Arsenic Different Salts Solubility
Arsenic Different Salts Solubility
Arsenic Different Salts Solubility
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When the occasion arises, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will publish reports and papers concerning
research and development projects within the environmental sector, financed by study grants provided by the Danish
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However, publication does indicate that, in the opinion of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the content
represents an important contribution to the debate surrounding Danish environmental policy.
1.3.1 Air 8
1.3.2 Water 8
1.3.3 Soil 9
1.3.4 Bioaccumulation 10
1.3.5 Foodstuffs 10
2.1.1 Oral intake 14
2.1.2 Dermal contact 15
3.2.1 Levels of arsenic in drinking-water in epidemiological studies 21
3.2.2 Dermal effects 22
3.2.3 Vascular effects 22
3.2.4 Neurological effects 23
3.2.5 Liver effects 23
3.2.6 Gastrointestinal disturbances 23
3.2.7 Chronic lung disease 23
3.2.8 Diabetes mellitus 23
3.4.1 Human evidence 24
3.4.2 Experimental studies 25
3.5.1 Cancer of the lung, bladder, and kidney 26
3.5.2 Cancer of the skin 28
3.5.3 Cancer at other sites 29
3.5.4 Conclusion WHO and IARC 29
3.5.5 Danish study 30
5.3 SOIL 34
5.6 IARC 34
5.7 US-EPA 35
5.9 WHO / JECFA 36
(SCHER) 38
6.5.1 Acute toxicity 41
6.5.2 Chronic toxicity 42
6.5.3 Toxicity to reproduction 42
6.5.4 Mutagenic and genotoxic effects 42
6.5.5 Carcinogenic effects 42
6.7.1 Critical effect and NOAEL 45
7.1.1 Health-based quality criterion in drinking water 48
This report has been prepared by Elsa Nielsen and John Christian Larsen, Division
of Toxicology and Risk Assessment, National Food Institute, Technical University
of Denmark.
The report has been elaborated according to the general practice laid down in the
Danish EPA guidance document for the setting of health-based quality criteria for
chemical substances in relation to soil, ambient air and drinking water.
The report has been subjected to review and discussion and has been endorsed by a
steering committee consisting of the following representatives from Danish
1 General description
The aim of this evaluation is to provide the most relevant information for the
setting of a health-based quality criterion for inorganic arsenicals in drinking water.
Therefore, mostly information of relevance for this purpose has been considered
and included in this evaluation. IARC (2004) has concluded that arsenic in
drinking water is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) and therefore, this endpoint is
the main focus of this evaluation.
The term “arsenic” is used in a generic sense and refers to arsenic in general except
when specific arsenic compounds are mentioned. The term “arsenicals” refers to
arsenic compounds in general. For the purpose of comparison, concentrations and
dose levels of the various arsenic compounds are expressed in terms of arsenic
equivalents (As) whenever possible.
Table 1. Identity and physico-chemical properties of selected arsenic species identified in
water (WHO 2001, WHO 2003, IARC 2004, ATSDR 2007)
It has been estimated that about 70% of the world arsenic production is used in
wood preservatives especially in timber treatment as copper chrome arsenate
(CCA), 22% in agricultural chemicals, and the remainder in glass (4%), non-
ferrous alloys (2%) and other uses (2%) including pharmaceuticals and
semiconductors. (WHO 2001).
Arsenic and its compounds are ubiquitous in nature and occur in both organic and
inorganic forms. Arsenic is present in more than 200 mineral species, the most
common of which is arsenopyrite. Concentrations of various types of igneous rocks
range from < 1 to 15 mg As/kg, with a mean value of 2 mg As/kg. Similar
concentrations (< 1-20 mg As/kg) are found in sandstone and limestone. (WHO
Mining, smelting of non-ferrous metals and burning of fossil fuels are the major
industrial processes that contribute to anthropogenic arsenic contamination of air,
water and soil. Historically, use of arsenic-containing pesticides has led to
contamination of agricultural land. The use of arsenic in the preservation of timber
has also led to contamination of the environment. (WHO 2001, ATSDR 2007).
Three major modes of arsenic biotransformation have been found to occur in the
environment: redox transformation between arsenite and arsenate, the reduction
and methylation of arsenic, and the biosynthesis of organoarsenic compounds.
There is biogeochemical cycling of compounds formed from these processes.
(WHO 2001).
1.3.1 Air
Arsenic is released into the atmosphere primarily as arsenic trioxide and exists
mainly adsorbed on particulate matter. These particles are dispersed by the wind
and are returned to the earth by wet or dry deposition. (ATSDR 2007, WHO 2001).
Typical background levels for arsenic in the atmosphere are 0.2-1.5 ng/m3 for rural
areas, 0.5-3 ng/m3 for urban areas, and < 50 ng/m3 for industrial sites (DG
Environment 2000 – quoted from WHO 2001).
1.3.2 Water
Arsenic is introduced into water through the dissolution of rocks, minerals and
ores, from industrial effluents including mining wastes, and via atmospheric
deposition. In water, inorganic arsenic occurs primarily in two oxidation states,
pentavalent (arsenate) and trivalent (arsenite). Both forms generally co-exist,
although arsenate predominates under oxidising conditions and arsenite
predominates under reducing conditions. Arsenic may undergo a variety of
reactions in the environment, including oxidation-reduction reactions, ligand
exchange, precipitation, and biotransformation. These reactions are influenced by
the oxidation-reduction potential, pH, metal sulphide and sulphide ion
concentrations, iron concentration, temperature, salinity, and distribution and
composition of the biota. Much of the arsenic will adsorb to particulate matter and
sediment. (ATSDR 2007, WHO 2001, WHO 2003, IARC 2004).
Concentrations of arsenic in open ocean seawater are typically 1-2 µg/litre and
concentrations in rivers and lakes are generally below 10 µg/litre, although higher
levels may occur near natural mineral deposits or anthropogenic sources. Arsenic
levels in groundwater average about 1-2 µg/litre except in areas with volcanic rock
and sulphide mineral deposits where arsenic levels can be up to 3 mg/litre. Mean
sediment arsenic concentrations range from 5 to 3000 mg/kg, with the higher levels
occurring in areas of contamination. (WHO 2001, WHO 2003, IARC 2004,
ATSDR 2007).
µg/litre in 100/686 samples. In the period 1993-2006 (5140 groundwater samples),
a mean concentration of 3.20 µg/litre was reported with a maximum value of 120
µg/l. (GEUS 2007).
1.3.3 Soil
The ability of arsenic to bind to sulphur ligands means that it tends to be found
associated with sulphide-bearing mineral deposits, either as separate arsenic
minerals or as a trace of a minor constituent of the other sulphide minerals. This
leads to elevated levels in soils in many mineralised areas where the concentrations
of associated arsenic can range from a few milligrams to more than 100 mg/kg.
(WHO 2001, IARC 2004).
Speciation determines how arsenic compounds interact with their environment. For
example, the behaviour of arsenate and arsenite in soil differs considerably.
Movement in environmental matrices is a strong function of speciation and soil
type. Soil pH also influences arsenic mobility. At a pH of 5.8 arsenate is slightly
more mobile than arsenite, but when pH changes from acidic to neutral to basic,
arsenite increasingly tends to become the more mobile species, though mobility of
both arsenite and arsenate increases with increasing pH In strongly adsorbing soils,
transport rate and speciation are influenced by organic carbon content and
microbial population. Both arsenite and arsenate are transported at a slower rate in
strongly adsorbing soils than in sandy soils. Under oxidising and aerated
conditions, the predominant form of arsenic in soil is arsenate. Under reducing and
waterlogged conditions, arsenites should be the predominant arsenic compounds.
The rate of conversion is dependent on the redox potential and pH of the soil as
well as on other physical, chemical and biological factors. In brief, at moderate or
high redox potential, arsenic can be stabilised as a series of pentavalent (arsenate)
oxyanions. However, under most reducing (acid and mildly alkaline) conditions,
arsenite predominates. (WHO 2001).
