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Volume 44(1-4):109-122, 2000

Acta Biologica Szegediensis



Results of the paleostomatological researches

Gábor S. Kocsis

Clinic of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

ABSTRACT Hungarian paleostomatology as the part of dental anthropology exists since KEY WORDS
the middle of the last century, together with the paleodontical research in the world. The name
dental anthropology
paleostomatology comes from a Hungarian scientist, György Huszár. The article has the dental paleopathology
following chapters: Introduction (what is paleostomatology, and its importance), First studies paleostomatology
in the world, Nomenclature, The bases of Hungarian paleostomatology, Pioneers of paleosto- facial bones teeth
matological studies in Hungary, Era of the study of caries and other fields of Hungarian paleo-
stomatology, and Hungarian paleostomatology today. The most important representatives of
the field are Árkövy, Bruszt, Hillebrand, Huszár, Iszlai, M Lenhossék, Schranz, Tóth, and many
anthropologists, doctors, dentists and other scientists. The most researched topics are dental
morphology and dental caries but the scientists deal with other fields, too, from an
anthropological or medical point of view, such as the morphology and pathology of the facial
bones, the alveolar changes, the tooth morphology and variations, the developmental
anomalies, the dental attrition, the articulation of dentitions, and so on. In the last couple of
years the level of methodology have also corresponded to international needs.
Acta Biol Szeged 44(1-4):109-122 (2000)

Teeth – and partly the facial bones also – are bodyparts, post-mortem decomposition, best represented part of the
which mostly resist the time and influence of the surrounding skeleton, record of fossil species, past and recent population),
circumstances. From the remains that may be found even in they possess a high degree of morphological individuality
layers that are millions of years old, teeth are the most representing personal, familial, and population charac-
resistable against postmortal effects. That is the reason why teristics, and they can be directly observed and evaluated in
they can tell us the most about the once-living creature, and both living and past populations.”
about its conditions of life. So, the examination of facial
bones and teeth findings originating from prehistoric and First studies in the world
historic times is fundamentally important for the history of Dubrue Delasalle was persumably the first to write about the
the origin of man and for the prehistory of diseases, which study of teeth originating from excavations in 1772. Ignácz
constitutes the topic of paleostomatology. Dahl et al. (1975) Barna (1871) refers to this in his work entitled “Dentist-
draws our attention to the importance of examining facial ry”,quoteing Carabelli Georg’s work from 1831 “Geschicht-
bones: “Particularly in the study of skeletal deviations, liche Übersicht der Zahnheilkunde”. In Barna’s book the
thorough investigations of dry skulls with symptoms of well- qutation is as follows: “On an excavation of a cemetery
known clinical entities may provide valuable information Dubrue Delasalle found that the teeth which were in the third
concerning the osseous changes. Such investigations repre- i.e. deepest, oldest layer of the graves were in the best
sent an improtant supplement to clinical and radiological condition and those found in the upper layers were in the
studies ... and may reveal information pertinent to the worst. He concluded that the difference was due to the
identification and description of patients with microforms of overattentive behaviour that came with the culture and to the
the syndrome.” A number of synthetic works appeared lately harm caused by all kinds of cleaning materials.”
concerning this area (Barnes 1994; Alt and Türp 1997), The history of dental anthropology cannot be separated
which shows the significance of the discipline. In the work from the history of paleostomatology. So, early researchers
by Alt et al. (1998) entitled “Dental Anthropology”, the of tooth morphology and dental phylogenetics, such as Cope,
importance of the same kind of studies is confirmed: “Jaws Osborn, Kükenthal, Röse, Bolk, Gregory and others (Alt et
and teeth are more durable compared to skeletal remains (less al. 1998) may also be seen as the pioneers of paleostoma-
tology. Next to this, craniometry becomes the most important
Accepted February 3, 2000
branch of the already existing anthropology, which also
*Phone: 36(62)545-295, Fax: 36(62)545-282, E-mail:Kocsiss@stoma. means the study of divergences and normal variations on the
szote.u-szeged.hu maxilla and the mandible.


