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Personally Curated by

Dr Bhavani Shankar MA, Mphil, PhD


Theme 1: Science in Ancient India
Theme 2: Science & Scientists in Medieval India
Theme 3: Science in colonial and Modern India

I. The Role and Impact of SCIENCE &

Theme 4: India's Key Scientific and Technological Milestones Since
Theme 5: Organization of Science and Technology in India
TECHNOLOGY: 1 Theme 6: Human Capacity Building Programmes & Entrepreneurship
Theme 7: Science and Technology Impact on Industrial Growth and Quality of
Life in India

1. Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology: Value addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology
developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as an engine for National Development; Industrial development
& Urbanization.
THEME 1: Science in Ancient India
Indus Valley Civilization Post-Vedic Period Mathematics and Astronomy Evolution of Educational Centers in
(Golden Age) in Ancient India Ancient India
 Time Period: 3500 BC - 1800  Medical Science: Key figures  Integration: Astronomy and Vedic Age:
BC (Peak: 2800 BC - 2500 - Susruta, Charaka; advanced mathematics progressed together.  Personal Education: Individualized learning
BC) surgery.  Vedic Age Contributions: with a sage or teacher.
 Town Planning: Drainage,  Susruta Samhita: Detailed Shulvasutra, Brahmana literature,  Gurukula System: Students lived - teachers
irrigation systems, dams, surgical instruments & and Vedanga Jyotisha. for education and services.
water storage, multi-story procedures.  Jain Mathematicians: Buddhist Period:
buildings.  Chemistry: Knowledge of Conceptualized large numbers and  Learning Centers: Stupas and Mutts as
 Geometry: Consistent brick metals, salts, alkalis. infinity. centers of communal learning.
ratio of 1:2:4, knowledge of  Metallurgy: Advanced alloy  Pingala: Contributions to Pascal’s  Monastic Living: Knowledge exchange in
measurement. creation, Wootz steel, and zinc triangle and Fibonacci numbers. monastic communities.
Vedic Age distillation. Aryabhata (5th Century AD):  Shift in Model: Transition from personal to
 Proto-Indo-Iranian  Iron Pillar: Technical  Mathematics: Aryabhatiya communal education.
Migration: 1800 BC - 1500 excellence in rust prevention contributions - square roots, Prominent Centers:
BC. Post-Vedic Astronomy progressions, and series.  Takshashila: Early center, prominent in the
 Vedas as Key Sources:  Siddhanta-Jyotisha: Early  Astronomy: Explained Earth’s Buddhist period.
Indicative of scientific works - sun, moon, and rotation, solar and lunar eclipses.  Nalanda: Established 5th century AD, major
progress. planetary motions. Zero and Place-Value System: learning hub.
 Mathematics: Arithmetic,  Mahayuga Concept: Defined  Invention in India: Development  Other Centers: Pushpagiri, Odantapuri,
geometric progressions, as 4.32 million years, of zero and place-value system (1st Vikramshila, etc.
Pythagorean knowledge. reflecting Earth's solar motion. - 3rd centuries AD).  International Students: Centers attracted
 Astronomy: Lunar phases,  Knowledge Exchange: Trade  Arabic Adoption: Spread to Arab foreign scholars, including from China.
solar cycles, solstices. routes enabled exchange with world and Europe. Decline of Science in Ancient India
 Medical Science: Ayurvedic Greece and Europe. Algebraic Contributions: Rigid Caste System:
knowledge on anatomy and Linguistics and Sanskrit  Brahmagupta (628 AD):  Impact on Exchange: Limited idea exchange
physiology. Standardization Quadratic equations, indeterminate between social groups.
 Philosophy: Materialistic  Creation of Sanskrit: solutions.  Intellectual Withdrawal: Loss of active
thought (Charvaka), and Derived from spoken  Sridhar Acharya: Systematized participation in science and arts.
ritualistic practices. languages like Pali and quadratic equations.  Blocked Collaboration: Lack of coordination
Notable Metallurgical Prakrit. Geometry and Trigonometry: between thinkers and doers.
Achievements  Panini’s Contribution:  Aryabhata: Introduced Moral Code Books (Shastra):
 Wootz Steel: Sharpness and Standardized grammar, trigonometric functions.  Restrictions on Practices: Discouraged
toughness, known as simplified learning.  Varahamihira and Bhaskara: dissection and surgical practices.
Damascus steel.  Role in Ideas: Common Provided sine and cosine tables.  Loss of Knowledge: Practical sciences like
 Zinc Usage: Early distillation medium - intellectual Kerala School (14th - 16th Century): surgery and anatomy declined.
in Rajasthan (9th century AD). exchange across the  Advancements: Infinite series, Vedanta Philosophy:
subcontinent. power series, early calculus  Material World as Maya: Spread of
 Alphabet Arrangement: concepts. Samkara's Vedanta, viewing material world as
Scientific 5x5 consonant illusion.
matrix based on articulation.  Impact on Scientific Inquiry: Hindered
scientific thought by dismissing material
 Decline of Materialistic Philosophies:
Lokayata and similar philosophies diminished.
THEME 2: Science & Scientists in Medieval India
Maktabs and Madrasas Mathematics Biology Medicine
 Shift: Muslim rule, educational Key Figures:  Hamsadeva: Mrga-paksi-sastra  Ayurveda: Sarangdhara Samhita,
pattern change.  Narayana Pandit: Ganitakaumudi, (account of animals and birds). Chikitsasamgraha by Vangasena,
 Adoption: Arab educational model, Bijaganitavatamsa  Babur and Akbar: Interested - Bhavaprakasa by Bhavamisra.
royal patronage, set curriculum.  Gangadhara: Lilavati breeding domestic animals  Key Works: Rasachikitsa (mineral-
 Important Scholars: Sheikh Karamdipika, Suddhantadipika, (elephants, horses). based medicine), Siddha system in
Abdullah & Sheikh Azizullah Lilavati Vyakhya.  Jahangir: Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri Tamil Nadu.
(rational sciences, headed madrasas  Nilakantha Somasutvan: (experiments on breeding, Unani Medicine:
in Sambal and Agra). Tantrasamgraha. hybridization).  Ali-bin Rabban: Firdausu-Hikmat
 Foreign Scholars: Contributions  Ganesa Daivajna: Buddhivilasini  Mansur: Court artist, elegant (summarized Greek and Indian
from Arabia, Persia, Central Asia. (commentary on Lilavati). animal portraitures. medicine).
Curriculum Reforms  Krishna (Valhalla family): Chemistry  Hakim Diya Muhammad: Majiny-
 Reforms: Primary education – Navankura (on Bhaskara II's  Applications: Paper production e-Diyae (Arabic, Persian, and
subjects - Arithmetic, Mensuration, Bijaganit). (Kashmir, Patna, Mysore), Ayurvedic).
Geometry, Astronomy, Public  Faizi: Translated Bhaskara’s gunpowder and fireworks.  Firoz Shah Tughlaq: Tibbe
Administration, Agriculture. Bijaganit at Akbar's behest.  Sukraniti: Described gunpowder- Firozshahi.
 Synthesis: Indian traditional Notable Works: making (saltpeter, sulphur,  Aurangzeb: Tibbi Aurangzebi.
science integrated with medieval  Nilakantha Jyotirvida: Tajik charcoal). Agriculture:
approaches. (astronomy with Persian terms).  Perfume: Ain-i-Akbari describes  Staple Crops: Wheat, rice, barley,
Karkhanas  Naisiru’d-din-at-Tusi: attar production; discovered by cotton, sugarcane.
 Establishment: Large workshops Mathematical contributions. Nurjehan.  New Crops: Tobacco, chillies,
(karkhanas), for vocational and Astronomy potato, guava.
technical training. Key Figures  Innovations: Mango grafting by
 Training: Artisan training for  Mehendra Suri: Invented Yantraja. Jesuits in Goa.
young individuals, covering diverse  Paramesvara, Mahabhaskariya:  State Role: Land measurement
crafts and trades. Kerala astronomers. systems, irrigation techniques
 Nilakantha Somasutvan: (wells, tanks, canals).
Commentary on Aryabhatiya.
 Kamalakar: Expertise in Islamic
 Jai Singh II: Built observatories in
Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain, Varanasi,

THEME 3: Science in colonial and Modern India

 Early Colonial Science:  Impact on Society: Promotion of  Scientific Education  National Planning
Multidisciplinary focus - reliance on British ideals, passive learning, and Association (1904): Sent Committee (1938):
British institutions, economic and alienation from indigenous culture. students abroad for science-based Emphasized industrialization
military objectives, neglect of medical  Government-Linked Research: industry studies. & technical education.
and physical sciences. Focus on agriculture, geology, health;  Challenges for Indian  Impact of WWII: Boosted-
 Scientific Societies: Asiatic Society contributions to malaria, cholera, and Scientists: Limited research Indian industrial capacity.
(1784) - Agricultural-Horticultural plague research. opportunities & discrimination in  Post-War Reconstruction:
Society (1817)-Calcutta Medical &  Bacteriological Research: Emphasis salaries. A.V. Hill report (1944), greater
Physical Society (1823). on clinical treatment, rise of the  University College of Science, roles for Indian scientists.
 British Administration (Post-1858): pharmaceutical industry. Calcutta (1904): P.C. Ray, C.V.  Post-Independence
Geological Survey of India (1851) -  Indian Response: Indian intellectuals Raman - eminent teachers. Expansion: Science Policy
focus on natural resource exploration. founded independent scientific  Indian Science Congress Resolution (1958), focus on
 Education System: Macaulay's institutions. Association (1914): Promoted technological growth.
influence - English as medium, lack of  Promotion of Science in Indian scientific collaboration and  Research Challenges: Low
critical thinking - Calcutta, Bombay, and Languages: Ram Mohun Roy and inquiry. research expenditure -
Madras universities (1857). others popularized science in local  Indian Industrial Commission developing countries, brain
 Science Education (1870s): Science languages. (1916): Addressed India’s drain to developed nations.
introduced in Indian universities -  Swadeshi Movement: Focus - science industrial dependence -Britain.
Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta offered and technology education,  Council of Scientific and
science degrees. industrialization goals. Industrial Research (1942):
Established for post-war
scientific development.

THEME 4: India's Key Scientific and Technological Milestones Since Independence

1947 - 1957: Five-Year Plan 1967 - 1977: Aryabhata - India's First 2007 - 2017: Chandrayaan-I & Mars Orbiter
Prioritized Scienti ic Research Satellite Mission
 Planning Commission (1950): Focus -  ISRO (1969): Established as India’s space  Chandrayaan-I (2008): India’s first lunar mission -
agriculture, science, infrastructure, and agency. chemical, mineralogical, & photo-geologic mapping.
education.  Aryabhata Satellite (1975): Designed for X-ray  Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) (2013): First
 Establishment of Institutes: National astronomy, solar physics, and aeronomy. interplanetary mission - Mars study, lauded for cost-
Physical Laboratory, National Chemical 1977 - 1987: AGNI Missile effectiveness.
Laboratory, Central Electrochemical  Agni Missile: Demonstrated re-entry,  Polio-Free India (2014): Successful vaccination
Research Institute. maneuverability, propulsion, and guidance campaign leading - WHO certification.
 New Institutes: Radio and Electronics capabilities. 2017 - Present: Gaganyaan Programme and COVID-19
Research Institute, Mechanical Engineering 1987 - 1997: DNA Fingerprinting Vaccine Development
Research Institute, Central Salt Research  DNA Fingerprinting (1988): Developed -  Gaganyaan Programme: India’s first human spaceflight
Station. CSIR-CCMB, making India -3rd country to mission to Low Earth Orbit.
1957 - 1967: Green Revolution develop the technology.  COVID-19 Vaccine Research: India became -leading
 Agricultural Research: Focus - crop yield, 1997 - 2007: Pokhran-II Nuclear Test manufacturer & exporter of COVID-19 vaccines, with
irrigation, fertilizers, and agricultural  Pokhran-II (1998): Successful underground over 170 crore doses administered by 2022.
equipment. nuclear tests - leading to "National Technology  Startup India (2016): Encouraged innovation and
 Green Revolution: Led - self-reliance in Day." creation - 52,000 startups in India.
food grain production.