The concentration of arsenic in Danish soils was 3.3 mg As/kg (median, dry
weight) with the 95% percentile being 8.4 mg As/kg (DMU 1996).
Two projects have investigated the diffuse soil pollution in urban areas.
In one project, the concentration of arsenic in soil around a former rolling mill
station on Amager was measured. The level of arsenic in the soil was about 4-10
mg/kg dry weight. (MST 2004a).
In the other project, different areas in Copenhagen and Ringsted were investigated.
The level of arsenic in the soil was 2.7 mg/kg - 6.4 mg/kg (dry weight). There were
no differences in arsenic levels in soil according to the age of the urban areas. No
differences in arsenic levels between soil in Ringsted and Copenhagen were
observed, and the concentrations did not decline with depth. (MST 2004b).
The two reports concluded that the levels found in urban areas correspond to the
background level in country areas.
1.3.4 Bioaccumulation
Marine organisms normally contain arsenic residues ranging from 1-2 mg/kg to
more than 100 mg/kg, predominantly as organic arsenic species such as
arsenosugars (macroalgae) and arsenobetaine (invertebrates and fish).
Bioaccumulation of organic arsenic compounds, after their biogenesis from
inorganic forms, occurs in aquatic organisms. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in
freshwater invertebrates and fish for arsenic compounds are lower than for marine
organisms. Biomagnification in aquatic food chains has not been observed.
Background arsenic concentrations in freshwater and terrestrial biota are usually
less than 1 mg/kg (fresh weight).
Terrestrial plants may accumulate arsenic by root uptake from the soil or by
adsorption of airborne arsenic deposited on the leaves. Arsenic levels are higher in
biota collected near anthropogenic sources or in areas with geothermal activity.
Some species accumulate substantial levels, with mean concentrations of up to
3000 mg/kg at arsenical mine sites.
(WHO 2001).
1.3.5 Foodstuffs
Arsenic is found in many foods, at concentrations that usually range from 20 to 140
µg/kg; however, total arsenic concentrations may be substantially higher in certain
seafoods. Meats and cereals have generally higher concentrations than vegetables,
fruit and dairy products. The actual total arsenic concentrations in foodstuffs from
various countries will vary widely depending on the food type, growing conditions
(type of soil, water, geochemical activity, use of arsenical pesticides) and
processing techniques. (WHO 2001, ATSDR 2007).
preliminary data it has been estimated that approximately 25% of the daily intake
of dietary arsenic is inorganic. (WHO 2001, ATSDR 2007).
In Denmark (1998-2003), arsenic was mainly found in marine foods with average
concentrations in fish ranging from 352 to 10700 µg As/kg fresh weight. The
contents found in fish greatly varied for the same fish species. Part of the variation
in the arsenic content found in flounder, herring and cod could be explained by
salinity differences between the seas where the fish was caught. In general, the
arsenic contents were high in fish caught in waters with a high salinity (The North
Sea and The Kattegat) and low in more brackish waters (The Belt Sea and The
Baltic). Average concentrations (µg As/kg fresh weight) in other foods were <5-56
(meat including liver and kidney as well as poultry), 1-7 (dairy products), 0.5-8
(vegetables), about 20 (mushrooms), and 2-9 (beverages). (FDIR 2005)
For most people, diet is the largest source of exposure to arsenic. Fish, meat and
poultry are the main sources of dietary intake of arsenic. The total estimated daily
intake of arsenic may vary widely, mainly because of wide variations in the
consumption of fish and shellfish. Most data reported are for total arsenic intake
and do not reflect the possible variation in intake of the more toxic inorganic
arsenic compounds. Limited data indicate that approximately 25% of the arsenic
present in food is inorganic, but this depends highly on the type of food ingested.
Inorganic arsenic levels in fish and shellfish are low (< 1-10%) whereas foodstuffs
such as meat, poultry, dairy products and cereals have higher levels of inorganic
arsenic. (WHO 2001, WHO 2003).
The daily intake of total arsenic from food and beverages is generally between 20
and 300 µg/day (WHO 2001).
In Denmark, the mean intake of arsenic from the total diet (1998-2003, based on
arsenic in vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and beverages) was estimated at 62
µg/day (0.9 µg/bw/day) for adults (15-75 years) with a 95th percentile of 227
µg/day (3.2 µg/bw/day). A vast majority of the intake (91% of the total intake) was
from fish, as shown in Figure 1. Assuming that inorganic arsenic occurs in fish and
other seafood products at 5% of the total arsenic, the intake of the inorganic forms
via seafood corresponds to 2% of the PTWI value for inorganic arsenic (15
µg/bw/week or 154 µg/person/day). (FDIR 2005).
The European Food Safety Authority has recently published a scientific opinion on
arsenic in Food (EFSA 2009). More than 100,000 occurrence data on arsenic in
food were considered with approximately 98% reported as total arsenic. Making a
number of assumptions for the contribution of inorganic arsenic to total arsenic, the
inorganic arsenic exposure from food and water across 19 European countries,
using lower bound and upper bound concentrations, has been estimated to range
from 0.13 to 0.56 µg/kg bw/day for average consumers, and from 0.37 to 1.22
µg/kg bw/day for 95 percentile consumers. High consumers of rice in Europe are
estimated to have a daily dietary exposure of inorganic arsenic of about 1 µg/kg
bw/day and high consumers of algae-based products can have dietary exposure of
inorganic arsenic of about 4 µg/kg bw/day. Children under three years of age are
the most exposed to inorganic arsenic; two different studies show an inorganic
arsenic intake ranging from 0.50 to 2.66 µg/kg bw/day, i.e., in general about 2-3
fold that of adults.
Figure 1. Intake of arsenic from main food groups by Danes aged 15-75 years
The mean daily intake of arsenic from drinking water will generally be less than 10
µg/day. However, in those areas where drinking-water has higher concentrations of
arsenic, this source will make an increasing contribution to the total daily intake of
inorganic arsenic as the concentration of arsenic in drinking-water increases.
(WHO 2003).
Using the mean value for the concentration of arsenic in Danish groundwater of 3.2
µg As/l (1993-2006), and the consumption rate of 0.03 l/kg bw/day (median value
for children 1-10 years old), the intake from drinking-water would be 0.1 µg As/kg
bw/day (assuming no dilution of groundwater). For an adult, assuming an average
consumption rate of 1.4 litre/day, the daily exposure to arsenic from drinking water
would be 4.5 µg/day (about 0.06 µg As/kg bw/day assuming an adult body weight
of 70 kg).
Contaminated soil is also a potential source of arsenic exposure. Using the median
value for the soil concentration in Denmark of 3.3 mg As/kg soil, and an intake of
0.0001 kg soil/day (median value for children 1-3 years old), the intake from soil
would be 0.03 µg As/kg bw/day (body weight of 13 kg).
Table 2 summarises the exposure to arsenic from the various media as estimated
according to the approach generally applied according to the principles for setting
health-based quality criteria for chemical substances in ambient air, soil and
drinking water.
2 Toxicokinetics
Humans are exposed to many different forms of inorganic and organic arsenic
species (arsenicals) in food, water and other media. Study of the kinetics and
metabolism of arsenicals in animals and humans can thus be quite complex, as a
result of differences in physico-chemical properties and bioavailability of the
various forms of arsenic. Arsenic metabolism is also characterised by relatively
large qualitative and quantitative interspecies differences.
The information in this section is summarised based on the data reported in the
most recent evaluations prepared by WHO/IPCS (WHO 2001), WHO (2003),
IARC (2004), ATSDR (2007), and EFSA (2009). Therefore, references are
generally not stated except in the cases where information from a specific study or
evaluation has been included.
