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PPS Unit-Iv

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Unit - IV


 Programmers use two approaches for writing repetitive algorithms: One approach uses loops and the other
uses recursion.
 Recursion is a repetitive process in which a function calls itself.
 Some older languages do not support recursion. One major language that does not support recursion is
 To study the concept of recursion let us consider the example of finding factorial of a given number.
 In our study we’ll see both iterative definition and recursive definition for finding the factorial.

Iterative Definition

 The factorial of a number is the product of the integral values from 1 to the given number.
 The iterative definition can be shown as:

 An iterative function can be defined which will take only the iteration counter to calculate the factorial but
not the function call.
Example: factorial (4) = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24

Recursive Definition

 A function is defined recursively whenever the function itself appears within the definition itself.
 The recursive definition of factorial function can be shown as:

 The decomposition of factorial (3), using the above formula is shown in the following formula.
 Observe it carefully; the recursive solution for a problem involves a two-way journey: the decomposition
will be from top to bottom, and then we solve it from bottom to the top.
 Every recursive call must either solve part of the problem or reduce the size of the problem.
 The recursive calculation looks more difficult when using pen and paper, but it is often much easier and
more elegant solution when a computer is used.
 Every recursive solution to the problem will have a base-case and general-case. A base-case will provide
the solution to the problem and all other cases will be known as general-cases.
 In the factorial example the base-case is factorial of (0) and all other cases are general-cases.

Iterative solution to factorial problem

//Iterative solution to factorial problem

int factorial(int);
void main(void)
int n,res;
printf("Enter any number:");
printf("Factorial of %d is: %d", n, res);

int factorial(int num)

int i, fact = 1;
return fact;
Enter any number:5
Factorial of 5 is: 120

Recursive solution to factorial problem

//Recursive solution to factorial problem

int factorial(int);
void main(void)
int n,res;
printf("Enter any number:");
printf("Factorial of %d is: %d", n, res);

int factorial(int num)

if(num == 0)
return 1;
return (num * factorial(num-1));
Enter any number:5
Factorial of 5 is: 120

Fibonacci Numbers

 Finding the Fibonacci numbers is another example for recursion.

 Fibonacci numbers are a series in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This number
series is named after an Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibanacci of thirteenth century.
Example: First few numbers in Fibonacci series are:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ….
 To start the series always first two numbers will be 0 and 1.
 The generalized statements for Fibonacci series are as follows:
Given: fibonacci0 = 0;
fibonacci1 = 1;
Then: fibonaccin = fibonaccin-1 + fibonaccin-2
 To calculate the fibonacci4 the steps are shown in the following figure:

Iterative solution to factorial problem

//Iterative solution to Fibonacci Series Problem

#include <stdio.h>
void fibonacci(int);
void main(void)
int n;

printf("Enter the number of terms: ");

scanf("%d", &n);

void fibonacci(int n)
int i, term1 = 0, term2 =1, nextTerm;
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
printf("%d, ", term1);
nextTerm = term1 + term2;
term1 = term2;
term2 = nextTerm;
Enter the number of terms: 6
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
Recursive solution to factorial problem

//Recursive solution to factorial problem

#include <stdio.h>
int fibonacci(int);
void main(void)
int nterms, fib = 0, i;
printf("Enter the nuumber of terms:");
scanf("%d", &nterms);
printf("Fibonacci series terms are:\n");
for (i = 0; i < nterms; i++)
printf("%d, ", fibonacci(fib));

int fibonacci(int n)
if(n == 0 || n == 1)
return n;
return (fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2));
Enter the nuumber of terms:6
Fibonacci series terms are:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,

Finding GCD (Greatest Common Divisor):

 The HCF (Highest Common Factor) or GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two integers is the largest
integer that can exactly divide both numbers (without a remainder).