THEME 5: Organization of Science and Technology in India

Ministry of Science and Department of Key Institutions Under DST Promoting Innovations in
Technology Biotechnology (DBT) & DBT Individuals, Start-ups, and MSMEs
(Established 1986 by Rajiv (PRISM)
 Formulates rules,  Focuses - human resources,  Aryabhatta Research Institute  PRISM: Supports individual innovators
regulations, & laws for infrastructure, and research in  National Institute of & MSMEs -achieve inclusive
science and technology. healthcare, agriculture, and Immunology development (aligned -12th Five-Year
 Comprises the environment.  Raman Research Institute Plan, 2012-2017).
Department of  Autonomous Institutes:  Indian Institute of Astrophysics  Eligibility: Open - Indian citizens -
Biotechnology (DBT), National Institute of  National Centre for Cell innovative ideas, institutions,
Department of Scientific Immunology, National Brain Science autonomous organizations, & societies
and Industrial Research Research Centre, Institute of  Rajiv Gandhi Centre for under Societies Registration Act, 1860, or
(DSIR), and Department Bioresources, and several Biotechnology Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
of Science and others. Focus Areas and Initiatives  Focus: Development of state-of-the-art
Technology (DST).  Future Goals: International  Nano Science and technology solutions - MSME clusters.
Department of Science and collaborations, industry Technology: Nanoelectronics, Department of Space and ISRO
Technology (DST) (Estb May partnerships, and support for energy & environment,  Objective: Promote space science and
1971) young researchers. quantum materials. technology for national development.
 Promotes S&T policies, Department of Scientific and  Biotechnology Research: Key Programs:
cross-sectoral linkages, Industrial Research (DSIR) Agriculture, health,  Launch Vehicle Program: Indigenous
biofuel R&D, and (Established 1985) regenerative medicine. launch capabilities for spacecraft.
international cooperation.  Focuses on promoting industrial  Promoting Innovations:  INSAT Program: Telecommunications,
 Nano Mission (2007): R&D, developing indigenous Through PRISM, supporting broadcasting, meteorology, and
DST’s major initiative - technologies, and enhancing start-ups, MSMEs, and education.
nanoscience, Phase-II commercialization. individual innovators.  Remote Sensing Program: Satellite
approved - Rs. 650 cr. Key Programmes Key Milestones: imagery for developmental purposes.
 Autonomous Bodies:  Industrial R&D Promotion  DST’s Nano Mission (2007):  R&D in Space Sciences: Focus on
Includes Aryabhatta Programme (IRDPP): India achieved 3rd position national development.
Research Institute, Indian Supports R&D units, research globally - nanoscience  History:
Science Congress, SERB, organizations, and public publications.  1962: Formation - INCOSPAR (Indian
Raman Research Institute, institutions.  DBT’s Institutes: Centers for National Committee for Space Research).
and others.  Patent Acquisition and DNA Fingerprinting, National  1969: Establishment of ISRO.
Statutory / Autonomous Collaborative Research and Agri-Food Biotechnology
 1972: Formation -Space Commission and
Bodies: Technology Development Institute, and Stem Cell Science
DOS, with ISRO under DOS.
 Includes prominent (PACE): Facilitates the have become pivotal in their
 Leadership: DOS - direct purview -
institutes like Indian transition from concept to fields.
PMO, headed by the Secretary of Space.
Academy of Sciences, commercialization with Science for Equity Empowerment and
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre industry partnerships. Development (SEED) Division
for Advanced Scientific DSIR Schemes:  Obj: Leverage S&T - socio-economic
Research, and Sree Chitra  PACE: Catalyzes industry- development, improving - quality of life -
Tirunal Institute for institution collaborations for disadvantaged communities.
Medical Sciences. new technology development  Focus: Empower communities - technology
with funding support. interventions - promoting sustainable
 Industrial R&D Programme development and livelihoods.
(IRD): Includes common  Schemes and Programs:
research facilities, technology o Supports action-oriented, location-
hubs, and support for women's specific projects led by scientists,
technology development. NGOs, and field-level workers.
o Aligned with national development
goals and Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs).
o Converges with line ministries for
last-mile delivery of technology
THEME 6: Human Capacity Building Programmes & Entrepreneurship Initiatives
INSPIRE Scheme (2008) Women in Science and Gender Advancement for NIDHI (2016)
Engineering-KIRAN (WISE- Transforming Institutions
KIRAN) (2014) (GATI)
 Goal: Attract young talent to  Goal: Promote gender parity and  Goal: Develop a Gender Equity National Initiative for Developing
science without competitive exams. empower women in STEM. Charter for STEMM institutions. and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI)
 Scope: Targets students from Programmes:  Participants: 30 Indian (2016)
school to university for careers in  WISE-PhD: Fellowship for women institutions in the GATI pilot Goal: Build an innovation-driven
scientific research. aged 27-45 to pursue Ph.D. in program. entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Components: science. National Science & Technology Components:
 INSPIRE Internship: Top 1%  WISE-PDF: Postdoctoral Entrepreneurship Development  NIDHI-GCC: Scouting
Class X students (age 16-17) fellowships for women aged 27-60 Board (NSTEDB) (1982) innovations.
participate - 5-day science camps. in basic/applied sciences.  Obj: Promote science and  NIDHI-PRAYAS: Prototype
 Scholarship for Higher Education  WIDUSHI: Research support for technology-based entrepreneurship. support.
(SHE): 12,000 scholarships senior women scientists (up to age  Key Programmes:  NIDHI-TBI: Technology
annually for top students (age 17- 62). o NIDHI: Supports startups Business Incubator.
22) to pursue B.Sc./M.Sc. in natural  WISE-SCOPE: Encourages from idea to global scale.  NIDHI-Accelerator: Fast-tracks
sciences. women scientists to work on o NIDHI-PRAYAS: Provides startups.
 INSPIRE Fellowship: 1,000 societal challenges. prototyping support.  NIDHI-CoE: World-class facility
fellowships for top M.Sc. students  WISE-IPR: 1-year internship in o NIDHI-EIR: Reduces risk for for startups to scale globally.
to pursue Ph.D. (age 22-27). Intellectual Property Rights for aspiring entrepreneurs.
 INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship: 100 women aged 25-45. o NIDHI-TBI: Converts
Ph.D. holders (age 27-32) to  WINGS: International research innovations-startups.
conduct research in basic and opportunities for women scientists. o NIDHI-SSS: Provides early-
applied sciences for 5 years. Vigyan Jyoti stage investment.
INSPIRE-MANAK  Goal: Increase female participation
 Goal: Encourage innovation - in STEM, especially in
students aged 10-15 (Classes 6-10). underrepresented fields.
 Scale: Targets 10 lakh ideas; 1 lakh  Scale: Implemented in 250 districts;
students receive Rs. 10,000 awards. supports 25,000 girls in Class IX-
 Process: Schools nominate students XII annually.
online; ideas presented at District,
State, and National levels.

THEME 7: Science and Technology Impact on Industrial Growth and Quality of Life in India
Industrial Growth Quality of Life
Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Healthcare Technologies:
 AI in Manufacturing: Enhanced productivity, reduced  Telemedicine: Bridging rural-urban healthcare gaps with platforms like eSanjeevani OPD.
errors, seen in companies like Maruti Suzuki and Tata  Portable Diagnostics: Devices like Swasthya Slate enable on-the-spot health tests in rural
Motors. areas.
 Automation: Robotics in factories improves precision  AIIMS Digital Health: AI-driven healthcare solutions, including digital records and
and output. teleconsultation.
Information Technology: Education through Technology:
 IT Hubs: Bangalore and Hyderabad as global centers for  E-Learning Platforms: National initiatives like DIKSHA and Swayam Prabha offer
software development. digital education.
 GDP & Employment: Major contribution to India’s  NDEAR: Aims to create scalable digital infrastructure for education, promoting AI-based
economic growth and job creation. learning.
Biotechnology: Renewable Energy:
 Genetically Modified Crops: Increased agricultural yield  Gujarat Solar Park: One of the world’s largest solar parks, significantly reducing carbon
and disease resistance, aiding food security. emissions.
 Pharmaceutical Innovations: Biotech advancements  Tamil Nadu Wind Energy: Leading state in wind energy, contributing to cleaner power and
drive growth in healthcare and agriculture. job creation.
Personally Curated by
Dr Bhavani Shankar MA, Mphil, PhD


Theme 1: Science, Technology, and Innovation Theme 8: Internet, and Networking
(STI) Policies in India Theme 9: National Policies & Initiatives on
Theme 2: Technology Missions in India Information Technology

I. The Role and Impact of

Theme 3:
Theme 4:
India AI Mission
Technology Missions in Agriculture
Theme 10: Key Developments in India's Digital
and Advanced Computing Ecosystem
Theme 5: Information and Communication Theme 11: Cybersecurity
SCIENCE & Technologies (ICT) Theme 12: 3D Printing, 4D Printing
TECHNOLOGY: 2 Theme 6: Wired Communication Technologies Theme 13: Blockchain Technology
Theme 7: Wireless Technologies Theme 14: Robotics
Theme 15: Nanotechnology

2. National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time to time: Technology missions - ICT: Basics in Computers,
Robotics, Nano technology and Communication.
THEME 1: Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policies in India
Scienti ic Policy STP 2003 - Key Features STIP 2013 - Key Features STIP 2020
Resolution (SPR
First policy post-  Global Competitiveness: Focus -  Decade of Innovation (2010-2020): Core principles: Decentralized, evidence-
independence, focusing - modernizing infrastructure, cross- Aims - make India one of the top five based, bottom-up, inclusive policy.
creating scientific pollination between industry and global scientific powers. Tracks:
infrastructure. research.  National Innovation Ecosystem:  Track-I: Public consultation - stakeholder
Technology Policy  R&D Investment: Aim - increase Engages private-sector- R&D, focuses - engagement.
Statement (TPS 1983): R&D investment to 2% of GDP. agriculture, health, water, and  Track-II: Thematic group consultations -
 Emphasized technology  Incentives: Encourage return of manufacturing. 150+ experts.
development for self- Indian-origin scientists.  Global Collaborations: Participation -  Track-III: Ministries and state
reliance in science and  Science Diplomacy: Promote global projects like LHC, LIGO, ITER. consultations for regional STI policies.
technology. international cooperation with  Private-Sector Involvement:  Track-IV: Institutional coherence through
developing nations. Encouraged to foster public-private multi-stakeholder engagement.
partnerships in innovation.

THEME 2: Technology Missions in India

Prime Minister’s Science, Technology & Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) - The Nine National Missions
Identified Nine national science missions - addressing scientific challenges - ensure 6. BioScience for Human Health
India’s sustainable development.  Objective: Create genomic reference maps, improve diagnosis, and
Each mission involves relevant ministries, institutions, scientists, and industries. address rare diseases.
1. Natural Language Translation  Lead Agencies: Department of Biotechnology, Department of Health.
 Objective: Remove language barriers - accessing science and technology 7. Waste to Wealth
materials - Indian languages & English.  Objective: Develop waste management technologies to generate
 Lead Agencies: Ministry of Electronics & IT, Ministry of HRD, DST. energy, recycle materials, and support the Swachh Bharat mission.
2. Quantum Frontier  Lead Agencies: Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Urban
 Objective: Advance quantum technologies -national security and applications Development.
- computing, cryptography, and sensors. 8. Deep Ocean Exploration
 Lead Agencies: DST, Department of Space, DRDO, Department of Atomic  Objective: Explore deep oceans, develop technologies for underwater
Energy. vehicles, and study marine ecosystems.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Lead Agencies: Ministry of Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of
 Objective: Focus - AI solutions - healthcare, agriculture, education, smart India, DRDO.
cities, & infrastructure. 9. AGNII (Accelerating Growth of New India’s Innovations)
 Lead Agencies: NITI Aayog, DST, Ministry of Electronics & IT.  Objective: Support the commercialization of innovations by
4. National Biodiversity Mission connecting innovators with industry and markets.
 Objective: Catalog and map India’s biodiversity to enhance conservation,  Lead Agency: Invest India.
agricultural productivity, and livelihoods. Additional Initiatives by the Principal Scientific Adviser’s Office
 Lead Agencies: Ministry of Environment, Department of Biotechnology. 1. Earth Museum: Repository- fossil preservation and geological research.
5. Electric Vehicles (EVs) 2. I-STEM: National portal for R&D facilities.
 Objective: Develop EV subsystems specific to India (motors, batteries), 3. Energy Security: Committee to procure critical minerals for EVs and
making EVs economically viable. mobility.
 Lead Agencies: DST, Department of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Power,
NITI Aayog.
THEME 3: India AI Mission
India AI Mission Pillars of India AI Key Schemes & Initiatives Centers &

