2015 - Productionofbiofuelsandbiochemicalsbyinvitrosynthe (Retrieved-2016!01!25)
2015 - Productionofbiofuelsandbiochemicalsbyinvitrosynthe (Retrieved-2016!01!25)
2015 - Productionofbiofuelsandbiochemicalsbyinvitrosynthe (Retrieved-2016!01!25)
Biotechnology Advances
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biotechadv
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a b s t r a c t
The largest obstacle to the cost-competitive production of low-value and high-impact biofuels and biochemicals
(called biocommodities) is high production costs catalyzed by microbes due to their inherent weaknesses, such
as low product yield, slow reaction rate, high separation cost, intolerance to toxic products, and so on. This predominant whole-cell platform suffers from a mismatch between the primary goal of living microbes cell proliferation and the desired biomanufacturing goal desired products (not cell mass most times). In vitro synthetic
biosystems consist of numerous enzymes as building bricks, enzyme complexes as building modules, and/or
(biomimetic) coenzymes, which are assembled into synthetic enzymatic pathways for implementing complicated bioreactions. They emerge as an alternative solution for accomplishing a desired biotransformation without
concerns of cell proliferation, complicated cellular regulation, and side-product formation. In addition to the
most important advantage high product yield, in vitro synthetic biosystems feature several other
biomanufacturing advantages, such as fast reaction rate, easy product separation, open process control, broad reaction condition, tolerance to toxic substrates or products, and so on. In this perspective review, the general design rules of in vitro synthetic pathways are presented with eight supporting examples: hydrogen, n-butanol,
isobutanol, electricity, starch, lactate,1,3-propanediol, and poly-3-hydroxylbutyrate. Also, a detailed economic
analysis for enzymatic hydrogen production from carbohydrates is presented to illustrate some advantages of
this system and the remaining challenges. Great market potentials will motivate worldwide efforts from multiple
disciplines (i.e., chemistry, biology and engineering) to address the remaining obstacles pertaining to cost and
stability of enzymes and coenzymes, standardized building parts and modules, biomimetic coenzymes,
biosystem optimization, and scale-up, soon.
2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opportunities of in vitro synthetic biosystems .
General design principles . . . . . .
Examples of biofuels and bioelectricity
Hydrogen . . . . . . . . .
n-Butanol . . . . . . . . .
Isobutanol . . . . . . . . .
Bioelectricity . . . . . . . .
Examples of biochemicals . . . . . .
Synthetic amylose . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
1,3-Propanediol . . . . . .
Poly-3-hydroxylbutyrate . .
Economic analysis of the hydrogen case . . . .
Challenges and solutions . . . . . . . . . .
0734-9750/ 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Stable enzymes as standardized building blocks . . . . . . . . . .
Synthetic multiple-enzyme complexes (metabolons) as building modules
Bulk enzyme production and separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NAD(P)-dependent enzyme engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System optimization and modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stabilization of thermolabile metabolites at elevated temperatures . .
Scale-up by integrative innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The sustainability revolution is taking place in this century mainly
due to concerns of depleting fossil fuels and climate changes. At the
same time, growing world population and increasing living standards
require more natural resource consumption. Biomass produced from
terrestrial plants is the most abundant renewable bioresource, approximately ve times global energy consumption (Zhang, 2013). Biomass
and its carbohydrates are the sole cost-competitive energy and carbon
sources that will be converted to produce biofuels and biochemicals
instead of fossil fuels (Wyman, 1999). Compared to low energy concentration (i.e., nonpoint) solar energy, biomass is a concentrated chemical
energy, which could be harvested, stored, transported, and converted to
other chemical energy forms relatively easily (Zhang, 2011c).
Human beings had utilized living whole-cell microorganisms for
making numerous fermentative products for thousands of years. Living
whole-cell fermentation is the predominant biomanufacturing platform
(Fig. 1a). However, the primary goal of microorganisms is their proliferation while bioconversions are the side effects. Recent advances in synthetic biology and systems biology present numerous breakthroughs,
such as the production of non-natural products (e.g., 1,4-butanediol
(Yim et al., 2011), and isobutanol (Atsumi et al., 2008)). However,
some inherent constraints of living microorganisms (e.g., net ATP generation, intact cellular membrane) prevent them from implementing
some important chemical reactions, for example, 12 H2 production
from one glucose and water.