Iterative solution to GCD problem

//Iterative solution to GCD problem

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void)
int n1, n2, i, gcd;

printf("Enter two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);

for(i=1; i <= n1 && i <= n2; i++)

// Checks if i is factor of both integers
if(n1%i==0 && n2%i==0)
gcd = i;
printf("G.C.D of %d and %d is %d", n1, n2, gcd);
Enter two integers: 5 6
G.C.D of 5 and 6 is 1

Recursive solution to GCD problem

// Recursive solution to GCD problem

#include <stdio.h>
int gcd(int, int);
void main(void)
int n1, n2;
printf("Enter two integers: ");
scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);

printf("G.C.D of %d and %d is %d.", n1, n2, gcd(n1,n2));

return 0;

int gcd(int n1, int n2)

if (n2 != 0)
return gcd(n2, n1%n2);
return n1;
Enter two integers: 6 42
G.C.D of 6 and 42 is 6.

 A structure is a collection of heterogeneous data elements.

 A structure in C is a collection of items of different types.
 A structure is a collection of logically related elements, possibly of different types.

 Each element in a structure is called a field. A field is the smallest element of named data that has meaning.
It has many of the characteristics of the variables. It has a type, an identifier and it also exists in the
memory. It can be initialized a value, and later can be used for manipulations. The only difference between
the variable and a structure field is that, structure field is a part of the structure.
 The difference between an array and a structure is that, all elements in an array must be of same type, but
the elements in a structure can be of same or different types.
 A structure is a convenient way in which data are grouped into one single name. It provides flexibility and
an increased control over accessing the data when it needed. Using structures data can be accessed as a
single grouped object or individual elements can be accessed.

Structure Type Declaration:

 Like every other element in C, a structure must be declared and defined.

 In C we have two ways to declare a structure:
1. Tagged Structures
2. Type-defined structures

1. Tagged Structures:

 The first way to define a structure is using tagged structure.

 A tagged structure can be used to define variables, parameters to functions and return types of functions.
 A tagged structure starts with the keyword struct, followed by the TAG. The TAG is the identifier for the
structure; it is used for accessing the fields of the structure.
 The format is:
Syntax: Example:
Struct TAG Struct STUDENT
{ {
Filed list; char name[20];
}; char ID[10];
int marks;
Note: Notice that the structure is concluded with a semicolon, no variables are
defined so no associated storage. It is just a template for the structure.

2. Type-defined structures (using typedef):

It is a more powerful way of declaring a structure. By using the keyword typedef the structure will be declared.

The format is:

Syntax: Example:
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
Filed list; char name[20];
}TYPE; char ID[10];
int marks;

 The type-defined structure differs from the tagged declarations in two ways:
 First, the keyword, type-def, is added in the beginning of the declaration.
 Second, an identifier is required at the end of the block. The identifier will be the structure
type name.

Structure Variable declaration:

 After a structure has been declared, a variable of structure type can created using it.
 The structure type can be declared in the global area of the program, to make it visible to all functions.
 The structure variables are declared in the local declarations.

Tagged Structure Type defined structure

// Global Type declarations // Global Type declarations
struct STUDENT typedef struct
{ {
char name[20]; char name[20];
char ID[20]; char ID[20];
int marks; int marks;

//Local declarations //Local declarations

struct STUDENT aStudent; STUDENT aStudent;
//Demonstration of Tagged Structure
struct NODE
int data;
char ch;
void main(void)
struct NODE node;
node.data = 20;
node.ch = 'c';
printf("Data = %d",node.data);
printf("\nCharacter = %c",node.ch);
Data = 20
Character = c


 The rules for structure initialization are similar to the rules for array initialization.
 The initializing values are enclosed in braces and separated by commas.
 They must match the corresponding types in the structure definition.

Accessing Structures:

 The elements in a structure can be accessed individually or the complete structure can assigned as a whole.

Referencing Individual Fields:

 Structure fields can be accessed and manipulated using operators just like any other normal variables.
 To refer to a field in a structure the structure and the field both has to be referred.
 C uses a hierarchical naming convention that first uses the structure variable identifier and then the field
 The structure variable identifier is separated from the field identifier by a dot.
 The dot is known as the direct selection operator.