2.1 Absorption
The bioavailability of ingested inorganic arsenic will vary depending on the matrix
in which it is ingested (e.g. food, water, beverages, soil), the solubility of the
arsenical compound itself, and the presence of other food constituents and nutrients
in the gastrointestinal tract.
Controlled ingestion studies in humans indicate that both trivalent and pentavalent
arsenic compounds are rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
with between 45 and 75% of the dose of various inorganic forms of arsenic being
excreted in the urine within a few days.
Soluble arsenates and arsenites are rapidly and extensively absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract of common laboratory animals (rat, mouse, rabbit, hamster)
after administration of a single oral dose.
Data from mouse studies (Vahter & Norin 1980 – quoted from WHO 2001)
indicate that arsenite may be more extensively absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract than arsenate at lower doses (0.4 mg As/kg; arsenite 90%, arsenate 77%),
whereas the reverse appears to occur at higher doses (4.0 mg As/kg; arsenite 65%,
arsenate 89%). About the same percentage faecal elimination was observed
following the same dose given orally and subcutaneously, indicating a nearly
complete gastrointestinal absorption. It should be noted that the mice in this study
were not fed for at least 2 hours before and 48 hours after dosing.
Another mouse study (Odanaka et al. 1980 – quoted from WHO 2001) indicated
that much less pentavalent arsenic is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after
oral administration with 48.5% of the dose (5 mg/kg) being excreted in the urine. It
should be noted that the mice in this study were not food restricted.
The bioavailability of arsenic from soils has been assessed using various animal
models. These studies indicate that oral bioavailability of arsenic in a soil or dust
vehicle is often lower than that of the pure soluble salts typically used in toxicity
studies. However, bioavailability is substantially dependent on the soil type.
One study (Ng et al. 1998 – quoted from WHO 2001), using a rat model, has
reported the absolute bioavailability of arsenic in soils containing 32-1597 µg
As/kg from a combination of arsenical pesticides and natural geological formations
in a residential area to be about 1-10% relative to arsenite and 0.3-3% relative to
One study (Wester et al. 1993 – quoted from WHO 2001 and IARC 2004) is
available regarding the percutaneous absorption of arsenic (arsenic acid) from
water and soil both in vivo using rhesus monkeys and in vitro with human skin.
In vivo, absorption of arsenic acid from water was about 6% at the low dose (0.024
ng/cm2) and about 2% at the high dose (2.1 µg/cm2). Absorption from soil was
about 5% at the low dose (0.04 ng/cm2) and about 3% at the high dose (0.6
µg/cm2). For human skin in vitro, 1.9% was absorbed from water and 0.8% from
soil at the low dose over a 24-hour period.
2.2 Distribution
Inorganic arsenic is rapidly cleared from blood in humans and in most common
laboratory animals, including mice, rabbits, and hamsters. In rats, however, the
presence of arsenic in the blood is prolonged due to accumulation in erythrocytes.
It appears that rat haemoglobin specifically binds dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), and
this greatly increases the biological half-life of inorganic arsenic and DMA in rats.
Although clearance of both arsenate and arsenite from blood in other mammalian
species is rapid, differences dependent on both valence state and dose have been
Studies in rats, mice, rabbits, hamsters and monkeys demonstrate that arsenic,
administered orally, in either the trivalent or pentavalent form, is rapidly
distributed throughout the body and arsenic is generally present in all tissues.
of arsenite in tissues is a consequence of its reactivity and binding with tissue
constituents, most notably sulfhydryl groups.
Numerous studies have revealed that skin, hair, and tissues high in squamous
epithelium (e.g. mucosa of the oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach and small
intestine) have a strong tendency to accumulate and maintain higher levels of
arsenic. This is apparently a function of the binding of arsenic to keratin in these
Arsenic can cross the blood-brain barrier and it has been found in brain tissue after
oral administration of trivalent or pentavalent inorganic arsenic. However, the
levels are generally low both across time and relative to other tissues, which
indicates that arsenic does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier or accumulate
in brain tissue after acute dosing.
Studies have documented the ability of trivalent and pentavalent inorganic arsenic
to cross the placenta in laboratory animals. The rate of placental transfer was lower
in marmoset monkeys (non-methylating species) than in mice, possibly a
consequence of stronger binding in maternal tissues. Studies indicate that much of
the arsenic reaching the foetus after oral administration has already been
transformed to the less acutely toxic methylated metabolites.
Urine is the primary route of excretion for both pentavalent and trivalent inorganic
arsenicals in most common laboratory animals as well in humans.
Studies in adult human males voluntarily ingesting a known amount of either
trivalent or pentavalent arsenic indicate that 45-75% of the dose is excreted in the
urine within a few days to a week. The main metabolites excreted in the urine of
humans exposed to inorganic arsenic are mono- and dimethylated arsenic acids,
together with some unmetabolised inorganic arsenic. The relative amounts of the
species in urine are generally 10-30% inorganic arsenic, 10-20% MMA, and 60-
80% DMA.
With the exception of the rat, which exhibits slower overall elimination of arsenic,
50% or more of a single oral dose of arsenic administered to laboratory animals is
usually eliminated in urine within 48 hours. Urine is also the primary route of
elimination in species such as the marmoset which do not methylate arsenic.
Arsenic can be excreted in human milk, although the levels are low.
Although a number of studies have shown that the average relative distribution of
arsenic metabolites in the urine in humans is 10-30% inorganic arsenic, 10-20%
MMA, and 60-80% DMA, there is a wide variation among individuals. Differences
between population groups have also been reported. Factors such as dose, age,
gender and smoking contribute only minimally to the large inter-individual
variation in arsenic methylation observed in humans. Studies in humans suggest the
existence of a wide difference in the activity of methyltransferases, and the
existence of polymorphism has been hypothesised. Data indicate that the influence
of genetic polymorphism is more important than environmental factors for the
variation in arsenic methylation.
A few studies have indicated a slightly larger fraction of urinary MMA and a
smaller fraction of DMA in individuals with arsenic-related health effects,
including skin lesions and chromosomal aberrations. There are indications that a
relatively large amount of MMA in urine is associated with greater retention of
arsenic in the body. Data from a number of experimental studies on humans
indicates that a higher percentage of DMA in urine is associated with greater
overall excretion, while a higher percentage of inorganic arsenic and MMA is
associated with slower excretion of total arsenic metabolites.
Similarly, other mammals that excrete little (rat, mouse rabbit, hamster, Beagle
dog) or no MMA (guinea-pig, marmoset, chimpanzee) in the urine, that is, most
experimental animals, show a rapid overall excretions of arsenic. They also seem to
be less susceptible than humans to arsenic-induced toxicity, including cancer.
Trivalent inorganic arsenicals (arsenite) readily react with sulfhydryl groups such
as GSH and cysteine. The activity of enzymes or receptors is due in part to the
functional groups on amino acids such as the sulfhydryl group on cysteine or
coenzymes such as lipoic acid, which has vicinal thiol groups. Thus, if arsenite
binds to a critical thiol or dithiol, the enzyme may be inhibited. Arsenite inhibits
pyruvate dehydrogenase, a lipoic-acid-dependent enzyme involved in
gluconeogenesis. The acute toxicity of inorganic arsenic may result in part from
inhibition of gluconeogenesis and ultimately depletion of carbohydrates from the
arsenogluconate, respectively, compounds that resemble glucose-6-phosphate and
Arsenate uncouples in vitro oxidative phosphorylation because it has a similar
structure to phosphate. Two mechanisms for this effect, termed arsenolysis, have
been proposed. During glycolysis, arsenate can substitute for phosphate to form an
arsenic anhydride which is unstable and hydrolyses. Normally ATP is generated
during glycolysis, but with arsenate present instead of phosphate, ATP is not
formed. Adenosine-5'-diphosphate-arsenate is synthesised by sub-mitochondrial
particles from adenosine-5'-diphosphate (ADP) and arsenate in the presence of
succinate. ADP-arsenate hydrolyses more easily than ATP. The formation and
hydrolysis of ADP-arsenate result in arsenolysis.
