultural soil Buried sample test in real agricultural soil for 330 days
Enzyme test Enzyme test

*In the original article, the authors cite EN13432 although no anaerobic test is specified in
that standard.

In 2003 Jakubowicz18 reported the biodegradation of two samples of oxo-degradable

polyethylene both containing manganese stearate as oxidation initiator, with the
concentration in one sample being twice that of the other.

The materials were thermally treated at 70°C in air for 4 weeks to produce oxidation
products by thermo-oxidative degradation of the polyethylene. The samples were then
incubated in soil at 60°C and the biodegradation was followed by measuring the CO2
released. After 200 days of incubation the biodegradation of the sample containing the
lower amount of oxidant was 60.3% and that of the larger amount was 65.1%. The author
noted that the shape of the curves indicated that biodegradation was still proceeding at this

From the data given in the paper, the thermal treatment would have reduced the molecular
weight of the samples to 5000 or less, at which point the author maintains that the material
becomes biodegradable.

The author also concluded, from Arrhenius plots of the data, that for an in-use temperature
of 25°C the time taken to reach a molecular weight of 10000 (i.e. twice that of the 5000
required for biodegradability) would be between 2.5 and 4.5 years depending on the
manganese stearate content.

Figure 6. Biodegradation of thermally aged (70°C, 4 weeks) oxo-degradable polyethylene in soil18

. A.2.1.1: Studies Involving Specific Microbial Challenge

Koutny et. al.11 subjected high density polyethylene film (HDPE) and low density
polyethylene film (LDPE) both containing antioxidants and pro-oxidants to an abiotic pre-
treatment consisting of photooxidation and thermo-oxidation corresponding to about 3 years
of outdoor weathering. The samples were then inoculated with defined microbial strains
particularly with Rhodococcus rhodochrous and Nocardia asteroides, incubated up to 200
days and during the period their metabolic activities were followed by measuring adenosine
triphosphate content. Simultaneously the cultures were also monitored by optical microscopy
and FTIR spectroscopy. The first initial phase of fast growth caused by the presence of low
molecular extractable compounds was followed by a long period of stabilised metabolic
activity suggesting that microorganisms continued to gain energy from the substrate but
evidently at a much slower rate. Complementary analysis performed at the end of incubation

revealed that during the experiment time biodegradation processes probably affected
surface layer of materials only.


The study showed the growth of micro-organisms on the polymer surface.

There were no respirometric tests.
The abiotic pre-treatment time was equivalent to 3 years of outdoor weathering.

6.2.2 A2.2: Proof of the Breakdown Mechanism

The claim is made that the additives cause the breakdown of the polyethylene chains by a
free-radical mechanism, with the free radicals being initiated by heat and UV light. The
breakdown mechanism as given above predicts that certain compounds such as carboxylic
acids, also known as fatty acids, will be formed in the process. The mechanism also results
in the formation of a chemical structure, known as a carbonyl group, which is easily detected
in materials by the technique known as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).
The carbonyl index is a measure of the concentration of carbonyl groups in a material and
should increase as a substance is oxidised. The free radicals (e.g. R•) produced can be
detected by a technique known as electron spin resonance.

Albertsson et. al.26 demonstrated the increase in carbonyl index with UV irradiation and
confirmed the existence of free radicals in the UV-treated oxo-degradable polyethylene using
electron spin resonance. No information about the intensity of the irradiation is given other
than that 300W lamps were used, therefore it is difficult to say how the treatment related to a
real-world situation.

If a carbon-containing material such as polyethylene is made in which some of the carbon is

in the radioactive form known as carbon-14 (14C), then carbon dioxide (CO2) released by
breakdown of that material will also contain 14C. Such substances are known as radio
labelled materials. Thus in a composting or biodegradation test using a radio labelled
material, the radio labelled carbon dioxide can only have come from that material and
therefore the extent of biodegradation can be accurately measured. It is however vital to
know exactly what is the 14C content of the test material.

Karlsson et. al.27 measured the 14CO2 release from irradiated PE containing a photoinitiator
(palmitate iron carboxylate-Fe(III) hydroxide). After UV irradiation the samples were mixed
with humid soil and the CO2 released was captured and determined. Increasing the amount
of oxo-degradable polyethylene increased the CO2 evolution. The extent of biodegradation
of the PE could not be calculated from the data as the original 14CO2 content of the PE was
not given. This was not therefore a robust quantitative measurement of the biodegradation
of polyethylene.

In other studies4849 workers have identified over 60 degradation products from a oxo-
degradable polyethylene-starch which had been degraded at 95°C in water for 30 weeks.
The majority products were dicarboxylic acids, monocarboxylic acids and n-alkanes; the
minority products were lactones, aldehydes and alcohols.

It should be noted that the degradation conditions were extreme (30 weeks in water at 95°C)
and do not relate to any current waste treatment processes.

Cornell et. al.50 conducted rigorous tests on the effect of intensity and type of UV irradiation
on PE, PP and oxo-degradable polyethylene. They concluded that while the oligomer
fractions supported microbial growth, the high polymers gave minimal or no growth. It was
concluded that photo oxidative degradation of polyolefins did not per se induce progressive
attack by microorganisms. However oligomers generated by photooxidation augment those
already present in the polymer.

Oldak et. al.28 studied the effect of UV irradiation on PE, cellulose and PE-cellulose films.
They concluded that the pure PE and cellulose fibres were resistant to UV irradiation.
Blends of the two components were susceptible to photo- and biodegradation: the
susceptibility depended on the composition.

The evidence for the mechanism of breakdown is highly robust.

The evidence also indicates that biodegradation is possible, but does not prove that
biodegradation is either complete, nor does it necessarily show that the biodegradation is

Overall conclusions

Many reports include the terms ‘biodegradability’ or ‘biodegradation’ in the title or text.
However, some studies26, 27 use the terms to refer to evidence of microbial growth on the
surface of the polymer whereas other studies use the term to indicate that the PE samples
were subjected to a biotic environment (soil, compost) as part of the experimental

Only one of the studies cited in this section refer to true biodegradation experiments where
the release of CO2 from PE-amended soil is compared with that of a positive control
comprising cellulose in soil.

6.2.3 A2.3: Environmental Degradation studies

We have so far found three references to environmental testing of oxo-degradable

polyethylene. ‘Environmental testing’ in this context refers to tests where the putative
degradable material was tested in outdoor conditions rather than in simulated controlled
conditions in a laboratory. Inevitably, such testing is less controlled and subject to the
climatic conditions prevailing at the time. However, such tests provide useful information on
how the material will behave in real-life conditions.

In 1993 Breslin51 reported the rate and extent of deterioration of starch-plastic composites
over a 2-year period for samples buried in a municipal solid waste landfill. The deterioration
of the starch-plastic composites following exposure was determined by measuring changes
in tensile properties, weight loss, and starch content of samples retrieved from the landfill.
Starch loss of 25% for linear low-density polyethylene and 33% for low-density polyethylene
starch-plastic composite films was measured following 2 years of landfill burial. Starch-
plastic composites did not fragment or lose mass during the 2-year landfill burial. The limited
degradation observed for the starch-plastic composites was attributed to the ineffectiveness
of the prooxidant additive to catalyze the thermal oxidation of the polyethylene or
polypropylene component of the starch-plastic composite under the environmental
conditions present within the landfill.

In a study on photo-biodegradable PE mulching films in China52, oxo-degradable
polyethylene were made from four “photo-biodegradable” (PBD) masterbatches (Starch +
unknown photo activator composition). These were used as seed mulches from mid-April to
early September.

The films were evaluated by recording the induction period (time taken for cracks 1-2cm in
length to appear). This was between 46 and 64 days (Table 3).

Table 3. Time taken for fragmentation stages to appear for four oxo-degradable PE
Description 1-2cm slits 2-20cm slits 20-50cm Film breaks Very little
appear appear slits appear up film on soil
Film Time to reach stage from April 25 (days)
A 41 45 47 56 72
B 41 43 48 77
C 46 51 70 99
D 48 56 75 94

Although the authors state that four films were assessed in a soil burial test, only the results
for one film were presented.

Table 4. Weight loss over 32 days soil burial of an oxo-degradable PE sample.

Time after burial (days) 10 19 32

Weight Loss (%) 9 13 19

(based on 1 measurement)

The study did not prove biodegradability. Assessment of the degradation is qualitative and
of limited value. This is not therefore very robust evidence.

Davis et. al.35 evaluated degradable PE sacks used for kerbside collection of biodegradable
municipal waste (BMW) in windrow composting. The bags and contents were shredded and
added to windrows. The composting period was not less than 12 weeks and the windrows
were turned fortnightly. Four windrows contained degradable bag residues and four control
windrows contained no compostable bags.

Table 5. Analysis of compost material in control windrows and windrows containing
degradable PE refuse bags.
Designation Sample Wt, kg Reject Wt, kg % rejects to % rejects that
compost are PE
Windrow 1 41.4 7.9 19.3
Windrow 1 PE 42.8 11.3 26.5 0.42
Windrow 2 36.4 3.6 9.9
Windrow 2 PE 37.6 8.8 23.4 0.31
Windrow 3 41.6 3.2 7.7
Windrow 3 PE 31.6 5.4 17.1 0.39
Windrow 4 45.0 7.9 17.5
Windrow 4 PE 34.7 8.1 23.3 0.34

The authors report that the percentage of rejects in the windrows containing PE bags was
higher than the control in all four replicates.
The report also notes that the time-averaged temperature of each PE windrow was lower
than its control. The PE windrows were also wetter and more difficult to turn. No
explanation was given. The C:N ratio of the PE windrow compost was higher than the
control; a higher C:N ratio is less desirable. The authors suggest this was caused by slower
anaerobic decomposition caused by confinement within the PE shreds.

The authors used a paired treatment-control experimental design and rigorous statistical
analysis; confidence in this data is therefore high.

In 2003 Bonhomme et. al.30 studied the spectral changes in oxo-degradable polyethylene
samples following heating. The induction period (induction of increase in the 1715cm-1
carbonyl signal) was between 300 and 400 days for samples heated at 40°C.

6.2.4 A2.4: Evidence for Cross-Linking of Photodegradable PE

Feuilloley et. al.17 retrieved PE fragments from a soil that had a PE mulch applied 2 years
previously. Fragments of 5-70um size were recovered but not quantified other than to be
described as ‘numerous’. The low solubility in hot xylene was strong evidence that the PE in
these fragments was cross-linked, possibly as a result of the free-radical mechanism
involved in the degradation. The authors stated in the discussion: ‘Therefore that large PE
fragments in this state cannot be bio assimilated by soil bacteria, neither further photo-
degradation, nor large cumulative effects in soil cannot be, therefore, ruled out”.

Rapra report CTR4756253 contains data on the gel content of oxo-degradable polyethylene
samples that had been thermally aged at temperatures between 40°C and 70°C. The

results are given in Table 6. All the values are below the 5% criterion set by ASTM D6954
(note 6).

Table 6. Percentage of soluble and insoluble material remaining after thermal ageing treatments.
Sample % Soluble % Gel
Unaged 97.4 2.3
9 days @ 70°C 98.8 1.2
14 days @ 60°C 98.6 1.4
39 days @ 50°C 99.0 1.0
90 days @ 40°C 98.8 1.2

 There is field evidence that persistent plastic fragments can remain after application
of a degradable mulch film. However laboratory investigation suggests that the
extent of cross linking under laboratory conditions is small.
 There is insufficient peer-reviewed evidence to make a definite conclusion.
 Further quantifiable field investigations are required on this subject.

6.3 Annex A3: Evidence for Bioaccumulation

6.3.1 A3.1: Evidence of Accumulation of Pro-oxidant Metals in Plants

Wolfe et. al.31 conducted a study in which lettuce and green peppers were grown in the
greenhouse and field in soil into which was incorporated photodegraded plastic at rates
equivalent of up to 30 years of repetitive annual plastic use. Dithiocarbamate residues were
not detectable in the harvested crop or soil samples. Residues of nickel showed no
consistent differences between treated or control crop and soil samples.

6.3.2 A3.2: Evidence for Accumulation of oxo-degradable polyethylene residues in


The investigation did not find any published evidence specifically concerning the
accumulation of oxo-degradable polyethylene residues in any organisms. However, it has
been shown that microscopic plastic fragments ingested by the marine mussel Mytilus
edulis, end up in the circulatory system and therefore must have penetrated the gut wall54. It
was also noted that they persisted there for 48 days after ingestion. There were no
significant biological effects reported from this short-term exposure.

6.4 Annex A4: Environmental Impact

6.4.1 A4.1: Evidence for Plant Toxicity

There are very few references to toxicological studies on photo- or oxo-degradable

polyolefins or their residues.

Davis et. al.35 tested germination levels of tomato seeds (var. Money Maker) in compost from
windrows containing Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) which had been collected from
the kerbside in degradable polyethylene sacks (labelled as ‘compostable’ by the
manufacturers, provenance unknown). A control compost was prepared from BMW without
degradable bags present. A peat control was also run. The conclusions were that there was
no visible sign of compost toxicity in any of the samples. The bioassay also indicated that
the presence of the shredded degradable PE and its degradation products did not inhibit
plant growth nor seed germination. The authors pointed out that a bioassay cannot predict
the long-term cumulative effect of repeated applications of degradable PE.