Whole cell lysates (Fig. 1b) have been used as an important scientic
tool to investigate complicated biological reactions for more than
100 years. For example, Eduard Buchner discovered that the yeast lysate converted glucose to ethanol (Buchner, 1897). Due to his
paradigm-shifting discovery, he won the Nobel Chemistry Prize in
1907. Later, numerous scientists applied this tool to discover and
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study natural metabolic pathways. For example, Harden et al. discovered key enzymes in glycolysis (Nobel Chemistry Prize 1929), Calvin
elucidated the CO2 assimilation in plants (Nobel Chemistry Prize
1961), and Nirenberg and Matthaei interpreted the genetic code and
its function in protein synthesis (Nobel Physiology Prize 1968)
(Matthaei et al., 1962). Recently, cell-free protein synthesis has been
suggested to be the fastest way to make recombinant proteins, even
for membrane or complicated proteins (Carlson et al., 2012; Swartz,
2013). Cell-free protein synthesis has been scaled up to 100 l levels recently (Hodgman and Jewett, 2012).
In vitro synthetic biosystems emerge as a manufacturing platform by
the assembly of numerous enzymes and enzyme complexes from different sources and/or (biomimetic) coenzymes (Fig. 1c). Such systems
could surpass the constraints of whole-cells and cell lysates for
implementing some biological reactions that microbe cannot do, for example, high yield production of hydrogen (Martn del Campo et al.,
2013), or enzymatic transformation of cellulose to starch (You et al.,
2013). Although in vitro synthetic biosystems are on their early stage,
they have a great potential to becoming a disruptive biomanufacturing
platform, especially for low-cost production of biofuels and biochemicals.
Table 1 presents the comparison of biomanufacturing advantages between whole cell-based fermentations and in vitro (cell-free) synthetic
systems, from product yield, volumetric productivity, reaction condition,
product separation, product titer, product purity to process control and
optimization. Among them, three key criteria of biomanufacturing are
(i) product yield mainly related to feedstock cost, (ii) volumetric
productivity (or reaction rate) mainly related to capital investment,
and (iii) product separation (or product titer) mainly related to processing costs.
The history of biomanufacturing platforms accompanied with key
milestones is presented in Fig. 2. Before Louis Pasteur clearly proposed
the theory of biogenesis (1864), human beings had used microorganisms
Fig. 1. Schemes of biotransformation catalyzed by whole cell (a), cell extract (b), and in vitro synthetic biosystem (c).
Table 1
Comparison of biomanufacturing features by microbial cells and in vitro synthetic biosystems.
Microbial cells
In vitro synthetic
Comparative examples
Product yield
Very high
Volumetric productivity
Reaction conditions
Synthetic starcha
Recombinant proteins b
Toxic products (e.g., isobutanol)
Toxic compounds (e.g., biomass hydrolysate)
Presence of organic solvents
Product separation
Cellular membrane
No membrane
Product titer
Product purity/quality
Low high
Very high
Extreme pH or temperature
Presence of ionic liquids
Recombinant proteins b
Recombinant antibodies b
Synthetic starch
Recombinant proteins b
Synthetic starch
for making wine, beer, bread, cheese and so on by solid state fermentation for thousands of years. Weizmann developed anaerobic liquid fermentation by using a mono-culture to produce acetone in World War I.
In World War II, the submerged aerobic fermentation technology was
invented to produce penicillin at low costs. The next major breakthroughs were recombinant DNA technology and mammalian cell
cultures for the production of erythropoietin (EPO), insulin, vaccines, antibodies, and so on in the 1980s. In this century, new biomanufacturing
Fig. 2. History of biomanufacturing catalyzed by whole cells and in vitro (cell-free) biosystems associated with key milestones.
compared to most fossil fuels (Zhang, 2009) and are expected to decline
2.2.1. Hydrogen
Natural and genetically-modied microorganisms cannot produce
hydrogen with a yield of more than 4 H2 per glucose, that is, the Thauer
limit (Thauer et al., 2008; Zhang, 2011a), although a theoretical yield is
12 H2 per glucose. Nature cannot evolve such high-yield hydrogen generation pathways due to two reasons. First, theoretical yield of hydrogen
production is an endothermic reaction so that it cannot co-generate
ATP. Second, if a small fraction of reduced NAD(P)H was used to generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation (Swartz, 2013), the presence of
oxygen would inhibit oxygen-sensitive hydrogenase activity greatly.
