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Part Unit Group Q.

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A 1 1 1 State Handshaking lemma. Verify Handshaking theorem for the following

A 1 1 2 Define incidence and degree of a graph. Give example

A 1 1 3 Is it possible to draw a simple graph with 5 vertices and 11 edges?
A 1 1 4 Suppose in a cricket tournament, five teams are participating. Each team
will play with other teams. Find the total number of matches to be played
in the tournament.
A 1 1 5 Find the total number of edges in complete graph and simple graph.
A 1 2 1 Define circuit. Give example
A 1 2 2 Define the terms with respect to graph: walk and path. Give example
A 1 2 3 A graph has 24 edges and degree of each vertex is K, then which of the
following is possible number of vertices? a) 20 b) 15 c) 10 d) 8
A 1 2 4 Among graph A, B and C which are isomorphic graphs.

A 1 2 5 State the necessary conditions to show that two graphs are isomorphic
B 1 1 1 i) Prove the number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even.

ii) Draw a graph that has a Hamiltonian path but does not have a
Hamiltonian circuit. Give two examples. Justify your answer.
B 1 1 2 Prove that a connected graph G has an Euler path if and only if exactly two
vertices have odd degree.

ii) Does the following graph have Hamiltonian circuit?

B 1 1 3 Explain the following with example

i)Connected graph, disconnected graph and componenets
ii) Edge Disjoint subgraph
iii) Arbitrarily traceable graph
iv) Finite and infinite graphs.

B 1 1 4 i) Prove that a connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if it

decomposed into circuits.
ii) The graph shown below is the Petersen graph. Does it have a Hamilton
cycle? Justify your answer. Does it have a Hamilton path? Justify your

B 1 2 1 Nine members of a new club meet each day for lunch at a round table.
They decide to sit such that every member has different neighbors at each
lunch. How many days can this arrangement last?

ii) Check whether the following two graphs are isomorphic or not.

B 1 2 2 a) Define the term walk, trail, circuit, path and cycle. Represent the
relationship among these terms.

b)Consider the following graph-

Decide which of the following sequences of vertices determine walks. For

those that are walks, decide whether it is a circuit, a path, a cycle or a trail.

1. a,b,g,f,c,b
2. b,g,f,c,b,g,a
3. c, e, f,c
4. c, e, f,c,e
5. a,b,f,a
6. f,d, e,c,b

B 1 2 3 We are given four cubes. The six faces of every cube are variously colored
Blue, Green, Red or White. Is it possible to stack the cubes one on top of
another to form a column such that no color appears twice on any of the
four sides of this column? Explain in detail.
B 1 2 4 i)Show that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n
vertices is n(n-1)/2
ii) Show that the maximum degree of any vertex in a simple graph with n
vertices is (n-1) (7,6)
A 2 1 1 How will you calculate rank of a graph?
A 2 1 2 Define fundamental circuit in a graph.
A 2 1 3 Compare edge connectivity and vertex connectivity.
A 2 1 4 Define branch and chord. Give example.
A 2 1 5 Find tree branches and chords for the following graph.

A 2 2 1 We have electric network with e elements (edges), n nodes, what is the

minimum number of elements we must remove to eliminate all circuits in
the network.
A 2 2 2 Define cut-set. Give example.
A 2 2 3 Find path length of the following tree

A 2 2 4 State two properties of binary tree.

A 2 2 5 In a tree, every vertex is a cut vertex. Justify the claim.
B 2 1 1 i)What does cyclomatic number represent? How it will be calculated?
Explain it.
ii) Find the rank and nullity of the following connected graph.

iii) Find atleast three cut-sets for the following graph. Also find the
smallest cut-set of the graph.
B 2 1 2 i).Find ALL fundamental circuits for the following graph (and its spanning
tree shown in Bold)

ii) Define edge connectivity and vertex connectivity. Find edge

connectivity and vertex connectivity for the following graph. (6,7)

B 2 1 3 i) Evaluate Kruskal’s algorithm

to find the minimum spanning tree for the following graph.

ii)Evaluate Prims’s algorithm

to find the minimum spanning tree for the following graph.
B 2 1 4 What is Elementary tree transformation? Using elementary tree
transformation technique find ALL spanning trees of the following graph.

ii)There is a farm consisting of six walled plots of land shown if the

following figure and these plots are full of water. Use the concepts of
spanning tree and cut-sets appropriately to determine the following: (7)

i) How many (minimum number of) walls

will have to be broken so that all the water can be drained out?

ii) If only one plot was full of water and this had to be drained into all
other plots, then how many walls need to be broken?

B 2 2 1 i) Prove that a tree with n vertices has n-1 edges.

ii) Prove that a graph is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected.(7,6)

B 2 2 2 i) Prove that in any tree (with two or more vertices), there are atleast two
pendent vertices.

ii) Prove that a tree has either one or two centers. .(7,6)
B 2 2 3 i) Prove that every connected graph has at least one spanning tree.