Table 7. Plant germination in compost from control windrows and windrows

containing degradable PE bags state author
Analysis Control Windrow Windrow + Degradable
No. weeds/litre 0 0
Dilution ratio 1:2 1:1.3
14 days 95% 95%
28 days 95% 100%
Vigour Score3
14 days 4.5 4.25
28 days 3.75 3.75
Phytoxicity Score4 0 0
Total fresh weight per 51% 50%
Dilution with fresh peat to adjust water soluble N to 240mg/l
Germination as % of germination in peat –based control
Vigour score on scale 1-5
Phytotoxicity 0 = no visible toxicity 10 = death
Total fresh weight of seedlings as % of total fresh weight of seedlings grown in peat


 There are limited peer-reviewed studies on the phytotoxic effects of compost

following application of oxo-degradable polyethylene material.
 The evidence available is robust
 The evidence so far suggests that there is little or no phytotoxic effect.
 There is no peer-reviewed evidence of the long-term effect of repeated application of
degradable PE.

6.4.2 A4.2: Evidence of Environmental Toxicity

Although Bonora & Corte55 claim that composted PE containing Ciba’s ENVIROCARE™
additives do not show any toxicity to the organisms according to tests listed in Table 8, no
data are presented. This paper is more of a promotional brochure than an academic paper.

Table 8. Biotoxicity assays conducted by Bonora et. al. (2003)
Organisms Test
Daphnia magna Immobilization test according to ISO 6341
Earthworm Acute toxicity test according to ISO 11268-1
Cress ISTA
Oat and Lentil ISO 11269-2

6.4.3 A4.3: Environmental Effects – Residues

A study conducted by Wolfe30 did not find any evidence for nickel accumulation in soil after
the application of the equivalent of 30 years of continuous annual application of oxo-
degradable polyethylene mulch containing nickel dithiocarbamate.
6.4.4 A4.4: Evidence for Plastic Fragments as Accumulators of Toxins

The investigation has found no record of any tests on whether plastic fragments resulting
from the physical breakdown of plastic items in the environment accumulate and concentrate
toxic substances found in the terrestrial environment. However, there have been studies
carried out on resin pellets, which are a current source of concern about marine
environmental pollution33. Resin pellets are the main form in which newly-manufactured
plastics (polymers) are transported from the place of production to factories where they are
converted to products for sale. The main means of international transportation is by sea and
significant quantities may be lost as a result variously of shipping accidents or cargo
mishandling22, 56.

Mato et. al.34 found that PCBs, DDE, and nonylphenols (NP) were detected in polypropylene
(PP) resin pellets collected from four Japanese coasts. Concentrations of PCBs (4-117
ng/g), DDE (0.16-3.1 ng/g), and NP (0.13-16 mu g/g) varied among the sampling sites.
These concentrations were comparable to those for suspended particles and bottom
sediments collected from the same area as the pellets. Field adsorption experiments using
PP virgin pellets demonstrated significant and steady increase in PCBs and DDE
concentrations throughout the six-day experiment, indicating that the source of PCBs and
DDE is ambient seawater and that adsorption to pellet surfaces is the mechanism of
enrichment. The major source of NP in the marine PP resin pellets was thought to be plastic
additives and/or their degradation products. Comparison of PCBs and DDE concentrations in
marine PP resin pellets with those in seawater suggests their high degree of accumulation
(apparent adsorption coefficient: x100,000 - x1,000,000). The high accumulation potential of
these compounds suggests that plastic resin pellets serve as both a transport medium and a
potential source of toxic chemicals in the marine environment.

Such is the scale of this process that an initiative, “International Pellet Watch”, is using data
from pellet analysis to monitor persistent organic pollutants (POP) on a global scale57.

In 2003 and 2004 Rios et al.58 collected and analysed pre-production thermoplastic resin
pellets and post-consumer plastic fragments for evidence of contamination by persistent
organic pollutants. Samples were taken from the North Pacific Gyre (a region that has been
accumulating marine plastic debris for several decades), and selected sites in California,
Hawaii, and from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. The total concentration of PCBs ranged from
27 to 980ng/g; DDTs from 22 to 7100ng/g and PAHs from 39 to 1200ng/g, and aliphatic
hydrocarbons from 1.1 to 8600 mu g/g. They developed analytical methods to extract,
concentrate and identify POPs that may have accumulated on plastic fragments and plastic

pellets. They concluded from the results of this study that plastic debris can act as a trap for
persistent organic pollutants.

In 2007 Teuten et al.32 examined the uptake and subsequent release of phenanthrene (a
PAH) by three plastics: polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The
accumulation of phenanthrene from seawater onto the plastics varied by more than an order
of magnitude (polyethylene > polypropylene > polyvinyl chloride (PVC)). In all cases,
sorption to plastics greatly exceeded sorption to two natural sediments. They also found that
desorption occurred more rapidly from the sediments than from the plastics. The effects of
adding very small quantities of plastic with sorbed phenanthrene to sediment inhabited by
the lugworm (Arenicola marina) were also evaluated. The authors estimated that adding as
little as 1 mg of contaminated polyethylene to a gram of sediment would give a significant
increase in phenanthrene accumulation by A. marina and that plastic fragments may be
important agents in the transport of hydrophobic contaminants to sediment-dwelling

Feuilloley et. al.17 recovered PE fragments from a soil two years after covering with a PE
mulch film. The size fraction was 5-70um. Tests with hot xylene showed strong evidence of
cross-linking. Cross linking is a chemical reaction that can occur in polymers when free
radicals are generated by the same processes that are described in Annex A1. It is a
process by which short polymer chains can be joined up to make longer chains and also in
which linear chains can become branched as a result of being joined within the chain rather
than at the ends. The significance of the result of this test is that it indicates that
polyethylene was recoverable from a field two years after application of a mulch film that was
described as degradable and also that the fragments recovered appeared to have
undergone a process that would have rendered them more stable rather than less.

Davis et. al.35 analysed Cu and Co in compost from windrows containing oxo(?)degradable
PE bags. They concluded that the data did not indicate that the constituent metals within the
PE sacks contributed to the increase in the metals detected within the final compost matrix.
This is borne out by the data for Co although the Cu data seems to suggest an increase
(Table 9). The authors did not present the standard error of the data points.

Table 9. Properties of compost from control windrows and windrows containing

degradable PE bags.
Control With oxo-degradable Units
Determinand polyethylene
Start Finish Start Finish
Dry matter 49.3 58.5 46.8 55.3 %
C:N Ratio 13.1 11.1 18.1 12.1 Ratio
Total Copper 32.2 57.0 36.9 173.4 mg/kg
Total Cobalt 4.7 3.8 5.0 4.9 mg/kg

 There is evidence that PP pellets can act as accumulators of hydrophobic molecules
in the marine environment.
 There is insufficient peer-reviewed data to form a definite opinion on the toxicology of
pro-oxidant additives

6.5 Annex A5: Evidence for Toxicological Effect of Oxo-degradable

6.5.1 A5.1: Food Migration Tests

RAPRA Confidential Technical Report 46137 (freely available online) describes food contact
tests conducted according to European Directive 2002/72/EC relating to plastics materials
and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and its amendments to date (2
004/1/EC, 2004/19/EC and 2005/79/EC). The article appears to describe the migration of
two additives present in the masterbatch into 3% Acetic acid; 10% ethanol and olive oil. The
additives are not identified. The report concludes that the migration of the additives in each
case was below the Directive limit of 10mg/dm3.

Strandberg & Albertsson59 presented results showing a correlation between the carbonyl
index of oxidised polyethylene and propionoic acid content. Butanoic and hexanoic acids in
the oxidised PE were also found to correlate well with reported off-flavours in water extracts
of oxidised PE.

6.6 Annex A6: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

To date, there are three full LCAs carried out that include oxo-degradable polyethylene bags
and compare them to other polymers including PLA and non-degradable PE. One study was
carried out in 2003 for the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage5 while a
later study in 2008 was carried out for the National Non-Food Crops Centre in the UK6. The
most recent assessment was published in Australia in 200960.

In the 2003 Australian assessment, the functional unit was defined as, “a household carrying
approximately 70 grocery items home from a supermarket each week for 52 weeks” thus
representing 3640 items. Some results of this assessment are shown in Figure 7 to Figure
9, which represent the impact of twelve different bag materials on greenhouse gas
production, abiotic depletion (depletion of mineral reserves such as crude oil) and
eutrophication (input of excess nutrients into freshwater, leading to algal bloom and possible
death of freshwater animals). In all three figures, the higher the bar, the greater the negative
impact of the material on that particular parameter. it can be seen that in each case the
impact of oxo-degradable polyethylene is similar to non-degradable PE. Of all the materials,
Kraft paper consistently had the greatest impact. After Kraft paper, the only parameter in
which HDPE or oxo-degradable bags had an impact significantly greater than the other
materials was abiotic depletion. In the case of greenhouse gas emissions, the impact of
oxo-degradable PE was considerably less than poly(lactic acid) but similar to those of all the
other materials. The impact of oxo-degradable polyethylene bags on eutrophication was
less than that of the biopolymer bags.

The more recent assessment60 produced in Australia concluded that oxo-degradable bags
conveyed no advantage in landfill compared to conventional polyethylene bags and also
concluded that there was a negative impact on recycling due to uncertainty about their effect
on recycled plastic.

Figure 7. Greenhouse gas emissions for a range of carrier bag materials5.

Figure 8. Resource depletion for a range of carrier bag materials5.

Figure 9. Eutrophication potential for a range of carrier bag materials5.

The functional unit for the UK LCA6 was defined as “the carrying of 10,000 litres of grocery
items from the supermarket to the home in carrier bags filled to 75% of the nominal bag
volume”. The four options considered included HDPE bags with recycling (thereby giving
90% avoided production), Mater-Bi bags (made from plant material) and oxo-degradable
bags disposed of either by landfill or incineration. The LCA found that recycling HDPE had
the lowest environmental impact of all the options considered and that this was considerably
lower than disposing of oxo-degradable bags either by incineration or by landfill. The impact
of the (biopolymer) Mater-Bi bags was less than that of the oxo-degradable bags irrespective
of the disposal method (composting, landfill, incineration with energy recovery). This LCA
also included the assembly and distribution of the bags where it was found that the greatest
impact of the oxo-degradable bags was on depletion of reserves such as oil, coal and gas.

6.7 Annex A7: Conclusions

 Full biodegradability has not been shown for oxo-degradable polyethylene in any of
the tests reported to date.
 Most claims of biodegradability are based on extrapolations of laboratory tests
 There is evidence for cross-linkage of oxo-degradable PE in the soil leading to
persistent fragments.

Annex B: Results of the Non-Peer-Reviewed
Literature Survey

6.8 Annex B1: Performance Evaluation by the University of California

In June 2007 a report entitled “Performance Evaluation of Environmentally Degradable

Plastic Packaging and Disposable Food Service Ware – Final Report”20 was published by
the Chico Research Foundation (CRU) based at the University of California. This study was
carried out for the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) which reports to
the California Environmental Protection Agency and the State Governor. All images and
data in this section are from this report.

The research was guided by an advisory committee whose members are listed in Table 10.
It should be noted that the committee comprised representatives from biodegradable plastic
manufacturers and oxo-degradable additive manufacturers.

Table 10. Advisory committee to the University of California’s performance evaluation of degradable
plastic ware.
Committee Member Organisation
Dr Robert Dorsey Clorox
Mr Lee Doty Oxo Bio Organization
Mr Evan Edgar Inc.
Mr Steve Mojo BPI
Dr Ramani Narayan MSU
Dr Robert Whitehouse Metabolix Inc

The following is a summary of the salient findings of the work.


Laboratory Measurement of Compostability

The University of California measured the biodegradation of several materials according to

the method of ASTMD5338. The materials were incubated in mature (18 months old)
compost in closed containers (Figure 13) with air flow for 45 days and the CO2 released was

The control compost sample showed no CO2 evolution (Figure 10) therefore any CO2
evolved was actually due to the polymer being tested.

The cellulose positive control (Figure 11) showed 72% biodegradation conversion whereas
the oxo-degradable bag (Figure 12) was very close to that of the compost control.

The results showed that all the biodegradable materials except the polythene negative
control and the oxo-degradable bag showed 60% or greater conversion to CO2 (Table 11).
The conversion of the oxo-degradable bag was less than 2.19% over the 45 day test period.

Table 11. Biodegradation data for degradable plastic service ware items tested by ASTM D533820.
Material Biodegradation
Conversion %
Cellulose positive control 71.99
Kraft paper positive control 61.91
Mirel bag 64.03
PLA straws 61.22
Sugar cane plate 61.22
Corn-based BioBag trash bag 60.47
Ecoflex bag 60.14
Blank compost control 1.69
Polyethylene negative control 1.70
Oxo-degradable bag 2.19

This evidence is considered to be highly robust for the following reasons:

 ASTM method D5338 was followed without modification.
 A blank compost sample and a positive cellulose control were tested.
 The measurements were carried out in triplicate for each test material. However, the
variability in the data is not shown and error bars would have increased the
robustness of this evidence.
 The research was conducted under the guidance of a peer group of academic,
industrial, and state government representatives reviewing and providing input
through all steps of the study from the design of the study and validation of data to
the final report.

Figure 10. Blank (compost) control tested by ASTM D5338 (laboratory biodegradation test).

Figure 11. Cellulose control tested by ASTM D5338 (laboratory biodegradation test).

Figure 12. Result for 'oxo-degradable bag' tested by ASTM D5338 (laboratory biodegradation test).

Figure 13. Biodegradation apparatus for testing of biodegradable materials by ASTM D5338.

Figure 14. Cellulose positive control material before (left) and after (right) testing by ASTM D5338.

Figure 15. Oxo-degradable bags before (left) and after (right) testing by ASTM D5338.

Composting trials of Degradable Plastic Items

The biodegradable and oxo-degradable materials listed in Table 12 were tested in three
composting environments including traditional windrow, in-vessel manure, in-vessel food
waste, and in-vessel municipal solid waste. All of the compost facilities were commercial
operations and produce compost for the public.