Woodward and his coworkers (Woodward et al., 2000) produced
nearly 12 H2 from costly glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P). This pathway
comprised three modules: (i) two NADPH generation from G-6-P mediated by two dehydrogenases (Eq. (1)), (ii) hydrogen generation from
NADPH mediated by hydrogenase (Eq. (2)), and (iii) re-generation of
G-6-P from ribulose 5-phosphate (Eq. (3)). However, costly substrate
G-6-P prevents its potential application so that Woodward did not le
a patent for this in vitro synthetic pathway.
The proof-of-concept experiment was conducted by using 13 enzymes from ve different sources (e.g., bacterium, yeast, plant, animal,
and archaea) (Zhang et al., 2007). Furthermore, oligosaccharides
(e.g., cellobiose, cellopentaose and sucrose) along with their respective
phosphorylases (e.g., cellobiose phosphorylase, cellodextrin phosphorylase, and sucrose phosphorlyase) can be used to produce high-yield hydrogen (Myung et al., 2014; Ye et al., 2009). However, one glucose unit
per mole of polysaccharide or oligosaccharide cannot be converted to G1-P. To completely utilize all hexose units, G-6-P can be produced from
low-cost polyphosphate instead of ATP mediated by polyphosphate glucokinase (Liao et al., 2012). Therefore, high-yield hydrogen can be produced from all hexose units of sucrose (Myung et al., 2014) and
glucose (Rollin et al., 2014). To utilize xylose, the most abundant pentose for the production of low-cost hydrogen, a novel polyphosphate
xylulokinase was discovered (Martin del Campo et al., 2013). By using
this enzyme plus polyphosphate, nearly 10 mol of hydrogen was produced from one xylose and water (Martn del Campo et al., 2013).
Fig. 3. Scheme of in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathways for the production of high-yield hydrogen from a variety of carbohydrates starch, cellodextrin, sucrose, glucose, fructose and
xylose as well as water. The pathways are compiled and modied from References (Martn del Campo et al. (2013); Myung et al. (2014); Rollin et al. (2014); Ye et al. (2009); Zhang
et al. (2007)). The enzymes are GP, alpha-glucan phosphorylase; CDP, cellodextrin phosphorylase; CBP, cellobiose phosphorylase; SP, sucrose phosphorlyase; GI, glucose isomerase;
XI, xylose isomerase; PPGK, polyphosphate glucokinase; PPXK, polyphosphate xylulokinase; PGM, phosphoglucomutase; G6PDH, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 6PGDH, 6phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; RPI, ribose 5-phosphate isomerase; RPE, ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase; TK, transketolase; TAL, transaldolase; TIM, triose phosphate isomerase;
ALD, (fructose-bisphosphate) aldolase; FBP, fructose bisphosphatase; PGI, phosphoglucose isomerase; and H2ase. Pi and (Pi)n are inorganic phosphate and polyphosphate with a degree
of polymerization of n. The metabolites are: g1p, glucose-1-phosphate; g6p, glucose-6-phosphate; ru5p, ribulose 5-phosphate; x5p, xylulose 5-phosphate; r5p, ribose 5-phosphate; s7p,
sedoheptulose 7-phosphate; g3p, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; e4p, erythrose 4-phosphate; dhap, dihydroxacetone phosphate; fdp, fructose-1,6-diphosphate; f6p, fructose 6-phosphate.
2.2.2. n-Butanol
n-Butanol, a primary 4-carbon alcohol, is a better liquid biofuel than
ethanol due to higher energy density and less water adsorption. It used
to be produced by acetonebutanolethanol (ABE) fermentation using
Clostridium acetobutylicum. However, its fermentation involves a complicated transition from acidogenesis to solvogenesis and suffers from
low product yields and severe product inhibition, resulting in low product titers (Ezeji et al., 2007).
