Big 5 Personality Test
Big 5 Personality Test
Big 5 Personality Test
Very Useful
Personality psychologists are interested in what differentiates one person from another and why
we behave the way that we do. Personality research, like any science, relies on quantifiable
concrete data which can be used to examine what people are like. This is where the Big Five
plays an important role.
The Big Five was originally derived in the 1970's by two independent research teams -- Paul
Costa and Robert McCrae (at the National Institutes of Health), and Warren Norman (at the
University of Michigan)/Lewis Goldberg (at the University of Oregon) -- who took slightly
different routes at arriving at the same results: most human personality traits can be boiled down
to five broad dimensions of personality, regardless of language or culture. These five dimensions
were derived by asking thousands of people hundreds of questions and then analyzing the data
with a statistical procedure known as factor analysis. It is important to realize that the researchers
did not set out to find five dimensions, but that five dimensions emerged from their analyses of
the data. In scientific circles, the Big Five is now the most widely accepted and used model of
personality (though of course many other systems are used in pop psychology and work contexts;
e.g., the MBTI).
In order to provide you with a meaningful comparison, the scores you received have been
converted to “percentile scores.” This means that your personality score can be directly
compared to another group of people who have also taken this personality test. The percentile
scores show you where you score on each personality dimension relative to other people, taking
into account normal differences in gender and age.
For example, your Extraversion percentile score is 96, which means that about 96 percent of the
people in the comparison sample are less extraverted than you. In other words, you are strongly
extroverted as compared to them. Keep in mind that these percentile scores are relative to our
particular sample of people. Thus, your percentile scores may differ if you were compared to
another sample (e.g., elderly British people).
If you'd like to learn more about personality psychology, take a look at these links to other
personality sites on the web. Take a look at our homepage for more tests!
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For classroom activities: sometimes educators ask students to use this site for classroom
projects and need the “raw” scores. Your raw scores, normalized 0 to 1: o: 0.92, c: 0.86, e: 0.86,
a: 0.75, n: 0.52