Chapter 4 - Slides
Chapter 4 - Slides
Chapter 4 - Slides
= m! i - m! e (Eq. 4.1)
Mass Rate Balance (2 of 3)
In practice there may be several locations
on the boundary through which mass enters
or exits. Multiple inlets and exits are
accounted for by introducing summations:
= å m! i - å m! e (Eq. 4.2)
dt i e
Eq. 4.2 is the mass rate balance for
control volumes with several inlets and
Mass Flow Rate
(One-Dimensional Flow)
►Flow is normal to the boundary at locations
where mass enters or exits the control volume.
►All intensive properties are uniform with
position over each inlet or exit area (A)
through which matter flows.
m! = (Eq. 4.4b)
V is velocity
v is specific volume
Mass Rate Balance (3 of 3)
(Steady-State Form)
►Steady-state: all properties are unchanging
in time.
►For steady-state control volume, dmcv/dt = 0.
å m! i = å m! e (Eq. 4.6)
i e
(mass rate in) (mass rate out)
Energy Rate Balance
time rate of change net rate at which net rate at which net rate of energy
of the energy energy is being energy is being transfer into the
contained within transferred in transferred out control volume
the control volume by heat transfer by work at accompanying
at time t at time t time t mass flow
2 2
0 = Q! cv - W!cv + å m! i (hi + i + gzi ) - å m! e (he + e + gze )
i 2 e 2
(Eq. 4.18)
Control Volume Energy Rate Balance (4 of 4)
(Steady-State Form, One-Inlet, One-Exit)
é (V 2
- V 2
) ù Eq.
0 = Q! cv - W!cv + m! ê(h1 - h2 ) + 1 2 + g(z - z )
1 2 ú 4.20a
êë 2 úû
or dividing by mass flow rate
Q! cv W!cv (V12 - V22 ) Eq.
0= - + (h1 - h2 ) + + g ( z1 - z2 ) 4.20b
m! m! 2
Nozzles and Diffusers
W!cv = m! (h1 - h2 )
Heat Exchangers