Meds ED088699
Meds ED088699
Meds ED088699
From a random sample of high schcol juniors and
seniors in northeastern Wisconsin, this study obtained information
concerning the subjects, participation in water recreation
activities, their perceptions of water quality, and attitudinal data
in related areas. The data obtained from the questionnaire were
analyzed by chi-square methods to check for differences in subgroups
of the population. Most popular activities were identified in crder
as swimming, boating, fishing, waterskiing, sailing, and duck
hunting. Attitudes toward facilities and environmental conditicns as
well as allocation of funds for recreational purposes varied within
different categories of water-recreation participants and when
compared to non-participants. (LS)
11115 00(11MI NI IIAS III I N wrPRO
The Study Area
The Sample
The Questionnaire
Field Work
Water Recreation Participation
Primary Activity
Deterrents to Participation
Recreational Use of Green Bay
Primary Location
Perceptions of Green Bay Water Quality
Funding for Improved Water Quality
Water Condition Changes and Responses
Between Group Differences
Environmental Management and Planning
Appendix A
Water Recreation - High School Project Questionnaire
Appendix B
Schools in the Sample
This second and final report on the marine recreational uses of Green
Bay was completed with the active support of educators in the five-county
study area. We are deeply indebted to Dr. William C. Kahl, (former) Wisconsin
duction for us to local school administrators. While space does not permit
us to list the names of all of the principals and officials at the sixteen
schools sampled, this study could not have begun without their support and
questionnaire and helped with coding were Barbara Delwiche, David MacWhirter,
Ann Schoggen, Jane Stauffer, Faye McMahon, Mary Sherwin, Lorna Nowve, Mary
this study could not have been completed. Dr. David Jowett, Professor of
for the study and typed this technical report. Kurt Ruthmansdorfer, UWGB
senior, wrote all of the computer programs that enabled us to carry out our
analysis. We hope this project played some part in his decision to take
This project was supported in part by the National Oceanic and Atmos-
Table Page
Table Page
While the knightly age of majority was abandoned long ago in favor of
18 year olds serving in our armed forces, the right to vote and subsequent
stake in political affairs were denied 18, 19 or 20 year olds until the pas-
sage of the 26th amendment to the U.S. constitution in July 1971. With the
lowering of the age of majority in Wisconsin in March 1972, 18, 19 and 20 year
olds were granted all of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood.2 While
the passage of this legislation occurred recently little is known about these
view members of the electorate except for their purchasing power. The assump-
tion that they will think and vote as their parents think and vote is as un-
onmentally aware than their parents, but are they? If they are more aware, and
willing to pay to abate degradation, will these attitudes hold up when they
help us to understand the lasting impacts of ecology courses and "earth weeks,"
young people (24 and younger in the present population) further magnifying
their role in natural resources decision making. The 1970 census revealed
that 45.3 percent of the Great Lakes Basin States' 74,088,323 population was
was under 25. The fact that there are more young people today many of whom
are eligible to vote has magnified their potential impact in public decision
making. Because much of the fiscal burden for solving today's environmental
problems along with the problems themselves will fall to coming generations,
water quality and recreation policy formulation will need to reflect the
fore, that as much as possible be learned about their use of the environment
Related Literature
ing on high school students' knowledge of pollution (Towler and Swan, 1972)
environment and the causes of environmental problems. Swan also notes in prob-
ing high school youths' responses to air pollution that their environmental
concern was not correlated with knowledge about air pollution but rather with
technical terms and explanations for pollution and prefer to deal with what
tions, it would be useful to know more about their recreation behavior patterns.
pursuits and locations. PreviousLy, the National Recreation Survey (U.S. Outdoor
year age group, while boating participation rates were greatest in the 25 to 44
year age group, perhaps reflecting income capability for boat ownership.
While there has been extensive research on the water quality require-
(Barker 1967, Bishop and Aukerman 1970, Willeke 1968, David 1971 and Simpson
review of the literature cited, refer to pages 39-49 in Wisconsin Sea Grant
The previous survey research of Ditton and Goodale studied only the
ing in the five county study area surrounding Green Bay. In initially de-
that as taxpayers they have primary fiscal responsibility for solving envir-
onmental problems in the region and hence a greater stake than anyone else.
limit a study which could have focused on any one of several subgroups of the
population. While the household heads study was underway, the Age of Majority
bill was passed by the Wisconsin Legislature on March 22, 1972, making 18, 19
and 20 year olds legal adults with as much stake as other adults.
Subsequently, the study of heads of households with their mean age of
47 years old provided only a partial picture of Bay use, total water-based
and solutions.
would be most difficult due to the mobile nature of this population. Instead
it was decided to study 16 and 17 year olds as a proxy for the young adults.
This population can be identified as juniors and seniors in high school in the
five county study area and an appropriate random sample drawn and probed. The
The Bay of Green Bay is useful for probing the knowledge, perceptions
and attitudes of adjacent populations because there are sharp contrasts in the
Bay's water quality. These contrasts which have been documented with physical,
chemical and biological data are reviewed for 3 Bay sectors by Ditton and Goodale
on pages 11-20 in Sea Grant Technical Report 217. Whether or not high school
juniors and seniors recognize these contrasts and reflect them in their
Recreation Participation
sectors of Green Bay (lower Bay, middle Bay, and upper Bay).
1. To provide data from the regional sample regarding the Bay, water
officials, decision makers and planners in the five-county area. Data gather-
The data gathered in this study taken with previous data on heads of
parks, recreation, and water quality improvement. This study of high school
juniors and seniors should also provide a useful feedback to educators in the
officials and decision makers may have more information on the priorities of
Agency, the Bay Lakes Regional Planning Commission, County Planning and Ex-
tension Offices, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and Sea Grant Research
Bay were included in the study area (Figure II-I). According to records pro-
of juniors and seniors in high school in the five-county area was 10,560.
Nearly two-thirds of that total, or 6,505 juniors and seniors resided in Brown
County. Door County with 819 juniors and seniors was followed closely by
Kewaunee County with 847 as the counties with the smallest populations of high
school juniors and seniors. Both are rural counties which, according to 1970
students who attended school in the five-county area. While a vast number of
16, 17 and 18 year olds with residences elsewhere came to the study area, par-
ticularly during the summer, they were not included in the population figures
study. The table also includes comparisons between the population and the
in the study area and their enrollments of juniors and seniors was secured
from public and private school authorities. This population data was cor-
seniors attending the 37 high schools, 32 public and 5 private, in the five-
county area bordering the Bay of Green Bay. Thirteen public high schools
were randomly selected with a predetermined minimum of two schools per county.
In each of the three least populated counties with roughly equal junior and senior
student populations, two high schools were selected. In Marinette County, with
its slightly larger junior and senior student population, three schools were
selected. A sample of 13 schools from Brown County alone would have been
have fully represented Brown County students in the sample, however, would have
overpowered the rest of the sample. Consequently, Brown County was under-
represented with six schools in the sample, while the rural counties of Door,
At each of the 13 public high schools, a sample of 1.00 juniors and seniors
was either randomly selected using class rosters or, in the case of the smaller
schools with less than 100 upper classmen, every junior and senior present was
schools, which were segregated by sex were identified to complete the sample.
The sample of 100 in each high school was composed of 25 junior females, 25 junior
males, 25 senior females, and 25 senior males. The total number of questionnaires
Outside 5
N % N % N % N % N % N % County Area
Junior and Senior 10,560 100 6,505 61.6 819 7.8 847 8.0 1,471 13.9 918 8.7
Sample 1,031 100 354 34.3 163 15.8 146 14.2 212 20.6 153 14.8 3 .3
Junior's School 5,408 100 3,332 61.2 437 8.1 435 8.0 752 13.4 452 8.4
Juniors in Sample 512 100 176 49.7 82 50.3 69 47.3 111 52.4 72 47.1 2 66.7
Seniors in 5,152 100 3,173 61.6 382 7.4 412 8.0 719 14.0 466 9.0
Seniors in Sample 519 100 178 50.3 81 49.7 77 52.7 101 47.6 81 52.9 1 33.3
Males in School 5,305 100 3,272 61.7 419 7.9 428 8.1 727 13.7 459 8.7
Males in Sample 482 100 165 46.6 82 50.3 69 47.3 89 42.0 75 49.0 2 66.7
Females in School 5,255 100 3,233 61.5 390 7.4 419 8.0 744 14.2 459 8.7
Females in Sample 549 100 189 53.4 81 49.7 77 52.7 123 58.0 78 51.0 1 33.3
administ(tred was 1,329. The fact that the total initial sample did not total
1,400 students can be accounted for because all the schools selected did not
the questionnaire at one of the schools in the five-county area but who re-
exist for this unexpected extension of the sample. They include the possibility
School, students from Shawano County attending Crivitz High School, or students
from the Oneida Indian Reservation in Outagamie County attending Green Bay
the 1,031 who completed questionnaires usable for analysis who resided outside
The Questionnaire
their study of household heads in the five-county area was modified for use as
questions were not modified because they did not apply to high school students.
