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Understand Myself

Personality Assessment Report

Prepared for Nournadia Kouz zananiri

The Understand Myself personality assessment and report is based on the Big Five Aspects

Scale, the scientific model that describes your personality through the (Big Five) factors and
each of their two aspects. This report describes where you stand in comparison to others in

the general population on the these traits and aspects.

my scores

Agreeableness 39
Extraversion 94
Conscientiousness 75
Openness 95
Neuroticism 74

The traits and aspects of the Big Five personality model are:

Agreeableness: Compassion and Politeness

Conscientiousness: Industriousness and Orderliness

Extraversion: Enthusiasm and Assertiveness

Neuroticism: Withdrawal and Volatility

Openness: Intellect and Aesthetics

understandmyself.com 2

In the original Big Five Aspects Scale model, the openness factor was entitled "Openness to

Experience," and its aspects were called "Intellect" and "Openness". For the sake of clarity, we

have deviated from this, and use "Openness" or "Openness to Experience" to refer to the
factor level trait and "Intellect" and "Aesthetics" to refer to its aspects.

Our systems have compared your-self-ratings to those of thousands of other people. You are

being compared to men and women of all ages. This means that if you are young, your scores

on neuroticism will be higher and on agreeableness and conscientiousness will be lower than
if you were compared to people of your own age (with the reverse being true for older

individuals). For men, their scores on agreeableness and on neuroticism will be lower than if

they were just being compared to men. We decided to make the comparisons simple, so that
you know where you stand in comparison to the typical person (with age and sex regarded as


Your scores are presented as percentiles. A percentile indicates where you stand on a

particular trait with respect to the population. A percentile score of, say, 63, indicates that your
score is as high or higher than 63% of the population.

Remember that each personality trait and aspect (and your relative position with respect to

them) has advantages and disadvantages. It is for that reason that variation exists in the
human population: there is a niche for each personality configuration. Much of what

constitutes success in life is therefore the consequence of finding the place in relationships,

work and personal commitment that corresponds to your unique personality structure. Good
luck with your expanded self-understanding!

Note also that if you find the descriptions harsher than you might consider appropriate this

may mean that you were more self-critical than necessary when completing the questions

(remember, the results are based on your own self-report, compared to that of others). This
can occur if you were feeling temporarily or chronically unhappy or anxious, or hungry, angry

or judgmental when you completed the questions.

understandmyself.com 3

Agreeableness: Moderately Low

You are moderately low in agreeableness, which is the primary dimension of interpersonal

interaction in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. The two aspects of agreeableness
are compassion and politeness.

Your score puts you at the 39th percentile for agreeableness. If you were one of 100 people in

a room, you would be lower in agreeableness than 60 of them and higher in agreeableness

than 39 of them.

Moderately Low

Agreeableness is a very complex trait, with marked positive and negative elements all along its

distribution. Because of this, higher scores and lower scores need to be explained at the same
time. People high in agreeableness are nice: compliant, nurturing, kind, naively trusting and

conciliatory. However, because of their tendency to avoid conflict, they often dissemble and

hide what they think.

understandmyself.com 4

People low in agreeableness are not so nice: stubborn, dominant, harsh, skeptical, competitive

and, in the extreme, even predatory. However, they tend to be straightforward, even blunt, so

you know where they stand.

People with moderately low levels of agreeableness are seen by others as somewhat
competitive, colder and less empathic. They are less likely to look for the best in others, and

are not particularly tolerant (an attitude that is much valued by agreeable people). They are

less concerned about the emotional state of others, willing to engage in conflict, and will
sacrifice peace and harmony to make a point or (if conscientious) to get things done. People

find them straightforward, even blunt. They tend towards dominance, rather than submission

(particularly if also below average in neuroticism).