Aim: Establish - robust AI ecosystem - 1. AI in Governance: 1. BHASHINI: AI-based language 1. Centre of Excellence
public-private partnerships.  Improve government efficiency & public translation tool - multiple Indian for Artificial
Key Objectives: service delivery. languages. Intelligence: Focus
1. Deploy 10,000+ GPUs - build 2. AI Compute & Systems: 2. Digital India & India Stack: on AI research and
advanced AI computing  Deploy advanced computing systems for Infrastructure - digital services and AI development.
infrastructure. AI R&D. applications. 2. MeitY Start-up
2. Foster responsible & inclusive AI 3. Data for AI: 3. AIRAWAT: AI supercomputer at C- Hub: Support
growth - enhancing data quality  Standardize data management & provide DAC Pune - high-performance AI platform for AI
& developing indigenous AI access to non-personal datasets for research. startups.
capabilities. startups and researchers. 4. National Supercomputing Mission: 3. Proposed National
Ministry: 4. AI, IP & Innovation: Build - supercomputing network to Centre on AI
 Managed - Ministry of  Foster innovation and intellectual boost computational capabilities. (NCAI): Centralized
Electronics and Information property generation in AI. 5. MeitY Quantum Computing facility- AI research.
Technology (MeitY). 5. Skilling in AI: Applications Lab: Develop quantum 4. RAISE (Responsible
Funding:  Future Skills Prime: AI certification computing - AI advancements. AI for Social
 Public-private partnership program by NASSCOM and MeitY. 6. Data Management Office: Empowerment):
model - funding - duration -five Standardize data management Utilize AI - social
 Responsible AI for Youth: Skill
years. practices across sectors. empowerment &
development in AI for school students.
Implementing Agency: 7. India Datasets Program & India tackling societal
6. AI Ethics & Governance:
 IndiaAI Independent Business Data Platform: Provide non-personal challenges.
 Establish ethical AI frameworks and
Division - Digital India datasets - support innovation and
promote responsible AI development.
Corporation. research.

THEME 4: Technology Missions in Agriculture

Technology National National Mission on National Livestock Mission for Integrated National Mission on
Mission on Mission on Sustainable Agriculture Mission - 2014 Development of Food Processing
Oilseeds, Pulses, Oilseeds and (NMSA) - 2010 Horticulture - 2014 (NMFP) - 2014
and Maize Oil Palm
(TMOPM) - 1986 (NMOOP) -
Aim: Increase Origin: Aim: Promote sustainable Aim: Improve livestock Aim: Holistic growth in Aim: Develop food
production- oilseeds, Restructured from agriculture & climate productivity. horticulture. processing industry.
pulses, maize. National Oilseeds resilience. Components: Objectives: Objectives:
Objectives: Mission (1986). Objectives:  Livestock  Crop diversification,  Increase value
 Boost Objectives:  Crop productivity & development & productivity. addition.
productivity via  Reduce import sustainability. health.  Post-harvest management,  Create rural
modern tech. dependency  Soil health & climate-  Capacity building & export promotion. employment &
 Ensure  Enhance resilient practices. market access. Technology Mission on promote R&D.
affordable inputs productivity & Technology Mission on Jute Technology Coconut – 2014 National Saffron
(seeds, post-harvest Cotton – 2000 Mission – 2015 Aim: Profitable coconut Mission – 2010
fertilizers, etc.). tech. Aim: Promote sustainable Aim: Promote the jute cultivation. Aim: Promote saffron
 Promote post-  Focus on oil cotton cultivation. sector. Objectives: cultivation.
harvest tech & palm Objectives: Objectives:  Productivity, eco-friendly Objectives:
R&D. cultivation  Productivity,  Improve raw jute practices.  Increase saffron
profitability. quality.  R&D and productivity.
 Sustainable practices &  R&D, capacity entrepreneurship.  Sustainable use of
R&D. building. genetic resources.
Benefits of Technology Missions Challenges/Reasons for Limited Success
1. Increased Productivity: Cutting-edge tech boosted agricultural yield. 1. Farm-Lab Gap: Lack of awareness among farmers about new tech.
2. Enhanced Quality: Improved product quality, aiding exports. 2. Lack of Integration: Weak coordination with local institutions like
3. Sustainable Practices: Eco-friendly methods reduced harmful chemicals. NGOs.
4. Capacity Building: Entrepreneurship training created jobs. 3. Financial Constraints: Small farmers unable to afford modern tech.
5. Market Access: Helped farmers tap foreign markets. 4. Inadequate Infrastructure: Cold storage limitations hindered
perishable crops.

THEME 5: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Introduction Communication Healthcare Transportation and Logistics
 ICT: Tools & technologies  Internet: Global  EHR (Electronic Health  GPS & Navigation: Real-time navigation services.
enabling people - share, communication & Records): Digital records for  Fleet Management Systems: Optimizing logistics
access, and use information information sharing. patient data. operations.
(e.g., computers, the internet,  Email: Quick written  Telemedicine: Remote  Ride-Sharing Apps: On-demand transportation
phones). communication. medical consultations and (e.g., Uber, Lyft).
 Definition: Broader term -  Social media: Platforms treatments. Agriculture
Information Technology (IT), (e.g., Facebook, Twitter,  Health Monitoring Apps:  Precision Farming: Sensors and data for efficient
- communication technologies Instagram) -global Fitness trackers, wearable farming.
- wireless networks, social connection. health devices.  Market Information Systems: Providing farmers
media, and video  Instant Messaging: Real- Government Services with market data.
conferencing. time communication (e.g.,  E-Government: Online  Weather Forecasting: Accurate weather
 Evolution: ICT concepts & WhatsApp, Telegram). platforms for citizen services. predictions using ICT.
tools continuously evolve, Business and Commerce  Digital IDs: Secure online Energy
integrating audio-visual,  E-commerce: Online identification (e.g., Aadhaar).  Smart Grids: Efficient energy distribution and
computer, & buying & selling platforms  Smart Cities: ICT for urban management.
telecommunication systems. (e.g., Amazon, Alibaba). planning and management.  Energy Monitoring Systems: ICT for energy use
Education  ERP (Enterprise Resource Entertainment optimization.
 E-learning: Online Planning): Managing  Streaming Services: On-  Renewable Energy Management: Integrating
education platforms (e.g., business processes. demand content (e.g., Netflix, data for managing renewable energy.
Coursera, edX, Khan  CRM (Customer Spotify). Research and Development
Academy). Relationship  Gaming: Online and mobile  Simulation Software: Used in engineering and
 LMS (Learning Management): Managing gaming platforms. science.
Management Systems): customer interactions.  AR (Augmented Reality) &  Collaborative Tools: Platforms for global
Course management tools  Video Conferencing: VR (Virtual Reality): researcher collaboration.
(e.g., Moodle, Blackboard). Virtual meeting tools (e.g., Enhancing user experiences.  Data Analysis Tools: Processing and analyzing
 Educational Apps: Zoom, Microsoft Teams).
large datasets using ICT.
Interactive apps for learning
on tablets/smartphones.

THEME 6: Wired Communication Technologies

1. Twisted Pair Cables 2. Coaxial Cables 3. Fiber Optic Cables 4. USB Cables
 Copper wires twisted  Central conductor,  Transmit data using light signals through thin strands  Universal cables for data
together; widely used insulating layer, metallic – glass/plastic. transfer and power
for telephone lines and shield,& outer insulation;  Total Internal Reflection: Optical phenomenon connection between devices
LAN connections. used for high-frequency where light is reflected back into the core, guided by a and computers.
 Example: Ethernet signal transmission. higher refractive index. Essential for signal retention  Example: USB cables -
cables for wired  Example: Cable TV in fiber optics. connecting smartphones to
networking. (CATV) and broadband  Example: Used for long-distance communication, computers - file transfers or
internet connections. high-speed internet, and telecommunications. charging.

THEME 7: Wireless Technologies

Comparison of Wireless Technologies
Feature Wi-Fi Li-Fi Bluetooth Satellite Communication
 Uses satellites to transmit signals for
Technology Radiofrequency (RF) Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) Radiofrequency (RF)
long-distance communication.
Medium Radio waves Visible light Radio waves Example: Satellite phones for remote
communication or emergency services.
Speed High Very high (gigabit speeds) Moderate (short-range
Visible Light Communication (VLC)
1. Medium:
Interference Susceptible to RF Less susceptible, but light- Susceptible to RF  VLC uses LED light for high-speed data
dependent transmission, modulating light intensity
Range Moderate to long Limited, requires line-of-sight Short (up to 100 meters) undetectable to the human eye.
2. Advantages:
Security Standard encryption Secure, light doesn’t pass Secure, with authentication  High-Speed: Capable of high data
walls transfer rates.
Environment Versatile Sensitive to obstacles and Common in short-range  Security: Secure due to confined light-
lighting applications based communication.
 No RF Interference: Operates outside
Deployment Established globally Emerging technology Ubiquitous and widely used
radio frequencies, avoiding interference.
1. Wi-Fi: 3. Applications:
 Wireless internet and local network connectivity within a specific range using a Wi-Fi router.  Indoor Positioning: Location-based
 Example: Connecting laptops or smartphones to home or public Wi-Fi networks. services indoors.
2. Bluetooth:  Li-Fi: High-speed wireless internet
 Short-range wireless communication between devices for data exchange. using light bulbs for data transmission.
 Example: Pairing smartphones with wireless earphones or connecting a wireless keyboard to a computer. 4. Challenges:
3. Cellular Networks:  Line-of-Sight: Requires direct visual
 Mobile communication services using radio signals over large geographic areas. line between LED transmitter and
 Example: Making phone calls, sending texts, and accessing mobile data on smartphones. receiver.
4. NFC (Near Field Communication):  Limited Range: VLC is limited to
 Short-range communication using electromagnetic radio fields between devices when brought close. visible light, obstructed by obstacles.
 Example: Contactless payments using smartphones or accessing data by tapping NFC cards.
Personally Curated by
Dr Bhavani Shankar MA, Mphil, PhD


Theme 1: Space Technology Theme 6: International Cooperation in Space

I. The Role and Impact of

Theme 2:
Theme 3:
Theme 4:
Indian Space Program – ISRO
Launch Vehicles of India
Recent Indian Satellite Launches and
Theme 7:
Space-Based Earth Observation
SCIENCE & its applications Theme 8: ISRO Initiatives
TECHNOLOGY: 3 Theme 5: India's Upcoming Space Missions
Theme 9: Important Foreign Missions

3. Space program in India and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and other rural
development activities, INSAT, IRS systems, EDUSAT and Chandrayaan-1 and future programme.
THEME 1: Space Technology
Space Technology Key Components of Space Contributions to Orbits
Technology Humanity
Introduction: 1. Launch Vehicles: • Communication: Global 1. Geosynchronous Orbit (High Earth
• Space technology: Tools • Rockets carry payloads (satellites, telecom, internet, and Orbit): Satellites match Earth’s rotation;
and gadgets for space astronauts) into space. broadcasting through used for telecommunication and weather
exploration, satellite • Range: Small satellite launchers to satellites. satellites.
communication, Earth powerful crewed missions. • Weather Forecasting: 2. Geostationary Orbit (GEO): Satellites
observation, and space 2. Satellites: Accurate predictions save appear stationary over a point on the equator;
research. • Artificial objects in orbit for lives during extreme used for TV and weather monitoring.
• Examples: Rockets communication, Earth observation, weather events. 3. Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Close to Earth
(launch vehicles), satellites, weather forecasting, navigation, and • GPS: Essential for (160-1000 km); used for imaging satellites,
space probes, telescopes, defense. transportation, logistics, ISS, and large constellations for
and communication 3. Space Probes: and personal navigation. communication.
networks. • Uncrewed spacecraft for exploring • Scientific Discoveries: 4. Polar and Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO):
Applications of Space celestial bodies (planets, asteroids, Space missions expand Polar orbits pass near the poles; SSO ensures
Technology: comets). knowledge about the the satellite visits the same spot at the same
1. Weather Forecasting: 4. Space Telescopes: universe. local time.
Satellites predict weather • Observatories in space (e.g., Hubble, • Medical Advances: 5. Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO):
patterns. James Webb) for studying celestial Microgravity research Transfer orbits used to move satellites from
2. GPS Navigation: Guides objects without atmospheric leads to new treatments and one orbit to another.
phones and vehicles using interference. medical innovations. Notable Indian Space Missions:
satellites. 5. Human Spaceflight: • Material Science: 2. INSAT (Communication Satellites):
3. TV and Communication: • Enables astronauts to live and work in Development of stronger, • Established in 1983 with INSAT-1B;
Satellites transmit signals space (e.g., ISS missions, Moon, Mars lighter materials for various revolutionized India’s communication
for global TV, phone, and exploration). industries. sector.
internet services. 6. Space Robotics: • Energy: Potential for 3. IRS (Earth Observation Satellites):
4. Internet Everywhere: • Robotic systems used in assembling, space-based solar power. • Starting with IRS-1A in 1988, used for
Space tech enables global • Precision Agriculture: agriculture, water resources, urban
repairing, and conducting
internet connectivity. experiments in space. Satellites assist in crop planning, and disaster management.
5. Planetary Exploration: monitoring and sustainable 4. Space Science Missions:
7. Propulsion Systems:
Robots explore planets agriculture. • Astrosat: India’s first dedicated multi-
• Advanced systems for spacecraft
(e.g., Mars rovers). • STEM Motivation: Space wavelength space observatory.
maneuvering, orbit changes, and
6. Agriculture: Monitors missions inspire careers in • Mangalyan (Mars Orbiter Mission):
interplanetary travel.
crops and assists in efficient science and technology. India’s first interplanetary mission
8. Space Communication Networks:
farming. (2013).
• Enables data transmission between
7. Environmental 5. Navigational Satellites (NavIC):
space missions and Earth.
Monitoring: Satellites • India’s regional navigation system
9. Space Environment Monitoring:
track Earth's health and enhancing positioning over India and
• Studies space weather affecting
climate change. surrounding regions.
satellites and human missions.