Questions dealing with permanent employment, marital status, and age of oldest
ended fashion were again asked on the questionnaire and responses were coded
Field Work
previously selected when arrangements had been made for the administration of
ing systems and format, there was no uniform way in which students were assem-
bled for completing the questionnaire. Since students were assembled usually
These included: 1) all 100 students in one room for me period, 2) 4 groups of
in two different rooms for one period, and 4) men and women separated in two
November, 1972. This time period was the earliest possible since school
and assembling students made. The time period was close enough to the summer
when recreational activity among youth is high and recall among the students
was still high. Had the questionnaire been administered any later in the school
year, it would have conflicted with Thanksgiving vacation, or the very hectic
period between Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. As it was, the last week
in which the questionnaire was administered occurred just prior to the opening
their children out of school to travel "up to the deer shack," there was
where there were not enough students to begin with, this procedure of select-
to 100 students at one time, extra personnel were assigned to answer questions,
returned to the university student workers at the end of a 30-40 minute period.
After all the questionnaires were administered, they were carefully re-
questions were coded during this process. Any instruments that were incomplete
were eliminated from consideration. Since the respondents were a captive audience
and refusal to participate was diificult, it is conceivable that those not wish-
in order to provide information in usable form for school and other officials.
Summarytables for the five counties studied are presented in the Appendix A.
The second step in analyzing data in this study was to do cross tabula-
variables were selected for comparing subgroups of the population. Thus, for
participants, 2) those who used Green Bay for water-based recreation with those
whose activity took place on some other waterbody, 3) males with females,
hunting, considerably more data was gathered on swimming, boating, and fishing.
Of the 1031 respondents who completed usable instruments, they were nearly
equally divided between juniors and seniors in high schools, and between males
and females. The mean age was 16.7 years. The distribution of these charac-
their entire lives. Only 17.8% reported living in the area less than 10 years.
This can be interpreted to mean that the study is dealing with a stable group
of students who have had ample time to familiarize themselves with the region
and its resources. The relative familiarity with the region is further supported
by the fact that nearly 20% of the sample indicated that their family owned a
Brown County, the most populous and urban county, 26.3% of.the respondents
reported that their households owned a camp or cottage, while in Kewaunee County
the figure was 12.3%. The percents for the remaining three counties were:
the cottages were located in either Door, Marinette or Oconto Counties, generally
Since the study focused on high school students, selected questions which
would be appropriate for the total population were not included. These were
area is included in a previous report.
Thirty percent of the sample reported working full time during the pre-
vious summer. It would appear that these students had less time to engage in
water recreation than the nonworking students but most likely would have the
than residents from Brown and Kewaunee Counties to have summer employment.
For instance, 57.1% of Door County students reported full-time summer employ-
holds owning one car and 44.3% were members of two-car households. While
likely that they responded to this question literally rather than in terms
ever, in highlighting the fact that the respondents potentially had trans-
The three counties with the greatest inland water surface acreage with
TABLE 111-2
Fishing, Boating, and Swimming
Participants- Participants Using the Bay of Green Bay and Participants Using the Bey Primarily: Numbers and Percents
Did not participate during 390 37.8 313 30.4 82 8.0
past 12 months
Did participate (1 or more 641 62.2 100 718 69.6 100 949 92.0 100
times) during past 12 months
Bay Users
Did not use the Bay 450 43.7 70.2 430 41.7 59.9 641 62.1 67.6
Dis use the Bay 191 18.5 29.8 288 27.9 40.1 308 29.9 32.4
Dis use Bay as 77 7.5 12.0 158 15.3 22.0 115 11.2 12.1
primary location
TABU 111-3
Sailing, Waterskiing, and Duck hunting
Participants -Participants Using the Bay of Green Bay, and Participants Using the Bay Primarily: Number and Percents
Did not participate during 809 78.6 643 62.4 858 83.2
past 12 months
Did participate (1 or more 222 21.4 100 387 37.6 100 173 16.8 100
times) during past 12 months
Bay Users
Did not use the Bay 118 10.8 50.9 234 22.8 60.5 116 11.3 67.1
Did use the Bay 109 10.6 49.1 153 14.8 39.5 57 5.5 32.9
Did use Bay as 76 7.3 34.2 102 9.9 26.3 37 3.6 21.4
Primary location
public access (excluding Green Bay and Lake Michigan) also have the greatest per-
centage of household ownership of one or more boats. Oconto (52.3), Door (49.1),
MArinette (44.3) were followed by Brown County (37.8) and Kewaunee County (27.4).
tion equipment than would be predicted for a random sample of the total popula-
tion in the study area. For example, data collected indicates waterskis are owned
by one of five respondent households. This probably does not represent the
Juniors and seniors in the study area were asked to indicate the number
of times they had participated in any of six water-based activities during the
previous twelve months. The activities on which data was collected include:
1031. respondents, 989 or 95.8% reported participation one or more times during
the previous year in at least one of these six activities. Results indicated
boating, fishing, waterskiing, sailing, and duck hunting (Tables 111-2, 111-3).
For th4 most popular activities (swimming, boating, and fishing) 987,
or 95.8% of the sample indicated participation in any one of these three activi-
ties. Since the total number of participants in any of the six activities (9,89)
can nearly be accounted for by the number of participants in the three major
activities (987), it appears that among participants in the three minor activities
all but two also participated, in one of the three major activities. An analysis
swimming during the previous twelve months. Since the frequencies of parti-
cipation were coded and grouped in categories, exact participation rates for
the sample could not be determined. However, using the midpoint of each cate-
pation rates were calculated. In this way it was determined that for the entire
sample, the average number of swimming occasions per person was 27.2 during the
previous twelve months. The mean among swimmers was 29.6 swimming occasions.
The fact that the two figures are nearly identical is due to the high propor-
Otonto County (97.4%), Brown (94.6%), Marinette (94.3%), Door (92.6%) and
Kewaunee County (77.0%). Those who engage in swimming most frequently, that
is, more than 50 times during the previous twelve months were more likely to
The Bay of Green Bay was not the primary location for swimming. One of
three swimmers (32.4%) used the Bay at least once while one in eight (12.1%),
Those who reported swimming the Bay at least once during the previous
twelve months were divided nearly equally between the three sectors of the
The most popular swimming area for the students in the sample was inland
lakes. Of the total sample, 66.3% reported swimming in inland lakes at least
once during the previous year. This was followed closely by pools (60.5%),
many schools. The other locations had been used by a nearly equal percentage
of the sample. These were: streams and rivers (34.9%), Lake Michigan (30.2%),
than any other location. This was more than for any other location. Pools
was the second swimming location used most frequently, followed by streams
and rivers, Green Bay, and finally Lake Michigan (Table 111-5).
tion at least once during the past twelve months. Using the procedure previ-
mean number of boating occasions was 9.8 times per person during the past twelve
months over the entire sample. Among boaters, the mean was 14.2 boating occa-
Oconto County (77.1%), Brown (76.0%), Door (73.6%), Marinette (60.8%), and
The Bay was not the primary location chosen by boaters. Two in five
(40.1%) of boaters used the Bay at least once while only one in five (22.0%)
Those who reported boating on the Bay at least once during the past
year were divided nearly equally between the three sectors of the Bay (Table 111-4
Inland lakes were by far the most popular boating location in that 44.0%
of the entire sample reported boating at least once at an inland lake location.