Mummery (1870, 1874) wrote about tooth examinations At the second half of the nineteenth century the eccentric
carried out with scientific claim and on a greater amount of dentist József Iszlai (1840-1903) was a passionate collector.
findings originating from excavations. After this more and Besides other objects he also collected skulls. The skull-
more publications appear on the topic. From the end of the collection – which was given to the university in 1902 – is
nineteenth century Patrick (1889) and Magitot (1896) could described by Huszár in his book (1965): “The obituaries said
be mentioned. They studied dental caries first of all, but the collection was “world-famous”. I thought it was exag-
examined other pathological alterations also. geration, because as Zoltán Körmöczi remembered, the
collection taking two rooms consisted “only” of 400 skulls.
Nomenclature I had the chance in the Museum of the Institution of Anatomy
From the beginning of the XX. century the cultivation of this to look through thoroughly the collection which has not
branch has been completed, and the Hungarian researchers survived the war unhurt and found it was even today rather
has also taken an important part in it. The name itself – important and valuable. Fifty years ago and in its whole glory
paleostomatology – was first used by a Hungarian, György the collection really could be interesting also in abroad. Most
Huszár. It was then recommended to international acceptance of the skulls are the skulls of people of different origin,
by two well-known representatives of the discipline, the mandibles showing rare dental anomalies. There are two
Belgian Brabant and Sahly (1962), but the authors use deformed skulls in the collection, mummy-head, embalmed
different names. Brothwell (1963) uses the following descrip- wildman-head, a Hungarian skull from the times of the
tion: “Teeth and archeology” and Janssens (1970) the “Dental conquest with an impacted canine tooth and so on. Hundreds
disease paleodontology”. As for the Hungarian authors, Tóth of tooth showing morphological anomalies are in old match
(1970) thinks that we cannot talk about stomas in excavation boxes and envelopes. There are also hundreds of animal
findings, as there are almost no soft parts, so he offers rahter skulls and gypsum modells in this collection.”
the nomenclature “paleopatology of teeth and mandibles” or The topics in the work of Iszlai are rather varied. He
“paleodontology”. Schranz (1985) prefers the name “dental wrote about the root filling, trepanation, tooth transplan-
paleopatology” for diseases. In our opinion the name “paleo- tation, actinomycosis, hygiene of teeth. On the basis of the
stomatology” is also correct, as it has a broader meaning, it tooth examinations in skulls he also dealt with dental anom-
includes the study of not pathological cases, the mandibles alies and nourishment customs of animals (Iszlai 1880,
and the preserved soft parts (in the case of mummies, for 1881a, 1881b, 1897). Salamon (1942/a) wrote about his
instance). This name is used by Capasso (1985) also. major work: “The topic, as he wrote about craniology and
odontology, with wich he dealt with all through his life, is the
The bases of Hungarian paleostomatology relationship of the two sets of teeth, that is what is called in
stomatology articulation. With the help of his great skull
To observe the beginnings of this discipline in Hungary we collection, he could study this relationship and its variations
have to go back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The thoroughly and he could also systematize his results in the
examinations of the time were connected to the excavations lecture he held at the international congress in London, 1881,
at Székesfehérvár, when the first excavator, János Érdy in the dental session: Illustrative Skizzen zu Carabellis
(1853) wrote about the healthy teeth of seven skulls, then “Mordex prorsus” und dessen Verhältniss zur sogen. “Prog-
Imre Henszlmann (1864) reported about the findings of nathia ethnologica” und Meyer’s “Crania progenaea” was the
further excavations. The examinations of remains of graves title.
from the Árpád-era were first reviewed by Huszár (1945), At the beginning of 1902 it was a sensational news that
then the paleopathological articles written on caries were Petôfi’s skull had been found. According to the description
collected by Tóth (1970). They think that the oldest repre- Reichenberger, an Austrian military surgeon, who cut off
sentation – without the descriptions of the Székesfehérvár Petôfi’s head from his dead body on the Segesvár battle field
remains – was written by Jenô Nyári (1873), who described and took it with him, gave it later to the laboratory of natural
the remains found on the Leshegy in Pilin. József Lenhossék history in the secondary school at Balázsfalva. The most
(1882, 1884) studied the skulls found at Szeged-Öthalom. prominent characteristic of the skull was the protruded upper
Aurél Török (1893) was also interested in the dentition of left canine tooth, about which Jókai said: “then it is Petôfi’s
King Béla III, and he also made Iszlai examine it. skull and we have to obtain it in any ways.” The skull was
We must not forget the scolars who made the first steps examined by Aurél Török, who was the teacher of antro-
towards scientific studies in both anthropology and paleo- pology at the university, then Vilibáld Semayer, director of
stomatology through founding a skull-collection. Besides the the ethnography departement of the National Museum. They
collecting work of Sámuel Scheiber, József Lenhossék – and asked Iszlai to give opinion on the canine tooth. He examined
last but not least Aurél Török was very important (Farkas and the skull on January 24, and summarized his view in two
Dezsô 1994) – dentists also collected and examined skulls. points. In the first he described the dental alveolus of the

