1 s2.0 S036031992031586X Main
1 s2.0 S036031992031586X Main
1 s2.0 S036031992031586X Main
Article history: Compared to alkaline electrolyzers, PEM electrolyzers offer high current densities and can
Received 30 January 2020 be coupled to renewable energy sources because of their fast responses to dynamics. The
Received in revised form modeling of PEM electrolyzers is a challenging issue to reproduce its behavior and to design
19 April 2020 properly power electronics and its control without damaging a real electrolyzer. The input
Accepted 20 April 2020 current may have an impact on the dynamics of the electrolyzer and must be taken into
Available online 9 July 2020 consideration to make a model more reliable. In this work, an equivalent electrical circuit
to replicate accurately the dynamic behavior of the PEM electrolyzer subject to fast current
Keywords: change is investigated. Based on the input current, the parameters of the model can not be
PEM electrolyzer considered as constant. Hence, to improve the accuracy of the model, an adaptive static-
Modeling dynamic electrical model is proposed and takes into consideration the change of input
Static current. This model is validated by using a commercial-400 W PEM electrolyzer. The ob-
Dynamic tained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model to predict the PEM stack voltage.
Renewable energy sources © 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Adaptive parameters
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: victor.ramirez@cicy.mx (V. Ramirez).
0360-3199/© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
18818 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 1 8 8 1 7 e1 8 8 3 0
equivalent electrical circuit is presented, and its mathemat- for the end-user, thus requiring less energy to further
ical modeling is provided. After that, in parameter estimation, compress and store the hydrogen [26].
the algorithm to compute the parameters of the model based Problems related to higher operational pressures in PEM
on different electrical current inputs is introduced and electrolysis are also present, such as cross-permeation phe-
explained in detail. Finally, in experimental validation of the nomenon which increases with pressure. The corrosive acidic
model, the equivalent electrical model including adaptive regime provided by the proton exchange membrane requires
parameters is validated experimentally by using a commer- the use of distinct materials. These materials must not only
cial-400 W PEM electrolyzer. Besides, a discussion is provided resist the hard corrosive low pH (around 2) condition but also
to summarize and comment on the obtained results. sustain the high applied over-potential (around 2 V), espe-
cially at high current densities. Corrosion resistance applies
not only for the catalysts used but also for current collectors
PEM electrolyzer technology: features and and separator plates. Only a few materials can be selected that
modeling issues would perform in this hard environment [26]. For this reason,
its cost is high, system durability is inferior and technology is
Features of PEM electrolyzer more suitable for low-scale applications compared with con-
ventional alkaline technology [7,9].
The PEM electrolyzer cell is essentially a PEM as an electrolytic In the next subsection, experimental tests have been car-
conductor between an anode and a cathode. The water mol- ried out to emphasize the real behavior of a commercial-400
ecules and ionic particles are transferred across the mem- W PEM electrolyzer during dynamic operations (generally met
brane from the anode to the cathode, where it is decomposed by coupling the electrolyzer with RES which are very dynamic
into oxygen, protons, and electrons. In the reaction process, sources). The obtained results enable demonstrating clearly
electrical energy is supplied to the system and converted into that the dynamics are important issues and have to be taken
chemical energy. The electrons come out of the cell through into consideration for modeling purposes.
an external circuit. After that, the electrons and protons
recombine at the cathode to produce hydrogen [17], see Fig. 1. Experimental test setup
In summary, the reactions in the PEM electrolyzer are:
To investigate the dynamics of a commercial PEM electrolyzer,
Anode : H2 Ol / O2g þ 2Hþ
g þ 2e
an experimental test setup has been realized as shown in Fig.
2. The test setup is composed of the following devices and
components: (1) a laptop with a virtual control panel to control
Cathode : 2Hþ þ 2e /H2g
the DC power supply, (2) a DC power supply, (3) a 4-channel
oscilloscope, (4) a pure water tank, (5) a commercial-400 W
Overall reaction : H2 Ol /H2g þ O2g PEM electrolyzer, (6) a current probe to acquire the current at
the input of the electrolyzer, and finally (7) a voltage probe to
The PEM technology can offer high proton conductivity, acquire the stack voltage of the electrolyzer. The specifica-
low gas crossover, compact system design, and high-pressure tions of the studied commercial PEM electrolyzer NMH2 1000
operation. The low membrane thickness enables minimizing from HELIOCENTRIS ® Company are provided in Table 1. It has
the ohmic losses, and as a result, the energy efficiency can be to be noted that the PEM electrolyzer NMH2 1000 system is
enhanced. PEM electrolyzers can operate at much higher combined with power electronics based on a single-phase
current densities, capable of achieving values above 2 A/cm2, diode rectifier and a DC/DC step-down converter. To investi-
this reduces the operational costs and potentially the overall gate the dynamic behavior of this PEM electrolyzer, only the
cost of electrolysis. The low gas crossover rate of the PEM al- stack is used and is connected to an external DC power supply
lows for the PEM electrolyzer to operate under a wide range of as depicted in Fig. 2. Besides, the PEM electrolyzer uses a solid
power input. The high-pressure operation of an electrolyzer polymer electrolyte based on fluoropolymer Nafion material
brings the advantage of delivering hydrogen at high pressure from DuPont ® company. The thickness of the membrane is
very thin, resulting in lower ohmic losses. To meet the
model, it is needed to solve Eqs. (3) and (4). So, the solution is
hact ¼ hact;c þ hact;a (2) calculated for Eq. (3) and the solution of Eq. (4) is analogous.