These were: Green Bay (27.9%), streams and rivers (26.9%), and Lake Michigan
(18.0%). The fact that a greater proportion of the sample utilized inland lakes
for boating !might be explained by the lack of suitably navigable streams and
Among boaters, 339 of 718 or 47.2% reportee using inland lakes more than
any other location. A smaller proportion used Green Bay as their primary boating
location (22.0%), followed by 18.7% for streams and rivers and 12.3% for Lake
by 62.2% of the respondents. For the total sample, the mean number of fishing
occasions per person was 10.1 times during the previous twelve months. Among
fishermen the mean was 16.2 times during the same period.
follows: Oconto County (71.2%), Door (64.4%), Marinette (61.8%), Brown (60.4%),
Bay one or more times during the past twelve months, only one in eight (12.0%)
used the Bay more often than any other water body.
Mose who reported fishing on the Bay at least once during the past
twelve mouths tended to use the middle cr northern sectors of the Bay. In fact,
77.7% of Bay fishermen used one of these sectors. These are areas where sport
fishing is most likely to be successful and where pnblic access facilities are
Streams and rivers was the most popular location for fishing. Nearly
half of the respondents (46.4%) reported the use of streams and rivers one or
more times during the previous twelve months. This was followed closely by
inland lakes where 39.5% of the sample had fished at least once. A substan-
Lake Michigan or Green Bay (21.2% and 18.5%, respectively). The low proportion
NOTE: Data on Bay location used most frequently was only gathered for
fishing, boating, and swimming.
Marinette County
Um's, Bey
Middle Bay
4,408 S.
water bodies.
Among fishermen, 41.5% reported using streams and rivers more than any
other location. This was followed closely by inland lakes, Lake Michigan and
one or more times during the past twelve months. For the entire sample there
was an average of 4.7 waterskiing occasions per person during the previous
While two of five (39.5%) waterskiers in the sample used the Bay at
least once, only one in four (26.4%) used the Bay more frequently than any
other location.
Among all locations, inland lakes were used for waterskiing by the
reported having used inland lakes for waterskiing at least once in the pre-
vious year. This was followed by Green Bay (14.8%), streams and rivers (7.2%),
and Lake Michigan (6.1%). The latter two locations might not have been widely
the previous twelve months, 55.8% reported using inland lakes more than any
other location for their activity. Green Bay was used most frequently by 26.4%
of the waterskiers, followed by streams and rivers (10.7%), and Lake Michigan
during the past twelve months. For the total sample, the mean number of sailing
occasions was 1.8, while among sailors the mean was 8.6 sailing outings.
(12.3%), and Oconto County (8.5%). As with waterskiing, Door County students
also show the highest frequency of participation in sailing with 15.3% having
sailed 13 or more times during the previous twelve months. This is consider-
ably more intense participation than for the total sample where the comparable
Among all activity groups, sailors were most likely to have used the
Bay. Half of the sailing participants (49.1%) used the Bay at least once and
one-third (34.2%) reported using the Bay more than any other location.
Green Bay and inland lakes were used for sailing by a slightly greater
proportion of the total sample than the other two locations. Approximately
ten percent of the total sample reported having sailed on Green Bay or inland
lakes (10.6% and 10.2%, respectively). The other locations, Lake Michigan
and streams and rivers, received use by a lesser proportion of the total sample
Among 222 sailing participants, 38.3% reported using inland lakes most
frequently, followed by Green Bay (34.2%), Lake Michigan (18.9%), and streams
Duck Hunting
Duck hunting had the lowest proportion of participants with only 16.8%
6f the total sample reporting participation in this activity one or more times
during the previous twelve months. For the total sample the mean number of
hunting occasions was 2.4 times during the previous year, while for duck
the counties can be ranked as follows: Door County (20.9%), Marinette (18.4%),
One in three duck hunters (32.9%) used the Bay one or more times, while
only one in five (21.4%) used the Bay more often than any other body of water.
Inland lakes and streams and rivers were used for duck hunting by a
higher proportion of the total sample than the other two locations. Inland
lakes were reportedly ...sed by 10.9% of the sample, followed by streams and
Of the 173 duck hunting participants, streams and rivers was cited as
Other primary locations were cited by a small number of duck hunters: inland
lakes (31.2%), Green Bay (21.4%), and Lake Michigan (5.8%) (Table 111-5).
Participation Deterrents
For boating, fishing, and swimming, the respondents were asked a series
of three questions. These were:(1) Those who did not participate were asked to
state the major reason why they did not. (2) All respondents were asked if they
woula like to participate in each activity more frequently, and (3) Those indi-
cating a desire to do more were asked the reason for not doing so.
While there are a variety of reasons why a respondent did not participate
The list of reasons for not participating varies by activity. From an inspection
clear that the alternative "not enough time" was not available to the respondents.
Of those who would have indicated time restraints, the problem was not a lack of
discretionary time, but the relative priorities given other alternative uses of the
water recreation, but a decision to devote what time was available to other pur-
one of the student respondents noted that the lack of time alternative was not
available to choose, he/she was instructed to indicate the next best alternative.
Of the 89 individuals who did not participate in swimming during the previous
twelve months, one-half reported the reason was that they did not know how to
swim. Of those indicating that they did not know how to swim, more than half
were from Kewaunee County. This large proportion can be accounted for by the
fact that neither of the two schools sampled in the county had a pool or swimming
When questioned whether they would like to have gone swimming more ten
during the previous year, 73.5% said yes. These respondents were then asked
why they did not do so, and a variety of reasons were chosen. "Cold water" was
"crowded facilities" (13.0%), "not a good swimmer" (9.6%), "Family and friends
not interested" (9.1%), "water is dirty" (9.1%), and finally, "poor health" (1.4%).
Of the 34% of the sample who did not participate in pleasure boating during
the previous twelve months, the vast majority indicated they did not do so
because they did not have access to a boat. Another reason cited often was "not
interested." When these two reasons are combined, 326 of the 352 nonboaters are
accounted for.
When asked whether they would like to have gone boating more often during
the last year, 76.1% said yes. These respondents were then asked why they did
not do so, and the lack of a boat was cited as the reason by nearly two-thirds.
Of the 45 individtials who cited "places are too crowded" as the reason they
did not boat more, 14 came from Door County, a county with heavy seasonal use
by many nonresidents.
Of the total sample of 1031 respondents, 399 indicated that they did not
go fishing during the previous twelve months. The most common reason, as
cited by 265 students, was lack of interest in fishing. When the total sample
was asked if they would liked to have gone fishing more during the previous
year, 53.8% said yes, and the majority of these individuals cited one of three
participate more, and commonly gave a lack of equipment ownership as the reason
for not doing so. Perhaps what is important is that only a small proportion of
the total sample cited environmentally related deterrents such as "never catch
anything," "water is too dirty," and "good places are too crowded." It
tion. The student who wants to.boat, it would appear, first has to establish
Since respondents were asked to indicate the number of times they par-
for all acitivities or for each activity and to rank water resource areas across
all activities. Findings indicate that among boaters, waterskiers, and swimmers,
inland lakes were twice as popular as other water locations, and was cited as
the location used most frequently by participants in four of the six activities
studied. For fishing and duck hunting, streams and rivers was the preferred
location, with inland lakes a close second in both cases (Table 111-5). While
Green Bay was not the primary location for any of the six activities, it was
the second most used location for boating, waterskiing, and sailing. For all
(1) inland lakes, (2) streams and rivers, (3) Green Bay, and (4) Lake Michigan.
It would not appear that Green Bay and Lake Michigan, regardless of their size,
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Inland Lakes 356 37.6 208 32.4 339 47.2 216 55.8 85 38.3 54 31.2
Green Bay 115 12.1 77 12.0 158 22.0 102 26.4 76 34.2 37 21.4
Streams and Rivers 134 14.1 266 41.5 134 18.7 42 10.7 19 8.6 72 41.5
Total 949 100.1 641 99.9 718 100.2 387 99.9 222 100.0 173 99.9
The fact that inland lakes serve as the primary location for a larger
number of participants than any other location does not necessarily imply that
this location is preferred over all others but simply that inland lakes are
location they use most frequently. This information is summarized for fishing,
(Ranked from most often cited reason for area selection to least often cited
For all three activities proximity was the most frequently reported reason for
selecting primary location. If it can be assumed that students are less mobile
than the rest of the population, it would be expected that proximity would be
the major location determinant of their recreation acitivity. "Clean water" was
the next most frequently cited reason by swimmers and boaters, while fishermen
were concerned with their "success" which may be a function of water quality.
selecting the primary location of their activity. This may not indicate a lack
abundance of hood facilities in the region to a point where the decision is made
By comparing users of one location with another, a few patterns cut across
all activity groups. Those who use Green Bay as their primary location do so
because of their close proximity to the Bay. The same is true for streams and
rivers, and to some extent Lake Michigan. Inland lakes, the most frequently
cited primary location, provides a contrast here. This location was not
chosen primarily because of proximity but rather because of clean water and in
on Green Bay. Respondents could choose from among four alternatives, each repre-
facilities" was picked as the most important determinant by 49.8% of the sample.