THEME 2: Indian Space Program - ISRO

Introduction to ISRO Major ISRO Centers Key Organizations Satish Dhawan Space
Centre (SDSC)
• Founded: August 15, 1969 Headquarters: Bengaluru. 1. Indian National Space Promotion and Satish Dhawan Space Centre
(Superseded INCOSPAR). • Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Authorization Center (IN-SPACe): (SDSC) - Sriharikota:
• Founder: Vision of Dr. (VSSC): Thiruvananthapuram - • Formed: 2020 (Space sector reforms). • Launch base for ISRO:
Vikram Sarabhai. Build launch vehicles. • Role: Promote and supervise private PSLV, GSLV launches.
• Department: Major • Facilities: Solid propellant
constituent of the Department • U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC): sector participation in space. processing, static testing,
of Space (DOS), under Bengaluru - Design and develop • Headquarters: Ahmedabad. telemetry, tracking, command,
Government of India. satellites. 2. Antrix Corporation Limited (ACL): mission control.
• Mission: Application of space • Satish Dhawan Space Centre • Incorporated: September 1992, • Launch Pads: 2 for PSLV,
technology for national needs (SDSC): Sriharikota - Launch Bengaluru. GSLV; 1 for sounding rockets.
(e.g., communication, weather vehicles, satellite launches. • Role: Commercial arm of ISRO for Significant Missions & Terms:
forecasting, navigation). • Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre promoting space products and services Dogleg Maneuver:
• Key Technologies: (LPSC): Valiamala, Bengaluru - worldwide. • Launch payloads for polar
• PSLV, GSLV launch Develop liquid stages and cryogenic 3. NewSpace India Limited (NSIL): orbits avoid flying over land
vehicles for satellite engines. • Incorporated: March 6, 2019. (e.g., Sri Lanka).
deployment. • Space Applications Centre (SAC): • Role: Commercial exploitation of space • The trajectory curves to the
• Satellites: Ahmedabad - Remote sensing and products, production of PSLV, SSLV, south to prevent land
Communication, Earth communication tech. satellites, tech transfer. overflight, consuming more
observation, navigation. • National Remote Sensing Centre 4. National Atmospheric Research fuel.
• Chairman of ISRO: Also (NRSC): Hyderabad - Remote Laboratory (NARL):
Secretary of DOS and sensing data processing. • Location: Gadanki, near Tirupati.
Chairman of Space • Physical Research Laboratory • Focus: Atmospheric research and
Commission. (PRL): Ahmedabad - Astronomy, technology development.
Astrophysics, etc.

THEME 3: Launch Vehicles of India

PSLV (Polar GSLV Mk II LVM3 (GSLV Mk III) Historical Launch Vehicles
Satellite Launch (Geosynchronous
Vehicle) Satellite Launch Vehicle
Mk II)
• First flight: 1993, • First Flight: April 18, 2001. • First Operational Flight: 2014. 1. SLV-3 (Satellite Launch Vehicle-
operational since • First Flight with Indigenous • Payload to GTO: 4,000 kg; LEO: 8,000 kg. 3):
1994. Cryo Stage: January 5, 2014. • Stages: 3 (Solid, Liquid, Cryogenic). • First Flight: 1980 (Placed
• Payload: Up to 1,750 • Payload to GTO: 2,250 kg; • Heavy-lift vehicle for ISRO. Rohini satellite in orbit).
kg to SSPO; 1,425 kg LEO: 6,000 kg. SSLV (Small Satellite Launch Vehicle) • First successful Indian satellite
to Sub-GTO. • Stages: 3 (Solid, Liquid, • Payload: ~500 kg to 500 km planar orbit. launch vehicle.
• Stages: 4 (Solid, Cryogenic). • Stages: 3 (Solid Propellant). 2. ASLV (Augmented Satellite
Liquid, Solid, Liquid). • Used - launching • Key features: Low cost, flexible, minimal Launch Vehicle):
• Key Missions: communication satellites into infrastructure required. • Payload: 150 kg to Low Earth
Chandrayaan-1 Geo Transfer Orbits. Key Launch Vehicle Components Orbit (LEO).
(2008), Mars Orbiter Human Rated Launch Vehicle 1. PSLV: • First Flight: 1987; Successful
Mission (2013). (HRLV) • First Stage: Solid motor (S139) + 6 solid Flight: 1992 (SROSS-C).
• Known as "workhorse • Mission: Gaganyaan (India’s boosters. Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV-TD):
of ISRO" due to human spaceflight program). • Second Stage: Liquid rocket (Vikas engine). • ISRO’s technology
reliability. • Rocket: Human-rated version • Third Stage: Solid rocket motor. demonstrator for reusable
Sounding Rockets of LVM3. • Fourth Stage: Earth storable liquid engines. launch vehicles.
• First Launch: 1963 • Features: Crew Escape • Goal: Reduce cost of space
2. GSLV Mk II:
(Thumba Equatorial System, Low Earth Orbit (400 missions.
• First Stage: Solid motor + 4 liquid strap-ons.
Rocket Launching km). • Current focus: Orbital Re-
• Second Stage: Vikas engine.
Station). Scramjet Engine entry Experiment (ORE) using
• Third Stage: Indigenous Cryogenic Upper
• Purpose: Research • ISRO’s First Experimental modified PSLV/GSLV stages.
upper atmospheric Mission: August 28, 2016. Satellite Launch Milestones
3. LVM3:
regions, testing new • Air-breathing propulsion • INSAT-1B: 1983,
• Solid Strap-on Boosters: S200.
tech. system using atmospheric revolutionized Indian
• Core Stage: Liquid (L110).
oxygen. communications.
• Upper Stage: Cryogenic (C25, powered by CE-
• IRS-1A: 1988, India's first
20 engine).
remote sensing satellite.

THEME 4: Recent Indian Satellite Launches and its applications

History of ISRO Aditya-L1 (India’s First Solar Chandrayaan-3 (India’s Key Launch Vehicle Missions
Mission) Third Lunar Mission) (2022-2023)
1. Aryabhata (First Satellite): Launch Date: Sep 2, 2023. • Launch Date: July 14, 2023 1. GSLV-F12/NVS-01 (May 29, 2023):
• Launch Date: April 19, • Vehicle: PSLV-C57. • Objective: Demonstrate safe • Payload: NVS-01 satellite
1975. • Launch Site: Satish Dhawan Space landing, roving on the Moon's (Navigation with Indian
• By: Soviet Union. Centre, Sriharikota. surface, and conduct scientific Constellation - NavIC).
2. Rohini (First Satellite • Orbit: Lagrangian point L1 (1.5 experiments. • First use of indigenous atomic
launched by Indian-made million km from Earth). • Launch Vehicle: LVM3 from clock.
Vehicle): Why Study the Sun? SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. 2. PSLV-C56/DS-SAR (July 30, 2023):
• Launch Date: July 18, • Predict Space Disruptions: • Components: Lander & Rover • Payload: DS-SAR developed with
1980. Safeguard spacecraft and protect (Pragyan). Singapore.
• Vehicle: SLV-3 astronauts. • Lander Payloads: • Technology: Synthetic Aperture
(Satellite Launch • Scientific Insights: Study extreme • ChaSTE: Measure thermal Radar (SAR) for all-weather
Vehicle). thermal and magnetic phenomena. conductivity/temperature. imaging.
3. INSAT (Indian National Scientific Goals: • ILSA: Lunar seismic activity. 3. PSLV-C55/TeLEOS-2 (April 22, 2023):
Satellite System): • Study Coronal Heating. • LP: Plasma density variations. • Mission Type: Commercial
• First Launch: 1988. • Analyze Coronal Mass Ejections • NASA’s Laser (Singapore partnership).
• Purpose: (CMEs). Retroreflector: For lunar laser • POEM: Orbital experiments using
Telecommunications, • Observe Pre-flare & Flare ranging studies. spent PS4 stage.
meteorology, TV activities. • Rover Payloads: 4. LVM3-M3/OneWeb India-2 (March
broadcasting, disaster • Understand Space weather • APXS (Alpha Particle X-ray 26, 2023):
warning. dynamics. Spectrometer): Elemental • Payload: 36 OneWeb satellites.
4. IRS (Indian Remote • Measure Solar wind distribution. composition. • Achievement: Sixth successful
Sensing Satellites): Payloads: • LIBS (Laser Induced LVM3 mission.
• First Launch: 1988. • VELC: Study solar corona and Breakdown Spectroscope): Major ISRO Milestones
• Purpose: Resource CMEs. Analyze surface elements. 1. Aryabhata (First Satellite):
monitoring, • SUIT: Images of • Mission Life: One lunar day (~14 • Launch Date: April 19, 1975 (Soviet
management. photosphere/chromosphere. Earth days). Union).
• Specialized Satellites: • ASPEX & PAPA: Solar wind • Significant Achievement: First 2. Rohini (First Indian Launch Vehicle):
▪ RISAT-1 (Radar analysis. country to land near Moon’s South • Launch Date: July 18, 1980 (SLV-
Imaging Satellite): • SoLEXS & HEL1OS: Solar X-ray Pole; discovery of sulfur by 3).
2012. flares. Pragyan rover. 3. INSAT (Telecommunications Satellite):
▪ SARAL (Satellite • Magnetometer: Measures Chandrayaan-3's Historic Landing • First Launch: 1988.
with Argos and interplanetary magnetic fields. on Moon’s South Pole • Expanded to GSAT series.
Altika): 2013 Lagrange Points (Key Location for Significance: 4. Chandrayaan-1 (First Moon Mission):
(Indian-French Aditya-L1): • Water Ice Discovery: Resources • Launch Date: 2008.
mission for ocean • Definition: Equilibrium points in for future lunar bases. 5. Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan):
measurements). space where a small object • Geological Insights: Study of • Launch Date: November 5, 2013.
5. Launch Vehicles: experience balanced gravitational ancient craters, materials from • Achievements:
• PSLV (Polar Satellite forces between two larger bodies. early solar system. ▪ First successful Mars mission by
Launch Vehicle): For • Example: Sun-Earth system. • Potential Lunar Habitat Sites: India.
polar orbits. • Total Points: 5 (L1, L2, L3, L4, Stability in temperature, presence ▪ Mission Life: 7 years (designed
• GSLV (Geostationary L5). of resources. for 6 months).
Satellite Launch • L1 Location: Between Sun and SSLV Missions ▪ Awards: "Space Pioneer Award"
Vehicle): For Earth, 1% of the Earth-Sun 1. SSLV-D1/EOS-02 (August 7, (2015), Indira Gandhi Prize
geostationary orbits. distance. 2022): for Peace, Disarmament,
• LVM3 (Heavy-lift • Allows for continuous observation • Outcome: Mission failed; Development.
GSLV): For heavy satellites not placed in orbit. 6. AstroSat (First Indian Astronomy
of the Sun.
payloads. Limitations of Aditya-L1: 2. SSLV-D2/EOS-07 (February 10, Mission):
6. Missions: 2023): • Launch Date: September 28, 2015.
• Directional Limitation: Cannot
• Chandrayaan-1 (Moon study multi-directional solar • Outcome: Successful launch. • Objective: Study celestial sources in
Mission): 2008. phenomena. • Payloads: EOS-07, Janus-1, multiple wavelengths.
• Chandrayaan-2: 2019. • Payload Constraints: Limited AzaadiSAT-2. Strategic Implications:
• Mars Orbiter Mission: mass, power, and volume for GSLV-F10/EOS-03 (August 12, • Space Collaborations: Future
2013. comprehensive solar study. 2021) partnerships with NASA, ESA.
7. Future Plan: • Outcome: Mission failure due • Astronomy Research: South Pole
• Gaganyaan (Manned to Cryogenic Upper Stage ideal for space observations, free
Mission): Scheduled for anomaly. from Earth's interference.