Honda and his coworkers designed an in vitro non-natural, ATPbalanced pathway for n-butanol production from glucose (Krutsakorn
et al., 2013a). This pathway comprised 16 thermostable enzymes
(Fig. 4). The pathway has three modules: (i) generation of two pyruvate
and two NADH from one glucose without ATP accumulation (Eq. (7),
different from glycolysis), (ii) generation of acetyl-CoA from pyruvate
(Eq. (8)); and (iii) n-butanol production from 2 acetyl-CoA (Eq. (9)).
As a result, one glucose can produce one n-butanol, two CO2 and one
water (Eq. (10)).
2 pyruvate 2 NADH 2H
2 pyruvate 2 NADH 2H
2 pyruvate 2 NADH 2H
Fig. 4. Scheme of the in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of n-butanol
from glucose, modied from Ref. (Krutsakorn et al., 2013a). The enzymes are HK,
hexokinase; PGI, phosphoglucose isomerase; PFK, 6-phosphofructokinase; FBA, fructosebisphosphate aldolase; TIM, triosephosphate isomerase; GAPN, non-phosphorylating
GAP dehydrogenase; PGM, cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase; ENO,
enolase; PK, pyruvate kinase; PDC, pyruvate decarboxylase; ADDH, CoA-acylating
aldehyde dehydrogenase; HBD, hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; HPD, 3hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase; NFO, NADH-dependent avinoxidoreductase;
and HAD, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Metabolites are g6p, glucose-6-phosphate; f6p, fructose 6-phosphate; fdp, fructose-1,6-diphosphate; g3p, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; dhap, dihydroxacetone phosphate; 3pg, 3-phosphoglycerate;
2pg, 2-phosphoglycerate; and pep, phosphoenolpyruvate.
This synthetic pathway has three features: (i) ATP balance, where
the ATP consumption during the conversion of glucose to fructose-1,6bisphosphate matches the ATP regeneration from phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate mediated by pyruvate kinase; (ii) NADH balance,
where NADH regeneration by non-phosphorylating GAP dehydrogenase and CoA-acylating aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADDH) matches its
consumption by 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, ADDH, NADHdependent avinoxidoreductase, and hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; and (iii) CoA balance, where CoA is needed by ADDH and is released by acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase and ADDH. The overall reaction
is an enthalpy-driven reaction, meaning a slight chemical energy loss
(Huang and Zhang, 2011). By compromising reaction temperatures
and optimizing enzyme loading, the maximum n-butanol yield was
82% (Krutsakorn et al., 2013a), comparable with the best product yields
in ABE fermentation (Ezeji et al., 2007).
2.2.3. Isobutanol
Isobutanol, a branched C4 alcohol, has a similar energy density to nbutanol, limited miscibility with water, and is completely miscible with
gasoline (Peralta-Yahya et al., 2012). Isobutanol's branching gives it a
better octane number than n-butanol. Isobutanol can be produced
through the Ehrlich pathway, also called the 2-keto-acid pathway
(Hazelwood et al., 2008; Peralta-Yahya et al., 2012). Heterologous pathway for isobutanol production from carbohydrates have been introduced to a number of microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli (Atsumi
Fig. 5. Scheme of the in vitro ATP-free synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of
isobutanol from glucose, modied from Ref. (Guterl et al., 2012). The enzymes are GDH,
glucose dehydrogenase; DHAD, dihydroxy acid dehydratase; AIDH, glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase; KDGA, 2-keto-3-desoxygluconate aldolase; ALS, acetolactate synthase; KARI,
ketolacid reductoisomerase; KDC, 2-ketoacid decarboxylase; and ALD, alcohol
As compared to the in vitro n-butanol pathway, this pathway requires eight enzymes without ATP and CoA. The proof-of-concept
one-pot experiment achieved a 53% isobutanol yield (Guterl et al.,
2012). What is more important, this in vitro system can produce
isobutanol even in the presence of 4% isobutanol (Guterl et al.,
2012), suggesting that enzyme cocktails can tolerate organic solvents far better than cellular membranes even at elevated temperatures (Zhang, 2010a).