Lack of crowding and proximity were indicated as most important by 23.8% and 22.1%
It is surprising that the youthful sample with its limited mobility and
Instead, the quality of the facility seems more important to the individuals in
pertain to location decisions relative to Green Bay. This question was answered
by all respondents, whether or not they had used the Bay. The reasons cited
for use of a Bay location vary considerably from the determinants for the locations
used most frequently. Thismay reflect the fact that inland lakes and not the
Bay was the location used most frequently across all water activities.
by the degree to which these determinants are satisfied by local facilities. If.
there are abundant facilities nearby, it would follow that the access dimension
would become less salient and considerations of quality would increase in im-
portance. For example, Door County students who already enjoy an abundance of
good nearby facilities on the Bay, considered the quality of the facilities to be
less important than did the total sample. They were also more concerned with the
degree of crowding of areas than students from any other county. This may be a re-
Green Bay. Of the 1031 respondents, 57% indicated that the Bay was "dirty" and
19% indicated that the Bay was "somewhat dirty." Alternately, 4% responded that
the Bay was "clean" and 7% that it was "somewhat clean." The remainder volun-
ended fashion and responses were later categorized. The "don't know" response
rather than lack of information. However, in some of the cases where schools
sampled were some distance from the Bay, the "don't know" alternative may have
The fact that there are distinct water quality contrasts by area of the
Bay appears to have been recognized by only the 5% who indicated that water
TABLE 111-7
Door County 163 6.8 14.1 30.1 38.7 9.2 0.0 1.2
Kewaunee County 146 4.1 2.1 21.2 61.6 2.1 0.0 8.9
generalize the Bay water quality near their place of residence to the entire
Bay. Among Door County students, 39% indicated that the Bay was "dirty." This
was followed by 51% for Marinette County, 60% for Oconto County, 62% for Kewaunee
County, and 65% for Brown County students. Taken with the fact that the lower
sector of the Bay is seriously degraded and the waters of the upper sector are of
high quality there is support for the assertion that the perceptions of local
conditions were generalized to the entire Bay. The breakdown of these data by
questions dealing with more specific water quality characteristics were in-
cluded in the instrument. From two arrays of responses, each student indicated
in one case which water characteristic was most bothersome to Bay users, and
in the other, the one characteristic he/she disliked most about the Bay. The
two lists and the percent indicating each alternative are as follows:
Water too cold 9.6 Water is cloudy 8.5
100.1 100.0
greatest concern to the students were dead fish, unpleasant smell, and "junk on
the bottom". It is noteworthy that water temperature, wind, and waves are not
cals and harmful bacteria, long the concern of public health officials in
evaluating the suitability of water for recreation are also not cited frequently
There were few county differences in the degree to which each pf these
were more bothered by cold water than any other group, less bothered by un-
pleasant smell and chemicals in the water. This might be explained by the fact
Respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which 'they wanted to see
a mandate for increased taxation. The present school-age sample, the majority
Only 5.6% wanted the expenditures maintained at present levels, and 2% wanted
this decreased. For purposes of presentation the seven categories have been
100.1 (n=1031)
Brown County students were most apt to favor an increase in' expenditures
(96.9%) and Marinette County students were least willing (88.3%). This difference
may be related to differences in local water quality that are known and understood
by the students.
Following this question, respondents were faced with the following hypo-
thetical question: "If more were to be spent on improving water quality without
raising taxes, the money would have to be taken from some other government program.
Which of these programs would you take the money from? (Choose one.)" They were
then presented with a list of eight federal program areas. The programs and the
Education 1.4 14
Transportation 4.3 44
Health 2.3 24
Agriculture 1.7 18
100.1 1031
It is clear that the student population sees the space program as the
survey was conducted during a time when there was little media coverage of
space missions and hence a low level of awareness of the program and its objec-
tives. Seven-eighths of the respondents indicated that the monies should come
Brown County students were most likely to identify Defense and International
Aid as sources of increased funding and least likely to cite Space expenditures
than any other group. Oconto County students were least likely to cut Defense
were asked a series of questions regarding (1) How have water conditions changed
at the place you swim (fish, boat) most frequently since you started swimming
(fishing, boating) there? (2) What would you do if conditions deteriorated there?,
and (3) Do you think you'll have to make that decision soon? These questions were
posed in reference to the location used most frequently for each of the three acti-
vities by each respondent. Findings are presented in Tables 111-8, 111-9 and III-10.
tions of changes in water quality and how these perceptions might lead to Inodifi-
Swimming .
Green Bay 48.0 2.7 49.3 100.0
Lake Michigan 55.1 9.0 36.0 100.0
Inland Lakes 54.4 8.7 36.9 100.0
Streams & Rivers 60.3 8.3 31.6 100.2
Green Bay 41.8 10.5 47.7 100.0
Lake Michigan 46.6 13.6 39.8 100.0
Inland Lakes 52.2 9.2 35.7 100.1
Streams & Rivers 55.1 11.7 33.1 99.9
Green Bay 6.2 14.2 27.4 37.2 15.1 100.1
Lake Michigan 4.8 14.4 9.5 60.3 11.1 100.1
Inland Lakes 5.3 12.3 6.9 62.3 13.2 100.0
Streams & Rivers 5.3 16.2 6.2 56.1 16.2 100.0
Pools 10.1 13.7 6.9 52.6 16.7 100.0
Green Bay 6.7 13.3 29.3 22.7 28.0 100.0
Lake Michigan 6.7 12.4 5.6 51.7 23.6 100.0
Inland Lakes 8.2 13.6 5.8 52.9 19.4 99.9
Streams & Rivers 11.9 17.2 7.5 39.2 22.4 100.2
Green Bay 10.5 20.8 24.9 29.5 14.4 100.1
Lake Michigan 11.4 19.3 9.1 43.8 11.4 100.0
Inland Lakes 10.4 15.4 7.7 51.6 15.0 100.1
Streams & Rivers 16.1 16.9 8.9 41.1 16.9 99.9
May Have
Already Have to Spon Not Likely Total
Green Bay 9.7 58.4 31.9 100.0
Lake Michigan 9.5 63.4 27.0 99.9
Inland Lakes 8.6 47.1 44.3 100.0
Streams & Rivers 5.4 48.4 46.2 100.0
Pools 10.4 40.5 48.9 99.8
Green Bay 13.3 56.0 30.7 100.0
Lake Michigan 15.7 52.8 31.5 100.0
Inland Lakes 5.8 56.3 37.8 99.9
Streams & Rivers 12.5 50.6 36.9 100.0
Green Bay 5.9 64.0 30.1 100.0
Lake Michigan 10.2 55.8 34.0 100.0
Inland Lakes 9.8 58.0 32.2 100.0
Streams & Rivers 11.0 58.7 30.2 99.9
Swimmers Primarily
ditions at the location they used most frequently, over half (57%) in-
dicated that there had been no change since they started swimming there.
One-third (33%) indicated that conditions had worsened; this was a more
frequent reply from Green Bay or Lake Michigan swimmers than those who
used other locations. In fact, among Green Bay swimmers 50% indicated
. category, "pools" was an added location variable. If this variable had not
group were pool users who were accustomed to constant water quality with
the same location but swim less, 55% would move to a new location but
not on Green Bay, 10% would move to a new location on Green Bay, but
15% would give up swimming. Respondents, grouped by the water body location used
most frequently, were not distinguished from each other in their reaction to water
quality deterioration.
that they had already made that decision or would have to soon. In terms of
location differences, swimmers using either Green Bay or Lake Michigan as their
primary location reflected less confidence than the total sample of swimmers by
more frequently indicating that they would soon have to respond to deteriorating
water conditions.