Ubiquitin is a small protein that is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotes. The most
prominent function of ubiquitin is labelling proteins for proteasomal degradation. Besides
this function, ubiquitin also controls the stability, function, and intracellular localisation of
a wide variety of proteins.
3 Human toxicity
Arsenic has long been known because of its acute and long-term toxicity. Arsenic
has effects on widely different organ systems in the body.
As the aim of this evaluation is to provide the most relevant information for the
setting of a health-based quality criterion for inorganic arsenicals in drinking water,
only information of relevance for this purpose has been considered and included in
this evaluation, i.e., the focus is on oral intake. IARC (2004) has concluded that
arsenic in drinking water is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) and therefore, this
endpoint is the main focus of this evaluation. Consequently, only short summaries
on other end-points have been included in this section.
The information in this section is summarised based on the data reported in the
most recent evaluations prepared by WHO/IPCS (WHO 2001), WHO (2003),
IARC (2004), ATSDR (2007), and EFSA (2009). Therefore, references are
generally not stated except in the cases where information from a specific study or
evaluation has been included.
A precise estimate of the ingested dose is usually not available in acute poisonings,
so quantitative information on lethal and non-lethal doses in humans is sparse.
Lethal oral doses of 2-21 g (28-300 mg/kg bw) arsenic have been reported. Cases
with non-fatal outcome (usually after treatment and often with permanent
neurological sequelae) have been reported after oral doses of 1-16 g (14-230 mg/kg
bw) arsenic. Serious, non-fatal intoxications in infants have been observed after
doses of 0.7 mg, 9-14 mg, and 2400 mg of arsenic trioxide.
reported from different regions of the world where the content of arsenic in
drinking-water is elevated.
3.2.2 Dermal effects
One of the most common and characteristic effects of arsenic ingestion is a pattern
of skin changes that include generalised hyperkeratosis and formation of
hyperkeratotic warts or corns on the palms and soles, along with areas of
hyperpigmentation interspersed with small areas of hypopigmentation on the face,
neck, and back. These and other dermal effects have been noted in a large majority
of human studies involving repeated oral exposure from different regions of the
world where the content of arsenic in drinking water is elevated. In cases of low-
level chronic exposure (usually from water), these skin lesions appear to be the
most sensitive indication of effect. (ATSDR 2007, IARC 2004).
Only very limited evidence exists for an association between arsenic exposure and
cerebrovascular disease. Some of the Taiwanese studies have shown an elevated
risk of death from cerebrovascular disease, but the data are inconsistent across
studies and the elevations, where present, are small compared with those for CVD.
Studies from other countries provide only very limited support for the Taiwanese
findings, but exposure levels were considerably lower.
In Taiwan, the prevalence and mortality rates of diabetes mellitus were higher
among the population of the BFD-endemic area. There was also an exposure-
response relationship between cumulative arsenic exposure and the prevalence of
diabetes mellitus. A similar exposure-response pattern was observed in a study in
Bangladesh, where prevalence of keratosis was used as a surrogate for arsenic
exposure. Two occupational studies found an association of borderline statistical
significance between diabetes mellitus and exposure to arsenic. (WHO 2001).
Chronic exposure of women to arsenic in the drinking water has been associated
with infants with low birth weights in Taiwan and Chile. Similar associations have
been made between late foetal mortality, neonatal mortality, and postnatal
mortality and exposure to high levels of arsenic in the drinking water, based on
comparisons between subjects in low- and high-arsenic areas of Chile. A more
recent study (2006) reported no significant association between exposure to
concentrations of ≥0.1 mg/L arsenic in drinking water and increased risk for
neonatal death or infant mortality during the first year of life in a study of a
population in West Bengal, India. No overall association between arsenic in
drinking water and congenital heart defects was detected in a case-control study in
Boston, although an association with one specific lesion (coarctation of the aorta)
was noted. (ATSDR 2007, IARC 2004, WHO 2001).
According to WHO (2001), there is no consistent evidence for any one particular
Arsenic can cause clastogenic damage in different cell types, with different end-
points, in exposed individuals. Clastogenic effects have also been observed in cells
from cancer patients. Arsenic is thus clastogenic in humans in vivo. However, no
HPRT gene mutation was seen in the single study in lymphocytes or increases in
ras or p53 gene expression in cells from cancer or Bowen's disease patients with
long-term exposure to arsenic, except for one study with increased p53 expression
in Bowen's disease patients with such exposure compared to patients without
exposure. For point mutations, the results are largely negative. (IARC 2004, WHO
2001, ATSDR 2007).
- (USA) - cancer
3.4.2 Experimental studies
There are a large number of studies on the genotoxic effects of inorganic arsenic.
In general, in vitro studies in prokaryotes have been negative for gene mutations
and arsenic is not considered to be a point mutagen in bacteria. Tests in
mammalian cells (human fibroblasts lymphocytes and leukocytes, mouse
lymphoma cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, and Syrian hamster embryo cells)
demonstrate that in vitro arsenic can induce chromosomal aberrations ad sister
chromatid exchange and aneuploidy. In vitro tests in human, mouse, and hamster
cells have also been positive for DNA damage and repair and enhancement or
inhibition of DNA synthesis. In vitro, arsenite was genotoxic at micromolar
concentrations. Arsenate was approximately one order of magnitude less genotoxic
than arsenite.
In vivo studies have shown both positive and negative results for chromosomal
aberrations in rat and mouse bone marrow cells following oral administration. One
study in mice gave a positive result for micronuclei formation in bone marrow cells
following intraperitoneal injection.
The genotoxicity of arsenic is due largely to the trivalent arsenicals.
In combination with many genotoxic agents, including ultraviolet light, arsenic was
a synergistic co-mutagen.
(ATSDR 2007, IARC 2004).
3.5.1 Cancer of the lung, bladder, and kidney
Studies in Taiwan, Chile and Argentina show consistently high mortality risks from
lung, bladder and kidney cancer among populations exposed to arsenic via
drinking-water. Where exposure-response relations have been studied, the risk of
cancer for these sites increases with increasing exposure. Even when tobacco
smoking has been considered, the exposure-response relationship remains.
Not all studies of populations exposed to arsenic have reported positive findings for
increased lung, bladder and kidney cancer. According to WHO (2001), exposure in
these studies have not been as high as those in Taiwan, Chile or Argentina, and the
sample sizes of the study populations may not have provided the statistical power
to detect increased risks.
Risks of kidney or bladder cancer are not consistently elevated in studies among
people occupationally exposed to arsenic by inhalation. According to WHO (2001),
this difference between the occupational and environmental studies may reflect
lower systemic concentrations of arsenic after inhalation exposure than after oral
In Argentina, significantly elevated bladder, lung and kidney cancer mortality were
found in the high-exposure group where over 75% of the measurements of arsenic
in drinking-water were higher than the detection limit of 40 µg/litre. For the
measurements over the detection limit, the average concentration was 178 µg/litre,
which, according to WHO (2001), can be taken as the lowest exposure where these
effects are observed. Exposure concentrations were not provided for the low- or
intermediate-exposure groups although bladder, lung and kidney cancer mortality
were significantly elevated for men and lung cancer mortality was significantly
elevated for women in the intermediate-exposure group. Thus, according to WHO
(2001), the lowest exposure where elevated kidney cancer risk could be observed
would have to be considerably lower than 178 µg/litre.
There is extensive evidence of increased risks for urinary bladder cancer associated
with arsenic in drinking-water. All studies that involved populations with high
long-term exposures found substantial increases in the risk for bladder cancer. Key
evidence derives from ecological studies in Taiwan and Chile. In Taiwan, the
evidence is supported by case-control studies and cohort studies within the exposed
communities that demonstrate evidence of dose-response relationships with levels
of arsenic in drinking-water. The evidence of increased mortality from bladder
cancer in Chile comes from a large population with exposure to arsenic in all major
cities and towns of the contaminated region.