People with moderately low levels of agreeableness are not particularly forgiving, accepting,
flexible, gentle or patient. They don’t easily feel pity for those who are excluded, punished or

defeated. They are also not easily taken advantage of by disagreeable, manipulative or

otherwise troublesome people, or by those with criminal or predatory intent. Their skepticism
plays a protective role, although it may interfere with their ability to cooperate with or trust

others whose intentions are genuinely good. They can appreciate cooperation, but like
competition, with its clear losers and winners. They will not easily lose arguments (or avoid

discussions) with less agreeable people. They tend to be good at bargaining for themselves, or

at negotiating for more recognition or power. They are likely to have higher salaries and to
earn more money, in consequence. They are therefore less likely to suffer from resentment or

to harbour invisible anger, although this tendency may be increased, if they are very high in

neuroticism. In addition, because of their tendency to engage in conflict, when necessary,

moderately disagreeable people tend not to sacrifice medium- to long-term stability and

function for the sake of short-term peace. This means that problems that should be solved in

the present are often solved, and do not accumulate counterproductively across time.
understandmyself.com 5

Women are higher in agreeableness than men. The mean percentile for women in a general

population (women and men) is 61.5. For men it is 38.5. The fact that men are lower in
agreeableness than women helps explain their much higher rates of criminal incarceration

(90% male). The primary difference between criminals and non-criminals is disagreeableness.

If the typical criminal is more disagreeable than 98% of people in the general population, then
almost all those criminals will be male. This difference in agreeableness between men and

women is largest in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the most has been done to

ensure equality of outcome between the sexes. This provides strong evidence that biological
factors rather than environment and learning account for the dissimilarity.

Agreeableness, per se, is not strongly associated with political liberalism or conservatism, but

this is because the aspects of agreeableness predict such political belief in opposite ways, and

cancel each other out. Liberals are higher in aspect compassion, and conservatives in aspect
politeness. However, alliance with the category of belief that has come to be known as

politically correct is strongly predicted by agreeableness (particularly compassion). What this

appears to mean is that agreeable people strongly identify with those they deem oppressed,
seeing them, essentially, as exploited infants, and demonize those they see as oppressors,

seeing them as cruel, heartless predators.

There are large differences between men and women in terms of spontaneous interest, and
these also appear associated with agreeableness. Agreeable people, caring as they do for

others, are more likely to enter professions associated with people, such as teaching and

nursing, which are dominated by women. This is true even in the Scandinavian countries,
where attempts to produce gender-equal societies has reached a maximum.
understandmyself.com 6

Disagreeable people, by contrast, appear to prefer systematizing over empathizing, and are

more interested in things – machines and technology. In consequence, professions such as

engineering and trades associated with construction and machinery tend to be dominated by
relatively disagreeable men.
understandmyself.com 7

Compassion: Moderately High

You are moderately high in compassion. Compassion is an aspect of agreeableness. The other

aspect of agreeableness is politeness.

Your score puts you at the 61st percentile for compassion. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in compassion than 61 of them and lower in compassion than 38
of them.

61 Compassion Moderately High

Moderately compassionate people are interested in the problems of other people, and other
living things. They are concerned about helping other people avoid negative emotion. They

make time and do kind things for others, even when doing so may interfere with fulfilling their

own needs and interests.

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They have a noticeably soft side. Other people consider them sympathetic and nice, and will

turn to them often for a listening ear. They are empathetic and caring. However, because they

are so other-oriented, they may find it difficult to negotiate on their own behalf, and may not
get what they deserve (for their hard work, for example). This may lead to feelings of


Those who are liberal, politically, score somewhat higher in compassion than conservatives.

Women are also higher in compassion than men. The mean percentile for women in a general

population (women and men) is 61. For men it is 39.

understandmyself.com 9

Politeness: Low

You are low in politeness. Politeness is an aspect of agreeableness. The other aspect of

agreeableness is compassion.

Your score puts you at the 21st percentile for politeness. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be lower in politeness than 78 of them and higher in politeness than 21 of


People who are low in politeness are not deferential to authority – nor are they obedient.
They can be respectful, but only to people who clearly deserve and demand it, and they are

markedly willing to push back when challenged. They are not particularly uncomfortable

confronting other people.

understandmyself.com 10

People low in politeness are not motivated to avoid conflict, or to steer clear of conflict or

fights. They may find themselves quite frequently in trouble with authority. Their skepticism

may make it difficult for them to find a place in the middle or lower in hierarchies of power and
dominance. They tend strongly to be dominant, rather than submissive (particularly if they are

also low in neuroticism).

Those who are liberal, politically, score somewhat lower in politeness than conservatives (the

opposite pattern is seen with compassion).

Women are higher in politeness than men. The mean percentile for women in a general
population (women and men) is 59. For men it is 41.
understandmyself.com 11

Conscientiousness: Moderately High

You are moderately high in conscientiousness, which is the primary dimension of dutiful

achievement in the Big Five personality trait scientific model.