Example1: Example2:
aStudent.ID SAMPLE sam1={2,5,3.2,’A’};
aStudent.name scanf(“%d %d %f %c”, &sam1.x, &sam1.y,
aStudent.marks &sam1.t, &sam1.u);
prinf(“%d %d %f %c”, sam1.x, sam1.y,
sam1.t, sam1.u);

//Example program on structures

typedef struct
int x;
int y;
float t;
char u;

void main(void)
//declaring, defining and initializing the structure variable sam1
SAMPLE sam1 = {5,4,3.2,'A'};
SAMPLE sam2;
printf("sam1 contents:\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam1.x,sam1.y,sam1.t,sam1.u);
printf("\nEnter contents for sam2:\n");
scanf("%d %d %f %c",&sam2.x,&sam2.y,&sam2.t,&sam2.u);
//Modifying sam1
printf("\nsam1 contents after modification:");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam1.x,sam1.y,sam1.t,sam1.u);
printf("\nsam2 contents after modification:");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam2.x,sam2.y,sam2.t,sam2.u);
sam1 contents:
5 4 3.200000 A
Enter contents for sam2:
3 5 2.45 s

sam1 contents after modification:45 32 5.400000 d

sam2 contents after modification:3 5 2.450000 s
Operations on Structures

 Only one operation is allowed on the structure that is the assignment of a structure to another structure.
 A structure can only be copied to another structure of the same type using the assignment operator.
 When one structure needs to be copied to another structure, instead of assigning the individual members to
another structure’s members, the whole structure can be initialized to another structure.

//Assignment operation between structure variables

typedef struct
int x;
int y;
float t;
char u;

void main(void)
//declaring, defining and initializing the structure variable sam1
SAMPLE sam1 = {5,4,3.2,'A'};
SAMPLE sam2;
sam2 = sam1;
printf("sam1 contents:\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam1.x,sam1.y,sam1.t,sam1.u);
printf("\nsam2 contents:\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam2.x,sam2.y,sam2.t,sam2.u);
sam1 contents:
5 4 3.200000 A
sam2 contents:
5 4 3.200000 A

Pointer to structure:

 Structures can also be accessed through pointers.

 Using pointers is one of the most common methods used to reference structures.
 The SAMPLE structure can be used with pointers in the following manner:
SAMPLE* ptr;
Ptr = &sam1;
*ptr // refers to the whole structure
(*ptr).x (*ptr).y (*ptr).t (*ptr).u //Individual field reference

 The parenthesis in the above example are absolutely required, without the parenthesis the compiler will
consider *ptr.x as *(ptr.x). C applies the dot (.) operator first and then the asterisk operator next.
 The reason the parenthesis are needed is that the precedence of the direct selection operator (.) is higher
than the indirection operator (*).
 Here *ptr.x will be interpreted as *(ptr.x) which is wrong. *(ptr.x) means a completely different undefined
structure called ptr that contains a member x, which must be a pointer. Since this is not true, a compile time
error will be generated.

Indirect selection operator:

 To avoid the above confusion (to eliminate the problem with pointers to structures) a special operator
known as indirect selection operator is used.
 The symbol used for indirect selection operator is an arrow formed by minus sign and the grater than
symbol (->).
 The indirection operator is placed between the pointer identifier of structure and the member to be

//Example program for indirect selection operator

typedef struct
int x;
int y;
float t;
char u;

void main(void)
//declaring, defining and initializing the structure variable sam1
SAMPLE sam1 = {5,4,3.2,'A'};
SAMPLE* strPtr;
strPtr = &sam1;
printf("Accessing sam1 contents through structure variable and direct selection operator (dot(.)):\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", sam1.x,sam1.y,sam1.t,sam1.u);
printf("\nAccessing sam1 contents through pointer to structure and direct selection operator (dot(.)):\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", (*strPtr).x,(*strPtr).y,(*strPtr).t,(*strPtr).u);
printf("\nAccessing sam1 contents through pointer to structure and indirect selection operator (->):\n");
printf("%d %d %f %c", strPtr->x,strPtr->y,strPtr->t,strPtr->u);
Accessing sam1 contents through structure variable and direct selection operator (dot(.)):
5 4 3.200000 A
Accessing sam1 contents through pointer to structure and direct selection operator (dot(.)):
5 4 3.200000 A
Accessing sam1 contents through pointer to structure and indirect selection operator (->):
5 4 3.200000 A


 Structures within structures (nested structure), arrays within structure, and arrays of structures are some of
the complex forms of structures.
i. Nested Structures
ii. Structures containing Arrays
iii. Structures containing pointers
iv. Array of structures

i. Nested Structures:

 A structure can have another structure as a member.