There is also evidence of increased risks for bladder cancer from a small cohort
study in Japan of persons drinking from wells that had been highly contaminated
with arsenic wastes from a factory and an ecological study from Argentina with
moderate exposure to arsenic in well-water. Two case-control studies that
investigate low exposure to arsenic found increased risks with increasing exposure
in one or more subgroups.
Considered overall, the findings cannot be attributed to chance or confounding, and
they are consistent, with strong associations found in populations with high
exposure. There is evidence of dose-response relationships within exposed
Increased risk for lung cancer was consistently observed in ecological, case-control
and cohort studies in Taiwan, Japan, Chile and Argentina. Evidence for a dose-
response relationship between arsenic in drinking-water and risk for lung cancer
was also observed in ecological studies in Taiwan and Argentina, in cohort studies
in south-western and north-eastern Taiwan and Japan and in case-control studies in
south-western Taiwan and Chile. The potential confounding effect of cigarette
smoking was ruled out by direct and indirect evidence in studies from Taiwan and
Considered overall, the findings cannot be attributed to chance or confounding, are
consistent and demonstrate strong associations in populations with high exposure.
There is evidence of a dose-response relationship.
All studies that involved populations with high long-term exposures to arsenic
found increased risks for kidney cancer. Key evidence comes from ecological
studies in Taiwan and Chile. In Taiwan, the evidence is supplemented by a small
cohort study of patients with Blackfoot disease. The evidence of increased
mortality from kidney cancer in Chile comes from a large population with exposure
to arsenic in all major cities and towns of the region. There is also evidence of
increased risk for kidney cancer in populations in Argentina with moderate
exposure to arsenic in well-water.
Relative risk estimates for kidney cancer were generally lower than those for
urinary bladder cancer, and no studies have reported dose-response relationships on
the basis of individual exposure assessment.
3.5.2 Cancer of the skin
The Working Group evaluated ecological studies from Taiwan (China), Mexico,
Chile and the USA, cohort studies from Taiwan and a case-control study from the
The recognition that arsenic was potentially carcinogenic arose from occurrences
of skin cancer after ingestion of medicinal arsenic, arsenical pesticide residues and
arsenic-contaminated drinking-water. Skin cancer is a commonly observed
malignancy related to contamination of drinking-water with arsenic. The
characteristic arsenic-associated skin tumours include keratinocytic malignancies
(non-melanoma skin cancers), in particular squamous-cell carcinomas, including
Bowen disease, and multiple basal-cell carcinomas.
south-west of Taiwan reported that differences in the levels of serum beta-carotene
and urinary arsenic metabolites may modify the risk for arsenic-induced skin
Cancer at other sites in relation to arsenic exposure has been little studied outside
Taiwan. The sites that have exhibited an elevated risk include oesophagus,
stomach, small intestine, colon, nose, larynx, bone and prostate, as well as
lymphoma and leukaemia. A study in the USA and another in Australia, neither of
which showed a clear-cut increase in the risk of lung, bladder, or kidney cancer,
showed moderately elevated mortality from cancer of the prostate. The studies on
occupational exposure of arsenic have not found any consistent relationship
between exposure to arsenic and cancer at sites other than lung.
The Working Group evaluated ecological studies using mortality data in Taiwan
(China), Chile, Argentina and Australia, cohort studies in Taiwan, Japan and the
USA and a case-control study in Taiwan of liver cancer cases identified from death
Increased mortality from liver cancer was observed in the ecological studies
involving a large population with high exposure to arsenic in Taiwan. Evidence for
a dose-response relationship between arsenic in drinking-water and liver cancer
mortality was observed in both ecological and case-control studies in Taiwan.
Increased risks were also found in small cohort studies in Taiwan and Japan.
Findings on mortality from liver cancer observed in ecological studies in Chile are
The interpretation of these findings is limited by the small number of liver cancer
cases, questionable accuracy of the diagnosis of liver cancer on death certificates
and potential confounding or modifying effects of chronic hepatitis virus infection
or other factors.
The Working Group evaluated ecological studies from Taiwan (China), Chile and
the USA, cohort studies from Japan and the USA and one case-control study each
from Canada and the USA.
Excess mortality from prostate cancer was found in south-west Taiwan. nconsistent
findings were reported for other cancer sites.
relationships and high risks have been observed for each of these end-points.
Increased risks of lung and bladder cancer and of arsenic-associated skin lesions
have been reported to be associated with ingestion of drinking-water at
concentrations 50 µg As/litre.
It cannot be stated with certainty that arsenic exposure causes cancer at sites other
than lung, skin, kidney and bladder. It is apparent that if such a causality exists, the
relative risk of cancer at such sites must be lower than that for the sites for which
the causality has been demonstrated.
In March, 2009, the IARC Working Group met to reassess the carcinogenicity of a
number of compounds previously classified as “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1)
and to identify additional tumour sites and mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Arsenic
was one of the compounds being evaluated. The following is an extract of a short
‘Special Report’ from the meeting (Straif et al. 2009): “Non-occupational exposure
to arsenic is mainly through food, except in areas with high levels of arsenic in the
drinking water, e.g., Taiwan, Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), northern Chile,
and Cordoba Province (Argentina). Epidemiological studies have shown that
exposure to arsenic through inhalation or drinking-water causes cancer of the
lung, skin, and urinary bladder. Evidence suggests an association between
exposure to arsenic in drinking water and the development of tumours at several
other sites; however, various factors prevent a conclusion. Analytical studies have
provided only limited information to support an association with kidney cancer,
causes of liver cancer can be difficult to elucidate in groups that are high-risk for
hepatitis B, and data on prostate cancer and arsenic exposure are not consistent
between countries. Overall, the Working Group classified arsenic and inorganic
arsenic compounds as “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1).”
Established mechanistic events include “Oxidative DNA damage, genomic
instability, aneuploidy, gene amplification, epigenetic effects, DNA-repair
inhibition leading to mutagenesis.”
The assessments will be published as part C of Volume 100 of the IARC
In a recent Danish study, Baastrup et al. (2008) examined whether exposure to low
levels of arsenic in drinking-water in Denmark was associated with an increased
risk for cancer. The study was based on a prospective Danish cohort of 56,378
persons in the Copenhagen and Aarhus areas. Cancer cases were identified in the
Danish Cancer Registry, and the Danish civil registration system was used to trace
and geocode residential addresses of the cohort members. A geographic
information system was used to link addresses with water supply areas, then
estimated individual exposure to arsenic using residential addresses back to 1970.
Average exposure for the cohort ranged between 0.05 and 25.3 µg/litre (mean: 1.2
µg/litre). Cox’s regression models were used to analyse possible relationships
between arsenic and cancer. No significant association between exposure to arsenic
and risk for cancers of the lung (402 cases), bladder (214 cases), liver (35 cases),
kidney (53 cases), prostate (332 cases), or colorectum (441 cases), or melanoma
skin cancer (147 cases) was found. The risk for non-melanoma skin cancer (1010
cases) decreased with increasing exposure (incidence rate ratio: 0.88/µg/litre
average exposure; 95% confidence interval, 0.84-0.94). Results adjusted for
enrolment area showed no association with non-melanoma skin cancer. The
authors concluded: “The results indicate that exposure to low doses of arsenic
might be associated with a reduced risk for skin cancer. The results also indicated
that arsenic in drinking-water might increase the risk for breast cancer (766
cases). The findings should be interpreted with caution, and more studies are
needed to confirm the results.”
4 Animal toxicity
Both inorganic and organic forms of arsenic may cause adverse effects in
laboratory animals. The effects induced by arsenic range from acute lethality to
chronic effects such as cancer. The degree of toxicity of arsenic is basically
dependent on the form (e.g. inorganic or organic) and the oxidation state of the
arsenical. It is generally considered that inorganic arsenicals are more toxic than
organic arsenicals, and within these two classes, the trivalent forms are more toxic
than the pentavalent forms, at least at high doses. Several different organ systems
are affected by arsenic, including skin, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune,
genitor-urinary, reproductive, gastro-intestinal and nervous systems. (WHO 2001).