Your score puts you at the 75th percentile for conscientiousness. If you were one of 100
people in a room, you would be higher in conscientiousness than 75 of them and lower in

conscientiousness than 24 of them.

75 Conscientiousness Moderately High

Conscientiousness is a measure of obligation, attention to detail, hard work, persistence,

cleanliness, efficiency and adherence to rules, standards and processes. Conscientious people

implement their plans and establish and maintain order. The two aspects of
conscientiousness are industriousness and orderliness.
understandmyself.com 12

Moderately conscientious people are dutiful. They tend to slog away at a task until finished.

They work reasonably hard and do not want to waste time. They are less likely than average to

procrastinate (particularly if they are also low in neuroticism). If a moderately conscientious

person promises to do something, they will do it, and rarely be delayed. They tend to be

relatively decisive, neat, organized, future-oriented, and reliable. They are not too-frequently


Moderately conscientious people are more likely than average to obtain higher grades in
academic settings (particularly if they are also intelligent), and to make competent

administrators and managers. They like to have everything in its proper place, but are not

particularly obsessed with detail. They tend to do things by the book. Moderately
conscientious people are somewhat prone to guilt (although they organize their lives so that

they have comparatively little to feel guilty about). They are also more sensitive than average

to shame, self-disgust and self-contempt.

Individuals who are moderately conscientious react comparatively poorly to failure

(particularly if they are above average in neuroticism). They tend to be judgemental and can

be disgusted by their own moral transgressions, as well as those of others. They suffer higher
than normal levels of shame and guilt when unemployed or otherwise unoccupied, even when

that occurs through no fault of their own. Moderately conscientious people are committed to

the idea of personal responsibility. They believe that hard work and diligence will and should
be rewarded, and tend to think that those who don’t succeed deserve their failure. They value

hygiene, moral purity and achievement. Now and then they might micro-manage and exert

too much control.

understandmyself.com 13

Moderately conscientious people are slightly more likely to be political conservatives, rather

than liberal (particularly if they are also below average in openness).

Women are very slightly more conscientious than men. The mean percentile for women in a

general population (women and men) is 51.5. For men it is 49.5.

understandmyself.com 14

Industriousness: Typical or Average

You are typical or average in industriousness. Industriousness is an aspect of

conscientiousness. The other aspect of conscientiousness is orderliness.

Your score puts you at the 56th percentile for industriousness. If you were one of 100 people

in a room, you would be higher in industriousness than 56 of them and lower in

industriousness than 43 of them.

56 Industriousness
Typical or Average

People of average industriousness are somewhat likely to be successful in school and in

administrative and managerial positions (particularly if they are intelligent). They do not live to

work, however, and do not always have to be doing something useful. They like their leisure

understandmyself.com 15

Typically, they will do their duty, but they can put things off, and sometimes mess them up.

Usually, but not always, they finish what they start, and they do it more or less on schedule,

with some exceptions. They are no more concerned than average with efficiency or savings.
They can focus on the task on hand, when there are high levels of motivation or pressure, but

often find themselves distracted by something more entertaining, or interesting, or


People of average industriousness are not particularly judgemental to themselves or others.

They like to live and let live. They are somewhat likely to believe that people fail because they

don’t apply themselves or work hard enough, but know that other considerations play a role.

They tend to feel guilty, but not to an overwhelming degree, if they do not do their duty. They
can, however, find themselves in a guilty position because they failed to perform a task on

time or properly.

Those who are liberal and those who are conservative appear equally industrious.

Men are slightly more industrious than women. The mean percentile for men in a general
population (women and men) is 51.5. For women it is 49.5.
understandmyself.com 16

Orderliness: High

You are high in orderliness. Orderliness is an aspect of conscientiousness. The other aspect of

conscientiousness is industriousness.

Your score puts you at the 84th percentile for orderliness. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in orderliness than 84 of them and lower in orderliness than 15 of

84 Orderliness High

Highly orderly people tend to be disturbed and disgusted by mess and chaos. They keep
everything tidy and organized. They tend to think in more black and white terms: things are

good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, with little room for grey areas. They make, like and

stick to schedules.
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They want everything where it should be – and want to make sure it stays where it belongs.

They are detail-oriented. They are rule-abiding, and tend to insist that rules are observed.