Paleostomatological researches

canine tooth, in the second those of the first premolars. With intensity “on the ancient and also on the race-skulls”. On the
this he made evident that the upper left canine is protruded basis of his above mentioned publication Árkövy can be seen
in the skull, which is not the result of some artificial, as the first Hungarian scientist, who made paleostomato-
posterior intervention. “We know today that the skull at logical assessment in the modern sense.
Balázsfalva is not Petôfi’s skull” (Salamon, 1942a). Dental anatomy and anthropology had also other interna-
Iszlai’s first co-operator was József Abonyi (1858-1914), tionally appreciated scientists at that time. Otto Bocskay, for
who wrote more works on dental subject. His summarising instance, wrote his doctoral dissertation on the palate-
dental work is “A Short Handbook of Dentistry” (1892), in osteological characteristics (on 700 skulls) in 1908. The work
which he mentions that “because of the favour of the teachers by Jenô Hillebrand (1884-1950), who was the member of the
Mihálkovics, Thanhoffer and Török at the department of anthropological institution at the university, appeared in the
anthropology at the university the 7,000 skulls with complete same year (1908) in Hungarian: “New data to the mor-
dentition, together with students of the local schools and phology of teeth of man”, and in the next year the same work
soldiers staying in the town could be studied through looking appeared also in German. With this, the Hungarian dental
for anomalies (Huszár 1965a). anthropology and paleostomatology at the same time could
Gerô Rudas (1856-1912) dealt primarily with dental his- show up a book in front of the international scientific
tology; in connecton with this he examined the putrefaction audience. Hillebrand’s monography is unfortunately almost
and postmortal changes of teeth and bones (1899, 1899a). unknown even today, so we think it is necessary to introduce
the work briefly.
Pioneers of paleostomatological studies in In the introduction of this 89-page-long book the author
Hungary descibes the aims of his studies. The examinations were
We know József Árkövy (1851-1922) primarily as one of the “carried out from all known morphological points of view
founders of the Hungarian dental school, the founder of the with the most objectiveness and on such huge material, than
Stomatology Clinic in Mária street and he belongs to those never before (4,000 skulls and 2,000 mandibulae). I aimed
who made stomatology an acknowledged medical discipline. at express the results also in percentages; this is very impor-
His work as a writer is also varied, first of all in dental themes tant in the case of such a big experimental material, as under
but his article (1904), which can be compared to Mummery’s the circumstances we may assume that the percentages close
paleostomatological publications, is almost unknown. While up to the real numbers and they give well arranged data.” In
the letter valued dental caries, Árkövy sistematically studied the introduction he also expresses his gratitude to Aurél
such characteristics on materials originating from excav- Török (the rector of the university), Géza Entz (leader of the
ations (the Tomes-Zsigmondy-diverculum on premolars, skulls-collection), József Szabó (privat-docent of the Clinic
cingulum on upper lateral incisors and the foramen coecum of Stomatology), Károly Gorjanovic Kramberger (university
Milleri on molars), which characteristics – he thought – teacher in Zagreb) for their help given him in his work.
changed phylogenetically according to their frequency of The introduction corresponds to the chapter on material
appearance. and methods. According to this the material examined
The studied material in the view of excavation findings consists primarily of teeth from adult skulls from the time of
were the followings: from the teeth of 169 skulls 24 pre- the migrations to modern age. (He writes later, on page 69,
molars for the study of diverculum (8 Roman, 3 from the time that the number of the skulls from the modern age – the last
of the migrations, 3 Avar, 2 from the time of Endre I, 4 50 years – is one seventh of all the examined ones). For the
Hungarian skulls from 1550-1568, 4 skulls from Budapest study of sexual differences he examined 650 from the 4,000
from the early 1800’s); 183 upper lateral incisor tooth for the skulls, which were “typically male or female skulls and had
study of the cingulum (from the above described historical all the main sexual characteristics on them”. Sexual dimor-
times); teeth from contemporary skulls and “race” skulls, phism is given only for the upper teeth.
which he grouped as follows: ancient Greek, Maori, Sudan- Besides, he also examined 60 children skulls from the
ese, African, Greenlandic Eskimo, East-Siberian Eskimo, point of view of deciduous teeth, 100 skulls of “other human
Chinese, Gipsy, Roman and Bulgarian). He examined 708 origin”, 12 anthropoid and 30 lower class monkey skulls. The
upper and 519 lower molars for the foramen coecum, and thorough description of the letter is not carried out later. The
teeth from the above mentioned “race” skulls. He also studied author follows in the examination methods of Maximillian
the dentition of 11 anthropoid apes. He describes his method de Terra (1905). He mentions later on in the book (p. 22) that
as follows: “for the study of the diverticulum I cut the “I studied a hundred times larger material”. The measure-
praemolars into two sagittally with an electric saw. For the ments were carried out with a slide-gauge. The length
others pure inspection was enough, and for the cingulum I (height) of teeth was not measured because of tooth attrition
also took the exact breadth of the crown.” In his results he and the different methods of different authors. At the end of
stated that the examined characteristics appear with different the chapture he tells about the nomenclature used by him to


describe the teeth and the surface of teeth. Chapter VI. Lack of teeth, retention and persistence of
Chapter I. Formation of teeth from ontogenetic and deciduous teeth (pp. 77-80). The author here deals with the
phylogenetic points of view (pp. 5-9). so called phylogenetic reductional lack of teeth, the forms
Chapter II. Size of teeth (pp. 9-14). The breadth and appearing because of perished dental germs, the hindered
thickness of teeth is described through the middle value, eruption and in connection with this the persistance of
alwais giving also the number of the tooth. deciduous teeth. He describes the lack of upper middle
Chapter III. (pp. 14-52). This long chapter is broken into incisors, where “in one of the cases the remained I1 sup. was
shorter parts according to the followings: in the middle of the jaw.” This description may correspond
A) Number of the knobs (cusps) that build the occlusal to a soliter upper central incisor case (!), unfortunately
surface of teeth (pp. 15-23). Interstitial knobs (pp.23-25). without illustrations or further comments. (The first com-
B) Of accessory knobs not getting into the occlusal mentators of the documented anomaly are Radnai in Hun-
surface of the dental crown (pp. 25-39). On molars he deals garian in 1943, Seger in German in 1955 and the Hungarian
with the appearance of Carabelli cusps first of all (and the Bruszt in 1956, then Scott in English in 1958).
Carabelli fovea). He shows the usual differences among Chapter VII. Interesting toothspaces (diastema, trema)
peoples. (pp. 80-84). A) Diastema, which shows up between the upper
He describes the – not Carabelli – supernumeral cusp lateral incisor and the canine, or the lower canine and the first
appearing lingually on the M3 sup., the supernumerary cusp premolar. There is the “alveolar diastema”, when there is a
appearing mesiobuccally, the letter may be seen as an space also between the alveolae, and the “diastema dentalis”,
adhesion of a supernumerary tooth (M4). With this he pre- when the teeth only incline from each other. Hillebrand found
ceeded Bolk’s description of the praemolar cusp and tooth the alveolar form in 5-5 cases on 4,100 skulls and 60 decid-
(1913, 1914). He also describes the mesiobuccal super- uous dentition. The examined 2,000 mandibulae he also
numerary cusps on lower molars, which were later described observed alveolar forms in 7 cases, while the dental form
by Dahlberg (1950) as protostylid. characteristic to the anthropoids were not found. On behalf
On sulcuses, foveas and plicas appearing on dental of that he sees only the upper diastema as atavism, the lower
crowns (pp. 39-52). Here he also describes the growth which is variation.
he found first of all on upper lateral incisors, but occasionally B) Trema, that is the space between the upper and lower
also on C sup. and on I1 sup., and about which I have not middle incisors, can be found in the author’s material in 25
found any data. This is a sulcus, which originates usually (permanent) and 19 (deciduous) cases. He writes that on the
from the lower part of the crown on the lingual side of the basis of his observations carried out on the living, it is more
I1 sup., and it goes through the dental neck onto the root.” frequent by women.
This character became later known in dental literature as Chapter VIII. On enamel hypoplasy and caries (pp. 84-
palatal-gingival sulcus. 86). Hillebrand values the above described foramen coecum
Chapter IV. On the roots of teeth. A) Number of the roots and fovea Zuckerkandl as hypoplasy. These and enamel
of teeth (52-67). In this chapter he wants to give exact data deficiency is also the cause of caries. He thinks that enamel
on an extended material. He studies especially the fusion of deficiency is rather an individual (pathological) character.
the roots of the upper teeth, he used here an own signing The stripe-form of enamel deficiency, especially on canines,
method. The “total conical fusion” and the “total prismatic is seen by him, as also by the literature, as the concomitant
fusion” were valued separately. Besides the teeth alveolae sign of serious illnesses, “as I found these mostly on the
were also valued. He gives the number of teeth (and alveolae) skulls of youngsters who died very early (at the age of 15-
examined according to the type of teeth, the absolute number 30)”.
and percentage of the different forms. He also deals with the Appendix (pp. 87-89). After having finished writing the
connections of the number of roots and cusps. study, during the typographical work appeared a work by
B) Tooth pearls (Schmelzperlen) = odontoms (pp. 67-69). Adloff (1908) with the title “Das Gebiss des Menschen und
In the author’s opinion the growth is not to be named as der Anthropomorphen”. Hillebrand gives the critical summa-
enamel pearls, because they build not only from enamel. He ry of the book. He adds that Adloff also described the sulcus
declares that they appear in different size only on upper that appears on the upper lateral incisor and goes on to the
molars, most frequently on the third molar, they are more roots.
frequent on teeth of skulls from later times, usually by men. The above described, fundamental work by Hillebrand
Chapter V. On the development of more teeth than normal remained unfortunately almost completely unknown for the
(pp. 69-77). About supernumerary teeth Hillebrand argues for international paleostomatology. Schwerz, a Swiss scientist,
the atavistic theory. At the end of the chapter he talks about recognized the values and usefulness of the work: “As in the
the concrescence, fusion and especially the twin-formation near surroundings there were no similar works or material to
of teeth. compare, I was obliged to quote a Hungarian work. E.