2.2.4. Bioelectricity
Enzymatic fuel cells (EFCs) are an emerging electrobiochemical device that directly converts chemical energy of a variety of fuels to electricity through enzymes (Calabrese Barton et al., 2004; Moehlenbrock
and Minteer, 2008; Zhu et al., 2011). Inspired by living cells that can utilize complex organic compounds (e.g., starch, glycogen) as energy
sources, sugar-powered EFCs could be the next generation of biodegradable, highly safe, metal-free biobatteries. Compared to microbial
fuel cells, EFCs usually generate much higher power density in terms
of mW cm2 of membrane or electrode, suggesting their great potentials in powering portable electronics (Cooney et al., 2008; Sakai et al.,
2009; Zebda et al., 2011).
To release all electron potentials (i.e., 24) from each glucose unit,
a non-natural enzymatic pathway containing 13 enzymes is designed (Fig. 6). This synthetic pathway contains four modules:
(i) G-6-P generation from maltodextrin mediated by alpha-glucan
phosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase (Eq. (14)); (ii) 2 NADH
generated from G-6-P mediated by two NAD-dependent G-6-P
dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
(6PGDH) (Eq. (15)); (iii) NADH electro-oxidation through diaphorase (DI) to VK3 that can generate 2 electrons per NADH (Eq. (16));
and (iv) 5/6 mol of G-6-P regeneration from one mol of ribulose-5phosphate through a hybrid pathway comprised enzymes in the
pentose phosphate, glycolysis, and gluconeogenesis pathways
(Eq. (17)). As a result, each glucose unit of maltodextrin can generate
24 electrons on the anode through this de novo pathway (Eq. (18)).
This pathway utilizes two NAD-dependent G6PDH and 6PGDH that
can generate NADH in a different way from that of natural NADPdependent enzymes in the typical pentose phosphate pathway
used in anabolism. The above pathway does require neither ATP
nor CoA, which are too costly and not stable for EFCs (Sokic-Lazic
and Minteer, 2008).
C6 H10 O5 n Pi G6P C6 H10 O5 n1
NADH H 2H 2e anode
6 ribulose5phosphate H2 O 5 G6P Pi
Fig. 6. Scheme of the in vitro ATP-free synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of electricity from maltodextrin, modied from Ref. (Zhu et al., 2014b). Most enzymes and metabolites are the same as them in Fig. 2, except the enzyme DI, diaphorase.
2.3.2. Lactate
Lactate is the most naturally-occurring hydroxycarboxylic acid
(Datta and Henry, 2006). It has an exploding application as the precursor
of biodegradable plastic polylactic acid (PLA) (Datta and Henry, 2006;
Joglekar et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2011a). High yield and high-titer lactate is usually fermented from carbohydrates by anaerobic fermentation,
where one glucose can generate two lactate along with two ATP, which
supports cell duplication and basic metabolism of whole cells. However,
its separation is relatively costly because of impurities, such as residual
sugars, nutrients, and other organic acids in broths, the consumption
of sulfuric acid and alkali, and the generation of a side-product calcium
sulfate (Joglekar et al., 2006; Patnaik et al., 2002).
Honda and his coworkers demonstrated an alternative in vitro ATPbalanced enzymatic pathway that can convert glucose to lactate (Ye
et al., 2012a) (Fig. 8). This pathway comprised ten enzymes, containing
two modules: (i) generation of two pyruvate and two NADH from one
glucose (Eq. (7)), and (ii) production of two lactate from two pyruvate
Simultaneous enzymatic biotransformation and microbial fermentation can be regarded as modied simultaneous saccharication and
Fig. 7. Scheme of the in vitro ATP-free synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of
synthetic amylose and ethanol from cellulose, modied from Ref. (You et al., 2013). The
enzymes are EG, endoglucanase; CBH, cellobiohydrolase; CBP, cellobiose phosphorylase;
and PGP, potato alpha-glucan phosphorylase.