THEME 5: India's Upcoming Space Missions (2024–2035)

Year Mission Name Mission Type Mission Details
2024 Gaganyaan 1 Human Spaceflight First test flight of Gaganyaan spacecraft. Designed to carry 3 astronauts, equipped - rendezvous
and docking capabilities. India’s debut in human spaceflight.
2024 NISAR Earth Observation Joint mission with NASA. Launch of dual-frequency synthetic aperture radar satellite for remote
sensing. First dual-band radar imaging satellite.
Mid-2025 Gaganyaan 2 Human Spaceflight Second test flight of Gaganyaan. Focuses - system validation and safety before crewed mission.
2025 Venus Orbiter Mission Planetary Exploration Dedicated orbiter mission to study Venus’ atmosphere and surface. Enhances understanding of
(Shukrayaan) Earth's "twin" planet.
2026 Mars Orbiter Mission 2 Planetary Exploration India’s second mission to Mars, primarily an orbiter mission. Follows up the success of Mars
(Mangalyaan 2) Orbiter Mission (2013).
2026 Lunar Polar Lunar Exploration Collaboration with JAXA. Focus on surface and subsurface exploration of Moon's south pole
Exploration Mission region.
2026 Gaganyaan 3 Human Spaceflight First crewed Gaganyaan mission. Aims to make India the fourth country to send humans to
space independently.
2028 Chandrayaan-4 Lunar Exploration Lunar sample-return mission, fourth in Chandrayaan series. Multiple modules for different
phases of the mission.
2028– Bharatiya Antariksha Human Spaceflight Planned Indian space station (20 tonnes) in orbit 400 km above Earth. Astronauts can stay - 15–
2035 Station 20 days.
TBD AstroSat-2 Astronomy & Proposed space telescope, successor to AstroSat-1. Announcement of Opportunity issued for
Astrophysics instrument development for advanced astronomical studies.
Mission XPoSat
Mission Type • X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite
Objective • Study polarization of intense X-ray sources in space
Focus • Polarization of X-rays from astronomical sources, enhancing India's space-based X-ray astronomy
Orbit • Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
Payloads • Two scientific payloads for simultaneous studies of temporal, spectral, and polarization properties
Scientific Contribution • Provide insights into the processes and properties of celestial sources emitting X-rays

GAGAN Benefits to the Aviation Sector Applications in Other Sectors

• Developed by: 1. Safety Improvement: Provides vertical guidance, enhancing 1. Railways: Used - train tracking & unmanned level crossing
ISRO & AAI flight safety, especially in adverse weather conditions. warnings, improving safety and operational efficiency.
• Objective: 2. Fuel Efficiency: Enables direct routing, reducing circling 2. Marine Navigation: Being evaluated for marine operations to
Satellite-Based approaches, resulting in significant fuel savings. improve navigation accuracy in coastal and oceanic areas.
Augmentation 3. Increased Airspace Capacity: Allows multiple approaches, 3. Surveying & Data Collection: Employed by organizations like
System (SBAS) for enhancing capacity of airports and airspace. Karnataka Forest Department and AAI for accurate surveys,
safety-of-life 4. Operational Efficiency: Reduces air traffic controller workload forest management, and airport surveys.
applications with precise navigation data. 4. Space Weather Studies: Utilized for developing ionospheric
• Operational Since: 5. Global Navigation: Provides seamless navigation across all flight models in the Asia-Pacific region, aiding research in space
2015 phases, including oceanic areas, with high accuracy. weather and satellite communications.

THEME 6: International Cooperation in Space (ISRO)

International Cooperation Key Ongoing/Upcoming Projects
• Global Cooperation: Space transcends national boundaries, requiring 1. NISAR (NASA-ISRO SAR)
collaboration. • Collaboration with NASA; LEO observatory for Earth monitoring.
• ISRO Focus: Collaborates with global space agencies for mutual benefits • Focus: Ecosystems, ice mass, sea levels, natural hazards.
in science, tech, and social applications. • Target launch: January 2024.
• Strategic Cooperation: Influenced by political, economic, scientific 2. LUPEX (Lunar Polar Exploration Mission)
factors. • Joint mission with JAXA (Japan) for lunar south pole exploration.
History • Launch: 2026; JAXA provides rover, ISRO provides lander.
• Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS): Early 3. Artemis Accords (2025)
international partnership for rocket launches. • India signed the US-led lunar exploration accords aimed at human moon
• Aryabhata, Bhaskara Missions: Collaborative satellite missions with landings and Mars exploration.
international payloads. International Treaties
• Chandrayaan-1 (2008): First mission to Moon with joint ISRO-NASA 1. Outer Space Treaty (1967)
discovery of water molecules on the lunar surface. • Signed by US, USSR, UK. Prevents sovereignty claims over outer space and
• MEGHA-TROPIQUES (2011): Indo-French collaboration studying celestial bodies.
climate and monsoons. 2. Moon Treaty (1984)
• SARAL (2013): Indo-French mission studying ocean altimetry.
• Establishes that the Moon is for the benefit of all humanity.
• India signed the Outer Space Treaty, but did not ratify the Moon Treaty.

THEME 7: Space-Based Earth Observation Applications

Space-Based Earth Bhuvan Geoportal Space Communication and Navigation Global Positioning System (GPS)
Observation Applications

• ISRO Satellites: • Bhuvan: ISRO’s geoportal offering 1. NavIC (Navigation with Indian • Developed by US DoD (1973),
Provides services for satellite imagery and geospatial services. Constellation) first satellite launched in 1978.
weather forecasting, • Applications in planning, resource • India’s regional navigation system for • GPS uses 24 satellites for
resource monitoring, management, disaster monitoring, and accurate positioning and timing global navigation, applied in
and disaster agriculture. services. telecommunications,
management. MOSDAC (Meteorological and • Used in transportation, agriculture, military, and logistics.
• Data Portals: Access Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival and scientific research. Atomic Clocks
through Bhuvan and Center) 2. GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO Augmented • Timekeeping in GPS: Atomic
Bhoonidhi. • Repository for meteorology, Navigation) clocks ensure precise time,
o Applications: Urban oceanography, and tropical water cycle • Jointly developed by ISRO and AAI. essential for GPS accuracy.
planning, agriculture, data. • Enhances navigation accuracy for • A 38-microsecond offset can
water management, • Supports disaster management for floods, aviation, railways, and marine lead to 10 km errors.
forestry. cyclones, and landslide monitoring. navigation.

THEME 8: ISRO Initiatives

YUVIKA (Young Scientist NETRA (NEtwork for Space Mission Shakti (ASAT) Indian Space Policy, 2023
Programme) Object TRacking and
• Launched: January 18, 2019 • Objective: Track and • Developed by: DRDO and • First Communication Policy: 1997; Remote
by ISRO Chief K. Sivan. safeguard India’s space ISRO. Sensing Policy: 2001.
• Objective: Educating school assets amid increasing space • Objective: Demonstrate Anti- • Vision 2023: Encourage private sector
children (Class IX) on Space debris. satellite (ASAT) capability. participation in the space economy.
Technology, Science, and • Established: Directorate of • Achievement: Destroyed a • ISRO Role: Shift focus to R&D and new
Applications. Space Situational Awareness satellite in Low Earth Orbit technologies, while industry handles mature
• Aim: Encourage STEM and Management (DSSAM). (300 km) in 2019. systems.
research and career through • Components: Radar, Optical • India: Now part of the ASAT • IN-SPACe: Regulatory body ensuring a level
hands-on sessions. Telescope, Control Center league with the U.S., Russia, playing field for Non-Government Entities
• Participants: 150 students (Peenya, Bengaluru). China. (NGEs).
across India. • Kessler Syndrome: Bharatiya Antariksha Station Private Sector in Space Technology
• Duration: 2-week residential Hypothesis where increasing (Indian Space Station) • India’s Space Economy Goal: Increase share from
program. space debris leads to more • Prime Minister Modi’s 2% to 15% by 2047.
Mission Prarambh collisions. Directive: Establish an Indian • Recent Achievements: Success of Chandrayaan-3
• Launch Vehicle: Vikram-S Agnikul Cosmos Space Station by 2035. and plans for an Indian Space Station.
by Skyroot Aerospace (First • Startup: Based at IIT- • Moon Mission: Set a goal for • Tech Innovations: Focus on in-orbit servicing,
private launch vehicle in Madras. an Indian astronaut to land propulsion systems, and AI.
India). • Project: Launch of on the moon by 2040. • Regulatory Framework: Concerns over policy
• Launched: November 18, Agnibaan SOrTeD with a • Goals: Series of clarity; calls for Space Activities Bill.
2022, from Sriharikota. 3D-printed single-piece Chandrayaan missions, new • Infrastructure Needs: Private players need testing
• Significance: Marks India’s engine. launch vehicles, and facilities and government support.
growing private sector in • Launchpad: Private interplanetary missions to • Space Data: Proposals to democratize space data
space exploration. launchpad in Sriharikota, Venus and Mars. for innovation.
expected launch by 2023.

THEME 9: Important Foreign Missions

Artemis II (NASA) ASTHROS (NASA) James Webb Space Telescope Parker Solar Probe

• Launch: 2024 • Launch: December 2023 • Launch: December 25, 2021 • Launch: August 12, 2018
• Crewed Moon Mission: First crewed flight • Objective: High-altitude balloon • Objective: Study the Universe from • Objective: Study the
around the Moon in NASA's Artemis mission for studying the Big Bang to the formation of Sun's corona and solar
Program. astrophysical phenomena. solar systems. wind.
• Objective: Establish a long-term presence on • Altitude: 130,000 feet (40 km) to • Orbit: Second Lagrange Point • Closest Approach: 3.9
the Moon; test SLS rocket and Orion observe far-infrared light. (L2), 1.5 million km from Earth. million miles (6.2 million
spacecraft. ARIEL (ESA) Mars 2020: Perseverance Rover km) from the Sun over 24
• Significance: Prepares for future crewed • Launch: 2028 (NASA) orbits.
Mars missions; involves diverse crew with the • Objective: Study exoplanet • Launch: 2020 Juno (NASA)
first woman and person of color landing on the atmospheres using a space • Objective: Explore Mars' geology, • Launch: August 5, 2011
Moon. telescope. search for ancient life, and • Objective: Study
• Follow-Up Missions: • NASA’s CASE Instrument: demonstrate new technologies (e.g., Jupiter's formation,
• Artemis III: Crewed Moon landing. Analyze clouds and hazes for a Ingenuity helicopter). structure, and magnetic
• Artemis IV & V: Establish lunar Gateway comprehensive view. • MOXIE: Produced oxygen on Mars field.
station and further exploration. for future exploration.