Paleostomatological researches

Hillebrand studied the teeth of the anthropological collection Lenhossék used other data from the above described
in Budapest thoroughly. This work remained unfortunately experiment material for another work: in “Handbuch der
almost unknown.” The works by Schwerz (1914) “Über Zahnheilkunde” (1922), in the chapter “Makroskopische
Zähne frühhistorischer Völker der Schweiz” then in 1916 Anatomie”, which is also referred to even today (e.g. radix
“Morphologische Untersuchungen an Zähnen von Ala- entomolarica Lenhosséki; the frequency of appearance of
mannen aus dem V. bis X. Jahrundert” build similarly to two-rooted lower canines, etc.). In the chapter the author
Hillebrand’s study and made comparisons to his results in the describes the development and macroscopical anatomy of
text and in the charts. face and mouth cavity and mostly he deals with the thorough
We can find also later references to Hillebrand’s work description of teeth and dentition (pp. 97-239). Shorter
which are the results of first of all in Lenhossék’s description chapters that belong also to paleostomathology are “Zur
of the work (see later). His data were quoted by Fabian Anthropologie des Gesichtsschädels” (pp. 239-246), “Die
(1928), Wiedenreich (1937) and Pedersen (1949). The most Alveolen” (pp. 246-257) and “Die Abnutzung der Zähne”
important of these is Visser’s even today world-famous work (pp. 279-284). It is interesting to talk about another chapter
(1948) on the morphology of roots. The morphological now that tooth-jewellery is so fashionable: “Die künstlichen
description by Schulze (1970), which is also well-known and Verunstaltungen der Zähne” (pp. 284-288). In the above
widely referred to, we still meet Hillebrand’s name. mentioned chapters Lenhossék talks about the skulls, which
After Hillebrand’s work, the next most important study he studied for his results, there are a number of and illus-
of the Hungarian paleostomatology came out in 1917 with trations and photos about them (e.g. the illustrations 71/a-c,
title: “Destruction of teeth by dental caries in the past and in 129/a-b, 148, 149). At the beginning of the paragraph on
the present”, and was written by Mihály Lenhossék (1863- alveolae he writes that teeth easily fall out of fossile skulls,
1937), who was an excellent anatomist. The study became especially the one-rooted and the fused ones; the teeth that
internationally known and referred to. The author examined have more roots are movable but remain in their place.
1,690 (1,190 + 500) skulls. From the exhumed material of the Describing permanent teeth morphologically he usually gives
old “cemetery of Vácz” there were 755 skulls. The cemetery the number of teeth studied, sometimes he also gives the
was used between 1777 and 1849, the remains were collected number of skulls. By deciduous teeth he mentions that he had
by Aurél Török in 1882. Lenhossék valued 260 skulls from examined 53 children skulls (p. 215). For valueing the pulp-
the findings of Rákospalota, which originate from the canals with the help of his assistant Ferenc Kiss, he observed
Árpádian Ages, from the 11th-13th centuries. From the find- 923 teeth from thousands with the so called corrosion-
ings in Nemesvölgy and Keszthely (4th-5th centuries, Mi- method (pp. 110-111). He writes down Hillebrand’s data by
gration Ages) he used 101 skulls and from the Roman Ages the description of the various tooth-types (the number of teeth
74 skulls were used, from different cemeteries. Five hundred examined and the results, too), creating a chance for Hille-
anatomical skulls, which were also examined, were not brand’s work to become well-known. The above cited authors
included in the comparative work. refer to Lenhossék in their works, of course, there are even
He deals with the frequency of caries above all in the some basic works, in wich we can find him, e.g. Lukomsky’s
study, for this – as Tóth writes in his critical article in 1968 (1929) work on dental caries, or the description by Dreyer-
– we must accept his methods as adequate and his data as Jorgensen about the morphology of deciduous teeth (1956).
authentic. Opposite to Mummery’s work mentioned in the Huszár and Schranz (1952) think that Lenhossék’s article is
introduction, Lenhossék also took into consideration in also referred by German, Danish, French, English, Polish,
regard to the number of teeth aplasy and retention, for the Skandinavian and Czech examiners. Lenhossék made a great
first time he pointed at the importance of postmortal loss and and generous favour to the international introduction of the
to lessen the percentage of mistakes, he rather does not write scientific literature of Hungarian dental paleopathology.
about third molars. Tóth (1968) thinks, that there are more
mistakes in his values, for instance he did not take into Era of the study of caries and other fields of
consideration the postmortal loss here, at the same time the Hungarian paleostomatology
missing teeth were regarded as being carious in every age Lenhossék’s article dealing with dental caries made the
groups. In spite of these defects, the study is still of great wheels of the anthropologist – and dentist-society – turn
importance, as the author started the caries-examinations towards observations of the same kind. The international
within paleostomathology in Hungary and showed a way scientific life also contributed to this, of course (Huszár and
how to make the methodology of these examinations more Schranz 1952). The skull-collections of Hungary (from the
delicate. He also draws attention to the need of examination age of the Conquest and the Árpáds) were valued on the first
of children’s dental care in schools: “I finish my article with place, which studies were first summarised by Huszár in
the wish that after the war this movement would start also in 1945 with the title: “The Dentition of the Hungarian Popu-
our country and had great practical results.” lation of the Árpádian Age”. The descriptions quoted here are