 When a structure includes another structure it is nested structure.
 There is no limit to the number of structures that can be nested, but for ease of understanding we limit it up
to three.


//type declarations
typedef struct
int month;
int day;
int year;
typedef struct
// A more complex form {
typedef struct int hour;
{ int min;
STAMP startTime; int sec;
STAMP endTime; }TIME;
typedef struct
//variable declaration {
JOB job; DATE date;
TIME time;

//variable declarations
STAMP stamp;

Referencing Nested structures:

 The most important point to remember when nesting structures is, they must be declared from inside
out. That is they must be declared from lowest level to the highest level. When nesting a structure into
the other structure the inner structure must be declared first before its inclusion.
 To access fields of nested structures the direct referencing operator dot(.) is used from highest level to
inner component level.

stamp stamp
stamp.date stamp.time
stamp.date.month stamp.time.hour
stamp.date.day stamp.time.min
stamp.date.year stamp.time.sec


Nested Structure Initialization:

 To initialize a Nested Structure simply pass the values using sets to the outermost structure variable using
assignment operator.
 The outermost structure will have the instances of inner structure and hence initializes the values

STAMP stamp = {{05, 10, 2019}, {23, 45, 01}};

// Nested Structure Program

typedef struct
char* month;
int day;
int Year;

typedef struct
int hour;
int min;
int sec;

typedef struct
DATE date;
TIME time;

void main(void)
TIMESTAMP tstamp = {{05, 10, 2019}, {23, 45, 01}};
printf("Event Date (mm:dd:yyyy): %d / %d / %d", tstamp.date.month, tstamp.date.day, tstamp.date.Year);
printf("\nEvent Time (hh:mm:ss): %d : %d : %d", tstamp.time.hour, tstamp.time.min, tstamp.time.sec);
Event Date (mm:dd:yyyy): 5 / 10 / 2019
Event Time (hh:mm:ss): 23 : 45 : 1

ii. Structures containing arrays

 Structures can have one or more arrays as members.

 The arrays can be accessed either through indexing or through pointers.

Defining Arrays within structures:

 To define arrays within structures just defined in their regular approach within the structure.

Referencing Arrays within structures:

 Referencing arrays within a structure is same like referencing other elements from the structure.
 First we need to qualify the element with structure name and then with index or pointer the array can be
accessed from the structure.
Initializing Arrays within a structure

 Since array is a separate member and it will have other members as part of it, hence the value for an array
within a structure must be separated using a set of braces.


STUDENT student = {“John”,{20,18,17},80};

// Arrays within structures example

typedef struct
char name[20];
int midterm[3];
int final;

void main(void)
STUDENT student = {"John", {18, 17, 15}};
student.final = student.midterm[0]+student.midterm[1]+student.midterm[2];
printf("Student Name: %s",student.name);
printf("\nStudent midterm Marks: %d %d %d", student.midterm[0], student.midterm[1], student.midterm[2]);
printf("\nStudent Final Marks: %d", student.final);
Student Name: John
Student midterm Marks: 18 17 15
Student Final Marks: 50

Point of Consideration:
 A pointer can be used to refer directly the array elements within a structure.
 Consider the above example to store the starting location of midterm array a pointer pScore can be used.
Later using this pScore one can access the complete array midterm without depending on the structure.
int* pScore = student.midterm;
int total = *pScore + *(pScore+1) + *(pScore+2);

iii. Structures containing pointers:

 A Structure can have pointers as members.