Fig. 8. Scheme of the in vitro ATP-neutral synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production
of lactate from glucose, modied from Ref. (Ye et al., 2012a). Enzymes are HK, hexokinase;
PGI, g6p isomerase; PFK, 6-phosphofructokinase; FBA, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase;
TIM, triosephosphate isomerase; GAPN, non-phosphorylating GAP dehydrogenase; PGM,
cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase; ENO, enolase; PK, pyruvate kinase; and
MLDH, malate/lactate dehydrogenase.
H2 (Eq. (27)). Via this pathway, a very high 1,3-PDO yield of about
0.95 mol/mol has been accomplished (Rieckenberg et al., 2014).
Glycerol H2 1; 3PDO H2 O
2.3.4. Poly-3-hydroxylbutyrate
Poly-3-hydroxylbutyrate (P3HB) consisting of 1000 to 30,000 hydroxy fatty acid monomers is the simplest and most commonly occurring form of polyhydroxyalkanoates, which can be either thermoplastic
or elastomeric biodegradable plastics. P3HAB is usually produced by microbial fermentation. Its synthesis is usually caused by certain deciency
conditions (e.g., a lack of phosphorous, nitrogen, trace elements, or oxygen) and the excess supply of carbon sources. The intracellular accumulated polyhydroxyalkanoates can be as high as 80% of the dry cell weight.
However, its purication is costly and its intracellular polymerization
synthesis is difcult to control (Gerngross and Slater, 2003).
Munekata and his coworkers (Satoh et al., 2003) demonstrate an
in vitro pathway to produce P3HB from acetate, where one extra
NADPH input is generated from glucose mediated by glucose dehydrogenase. The weight-average molecular weight and polydispersity of
in vitro synthesized P3HAB are 6.64 106 and 1.36, respectively
(Satoh et al., 2003). Recently, Bowie and his coworkers (Opgenorth
et al., 2014) design an in vitro pathway for the production of P3HB
from pyruvate without an external NAD(P)H input (Fig. 10). This
in vitro pathway contains three modules: (i) acetyl-CoA generation
from pyruvate, co-producing NADH and NADPH by using two NADPdependent and NAD-dependent pyruvate dehydrogenase, respectively
(Eq. (28)); (ii) addition of one unit of P3HB3 from 2 acetyl-CoA, accompanies with the consumption of NADPH (Eq. (29)); and (iii) oxidation of
NADH by using NADH oxidase (NOX). As a result, the whole system has
a reaction of Eq. (31) with balanced coenzymes. This delicate purge
valve system based on PDH-1/PDH-2/NOX relieves extra NADPH accumulation and allows the carbon ux to drive forward the desired product. In the optimized system, the maximum yield of P3HB was
approximately 94% (Opgenorth et al., 2014).
2 acetylCoA NADPH H
Fig. 9. Scheme of the in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of 1,3propanediol from glycerol, modied from Ref. (Rieckenberg et al., 2014). Enzymes are
GDH, glycerol dehydratase; PDORI, NADPH-dependent propanediol xoidoreductase-isoenzyme; and H2ase, hydrogenase. VB12, which is a key coenzyme for GDH, may be
repaired in vitro for a long time running.
Fig. 10. Scheme of the in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway for the production of poly(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate from pyruvate, modied from Ref. (Opgenorth et al., 2014). Enzymes are PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; ACC, acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase; PhaB, 3hydroxybutryl-CoA reductase; PhaC, polyhydroxybutyrate synthase; and NOX, NADH
synthesis and hydrogen production, (ii) biocatalysts enzymes, (iii) coenzymes, and (iv) capital investment and processing costs. Three key
inputs/assumptions are (i) carbohydrate price = $0.30/kg glucose
equivalent (or 6 * CH2O), (ii) coenzyme costs are $4500/kg NADP,
$1500/kg NAD, and $50/kg benzyl nicotinamide (BNA); and (iii) enzyme
costs are $20/kg recombinant protein and $100/kg hydrogenase (Rollin
et al., 2013).