Table 12. Municipal composting facilities used for composting trials of compostable biopolymers and oxo-
degradable bags .
Site Output Method
City of Chico Municipal 500,000 cu yds p.a. Aerobic windrow
Compost Facility composting
Vacaville Food-waste 30,000 tons p.a. In-vessel composting
Compost Facility
Mariposa County MSW Not given In-vessel composting
Compost Facility

After the composting period, the materials were recovered where possible. In all four
facilities, the PLA items and the Ecoflex bags had completely disintegrated. The results for
the oxo-degradable bags in each study were as follows:

 City of Chico Municipal Compost Facility: “The oxo-degradable and UV-degradable

plastics were completely intact and did not show any signs of disintegration”
 Vacaville Food-waste Compost Facility: “The oxo-degradable plastic bags, LDPE
plastic bags and UV-degradable plastic bag did not appear to experience any
 Mariposa County MSW Compost Facility: “The oxo-degradable plastic bags, LDPE
plastic bags and UV-degradable plastic bag did not appear to experience any

Photographs of oxo-degradable plastic items recovered from Composting Trials are shown
in Figure 16 to Figure 18.

Figure 16. Oxo-degradable bag after 120 days in the City of Chico Municipal Compost Facility.

Figure 17. Oxo-degradable bag after 180 days in the Vacaville in-vessel compost facility .

Figure 18. Oxo-degradable bag after 170 days in the Mariposa in-vessel compost facility.


This report did not evaluate bioaccumulation.

Environmental Impact

The University of California 20 assessed the heavy metal content of the composts from the
laboratory composting studies by analysing for lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in all samples
and additionally cobalt (Co) in the oxo-degradable compost. In the US the acceptable limits
for Pb and Cd are 30mg/kg and 0.3mg/kg respectively, there being no limit for Co.

The compost samples were digested in nitric acid and the filtrate was analysed for the
metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

In all cases, the samples gave readings at or very near the lowest standard employed in
each case. This meant that the lead and cadmium contents were well below the prescribed

limits while the cobalt content of the oxo-degradable compost was well below the detection

Toxicological Impact

The University of California assessed the phytotoxicity of the composts from the laboratory
composting studies by measuring tomato seed germination after ten days according to the
method of ISO 11269. Ten seeds of tomato seed variety ‘Tiny Tim’ were planted in 50g
samples of compost and germinated at 25˚C and 80% relative humidity for ten days in
ambient light. The germination index was determined from the product of percent
germination and average seedling length. The results are shown in Table 13.

All the compost samples passed the phytoxicity test; therefore the oxo-degradable compost
did not show a phytotoxic effect.

This evidence is considered robust because an ISO standard procedure was followed. The
investigators also tested the germination of cucumber and cress seeds and found them to
have similar germination percentages to that of the tomato seeds although the seedlings
lengths were more variable.

Table 13. Phytoxicity of compost from laboratory composting experiments conducted by the
University of California20.
Material Average Average Length, mm after Average Germination Average
Germination % 10-days Index pH
46.67 24.33 11.35 8.5
43.33 22.67 9.82 8.8
83.33 18.33 15.27 8.7
66.67 26.67 17.78 8.4
70 25 17.50 8.63
70 20 14 8.5
70 14 9.80 8.77
60 32.33 19.40 8.63
63.33 16 10.13 8.83
56.67 18.33 10.39 8.6
73.33 18.33 13.44 8.8

Life Cycle Analysis

To date there is very little non peer-reviewed evidence pertaining to the Life Cycle Analysis
of oxo-degradable plastics. An analysis of the peer-reviewed evidence has been given in
Annex A.

6.9 Annex B2: Evaluation of Degradability by M J Carter Associates

In 2002 an additive manufacturer commissioned M J Carter Associates to “demonstrate that

polyethylene manufactured with (their product) will mechanically and chemically break down
over a short period of several months in a landfill environment”. All data in this section is
taken from this report36.

The tests were performed at the Edwin Richards Quarry Landfill Site near Birmingham (UK).
The experimental plot dimensions were 30m by 20m.

The test material and a control polyethylene sheet containing no additive were tested by
laying alternate layers of biodegradable waste and the test sheets until a minimum of 5
sheets had been laid. The site was then covered with non-degradable waste material. The
temperature of the waste pile was monitored by several electronic probes.

The test pile was constructed the week commencing 22 January 2001 and samples were
recovered by small excavation on six occasions: 28 February 2001; 4 May 2001; 16 July
2001; 21 August 2001; 2 November 2001 and 7 March 2002, fourteen months after the start
of the trial. The longest interval was therefore 4 months, between the last but one sample
and the last sample.

Except for the samples recovered in November 2001 and March 2002 which were tested for
melt flow index (MFI) only, the recovered samples were tested at the laboratory for mass per
unit area (BSEN 965), tensile strength (ASTM D638) and melt flow index (ASTM D1238).

The report states that there was significant variation in the condition of recovered samples
and attributed this to the effects of the landfill environment. The temperature is also cited and
the report states: “The laboratory data shows that there was no significant difference
between the test and control samples collected from the waste up to and including the
sampling visit in August 2001 consistent with temperatures in the waste below the critical
temperature of 30°C”. The critical temperature in this case refers to the minimum
temperature required to initiate the degradation process. It is not stated in the report why
this was regarded as the critical temperature and it should be noted that, in the other work
cited in this review (e.g. (Jakubowicz (2003) 18), the temperature used is 70°C instead. If
30°C is in fact the activation temperature, then this raises the question as to what happens
to oxo-degradable plastics in service at ambient temperatures in the Tropics or the Middle

With regard to the “critical temperature” it is reported that the temperature of 30°C was
reached at one probe between the 18 and 30 May. This probe was near a gas vent which
was conveying warm air. On the 24 September 2001 the recorded average temperature
was 30.7°C, with 7 of the probes exceeding 30°C. By the 2 November 2001 the
temperature of 30°C was exceeded at ten of the probes.

The melt flow index was used to evaluate the degradation. The melt flow index increases as
the polymer degrades and the molecular weight drops. Thus melt flow is a crude indicator of
molecular weight which can only be used in a comparative way, i.e. a degraded polymer can
only be compared with its undegraded form; it cannot be used to compare different

The melt flow indexes of the original samples were 0.76g/10min (control) and
0.75g/10min(test). The results are summarised in Table 14. The report states that “Four of

the nine melt flow index values for the test samples collected in March 2002 exceed the
maximum melt flow index recorded for the pink control samples throughout the test period”.
No account is given of the properties of the remaining five samples which presumably had
melt flow index values lower than the control.

The authors gave no explanation as to why the melt flow index had dropped between
November 2001 and March 2002.

Table 14. Melt flow index values of control polyethylene and degradable polyethylene recovered
from a landfill site in Birmingham UK between Jan 2001 and march 200236.
Date Control Samples Test Samples
22 Jan 2001 (start) 0.76 0.75
November 2001 1.11 13.27
March 2002 0.4 1.42

The additive producers analysed the samples by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

and reported the appearance of a peak at 1715cm-1 (indicating oxidative degradation) in the
samples recovered in November 2001. This peak was absent in the control samples and the
oxo-degradable samples at the start of the trial.

RAPRA Technology Limited determined the molecular weight of four of the samples: Original
control polyethylene; oxo-degradable polyethylene; recovered control polyethylene and
recovered oxo-degradable polyethylene (both recovered in November 2002). While the
original samples and the recovered control samples had near-identical molecular weight
distributions (Mw = 106,000 – 115,000; the oxo-degradable polyethylene recovered from the
landfill trial had a significantly reduced molecular weight (4,250-4,280).

There is no molecular weight data given for the samples collected in March 2002. Tensile
tests were not done because the samples were distorted as a result of stretching and
compression in the landfill environment.

The final conclusion of the report was that the melt flow index data, infra-red spectroscopy
data and molecular weight determinations showed that following the onset of elevated landfill
temperatures above 30°C the test plastic material began to degrade significantly compared
to the control material.
It was also concluded that the shallow burial depth delayed the onset of the elevated
temperature necessary and that optimum degradation conditions would be reached more

6.10 Annex B3: Testing carried out at the Composting Plant at Vienna
Neustadt in Austria.

A study was commissioned by two European companies. The authors were Prof. Univerz.-
Doz. Dr. Bernhard Raninger and Dipl.-Ing. Gottfried Steiner61.

The purpose of the study was a full-scale evaluation of degradable polyethylene containing a
manufacturer’s additive in a municipal composting plant at Vienna Neustadt in Austria. This
plant is designed to produce a compost product intended for garden and landscaping use.
The process is in two stages: 2 weeks in an in-vessel forced aeration “tunnel” (60 tonne
capacity) followed by a longer maturation period in an outdoor triangular windrow according

to Austrian National Standard ON S 2200. The study evaluated the effect of the material on
the composting process and the final compost.

The report also refers to “DIN V 54900-3 (1998): Testing of the compostability of plastics -
Part 3: Testing under practice-relevant conditions and testing of quality of the composts.“
This standard has been withdrawn.

The sample was tested in one of the three units and was added at the rate of 1% by weight
of compostable material. Prior to composting, the material had been stored outdoors to
simulate compost bag storage and handling prior to disposal.

The film was evaluated after the 2-week tunnel process; again after 12 weeks maturation in
the windrow and finally after 6 months.

The conclusions from the test were as follows:

 The presence of 1.1% by weight (660kg) of oxo-degradable PE in the test batch had
no deleterious effect on the composting operation.

 After 26 weeks of bio-processing the end product fully met the Austrian Compost
Quality standard.

 The authors report that more than 60% biodegradation was achieved in 26 weeks.

 The compost showed minimum or no trace of heavy metals and passed plant
tolerance and seed germination tests (ON S 2023 as required by ON S 2200).

 The compost was tested at the OWS labs in Gent, (B) and showed no negative effect
on cress germination, summer barley plant growth, daphnia and earthworms.

 The polyethylene containing the oxo-degradable additive met the new Austrian draft
Compost Ordinance.

The report’s final conclusions were:

a) that the product met the requirements to be classified as a degradable / compostable

plastic and the compost was fully acceptable as a land fertiliser.
b) that the product may be considered to degrade successively by abiotic and biological
pathways in a manner that produces no harmful or toxic by-products and are suitable for
disposal in the environment.

However, in a later report of this study, the authors stated, “A final degradation rate of 63% is
achieved in 26 weeks, failing to pass ballast matter limiting standards. (The manufacturer’s)
material easily disintegrates during composting, but does not meet of the requirements of
CEN prEN 13432. (The manufacturer’s additive) -based olefins would not pass the pre-norm
prEN 13432 (1998) requirements concerning biodegradability. Due to the environmental
condition during the decomposition period of 6-12 months, the material will not release 90%
of TOC as CO2, to be classified as biodegradable.”.

There is therefore some uncertainty as to the meaning of the results of this trial.

6.11 Annex B4: Results of a Landfill trial in Wisconsin conducted from
2005 to 2006

Some photographs are presented of compost piles containing oxo-degradable polyethylene

bags. Although the provenance of the bags is not known, it is understood that these
photographs were communicated to Prof. E. Chiellini in evidence of their performance in
windrow composting.

It is understood that the photographs show the state of the windrows in May 2006,
presumably after a typical composting period.
Figure 19 shows a general view of the windrow pile, Figure 20 and Figure 21 are closer
views of the pile while Figure 22 and Figure 23 show the composting site after the windrow
has been cleared away. It can be seen in Figure 19 that many bags are largely intact.
Shreds of bag material were visible on the site after the windrow had been cleared (Figure
22, Figure 23).

Figure 19. Windrow composting site containing oxo-degradable polyethylene bags in May 2006

Figure 20. Windrow composting site containing oxo-degradable polyethylene bags in May 2006

Figure 21. Windrow composting site containing oxo-degradable polyethylene bags in May 2006

Figure 22. Windrow composting site containing oxo-degradable polyethylene bags in May 2006

Figure 23. Windrow composting site containing oxo-degradable polyethylene bags in May 2006

A similar result was experienced at a composting facility in Brynmawr, Wales when
‘degradable’ bags were used for collection of garden waste62. The resulting compost did not
pass the criteria of PAS100 and was therefore rejected for use as compost. The rejected
compost and oversize bag fragments had to be consigned to landfill at a cost of £61/tonne.
The composting facility subsequently changed their policy to allow only certified
‘compostable’ bags and since then have not had any recurrence of the problem.

Figure 24. Rejected 'degradable' bag shreds from a composting facility y in Brynmawr, Wales.

Annex B5: Examination of Supporting Evidence for Claims Made on a Company

The following are the claims have been taken from an additive producers website. All
specific references have been removed, with the aim of providing an illustrative example of
the type of claims made by the sector. Each marketing statement included in the table below
is coupled with an analysis of the evidence to support it.

Claim Nature of marketing Analysis of supporting evidence against each claim
no. claim made

1 The * additive is an None given

additive formulation that
renders conventional
polyolefins oxo-

2 “Oxo-biodegradation” is Consistent with the citation

“degradation identified
as resulting from
oxidative and cell-
mediated phenomena,
either simultaneously or

RAPRA report 4609563 is offered in support of the claim of

3 Plastic products made degradability in accordance with ASTM 6954-04.The conclusions
with the * additive will from report 46095 is “That data obtained has demonstrated that
abiotically degrade in the presence of the 181293224 masterbatch has speeded up the
the presence of oxygen. degradation of the LDPE material when subjected to either heat
ageing at 70°C or when exposed to UV radiation.”