They can be judgmental towards themselves and others if and when rules are broken or
procedures ignored. They do not like to be without routine and predictability. They can be

good at ensuring that complex sensitive processes are managed properly and carefully.

Excessive orderliness can also constrain creativity (even among those high in openness) as

creative endeavours often require mess, disruption and intervening periods of chaos.

Those who are highly orderly are also more likely to be political conservatives. Orderliness is
the second-best predictor of conservatism, after openness.

Women are more orderly than men. The mean percentile for women in a general population

(women and men) is 54.5. For men it is 45.5. This may account for some of the trouble in

relation to housework between women and men. Since women are, on average, more orderly,
household disorder will trigger disgust and discomfort in them faster. This may happen with

sufficient frequency so they end up doing a disproportionate share of such work (even though
if they waited a bit longer their less orderly partners, often men, might end up equally

troubled and motivated to fix the problem). Orderly people are more likely to have items such

as event calendars, drawer organizers, laundry baskets, irons and ironing boards in their
immediate environments.
understandmyself.com 18

Extraversion: Very High

You are very high in extraversion, which is the primary dimension of positive emotion in the

Big Five personality trait scientific model. Extraversion is a measure of general sensitivity to
positive emotions such as hope, joy, anticipation and approach, particularly in social

situations. The two aspects of extraversion are enthusiasm and assertiveness.

Your score puts you at the 94th percentile for extraversion. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in extraversion than 94 of them and lower in extraversion than 5
of them.

94 Extraversion Very High

Since extraversion and introversion are poles that denote the ends of the spectrum for this
trait, you can also think of yourself as being very low in introversion.
understandmyself.com 19

People with very high levels of extraversion are very enthusiastic, talkative, assertive in social

situations, and gregarious. They are highly energized by social contact, and crave it. They find

great pleasure in planning parties, telling jokes, making people laugh, and taking part in
community activities. They typically have positive memories of the past, high levels of current

self-esteem (particularly if they are low in neuroticism), and experience far above average

optimism about the future.

People who are uncommonly extraverted have a very difficult time keeping things to
themselves, and tend to tell everyone everything. They are very self-disclosing (particularly if

also high in neuroticism) and they warm up rapidly to other people. They speak first and most

often in meetings. They can be extremely captivating and convincing. They will often be the
first to act.

People who are very high in extraversion make strikingly enthusiastic employees, and are very

well-suited to jobs involving sales, persuasion, working in groups and public speaking

(particularly, once again, if they are low in neuroticism). They are not at all suited to
occupations that require a lot of isolated work (such as computer programming or


People very high in extraversion can also be highly impulsive, particularly when it comes to
having fun in social situations. They tend strongly to sacrifice the future to the present, when

something social or group-oriented beckons. It is hard for them to be alone and to study and

work. They can be very easily distracted by opportunities to chat, joke and socialize. This is
particularly the case if they are also low in conscientiousness. When individuals are

extraverted and conscientious, they are more productive than if they are introverted and

conscientious. However, when they are introverted and unconscientious, they are more
productive than they are when they are extroverted and unconscientious.
understandmyself.com 20

People very high in extraversion are highly dominant in social situations, particularly if they

are also low in agreeableness. Less agreeable extraverts tend to be self-centered – something

that can be made worse if they are also low in conscientiousness.

Those who are politically liberal are slightly less extraverted than conservatives.

Women are slightly more extraverted than men. The mean percentile for women in a general
population (women and men) is 52. For men it is 48.
understandmyself.com 21

Enthusiasm: Moderately High

You are moderately high in enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is an aspect of extraversion. The other

aspect of extraversion is assertiveness.

Your score puts you at the 75th percentile for enthusiasm. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in enthusiasm than 75 of them and lower in enthusiasm than 24 of

75 Enthusiasm Moderately High

Individuals moderately high in enthusiasm are somewhat excitable, happy and easier to get to
know. They will talk more about everything (particularly other people) than the typical person.

They laugh or giggle more than average.

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They would rather spend time around other people than alone, and they tend to like parties.

They don’t generally keep people at a distance, and are not too concerned with keeping things

private. They are comparatively positive and optimistic. They warm up quickly to other people.
They like stimulation, excitement, activity and fun. Enthusiastic people are gregarious,

encouraging and people-loving, and tend to be quite positive about what might happen next.

Enthusiasm is not strongly associated with political preference, either conservative or liberal.