Fishermen Primarily
at the location they used most frequently, a larger proportion of Green Bay
users compared to any other location group indicated that water conditions were
getting worse. Fishermen using streams and rivers as their primary location,
on the other hand, were least likely to report deteriorating water quality con-
ditions. Among the small proportion of fishermen who indicated that conditions
were improving at the location they used most frequently, Green Bay users were
ceuld be accounted for by users of Lake Michigan, inland lakes, and streams and
When fishermen were asked what they would do if water conditions deter-
iorated at the location they used most frequently, a small percentage (9.4%)
reported that it would not bother them. The largest proportion of this small
group were users of streams and rivers than any other location. Again, the
tions, 15% would continue to use the same location but fish less, 43% would move
to a new location but not on Green Bay and 22% would give up fishing. The decision
to move to another location on Green Bay was indicated by more Green Bay fishermen
than users of any other location. In contrast, the decision to move to another
location not on Green Bay was indicated less by Green Bay fishermen than users of
any other location. Green Bay fishermen, it can be reasoned, are loyal to their
them to move to an alternate location such as inland lakes or Lake Michigan would
because of the Green Bay focus of this study, this could be substantiated with
Students who fished were asked to evaluate prospects of when they might
generally pessimistic in that a majority of them indicated that they had responded
men at all locations, only 35% saw no immediacy in making a decision. Inland
lakes users were less pessimistic than users of any other location in that a
smaller proportion of the former group indicated they had already made their
Boaters Primarily
at the location they used most frequently, a larger proportion of Green Bay
users compared to any other location group indicated water conditions were
"no change" in the water quality at the location they used most frequently.
When boaters were asked what they would do if water conditions deterior-
ated at the location they used most frequently, only 11.6% across all location
groups reported that "it wouldn't bother me." The overwhelming majority (88.4%)
fication of their boating behavior. Among boaters at all locations, 17% would
continue to use the same location but boat less, 44.4% would move to a new loca-
tion but not on Green Bay, 12% would move to a new location on Green Bay, and
15% would give up boating. Analysis revealed that again location groups were
decision on their part. Since all location groups were equally pessimistic,
When Tables 111-8, 9, and 10 are analyzed by location, the contrast be-
tween Green Bay and inland lakes users across all activities is most worthy of
reporting. Green Bay users were more likely to report that water conditions
had gotten worse, that they were more likely to move to another location on the
Bay in response to deteriorating water quality, and that they felt they would have
to make this move soon. In genera', those who used Green Bay as a primary to
cation for their activity, reflected a lack of confidence in that location. That
is, it has or would soon deteriorate. The fact that they continue to use the Bay
'as their primary location despite their lack of confidence might be attributed to
their age and lack of mobility. With adulthood and increased mobility, they will
us,Irs of inland lakes were more likely to report stable water quality conditions
conditions did deteriorate they were less likely to move to a location on Green
Bay but more likely to move to an alternate inland lake location. This group's
Of the 1031 high school students sampled, 989 or 95.8% had participated
were grouped in the analysis with those who had participated no more than one
time in any activity during the previous twelve months. This group was designa-
ted "Low Participants" and contained 112 individuals. This group was compared
(two or more occasions in any one activity), using a chi-square analysis. The
plained by the fact that students from Kewaunee County were more likely than
would be expected to be in the "Low Participants" group and students from Door
from Brown and Marinette Counties were not distinguished from the total sample.
While the large proportion of "High Participants" in Door and Oconto Counties
this rationale does not seem to apply to Marinette County with its wide variety
to Lake Michigan, does not afford as many water recreation opportunities for
No. X d.f. Sig.
Males and females were not equally distributed among the two groups.
Females were overrepresented and males were underrepresented among the "Low
pages 64-68.
waterski ownership, "Low Participants" were more likely to come from nonequipment
membership in the high participation group was not primarily determined by access
to a large number of boats (two or more) but rather access to at least one boat.
the "High Participants" group owned two or more pairs of waterskis while this was
Six variables dealing, with respondent attitudes and perceptions were in-
cluded in this analysis (Card Question No.'s 1-21, 2-36, 2-37, 2-38, 2-39, 2-40).
The two groups were not significantly different on any of these variables. It
can be concluded, therefore, that degree of participation does not lead to a dif-
ferention on these variables between the groups. This may be explained several
ways. First of all, the high degree of similarity in both age and educational
level may mitigate against differentiation based on the level of participation. The
lack of significant differences between high and low participation groups may be
awareness. It might be reasoned that prior to these recent efforts that high
and low participants right have been differentiated in their attitudes and perceptions.
level differences may be clouded. This is not to say that differences don't
exist but rather that they don't exist by level of participation. A focus on
comparison of groups and yields significant differences. This was done for
frequently than they did in swimming, boating, and fishing and if so, to indicate
what deterred them. In desiring more activity, "High and Low Participants"
differed significantly for all three activities probed. For each activity
"Low Participants" were more likely than would be predicted to indicate they did
not desire more activity and conversely less likely to indicate they wished to
for boating and swimming. For boating, "Low Participants" were overrepresented
among those who gave "not popular with my family" as a reason for not participat-
ing more. For swimming, "Low Participants" were overrepresented among those who
said they wanted to swim more but were not very good swimmers. For swimming,
fishing were not significantly different between "High and Low Participants."
into two groups depending on whether or not they had used the Bay for any
activity during the past twelve months. This yielded 436 Bay users and 553
nonBay users, and the two groups were compared on the same twenty-two selected
No. Variable X d.f. Sig.
(p L.001). Among students in Door County, 84.3% reported using the Bay at
least once during the previous twelve months compared to Kewaunee and Marinette
Counties where 11.8% and 20.8%, respectively, had used the Bay. These findings
would appear reasonable since Kewaunee County has just a few miles of Bay shore-
line on its northwest boundary, while Door County has over 100 miles. More
importantly, residents of Kewaunee County may not consider the Bay as an important
orientation toward Lake Michigan for water-based commerce and activity among the
In Door County the water temperature and the extent of water recreation
facilities favor the Bay side of the peninsula. In addition to these considera-
tions, Door County has few streams and rivers or inland lakes. Therefore, from
Males were more likely to be Bay users than were females (p L.01). Among
males 53.1% were Bay users while only 42.5% of females used Greer Bay for recrea-
tion activity.
When asked to describe the quality of Bay water, the two groups differed
likely than Bay users to indicate the extremes. Correspondingly, Bay users were
more likely to indicate middle values on the same continuum of Bay water quality.
Bay users who didn't know about Bay water quality. It should be pointed out
that this nuestion was put in open-ended fashion and coded later. The finding
that Bay users were more moderate in their general evaluation of Bay water quality
may be accounted for by either their greater familiarity with Bay waters, or as
a justification for their own use of that waterbody. NonBay users, alternately,
were either generous or harsh in their judgements of Bay water quality. This
for their nonuse of the Bay remembering that non Bay users do use alternate
water locations that by comparison are more attractive. Since nearly all of
those indicating "Don't Know" in response to this question were nonBay users,
it is quite likely that many of the harsh or generous judgements indicated that
scribed the variations in the water quality of the Bay. These variations were
more likely to be recognized by Bay users than nonBay users, perhaps due to the
variability in Green Bay's water quality was more likely to be cited by Bay
they had held a full-time job during the previous summer (p L.05). Bay users
were more likely than would be predicted by chance to have had a job and nonBay
users were more likely to not have been employed full time.
more revealing to probe the ownership of such equipment by households where the
students might have access than their personal ownership of equipment. When
Bay users and nonBay users were compared on these questions, they differed
and boat ownership. It was found that 29.4% of Bay users' households owned
of nonBay users.
Significant differences were not found between the two groups in terms
NonBay users differed from Bay users in that the former group was more con-
cerned than Bay users with smell. The fact that nonBay users are more concerned
with "unpleasant smell" than Bay users may begin to explain the former group's
use of alternate waterbodies for recreation. Among the few individuals who
those were Bay users. The practical constraints on Bay use such as winds and
waves are primarily the concern of Bay users who have more than likely experienced
tion of Bay users than nonBay users were most bothered by dead fish while a
higher proportion of nonBay users than Bay users were most bothered by suds,
Bay users and nonBay users, while they differ significantly in citing
would like to have participated more frequently than they did in swimming,
boating, and fishing, and if so, to indicate what deterred them. For swimming
and boating, significant differences between Bay users and nonBay users were
For swimming, Bay users were most concerned with water temperature (too cold),
followed by excessive travel distance and crowding, while nonBay users were most
concerned with travel distance, followed by crowding and then cold water. Those
who indicated that cold water was their major deterrent to not swimming more were
For boating, lack of access to a boat was the major deterrent for both
groups, but Bay users were more likely to cite expense and a concern for "dirty
mining whether or not the respondents are participants in each of the particular
activities. For example, someone who had not participated in swimming during the
previous year could legitimately answer these questions concerning why they didn't
swim. The result was then that nonswimmers were included in the analysis of swim-
ming deterrents, and conclusions drawn about these findings should be tempered by
this knowledge.
categorized into activity groups on the basis of which activity they participated
often than the other five water-based activities would tally in a primary swimming
group rather than a group of people who simply engage in swimming. The swimming
activity groups.