International Space Station (ISS) Quesst (NASA) Moon Sniper (Japan, JAXA) Fengyun-3F (China)
• Launch: November 2000 • Launch: 2024 • Launch: 2024 • Launch: 2023
(continuously occupied). • Objective: Test supersonic flight • Objective: Precise lunar landing • Objective: Meteorological satellite for
• Agencies Involved: NASA, without sonic booms using the X- within 100 meters using SLIM climate research and atmospheric
Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, CSA. 59. lander. studies.
• Mission: Orbiting laboratory for LOFTID (NASA) • Mission Goal: Analyze olivine Taifa-1 (Kenya)
scientific research and • Launch: November 2022 rocks and test new landing • Launch: 2023 via Falcon 9 (SpaceX).
international collaboration. • Objective: Test inflatable technologies. • Objective: Kenya's first earth
Psyche Mission (NASA) aeroshell technology for slowing Luna-25 (Russia, Roscosmos) observation satellite for climate
• Launch: October 2023 spacecraft during atmospheric • Launch: 2023 (Failed) monitoring and resource management.
• Objective: Explore the metal-rich re-entry. • Objective: Explore the Moon's
asteroid Psyche in the asteroid belt. INFUSE (NASA) south pole; mission ended in a crash. India's Rise in Global Space Economy
• Target: August 2029 arrival at the • Objective: Study 20,000-year- Euclid Telescope (ESA) • Market Share (2021): India holds 2%
asteroid. old Cygnus Loop supernova to • Launch: 2023 of the $386 billion global space
Juice Mission (ESA) understand star life cycles. • Objective: Create a 3D map of the economy.
• Launch: 14 April 2023 BepiColombo (ESA/JAXA) cosmos, studying dark matter and • Goal: Increase to $50 billion by 2025.
• Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5 from • Launch: October 2018, arriving dark energy. • ISRO’s Role: Launched 431 satellites
Europe's Spaceport, French at Mercury in 2025. • Orbit: Lagrange Point 2 (L2). from 36 countries since 1999.
Guiana. • Spacecraft: Two orbiters, ESA's LISA (ESA) • Commercial Impact: Generated $279
• Objective: Detailed study of Mercury Planetary Orbiter • Objective: First space-based million in foreign exchange from
Jupiter and its icy moons (MPO) and JAXA's Mercury gravitational wave observatory. satellite launches, with an additional
(Ganymede, Callisto, Europa). Magnetospheric Orbiter (MIO). • Launch: Expected in 2037. $223 million in the pipeline.
• Focus: Explore Jupiter's complex • Objective: Study Mercury's • Spacecraft Formation: Three • 2023 Highlight: Launched 11 satellites
environment, potential habitats, surface, interior, and magnetic spacecraft in triangular formation from Singapore.
and gas giants. field. over 2.5 million km. Future Growth Potential
PLATO (ESA) • Instruments: BELA, ISA, Athena (ESA) • Projections: $100 billion growth in
• Objective: Study extrasolar MPO-MAG, and more. • Objective: Study the hot and coming years driven by space startups,
planetary systems with an Hera (ESA) energetic universe via an X-ray government initiatives, and
emphasis on terrestrial planets. • Objective: Perform post-impact telescope. commercial ventures.
Clearspace-1 (ESA) survey of asteroid Dimorphos. • Launch: Selected as ESA's second • Strategic Impact: Liberalization of
• Objective: First mission to remove • Significance: First binary large-class mission. the space sector and fostering of space
space debris from orbit. asteroid mission and planetary Ariel (ESA) entrepreneurship.
defense project. • Objective: Investigate the chemical
composition and thermal structures
of 1,000 exoplanets.
• Focus: First mission dedicated to
surveying exoplanet atmospheres.
Personally Curated by
Dr Bhavani Shankar MA, Mphil, PhD


Theme 1: Application of Space Technology

I. The Role and Impact of SCIENCE &

Theme 2: Climatic Change
Theme 3: Floods & Urban flooding
Theme 4: Tsunamis and Cyclones
TECHNOLOGY: 4 Theme 5: Manmade or Anthropogenic Disasters

4. Application of Space Technology in India with references to Education, Agriculture and Industry. Climatic
change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade Disaster Management..
THEME 1: Application of Space Technology
Space Technology in Education Space Technology in Agriculture Space Technology in Industry
1. EDUSAT: 1. CAPE (Crop Acreage and Production 1. Satellite-Based Navigation (GAGAN):
• Objective: Satellite-based distance education. Estimation): • Objective: Accurate satellite navigation
• Working: Transmits educational content via • Objective: Estimate crop acreage using services.
satellite to remote areas. satellite imagery. • Working: Augments GPS for precise
2. Tele-Education Networks: • Working: GIS-based analysis for accurate location information.
• Objective: Real-time interactive learning via crop yield estimates. 2. Disaster Management Program:
satellite. 2. FASAL: • Objective: Satellite data for disaster
• Working: Hub-and-spoke model for • Objective: Crop yield forecasting using management.
broadcasting educational content to remote satellite data. • Working: Monitors disasters like floods
classrooms. • Working: Combines weather data and and cyclones for timely response.
satellite imagery to predict yields.
3. Virtual Classrooms: 3. Bhuvan Geo-Platform:
• Objective: Live sessions using satellite • Objective: Geospatial data for industries.
• Objective: Monitor droughts using remote
connectivity. • Working: Web platform providing data for
• Working: Satellite-based video conferencing infrastructure and environmental projects.
• Working: Satellite data for drought severity
for interactive learning. 4. Telemedicine via Satellite:
assessment and relief planning.
4. DTH-Based Learning:
4. CHAMAN: • Objective: Remote healthcare through
• Objective: Broadcast educational content via • Objective: Geospatial tech for horticulture satellite communication.
DTH. development. • Working: Connects remote health centers
• Working: Cost-effective educational • Working: Satellite imagery for crop mapping with specialists via satellite.
programs broadcasted to DTH receivers. and health monitoring. 5. Natural Resource Management:
5. Gyandoot and Akshaya Projects: 5. Precision Farming Centers (PFDCs): • Objective: Sustainable management using
• Objective: Digital literacy and vocational • Objective: Promote precision farming using remote sensing.
training. satellite data. • Working: Monitors forests, water bodies,
• Working: Satellite-enabled e-learning centers • Working: Optimized resource use for better and minerals for resource conservation.
for rural populations. agricultural productivity. 6. Space-Based Internet Services:
6. Distance Education: 6. Soil Health Monitoring: • Objective: Provide internet to remote areas
• Objective: Partner with universities for • Objective: Monitor soil health with satellite via satellite.
satellite-based education. tech. • Working: Satellite-powered high-speed
• Working: Broadcasted educational programs • Working: Satellite sensors for soil moisture internet for underserved regions.
to remote areas. and health management.

THEME 2: Climatic Change

Causes Impacts in India
1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fossil fuel burning increases CO₂. • Temperature Rise: Heatwaves affect agriculture and health.
2. Deforestation: Reduces CO₂ absorption. • Changing Rainfall Patterns: Leads to droughts and floods.
3. Industrial Activities: Pollutants exacerbate climate change. • Melting Glaciers: Affects water resources and increases flood risks.
4. Agriculture: Methane emissions from livestock and rice paddies. • Sea-Level Rise: Threatens coastal areas.
5. Urbanization: Increased energy demand and emissions. • Biodiversity Loss: Disrupts ecosystems and species.

THEME 3: Floods & Urban flooding

Floods Flood-Prone Areas Impacts Urban Flooding
• Definition: Overflow of water • Brahmaputra Region: ▪ Loss of Life and Property. • Definition: Floods in cities due to rapid
onto land, often along river Assam, Arunachal Pradesh. ▪ Agriculture Damage: Crops and urbanization.
channels or coasts. • Ganga Region: Uttarakhand, livestock destroyed. Causes:
Causes: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar. ▪ Displacement: Millions of people • Natural: Heavy rainfall, cyclones,
• Natural: Heavy rainfall, • North-West Region: Jammu displaced. localized storms.
sedimentation, cyclones, & Kashmir, Punjab. • Health Risks: Waterborne diseases • Human-made: Unplanned urbanization,
changes in river course, • Deccan Region: Narmada, like cholera, malaria. poor waste management, impermeable
tsunamis. Tapi, Mahanadi, Krishna NDMA Guidelines: surfaces.
• Human-made: Deforestation, rivers. • Structural: Reservoirs, • Impacts: Severe in cities due to high
poor drainage, international embankments, drainage improvement. population density and economic activity.
rivers, population pressure, poor • Non-Structural: Floodplain zoning, • Notable Events: Chennai (2015),
water management. floodproofing, forecasting. Mumbai (2005, 2017), Delhi (2024).

THEME 4: Tsunamis and Cyclones

Tsunamis Mechanism Tsunami-Prone Areas Cyclones
• Definition: Series of large • Initiation: Earthquake • Andaman & Nicobar • Definition: Circular storm with high-velocity winds and
waves caused by undersea generates waves. Islands. torrential rains.
earthquakes or volcanic • Propagation: High-speed • East Coast: Tamil Nadu, • Occurrence: Pre- and post-monsoon periods, 7-14 days
eruptions. wave movement across Andhra Pradesh. lifespan.
Causes oceans. • West Coast: Gujarat, Cyclone-Prone Areas
• Undersea Earthquakes: • Amplification: Waves Maharashtra. • East Coast: West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil
Sudden tectonic shifts. grow in height near coastal Preparedness Nadu.
• Volcanic Eruptions: areas. • Early Warning Systems: • West Coast: Gujarat, Maharashtra.
Displacing water during • Run-up: Waves inundate Indian National Centre for Impacts
eruptions. coastal areas. Ocean Information Services • Destruction of Infrastructure: Buildings, trees, power
• Landslides: Displacement Impact (INCOIS), real-time lines.
of water from falling debris. • Flooding: Coastal regions submerged.
• 2004 Indian Ocean monitoring.
• Meteorite Impacts: Rare, • Landslides: Triggered by cyclonic rains.
Tsunami: 10,000+ deaths in • Mitigation: Coastal
but can generate tsunamis. • Loss of Life: Poor warnings lead to mass casualties
India. infrastructure, natural
(Bangladesh 1991).
• Economic Damage: barriers, land-use
Infrastructure and fishing regulations.
• IMD Warnings: Doppler radar, satellite communication.
industry heavily impacted.
• NDMA Guidelines: Early warning systems, cyclone
• Environmental Damage:
shelters, structural safety.
Coastal ecosystems
• Recent Cyclones: Amphan (2020), Fani (2019), Vayu

THEME 5: Manmade or Anthropogenic Disasters

(Definition: Manmade disasters caused - human actions; significant loss of life, property damage, and environmental
Fires Road, Rail, and Air Traffic Industrial Accidents Community-Level Disaster
Accidents Management
Causes: Road Accidents Causes: Preparedness:
1. Negligence: Discarding • Causes: Speeding, Drunk Driving, • Human Error: Inadequate • Awareness & Education: Community
matchsticks or cigarettes Poor Vehicle Maintenance, Traffic training, negligence. disaster education.
carelessly. Violations. • Technical Failures: • Disaster Management Plans: Local,
2. Cooking Accidents: Unattended • Safety Measures: Seat belts, traffic Equipment malfunction, school plans.
cooking or stoves. signals, vehicle maintenance, road structural collapse. • Resource Inventory: Material/human
3. Electrical Faults: Short circuits, safety education. • Natural Disasters: Trigger resources.
poor wiring, sub-standard Rail Accidents industrial accidents. Response:
components. • Causes: Human error, technical Effects: • Emergency Operations Centers, Search
4. Inflammable Materials: failures, natural events (landslides). • Casualties: Worker and & Rescue, Shelters.
Improper storage/transport of • Safety Measures: Maintenance, resident fatalities. Recovery:
chemicals. crossing safety, advanced signaling. • Environmental Damage: • Reconstruction, Health Programs,
5. Forest Fires: Human negligence Air Accidents Pollution (air, water, soil). Economic Support.
(campfires, burning items). • Causes: Technical failures, adverse • Economic Losses: Prevention:
Effects: weather, human error. Infrastructure damage, • Land Use Planning, Disaster-Resistant
• Casualties: Deaths, injuries. • Safety Measures: Maintenance, crew productivity loss. Buildings, Risk Reduction.
• Economic Losses: Property training, weather monitoring. Management: Government Initiatives on Disaster
destruction. Biological Disasters • Prevention: Safety protocols, Management
• Environmental Impact: Air, Epidemics equipment maintenance. National Disaster Management Authority
water contamination, • Causes: Poor Sanitation, • Preparedness: Emergency (NDMA)
biodiversity loss. Overcrowding, Disease Vectors response plans, drills. • Role: Policy formulation, disaster plans.
• Psychological Impact: Trauma. (insects/animals). • Response: Evacuation, • Functions: Response coordination,
Management: Management: hazardous material training, research.
• Prevention: Fire safety rules, • Prevention: Sanitation improvement, containment, medical aid. State & District Plans
electrical maintenance. vaccination. • Recovery: Environmental • Development: State/district disaster
• Preparedness: Fire • Surveillance: Monitoring outbreaks. cleanup, infrastructure plans.
extinguishers, fire drills. • Response: Quarantine, medical rebuilding, compensation. • Implementation: Drills, capacity-
• Response: Evacuation, fire treatment, vaccines. building.
department alerts. • Recovery: Health infrastructure Community Participation
• Recovery: Rebuilding, restoration, support to affected. • Involvement: Community disaster
psychological support. activities.
• Training: First aid, rescue skills
Personally Curated by
Dr Bhavani Shankar MA, Mphil, PhD