RAPRA report 4630337 is offered in support of the claim of

4 The ability of * products compliance with ASTM 6954-04, which stipulates that the
to comply with the biotic molecular weight should be less than 5,000 after degradation.
(biodegradation) tests This report confirms that the molecular weight of one LDPE
has been demonstrated sample was less than 5,000 after heating for 7 days at 70°C.The
by the loss of molecular molecular weight of another sample was greater than 5,000 after
mass achieved after heating for 9 days at 70°C.The molecular weight of another
abiotic thermal sample was greater than 12,000 after treating with ultra-violet
degradation, resulting in light for 7 days. The intensity of the UV light was not stated in
ultimate biodegradation the report. Pyxis Report dated 30th July 2005 is cited in support
of the material into CO2, of claim 4. This report described electron microscopic
water, mineral salts and examination of ODPE samples “which had already begun to
biomass show signs of oxodegradation(sic)” following one of two
treatments: samples were placed in wire cages which were then
“immersed in water under a cascade in a pool containing fish” for
thirty days. The role of the fish in the experiment was not
explained. Samples were mixed with “typical garden compost”
and incubated at 45°C for thirty days. ASTM D6954-04 states
under ‘Significance and Use’ that: “The results of laboratory
exposure cannot be directly extrapolated to estimate absolute
rate of deterioration by the environment because the acceleration
factor is material dependent…However, exposure of a similar
material of known outdoor performance, a control at the same
time as the test specimens allow comparison of the durability
relative to that of the control under the test conditions”. The
summary of the report states, “It was found that the surface of the
plastic was colonised by microorganisms and that there was
evidence that these microorganisms had removed mass from the
plastic within the time frame of the experiment. It can therefore
be concluded that given a longer period of immersion this plastic
can be expected to fully biodegrade in these environments”. A
control of known outdoor performance was not tested. ASTM
D6954-04 states under ‘Scope’ that “accelerated oxidation data

must be obtained at temperatures and humidity ranges typical in
that chosen application and disposal environment, for example in
soil (20°C to 30°C), landfill (20°C to 25°C) and composting
facilities (30°C to 65°C)”. It is not clear from the claim or the cited
documents how thermal treatment at 70°C for 7 days complies
with the standard, given that the soil temperature to 15-20cm is
usually that of air temperature. It is also not clear from the Pyxis
report which of the referenced reports in ASTM D6954-04 is
being addressed by the microscopic examination. See also the
comments below in the analysis of Claim 10.

5 The eco-toxicity sections OWS Report MST-4/1- (available online) is offered in support of
of EN 13432 and ASTM claim 5.The tests were performed in accordance with EN13432.
6954-04 require that no The conclusions from the test on additives * and * were that there
harmful residues are left is no toxic effect on either summer barley or cress.
– this has been verified
for the * additive. (OWS
Report MST-4/1).

6 The * additive does not Supported by a statement by the manufacturers that the product
contain heavy metals does not contain lead, mercury , cadmium or hexavalent
(defined by 92/64/EC Art chromium.
11 as lead, mercury,
cadmium, or hexavalent
Supported by RAPRA report 4613766 (available online)
7 The * additive is safe for
direct food-contact
according to the
European Union
requirements for Direct
Food Contact
2002/72/EC and the US
FFDC Act and
regulations (RAPRA
report 46137, and Keller
& Heckman certificate
18.2.2009). It is the
responsibility of the
manufacturers of
products intended for
food-contact to ensure
that all other materials
incorporated by them
comply with those

8 If polymer products are Supported by the manufacturer’s own statement

correctly made with *,
the additive will have no
effect upon the strength
and other performance
characteristics of the
product during its
programmed service-

9 Polymer products Has not been evaluated.

correctly made with *
comply with the
Essential Requirements
of the EU Packaging
Waste Directive
92/64/EC Annex II
paras. 1,2 and 3(a) (b)
and (d).

10 * oxo-biodegradable Supported by the manufacturer’s own statement that these
plastics are not currently materials are not currently intended for composting. ASTM
intended for composting. D6954-04, which is cited as supporting evidence by the
manufacturer, refers to D5338 “Test method for Determining
Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials Under Controlled
Composting Conditions” and D6400 “Specification for
Compostable Plastics”. ASTM D5964-04 under “Significance
and Use” states that “ The correlation of results from this guide to
actual disposal environments (for example agricultural mulch
films, composting, or landfill applications) has not been
determined, and as such, the results should be used only for
comparative and ranking purposes.”

11 If sent to landfill the * This claim is an assertion by the manufacturers

plastics will degrade in
aerobic conditions. In
anaerobic conditions
they become inert and
will not emit methane.

12 * oxo-biodegradable
plastics can be recycled
together with ordinary
oil-based plastics. For
long-life products,
stabilisers should be
added if necessary.

Annex B6: Report on a Trial of Polyethylene Bags Containing Recycled Degradable

A report on the impact of biodegradable bags on recycling polyethylene bags was prepared
by consultants for the Environment department of the province of Quebec in 200767.

In one experiment, unaged oxo-degradable polyethylene bags from two suppliers were
combined with virgin polyethylene bags to make new material. In a second experiment, the
oxo-degradable polyethylene was aged for 28 days before combining with the virgin
material. Shopping bags were made from both batches. The effect of the unaged and aged
oxo-degradable material on the processing stage and on the final bags was assessed in
terms of the ease of processing and the performance of the bags. The performance was
assessed by filling the bags with water and suspending them for over 100 days in a
controlled environment.

The conclusions from this study were that oxo-degradable and conventional material were
compatible in the recycling processing stage and there was very little effect of the oxo-
degradable on the processing.

The shopping bags made from blends of unaged oxo-degradable and virgin material resisted
water leakage for more than 100 days. This was true for blends containing up to 50% oxo-
degradable material.

The shopping bags made from blends of aged (28 days accelerated weathering) showed a
large loss of properties depending on the original manufacturer. Bags from “NeoSac”
caused a severe deterioration and were considered to be incompatible, while the bags from
the oxo-degradable polyethylene were considered to be compatible with the virgin

Annex C: Stakeholder views and claims The identity of all of the individual companies who were consulted in this study
have been omitted from the following sections and are denoted simply as the type
of company followed by a letter, e.g. Additive Producer A.

6.12 C1: Additive Producers/ Masterbatch Suppliers

C1.1 Additive producer A

Type of communication: Email communication
th th
Date: 17 February - 13 May 2009
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

It was stated that oxo-degradable plastics are generally used and promoted to solve the litter
problem and so are normally used in single-use, short-life disposable packaging.

It was accepted that oxo-degradable plastics show a slower rate of biodegradation than most
compostable plastics. However, it was believed that there are plenty of studies to show that
they biodegrade to CO2 and biomass.

A Life Cycle Analysis carried out in the USA on various bag types was referred to. The
conclusion was that that PE type polymers (with or without a pro-oxidant additive) have by
far the least environmental impact compared to compostable plastic and paper.

It was commented that there is controversy over the use of pro-oxidants with some aromatic
polymers e.g. PS and PET as some toxic compounds are formed during degradation. It was
also stated that pro-oxidant additives do not function with PC.

The level of degradation in landfills was said to vary, depending on the availability of oxygen.

It was claimed that oxo-degradable plastics are recyclable in existing recycling streams.

C1.2: Additive producer B

Type of interview: e-mail communication
Date: 3-8 April 2009
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

The interviewee confirmed that their oxo-degradable plastic product is based on transition
metal technology and described how oxo-degradable plastics can undergo a process called
oxo-biodegradation. Oxo-biodegradation is a two stage process in which a polymer is firstly
converted by chemical reaction with oxygen to produce lower molecular weight chains.
These shorter chains no longer behave as plastics and therefore the product fragments.
These fragments, now chemically different, are available for biodegradation due to their
lower molecular weight and greater degree of wettability, and can be ultimately converted
into carbon dioxide, water and biomass, by micro-organisms.

Various standards relating to the oxo-biodegradation process were mentioned. ASTM

D6954-04 is an international standard guide developed for ‘Exposing and Testing plastics
that Degrade in the Environment by a Combination of Oxidation and Biodegradation’.

Testing procedures described in Tier 1 and Tier 2 of ASTM D6954-04 represents the two
stages of oxo-biodegradation. ASTM D6954 looks for a drop in weight average molecular
weight to 5000 or less (from significant oxidation and chain scission of the polymer) and
measures the time to reach 5% or less elongation to break. Samples of the participant
company’s oxo-degradable product were tested to the principles of Tier 1 of ASTM D6954-
04, using UV irradiation as the initial degradation process. The results showed that the
product met the expectation for the reduction in tensile properties, as the samples had
broken by the end of the 14 days exposure time.

The safety of the product was illustrated in terms of approval for its use in food contact
applications under the following regulations:
1. Europe
Polymer carrier is composed only from monomers and other starting substances from List A
of Annex II to Directive 2002/72/EC, as amended up to and including Directive 2007/19/EC.
There are no specific migration limitations. Other ingredients incorporated by CFN
Packaging Group Ltd are positively listed under Annex III to directive 2002/72/EC and its
amendments. These are no specific migration limitations. It is the responsibility of the
manufacturer of the finished article to ensure compliance with Global Migration regulations.
2. USA
The Polymer carrier is in compliance with FDA regulations, Title 21 CFR 177.1520(c) 2.1.
Other ingredients are permitted adjuvant substances as defined in 21 CFR 177.1520(b), for
use in polyolefin food contact applications.

This producer also supplied a statement, dated November 2008, regarding REACH and
Absence of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in their masterbatch.

C1.3: Additive producer C

Type of interview: Telephone interview and email communication
Date March and August 2009
Author: Stuart Patrick

Producer C has developed an additive for oxo-biodegradable plastics that is claimed to

enhance the "natural" degradation of agricultural plastic items. This producer is only
concerned with the agricultural, horticultural and forestry applications of oxo-biodegradable
plastics and is not involved with the packaging sector in this area.
There are different formulations available to suit the crop type and geographical locations in
agricultural and forestry applications.
Their first application in the UK is growing quite fast and concerns oxo-biodegradable
polyethylene mulch films for maize. The claim is that it allows maize growers to reduce
significantly their impact on the environment when using degradable mulch due to less
leaching of nitrates and obtaining better value from synthetic fertilizers or cattle
For maize the film coverage is approx. 60kg plastic per hectare. When ploughed into the soil
to 30 cm depth this equates to less than 20 ppm material. Visual scrap will disappear with no
harmful substances being produced from the oxidised polyethylene.

Producer C believes that a key environmental advantage for maize grown under film in UK is
the earlier harvest (up to 6 weeks).
 An earlier harvest gives farmers a much greater opportunity to establish another
main crop before the winter (e.g. winter wheat) or a cover crop for the winter period
(e.g. ryegrass). Also a greater opportunity to simply plough or cultivate the stubble.
Both techniques are recommended by the Environment Agency to reduce soil
erosion which is the singular main cause of diffuse pollution in UK water courses in
dairy production areas.

 The earlier harvest leads to harvesting in drier conditions thereby reducing soil being
dragged onto roads at harvest time. This in turn reduces top soil depletion and also
the road safety problems that have been associated with the harvest of the UK
forage maize crop.

Producer C also highlighted the general evidence (which is supported by well known science
from various publications) for environmental benefits as follows:
 Water management: degradable mulch allows a regular supply of water to the crop
by limiting evaporation and allowing earlier sowing (meaning fertilisation can occur
before the dry period).Thus a reduction in irrigation can be achieved.
 Reduction in nutrient leaching such as nitrates due to surface protection
 Improved availability of other natural nutrients (P, K, Mg...) due to higher soil
temperature and reduced consumption of the relevant fertilisers is possible.
 All of these factors also combine to give improved assimilation of organic fertilisers
(manure, effluent).
 Higher yields per acre gives the possibilities of growing more biomass (i.e. higher
biofuels capacity per farm) and so reduce the demand on fossil resources

Further benefits can also be derived in Silage as follows

 Higher moisture and starch content has the effect of import of energy derived cattle
food and reducing soya transport and associated production issues
 Healthier cattle with adapted feed stock results in less diseases with resulting less
medicine consumption.

With regard to Grain:

 Less moisture results in less heat units consumed leading to a reduction in fossil
resources consumption.
 Higher and richer content means less crop consumed by the starch industry.

One criticism of degradable mulch noted by producer C is the potential of soil erosion when
crops are grown on steep slopes. Normally it is recommended to sow parallel to level curves
(or to avoid mulching when this is not feasible).

Another criticism is the build up of oxo-bio film deposits in soil. Producer C believes that
whilst more data could always be generated, the information from literature and actual
experience must now be considered. In addition the mathematical model shows clearly there
cannot be a build-up of foreign material in the soil year after year.
For information the mathematical model, that quantifies the amount of plastic in the soil,
follows a rule that ensures the quantity cannot increase indefinitely but is limited to a
maximum that is U=Uo/q where U is the maximum quantity in the soil; Uo is the annual
quantity brought into the field and q is the minimum degradation rate per year.
Producer C commented that the French standard "Films de paillage en polyoléfines
additivées à durée de vie maîtrisée dans l'environnement pour l'agriculture et l'horticulture" is
available to download from the AFNOR website.
Producer C also emphasised that data relative to composting are not relevant for
degradation in the soil as physical and biological conditions are too dissimilar.

Producer C stated that standardisation of biodegradable material in soil is not as much

advanced as it is for packaging articles destined for composting, due to the more complex
nature of the topic.

The relevant CENTC249 WG9 is preparing a relevant document "Plastics to biodegrade in
soil after use; characterization and format for reporting" that is still in enquiry but should be
published shortly. An important point in the upcoming period will be to select the reference
material (straw, natural rubber, other material?) that, compared to oxidised polyethylene,
would lead to a relative biodegradation rate in soil up to 90% in a "reasonable" timeframe.
Currently biodegradable polymer is accepted for composting when reaching a rate of
90% relative to cellulose in 6 months.

Further documents about the mulch and biodegradation process were subsequently supplied
and these have been referred to in preparing this report.