5 Regulations
The background for the provisional guideline value is as follows (WHO 2003):
“The concentration of arsenic in drinking-water below which no effects can be
observed remain to be determined, and there is an urgent need for identification of
the mechanism by which arsenic causes cancer, which appears to be the most
sensitive end-point. The practical quantification limit for arsenic is in the region of
1-10 µg/litre, and removal of arsenic to concentrations below 10 µg/litre is
difficult in many circumstances. In view of the significant uncertainties
surrounding the risk assessment for carcinogenicity and the practical difficulties in
removing arsenic from drinking-water, the guideline value of 10 µg/litre is
retained. In view of the scientific uncertainties, the guideline value is designated as
provisional. In many countries, this guideline value may not be attainable; where
this is the case, every effort should be made to keep concentrations as low as
In the previous version of the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality (WHO
1996), the background for the provisional guideline value of 10 µg/litre is as
“A value of 13 µg/litre may be derived (assuming a 20% allocation to drinking-
water) on the basis of the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake (PMTDI) of
inorganic arsenic of 2 µg/kg bw set by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee of
Food Additives (JECFA) in 1983 and confirmed as a provisional tolerable weekly
intake (PTWI) of 15 µg/kg bw in 1988. JECFA noted, however, that the margin
between the PTWI and intakes reported to have toxic effects in epidemiological
studies was narrow. With a view to reducing the concentration of arsenic in
drinking-water, a provisional guideline value of 0.01 mg/litre is recommended. The
estimated excess lifetime risk of skin cancer associated with exposure to this
concentration is 6 x 10-4.”
The background for the JECFA PMTDI/PTWI is given in section 5.9.
5.3 Soil
5.5 Classification
Arsenic (element):
DSD: T;R23/25, N;R50/53
CLP: Acute Tox. 3 H331, Acute Tox. 3 H301, Aquatic Acute 1 H400, Aquatic
Chronic 1 H410
Arsenic acid and its salts, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in the
DSD: Carc. Cat. 1;R45, T;R23/25, N;R50/53
CLP: Carc 1A H350, Acute Tox. 3 H331, Acute Tox. 3 H301, Aquatic Acute 1
H400, Aquatic Chronic 1 H410
Arsenic compounds, with the exception of those specified elsewhere in the Annex:
DSD: T;R23/25, N;R50/53
CLP: Acute Tox. 3 H331, Acute Tox. 3 H301, Aquatic Acute 1 H400, Aquatic
Chronic 1 H410
5.6 IARC
This conclusion was reaffirmed at an IARC Working Group meeting in March
2009: “Overall, the Working Group classified arsenic and inorganic arsenic
compounds as “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1).” (Straif et al. 2009).
5.7 US-EPA
Oral reference dose (RfD): 0.0003 mg/kg bw/day (last revised: 02/01/1993).
The oral RfD is based on a NOAEL of 0.0008 mg/kg bw/day for
hyperpigmentation, keratosis and possible vascular complications in humans
following chronic oral exposure (data from the BFD endemic area of Taiwan). An
uncertainty factor of 3 is applied “to account for both the lack of data to preclude
reproductive toxicity as a critical effect and to account for some uncertainty in
whether the NOAEL of the critical study accounts for all sensitive individuals”.
The background for the NOAEL is as follows:
“NOAEL was based on an arithmetic mean of 0.009 mg/litre in a range of arsenic
concentration of 0.001 to 0.017 mg/litre. This NOAEL also included estimation of
arsenic from food. Since experimental data were missing, arsenic concentrations in
sweet potatoes and rice were estimated as 0.002 mg/day. Other assumptions
included consumption of 4.5 litre water/day and 55 kg body weight. NOAEL =
[(0.009 mg/litre x 4.5 litre/day) + 0.002 mg/day] / 55 kg = 0.0008 mg/kg bw/day.
The LOAEL dose was estimated using the same assumptions as the NOAEL
starting with an arithmetic mean water concentration from of 0.17 mg/litre.
LOAEL = [(0.17 mg/litre x 4.5 litre/day) + 0.002 mg/day] / 55 kg = 0.014 mg/kg
bw/day.” (IRIS 2008).
The California Department of Health Services (DHS)
“This risk assessment has derived a PHG of 4 ppt based on a unit risk of 2.7x10-4
(µg/L)-1 and a negligible theoretical lifetime cancer risk level of 1x10-6. The unit
risk was based on linear regression analysis of lung and urinary bladder cancer
mortality data in epidemiological studies in Taiwan, Chile, and Argentina and
background mortality rates for these cancers in the United States. Other estimates
of unit risks include: 2.6x10-4 (µg/L)-1 based on California mortality rates; 3.1x10-4
(µg/L)-1 based on the sum of lung, bladder, skin, and kidney cancer mortality; and
5.9x10-4 (µg/L)-1 based on lung and bladder cancer incidences rather than
mortality. Unit risk estimates based on a transplacental carcinogenicity assay in
mice were generally in the 1x10-4 to 1x10-3 (µg/L)-1 range for various tumors and
dose averaging methods. Thus the range of plausible PHGs based on these unit
risks is 1.7 to 3.8 ppt. The latter figure rounded to one significant figure is
considered the most robust estimate in this assessment.” … “The risk estimates
were based on a low-dose linear extrapolation approach although the mode of
carcinogenic action is not fully understood. The actual risks of low-level exposure
are unlikely to exceed these risk estimates but could be lower or zero.” (OEHHA
Exposure to arsenic at the PHG level in drinking water results in a risk of less than
one additional case of these forms of cancer in a population of one million people
drinking two liters daily of the water for 70 years. While the PHG is based
primarily on data from cancer studies, no other adverse health effects are expected
to arise from arsenic at the level of the PHG.” (OEHHA 2004b).
The OEHHA has to set the MCL as close as possible to the PHG, while
considering cost and technical feasibility. Based on a cost-benefit analysis, an
arsenic MCL in conformance with the federal MCL of 0.010 mg/litre was adopted.
(OEHHA 2008).
0.002 mg/kg bw, as a provisional maximum tolerable daily intake (PMTDI) for
ingested inorganic arsenic (JECFA 1983).
0.015 mg/kg bw, provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) (JECFA 1988). This
PTWI was withdrawn in 2010, see below.
The rationale for the PMTDI is not expressed in JECFA (1983) except that it is
stated “On the basis of the data available, the Committee could arrive at only an
estimate of 0.002 mg/kg bw as a provisional maximum tolerable daily intake
(PMTDI) for ingested inorganic arsenic”. The data have been summarised as
“The available epidemiological evidence allows the tentative conclusion that
arsenicism can be associated with water supplies containing an upper arsenic
concentration of 1 mg/l or greater, and concentration of 0.1 mg/l may give rise to
presumptive signs of toxicity. The chemical species of arsenic present in the
drinking-water were not clearly determined but it would be reasonable to consider
them to be inorganic arsenic. Assuming a daily water consumption of 1.5 litres (by
no means an extreme figure), it seems likely that intakes of 1.5 mg/day of inorganic
arsenic are likely to result in chronic arsenic toxicity and daily intakes of 0.15 mg
may also be toxic in the long term to some individuals. In addition the use of
arsenical pesticides may increase the exposure to inorganic arsenic by the oral
route, in some individuals. Oral treatment of patients with solutions of inorganic
arsenic is likely to result in intakes at least as great as those from arsenical water
supplies. There are insufficient data to recommend a maximum tolerable daily
intake for arsenic from food.”