ii) Prove that with respect to any of its spanning trees, any connected graph
of n vertices and e edges has n-1 tree branches and e-n+1 chords.(7,6)
B 2 2 4 A connected graph G is a tree if and only if adding an edge between two
vertices in G creates exactly one circuit.
A 3 1 1 Define planar graph. Give example.
A 3 1 2 Is K6 is a planar graph? Justify.
A 3 1 3 Define embedding.
A 3 1 4 State Kuratowski’s theorem
A 3 1 5 Define non planar graph. Give example.
A 3 2 1 Compare the strongly connected digraph and weakly connected digraph.
Give example.
A 3 2 2 Compare Directed walk and semiwalk. Give example
A 3 2 3 Define homeomorphic graphs and give example graph.
A 3 2 4 Define the two types of connectedness in digraphs. Give examples.
A 3 2 5 Define asymmetric digraphs.
B 3 1 1 i)Let G be a connected planar simple graph with 35 regions, degree of each
region is 6. Find the number of vertices in G. (5)
ii)Explain Euler digraphs. Give example. (4)
iii) Discuss the different types of region with example (4)
B 3 1 2 Explain detection of planarity using elementary reduction technique with
B 3 1 3 Prove that a connected planar graph with n vertices and e edges has e-n+2
regions. Write corollary also.
B 3 1 4 Prove Euler’s formula for a planar graph.
B 3 2 1 Discuss types of digraphs and its binary relations with example.
B 3 2 2 Define the following and give one example each.
i) Simple digraph
ii) Asymmetric digraph
iii) Symmetric digraph
iv) Complete symmetric digraph
v) Complete asymmetric digraph
vi) Balanced digraph.
B 3 2 3 Find the geometric dual for the following graph.

Also list out the important relationship between planar graph and its dual
B 3 2 4 Find maximum flow and minimum cut in the following network.

A 4 1 1 Find the circuit matrix B for the following graph.
A 4 1 2 Define adjacency matrix. Find the adjacency matrix X for the following

A 4 1 3 Find the incidence matrix for the following digraph.

A 4 1 4 Five senators S1, S2, S3 , S4 and S5 are members of three committees C1,C 2
and C3. The membership is shown in the graph.

One member from each committee is to be represented in super committee.

Is it possible to send one distinct representative from each of the
A 4 1 5 A complete matching of V1 into V2 in a bipartite graph exists if and only if
every subset of r vertices in V1 is collectively adjacent to r or more vertices
in V2 for all values of r.Prove it.
A 4 2 1 Let a graph G is 2-chromatic, then prove that it is bipartite.
A 4 2 2 Define minimal covering. Give example.
A 4 2 3 What is matching and maximal matching? Give example.
A 4 2 4 Find the chromatic polynomial, Pn (λ) for path graph with n vertices.
A 4 2 5 Find the chromatic number for the following graph.
B 4 1 1 1. Find the vertex-edge incidence matrix A for the following graph. Also
find the reduced incidence matrix Af for the same graph assuming that
vertex v4 is the reference vertex.

2.List the observations about incidence matrix. (8,5)

B 4 1 2 For the following graph find fundamental circuit matrix B f and
fundamental cut set matrix Cf.(Spanning tree is shown in BOLD)

B 4 1 3 Discuss the relation of Af, Bf and Cf with example.

B 4 1 4 Prove the following theorems:
i) Every tree with two or more vertices is two chromatic.
ii) A graph with at least one edge is 2-chromatic if and only if it has no
circuits of odd length. (7,6)
B 4 2 1 1. Define chromatic partitioning of graph. Find chromatic partitioning for
the following graph.

Also check whether the graph is uniquely colorable graph.

2. What is chromatic number? Find the chromatic number for the

following graph. (7,6)
B 4 2 2 Find chromatic polynomial for the following graph.

B 4 2 3 Generate ALL minimal dominating set using Boolean arithmetic for the
following graph.

Also find the dominace number.

B 4 2 4 Generate ALL maximal independent set using Boolean arithmetic for the
following graph.

Also find independence number and chromatic number.

A 5 1 1 Define algorithm
A 5 1 2 List the various forms that an algorithm can be expressed.
A 5 1 3 How can you find the efficiency of an algorithm?
A 5 1 4 List the various forms in which a graph is fed to a computer (used for
storing and manipulation of a graph)
A 5 1 5 List the 5 important features of an algorithm.
A 5 2 1 When the pair of vertices in the graph are said to be fused? Give example.
A 5 2 2 What is the maximum number of fusions that may have to be performed in
connectedness and components algorithm.
A 5 2 3 List the preliminary simplification of cut-vertices and separability.
A 5 2 4 List the preliminary simplification of directed circuits.
A 5 2 5 List the different types of shortest-path problems
B 5 1 1 For the following diagraph find the various forms in which a graph is fed
to a computer as input (used for storing and manipulation of a graph).Also
discuss merits and demerits of each method.

B 5 1 2 With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain All pairs shortest path
Solve the all-pairs shortest-path problem for the digraph with the following
weight matrix. Also find the optimal policy matrix.

B 5 1 3 With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain All pairs shortest path
Solve the all-pairs shortest-path problem for the digraph with the following
weight matrix: Also find the optimal policy matrix.

B 5 1 4 With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain All pairs shortest path
Solve the all-pairs shortest-path problem for the digraph. Also find the
optimal policy matrix.

B 5 2 1 i) With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain obtaining of the

directed circuits.

ii) Find the directed circuits for the following digraph. (6,7)

B 5 2 2 i) With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain obtaining the set of

fundamental circuits. (6,7)

ii) Trace the above algorithm for the following graph.

B 5 2 3 With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain obtaining the cut

vertices and separability graph.

ii)Trace the algorithm for the following graph

B 5 2 4 A graph has the following adjacency matrix. Check whether it is

connected. (Use the concept of power of adjacency)

C 3 1 i) With flowchart and algorithm/pseudocode explain a spanning tree
generation algorithm. List the various cases.
ii)Trace the algorithm for the following graph (7,8)

C 3 2 i) With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain connectedness and

components algorithm using fusion of adjacent vertices.

ii) Trace the algorithm for the following adjacency matrix.(7,8)

C 3 3 i) With flowchart and algorithm/pseudo code explain Dijkstra’s shortest

path algorithm.

ii) Trace the algorithm for the following graph to find the distance from
vertex B to vertex G. (8,7)


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