C1.4: Producer D
Type of interview: Face-to-face interview and follow-up email communication
th th
Date: 11 February 2009, 9 March 2009
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

The interviewee stated that there was much experimental evidence available to support
Producer D’s position that there were no environmental problems with their technology.

Producer D market around 40-50 product formulations in a masterbatch carrier utilising their
additive technology based on carboxylic acid salts of Mn and Co. These metals are present
in the form of metal ions which are necessary in human and plant nutrition and are acquired
from food and water in the form of “essential minerals”. These additives are marketed
directly by producer D and through a network of licensees, sales agents and distributors in
approximately 60 countries.

Using their know-how they can provide a customised formulation for a particular polymer,
application and intended degradation time.

A draft standard capable of measuring oxo-biodegradation has been published by the British
Standards Institution in 2007 – BS 8472. The French Standards organisation, AFNOR,
published in July 2007 a Standard for oxo-biodegradable plastics in agriculture - XP T 54-
980-1. Oxo-biodegradable plastic can be tested according to American Standard ASTM
D6954-04 for Plastics that Degrade in the Environment by a Combination of Oxidation and
Biodegradation. This standard guide provides a testing protocol using ASTM standard
methods to compare the performance of plastics that biodegrade in various disposal

A 2007 study by the Quebec government in Canada has confirmed that polyethylene bags
incorporating one particular oxo-degradable additive are the only biodegradable bags tested
that can be recycled successfully without any problems.

Copies of reports and studies were supplied by Producer D and have been used to prepare
this report.

C1.5: Producer E
Type of Interview: Face-to-face
Date: 12 February 2009
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

Producer E is a manufacturer of oxo-degradable plastic additives.

The history of the development of oxo-degradable plastics from which this producer’s
additive ultimately was developed was described. The interviewee was involved in initial
research on oxo-degradable plastics in the early 70’s. Research was carried out into the
effect of different ion types (e.g. Ni, Zn, Co, Mn and Fe) as stabilisers for plastics exposed to
UV. The research revealed that Ferric dithiocarbamate, far from stabilising, resulted in rapid
degradation of the plastic when exposed to UV. Further research showed that all transition
metal stearates had a photosensitising and destabilising effect on plastics. It was found that
by varying the concentrations of Fe and Ni, the time over which degradation of the plastic
took place could be controlled, given a constant amount of sunlight. Much of this work was
carried out in Israel.

Producer E believes that the main oxo-degradable additive producers use the same
technology of Fe stearate or Fe dithiocarbamates, possibly with some Mn salts. The
additives are used in plastics at levels of about 0.01%. With regard to the amount of metal
ions released into the environment following degradation, the researchers commissioned by
Producer E concluded that the amount would not cause a significant increase above natural
levels. The polymer itself is reduced to a fine powder with molecular weights of 5000 to
3000. It was believed that this powder would biodegrade.

Regarding the rate of degradation in the environment it was explained that this would
depend on the amount and strength of sunlight. There is a recognised measure of UV
radiation that hits the earth at different locations and this can be used to set the levels of
radiation in a UV cabinet for laboratory studies. From producer E’s studies it was concluded
that, a carrier bag plastic containing an Fe pro-degradent would take the roughly the
following times to degrade at different locations : Israel/Florida – 1 month, Spain -1 summer,
England – 2 summers. They though this makes the use of these additives unsuitable for
plastic carrier bags in the UK. They also explained that since the degradation was
autocatalytic, once exposed to sufficient radiation to start the process, degradation would
proceed in the absence of light. This could translate to the environment where a plastic may
be exposed on the surface for a while before being buried in landfill. They added that
degradation would be quicker with a higher concentration of additive.

Producer E’s own additive is not metal ion based but is ketone based and is purely organic.
It can be used on its own or with the metal salt systems. The additive brings about
degradation by the action of UV or heat, but they have not carried out biodegradation

It is their view that oxo-degradable technology is complimentary to recycling and could be

well applied where plastics are not recycled. One suitable application identified was that of
industrial shrink-wrap packaging, since it is not recycled but goes to land-fill. They also
thought that recycling of plastics was limited because recycled plastics could only be used
for lower grade products. It was thought that oxo-degradable technology could be usefully
applied to plastics that had already been recycled and were being used for their last
functional life. They thought that contamination of a recycling stream with a small amount of
oxo-degradable material would not have a significant effect, particularly because the
additives would not interfere with stabiliser packages added to plastics.

Comparing oxo-degradable plastics to biopolymers which may be truly biodegradable, it was
pointed out that the properties of biopolymers were not good enough to replace conventional

The application of oxo-degradable plastics in mulch film and tree protectors was considered
particularly useful since the lifetime of the product could be tailored to the required life time
and the levels of exposure to UV could be reasonably accurately estimated.

C1.6 Producer F
Type of Interview: Telephone
Date: 14 August 2009
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

Producer F manufactures additive masterbatches that can be added to plastics that make
them oxo-degradable. The following is a summary of the views of producer F expressed in
an interview where the environmental impact of oxo-degradable plastics was discussed.

The overall benefit of using oxo-degradable plastics is that the excellent mechanical
properties of conventional plastic such as PE and PP can be exploited while, by adding the
degradable function, the negative effect of longevity of plastics in the environment can be

The additives used in oxo-degradable packaging include pro-degradents which are transition
metal salts, most commonly Fe, Co and Mn stearates. Fe generally has the greater UV
sensitivity while Co gives both UV and thermal sensitivity. The other critical part of the
system is the anti-oxidantants and stabilisers which allow the materials to be processed and
maintain their functionality for the time period required. A balance of stabilisers is required
with phosphites generally being used for processing stability and phenolics for protection
during the functional life of the product.

The way that the system works is that the stabilisers protect the plastic from oxidation, being
used up in the process. During this time, when there is still any stabiliser present, the
properties of the plastic remain the same and the plastic retains its functionality. When the
stabilisers have been used up the pro-degradents are able to accelerate the oxidation of the
plastic. The additive system is formulated to give a particular functional life after which
degradation will begin, rather than specifying a particular time to complete degradation,
which is difficult to predict. Functional lives of 18 to 24 months are usual for carrier bags,
while 6 to 9 months may be required for bread bags.

Time to degradation is difficult to predict since this is so dependent upon the use history and
disposal environment. For example, the material could be stored for most of its specified
functional life before use, or it could be used straight away. Hence, even with the same
disposal method, the time to degradation of these two materials would be different. In
addition, the oxo-degradable plastic could be disposed of in many ways including;
incineration, recycling, composting, landfill and it could be discarded as litter.
All these environments are very different, having great variations in levels of UV light, and
heat, which will strongly affect the rate of degradation.

Starting from an initial molecular weight of for example, 200 000, oxo-degradable PE and
PP will degrade progressively, reducing molecular weight. As the molecular weight reaches
about 100 000 the plastic will begin to fragment, smaller particles being produced as the
degradation progresses further. After a molecular weight of about 5000 has been reached
the material can be assimilated by microorganisms and biodegradation begins. The
biodegradation is not fast enough for the material to pass the composting standard of

EN13432, where there must be 90% degradation in 180 days. It would take an oxo-
degradable plastic about 18 months after fragmentation to reach this level of biodegradation.
However, oxo-degradable plastics degrade more quickly in the in-vessel composting units
that are suitable for the processing of animal waste because they operate at elevated
temperatures (as required by the Animal By-Products Regulations).

Degraded oxo-degradable plastic was found to be non-ecotoxic when tested by an

independent, accredited laboratory according to the 3rd part of the EN13432 standard. Any
potential harmful effect of the plastic fragments in the environment should be less for the
oxo-degradable plastics than conventional plastics since, providing there is a suitable
environment, they will degrade and be assimilated more quickly than fragments of
conventional plastics.

Oxo-degradable plastics can be recycled without loss of function (in terms of usability) as
long as degradation has not started to take place. The oxo-degradable function will be
maintained within the recycled material, although it may be diluted by the presence of non-
degradable plastic.

It is recommended that the best disposal route for an oxo-degradable product, such as a
carrier bag, should be re-use followed by recycling, as long as degradation has not started.

C1.7 Producer G
Type of Interview: Face-to-face, telephone and email
nd th
Date: 2 and 6-7 April 2009
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

Producer G has spent many years developing a range of oxy-biodegradable additive

masterbatches.. These masterbatches use a different transition metal ion to those commonly
marketed by their competitors and are formulated to have a technical superiority in terms of
controllability and performance when it comes to the degradation profile.
Formulations are available for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) and can be
designed to suit the required shelf life and embrittlement time for the indeed application, or to
meet customers’ aspirations.

Producer G supply their products globally with a wide range of applications, from check-out
bags, agricultural mulch films , to single use films. One interesting application is in
polypropylene tree guards where the customer requires a great deal of stability followed by
rapid degradation.Their products have been formulated to offer a variety of dwell times
followed by rapid embrittlement (first stage of degradation) rendering the smaller particles of
reduced molecular weight oxidised species available for biodigestion.

The mechanism of the additive was described in terms of free-radical scavenging which
decreases in efficiency once exposed to natural or UV light (photo-initiation). The first stage
of degradation results in embrittlement. This is said to be followed by biodegradation once
the polymer chain has been reduced to around 10,000 units.

Time to degradation is difficult to predict due to the sensitivity to environmental conditions.

Producer G usually makes predictions of time to degradation assuming steady conditions of,
for example 20°C with 12 hour days of “normal” sunlight. For time to embrittlement, feedback
they have received agrees very well with the laboratory simulated testing, giving them
confidence in house testing and the predictions which are derived from these results. Time
to biodegradation is even more difficult to predict due to the additional uncertainty about the
level and viability of the microbes in the medium surrounding the discarded product.
Producer G try and speed up this secondary biodegradation stage by including a

biodegradation promoter in formulations which encourages the development of microbial
colonies before the chain scission has occurred. Making the above assumptions they
predict secondary biodegradation would normally fall into the 2 to 3 year range.

The producer provided reports and technical information sheets to support their claims
regarding photo-initiation, biodegradation

Furthermore, they are confident that their technology permits recycling within the known
shelf life of the material and can be added at a percentage of the virgin material. However no
test data is available yet to confirm this aspect. The company has recently formed a strategic
partnership with a PET bottling company. This has taken on the concept of the need to
ensure that these bottles should be recyclable in the short term (two years) but can degrade
in the land and marine environment over a longer time span (ten years) if the bottles miss
out on the collection for recycling phase. Initial recycling tests have been carried out

The safety of the additives was addressed in terms of compliance with food contact
regulations. The components within producer G’s technology have safety approvals,
including full compliance with CONEG (Coalition of North Eastern Governors-USA), FDA
and EPA regulations for direct food contact. All components of the masterbatches being
listed in European Directive 2002/72/EC (Food Contact Plastics). Therefore they can be
used in plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. Migration
testing should be carried out to demonstrate that materials containing their additives comply
fully with these regulations. By virtue of their listing in the European Directive 2002/72/EC,
the components these additives are unlikely to cause harm to humans when incorporated
appropriately into polyethylene bags which are also used appropriately.
It was added that the metal ion used within their system is ubiquitous throughout the
environment and is naturally present in soil in very high levels. The masterbatch is added at
very low levels in to the base resin in order to produce an oxo-biodegradable property and is
typically in the region of 1%.

6.13 C2: Trade Associations in the Plastics Industry

C2.1: Packaging and Films Association (PAFA)

Type of Interview: Email communication
Date: 20 March
Interviewee/contact: Peter Ettridge
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick (Loughborough University)

A statement and two presentations were supplied and used in the preparation of the report.
The following points were also made.

Oxo-degradable additives do not increase functionality in terms of sourcing, application or

disposal of plastics. The only identifiable benefit is fragmentation of polyethylene disposed
of in a marine environment or in the developing world where waste disposal systems are not
sufficiently developed. It was also commented that the degradation of oxo-degradable
plastics could result in slow burn in landfill, leading to instability and CO2 evolution. 1 tonne
of bags equates to about 1 car driven for 10,000 miles per year.

C2.2: Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics Association (OPA)
Type of Interview: Telephone and email communication
Date: August 2009
Interviewee/contact: Professor Gerald Scott
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

Professor Scott, DSc (Oxon), C.Chem, FRIC, FIMMM Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and
Polymer Science, Aston University, UK is Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the
OPA. He has published many textbooks and research papers concerning polymer
degradation and biodegradation. The OPA (www.biodeg.org) is an independent
organisation which includes at least one additive manufacturer and more than 60 end-users
from different parts of the world.

This report is based on an interview with Professor Scott supplemented with additional
material supplied by Professor Scott and relevant material extracted from the OPA August
2009 Briefing Note and Position Papers available on the website.

The technology produces plastic which degrades by a process of oxo-degradation and is

based on a very small amount of pro-degradant additive being introduced into the
manufacturing process, thereby changing the behaviour of the plastic. Degradation begins
when the programmed service life is over (as controlled by the additive formulation) and the
product is no longer required.

The additives are based on compounds of the transition metals Fe, Ni, Mn or Co with Co
being used widely in the packaging area. Fe and Ni are primarily used for mulch film .
The actual content of metal in a salt is typically less than 10% with the addition level of the
active ingredients being ~ 0.1% of the finished film.
These transition metal salts are generally considered to be non-toxic.

In the first phase of the degradation process (abiotic under the influence of oxygen, sunlight
and/or heat) the formulation breaks the molecular chains so that the material is no longer a
plastic but a material of lower molecular weight compounds. The material does not just
fragment, but will be consumed in the second phase by bacteria and fungi3 after the
formulation has reduced the molecular weight to a level4 which permits living micro-
organisms access to the carbon and hydrogen. It is therefore “biodegradable.” 5 This
process continues until the material has biodegraded to nothing more than CO2, water, and
humus, and it does not leave fragments of petro-polymers.