Swimming was the primary activity for 741 of the 989 participants (74.9%),
followed by fishing with 119 (12.0%), and by boating with 80 (8.1%). The number
might be expected, considerably less. Twenty-one students (2.1%) did more water-
skiing than any of the other water-based activities studied. This was followed
the swimming, ,:ishing, and boating--primarily groups (940 out of 989). Because
and sailing, between groups differences using chi-square were analyzed only for
differences were found on four (Table IV-3). These included county of residence,
sex, waterski ownership by the household, and boat ownership by the household.
Boaters primarily were more likely than would be expected to reside in Brown
Courlty and less likely to be from Kewaunee or Marinette Counties. Those engag-
ing in fishing as their primary activity were more likely than would be expected
to be from Kewaunee County and less likely to be from Door and Brown Counties.
Regarding sex differences among primary activity groups, the vast majority
of students who engaged most frequently in fishing were male. While slightly
less than half of the sample were males, better than five out of six fishermen
primarily were males. These findings might suggest that fishing is a male oriented
activity. While women do engage in fishing they are less likely than males to
females being underrepresented among the fishing primarily group, they were slight-
The fact that no significant differences were found between activity groups
in their general and specific evaluation of water quality and their priorities for
No. X d.f. Sig.
changes in funding for water quality improvement may be explained several ways.
First of all, in spite of activity preferences, their responses were not uniquely
problems rather than in ways that can be traced to their primary activity prefer-
ences. Another explanation, perhaps a result of their young age, is that they
have not had the time to become experienced participants and, therefore, do not
yet reflect the characteristic attitudes that may exist in these activity groups
irrespective of age.
noted that the largest differences occur in fishing, duck hunting, and water-
While the largest proportion of both male and female respondents described
the Bay as "dirty", they did differ significantly in the general descriptions of
Bay water quality (p L.05). Males were more likely than would be expected by
chance to indicate that the Bay waters were "clean," "reasonably clean," or "some-
what dirty." On the other hand, females were more likely to indicate that the
water was "dirty." Of those 47 individuals who indicated that quality depends
on location on the Bay 57.5% were males (only 46.8% of the total sample were males).
Since males are more likely than females to be Bay users as reported earlier
in this report, their descriptions may have been based on more first-hand knowledge
Question 2
No. Variable X d.f. Sig.
may be a reflection of the fact that they use it together with their wish
When asked whether or not they had held a full-time summer job, 43.47
of males indicated they were employed, compared to 19.7% of females (p. L-001).
greater for males in that they can afford to own a car, purchase equipment,
and have greater mobility. This is supported by the analysis of car ownership
by household in which males are more likely than females to come from house-
In contrast, females are more likely than males to come from one or
two-car households. These differences are significant at the .001 level. There
is a strong possibility that for males the third or fourth car in the household
is theirs. Beyond this, it is possible that males may have been more liberal
in their definition of a car and included trucks, tractors, and other vehicles
and boats, females are more likely than would be expected by chance to come from
males were more likely than females to come from households with two or more
that they should be more concerned for water quality and be willing to allocate
more funds for water quality improvement. The analysis revealed that males and
females did not differ in the degree to which they wanted to change fund alloca-
tion for improving water quality. The fact that a high proportion of males had
jobs which would make them more concerned with increasing allocations of tax
When asked about the program source of water quality improvement funds,
both groups identified the space program to a greater extent than any other, but
this position was more strongly held by females. Males were more likely than
most bothersome characteristics for Bay users, both groups considered "unpleasant
wind, waves, cold and weeds, it was found that these are more often noted by
Bay users, both groups identified "dead fish" as the most bothersome feature.
This was most strongly indicated by females. Concerns over "cloudiness" and
more in boating, fishing, and swimming, differences between males and females
were all statistically significant at the .001 level. The pattern varied,
however, with activity. Males indicated more strongly than females that they
wanted to boat and swim more often during the previous twelve months, while
females were more apt than males to indicate they wanted to fish more. One ex-
planation of the differences found for fishing might be that males didn't desire
more fishing since they fish so much already, while for many females, fishing may
be an infrequent experience.
Students in their last two years of high school were compared on the
analysis are presented in Table 1V-6 and indicate that year in school did not
funds for improving water quality. The majority of both groups identified the
space program, but juniors were more likely than seniors to identify the programs
seniors to identify the source as the defense program. These differences were
significant at the .01 level. The normal pattern for high school seniors in North-
government during their last year. The increased information concerning programs
and their budgets that would be the result of such a course might dispose a greater
proportion of seniors compared to juniors to identify the defense program with its
boats. Several questions were put to respondents about the ownership of recrea-
tion equipment. Of the 1031 respondents 428 reported that their household owned
at least one boat. These students were compared with students from nonboat-owning
of the analysis indicated that ownership of a boat by the household did dif-
Students from Door, Marinette and Oconto Counties were more likely to
be members of households with boats than would be predicted from the total
sample. In addition, students from households with boats were more likely to
No. Variable X2 d.f. Sig.
No. Variable X2 d.f. Sig.
be male. Whether or not they owned boats did not differentiate them with
respect to their description of the water quality of Green Bay. The two groups
likely that students with boats compared to those without have had boating
groups on their general description of the Bay perhaps indicates that the
boating experiences were not related to the boaters' evaluation of Green Bay.
Those students with boats compared to those without were also more likely to
When asked how the amount of funding for improved water quality should
be changed or where such funds might come from, students with boats did not
Regarding which determinants are considered for Bay use, both gtol,ps
reported that the presence of good facilities was most important, but boat
owners were more concerned with proximity and less concerned with expense than
would be predicted from the total sample. The reader should be cautioned against
overinterpretation of this finding. The students with boats may have responded
to the question on the basis of using the Bay for other activities than boating.
or water quality characteristics judged most problematical for Bay users. This
As can be readily expected, the lack of a boat in the household was most
frequently cited by nonboat owners as the major reason why they didn't fish or
boat more often than they did. It would be unlikely that they would respond
differently. When asked why they didn't swim more often, boat owners were
more deterred than nonboat owners by cold water, a fact that may be accounted
for their orientation toward larger and, therefore, colder waterbodies. Students
without boats were more deterred from swimming by lack of ability, perhaps a
boating) were compared according to the location they used most frequently for
each activity on the selected 22 variables. The findings for the three activ-
was significant. Swimmers who used Green Bay and Lake Michigan as their pri-
mary location were more likely to be from Door County and less likely to be
from Marinette and Oconto Counties. Door County swimmers were not likely to
use inland lakes as their primary location and students from Marinette County
were more likely to use streams and rivers than were any other group (p. L.001).
Location comparisons by sex reveal that swimmers who use Lake Michigan
as their primary location were more likely to be female while males were over-
represented among those who used either Green Bay or streams and rivers as their
Those swimmers who used the Bay as their primary location did not evaluate
the water as harshly as swimmers who used other locations (Table IV-8). Bay swim-
mers were more likely to describe the Bay as "reasonably clean" or "somewhat
dirty" and less likely to indicate that the Bay was "dirty" (p. L.05).
No. Variable X2 d.f. Sig.
Swimmers at each location did not differ in the degree to which they
would increase funding for water quality improvement, Green Bay location de-
11 the Bay they considered most bothersome. As might he expected, the dis-
tinctive group in this sample of swimmers were those who used the Bay as the
.focal point of their activity. Green Bay swimmers, compared to the total
sample of swimmers, were more likely to cite cold water, winds, waves or weeds
in the water and less likely to cite unpleasant smell as most bothersome char-
When swimmers were asked whether or not they desired more swimming,
locational differences were not significant. However, among those who did in-
dicate a desire for more swimming, significant differences were found among
the reasons cited for not participating more (p. L.001). Green Bay swimmers
were more likely to cite cold and dirty waters as deterrents to swimming and
ibility of facilities was the most frequent reason cited by inland lake users.