Fig. 11b shows the effects of enzyme stability on hydrogen production
costs, when TTN of coenzyme is 106. Clearly, hydrogen production
costs decrease exponentially from more than $100,000 to several US
dollars/kg H2 where TTN of all enzymes increases from 103 to 108, suggesting that enhancing enzyme stability is the most important factor
for low-cost biomanufacturing. When TTN values of enzymes are more
than 109, further improvement of enzyme stability has nearly no impact
on lowering hydrogen production costs. Similar to this case, no R&D efforts are being made to improve the stability of industrial glucose isomerase. When enzymes are stable enough (e.g., TTN = 109), the cost of
coenzyme greatly determines nal hydrogen production cost
(e.g., $8.43/kg H2 using NADP, $4.64/kg H2 using NAD, and $2.61/kg H2
using BNA), suggesting the importance of the replacement of high-cost
and labile natural coenzymes with low-cost and stable biomimetic coenzymes (Paul et al., 2014; Rollin et al., 2013).
Fig. 11c shows the effects of coenzymes' TTN and costs on hydrogen
production costs, when TTN of all enzymes is 109. Clearly, increasing
TTN of coenzymes exponentially decreases hydrogen production costs,
when TTNs are less than 105. When TTNs of coenzymes are larger
than 108, hydrogen production cost could be as low as $2.38/kg H2.
However, the highest TTN for NAD reported is 106 (Kazandjian and
Klibanov, 1985), it is essentially important to replace natural coenzymes
with biomimics (Rollin et al., 2013) by considering an increasing stability order of coenzymes from NADP to NAD to BNA (Paul et al., 2014).
Fig. 11d shows the effects of carbohydrate costs from $0.05/kg to
$0.5/kg on the overall hydrogen production cost, where the sum of
capital expenses and operation expense is $0.35/kg H2, overall enzyme cost is $0.13/kg H2 (i.e., TTN of enzymes = 109), and coenzyme
cost is $0.01/kg H2 (i.e., TTN of BNA = 108). It is noted that hydrogen
separation costs from the aqueous enzymatic solution are very low;
hydrogen and CO2 can be separated by membrane technology, pressure swing adsorption, or a hybrid of both (Zhang, 2009); highpurity hydrogen without CO can be used by proton exchange membrane fuel cells easily (Huang and Zhang, 2011). Fig. 11d shows
that the overall hydrogen production costs are proportional to carbohydrate cost. When carbohydrate cost is $0.2/kg and $0.3/kg, the
hydrogen production costs could be $1.99/kg and $2.74/kg of H2, respectively. These data are very cost-competitive with hydrogen produced from natural gas without considering two extra benets:
carbon-neutral hydrogen production and distributed hydrogen production systems based on scattered biomass resources. Also, the
fraction of carbohydrate cost to overall hydrogen production cost
ranges from 0.435 to 0.885 when carbohydrate costs increase from
$0.05/kg to $0.5/kg (Fig. 11d). These data are similar to those ratios
of feedstock to nal product in mature industrial processes, such as
vegetable oil to biodiesel, crude oil to gasoline and diesel, corn kernels to ethanol (Lynd et al., 1999; Zhang, 2008).
Distributed hydrogen production from local biomass carbohydrates
has multiple advantages over centered hydrogen production from fossil
fuels. High capital costs of fossil fuel-to-hydrogen result from its technologically complex, multistep process involving high-pressure and hightemperature gasication, and steam shifting and separation of hydrogen
from other products. Critical challenges associated with a lack of high
density hydrogen storage approaches, a lack of infrastructure for compressed hydrogen distribution, and the high cost of hydrogen compression lead to serious doubt about the feasibility of the hydrogen
economy. Beyond the low-cost and green hydrogen production, the
production of high-yield and high-purity hydrogen from local carbohydrate resources via in vitro synthetic biosystems is an out-of-the-box
Fig. 11. Economic analysis of enzymatic hydrogen production from carbohydrates. (a) The carbohydrate allocation to hydrogen production relative to overall carbohydrate consumption in
terms of enzyme TTN. Y(rE) is the protein yield based on carbohydrate consumption by aerobic fermentation in terms of kg recombinant protein per kg of carbohydrate, Y(H2ase) is the
hydrogenase yield based on carbohydrate consumption by anaerobic fermentation in terms of kg recombinant protein per kg of carbohydrate. (b) Effects of enzyme TTN and coenzyme
costs. (c) Effects of coenzyme TTN and coenzyme type. (d) Effects of carbohydrate costs on nal hydrogen production costs.
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