Oxidation by molecular oxygen is the rate controlling step and based on the research work of
Professor Jakubowicz utilising Arrhenius plots, it has been estimated that, depending on the
formulation/application the oxo-biodegradable plastic will biodegrade completely between
two and five years. This is a much shorter time scale than many natural materials, e.g. straw,
leaves, twigs, etc.

3 “Degradable Polymers – Principles and Applications” Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002; "Environmental
biodegradation of polyethylene", S.Bonhomme, A. Cuer, A-M.,Delort, J. Lemaire, M.Sancelme and G.Scott,
Polym. Deg. Stab., 81, 441-452
sub 40,000 Daltons
Oxo-degradation is defined by TC249/WG9 of CEN (the European Standards Organisation) as “degradation
identified as resulting from oxidative cleavage of macromolecules.” And oxo-biodegradation as “degradation
identified as resulting from oxidative and cell-mediated phenomena, either simultaneously or successively.”

Degradation and biodegradation of an oxo-biodegradable polyethylene specimen consistent
with changes expected by Tiers 1 and 2 of ASTM D 6954-04 has been found by RAPRA6
Oxo-biodegradable additive also passes the eco-toxicity tests prescribed by Tier 3 of ASTM
D 6954-04, including seed germination, plant growth and organism survival (daphnia,

In rivers, lakes and oceans most oxo-biodegradable polyethylene films float on the surface,
where they are oxidised with consequent fragmentation and biodegradation. There is
oxygen and ultraviolet light on the surface, there are sufficient micro-organisms, and the
wind and waves subject the material to stress. Even if the material sinks, and uv light is
reduced, degradation will continue while oxygen is present. There are normally enough
micro-organisms, and there may also be stress caused by sub-surface currents.

Appendix 1 lists the results of extensive research that has been carried out on potential eco-
toxic effects of particulate and extensively degraded oxo-biodegradable plastics when mixed
with soil.
The conclusion from the published work is that the four usual pro-oxidant transition metal
ions (Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) are no more toxic in the environment than the abundant naturally
occurring minerals and that on the contrary both are the source of essential elements for
human nutrition.

Oxo-degradation is defined by TC249/WG9 of CEN (the European Standards Organisation)

as “degradation identified as resulting from oxidative cleavage of macromolecules.” Oxo-
biodegradation is “degradation identified as resulting from oxidative and cell-mediated
phenomena, either simultaneously or successively.”

Oxo-biodegradable plastic is designed to degrade, then biodegrade, if it gets into the open
environment. It is NOT currently marketed for composting, and it is not designed to degrade
in anaerobic conditions e.g. deep in a landfill, where it remains inert and does not
biodegrade to methane.

Composting is not the same as biodegradation in the environment due to the longer
timescales of the latter process.

A draft standard (BS 8472) for oxo-biodegradation of plastics is being prepared by the British
Standards Institution. Professor Scott chairs the working party and is hopeful that a draft will
be ready for issue by the end of 2009. Straw will be used as the reference material against
which the rate of polymer biodegradation will be measured.

The main benefit of oxo-biodegradability is not for plastic waste which is sent to landfill, but
for plastic waste which gets out into the environment, where it will accumulate for many
decades on land and in the oceans.
Some plastic waste will of course be collected and sent to landfill, but oxo-
biodegradable plastic waste should not be sent to landfill at all. After collection it should be
recycled, or incinerated for energy-recovery. OPA takes the position that it is better for the
environment to re-use, recycle and incinerate to energy than to convert the carbon to CO2

6 Tier 1 (Degradability) test 46023 20th March 2006. Tier 2 - (Biodegradability) test 46303 7th June 2006.
RAPRA Technology Analytical Laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom accreditation authorities as
meeting the requirements of International Standards Organisation norm no.17025
Organic Waste Systems NV Belgium - Reports 1812/93224 8th Mar 2006. See also G. Scott and D.M. Wiles,
Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, Kluwer, 2002, Chapter 13, Section 9.11, page 472, et seq.

during composting as required at present by international composting standards (e.g. EN

In the situations where oxo-biodegradable plastic does end up in landfill, decomposition

deep in a landfill is not desirable. Whilst oxo-biodegradable plastics fragment and
biodegrade in the upper layers of the landfill and emit CO2 at a low rate there in the
presence of oxygen, they are completely inert deeper in the landfill in the absence of

The OPA supports the recycling of plastics and information is available in Appendix 2 which
reinforces the fact that oxo-biodegradable plastics can be recycled together with other clean
commercial polyolefin wastes.
However, there are some agricultural applications of oxo-biodegradable plastics in which the
waste plastic cannot be recycled for logistical reasons. For example the collection of used
mulching film litter for the fields is costly because it is spread over extensive areas as
contaminated residues which are energy expensive to cleanse for reprocessing. This was
the main reason that oxo-biodegradable polyolefins replaced regular plastics because they
can be simply ploughed into the soil where biodegradation continues without any adverse
effect on subsequent crop yields.

Appendix 3 highlights the requirement to add more stabiliser and antioxidant prior to
recycling clean oxo-biodegradable plastic. It is also reported (S. Al-Malaika, et al., Recycling
Degradable Polyethylene, J. Macromol. Sci. Pure App. Chem. (1995) A 32 (4) 731) that
oxo-biodegradable plastics that have not had a severe exposure to the environment can
stabilise the mixed recyclate.

Ecotoxic Effects

The OPA state that extensive research has been carried out on potential eco-toxic effects of
particulate and extensively degraded oxo-biodegradable plastics when mixed with soil. Tests
included seed germination and plant growth rates, compared with the same soil without
degraded plastics [3,4], the effects on macro-organisms (worms, daphnia, etc.) in the soil [4]
and on the accumulation of transition metal ions in the stems, leaves and fruit of plants
during the growing season [2,5].

With the present range of degradable plastics which incorporate fractions of a percent of
transition metal ions, as indicated above, there are no negative effects shown by any of the
above tests. It is also recognised in horticulture that fragmented oxo-biodegradable plastic
films play a positive role as soil conditioners [6].

The commonly used transition metal compounds in commercial oxo-biodegradable plastics

are manganese, iron, cobalt and nickel. As indicated above, none of these are "heavy
metals" and none have been shown to be eco-toxic.

Indeed, all the above transition metal ions are required in human and plant nutrition, and are
absorbed from foodstuffs and water. Far from being dangerous they are considered to be
"essential" minerals required in oxygen transport systems. The non-toxicity of iron, which is
present in blood haemoglobin, catalase and peroxidases and of manganese, required for
manganese peroxidase, have never been questioned [7].

The UK Food Standards Agency has carried out a risk assessment [8] on trace elements,
and the following is a summary of their findings.

High concentrations of cobalt are normally found in fish (0.01 mg/kg), nuts (0.09 mg/kg),
green leafy vegetables (0.009 mg/kg) and fresh cereals (0.01 mg/kg). Most of the cobalt
ingested is inorganic. Fresh water concentrations of Co range from 0.001 to 0.01 mg/L. The
mean population intake of Co is 0.012 mg/day. Cobalt is also included in some multi-
constituent licensed medicines, at a maximum daily dose of 0.25 mg. Although cobalt is an
essential trace element, Co deficiency has not been reported in humans (presumably
because of its widespread availability from food and water).

Gastrointestinal absorption of cobalt depends on the dose. Very low doses are almost
completely absorbed, whereas larger doses are less well absorbed. Most excess cobalt is
excreted in urine. The only toxicity data for cobalt reported in the literature was in 1960,
when heavy beer drinkers suffered cardiomyopathy as a result of the use by the brewing
industry of cobalt chloride as a "foam stabiliser" at (1.0-1.5) mg/kg. Ethanol and cobalt have
a synergistic effect in reducing blood flow causing damage to the heart. Massive doses of
cobalt salts (30 mg/day), evaluated as a treatment for anaemia’s led to skin rashes and hot
flushes. Prolonged use of cobalt "therapy" led to depression in iodine uptake.

Nickel is present in a number of enzymes in plants and micro-organisms and in humans it

influences iron absorption and metabolism. It is found in a variety of foods as ionic Ni,
particularly in pulses and oats (0.18 mg/kg in miscellaneous cereals), and in nuts (1.77
mg/kg). Lower levels are found in water. Total intake of nickel by humans from all sources is
up to 0.26 mg/day and no potential high intake groups have been identified. The average
intake from food and drinking water is 0.16 mg/day. Nickel is excreted in urine and in sweat.

Acute nickel exposure is associated with nausea, vomiting abdominal discomfort and
diarrhoea. The lowest reported oral dose associated with acute effects of nickel in humans
was 1.2 mg in a 60 kg adult. Chronic inhalation of nickel and its compounds is associated
with lung cancer in humans and in animals but orally administered nickel was found not to be
carcinogenic. It was the exposure of humans to nickel during mining that led to the believe
that nickel is carcinogenic however it is imbibed but administration of nickel compounds
orally has shown that the main effects in humans is in skin sensitisation but only over 5.6

From the above, it can be understood how and why the common transition metals are
obtained by humans as essential nutrients. It will also be useful when discussing "dangerous
substances" in the environment to see how they are absorbed into the food chain from the
soil. In fact, the amounts of transition metal ions available to plants from common soils is
much higher than can be absorbed by the plants [2] and is very much greater than would be
produced from degradable plastics in the soil.

Particular attention has been paid to cobalt and nickel for the reasons discussed above.
Volcanic soils contain very high concentrations of cobalt oxide (up to 100 ppm) and nickel
oxide (up to 750 ppm). Sandstone and limestone contain 90 ppm and 10-20 ppm of nickel
respectively [2]. However, the amount of nickel taken up by the plant appears to have little to
do with its concentration in the soil.

Table 1 shows the effect on plant uptake of nickel sulphate applied to the soil to simulate the
deposition of nickel from degradable polyethylene mulching films by up to 180 years of
application to the same soil [2]. It is clear that the accumulation of nickel in various parts of
the plant remains constant within experimental limits, whatever the concentration of nickel in
the soil.

Furthermore, It can be calculated that in the ‘worst case scenario’, it would take 500 years to
increase the nickel content of soil using typical nickel contents of degradable polyethylene
mulching films by 1 ppm [1].

Table 1 - the accumulation of nickel in melons (ppm, measured by atomic

absorption) grown in soils containing increasing amounts of nickel sulphate1
Control 60 years 120 years 180 years
leaves 17.3 15.2 13.5 13.7
stems 5.0 4.5 5.2 5.0
flesh 2.7 2.0 3.0 3.2
skin 3.0 3.5 3.2 3.0

The soil was sprayed with NiSO4 to give nickel concentrations in the topsoil equivalent to
the accumulation from S-G mulching films used for the number of years indicated.


Synthetic hydrocarbon polymers (e.g. polyolefins, polystyrene and synthetic rubbers)

biodegrade in the environment by the same abiotic and biotic processes as naturally
occurring polymers (e.g. natural rubber, resins and lignin).

In the case of conventional commercial plastics the rates of formation of oxidation products
depend on the presence of pro-oxidant transition metal ions (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) and
commercial antioxidants. The lifetimes and hence biodegradation times of commercial
biodegradable polyolefins may vary by orders of magnitude depending on the application.
The time-scale from the end of the user life to final conversion in the environment to carbon
dioxide, water and biomass lies within the range of many natural product wastes such as
straw and related lingo-cellulosic materials.

The oxidation products of both natural and synthetic hydrocarbon polymers biodegrade
rapidly and are absorbed by microbial cells. Consequently, abiotic or biotic oxidation is
normally rate controlling and there is no accumulation of low molar mass products in the

The rates of abiotic peroxidation of carbon-chain polymers in the environment can be

predicted from laboratory tests and it has been shown that the biodegradation rates of the
oxidation products correlate with mass loss of the polymer. The purpose of eco-toxicological
tests is to ensure that neither the fragmented polymers nor their oxidative breakdown
products have an adverse effect on plants or to humans and animals that may consume the

It is clear from the published work that the four usual pro-oxidant transition metal ions (Mn,
Fe, Co and Ni) are no more toxic in the environment than the abundant naturally occurring
minerals and that on the contrary both are the source of essential elements for human

[1] D.Gilead in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, 1st Edition, Editors,
G.Scott and D.Gilead, Chapman & Hall (Kluwer), 1995, Chapter 10.
[2] A.Fabbri in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications, 1st Edition, Editors,
G.Scott and D.Gilead, Chapman & Hall (Kluwer), 1995, Chapter 11.
[3] S-R.Yang and C-h.Wu in Degradability, Renewability and Recycling, 5th International
Scientific Workshop on biodegradable Plastics and Polymers, Macromolecular Symposia
144, Eds., A-C. Albertsson, J. Feijen, G. Scott and M. Vert., Wiley-VCH, 1999, 101-112.
[4] D.M. Wiles, J-F. Tung, B.E. Cermak, C. W. J. Hare and, J.G. Gho, Proceedings of the
Biodegradable Plastics 2000 Conference, Frankfurt, June 6 & 7 (1990).
[5] G.Cassalicchio, A.Bretoluza and A.Fabbri, Plasticulture, 86, 21-28 (1990).
[6] H.O.W.Eggins, J.Mills, A.Holt and G.Scott in Microbial Aspects of Pollution, Editors,
G.Sykes and F.A. Skinner, Academic Press, 1971, pp 267-277.
[7] G. Scott, Antioxidants in science, technology, medicine and nutrition, Albion Publishing,
[8] Food Standards Agency Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (2003), Risk


The length of the useful life of an oxo-biodegradable plastic product is determined by

antioxidants (processing stabilisers and UV stabilisers) contained within the formulation,
which can be modified so that the plastic product degrades according to whatever timescale
is required.