about the carious-state of a couple of skulls. A study as great of great importance, which can be divided to more groups.
of importance as Lenhossék’s was first accounted of by The most extensive is the history of the Hungarian dentistry
Bruszt in 1950 (1950/a) in which he examined 318 skulls (1942a), then the study of the pioneers of Hungarian dentist-
from the 10th-12th centuries. In 1952 Huszár and Schranz ry and their family, the dental-historical description of great
published “Prevalence of Dental Caries in West Hungary people of our history, such as Petôfi, king Mátyás, Lajos II,
from the Neolithic Age to the Modern Times”. In this work Ferenc Liszt, the wife of Ferenc Rákóczi II and the field-
they processed the data of 1,755 skulls. The publication deals marshall Alvinczy (1923, 1938, 1940a, 1940b, 1940c, 1941,
especially with the method of the study, and how the data 1942b). József Szabó (1874-1937) became the leader of the
were valued. Data were also collected about the pathogenesis Clinic of Stomatology after the death of Árkövy, from 1919
of caries. After valueing 531 children skulls, in an article with to his death. His contemporary, Gusztáv Morelli calls this
the title “Die Kinderzahnkaries der Vergangenheit in Ungarn” time the “Szabó-Salamon era”, referring to the friendship of
(1958) the caries in children’s teeth was dealt with. Besides the two scientist, who discussed all problems of the clinic and
the works of the above mentioned and other authors from professional life. This may also explain Szabó’s taking part
1966, Tóth also observed the teeth of skulls originating from in the description of the mandibulae findings at Subalyuk
excavations from the point of view of caries, the results of (1934, 1935).
which observation he made known in a book in 1970: “The The Institution of Stomatology of Erzsébet University at
Epidemiology of Dental Caries in Hungary”. He summarised Pécs was founded in 1938. In the first ten years Lajos Kollár
with it the examinations carried out in this field. Károly Tóth assistant made an important scientific work in the institution,
(1914-1992) worked for the Clinic of Dentistry and Oral he was the first to value the facial bones of Zengôvárkony,
Surgery of Szeged from 1950. The most significant field of originating from the neolithic period (1948). In the study he
his scientific work was caries-prevention, for which in the writes about the morphology of the mandibulae and teeth of
above mentioned work he summarised the results of a series 38 skulls and the pathological alterations on teeth and facial
of examinations in the epidemiology of caries. He thoroughly bones.
describes the methodology and history of paleopathology, Talking about caries studies, we have already mentioned
describes the results of studies which are related to Hungary the names Bruszt, Huszár and Schranz. They are also
on the material from prehistoric ages to our times. In his own important personalities of Hungarian paleostomatology. Pál
studies on the material from the excavations around Szeged Bruszt (1906-1979) made especially cariological exam-
he valued 257 dentition from the 7th-8th centuries and 266 inations, and – as he writes in 1975 – he also studied the
from the Árpádian Age with a view to the caries. The special pathology of teeth. He lived and worked in Baja,
monograph may be seen as a fundamental work in paleo- inspite of this he examined collections from all parts of the
stomatology which is about caries and all aspects of it, such country. We have already introduced some of his articles
as postmortal loss, age groups, sexual dimorphism, the about caries, after Lenhossék’s, his material was first
relations to the type of teeth, the difference of the caries on outstanding statistically. His next article (1952) which
different dental surfaces etc. Tóth examined also the state of analyses the caries in skulls from the 7th-13th. centuries, deals
the processus alveolaris on these skulls (1966). After the with 1,128 dentitions. The study and dental examination of
publication of this monograph, he reported about the state of the findings from the late Roman times (1958), which were
the dentition of 97 further skulls from the Bronze Age (1972). excavated in Gyôr, and the origin of the bone remains of the
From Lenhossék’s work till the 60s – which was the time people who fell in the battle of 1552 and are held in the “bone
of caries studies – there were also other paleostomatological niche” in the castle of Eger, were introduced in 1966. In his
articles with other themes. On the basis of a bibliography works he deals with methodological questions of caries-
collected according to the different branches of the science statistical analyses, too. From dental anomalies he describes
(Kocsis 1989) there were examinations on the morphology the formation of “dens in dente” on excavation findings on a
of facial bones, dental anthropological descriptions, in- left upper lateral incisor from the Árpádian Age (1950b), a
cluding the dentition of famous people, tooth abrasion, double-rooted right upper permanent canine on a skull from
parodontal dysplasias, dental caries, resulting bone alter- the 18th century (1953a), the duplication of upper deciduous
ations, pseudopathological alterations and experimental canines on a child’s skull from Subalyuk and on another from
descriptions. the Árpádian Age (1953/b).
Henrik Salamon (1865-1944) was an outstanding figure György Huszár (born in 1911) is the name-giving father
of the Árkövy-school. He was first dental technitian, and had of the discipline (Brabant and Sahly 1962). He graduated in
a close relationship with Iszlai. In 1899 he received his 1935 at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Szeged,
diploma in medicine, and started working for Árkövy’s between 1932-36 he was already assistant at the Department
clinic. He also worked for the Szabó-clinic. His literary work of Anthropology of the Anatomy Institute of Szeged, which
is rather extensive, his articles on the history of dentistry are was led by Ferenc Kiss. During his years as medical student