Theme 1: Sources of Energy Theme 8: Tidal Energy
Theme 2: Conventional Sources of Energy – Theme 9: Geothermal Energy

I. The Role and Impact of Theme 3:

Coal, petroleum, Natural Gas
Nuclear Energy
Theme 10:
Theme 11:
Fuel Cell
SCIENCE & Theme 4:
Theme 5:
Solar Energy
Hydro Energy
Theme 12: Emerging Sustainable Energy
Technologies and Innovations
TECHNOLOGY: 5 Theme 6: Wind Energy Theme 13: Government Initiatives
Theme 7: Biogas

1. Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel, thermal and nuclear. Importance of
renewable resources - Solar, Wind, small/Mini/Micro hydel, Biomass, waste based, geothermal, tidal & fuel cells.
Energy security - Role of Science & Technology, Biofuel cultivation and extraction.
THEME 1: Sources of Energy
Energy Sources and Usage Conventional Energy Sources Non-conventional Energy Resources
Importance of Energy Definition and Examples Non-Conventional Energy Sources (Renewable
• Essential - cooking, lighting, • Conventional sources- non-renewable & have been used Energy)
transportation & industrial extensively over time. • Definition: Continuously replenished, pollution-
processes. • Examples - coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity. free, clean energy sources with no waste.
• Derived - both conventional & Global Reliance on Fossil Fuels Types of Non-Conventional Energy:
non-conventional sources. • Fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) - more than 85% of global energy. • Solar Energy: Generated - sunlight via
Rural Energy Needs in India • Present challenges - Environmental damage, resource depletion, photovoltaic cells.
• Over 70% of energy - rural India is & lack of sustainability. • Wind Energy: Harnesses - kinetic energy - moving
met - firewood & cattle dung cake. Challenges with Conventional Sources air.
• Sustainability concerns - • Increasing difficulty - discovering and exploiting new deposits. • Hydroelectric Power: Produced - flowing water.
deforestation and depletion of • Environmental concerns & unsustainable nature of continued • Geothermal Energy: Uses Earth's internal heat.
valuable manure resources reliance on fossil fuels. • Biomass Energy: Derived - organic materials like

THEME 2: Conventional Sources of Energy

Coal Natural Gas Key Issues in Natural Gas Petroleum

Major fossil fuel used - power • Composed - methane, used in power • Environmental Impact: Water • Derived - liquid hydrocarbons
generation, industrial, and generation, heating, - raw material contamination, air pollution beneath the Earth's surface, used
domestic purposes. in various sectors. (methane leaks), and habitat for transportation, electricity
• Exists in forms - peat, lignite, • Major reserves - Mumbai High, disruption. generation, and industrial
bituminous (used commercially), west coast, and Krishna-Godavari • Land Use: Habitat fragmentation processes.
& anthracite (highest quality). basin. and deforestation. • India’s petroleum reserves are
• India’s Gondwana coal (200 • The Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur • Induced Seismicity: Human- found - anticlines and fault traps -
million years old) - found in the (HVJ) pipeline connects these fields induced earthquakes - wastewater tertiary rock formations.
Damodar Valley, Jharia, Raniganj, to industrial complexes across disposal. • Major production areas -Mumbai
and Bokaro. India. • Water Usage: High water High, Gujarat (Ankeleshwar), and
• Tertiary coal reserves - Conventional vs. Unconventional consumption - fracking. Assam (Digboi, Naharkatiya,
Meghalaya, Assam, Arunachal Natural Gas • Community Concerns: Moran-Hugrijan).
Pradesh, and Nagaland. • Conventional Gas: Accessible, Disruptions, health effects, and Extraction Methods
• Proximity to coalfields - vital for found under permeable rock layers- economic dependency. • Vertical Drilling: Traditional
heavy industries & thermal power oil. • Regulatory Challenges: Need for method for close-to-surface gas.
stations. • Unconventional Gas: Harder to strong regulatory frameworks. • Horizontal Drilling: Flexible,
Coal-Based Thermal Power Plant extract, - shale gas, tight gas, • Methane Emissions: Methane cost-effective, allows for fewer
• Generates electricity - burning coalbed methane, and methane leakage contributes - global drilling sites.
coal - produce heat, converting hydrates. warming. • Hydraulic Fracturing
water - steam. • Waste Management: Challenges (Fracking): High-pressure water,
• Steam drives turbines connected in treating wastewater generated sand, and chemicals break rocks to
to generators. during extraction. release gas; controversial due to
• Steam is condensed back into environmental concerns.
water using cooling systems, • Acidizing: Dissolves rocks
completing the cycle. blocking gas flow, often used with
THEME 3: Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy India’s Three-Stage Nuclear Fuel Cycle Waste Management in Nuclear Power
Nuclear Program Facilities Plants
Nuclear or Atomic Energy: India’s Three-Stage Nuclear • Atomic Minerals Directorate • Solid Waste: Disposed of in Near Surface
Nuclear energy - released - atom's Program for Exploration and Research Disposal Facilities.
nucleus, - protons and neutrons. Stage 1: Pressurized Heavy (AMD): Identifies & evaluates • Liquid Waste: Treated and discharged within
• Produced - two processes: fission Water Reactors (PWHR) uranium resources across India. regulatory limits.
(splitting of atomic nuclei) and • Uses natural uranium - • Uranium Corporation of • Gaseous Waste: Released - high stacks after
fusion (combining of nuclei). produce electricity & India Limited (UCIL): treatment and monitoring.
• Radioactive Elements: Unstable plutonium-239 as a Manages uranium mining and • Closed Fuel Cycle: Involves reprocessing
isotopes - emit radiation through byproduct. processing. and recycling spent fuel, with minimal high-
radioactive decay (e.g., uranium, • Heavy Water acts - both • Indian Rare Earths Limited level waste requiring geological disposal.
thorium, radium). coolant and moderator. (IREL): Separates heavy Nuclear Diplomacy
• Radioactivity: Discovered - Henri Stage 2: Fast Breeder minerals - uranium from beach • No-First-Use (NFU) Policy: India pledges not
Becquerel & Marie Curie - alpha, Reactors (FBRs) sands. to use nuclear weapons first but will respond if
beta, and gamma decay processes. • Utilizes plutonium-239 • Nuclear Fuel Fabrication attacked.
• Radiation Facilities: Applications - to create more fuel, Facilities: Located - • Global Non-Proliferation and Strategic
industry, medicine, and research, including uranium-233 Hyderabad, Tamil Nadu, and Autonomy: India supports global non-
including radiation processing and from thorium. Rajasthan, convert uranium ore proliferation while maintaining strategic
diagnostic/therapeutic uses. • Liquid sodium is used into fuel assemblies for reactors. independence.
Nuclear Energy Production as the coolant. • Heavy Water Board (HWB): • Bilateral Agreements: India engages in civil
Nuclear Reactors: Use uranium & Stage 3: Advanced Nuclear Produces heavy water and nuclear cooperation, including the Indo-U.S.
thorium for generating electric power. Systems various chemicals for DAE Civil Nuclear Agreement.
Key Components: • Focuses - utilizing units. • Engagement with International
• Fuel: Uranium-235, chosen for its thorium+ Uranium-233 Organizations: Active participation in IAEA
ability to undergo fission. - sustainable nuclear and other forums for nuclear safety and
• Control Rods: Regulate -nuclear fuel cycles. security.
reaction. • Research - developing • Disarmament Initiatives: Advocates for
• Coolant: Absorbs heat generated - technologies like Indian global nuclear disarmament and supports the
nuclear reaction, typically water. Molten Salt Breeder Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
• Turbine and Generator: Convert Reactor (IMSBR) & (CTBT).
steam from heated water into Innovative High- • Energy Security and Regional Stability:
electrical energy. Temperature Reactor India secures nuclear technology for energy
(IHTR). needs and aims to contribute to regional
stability through nuclear diplomacy.

THEME 4: Solar Energy

India's Solar Energy Types of Solar Cells and Their Characteristics Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
Potential (JNNSM):
• India, a tropical country, -vast Photovoltaic Technology • Part of India's National Action Plan on Climate
potential - solar energy. • Converts light (photons) - electricity (voltage) - photovoltaic Change (NAPCC), launched - 30th June 2008.
• Photovoltaic technology -converts effect. • Mission approved - 11th Jan 2010, aimed -
- sunlight - directly - electricity. Silicon Solar Cells: developing solar energy technologies.
• Solar energy - increasingly • Dominant -today's market - reasonable cost & good • Initial target: Deploying 20,000 MW of grid-
popular - rural & remote areas. efficiency. connected solar power by 2022.
• Large solar power plants -India • Assembled -modules – (residential, commercial, or utility- • Revised target in June 2015: 1,00,000 MW by
reduce reliance on firewood and scale systems). 2022.
dung cakes, aiding environmental Thin-Film Solar Cells: India's Solar Mission Targets by 2030:
conservation and providing • Made - thin layers of semiconductor materials - cadmium • India aims - add 350 GW of renewable energy by
manure for agriculture. telluride. 2030, - solar power contributing 55% of the total
Government Initiatives: • Lightweight, flexible, and ideal for portable applications or installed capacity.
• Import Duty: 40% duty on integrated products like solar windows. Challenges:
imported solar modules to • Less energy-intensive manufacturing than silicon cells. • Dependency on Imports: Heavy reliance -
promote domestic manufacturing. III-V Solar Cells: imports - key solar components, causing - capital
• PLI Scheme: Production Linked • Made from Group III and V elements (e.g., gallium, indium, outflows.
Incentive (PLI) Scheme to arsenic). • Cost of Ownership: Rising costs & GST rates
enhance manufacturing and • High efficiency but expensive, used - satellites & unmanned impacting the residential rooftop segment,
exports in the solar sector. aerial vehicles. slowing installations.
• BIS Certification: Mandatory Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: • DISCOM Ecosystem: Challenges in the
BIS certification for quality • Combine layers of crystalline & amorphous silicon for
existing DISCOM system affecting cost
benchmarks in domestic higher efficiency. competitiveness in the shift to solar.
manufacturing. • Each layer captures different light wavelengths.
Solar Companies' Contribution:
• ALMM: Approved List of Models Bio-Solar Cells:
• Research & Development: Investment in R&D
and Manufacturers ensures • Combine biology and solar technology, using
for efficient solar technologies like shark bifacial
reliable solar PV manufacturers. photosynthesis to generate electricity.
• Environmentally friendly but currently less efficient and
complex to develop.
Perovskite Solar Cells:
• Utilize materials with a perovskite crystal structure, like • Energy Storage Trends: Growing focus on
methylammonium lead iodide. energy storage solutions like lithium batteries for
• High efficiency (over 25%) with flexible, cost-effective high energy consumption periods.
manufacturing. • Loom Solar's Initiative: Introduced "The Solar
• Challenges include stability, toxicity, and scalability for Entrepreneur" franchise model to encourage new
mass production. entrepreneurs in the solar market.

THEME 5: Hydro Energy

Hydro Energy How Hydro Energy Classification of Hydro Pros & Cons
Works Projects
• Hydro energy - generated - 1. Water Flow: Energy - Based on Capacity: Pros:
fast-flowing water, making it harnessed from - movement • Micro: Up to 100 KW • Renewable: Constant flow of water - sustainable
a renewable & consistent of rivers or waterfalls. • Mini: 101 KW to 2 MW energy source.
energy source. 2. Dams or Turbines: • Small: 2 MW to 25 MW • Reliable: More consistent than solar or wind
• Hydroelectric Power: India Structures - dams or • Mega: ≥ 500 MW - hydro energy.
- several multi-purpose turbines capture water projects, ≥ 1500 MW - thermal • Clean: No pollution during electricity
hydroelectric projects - energy. projects generation.
Bhakra Nangal, Damodar 3. Electricity Generation: • Responsibility: Cons:
Valley Corporation, and the Flowing water spins o Ministry of Power - large • Environmental Impact: Dams can disrupt
Kopili Hydel Project. turbines, which power hydro projects ecosystems and displace communities.
generators to produce o Ministry of New and • Location-Specific: Suitable only in regions with
electricity. Renewable Energy - small adequate water flow.
hydro projects (up to 25 • High Initial Costs: Building infrastructure like
MW). dams and power plants is expensive.