Women are higher in enthusiasm than men. The mean percentile for women in a general

population (women and men) is 55. For men it is 45.

understandmyself.com 23

Assertiveness: Exceptionally High

You are exceptionally high in assertiveness. Assertiveness is an aspect of extraversion. The

other aspect of extraversion is enthusiasm.

Your score puts you at the 97th percentile for assertiveness. If you were one of 100 people in

a room, you would be higher in assertiveness than 97 of them and lower in assertiveness than
2 of them.

97 Assertiveness Exceptionally High

Exceptionally assertive people are “take charge” types. They put their own opinions forward
extremely strongly, and constantly dominate and control social situations. Exceptionally

assertive people can be extremely influential and captivating. They have the communication

style that is often associated with leadership.

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This is good when they are knowledgeable, competent and able, but not so good when they

aren’t. Assertive people are people of action. They don’t wait for others to lead the way, but

leap in, heedlessly. They can be impulsive, in consequence, and can act without thinking.

Liberals tend to be slightly less assertive than conservatives.

Women are slightly less assertive than men. The mean percentile for women in a general
population (women and men) is 48. For men it is 52.
understandmyself.com 25

Neuroticism: Moderately High

You are moderately high in neuroticism, which is the primary dimension of negative emotion

in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Neuroticism is a measure of general sensitivity
to negative emotions such as pain, sadness, irritable or defensive anger, fear and anxiety. The

two aspects of neuroticism are withdrawal and volatility.

Your score puts you at the 74th percentile for neuroticism. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in neuroticism than 74 of them and lower in neuroticism than 25 of

74 Neuroticism Moderately High

People with moderately high levels of neuroticism are somewhat more likely to think that
things have gone wrong in the past, are going wrong now, and will continue to go wrong into

the future.
understandmyself.com 26

They are also a bit more likely to be unhappy, anxious and irritable when just thinking or

remembering, and when they encounter a genuine problem. They have lower than average

levels of self-esteem, particularly when they are also low in extraversion. Neuroticism is a risk
factor for anxiety disorders and depression.

Moderately high levels of neuroticism may interfere somewhat with both success and

satisfaction in relationships and career, with the strongest effect on relationships. Moderately

high levels of neuroticism are associated with slightly more concern about mental and physical
health, as well as more physician and emergency room visits, and higher than average levels of

absenteeism at work and at school (particularly if accompanied by below average levels of


People with moderately high levels of neuroticism appear to be somewhat risk-averse, which
means they will be less likely to pursue or enjoy recreational, career, financial and social

situations where the possibility of loss is high. Such people appear to be concerned with

maintaining their current status, rather than enhancing it. Perhaps this is a good strategy in
genuinely dangerous or uncertain times.
understandmyself.com 27

Neuroticism is not a powerful predictor of political belief, either conservative or liberal.

Females tend to be higher in neuroticism than males. The typical woman is higher in

neuroticism than 60% of the general population of men and women combined. In part, this

may be why women report more unhappiness in their relationships, at work, in school and
with their health than men, on average, and why women initiate 70% of all divorces. This

difference in neuroticism between men and women appears to emerge at puberty. It is largest

in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the most has been done to ensure equality
of outcome between the sexes. This provides strong evidence that biological factors rather

than environment and learning account for the dissimilarity.

understandmyself.com 28

Withdrawal: Typical or Average

You are typical or average in withdrawal. Withdrawal is an aspect of neuroticism. The other

aspect of neuroticism is volatility.

Your score puts you at the 52nd percentile for withdrawal. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in withdrawal than 52 of them and lower in withdrawal than 47 of

52 Withdrawal
Typical or Average

Individuals average in withdrawal may occasionally suffer from anticipatory anxiety, but are
generally not impeded by it. They can handle new, uncertain, unexpected, threatening or

complex situations quite well. They are not more likely to avoid or withdraw in the face of the

unknown and unexpected.

understandmyself.com 29

People with average levels of withdrawal sometimes feel sad, lonesome, disappointed and

grief-stricken, but not too deeply, and not for too long. They experience normal levels of doubt

and worry, embarrassment, self-consciousness and discouragement in the face of threat and
punishment. They are reasonably but not excessively sensitive to social rejection, and don’t

feel hurt too easily. Even when hurt, frightened, or anxious, they can recover in a reasonable

amount of time. People with typical levels of withdrawal are not particularly concerned that
something bad is going to happen. Technically, withdrawal has been associated with activity in

the brain systems that regulate passive avoidance.