 The pointer in a structure can be used and accessed just like any other variables using the direct selection
 Pointers in a structure are mostly used with strings to save memory.
typedef struct
char* month;
int day;
int Year;

typedef struct
DATE date;

//variable declarations
STAMP tstamp;

stamp.date.month = may;

// Structures containing pointers

typedef struct
char* month;
int day;
int year;

typedef struct
DATE date;

void main(void)
TIMESTAMP tStamp = {"May", 9, 2019};
printf("Event DATE: %dth %s - %d", tStamp.date.day, tStamp.date.month, tStamp.date.year);
Event DATE: 9th May - 2019

iv. Array of Structures:

 In many situations array of structures can be created.

 Example: To manage a group of students, an array of student’s structure can be created.
 By putting the data into an array it will become more flexible and easy to work with the data, to calculate
sum and average for instance.
 To create an array of 50 students the following example can be used:
STUDENT stuAry[50];

// To access individual student data

stuAry[1]; //first student details

//Array of structures Program

typedef struct
char name[20];
int rollno;
int midmarks[3];

void main(void)
STUDENT std[5];
int i;

printf("Enter information of students:\n");

// storing information
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
std[i].rollno = i+1;

printf("\nFor roll number: %d,\n",std[i].rollno);

printf("Enter name: ");


printf("Enter 3 Mid Marks: ");

scanf("%d %d %d",&std[i].midmarks[0], &std[i].midmarks[1], &std[i].midmarks[2]);


printf("Displaying Information:\n\n");
// displaying information
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
printf("\nRoll number: %d\n",std[i].rollno);
printf("Name: ");
printf("Marks: %d %d %d",std[i].midmarks[0], std[i].midmarks[1], std[i].midmarks[2]);
Enter information of students:

For roll number: 1

Enter name: John
Enter 3 Mid Marks: 12 13 15

For roll number: 2

Enter name: Asif
Enter 3 Mid Marks: 15 17 19

Displaying Information:

Roll number: 1
Name: John
Marks: 12 13 15

Roll number: 2
Name: Asif
Marks: 15 17 19


 A union is similar to a structure, as it is also a collection of elements of different types.

 A union is a constructs that allows memory to be shared by different types of data. In simple terms the
integer memory locations can be used to store two characters. The union basically works on the same
 The union follows same format and syntax as structure. The only difference between declaration of
structure and union is that, the keyword union is used when declaring a union.

typedef union
char chAry[2];
int num;

Referencing Unions

 The rules for referencing a union are similar to those of a structure.

 To reference individual fields within a union, the direct selection operator (dot) can be used.
SHAREDATA shareData;

 When a union is being referenced through a pointer, the indirect selection operator ( ) can be used.

SHAREDATA* ptrShareData;

Initializing a Union:

 Only the first type declared in the union can be initialized when the union variable is defined. The other
types can be initialized by assigning values or reading values into the union.
 When initializing a union, the value must be enclosed in a set of braces, even if there is only one value.

//Demonstration of Unions
typedef union
int num;
char chAry[2];

void main(void)
SHAREDATA shareData;
shareData.num = 16706;
printf("Integer Value: %d", shareData.num);
shareData.chAry[0] = 'X';
shareData.chAry[1] = 'Y';
printf("\nValues from character array: %c %c",shareData.chAry[0], shareData.chAry[1]);
printf("\nInteger Value: %d", shareData.num);
Integer Value: 16706
Values from character array: X Y
Integer Value: 22872


Basic The separate memory location is allotted All members of the 'union' share the
to each member of the 'structure'. same memory location.
Declaration struct struct_name{ union u_name{
type element1; type element1;
type element2; type element2;
. .
. .
} variable1, variable2, ...; } variable1, variable2, ...;
keyword 'struct' 'union'
Size Size of Structure= sum of size of all the Size of Union=size of the largest
data members. members.
Store Value Stores distinct values for all the members. Stores same value for all the
At a Time A 'structure' stores multiple values, of the A 'union' stores a single value at a
different members, of the 'structure'. time for all members.
Way of Viewing Provide single way to view each memory Provide multiple way to to view
location. same memory location.
Anonymous feature No Anonymous feature. Anonymous union can be declared.

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