Lake Michigan swimmers were not likely to cite crowded facilities as a deterrent,
As was the case with swimming, place of residence and primary location
for fishing was significant (p. L.001; Table IV-9). Those who used Green Bay
as their primary location were more likely to reside in Door County and less
likely to come from Kewaunee and Marinette Counties than would be predicted
from the total sample. Fishermen who based their activities on Lake Michigan
were more likely to reside in Kewaunee or Door Counties and less likely to
reside in Brown County and not at all likely to come from Marinette or Oconto
Counties. Inland lakes fishermen were overrepresented among Brown County re-
Streams and rivers fishermen were most likely to reside in Marinette County
in their general description of Green Bay waters. They also did not differ on
whether they would increase funding for water quality improvement, Green Bay
physical characteristics of the Bay most bothersome, whether or not they desired
to fish more, and if they did, the reasons for not participating more.
residence (.001) general description of Green Bay waters (.02), and physical
county of residence, Green Bay boaters were more likely than would be pre-
dicted to reside in Brown and Door Counties and not at all likely to reside
in Kewaunee, Oconto and Marinette Counties. Lake Michigan boaters were over-
represented among Door and Kewaunee County students and underrepresented in the
other three counties. Inland lakes boaters were more likely to be from Brown
County and less likely to be from Door and Kewaunee Counties than the boating
sample would predict. Finally, boaters who use streams and rivers as their
primary location are more likely to reside in Marinette and OcOnto Counties and
less likely than would be expected to come from Brown and Door Counties.
using Green Bay as their primary boating location were more likely than would be
expected to cite the "depends on location" alternative, and not at all likely to
No. Variable x2 d.f, sig.
No. Variable x2 d.f. sig.
indicate "don't know." Boaters who used inland lakes as their primary location
were more likely than expected to indicate "don't know." The latter group, be-
cause of its predominant use of inland lakes may genuninely lack information
bothersome, Green Bay boaters were more likely than would b.? expected to cite
cold water, wind, waves, and weeds in the water, and less likely to cite un-
pleasant smell. Concern for cold water was also more likely to be cited by
Table IV-11.
Table IV-11 can be viewed two ways. First, there is the degree to which
the groups that were defined were differentiated in answering these five ques-
tions. Secondly, there is the degree to which questions themselves were reacted
to differently.
school, and primary fishing location. Boat ownership by the household accounted
for a differentiation on one question only. Primary locati.m for boating and
Bay users-nonBay users and sex accounted for the largest number (.:7) of significant
Water Quality
Description Funding Change Location Physical Charac- Character-
Group of Green for Improved Determinants for t,ristics Most istics Most
Comparisons Bay Waters Water Quality Bay Recreation Bothersome (Bay) Bothersome (Bay)
(1-21) (2-36) (2-38) (2-39) (2-40)
Swimmers, Fisher-
men, Boaters NS NS NS NS NS
Boat Owning
Households &
non-boat Owning
Households NS NS .05 NS NS
Primary Location
for Swimming .05 NS NS .01 NS
Primary Location
for Fishing NS NS NS NS NS
Primary Location
for Boating .02 NS NS . Cl NS
groups as defined, the question on funding changes for water quality improve-
ment (2-36) did not differentiate among any of the groups in the comparisons.
The questions on general description of the Bay (1-21) and physical character-
istics of Green Bay most bothersome (2-39) resulted in the greatest number
of differentiations(4).
that there are so many nonsignificant results in Table IV-11 indicates that the
It appears that between group differentiation is defied no matter how the sample
is sliced.
This may reflect an overall homogeneity resulting simply from the re-
namely, Bay users-nonBay users and males-females are particularly useful for
differentiating within this sample. On Table IV-11 these two groups comparisons
account for the greatest number of differentiations. On Tables IV-2 and IV-4
10 out of 22, respectively. This indicates that if the sample can be sliced at
all, a slice by Bay use and sex will yield information which will be most
descriptive of respondents.
was modified for use as a questionnaire with high school students. Items such
as employment and marital status were deleted and difficult coding instructions
were altered so as to enable subjects to fill out the, forms with minimum assis-
In 1972-73, there were 10,650 high school juniors and seniors in the five-
county area bordering the Bay of Green Bay. The area contained thirty-two public
and five private high schools. The schools selected from etch county formed a
cluster and the students within each school formed another cluster, thus constitut-
ing a sample within a sample. Thirteen public schools were selected for the study
with a sample of 100 students from each school. In ad' 50 students from each
of the tw:_, private schools which were segregated by sex were identified to complete
the sample. The sample of 100 in each school was divided into 25 junior females, 25
junior males, 25 senior females, and 25 senior males. The instruments were presented
This section, in addition to outlining conclusions, provides a brief
summary of the project. It can, therefore, stand alone separate from the project
report, if necessary.
one or more times during the previous twelve months in at least one of the water-
duck hunting). Pointing to the overall popularity of swimming, boating and fishing,
Swimming was most popular among the respondents, with 949 having parti-
cipated during the previous year. Swimming was followed in popularity by boating
(718). fishing (641), waterskiing (387), sailing (222), and duck hunting (173).
Primary Activisi
to determine the primary water recreation activity for that respondent. Swimming
was the primary activity for 741 of the 989 participants (74.9%), followed by
fishing with 119 (12.0%), and boating with 80 (8.1%). The number of students en-
gaging primarily in waterskiing, sailing, and duck hunting was, as might be expected,
considerably less. Twenty-one students (2.1%) did more waterskiing than any other
water-based activity studied. This was followed by sailing and duck hunting with
Deterrents to Participation
Participants were asked to state the major reasons why they did not par-
The wajor reasons cited for not participating were lack of ability, equipment, or
interest, the third a possible function of the first two. Participants did not
swim more because of cold water and travel distance involved, did not boat more
because of lack of a boat, and did not fish more because of a lack of a boat, interest,
or fishing success. Only a small proportion of the total sample cited environmental
concerns such as water quality and crowding as the major deterrents to participating
The participation data from each respondent was broken down by location
used for each activity. With these data it was possible to determine the extent
to which the Bay was used at least once by participants in each activity. Among
the three major activities (swimming, boating, fishing) no more than 40% of par-
ticipants in any one of those activities reported using the Bay at all. This
figure is exceeded only by sailors, among whom 49% reported using the Bay at least
Primary Location
Using the data on which location was used for each activity it was de-
termined which location served as the focal point for each activity. While it was
previously noted that a small proportion of participants used the Bay at least once,
this analysis revealed that an even smaller number of individuals used the Bay as
their primary location. Data indicated that among boaters, waterskiers, and
swimmers, inland lakes were twice as popular as any other location. Inland lakes
was also the most preferred location for sailors. The preferred location for
fishermen and duck hunters was streams and rivers, with inland lakes a close second.
Green Bay was the second most used location for boating, waterskiing, and sailing.
The Bay was the least preferred location for fishing. Lake Michigan was not
ranked higher than third among preferred locations for any activity. In spite of
size, potential, and accessibility, Green Bay and Lake Michigan were not focal
When respondents were asked to indicate why they chose their primary
was the most frequently reported reason. "Clean water" was the next most fre-
quently cited reason by swimmers and boaters while fishermen were concerned with
their 'catch." Concern for proximity can perhaps be understood in light of the
When asked to describe the waters of Green Bay the respondents were
were coded into a clean-dirty contihuum and it was found that 76% of the sample
judged the Bay as being either "dirty" or "somewhat dirty." Only 11% indicated
that the Bay was "clean" or "somewhat clean." The remainder volunteered that
quality "depends on location" (5%), or "don't know" (8%). The documented sharp
water quality contrasts by area of the Bay were recognized by only 5% of the sample
of residence shown by the fact that a smaller proportion of Door County students
indicated that the Bay was "dirty" than did students from Brown County (39% and
65%, respectively).
or important to respondents two questions dealing with specific Bay water quality
characeristics were put. Bay water quality characteristics seen as most bother-
some by the students were dead fish, "junk on the bottom," and unpleasant smell.
