8-2020-Design and Model Fuel Cell-Asia
8-2020-Design and Model Fuel Cell-Asia
8-2020-Design and Model Fuel Cell-Asia
Received July 12, 2019; accepted November 28, 2019; published online ¢¢¢
FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9 ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
electricity are the integrated biomass gasification combined tem. There is extensive research, which has been focused on
cycle and externally fired gas turbines. Biomass is converted biogas and methane to use directly or indirectly in SOFC as
into fuel through various processes such as biochemical ones fuel at very high temperature (800–1,000 C), but there is still
(aerobic/anaerobic digestion, fermentation) to produce some unexplored challenges and problem of using biogas
methane and alcohols [6, 8, 9] and thermochemical ones fuels from biomass (sugarcane, animal waste, redwood, and
[10, 11] including; (i) combustion, (ii) gasification, (iii) pyroly- rice husk) at low temperature in the range of 600–700 C to
sis, and (iv) liquefaction, as shown in Figure 1. The gases (e.g., directly reform the biogas fuel internally in the SOFC system.
syngas) generated through this gasification are successfully It is worth mentioning, that such fuels can be used for energy
used in different applications for separate or combined heat application in clean energy devices with very less emission
and power (CHP) generation (small or large scale), but the which can also beneficial to address the current climate change
removal of tar and its process efficiency are still challenging issues [15–20].
for various applications. Highly efficient small-scale CHP has The objective of this work is to create a numerical model
achieved benefits over large-scale CHP, as it encounters a cer- that combines integrated gasification with SOFC, based on a
tain complex structure from its production to supply users. previous literature survey of various technologies. Such stud-
Based on biomass gasification (BG), small-scale CHP uses ies are needed regarding the current scenario in south Asia,
either micro-gas turbines or internal combustion engines with particularly Pakistan. Therefore, in this study, only four differ-
an electrical efficiency range of 20–30% of the fuel’s lower ent biomass feedstocks, namely redwood, animal waste, sugar
heating value (LHV). Recently, the integration of BG with cane and rice husk, are used to generate methane or syngas/
SOFCs has gained prominent attention in CHP systems with biogas through gasification. Since, they are abundant in the
small-scale configurations [12, 13]. Therefore, gaseous fuels country Pakistan and these biomasses are always burnt after
generated from solid fuels (coal, biomass) can be successfully cultivations and biogas is further integrated with an fuel cell
for SOFCs, if they are cleaned sufficiently, and they are for the production of heat and power, as represented in the
expected to achieve high efficiency [14, 15] compared to the block diagram in Figure 1. To construct a mathematical model
present power plants. The applications of biomass integrated which represents the mathematical relation of the system, dif-
gasification with SOFC are still in their early stages, although ferent programming languages are used. Here, different oper-
several works are available in literature from the theoretical ating conditions have been defined using MATLAB for the
point of view [13, 16, 17]. Liu et al. [18] studied the theoretical numerical model of the gasification unit such as; air inlet,
performance of an integrated gasifier-SOFC test system which operating temperature, system size, and so on, which leads to
consists of a fixed-bed gasifier and a 5-kW SOFC CHP system. a better understanding of the design of an integrated gasifier
They considered two types of solutions for gas cleaning; one fuel cell (IGFC) system. MATLAB gives a suitable environ-
combined high and low temperature and other high tempera- ment for the construction of the mathematical model and pro-
ture gas cleaning system. They obtained almost the same vides a library for its solution using various differential equa-
results for both systems except that higher thermal efficiency tions.
was achieved in terms of energy and
exergy with the high-temperature gas
cleaning system. Sadhukhan et al. [19]
presented a comparative study of bio-
mass gasification fuel cell (BGFC) and
biomass gasification combined cycle
(BGCC) systems using straws as the
biomass resource. They developed a
systematic integration strategy for a
BGFC system using simulation in
Aspen Plus for the improvement of its
energy efficiency, waste heat recovery,
and cleaner operation. They analyzed
the performance of the BGFC system
in the power generation range of
approximately 100–1,000 kW. They
found a decrease in power generation
efficiency and increase in CHP gen-
eration efficiency with the increase of
the power generation from the BGFC
system. They found that the power
generation potential of the BGFC was
twice as high as that of the BGCC sys- Fig. 1 Flow chart of biomass/feedstock gasification integrated with fuel cell.
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Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
2 Theoretical Modeling
In this paper, the modeling of fuel Fuel Type H2 / % CO / % CO2 / % CH4 / % N2 / % Others (H2S, O2/Ash etc.)
FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9 www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
Nominal power/ KW 10
Ambient temperature 25
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Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
Fig. 4 Fuel cell performance at the temperature of 600 C with different Fig. 5 Fuel cell performance at the temperature of 700 C with different
partial pressures of (a) at P1 (1 bar), (b) at P2 (2 bar) and, (c) at P3 partial pressures of (a) at P1 (1 bar), (b) at P2 (2 bar) and, (c) at P3
(3 bar). (3 bar).
different partial pressures. Maximum values of power density 5c represent, respectively, the variation of voltage and power
of approximately 400, 390, 280, and 245 mW cm–2 are observed density for different fuels. Redwood and animal waste bio-
for animal waste, redwood sugar cane, and rice husk, respec- mass show better power density than sugar cane and rice
tively, while a decrease in voltage with increasing current den- husk.
sity is observed for the various biomasses. Figures 5a, 5b and
FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9 www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
3.2 Effect of Current Density on Heat Production low temperature. These lower values are due to the internal
reforming of the methane in the fuel cell system and the pres-
For each biofuel, the polarization curves, power density
sure. Here, it can be seen that at this temperature (600 C) the
curves, and heat production curves at different temperatures
heating power production curves for different fuels are close
are shown in Figure 6. The heating power production for dif-
to each other, but redwood and animal waste give higher val-
ferent fuels [(a) animal waste, (b) redwood, (c) rice husk, and
ues than the others. Therefore, redwood and animal waste are
(d) sugar cane] is shown in this Figure 6, which reveals that
more suitable biofuels for this fuel cell model.
the current density has a noteworthy influence on both volt-
age and power density. For redwood, with the increase in cur-
rent density, the power density of this model also increases 3.3 Polarization Studies
but the voltage decreases, that is, it shows the opposite effect
A polarization analysis of the fuel cell was carried out. The
with the increase of current density. Various voltage losses
ohmic and concentration losses are very low even at low tem-
such as ohmic, activation, and concentration losses are respon-
perature, as can be seen from Figure 7a–d for the different bio-
sible for lowering the voltage value. The power density
fuels. The significant effects on polarization and power density
increases gradually and achieves a maximum value of
due to the current densities of the different biomass feedstock
400 mW cm–2 and then a decrease is observed. This decrease is
are compared and shown in Figure 7. The best reported results
due to concentration losses which take place in the FC model.
in this system are obtained at 700 C using P3 with biogas
Figure 6b represents the effect of the current density on the
from animal waste. The ohmic polarization hohm is calculated
heat production of the FC model at different temperatures
with the details of cells’ geometry along with the conductiv-
(500, 600, and 700 C). The heat production of the FC system
ities of cells’ component. The activation polarization hact is also
increases with the increase of current density, but at high tem-
modeled using Butler-Volmer equation.
perature the values of heat are lower than those obtained at
Fig. 6 Heating power production for different fuels, a) animal waste, b) redwood, c) rice husk, and d) sugar cane.
6 ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
3.4 Fuel Cell System Efficiency Based on Different Parameters heat, a decrease in the heating efficiency of the system is
noted. Due to this low heating efficiency, a decrease in other
The electrical and heating efficiencies of this model with the
power efficiencies is observed, as presented in Figure 8b.
best-performing fuel based on animal waste are calculated
Finally, the effects of operating pressure on the efficiencies
and shown in Figure 8. The temperature range used is from
of the electrical and heating system are studied and shown in
500 to 700 C. It shows that electrical efficiency of the fuel cell
Figure 8c. It shows that there is a decrease in the electrical effi-
system remains the same for different temperatures, as our
ciency with the increase of operating pressure. As we increase
desired output power (10 kW) is kept fixed. But the heating
the operating pressure, the powers of the air and fuel blower
efficiency of the system increases gradually with the increase
also increase, which reduces the electrical efficiency. But due
in temperature, as SOFCs operate at high temperatures but
to the high operating pressure, the temperature of the exhaust
the increase is not prominent. Therefore, exhaust gases
gases increases, and the extra amount of heat also increases in
increase the production of an extra amount of heat, which
the heat exchanger. This extra amount of heat results in an
comes from the exhaust pipe into the combustor due to the
increase of the heating efficiency.
different combined power efficiencies.
Further, the effect of the fuel utilization factor on the effi-
ciencies of the FC system is also studied and represented in
4 Conclusion
Figure 8b. It shows that the electrical efficiency increases with
the increase of the fuel utilization factor, because a smaller In this model, SOFC is used because it is very promising for
amount of fuel is needed for a fixed output power (10 kW) for highly efficient and environmentally sensitive utilization of
the FC system. Therefore, the amount of extra heat that comes biomass waste for power production. This work describes a
through the exhaust pipe into the combustor chamber is model of the SOFC system analysis to investigate different
reduced. As a result of this reduction in the amount of extra constraints and their implications and the effects on the system
FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9 www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 7
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
Authors sincerely appreciate the King Saud University for its
funding of this research through Researchers Supporting
Project (RSP-2019/49)
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8 ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9
Rafique et al.: Design and Modeling of a Fuel Cell System Using Biomass Feedstock as a Biofuel
FUEL CELLS 00, 0000, No. 0, 1–9 www.fuelcells.wiley-vch.de ª 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 9