Obviously if any plastic is going to be recycled it will have to be collected and recycled
before it has become embrittled. Oxobiodegradable products will normally have a useful life
before embrittlement of at least 18 months, and if they have not been collected and recycled
by then, they probably never will be.

New oxo-biodegradable products made with recyclate

If a new product is to be made with recycled polymer which contains or might contain a pro-
degradant formulation and the new product is intended to be degradable, the process is
obviously straightforward, as a pro-degradant effect is actually desired. This applies
particularly to recycling of oxo-biodegradable offcuts in plastic factories, or where used oxo-
biodegradable “back-of-shop” plastics (e.g. shrink-wrap pallet-wrap, bread-wrapping etc) are
sent back for recycling into more oxo-biodegradable products.

Short-life products

If the new product to be made from recyclate which contains or might contain a pro-
degradant formulation, is intended for short-life products such as refuse-sacks, bin-liners,
shopping bags, bread wrappers etc. the effect of any pro-degradant formulation is unlikely to
manifest itself during the intended service-life, and biodegradability for such items is in any
event desirable. It is desirable because a proportion of these items will always find their way
into the land or sea environment, where they would otherwise subsist for decades after they
had been discarded.

Long-life products

Since polymers lose stabilisers every time they are reprocessed, it is good practice to add
new stabilisers each time, whether the feedstock contains oxo-biodegradable plastic or not.

If suitably formulated, the stabilisers will also neutralise any pro-oxidant which may still be

Building Films

If the new product to be made is a plastic film intended for long-term durability - such as a
building film for damp-proofing or waterproofing - the specification in some countries for
some of these films requires the use of a virgin polyolefin compound 8 and recyclate is not
therefore relevant. For all other building films the specification will usually require the use of
stabilisers where necessary.9 There will of course be no pro-degradant formulation in
recyclate chosen from in-house scrap, or from other feedstock whose origin is known.

In the case of lower-grade building films, where no guarantee is given, these are often made
from recyclate whose origin is not known, and the manufacturer should always add
stabilisers as above, whether the feedstock contains a pro-degradant formulation or not.


(a) ISO Standard 8779 “Plastics piping systems — Polyethylene (PE) pipes for irrigation”
provides at para. 4.2 that only clean reprocessable material generated from a
manufacturer's own production may be used if it is derived from the same resin as used for
the relevant production. As the origin of the material will be known, it will not therefore be
used for this purpose if it could contain any pro-degradant formulation.

(b) SABS 10 piping is manufactured to a specification which permits the use of recyclate only
from “in-house scrap.” Small bore piping class 6 and 10 is usually LDPE and, larger sizes,

“In-house scrap” is scrap which has been generated during manufacture of the SABS grade
pipe which can be chipped up and added back.

There is therefore no difficulty with the manufacture of such piping, as the origin of the
recyclate is known and it will not therefore be used for this purpose if it contains any pro-
degradant formulation.

(c) “SABS Equivalent” piping is manufactured from 100% recycled material according to the
SABS specification but is not marked. Usually HDPE with from 5-20% LDPE blended for
flexibility. For a quality product where a guarantee is demanded, clean industrial scrap is
used where product history (material source and material grade) is known. This will not
therefore contain a pro-degradant formulation.

(d) Agricultural and Domestic piping is manufactured in South Africa from 100% LDPE scrap.
Normally the same scrap is used as in (c) above, but it should only be used in low-tech
situations if the origin of the recyclate is unknown. Stabilisers should always be added if
there is any doubt about the origin of the recyclate, and there is a case for an industry
specification for this category of piping, which would include a requirement to add stabilisers.

Eg South African Bureau of Standards Specification 952-1985 para. 3.2.2
South African Bureau of Standards Specification 952-1985 para. 3.2.1
South African Bureau of Standards

“Low tech situation” refers to small bore piping Class 3 and 6 used for piping water to cattle
or game troughs or on domestic irrigation systems, essentially at low pressures.

Recycling of Oxo-biodegradable Plastics - Gerald Scott, Professor Emeritus in

Chemistry and Polymer Science, Aston University

Oxo-biodegradable plastics are manufactured by the addition of prooxidant additives during

formulation. Without the addition of stabilisers to protect against environmental peroxidation,
the oxo-biodegradable plastic item rapidly loses its mechanical properties. However this
process is delayed by the antioxidant/stabiliser combination, which is retards the onset of the
degradation process and during this time the antioxidant system is removed.
So long as the stabiliser system is still present, virtually no change in properties can occur
and the waste polymer can recycled to the original oxo-biodegradable plastic by the addition
of the same stabilising system. If more durable products are required this can be achieved
by further addition of stabilisers. This is called “closed-loop” recycling and it can in principle
be repeated many times.
In practice, waste oxo-biodegradable plastics are frequently reprocessed together with
regular commercial plastics wastes of similar structure, which may contain a variety of
stabilising systems and the durability of the recyclate will depend on synergistic or
antagonistic effects on durability. This applies irrespective of the presence or absence of
oxo-biodegradable plastics and interestingly, it has been found that oxo-biodegradable
plastics that have not had a severe exposure to the environment actually stabilise the mixed

1 Oxo-biodegradable plastics can be recycled in a closed loop to the original
application by addition of appropriate processing and weathering stabilisers

2Oxo-biodegradable plastics can be recycled with co-mingled generic commercial

plastics waste by normal reprocessing procedures
April 1 2009

S. Al-Malaika, S. Chohan, M. Coker, G. Scott, R. Arnaud, P. Dabin, A Fauve and J. Lemaire, J. Macromol. Sci.,
Pure & App. Chem. A32 (4) 731 (1995)


6.14 C3: Retailers

Several of the major multiple retailers were contacted to determine their opinions on the use
of oxo-degradable plastics in packaging. The views of all those that responded are
summarised below.

C3.1: Retailer A
Type of Interview: Email communication
Date: 4 March
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick (Loughborough University)

Retailer A considered using ox-biodegradable plastics in the past and ran a trial on them.
However, it was decided not to use them. The oxo-biodegradable films ran well on the lines
and performed in-store with no problems. They were also cost neutral. However there were
concerns about their environmental impact and their breakdown in anaerobic landfill. Starved
of oxygen and light it was considered unclear what actually happened in the degradation
process. It was concluded that even if fully degraded, the same plastic remains, just in
smaller pieces. It was acknowledged that the decision was slightly subjective due to the lack
of research and scientific fact to base it upon. Instead of following this route, the
retailerfocused on light-weighting, de-layering, improving recyclability and driving for
sustainable sources. Finally it was commented that they would be keen to see the outputs
of any formal research project into this area.

C3.2 Retailer B
Type of Interview: Email communication
th th
Date: Between 5 and 27 February
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

Retailer B has a packaging policy which states that materials that interfere with an
established recycling stream will not be used. This is one of the reasons that Retailer B
does not use polylactic acid (PLA) in hard plastic packaging and especially not in bottles as it
contaminates PET recycling. This retailer uses oxo-degradable plastics in packaging
because they do not interfere with such recycling streams.

It was considered that the use of degradable technology is not a perfect solution but a useful
stepping stone. It was added that if widespread recycling of polythene films were to take off
in the UK, there would be no point in making it degradable.

Retailer B has been given scientific papers that demonstrate the use of the technology, but
has left the additive manufacturers to supply this sort of information. However, one of the
pieces of information considered particularly relevant was the fact that the first phase in a
landfill is actually aerobic and very hot.

This retailer has carefully considered the claims on oxy-biodegradable plastic packaging.
Examples are given below:-

The text on the bags for sliced bread is:

"Degradable Packaging: This bag will fully degrade to carbon dioxide, water and a small
amount of inorganic residue after approximately 4 years in the domestic waste stream. This
compares to conventional plastic taking over 100 years to degrade."

Retailer B believes that the following is the statement that should be used on EN13432
materials which are not also home compostable:

"INDUSTRIALLY COMPOSTABLE. This packaging has been tested to compost within 16
weeks in optimum conditions in an industrial, animal by-products licensed composter.
Currently, only 50 suitably licensed composters operate in the UK, and we are only aware of
one local authority who might collect this packaging for treatment."

A reference regarding landfill conditions was also provided.

C3.3 Retailer C
Type of Interview: Email communication
Date: 25 March
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

Retailer C have sustainability aims outlined in their packaging charter. On this basis this
retailer has based their carrier bag policy on (i) promoting re-use and (ii) maximising the % of
recycled polythene. They do not use paper due to the much higher carbon footprint. Oxo-
degradable plastics are not used on the basis that (i) they can contaminate traditional
recycling (ii) they do not save landfill in the timescales they degrade and (iii). they can
'greenwash' consumers into believing that not re-using carrier bags is acceptable. Retailer C
made reference to a report by Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) carrying out
some work on oxo-degradable plastics in 2007 which also concluded against their use based
on environmental impacts.

C3.4 Retailer D
Type of Interview: Telephone
Date: 20 May 2009
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick, Loughborough University

retailer D’s focus is to reduce overall the number of plastic bags given out by promoting the
use of re-usable bags and giving out bags only on request and so reduce the impact on the
environment. They have moved from 78% virgin polymer content to 50% content at the
start of 2009. Reduction in the gauge of carrier bags also means that, over the year, 1000
tonnes less plastic will end up in landfill.

A new oxo-biodegradable formulation has been developed in cooperation with an oxo-

degradable plastics producer, which is designed to degrade more quickly (<12 months). This
is aimed to tackle the littering problem and to reduce the impact on landfill. The evidence
seen by retailer D confirms that this formulation will be ultimately biodegradable.
The retailer also raised the issue of incineration and believes that there should be an open
debate to consider it as a potential alternative to landfill and address the wider concerns of
waste. Other countries in Europe are much further ahead in this area.

6.15 C5: Agricultural and Horticultural Applications

C5.1 Environment Agency

Type of Interview: email communication
Date: 12 May
Interviewee: Simon Barron, Agricultural Technical Advisor (Agricultural Waste), Environment
Management Technical Services
Interviewer: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

The Environment Agency does not accept the ploughing in of oxo-degradable plastic
mulches because it is not considered beneficial or environmentally benign. The decision
was based on the results of a literature search and peer review into the composting of oxo-
degradable plastics.

C5.2 National Farmers Union (NFU)

Type of Interview: Telephone
Date: 6 May 2009
Interviewee : Aarun Naik, Environment Policy Advisor, NF
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke

The use of oxo-degradable plastics in agricultural applications is not widespread in the UK.
However, the development of oxo-degradable plastics is known about, together with an
appreciation of the controversy surrounding their use. In the absence of direct knowledge of
the use of oxo-degradable plastics on farms, the potential effects and farmers’ concerns
were discussed.

Farmers suffer from having relatively small amounts of widely dispersed plastic that needs to
be collected and disposed of. A potential advantage of the oxo-degradable plastics is that
they could be disposed of in-situ, thus avoiding the need for collection, with its attendant
financial and environmental costs. Similarly, costs of final disposal in landfill would also be

However for oxo-degradable plastics to move into mainstream use, farmers would have to
be convinced of their effectiveness and environmental safety. In particular farmers would
want to know that the Environment Agency was convinced of its safety before considering
whether to take up the technology. With these points clarified farmers could reasonably
make a choice on whether or not to use these materials based on cost.

Another issue which would affect the use of oxo-degradable plastics is the new legislation of
manufacturer responsibility for non-packaging plastics, which would include plastic mulch
and tree protectors. There would be a statutory obligation for the manufacturer to collect
and dispose of such materials. It would be necessary to clarify how oxo-degradable plastics
fit into this new legislation. They would be expected to degrade in-situ, but if removed they
may become mixed with conventional plastics and this could have down-stream implication
for recycling.

C5.3 National Farmers Union (NFU)
Type of Interview: Telephone
Date: 13 May 2009
Interviewee/contact : Robert Caudwell, NFU Waste Issues Spokesperson
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke

The main problem with using oxo-degradable plastic films as mulch is that the Environment
Agency does not consider ploughing-in any of the remaining plastic as appropriate.
Recyclers would not want to accept it, so the undegraded material would have to be
removed and disposed of in landfill. The materials are generally more expensive than
conventional plastics and the additional costs of going to landfill means that oxo-degradable
plastics have not generally been used in the UK, except in trials.

It was commented that degradable plastics that could be ploughed in to the soil would be a
useful product to be available to farmers, removing the problems of collection and recycling.
However, there would have to be very clear standards of (bio)degradability that could be
applied to the materials.

6.16 C6: Plastics and Organics Recyclers

C6.1 Association for Organics Recycling (formerly The Composting Association)

Type of Interview: Telephone
Date: 6 March 2009
Interviewee/contact: Emily Nichols
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

The following summarises the views expressed about the effect of oxo-degradable plastics
on composting.

Input materials to composting facilities are mostly garden and green wastes from
households, landscaping, farms, fruit and vegetable growing and processing of crops where
materials are clearly compostable and there is a low risk of contamination. However, now
that Local Authorities are looking at food waste composting in enclosed / in-vessel systems,
contamination by non-compostable plastic could become a problem if the local authority is
not sufficiently clear about how to recognise and whether to collect ‘compostable’ plastics for
composting. Given the widespread confusion of terms ‘biodegradable’, ‘compostable’,
‘degradable’ and ‘oxo-degradable’ and ‘oxo-biodegradable’, householders could mistakenly
include oxo-degradable plastics with their food waste, believing them to be ‘compostable’.
Some Local Authorities are aware of the potential confusion so supply their own kitchen
caddy liners, while others specify particular liner products that should be available locally.
Some Local Authorities try to persuade the composter to take any ‘biodegradable’
packaging/plastic wastes. There have been problems with paper and card (when present in
relatively large volumes) but the impact of plastics is more difficult to evaluate because there
is generally much less of this currently collected with food waste. WRAP is commissioning a
consumer focus group evaluation of options for a home compostable certification mark and
on-pack label text. It could help to inform householders which plastics can be put in their
own home composting bins or included with food waste collected on behalf of the Local

In composting material, if there are significant amounts of plastics present during composting
this could adversely affect air circulation. This could lead to anaerobic air pockets
developing, which generates malodours and make odour management more difficult.