The rationale for the PTWI is not expressed in JECFA (1988) except that it is
stated “The previous evaluation was confirmed by assigning a PTWI of 0.015
mg/kg bw for inorganic arsenic, with the clear understanding that the margin
between the PTWI and intakes reported to have toxic effects in epidemiological
studies was narrow. The provisional status of the maximum weekly intake was
continued due to the desire to lower the arsenic intake of those individuals exposed
to high levels of inorganic arsenic in drinking water. Further epidemiological
studies were recommended in such populations.”
The CONTAM Panel in EFSA (EFSA 2009) has noted that since the JECFA
evaluations (before the JECFA 2010 re-evaluation), the IARC has concluded that
there is sufficient evidence that arsenic in drinking water causes cancers in humans
of the urinary bladder and lung as well as skin and that this conclusion was
repeated in 2009, when an IARC working group also noted that there is limited
evidence in humans for cancers of the kidney, liver and prostate. From the
evidence relating to internal cancers and the studies showing statistically
significant associations between adverse effects of arsenic and drinking water
concentrations below 100 µg/litre, the CONTAM Panel concluded that the JECFA
PTWI of 15 µg/kg bw for inorganic arsenic is no longer appropriate and, in its
assessment, therefore focussed on more recent data showing effects of inorganic
arsenic at lower levels of exposure than those considered by JECFA (before the
JECFA 2010 re-evaluation).
The CONTAM Panel modelled the dose-response data from key epidemiological
studies and selected a benchmark response of 1% extra risk. A range of benchmark
doses lower confidence limit (BMDL01) values between 0.3 and 8 µg/kg bw/day
was identified for cancers of the lung, skin and bladder, as well as skin lesions. The
CONTAM Panel noted that inorganic arsenic is not directly DNA-reactive and
there are a number of proposed mechanisms of carcinogenicity, for each of which a
thresholded mechanism could be postulated. However, taking into account the
uncertainty with respect to the shape of the dose-response relationships, it was not
considered appropriate to identify from the human data a dose of inorganic arsenic
with no appreciable health risk, i.e., a tolerable daily or weekly intake. Therefore
the margins of exposure (MOEs) should be assessed between the identified
reference points from the human data and the estimated dietary exposure to
inorganic arsenic in the EU population.
The estimated dietary exposures to inorganic arsenic for average (0.13-0.56 µg/kg
bw/day) and high level adult consumers (0.37-1.22 µg/kg bw/day) in Europe are
within the range of the BMDL01 values (0.3-8 µg/kg bw/day) identified for lung
and bladder cancer and for dermal lesions. Therefore there is little or no MOE and
the possibility of a risk to some consumers cannot be excluded.
5.11 Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER)
6 Summary and evaluation
6.1 Description
Arsenic can exist in four oxidation states: -3, 0, +3 and +5. In water, arsenic is
mostly found in inorganic forms as oxyanions of trivalent arsenite (AsIII) or
pentavalent arsenate (AsV). Under oxidising conditions, arsenate is dominant
whereas, under reducing conditions, it is more likely to be present as arsenite.
6.2 Environment
Arsenic is naturally present in the earth’s crust and is released to the environment
from natural processes as well as from anthropogenic activities.
Three major modes of arsenic biotransformation have been found to occur in the
environment: redox transformation between arsenite and arsenate, the reduction
and methylation of arsenic, and the biosynthesis of organoarsenic compounds.
There is biogeochemical cycling of compounds formed from these processes.
Arsenic is released into the atmosphere primarily as arsenic trioxide and exists
mainly adsorbed on particulate matter. Typical background levels for arsenic in the
atmosphere are 0.2-1.5 ng/m3 for rural areas, 0.5-3 ng/m3 for urban areas, and < 50
ng/m3 for industrial sites.
In Denmark, the mean intake of arsenic from the total diet (1998-2003) was
estimated at 62 µg/day (0.9 µg/bw/day) for adults (15-75 years) with a 95th
percentile of 227 µg/day (3.2 µg/bw/day). A vast majority of the intake (91% of the
total intake) was from fish; however, inorganic arsenic levels in fish and seafood
are generally low (< 1-10%).
Using the mean value for the concentration of arsenic in Danish groundwater of 3.2
µg As/l, the intake from drinking water would be 0.1 µg As/kg bw/day for
children, and about 0.06 µg As/kg bw/day for adults.
Using the median value for the soil concentration of arsenic in Denmark of 3.3 mg
As/kg soil, the intake from soil would be 0.03 µg As/kg bw/day for children 1-3
years old.
Using the upper value for the range of the typical background levels for arsenic in
the atmosphere of 3 ng/m3 for urban areas as a reasonable worst case scenario, the
inhalation exposure to arsenic would be 1.5 ng As/kg bw/day for children, and
about 0.6 ng As/kg bw/day for adults.
6.4 Toxicokinetics
The bioavailability of ingested inorganic arsenic will vary depending on the matrix
in which it is ingested (e.g. food, water, beverages, soil), the solubility of the
arsenical compound itself and the presence of other food constituents and nutrients
in the gastrointestinal tract. Generally, soluble arsenic compounds are rapidly and
well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in humans with between 45 and 75%
of the dose of various inorganic forms of arsenic being excreted in the urine within
a few days. Animal data indicate that up to 70-90% of an ingested dose of soluble
inorganic arsenic is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract when not administered
in close proximity to feed.
After absorption, arsenic is rapidly cleared from blood in humans and in most
common laboratory animals, including mice, rabbits, and hamsters, except the rat
in which the presence of arsenic is prolonged due to accumulation in erythrocytes.
Arsenic, administered orally, in either the trivalent or pentavalent form, is rapidly
distributed throughout the body in humans and in laboratory animals and arsenic is
generally present in all tissues. Skin, hair, nails, and tissues high in squamous
epithelium (e.g. mucosa of the oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach and small
intestine) have a strong tendency to accumulate and maintain higher levels of
arsenic than other tissues.
Arsenic can cross the blood-brain barrier and it has been found in brain tissue after
oral administration of trivalent or pentavalent inorganic arsenic; however, the
levels are generally low.
Trivalent and pentavalent inorganic arsenic can cross the placenta in both humans
and laboratory animals. Studies indicate that much of the arsenic reaching the
foetus after oral administration has already been transformed to the less acutely
toxic methylated metabolites.
Arsenic metabolism is via two main types of reactions: (1) reduction reactions of
pentavalent to trivalent arsenic, and (2) oxidative methylation reactions in which
trivalent forms of arsenic are sequentially methylated to form mono-, di- and
trimethylated products. Methylation of inorganic arsenic facilitates the excretion of
inorganic arsenic from the body, as the end-products MMA and DMA are readily
excreted in urine.
Urine is the primary route of excretion for both pentavalent and trivalent inorganic
arsenicals in most common laboratory animals as well as in humans. With the
exception of the rat, which exhibits slower overall elimination of arsenic, 50% or
more of a single oral dose of arsenic is usually eliminated in urine within 48 hours.
Skin, hair and nails could also be considered potential excretory routes for arsenic,
although they would in general be quantitatively minor. Arsenic can be excreted in
human milk, although the levels are low.
6.5.2 Chronic toxicity
Although there are some negative findings, the overall weight of evidence indicates
that arsenic can cause clastogenic damage in different cell types with different end-
points in exposed individuals and in cancer patients. For point mutations, the
results are largely negative.
In vitro, arsenic was not a point mutagen in bacteria. In mammalian cells in vitro,
arsenic caused chromosomal aberrations ad sister chromatid exchange and
aneuploidy. In vitro tests in human, mouse, and hamster cells have also been
positive for DNA damage and repair and enhancement or inhibition of DNA
synthesis. In vitro, arsenite was genotoxic at micromolar concentrations. Arsenate
was approximately one order of magnitude less genotoxic than arsenite.
In vivo studies have shown both positive and negative results for chromosomal
aberrations in rats and mice; one study gave a positive result for micronuclei
formation in bone marrow cells of mice.