Those who are liberal, politically, are slightly higher in withdrawal than conservatives.

Women are higher in withdrawal than men. The mean percentile for women in a general

population (women and men) is 60. For men it is 40.

understandmyself.com 30

Volatility: High

You are high in volatility. Volatility is an aspect of neuroticism. The other aspect of neuroticism

is withdrawal.

Your score puts you at the 86th percentile for volatility. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in volatility than 86 of them and lower in volatility than 13 of them.

86 Volatility High

Individuals high in volatility tend to vary in their mood. They can be irritable, reacting strongly

to disappointment, frustration, pain and the threat of social isolation. They can lash out and
are relatively easily annoyed.
understandmyself.com 31

They are more likely to act out or verbally express their frustration, disappointment and

irritability. They can be stirred up and upset and, once angry or irritated, take a longer than

average time to calm down. They can be argumentative and lose their composure. They can
be provocative in a dispute (particularly if also low in agreeableness).

Volatile people tend to get upset if something bad does happen, while people high in

withdrawal (the other aspect of neuroticism) tend to be concerned that something bad might

happen. Technically, volatility has been associated with activity in the brain systems that
regulate fight, flight or freeze.

Volatility is not strongly related to political preference, either liberal or conservative.

Women are higher in volatility than men. The mean percentile for women in a general

population (women and men) is 57.5. For men it is 42.5.

understandmyself.com 32

Openness: Very High

You are very high in openness, which is the primary dimension of creativity, artistic interest

and intelligence (particularly verbal intelligence) in the Big Five personality trait scientific
model. Openness is a measure of interest in novelty, art, literature, abstract thinking,

philosophy as well as sensitivity to aesthetic emotions and beauty. The two aspects of

openness are intellect and aesthetics.

Your score puts you at the 95th percentile for openness. If you were one of 100 people in a
room, you would be higher in openness than 95 of them and lower in openness than 4 of


95 Openness Very High

People with very high levels of openness are extremely likely to be characterized by others as

uncommonly smart, creative, exploratory, intelligent and visionary.

understandmyself.com 33

They are strikingly interested in learning, and are constantly acquiring new abilities and skills.

They are very curious and exploratory. They are very interested in abstract thinking,

philosophy, and the meaning of belief systems and ideologies. They will seek out cultural
events such as movies, concerts, dance recitals, plays, poetry readings, gallery openings and

art shows. They are unusually likely to enjoy writing (or even to be driven to write). They enjoy

complex, abstract ideas and love to confront and solve complex, abstract and multi-
dimensional problems.

They are uncommonly likely to be prolific readers, with an unusually wide range of interests.

They have an uncommonly broad and deep vocabulary. They can think and learn with striking

speed. They are frequently proficient at formulating new ideas, and very strongly tend to be
articulate (particularly if average or above in extraversion). People very high in openness can

see old things in strikingly new ways. They can formulate any single problem in an

uncommonly diverse range of ways, and can generate an atypically large number of problem-
solving solutions. They will continually seek change, often to make things better, but also just

for the sake of change.

People who are very high in openness are not well adapted to and do not do well in situations
or occupations that are routinized and predictable. They do not fit in at all well at the bottom

of hierarchies. They are uncommonly ill-suited to entry-level, repetitive, rote positions,

because they are always thinking up new ways to do things, and such ideas are seldom
welcome from someone at the bottom. They are very radical thinkers. They shake things up,

particularly if they are also disagreeable and assertive. They are more likely to be

revolutionary rebels (particularly if average or below in conscientiousness).

understandmyself.com 34

Individuals very high in openness are entrepreneurial in spirit, as well as smart and creative.

They have very much higher than average interest in creating new ventures, sometimes for

profit, sometimes for curiosity, and sometimes for personal transformation. Very high levels of
openness appear necessary to the formation and leadership of business and other forms of

complex organization, although conscientiousness appears required for the attention to detail

and process management that such organizations also always need.

Because people who are very high in openness tend to be interested in everything, this can
make it hard for them to settle on a single path in life, to specialize to a necessary degree, and

to create an integrated identity. This is particularly dangerous if they are high in neuroticism

and/or low in conscientiousness. People characterized by the combination of high openness

and high neuroticism continually undermine their own convictions and beliefs by incessant

questioning and make themselves lost and anxious. Open, unconscientious people tend to be

“under-achievers” (particularly if also above average in neuroticism). Such people appear to

have the capability to succeed, can learn quickly, and are creative, but they seldom implement

their ideas.