Water temperature, wind, waves, chemicals, and harmful bacteria were not recog-
When respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which they wanted
to see changes in the amount of federal expenditures for improved water quality,
from which government program the money for improving water quality should be
taken the Space program was pointed to by over half of the sample. 86.4% of the
respondents indicated that the funds should come from either the Space, Defense,
had gotten worse at the place they usually swam, boated, or fished. Fishing would
of the fishermen would give up their activity compared to 15% of both swimmers and
boaters. The largest number reported that they would move their activity to an
location (which was most likely inland lakes). While 40% of the swimmers indicated
that a decision in the face of deteriorating water conditions would not be likely,
the figures for boaters and fishermen were 26% and 28%, respectively. It is under-
standable that swimmers exhibited the greatest confidence in the water quality,
given the fact that they use inland lakes or pools as their primary locations,
degrees of differentiation between groups. When the sample was divided into
groups of high and low participants, pri:-Iary activity group membership, year in
school, primary swimming location, primary fishing location, and primary boating
Bay use-nonBay use, sex, and boat ownership. These results indicated that the
sample was homogenous with respect to the variables included in the analysis.
This is obviously related to the high degree of similarity in age and educational
experience. For more complete discussion and summary of between groups differ-
From the conclusions it should be clear that the young people in the
sample were similar in their perceptions and attitudes toward Green Bay. First
near their county of residence on the Bay to the entire Bay. In addition, they
were extremely harsh in their evaluation of water quality of the Bay even though
quality in that more reported being most bothered by dead fish and unpleasant
smelt'. than by harmful bacteria or chemicals in the water, the latter long-standing
concerns of public health officials. Likewise, the findings that such a small
number of respondents were primarily concerned with winds, waves, and cold water,
long recognized as real hazards for Great Lakes users, have implications for the
These findings on Bay water quality evaluation were not expected in light
have taken part in at least three state wide and national "Earth Day" programs,
and have been constantly exposed to media efforts geared to increased environ-
has been widely assumed that the current generation of students has reached a
of this study indicate that while students may be concerned as shown by their
willingness to have spending for water quality increased, and by the extremes in
knowledge beyond that of the rest of the population. In fact, it might be reasoned
that their parents, with extensive personal experience on the Bay, are better in-
formed of water quality contrasts that do exist (Ditton and Goodale, 1972).
programs might not be imparting knowledge that can be used and interpreted by
students in dealing with real environmental problems. Perhaps this is due to the
"hard science" approach that is often used, where technical terms and jargon are
Secondly, there are survey courses that look at environmental quality questions
not criticizing the effectiveness of any of the specific programs, the results
of this study, nevertheless, indicate that while students are aware, they are
approach, but the data appears to support the value of intimate experience with
the Bay were significantly different than those who did not in their perceptions
If, as found, students of today are primarily concerned with the cosmetic
aspects of water quality, there are several questions raised as to how water qual-
ity problems are to be solved. Decision makers may, in the face of such findings,
proceed with solutions whose attraction lie in their public visibility. For ex-
ample, the alternative of making water clear may be given higher priority than
only to water chemists and sanitary engineers. Along this line of reasoning the
public may be satisfied with efforts to improve water clarity and be reluctant
Similarly, decision makers who are already aware of water quality problems
and identified and pursued solutions, to those problems may find it difflicult to
convince the public that an improvement has been made. While considerable funds
have been expended by industry and municipalities in the Fox River Valley to
While the data provide no ready solutions to these dilemmas, many of the
dividuals. Industrial and public officials must also make a more concerted
is more usable should take place. This means less emphasis on hardware displays
and parameter discussions and more emphasis on improved or expanded uses of water.
data collected on heads of household in the five-county study area (Sea Grant
Technical Report #217). The data base on heads of household and students pro-
vides a comprehensive picture of Bay use, water recreation behavior at all lo-
A number of contrasts between the two samples were found. The students
pattern, a more severe general evaluation of Green Bay's water quality, and a
these contrasts are due to age differences or real differences due to environ-
region. While it is probable that participation rates will decline with age the
magnitude of that decline is unknown. This is only one of several questions yet
to be answered.
Will age, experience, and the necessity of taxes temper the severity of their
judgements and their fiscal generosity? The ready answer is yes, but to conclude
groups within the sample, and it should be remmibered that this statistic simply
measures the strength of a relationship and can in no way indicate any cause-
effect connection. The reader may be tempted to draw cause and effect conclu-
sions, but these must necessarily be speculative as they are not directly
testable by the data collected. If it is found, for example, that Bay users
are more knowledgeable about Bay water quality than are nonBay users, it is
tempting to conclude that the knowledge is a result of that use. However, even
though such speculations have been discussed in the previous Implications section,
sample the reader should be completely aware of the meaning of the terminology
different from the "participant" classification and is also different from "swimmers
primarily." In addition, someone who is a Green Bay user is different from one
why uses Green Bay as his primary recreation location. The point here is that
the report should be read slowly and in its entirety and that statistics should
who reside In the five-county area adjacent to the Bay of Green Bay and are
not intended to describe any other population. They may, however, be useful for
hypothesizing water recreation trends and attitudes among other high school
and perceptions as reported by high school students and should not be taken as
indications of what will be or ought to be. The fact that the Bay of Green Bay
is not presently the focal point for water-based recreation among high school
students does not mean that at some future time, given changing circumstances,
Similarly, the fact that the Bay is not the fora, point for an activity
does not imply that it is not used for recreation but simply not used heavily by
transient young people were not studied acid if they were, it might be found that
the Bay vas heavily used. To determine total use, other methods such as observa-
in the report. These deal primarily with how questions may have been inter-
Anyone who has tried to recall such information appreciates the related diffi-
culties. The dependence on recall was, nevertheless, the only practical means
were unable to recall exactly how often they participated in a particular activ-
ticularly those relating to equipment ownership and the primary location of their
activity. Questions probing the former dealt with equipment owned by the house-
hold and it is possible these questions may have been interpreted for the extended
family rather than the household. When asked about the location where they
usually participated in an activity, the respondents may not have correctly reflected
the location actually used most often (as revealed by their responses regarding
regarding what they would do in the face of certain conditions. It has long been
known that there may be little correspondence between what people say they would
do and what they actually do. Recognizing this, it is still important to have
9 3
sane knowledge of what the behavior might be in order to make testable pre-
dictions possible. While the present findings reflect what students say they
would do, actual observation and recording would be necessary to verify these
hypothetical responses.
5 1
6 What is your year around address?
12 Where is it located?
1. Brown Co.
2. Door Co.
3. Kewaunee Co.
4. Oconto Co.
5. Marinette Co.
6. Elsewhere in Wisconsin
7. Outside Wisconsin
5 2
7 Did you fish on Green Bay during the last 12
1. Yes
2. No (If No, skip to No. 9)
40 Which of these do you dislike most about the Bay? (Choose one)
1. Water is cloudy
2. Chemicals
3. Harmful bacteria
4. Suds, film, or foam on the water
5. Dead fish
50 If none, what is the main reason you did not go fishing last year? (Choose one)
1. Not interested
2. Never catch anything
3. Have to travel too far
4. Good spots too crowded
5. Poor health
6. Too expensive
7. Water is too dirty
8. Don't own a boat
76 J
77 D
79 B
80 2
De Pere
Brown County
1. Abbot Pennings and St. Josephs (DePere and Green Bay, respectively)
2. Southwest (Green Bay)
3. West (Green Bay)
4. East (Green Bay)
5. Bay Port (Howard-Suamico)
*Alternate - Preble (Green Bay)
Door County
1. Sturgeon Bay
2. Gibralter
*Alternate - Sevastapol
Kewaunee County
1. Algoma
2. Kewaunee
*Alternate - Luxemburg-Casco
Marinette County
1. Pembine
2. Peshtigo
3. Crivitz
4. Niagara
*Alternate - Coleman
Oconto County
1. Suring
2. Oconto
*Alternate - Gillett
*None of the alternate schools chosen were needed to complete the sample
Public Documents
State of Wisconsin. An Act ... relating to lowering thq. age of majority from
21 years of age to 18 years. Chapter 13, Laws of 1971, published
March 22, 1972.
Towler, J. and Swan, J.E. "What do People Really Know About Pollution?"
J. Environmental Education, 4 (1), 54-57.
Bishop, D.W. and Aukerman, R. Water qualiv Criteria for Selected Recrea-
tional Uses. Research Report No. 33. Urbana: Water Resources Center,
University of Illinois, 1970.
Ditton, R.B. and Goodale, T.L. The Marine Recreational Uses of Green Bay:
A Survey of Human Behavior and Attitude Patterns, Technical Report No.
217, Madison: University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program, 1972.
Unpublished Material