1B Approval Form
1B Approval Form
1B Approval Form
A completed form is required for each student, including all team members.
a. Required for projects that need prior SRC/IRB approval b.Required for research conducted at all Regulated
BEFORE experimentation (humans, vertebrates or Research Institutions with no prior fair SRC/IRB
potentially hazardous biological agents). OR approval.
This project was conducted at a regulated research institution
The SRC/IRB has carefully studied this project’s Research Plan/ (not home or high school, etc.), was reviewed and approved
Project Summary and all the required forms are included. My by the proper institutional board before experimentation and
signature indicates approval of the Research Plan/Project complies with the ISEF Rules. Attach (1C) and any required
Summary before the student begins experimentation. institutional approvals (e.g. IACUC, IRB).
3. Final ISEF Affiliated Fair SRC Approval (Required for ALL Projects)
Page 34 International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2022–2023, societyforscience.org/ISEF