Paleostomatological researches

four anthropological articles appeared by him, e.g. the above he became an honorary lecturer in forensic dentistry. Some
mentioned one in 1933 together with Sziráky. Between 1945- chapters of the above mentioned monography are already
46 the first three almanacs to substitute the Dental Review related to his dental paleopathological studies, such as
were edited by him and in 1946 he took part in the reappear- defining age, defining identity concerning stomatology and
ance of the scientific review. He takes part in the editing ever genetics and the postmortem changes of mouth formation.
since, and also in the publication of studies in connection For his dental genetical examination a stabil basis was given
with our branch, such as paleostomatology and history of by skull and paleo-dental observations. Of these two im-
dentistry. With the latter he has been dealing with since 1945 portant border fields of stomatology, i.e. of forensic dentistry
and has written more than seventy articles on the theme so and oral genetics, Schranz accounted at a lecture held in
far. With his dissertation “The history of Hungarian dentistry remembrance of Árkövy (1994), where the audience could
in the 19th century” he became a candidate 1960, then in 1965 learn also the following “I mention for the sake of complete-
his monography appeared with the title: “A history of ness that there was a third border field also, in which I
Hungarian dentistry” (1965a). He is the vice president of the worked not alone but together with György Huszár in muse-
Hungarian Society of the History of Medicine. His first ums between 1945 and the 50s: dental paleopathology, the
summarising work in the field of paleostomatology was “The stomatological branch of paleopathology. A fourth one, in
Dentition of the Hungarian Population in the Árpádian Age”, which I worked with László Molnár and György Huszár,
which appeared in 1945. From this time on together with being gerostomatology. Our German book entitled “Gero-
Dénes Schranz and also alone he studied the skulls in the stomatologie” came out in 1962”. The main direction of the
anthropology-cabinets and in museums. Besides the already examinations of the dental paleostomatological studies
mentioned and other articles on caries (1961, 1965/b, 1966, besides the already mentioned caries studies is the definition
1967) Huszár studied the morphology of the torus palatinus of identity on the basis of dental reports (1953), the tooth
mainly on excavation material (1951), all together on 1,200 illnesses of the prehistoric man (1954, 1955 with Huszár),
bony palates, which were from cemeteries from the age of examination of periodontium illnesses with the help of casts
migrations to the 19th. century (only 135 anatomical product of prehistoric findings (1962), examination of tooth attrition
were from the end of the 19th century). In this article Huszár (1967), and the examination of the bone remains of King
mentions that “The study of the 1,200 cases made it neces- Béla III. regarding the teeth, also with the help of casts
sary to look through a lot more skulls in number, as some of (1988). Lately professor Schranz deals with the genetical
the bone remains from the cemeteries are damaged and questions of dentistry, about which a synthetic monography
without the palate.” Sexual differences with a special view appeared in 1991.
to the teeth were examined together with László Molnár in Gyula Regöly-Mérei’s (1908-1974) work is outstandingly
1953, for which the dentition of 100 skulls was also valued important in the field of paleopathology, within this in
besides the dentitions of living people. Then he started to deal paleostomatology. He graduated from a medical university
with tooth attrition (Molnár 1954, 1955; Molnár and Schranz in 1934. He had the qualifications of a pathological anat-
1968, 1972, 1974a, 1974). In the case of 284 children skulls omist, of a surgeon, and that of a otorhinolaryngologist, he
from the Neolithic Age to the Middle Ages, and 240 adult also dealt with the history of medicine, he was the vice
skulls were examined from the point of view of abrasio, for president of the Hungarian Society of the History of Medi-
which he also offered an own grouping system (1969). He cine between 1968 and 1972. He made description of teeth
also valued paleostomatologically some skull series, as in the also in own articles (1958, 1970), but in his book entitled
case of the findings at Fonyód from the late Middle Ages “Systematic pathology of primeval men and of later human
(1963). His academic doctoral dissertation (1976) was also remains”, which appeared in the Paleopathology-series, he
held on the examination methods and results of tooth attri- writes distinctly also about pathological stomatology (1962).
tion, on the basis of which he became the Doctor of Medicine The 22-page-long chapter is devided into subchapters:
in 1978. Lately he has been dealing with the history of dentitio, anomalies of the growth of teeth, abrasion of teeth,
medicine and writes articles on this theme. caries, parodontitis, senile atrophy of facial bones, and dental
Dénes Schranz (born in 1904) became a doctor in 1928, abcesses, cysts and fistulas. Besides making known the
but he had been working for the Institute of Anatomy on important data of the Hungarian and other literature, he also
Budapest since 1925, and from1927 for the Medical Institute carried out own examinations on findings originating from
of the Law Courts, and only from 1938 for the Clinic of the neolithic period up to the Middle Ages. His data are
Stomatology. In 1944 a monography of his appeared with the summarised in charts, and he also describes the pathological
title: “Forensic Stomatology”, about which he writes later in cases.
an article (1987): “With the appearance of this book the Besides the above mentioned outstanding paleopatho-
dental jurisprudance – with modern expression: forensic logists we also mention other names, who appeared with one
dentistry – gained its own rights also in our country”. In 1948 or more articles or parts of books in one of the branches.