Openness is the dimension that best predicts political allegiance (with conscientiousness,
particularly the aspect of orderliness, coming in at second place). Those who are liberal,

politically, are very much more likely to be high in openness than conservatives.

Women and men differ very little in openness at the trait level, although there are differences

in the aspect levels.

understandmyself.com 35

Intellect: High

You are high in intellect. Intellect is an aspect of openness. The other aspect of openness is


Your score puts you at the 82nd percentile for intellect. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in intellect than 82 of them and lower in intellect than 17 of them.

82 Intellect High

Note: Do not confuse the personality aspect of Intellect with IQ. Intellect is a measure of

interest in abstract ideas, essentially, while IQ is a measure of processing speed, verbal ability,
working memory, and problem solving capacity, and is better measured with a formal IQ test.

It is perfectly possible to have a high IQ and a low score on the personality trait of Intellect.
understandmyself.com 36

People high in intellect are quite interested in ideas and abstract concepts. They enjoy being

confronted with novel information, even when it is complex. They are substantially more

curious and exploratory than average, and frequently like to tackle and solve problems. They
will actively engage in and seek out and initiate issue-oriented discussions, and are likely to

read, think about and want to discuss idea-centered books (most frequently non-fiction). They

are generally articulate and can formulate ideas clearly and quickly (particularly if average or
higher in extraversion). They have a wide vocabulary, and actively enjoy learning new things.

People high in intellect will often find and generate novel, creative concepts and voluntarily

search for and adapt well to new experiences and situations.

People high in intellect find complex, rapidly changing occupations to their liking and will
generally do well at them (particularly if they are also high in conscientiousness and low in

neuroticism). However, they are substantially less well-suited to stable, straightforward and

more traditional occupations, where the rules don't change, and will experience frequent
periods of boredom and frustration in such positions.

Liberals are higher in intellect than conservatives (although the biggest difference between the

two is openness at the trait level).

Women are lower than men in intellect (although not in IQ). This is probably a difference in
interest: people high in intellect, compared to aesthetics, are more likely to prefer the sciences

to the arts. The mean percentile for women in a general population (women and men) is 45.

For men it is 55.

understandmyself.com 37

Aesthetics: Exceptionally High

You are exceptionally high in aesthetics. Aesthetics is an aspect of openness. The other aspect

of openness is intellect.

Your score puts you at the 96th percentile for aesthetics. If you were one of 100 people in a

room, you would be higher in aesthetics than 96 of them and lower in aesthetics than 3 of

96 Aesthetics Exceptionally High

In the original Big Five Aspects Scale model, the openness factor was entitled "Openness to
Experience," and its aspects were called "Intellect" and "Openness". For the sake of clarity, we

have deviated from this, and use "Openness" or "Openness to Experience" to refer to the

factor level trait and "Intellect" and "Aesthetics" to refer to its aspects.
understandmyself.com 38

Generally speaking, a person's aesthetics score reflects their creativity. People who are

exceptionally high in aesthetics love beauty. They must have an outlet for their creative ability,

or they simply cannot thrive. They must be surrounded by art or beautiful crafts. They are
extremely sensitive to color and architectural form. They love to collect things, sometimes to

the point of obsession. They are exceptionally imaginative, and love to daydream and reflect

on things. They are remarkably affected by music, of many genres, and are likely to be musical
or artistic themselves (both of these are rare in the general population). They can get

completely immersed in a book, or a movie, or in their own thoughts, and become totally

oblivious to the outside world. They respond unusually strongly to beauty, creativity and art.

They can be impractical and flighty, however (particularly if low in conscientiousness). It can be
extremely difficult to transform creativity into money, or into a career. High levels of creativity

are, however, necessary for entrepreneurial success, and often prove useful at the top of

hierarchies, even in very conservative occupations such as banking, accounting and law, which
need creative people in leadership positions to provide new vision and direction.

Liberals are higher in aesthetics than conservatives (although the biggest difference between

the two is openness at the trait level).

Women are higher in aesthetics than men. The mean percentile for women in a general
population (women and men) is 56.5. For men it is 44.5.

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