Windblown litter must not escape from composting facilities. If there is an outdoor phase in
the composting process this could be a problem if plastics are present. Barriers or nets can
be used but this adds to the cost and they are not necessarily effective.

Fragmentation of the plastic can make separation difficult if an industrial screen is used
since the dimensions and density of the plastic particles are similar to those of the other
compost particles. Further processing at additional cost may achieve adequate removal but
the costs and efficacy have not been evaluated or quantified.

For compost to be treated as a product, rather than a waste material, it must comply with the
PAS100 standard and the Compost Quality Protocol. The latter represents further industry

In the PAS100 standard (and Compost Quality Protocol) there are various requirements that
must be met. One of these is that the only input materials that are accepted are those that
pass one or more of the compostability standards, i.e. EN 13432, EN 14995, DIN V 54900 or
ASTM D6400. Oxo-degradable plastics do not pass any of these standards and so are
excluded from composting.

As a provision for the control of incidental contamination by plastic, the PAS 100 standard
does allow for the presence of a very limited amount of contamination. There are specified
limits to contaminants above 2 mm in size. Plastic particles greater than 2 mm in size must
not exceed 0.25 % by weight of the compost. In practice, values are generally much lower
than this as compost buyers and users are intolerant of physical contaminants in composts.
PAS 100, includes a further requirement that the compost is “fit for purpose”. For example,
the customer may still reject the compost on basis of appearance, even if the total plastic is
less than 0.25 % (or possibly more than this but in visible fragments less than 2 mm in size).
PAS 100 places responsibility on the compost producer to supply compost that is ‘fit for

If not compliant with PAS100 (and the Compost Quality Protocol in England or Wales),
compost is legally assumed to be waste until it has been used and such use has not resulted
in pollution of the environment. The composter has to obtain permission from the regulator
to spread the particular compost in a particular area, at particular time, taking account of the
land use. The regulator is the Environment Agency in England and Wales, Scottish
Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) in Scotland and Department of Agricultural and
Rural Development (DARD) in Northern Ireland. The regulator may refuse if residual plastic
is present in the compost.

The European Standard for compostability of materials, EN 13432 (and the technically
equivalent standards referred to above), does not exclude any specific plastics. To date,
oxo-degradable plastics have not passed the ‘biodegradability’ test in the EN 13432

Proponents of oxo-degradable plastics want to modify the standards to give a robust

framework for testing and reporting (bio)degradation. However, there are already standards
available in the USA which could be used and it is not clear why a new standard should be

Previous drafts of a prospective new British Standard for oxo-degradable plastics have made
numerous references to composting in the expectation that the composting industry will

accept such plastics. However, the view expressed was that the research showed extremely
variable results and the Association for Organics Recycling requested that all references to
compostability of oxo-degradable plastics to be removed.

Misinterpretation of EN 13432 has occurred because it includes one note that has been
quoted without reference to this standard’s other important provisions. The quoted note
states that ‘It is important to recognise that it is not necessary that biodegradation of
packaging material or packaging be fully completed by the end of biological treatment in
technical plants but that it can subsequently be completed during the use of the compost
produced’. This has lead to the proponents of oxo-degradable plastics saying that this
should apply to oxo-degradable plastics. However, EN 13432 strives to limit the risk to
compost quality by including another note states that ‘Special attention should be given to
the visual aspects of compost. Visual contamination of compost, as evidenced by reduction
of aesthetic acceptability, should not be significantly increased by any post composting
residues of the packaging material introduced’. Clearly there is an interpretation problem
and it should be looked at if the standard is reviewed.

The proponents of oxo-degradable plastics have attempted to justify the use of oxo-
degradable plastics by claiming that return of carbon to the soil is good, including return via
partially degraded plastic fragments. However, the Association for Organics Recycling does
not consider this is right in terms of littering in the environment, and has potential to greatly
harm the saleability and usability of composts if oxy-biodegradable plastics are pushed
towards the composting route for waste recovery.

C6.2 Composting Company A

Type of Interview: e-mail communication
Date: 2 March 2009
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

The following information was provided in an e-mailed response to an enquiry about the
effect of oxo-degradable plastics on composting.

Composting Company A has carried out a rough (non-controlled) trial on so-called 'bio-
degradable' or 'compostable' plastic bags. Ten to twenty 'compostable' plastic bags were
put in a (non-degradable) plastic onion sack, placed amongst the green waste in an ABPR
(Animal By-Products Regulation) compliant in-vessel composting system (mixed food and
garden waste from council kerbside collections). After the composting process (2 weeks in
vessel achieving at least 60C for at least 2 days and then 6 weeks in windrows being turned)
the onion bags were retrieved during the compost screening process, and their contents
examined. In general, the cheaper the 'compostable' bags the less well they broke down.
The most expensive bags tended to degrade substantially, while the cheap versions hardly
composted at all (most looked 'as good as new').

Composting Company A has no policy on the inclusion of degradable plastics, taking

whatever green waste local authorities provide, unless it is heavily contaminated.
Composting Company A has worked with the local authorities for years on campaigns to
raise awareness about not putting food waste (in particular) in plastic bags in the green bin
for the compost collection. The local authorities have a policy of asking their collection crews
to check green bins before emptying and reject any contaminated with plastic bags. This
policy and the awareness campaigns have not been very successful. The green waste
received from local authorities is still contaminated with plastic bags and around 30% of the
compost has to be rejected after screen due to contamination with plastic. At present
Composting Company A and the local authorities are not saying that residents can use
'compostable' plastic bags, because of their potentially poor compostability and because of

the risk of confusion with ordinary plastic bags by both the consumer and the collection

It is considered that the best policy is to allow no plastic bags of any sort in the green waste.
Reference is made to an article which concludes that increasing use of 'compostable' bags
will lead to higher contamination levels and more green waste ending up in landfill (Dr.
Stephen Wise, 'Degradable does not mean compostable', 'Resource Management and
Recovery' issue 160, 6th Feb. 09).

C6.3 Recycling company A

Type of Interview: telephone
Date: 13 May 2009
Interviewer/author: Jane Clarke, Loughborough University

Recycling company A manufactures polyethylene products, including those for agricultural

applications. Oxo-degradable plastics are among their products. Recycling company A also
carries out substantial recycling of polyethylene.
In agricultural use, it had been found that there were problems associated with predicting
the time to break down of the plastic. The importance of controlling this was emphasised, if
degradation was either too later or too early there would be problems. It was commented
that biopolymers generally performed better but were not generally used because of their
high cost.
From the point of view of recycling it was admitted that, strictly speaking they can be called
recyclable since they can be melted down and re-used. However, it was considered that
their lack of stability, due to the presence of remaining pro-degradant means that their
recycling is problematic. A particular problem arises as many recycled plastics are used in
building films where they need to function long-term. When this point had been raised with
an additive producer it was suggested that recycling more stabilisers could be added to
compensate. This was not considered by Recycling Company A to be a reasonable solution
and it was added that, if used in agricultural plastics the oxo-degradable plastics would not
be allowed to be taken in for recycling.
Recycling company A was not against the use of oxo-degradable plastics in principle, but
commented that it would be a matter of using them in the right application. It was thought
that it would be more acceptable to use biopolymers which are compostable, to allow
diversion from landfill to composting.
As an anti-litter strategy the use of oxo-degradable plastics was thought to be reasonable.
However it was considered that where there is a clear route to recycling it is better to recycle
than to follow the degradable route.

Type of Interview: email communication
Date: 12th May 2009
Interviewee/contact: Ben Layton
Interviewer/author: Stuart Patrick

RECOUP is a national charity developing plastics recycling in the UK, promoting best
practices and providing educational and training tools

Some films such as carrier bags can be recycled but into relatively low value applications.
Therefore a limited amount of household films are currently collected, baled and sold to
reprocessors, but this is often at a negative value. The plastic film also causes technical
issues with sorting equipment in materials reclamation facilities. The Recoup guide currently
specifies that film should not be collected for recycling. A key area of recent WRAP research
has proven that mixed domestic film recycling can be achieved under trial conditions,
although the increasing levels of bioplastics present in carrier bags and other films may
present issues generally for the commercialisation of recycling petrochemical based plastics.
The challenge is now to enable collection, handling and effective separation of film from
other recyclables within acceptable cost boundaries given the relatively low output value.

A domestic mixed plastics packaging recycling guide was also provided.

Annex D: References
1. Scott, G. in Biodegradable plastics in agricultureBiodegradable polymers for industrial
applications (ed Smith, R.) (Woodhead Publishing Limited, Boca Raton FL33431 USA,
2005)Chapter 17.

2. Wiles, D. M. in Oxo-degradable polyolefins in packagingBiodegradable polymers for

industrial applications (ed Smith, R.) (Woodhead Publishing Limited, Boca Raton FL33431
USA, 2005)Chapter 16.

3. Scott, G. in Polymers and the environment (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge CB4
0WF, UK, 1999).

4. Scott, G. in Degradable polymers in waste and litter controlDegradable Polymers:

Principles and Applications (ed Scott, G.) (Kluwer Academ. Publ., 2002)Chapter 13.

5. James, K. &Grant, T. LCA of degradable plastic bags. (Proceedings of the 4th Australian
LCA Conference. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 2005).

6. Murphy, R. J., Davis, G. & Payne, M. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Biopolymers for
single-use Carrier Bags, report no. NNFCC 07-005, to the National Non-Food Crops Centre,
pp 1-109 (2008), Imperial College London, UK.

7. D. Gilead and G. Scott. Controllably degradable polymer compositions USUS4461853.

8. G. Scott and D. Gilead. Controllably and swiftly degradable polymer compositions and
films and other products made therefrom USUS4939194.

9. Scott, G. & Gilead, D. in Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications (Chapman &
Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, SE1 8HN, UK, 1995).

10. Lee, B., Pometto, A. L.,III, Fratzke, A. & Bailey, T. B.,Jr. Biodegradation of degradable
plastic polyethylene by Phanerochaete and Streptomyces species. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
57, 678-685 (1991).

11. Koutny, M. et al. Acquired Biodegradability of Polyethylenes Containing Pro-Oxidant

Additives. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 91, 1495-1503 (2006).

12. Hadad, D., Geresh, S. & Sivan, A. Biodegradation of polyethylene by the thermophilic
bacterium Brevibacillus borstelensis. J. Appl. Microbiol. 98, 1093-1100 (2005).

13. Stranger-Johannessen, M. Susceptibility of Photodegraded Polyethylene to

Microbiological Attack (IUPAC et al. Long-Term Properties of Polymers and Polymeric
Materials. Applied Polymer Symposium 35, 1976).

14. Chiellini, E., Corti, A. & Swift, G. Biodegradation of Thermally-Oxidized, Fragmented

Low-Density Polyethylenes. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 81, 341-351 (2003).

15. Chiellini, E., Corti, A., DAntone, S. & Baciu, R. Oxo-biodegradable carbon backbone
polymers - Oxidative degradation of polyethylene under accelerated test conditions. Polym.
Degradation Stab. 91, 2739-2747 (2006).

16. Chiellini, E., Corti, A. & D'Antone, S. Oxo-biodegradable full carbon backbone polymers -
biodegradation behaviour of thermally oxidized polyethylene in an aqueous medium.
Polymer Degradation and Stability.Vol.92 92, 1378-1383 (2007).

17. Feuilloley, P. et al. Degradation of Polyethylene Designed for Agricultural Purposes.

Journal of Polymers and the Environment 13, 349-355 (2005).

18. Jakubowicz, I. Evaluation of Degradability of Biodegradable Polyethylene(pe). Polym.

Degrad. Stab. 80, 39-43 (2003).

19. Chiellini, E. & Corti, A. Simple Method Suitable to Test the Ultimate Biodegradability of
Environmentally Degradable Polymers. Macromolecular Symposia, 381-395 (2003).

20. Rojas, E. & Greene, J. "Performance Evaluation of Environmentally Degradable Plastic

Packaging and Disposable Food Service Ware" - Final Report to the Integrated Waste
Management Board, State of California, US. , 1-70 (2007).

21. Narayan, R. Fundamental principles and claims of biodegradability - sorting through the
facts, hypes and claims of biodegradable plastics in the marketplace. Bioplastics Magazine 4

22. Thompson, R. C. et al. Lost at Sea: Where Is All the Plastic? Science 304, 838 (2004).

23. WRAP Research Report: Consumer attitudes to biopolymers. (2007).

24. WRAP Research Report: Biopolymer packaging in UK grocery market. (2009).

25. Kyrikou, I. & Briassoulis, D. Biodegradation of Agricultural Plastic Films: A Critical

Review. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 15, 125-150 (2007).

26. Albertsson, A., Andersson, S. O. & Karlsson, S. The Mechanism of Biodegradation of

Polyethylene. Polym.Degradation Stab.Vol.18 18, 73-87 (1987).

27. Karlsson, S., Ljungquist, O. & Albertsson, A. Biodegradation of Polyethylene and the
Influence of Surfactants. Polym.Degradation Stab.Vol.21 21, 237-250 (1988).

28. Oldak, D., Kaczmarek, H., Buffeteau, T. & Sourisseau, C. Photo- and Bio-Degradation
Processes in Polyethylene, Cellulose and their Blends Studied by ATR-FTIR and Raman
Spectroscopies. J. Mater. Sci. 40, 4189-4198 (2005).

29. Yabannavar, A. V. & Bartha, R. Methods for assessment of biodegradability of plastic

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