Simon and Kômûves (1937) studied the size ascending ramus mental anomalies also. The above mentioned bibliography
of the mandibulae and the postural variations, Szokolóczy (Kocsis 1989) summarises these examinations.
(1937) also studied the size of the ascending branch on 105 From a wider point of view we may regard those articles,
mandibulae, Molnár (1939) the abrasion of teeth, Máthé and besides those which deal with the description of human
Molnár (1940) the articulation of used teeth originating from dentition, which deal with the dentition of cavemen and apes
excavations. Pór (1948, 1953) carried out examinations on or the ancestors of these, as works that belong to the field of
excavational findings with the mercurial volume-meter paleostomatology. From the Hungarian author Tasnádi-
constructed by him. Kocsis (1948) examined the lingual Kubacska let appear the following book of the Paleopatho-
foramen on the inner surface of 700 mandibles. Szokolóczy logy Series: “Pathology of Fossil Animals” (1960). The
(1953) carried on with his bone examinations by defining the description of dental illnesses gained an important place in
lingua-level on 100 mandibulae. Somogyi (1953) studied one this work. The writer also wrote an article on the prehistoric
sided developmental anomalies on 1,000 mandibulae, from ape finding of Rudabánya (1967), Kretzoi (1975) and Kordos
which 200 were anatomical. Balogh and Csiba (1966) studied (1997) wrote about the same subject.
the areal anatomy variations of “area perilingularis” on
hundreds of mandibulae originating from the 4th to the 19th Hungarian paleostomatology today
century. Dobrovits and Kemény (1971) valued the topog- In the course of the last fifteen-twenty years on the basis of
raphy of the retromolar area on 250 mandibulae. Berndorfer the subject matter of paleostomatological articles, new goals,
(1962) described a 500-year-old skull with a cleft lip, Prágai new fields and new examination methods have born. Some
and Fazekas (1982) valued the involutionary changes of size of the scientists observed the mandibulae for interventions of
on toothless mandibles, by 100 macerated and 114 excava- oral surgery, e.g. Tamás (1986) studied the position of canalis
tional findings. Lengyel (1964) wrote about chemical, mandibulae on the X-ray pictures of ramuses of 82 mandibles
serological and histological examinations, Nemeskéri and for defining the ideal place of the operation. Ponyi et al.
Harsányi (1968) about cremated findings. (1989b, c, 1991a, b, c) valued the size of 467 mandibulae
Important is the taking part of anthropologists in paleo- from the 12th-16th centuries from different points of view, for
stomatological studies. Already at the beginning of the designing jaw replacements. The latter authors developed a
century besides the mentioned scientists (Török, Hillebrand new measuring device for jaws and teeth (1989a).
and others), Bartucz described the mandibulae of the Weimar A number of scientists urge the study of facial bones –
caveman (1914) the mortal remains of Ferenc Rákóczi II. together with the examination of the alterations of the axial
(1935), and the sceleton of a Hungarian conquestor of Heves skeleton – Antónia Marcsik (1976) described the anomalous
(1939), and we can find a number of dental descriptions in skull of Izsák, then with Kocsis (1985) she studied the
his book “Praehistorical Trepanation and Grave Findings appearance of the Stafne’s mandibular cavity on findings
Connected to History of Medicine” (1966). Malán (1929) from the Avar Age. Change in size and symmetry by facial
studied the skulls from the Neolithic at Lengyel in his theses, bones of deformed skulls were studied by Jójárt (1988) in his
Hungarians of the 10th century (1941) and described the tooth thesis. Szentpétery, Kocsis and Marcsik (1990) examined the
germ of Istállóskô (1955). Besides the article that includes double mandibular condyle on 1,882 lower jaw. Kocsis,
dentition description by the above mentioned Nemeskéri Marcsik and Mann (1992) described idiopathic bone cavity
(1943, 1951), he also took part in writing paleostomato- on the posterior buccal surface of the mandible first in the
logical articles (Nemeskéri and Regöly-Mérei 1958; Nemes- literature after having examined 8,282 mandibles, then
kéri and Brabant 1963). Thoma made known the dentition of Kocsis and Marcsik (1996) wrote again about the cavity
the child of Subalyuk (1963) and the tooth findings of formation on the surface of the lower jaw. Facial defects
Vértesszôlôs (1967). In one of his articles (1966) and in his appearing on excavational findings with or without syndro-
book “Graves, Bones, People” (1969) Kiszely deals with matic occurrence were descibed by Marcsik and Kocsis
paleostomatology. Olga Bottyán carried out important (1979, 1995, 1996) and with Andrea Hegyi together (1998,
osteological examinations. She studied the morphology, size 1999).
and sexual dimorphism of the palatal surface of maxillas on Developmental anomalies of teeth and dentition and the
368 skulls from the 6th to the 9th century and 361 skulls from so far not examined forms of these are also studied today.
the 10th to the 15th century (1974/a), and on 500 mandibulae Kocsis and Marcsik examined enamel formations (1980,
she studied the changes in size that take place with aging and 1981, 1983a), positional anomalies of teeth (1982), the dens
also the sexual dimorphism (1974, 1975). Ildikó Pap (1986) invaginatus (1983b) and the appearance of this together with
deals with the dentition of the Hungarians in the Middle the palatal-gingival groove (1991, 1993), the appearance of
Ages. Antropologists who describe a series anthropologically the double-rooted lower caninus (1984, 1995), enamel
and paleopathologically, usually write down the cariological hypoplasia (1992), which Kocsis and Mari studied the
and attritional status and in some cases that of the develop- palatal-gingival groove on archeological findings (1988).