THEME 6: Wind Energy

Wind Power Potential in How Wind Power Works Advantages of Wind Power Disadvantages of Wind
India Power
• Major wind farms - Tamil Nadu • Wind Turbines: Large structures - 1. Renewable: Wind - continuous, 1. Weather-Dependent: Energy
(Nagarcoil to Madurai), Andhra capture wind energy. renewable energy source. production varies with wind
Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, • Blade Movement: Wind causes the 2. Clean Energy: Produces no availability.
Kerala, Maharashtra, and turbine blades to spin, like a pollution during electricity 2. Space and Aesthetics: Wind farms
Lakshadweep. pinwheel. generation. - large areas - visually unappealing
• Notable Wind Energy Sites: • Electricity Generation: The 3. Reduces Greenhouse Gases: to some.
Nagarcoil & Jaisalmer - prominent spinning blades turn a generator, Helps combat climate change by 3. High Initial Costs: Setting up wind
for effective wind energy producing electricity. lowering emissions. farms can be expensive, though
utilization. costs are decreasing.

THEME 7: Biogas
Biogas Compressed Bio Gas GOBAR-DHAN scheme SATAT initiative
• Source: Produced - shrubs, Biogas - purified, compressed, & • Obj: Converts organic waste (cattle dung, Obj: Produce Compressed Bio Gas (CBG)
farm waste, animal & human converted into CBG, containing - agricultural residue) – into - biogas/CBG - & bio-manure - biomass waste.
waste -decomposition of 90% methane. promote - circular economy. Launched: Ministry of Petroleum &
organic matter. Advantages of CBG • Department: Dept of Drinking Water and Natural Gas - Oct 1, 2018.
• Higher Efficiency: Biogas Production: Sanitation (DDWS), Ministry of Jal Shakti. Goals:
has higher thermal efficiency 1. Reduces import of • Key Schemes: SATAT, Agri Infrastructure • Reduce air pollution, (esp from
compared to kerosene, dung natural gas and crude. Fund, Waste to Energy, SBM(G) Phase II. stubble burning & carbon
cake, and charcoal. 2. Utilizes agricultural • Eligibility: Projects producing -10 cubic emissions).
• Types of Plants: Municipal, residue and reduces meters of CBG/biogas daily, - households, • Improve farmers' income and
cooperative, and individual emissions. cooperatives, and entrepreneurs. create rural employment
levels; cattle dung-based 3. Contributes to climate • Benefits: Supports India's net-zero opportunities.
biogas plants are called goals, energy security, emissions by 2070, creates rural jobs, • Reduce dependency on crude oil
"Gobar gas plants" in rural and rural economy improves village hygiene, and aligns with imports.
India. improvement. SDGs (3, 6, 7, 13). • Support efficient municipal solid
• Benefits: Provides energy Biogas Generation Process: • Implementation: Focuses - villages with waste management.
and improved manure quality, • Involves hydrolysis, high cattle populations, promotes • Promote organic farming.
reducing the use of fuel wood acidogenesis, acetogenesis, community-managed biogas plants, and Target: Set up 5,000 CBG plants by 2025.
and dung cakes. and methanogenesis provides funding for infrastructure. Process: Involves submitting EOIs,
reactions. obtaining LOIs, selecting retail outlets, and
selling CBG.
THEME 8: Tidal Energy
Tidal Locations in India How It Works Pros Cons
Ideal sites: 1. Tidal movement caused by the moon's • Renewable: Consistent tidal • Location-Specific: Needs strong
• Gulf of Khambhat gravitational pull. movement. tidal flow.
• Gulf of Kuchchh (Gujarat) 2. Tidal power plants use turbines or tidal • Predictable: Tides follow a known • High Initial Costs: Expensive
• Gangetic delta (West stream generators. pattern. infrastructure.
Bengal). 3. Tidal movement drives turbines, • Low Environmental Impact:
generating electricity. Minimal pollution.

THEME 9: Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy How It Works Pros Cons
• Source: Utilizes heat from the 1. Earth's core heat rises to the surface. • Renewable: Earth's heat is • Location-Specific:
Earth's interior, especially where the 2. Geothermal power plants drill into the continuously produced. Concentrated in certain
geothermal gradient is high. Earth's crust to access hot water or steam. • Reliable: Available 24/7. regions.
• Potential in India: Hot springs - 3. Steam turns turbines, generating • Low Emissions: Low • Drilling Costs: Expensive
India (e.g., Parvati Valley and Puga electricity. greenhouse gas emissions. to access deep heat sources.
Valley) could be used for power

THEME 10: Fuel Cell

Fuel Cell Basic Components Electrochemical Reaction Applications
A device - converts chemical energy into electrical energy - • Anode: Where hydrogen • Hydrogen is split into protons and • Transportation (Fuel cell
electrochemical reaction- without - need for recharging. is fed. electrons. vehicles).
Benefits • Cathode: Where oxygen • Electrons create electric current. • Stationary power (backup
• Clean energy: Only byproduct is water. is introduced. • Oxygen reacts with protons and power for buildings).
• Continuous operation with fuel supply. • Electrolyte: Allows ion electrons, forming water as a • Portable power (electronic
• High efficiency compared to combustion engines. movement between anode byproduct. devices).
and cathode.

THEME 11: Hydrogen

Hydrogen Types National Green Hydrogen Mission
• Grey Hydrogen: Made - natural gas • Goal: Make India a global hub - green hydrogen production, usage, and export, contributing to clean energy
(methane) via steam reforming, emits carbon. transition and decarbonization.
• Black/Brown Hydrogen: Made - coal, • Incentives: ₹17,490 crore up to 2029-30 for manufacturing electrolysers and green hydrogen production.
highly polluting. • Public-Private R&D Partnership: Strategic Hydrogen Innovation Partnership (SHIP)- support innovation in
• Blue Hydrogen: Steam reforming - carbon green hydrogen technologies.
capture and storage (CCS). Outcomes:
• Green Hydrogen: Clean hydrogen o 5 MMT of green hydrogen production by 2030.
produced- electrolysis - renewable energy. o 60-100 GW of electrolyzer installations.
• Pink Hydrogen: Electrolysis powered - o Creation of 6 lakh new green jobs.
nuclear energy. o 125 GW renewable energy dedicated - green hydrogen production.
• Yellow Hydrogen: Produced - electrolysis o 50 MMT of carbon abatement cumulatively.
using solar energy. o Over ₹8 lakh crore of investments.

THEME 12: Emerging Sustainable Energy Technologies and Innovations

Aloe Ecell (Aloe Vera Battery) Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) Lithium-Ion Battery Polycrack Technology
• Non-hazardous & sustainable: • Bioelectrochemical device: Uses • Rechargeable battery: High • Converts multiple feedstocks -
primary (non-rechargeable) energy microorganisms (bacteria) - energy density, lightweight, long- hydrocarbons, gas, carbon, and
storage solution using Aloe Vera gel generate electricity - metabolizing lasting power for devices like water in a closed-loop system.
- a natural electrolyte. organic/inorganic substrates. smartphones, EVs, and laptops. • Advantages: Processes waste
• Cost-effective: Aloe Vera - an • Process: Electrons from microbial • How it works: Lithium ions move without segregation, high moisture
economical raw material, making - metabolism flow to an electrode, between electrodes during tolerance, and zero-discharge
batteries affordable - longer generating electric current. charge/discharge. process.
lifespan. • Applications: Wastewater • Applications: Consumer Biomass Gasification
• Applications: Compatible - treatment, bioenergy production, electronics, electric vehicles, • Thermochemical conversion -
devices- AA-size batteries, such as environmental remediation. renewable energy storage, medical organic materials into energy
remote controls, portable audio Faster Adoption and Manufacturing devices, aerospace, and smart grids. vectors like electricity, biofuels,
players, flashlights, and household of Electric Vehicles (FAME) Waste-to-Energy Plants hydrogen, and syngas.
electronics. • FAME I (2015-2019): Encouraged • Incineration of waste: Converts • Advantages: Converts waste to
• Aligned with Mission LiFE: EV adoption - INR 795 crore outlay, waste to electricity or heat, reducing energy, mitigates stubble burning,
Collaboration- Aloe Ecell Pvt. Ltd. incentivized 2.78 lakh EVs, landfill volume and generating reduces landfill dependence.
supports sustainable practices. sanctioned 465 e-buses. base-load power.
• FAME II (2019-2024): Allocated • Challenges: Environmental • Challenges: Feedstock variability,
INR 10,000 crore - EV adoption and concerns and public perception of local availability, and technical
charging infrastructure; focuses on waste incineration issues like tar formation.
commercial EVs and e-buses.

THEME 13: Government Initiatives

PM-KUSUM Saubhagya Scheme Net Metering International Solar Alliance (ISA)
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja • Launched: Oct 2017, aiming- • Definition: Allows owners of • Obj: Promote solar energy globally and
Suraksha Evam Utthan 100% household electrification in renewable energy systems - unlock $1 trillion - solar investments by
Mahabhiyan: India. receive credit - electricity they 2030.
• Objective: Launched - Key Features: generate & feedback - grid. • Key Areas: Solar energy - agriculture,
2019 to install 30,000 • Free metered connections for • How it Works: Consumers - billed health, transport, and power sectors.
MW of solar power economically poor households. based - net electricity consumption • Launch: Initiated - India & France - 2015.
capacity - rural India by • On-spot registration and mobile (consumed minus produced). • Focus of Sixth Assembly (2023): Energy
2026. app for quick access. • Benefits: access - mini-grids, mobilizing finance for
• Components: • SPV-based standalone systems o Economic savings - reduced solar, and diversifying supply chains.
o 10,000 MW - for remote areas. electricity bills. World Solar Technology Report 2023
decentralized grid- Achievements: Major contribution - o Environmental impact - • Crystalline Silicon: 98% market share,
connected renewable household electrification and village promoting renewable 56.4% renewable energy by 2050.
power plants. electrification. energy use. • Emerging Tech: Monocrystalline, organic
o 20 lakh solar-powered o Grid support - reducing peak PV, perovskite PV.
agriculture pumps. Smart Meter National Programme demand. World Solar Market Report 2023
o Conversion of 15 lakh (SMNP) • Challenges: Varying regional
• Market Shift: Asia-Pacific leadership,
grid-connected • Obj: Replace 250 million policies, infrastructure
37% CAGR.
agriculture pumps to conventional meters with smart compatibility, and credit
• Expansion: Solar market growth, regional
solar. meters. mechanisms.
adoption dynamics.
• Significance: Enhances • Advanced Metering Green Energy Corridor (GEC)
World Solar Investment Report 2023
energy access, climate Infrastructure (AMI): Includes • Objective: Synchronize
• Investment Surge: $300 billion in 2022,
mitigation, reduces smart meters, communication renewable energy - conventional
36% increase.
carbon emissions, and networks, and data management power grid & support the 450 GW
• Top Regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, North
provides employment. systems. renewable energy target by 2030.
America, China, Germany, USA.
• Challenges: High setup • Benefits: • Phases:
• Future Focus: Grid infrastructure, storage,
costs, depleting water o Operational: Improved meter • GEC-1: Ongoing in several
supply chain, emerging markets.
tables, and regulatory accuracy, theft detection, and states to integrate 24 GW of
One Sun, One World, One Grid (OSOWOG)
barriers. quicker restoration during renewable energy.
• Obj: Connect global energy grids to share
• Way Forward: outages. • GEC-2: Planned for 7 states to
renewable energy, (esp solar).
Consensus between o Financial: Reduced costs and integrate 20 GW by 2025-26.
• Vision: A global grid where "the sun never
stakeholders and adoption streamlined billing. Significance: Reduces carbon
sets" to maximize renewable energy use.
of water-conserving o Customer: Faster service footprint, strengthens energy security,
• Launch: Introduced - India - ISA Assembly -
methods like drip restoration and flexible billing and generates jobs.
2018 & supported by the UK at COP26
irrigation. options. (2021).
• Challenges: High capital costs,
integration complexities, and
need for standardization.

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