The genotoxicity of arsenic is due largely to the trivalent arsenicals.
IARC (2004) has concluded that there is sufficient evidence in humans that arsenic
in drinking-water causes cancers of the urinary bladder, lung and skin. This
conclusion was reaffirmed at the IARC Working Group meeting in March 2009.
In a recent Danish study (Baastrup et al. 2008), no significant association between
exposure to arsenic in drinking water and risk for cancers of the lung, bladder,
liver, kidney, prostate, or colorectum, or melanoma skin cancer was found.
Average exposure for the cohort ranged between 0.05 and 25.3 µg/litre (mean: 1.2
IARC (2004) has concluded that, taken together, the studies on inorganic arsenic
provide limited evidence for carcinogenicity in experimental animals.
6.7 Evaluation
The aim of this evaluation is to provide the most relevant information for the
setting of a health-based quality criterion for inorganic arsenic in drinking water.
Therefore, mostly information of relevance for this purpose has been considered
and included in this evaluation. IARC (2004) has concluded that arsenic in
drinking water is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1); this conclusion was
reaffirmed in 2009 (Straif et al. 2009). Therefore, this endpoint is the main focus of
this evaluation.
species because their metabolism is most similar to that in humans; however, not
much data are available regarding the toxicity of arsenics and no relevant
carcinogenicity studies have been located. It is worth noting that IARC (2004) did
not take rat data into account in their evaluation due to the species difference in
toxicokinetics and metabolism between humans and rats. The data on human
toxicity, including carcinogenicity are adequate in order to evaluate the toxicity of
inorganic arsenics to humans. Therefore, only information on human toxicity is
considered in this evaluation.
Inorganic arsenic is acutely toxic in humans, and ingestion of large doses leads to
gastrointestinal symptoms, disturbances of cardiovascular and central nervous
system functions, multiorgan failure and eventually death. A precise estimate of the
ingested dose is usually not available in acute poisonings, so quantitative
information on lethal and non-lethal doses in humans is sparse. Lethal oral doses of
2-21 g (28-300 mg/kg bw) arsenic have been reported.
The overall weight of evidence from genotoxicity studies indicates that arsenic can
cause clastogenic damage in different cell types with different end-points in
exposed individuals and in cancer patients. For point mutations, the results are
largely negative.
Human exposure to inorganic arsenic via drinking water can result in a number of
adverse health effects following intake of high doses as well as following much
lower doses for a long time. Ingestion of large doses leads to gastrointestinal
symptoms, disturbances of cardiovascular and central nervous system functions,
multiorgan failure and eventually death. Manifestations of chronic toxicity include
dermal effects, vascular diseases, neurological effects, liver effects, gastrointestinal
disturbances, chronic lung disease, diabetes mellitus, reproductive effect,
genotoxicity, and cancer. These effects have been reported from different regions
of the world where the content of arsenic in drinking-water is elevated.
increased risk of skin cancer have been observed is in the lowest exposure group in
the exposed Taiwan population (i.e., < 300 µg/litre); however, WHO noted that this
is a very broad exposure category and the lowest concentration associated with skin
cancer could have been considerably lower. Arsenic-associated skin lesions
(precursors of skin cancer) have been associated with drinking water
concentrations < 50 µg As/litre.
EFSA, in their recent opinion (EFSA 2009), stated that it was not considered
appropriate to identify from the human data a dose of inorganic arsenic with no
appreciable health risk, i.e., a tolerable daily or weekly intake. Therefore the
margins of exposure (MOEs) should be assessed between the identified reference
points from the human data and the estimated dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic
in the EU population. EFSA selected the reference point as a benchmark response
of 1% extra risk. A range of benchmark doses lower confidence limit (BMDL01)
values between 0.3 and 8 µg/kg bw/day was identified for cancers of the lung, skin
and bladder, as well as skin lesions.
JECFA has very recently re-evaluated arsenic (JECFA 2010). The BMDL0.5 for
lung cancer was determined to be 3.0 µg/kg bw/day (2-7 µg/kg bw/day). As the
previous PTWI of 15 µg/kg bw (2.1 µg/kg bw/day) is in the region of the BMDL0.5,
the Committee concluded that it was no longer appropriate and therefore, withdrew
the PTWI.
SCHER has published an opinion for a derogation request of up to 50 µg/litre for
arsenic in drinking water (the Drinking Water Directive’s limit value for arsenic is
10 µg/litre). SCHER concluded that a derogation for drinking water containing up
to 50 µg/litre for arsenic for up to 3 years does not result in or, at most, very low
additional health risks in the adult population. It should be noted, however, that a
minority opinion was agreed by two members of SCHER because, for children up
to 18 years and non-breast-fed infants, the risks are higher. The major concern is in
particular for arsenic levels greater than 20 µg/litre.
7 Health-based quality criterion in
drinking water
Various national and international bodies have published different estimates for the
carcinogenic risks (as described in Chapter 5 and summarised in Section 6.7.1) and
a consensus has not been arrived at yet.
The most relevant estimate for the carcinogenic risks of arsenic in drinking water is
the unit risk of 2.7x10-4 (µg/L)-1 developed by The Office of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), California Environmental Protection Agency.
Based on this unit risk, a Public Health Goal (PHG) of 0.004 µg/litre for arsenic in
drinking water was established.
According to the OEHHA Fact Sheet (OEHHA 2004b) “A PHG is the level of a
chemical contaminant in drinking water that, based upon currently available data,
does not pose a significant risk to health. It represents an optimal level that the
state’s drinking water providers should strive to achieve if it is possible to do so.
State law requires DHS3 to set regulatory drinking water standards as close to the
corresponding PHGs as is economically and technically feasible.”
It is noted in the Fact Sheet “The PHG of 4 ppt for arsenic in drinking water is
based upon lung and bladder cancer in studies of hundreds of thousands of people
in communities in Taiwan, Chile, and Argentina associated with arsenic
contaminated drinking water. Exposure to the PHG level in drinking water results
in a risk of less than one additional case of these forms of cancer in a population of
one million people drinking two liters daily of the water for 70 years. While the
PHG is based primarily on data from cancer studies, no other adverse health
effects are expected to arise from arsenic at the level of the PHG.”
The current limit value for arsenic in drinking water is 10 µg As/litre (MM 2001).
The California Department of Health Services (DHS)
8 References
IRIS (2008). Arsenic, inorganic. In: Integrated Risk Information System. Database
quest, last revised: Oral RfD 02/01/1993, carcinogenicity assessment 04/10/1998.
JECFA (1988). 658. Arsenic. WHO Food Additive Series 24.
JECFA (2010). Arsenic. In Summary and Conclusions from the Joint FAO/WHO
Expert Committee on Food Additives Seventy-second meeting Rome, 16-25
February 2010, issued 16th March 2010.
MM (2002). The Statutory Order from the Ministry of the Environment no. 439 of
3 June 2002, on the List of Chemical Substances.
OEHHA (2004a). Public Health Goals for chemicals in drinking water: Arsenic.
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental
Protection Agency, US.
OEHHA (2004b). Public Health Goal for Arsenic. Office of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency, US. Fact Sheet.
Straif K, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, Baan R, Grosse Y, Secretan B, El Ghissassi F,
Bouvard V, Guha N, Freeman C, Galichet L, Cogliano V (2009). A review of
human carcinogens - Part C: metals, arsenic, dusts, and fibres, on behalf of the
WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group.
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France. Lancet 10, 453-454.
US-EPA (2001).
US-EPA (2011).
WHO (1996). Arsenic. In: Guidelines for drinking-water quality, second edition,
volume 2 Health criteria and other supporting information. World Health
Organization, Geneva, 156-167.
Arsenic, inorganic and soluble salts
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has requested an evaluation of health hazards by exposure
to the inorganic and soluble salts of arsenic. This resulted in 2011 in the present report which includes
estimation of a quality criterion in drinking water for the mentioned substances.
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