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Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1)

This completed form is required for ALL projects.

To be completed by the Adult Sponsor in collaboration with the student researcher(s):

Student’s Name(s):
Project Title:
1. o I have reviewed the ISEF Rules and Guidelines, including the science fair ethics statement.

2. o I have reviewed the student’s completed Student Checklist (1A) and Research Plan/Project Summary.

3. o I have worked with the student and we have discussed the possible risks involved in the project.

4. o The project involves one or more of the following and requires prior approval by an SRC, IRB, IACUC or IBC:
o Humans Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents
o Vertebrate Animals o Microorganisms o rDNA o Tissues
5. o Items to be completed for ALL PROJECTS
o Adult Sponsor Checklist (1) o Research Plan/Project Summary
o Student Checklist (1A) o Approval Form (1B)
o Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C) (when applicable; after completed experiment)
o Continuation/Research Progression Form (7) (when applicable)

Additional forms required if the project includes the use of one or more of the following (check all that apply):
o Humans, including student designed inventions/prototypes. (Requires prior approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB);
see full text of the rules.)
o Human Participants Form (4) or appropriate Institutional IRB documentation
o Sample of Informed Consent Form (when applicable and/or required by the IRB)
o Qualified Scientist Form (2) (when applicable and/or required by the IRB)
o Vertebrate Animals (Requires prior approval, see full text of the rules.)
o Vertebrate Animal Form (5A) ‑ for projects conducted in a school/home/field research site (SRC prior approval required
o Vertebrate Animal Form (5B) ‑ for projects conducted at a Regulated Research Institution. (Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee (IACUC) approval required prior experimentation.)
o Qualified Scientist Form (2) (Required for all vertebrate animal projects at a regulated research site or when applicable)
o Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (Requires prior approval by SRC, IACUC or IBC, see full text of the rules.)
o Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Risk Assessment Form (6A)
o Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form (6B) ‑ to be completed in addition to Form 6A when project involves the use of
fresh or frozen tissue, primary cell cultures, blood, blood products and body fluids.
o Qualified Scientist Form (2) (when applicable)
o The following are exempt from prior review but require a Risk Assessment Form 3: projects involving protists, archae and
similar microorganisms, for projects using manure for composting, fuel production or other non-culturing experiments,
projects using color change coliform water test kits, microbial fuel cells, and projects involving decomposing vertebrate

o Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices (No SRC prior approval required, see full text of the rules.)
o Risk Assessment Form (3)
o Qualified Scientist Form (2) (required for projects involving DEA-controlled substances or when applicable)

o Other
o Risk Assessment Form (3)
o I attest to the information checked above and that I have read and agree to abide by the science fair ethics statement.

Adult Sponsor’s Printed Name Signature Date of Review (mm/dd/yy)

Phone Email
International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2022–2023, societyforscience.org/ISEF Page 31
Student Checklist (1A)
This form is required for ALL projects.

1. a. Student/Team Leader: Grade:

Email: Phone:

b. Team Member: c. Team Member: ______________________________________

2. Title of Project: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. School: School Phone:

School Address:

4. Adult Sponsor: Phone/Email:

5. Does this project need SRC/IRB/IACUC or other pre-approval? o Yes o No Tentative start date: ___________

6. Is this a continuation/progression from a previous year? o Yes o No

If Yes:
a. Attach the previous year’s o Abstract and o Research Plan/Project Summary
b. Explain how this project is new and different from previous years on
o Continuation/Research Progression Form (7)

7. This year’s experimentation/data collection:

Actual Start Date: (mm/dd/yy) End Date: (mm/dd/yy)

8. Where will you conduct your experimentation? (check all that apply)
o Research Institution o School o Field o Home o Other: ________________________

9. Source of Data:
o Collected self/mentor o Other Describe/url: _____________________________________________

 ist the name and address of all non-home and non-school work site(s), whether you worked there
10. L
virtually or on-site:



11. Complete a Research Plan/Project Summary following the Research Plan/Project Summary instructions
and attach to this form.
 n abstract is required for all projects after experimentation.
12. A

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Approval Form (1B)
A completed form is required for each student, including all team members.

1. To Be Completed by Student and Parent

a. Student Acknowledgment:
• I understand the risks and possible dangers to me of the proposed research plan.
• I have read the ISEF Rules and Guidelines and will adhere to all International Rules when conducting
this research.
• I have read and will abide by the science fair ethics statement.
Student researchers are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Scientific fraud and
misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. Such practices include but are not limited to
plagiarism, forgery, use or presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own, and fabrication of data. Fraudulent
projects will fail to qualify for competition in affiliated fairs and ISEF.

Student’s Printed Name Signature Date Acknowledged (mm/dd/yy)

(Must be prior to experimentation.)
b. Parent/Guardian Approval: I have read and understand the risks and possible dangers involved in the
Research Plan/Project Summary. I consent to my child participating in this research.

Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name Signature Date Acknowledged (mm/dd/yy)

(Must be prior to experimentation.)

2. To be completed by the local or affiliated Fair SRC

(Required for projects requiring prior SRC/IRB APPROVAL. Sign 2a or 2b as appropriate.)

a. Required for projects that need prior SRC/IRB approval b.Required for research conducted at all Regulated
BEFORE experimentation (humans, vertebrates or Research Institutions with no prior fair SRC/IRB
potentially hazardous biological agents). OR approval.
This project was conducted at a regulated research institution
The SRC/IRB has carefully studied this project’s Research Plan/ (not home or high school, etc.), was reviewed and approved
Project Summary and all the required forms are included. My by the proper institutional board before experimentation and
signature indicates approval of the Research Plan/Project complies with the ISEF Rules. Attach (1C) and any required
Summary before the student begins experimentation. institutional approvals (e.g. IACUC, IRB).

SRC/IRB Chair’s Printed Name

SRC Chair’s Printed Name
Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy)
(Must be prior to experimentation.)
Signature Date of Signature (mm/dd/yy)
(May be after experimentation)

3. Final ISEF Affiliated Fair SRC Approval (Required for ALL Projects)

SRC Approval After Experimentation and Before Competition at Regional/State/National Fair

I certify that this project adheres to the approved Research Plan/Project Summary and complies with all ISEF Rules.

Regional SRC Chair’s Printed Name Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy)

State/National SRC Chair’s Printed Name Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy)

(where applicable)

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Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C)
This form must be completed AFTER experimentation by the adult supervising the student research
either virtually or on site, conducted in a regulated research institution, industrial setting or
any work site other than home, school or field.

Student’s Name(s)

Title of Project
To be completed by the Supervising Adult in the Setting (NOT the Student(s)) after experimentation:
(Responses must be on the form as it is required to be displayed at student’s project booth; please do not print double-

Research was supported at my work site:

1. Did you or your proxy (e.g. graduate student, postdoc, employee) mentor or provide
substantial guidance to the student researcher? o Yes o No
a. If no, describe your and/or your institution’s role with the student researcher and
his/her project (e.g. supervised use of equipment on site without ongoing mentorship
and sign below.

b. If yes, complete questions 2 –5.

2. Is the student’s research project a subset of your ongoing research or work? o Yes o No
Use questions 3, 4 and 5 to detail how the student’s project was similar and/or
different from ongoing research or work at your site. If this project is under a grant and needs
to be acknowledged, please list the grant statement here.

3. Describe the independence and creativity with which the student:

a. developed the hypotheses or engineering goals for the research project

b. designed the methodology for his/her research project

c. analyzed and interpreted data

(Continued on next page)

International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2022–2023, societyforscience.org/ISEF Page 35
Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (1C)

Student’s Name(s)

4. Detail the student’s role in conducting the research (e.g. data collection, specific procedures
performed). Differentiate what the student observed and what the student actually did.

5. Did the student(s) work on the project as part of a group? o Yes o No

If yes, how many individuals were in the group and who were they (e.g. high school
students, graduate students, faculty, professional researchers)?

I attest that the student has conducted the work as indicated above and that any required review and approval
by institutional regulatory board (IRB/IACUC/IBC) has been obtained. Copies are attached if applicable. I further
acknowledge that the student will be presenting this work publicly in competition and I have communicated with
the student research regarding any requirements for my review and/or restrictions of what is publicized.

Supervising Adult’s Printed Name Signature Title

Institution Date Signed (must be after experimenta-

tion) (mm/dd/yy)

Address Email/Phone

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Risk Assessment Form (3)
Must be completed before experimentation; recommended for all projects. May be required for projects
involving Hazardous Chemicals, Materials or Devices or Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents.

Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project

To be completed by the Student Researcher(s) in collaboration with Designated Supervisor/Qualified

Scientist: (All questions must be answered; additional page(s) may be attached.)

1. Identify and assess the risks and hazards involved in this project.

2. a) List all hazardous chemicals, activities or devices to be used; b) identify and list all microorganisms to be used that
are exempt from pre-approval (see Potentially Hazardous Biological Agent rules).

3. Describe the safety precautions and procedures that will be used to reduce the risks.

4. Describe the disposal procedures that will be used (when applicable).

5. List the source(s) of safety information.

To be completed and signed by the Designated Supervisor (or Qualified Scientist, when applicable):
I agree with the risk assessment and safety precautions and procedures described above. I certify that I have reviewed the
Research Plan/Project Summary and the International Rules, including the science fair ethics statement and will provide
direct supervision.

Designated Supervisor’s Printed Name Signature Date of Review (mm/dd/yy)

Experience/Training as relates to the student’s area of research

Position/Institution Phone or email contact information

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