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Eco Spec

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Knowing the oil-content in the process streams, the

treatment of the resul ng waste-water can be

op mized and produc on costs can be lowered.
Historically, the measurement of the oil-content in
produced- and waste-water was either me-
consuming or required ozone deple ng CFCs as
solvents. The use of these solvents has been forbidden
or restricted by the United Na ons Montreal Protocol.
The ASTM D7678 standardized test method offers an
eco-friendly alterna ve to measure oil-in-water using
non-ozone deple ng chemicals. The patented
oil-in-water and oil-in-soil analyzer
from QuantaRed Technologies GmbH required to run
ASTM D7678 yields results within minutes and at
The is designed to quan fy the oil and
unrivaled precision.
grease content in aqueous samples, such as produced-
Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) offer a significantly or waste-water. Compared to other measurement
higher power output at specific wavelengths than techniques, it is eco-friendly (CFC-free extrac on), fast
conven onal infrared sources used in conven onal and easy to use. Its patented technology allows to
infrared spectrometers. measure oil and grease in the sub-ppm range within a
short measurement me.
This enables sensing of trace contamina ons in liquids
with the highest accuracy. QuantaRed Technologies GmbH Key features
has a track record of developing cu ng-edge liquid ● Based on QCL-IR technology
sensing technology based on QCLs. ● Designed to quan fy oil and grease in water or soil
● CFC-free extrac on
● High precision (SD: 0.05 mg/L below 10 mg/L)
● Wide measurement range (0 - 2000 mg/L)
● Fully portable, rugged design

Principles of opera on
The oil and grease content of water or soil is extracted
using cyclohexane or cyclopentane. Residual water is
captured with sodium sulfate. The water-free extract is
then analyzed with QCL Infrared Absorbance
Spectroscopy using the Oil-in-Water
analyzer. Ready-made cartridges to measure Total Oil
and Grease (TOG) or Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(TPH) are available.
Quantum Cascade Lasers can have up to 100000 mes the output power Applica ons
of conven onal infrared sources. This results in measurements with the
highest precision. ● Oil explora
on and produc on
● Refinery
● Water processing
● Waste water treatment
Your quantum leap for measuring ● Environmental monitoring of water and soil
Technical specifica ons
Analytes Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)
Total oil and grease (TOG)
Matrices Water
Method ASTM D7678
Correla on to Infrared spectroscopy: ASTM D3921, ASTM D7066, ASTM D8193, IP426
Gas chromatography: ISO 9377-2, ISO 9377-2 mod (OSPAR), ISO 16703, EN 14039, NEN 5733, MADEPH-EPH, DIN
Gravimetry: EPA 1664A, EPA 9071B, ASTM D4281, ISO 9377-1, EN 14345, SS 028144, NEN 6671, NEN 6672, SFS 3009,
DS 208, NS 4752
Measurement Principle Quantum Cascade Laser Infrared Absorbance Spectroscopy
Sample Volume Typically 900 mL water
Sample Clean-up (TPH) Polar substances are removed via a achable Na2SO4/Florisil® cartridges
Extrac on Method CFC-free external liquid-liquid (solid-liquid) extrac on
Extrac on Solvents Cyclohexane (recommended)
Measurement Time 1 minute (+ 1 minute background)
Measurement Range ASTM D7678: 0 – 2000 mg/L oil-in-water (900:50 mL H2O:Solvent)
Up to 36 000 mg/L oil-in-water (50:50 mL H2O:Solvent)
Up to 72 000 mg/kg oil-in-soil (20 g:40 mL Soil:Solvent)
Method Detec on Limit (MDL) 0.1 mg/L oil-in-water (900:50 mL H2O:Solvent)
7 mg/kg oil-in-soil (20 g:40 mL Soil:Solvent)
Repeatability (SD) 0.05 mg/L from 0 to 9.9 mg/L
0.15 mg/L from 10 to 99.9 mg/L
0.25 mg/L from 100 to 199.9 mg/L
1.0 mg/L from 200 to 2000 mg/L
Result Database Over 100 000 detailed test reports stored in internal memory
Warning Database All system warning and error messages are stored in the database together with the results
System Embedded computer
User Interface 9” color touchscreen
Data Interface 2 x front USB (Op onal input by external keyboard, mouse, data output to external drives)
Ethernet LAN (direct LIMS connec vity, remote service capability)
internal RS-232
Voltage/Power Auto-switching 85-264 V AC, 47-63 Hz, typ. 50 W, max. 160 W (built-in mul -voltage power supply)
Opera ng Condi ons 10 – 40 °C (50 – 104 °F), Humidity up to 90 % RH, non-condensing
Dimensions 25 x 36 x 36 cm³ / 9.84 x 14.17 x 14.17 inch³ (1- port)
33 x 36 x 36 cm³ / 13.00 x 14.17 x 14.17 inch³ (10-port)
Weight 10 kg (22 lb)
Due to continuing product development, specifications are subject to change

1. Take a sample.
2. Add extrac on solvent (cyclohexane or
3. Shake.
4. Wait for phase separa on.
5. Add tap water.
6. Draw extract. The extract is ready for
measurement with the
1 2 3 4 5 6 oil-in-water analyzer.

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