Paleostomatological researches

Horváth et al. (1995) wrote about taurodontia and enamel and more well known and used in the Hungarian paleo-
hypoplasia. Summarizing works were also written on this stomatological examinations. Such methods are radio-
subject. Marcsik (1983) wrote in her candidate’s dissertation graphic, CT, scanning electron microsopical methods and
“Paleopathology of the Avar Age at the Territory between the DNA examinations (Eiben and Pap 1998).
Danube and the Tisza” about the enamel formations found The examination of developmental anomalies of teeth and
on the molars of 345 skulls, and described the Stafne-defect paleostomatology in general are the favourite subjects for
on the basis of the examination of 1,495 mandibles. Kocsis students to write their theses on, like Szarvas (1981), Baglyas
in his candidate’s dissertation (1994) valued the develop- (1986), Endrész (1986), Jójárt (1988), Hajós (1989), Balázsik
mental anomalies of permanent frontal teeth on the dentition (1992), Kiss (1992), Négyessiné Gonda Katalin (1993),
of 1,997 skulls. With the evaluation of the co-appearance and Pelsôczy (1993), Szikossy (1993), Török (1993), Gregor
accumulation of antropological characteristics and anomalies (1994), Babarczy (1995), Békési (1995), Gyurkó (1995),
of teeth Kocsis does genetical group formation, “hereditary Bernert (1996), Mátyás (1996), Szokol (1996), Maczel
studies”, the division of cemeteries on this basis, i.e. the (1998), Török (1998), Ungvári (1998), Bíró (1999), Licht-
grouping of graves in some of his works (1988, 1994, article hammer (1999), and Tari (1999). Promising articles and
of Algyô in press). Ph.D. works are also written by young scientists: Szikossy
With the evaluation of the anthropological material of (1993, 1996, 1999), Molnár (1995, 1998), Bernert (1996),
some cemeteries the paleostomatological description of these Maczel (1997, 1998), Hegyi (1998, 1999) and hopefully by
have grown in number. Kocsis described the neolithic skulls others also.
of the Gorzsa-Czukor ranch (1988), the dentition of the skull An international acknowledgement of Hungarian tooth
of Kunbábony (1992), then the paleostomatology of the anthropology and within this paleostomatology can be felt
anthropological findings of Ópusztaszer-Monostor (1998), partly from the part of the invited lecturers on congresses,
the description of the findings of Algyô from the age of the from articles and quotations from these, partly from the
Conquest is not published yet. Kocsis and Trogmayer (1986) appreciations in different publications. Brabant and Sahly
give the paleostomatological description of the findings from (1962) list from the Hungarian scientists Lenhossék, Nemes-
the Neolithic and Copper Age on the Vésztô-Mágor Hill, kéri, Schranz and Huszár. In the Dental Anthropology
Ildikó Szikossy (1999) gives that of the Vörs-Papkert B Newsletter in May, 1993 Kósa wrote with the title “Direc-
cemetery, Szikossy and Bernert (1996) describe the Kereki- tions in dental anthropological research in Hungary, with
Homokbánya cemetery. Kocsis and Oláh (1995) and Marcsik historical retrospect”, in which Kocsis’s bibliography (1989)
and Kocsis (1998) took part in the description of not Hun- was also presented. Barnes (1994) in his monography quotes
garian findings. The evaluation of the kings’ graves re- Szentpétery et al. (1990) who wrote on bifid condyles, Alt
excavated in 1984 and that of the anthropological findings of et al. (1998) in their book also refer to an article by Marcsik
the Romkert of Székesfehérvár (Éry et al. 1999) and the and Kocsis (1992) on enamel hypoplasia. The book entitled
mummies of Vác from the 18th-19th centuries (Szikossy et al. “Die Evolution der Zähne” (Alt and Türp 1997) names
1999) are in progress. Marcsik as the Hungarian representative of tooth anthro-
Within the interdisciplinary examination works that are pology, and mentions Kocsis from the examiners of tooth
connected to paleostomatology Józsa and Pap (1989) studied pathology cooperating with the clinics. We hope, these kind
the stress indicator character of dentition, Fóthi and Pap of quotes are going to grow in number in the future.
(1990) examined it from the point of view of the lifestyle, and
Marcsik, Kósa and Kocsis (1992) studied the chances of age References
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