Then, applying the Laplace’s transform to Eq. (3), it yields:
where the dynamic equations for hact;a and hact;c are:
Z ∞
exp½zt,iel ,dt
dhact;c 1 1 L½hact;c
¼ ,iel ,hact;c ; (3) z , L½hact;c hact;c ð0Þ ¼ 0
dt C1 t1 C1 t1
where hact;c ð0Þ is the initial value of hact;c . Clearing L½hact;c :
dhact;a 1 1
¼ ,iel ,hact;a ; (4) Z ∞
dt C2 t2
exp½zt,iel ,dt
where iel is the electrolyzer current ½A; C1 and C2 are the ca- t1
L½hact;c ¼ , 0 þ hact;c ð0Þ : (10)
z,t1 þ 1 C1
pacitors for cathode and anode in ½F: The electrical time
constants t1 and t2 in ½s governing the dynamics are variables Therefore, applying the inverse transform:
according to the operating conditions at the input of the Z ∞
exp½zt,iel ,dt
t1 t
hact;c ¼ , L1 0 þ hact;c ð0Þ,exp : (11)
C1 z,t1 þ 1 t1
- One resistance to model the membrane (ohmic over-
potential). In this work, the current function iel is determined by the
step function:
A1 if t < tc ;
iel ¼ (12)
hohm ¼ iel ,Rint (5) A2 if t tc ;
where Rint is an internal resistance in the circuit in ½U. where both A1 and A2 are constants in ½A and tc is the time
when the input A1 changes to the input A2 expressed in ½s.
- A DC voltage source to model the reversible potential in ½V. Thus, using Eq. (12) like a function of iel and applying the
second Theorem of translation to Eq. (11), hact;c becomes:
> t1
< ,f1 ðtÞ þ g1 ðtÞ if t < tc;
hact;c ðtÞ ¼ (13)
> t1
> tc t
: , ðA2 A1 Þ, 1 exp þ f1 ðtÞ þ g1 ðtÞ if t tc;
C1 t1
> t2
< ,f2 ðtÞ þ g2 ðtÞ if t < tc;
hact;a ðtÞ ¼ (14)
> t2 tc t
: , ðA2 A1 Þ, 1 exp þ f2 ðtÞ þ g2 ðtÞ if t tc;
C2 t2
Fig. 9 e Behavior and estimation of the parameter Vint . Fig. 12 e Behavior and estimation of the parameter t2 .
Fig. 14 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 0 to 5 A.
Fig. 15 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 5 to 7 A.
for the input current 5 to 4 A with a tc ¼ 15s has shown a Er ¼ In Fig. 18, simulations results are reported in a time from
1:29% and Em ¼ 0:08V; for the input current 4 to 3 A with a tc ¼ 0 to 50 s. The comparison between the model and the exper-
15s has shown a Er ¼ 1:64% and Em ¼ 0:1V; for the input cur- iments; for the input current 0e3 A with a tc ¼ 4:5s has shown
rent 3 to 2 A with a tc ¼ 15s has shown a Er ¼ 1:47% and Em ¼ a Er ¼ 4:2% and Em ¼ 0:2V; for the input current 0e6 A with a
0:08V; for the input current 2 to 1 A with a tc ¼ 15s has shown a tc ¼ 11s has shown a Er ¼ 3:95% and Em ¼ 0:25V; for the input
Er ¼ 1:93% and Em ¼ 0:1V; for the input current 1 to 0 A with a current 0e10 A with a tc ¼ 2s has shown a Er ¼ 3:9% and Em ¼
tc ¼ 20s has shown a Er ¼ 2:7% and Em ¼ 0:13V. 0:29V.
Finally, the mathematical model has been compared with In Fig. 19, the model is tested for the last current steps in a
the experiments obtained for different current steps from 0 to time from 0 to 50 s. The comparison of the model with the
3 A, 0e6 A, 0e10 A, 10 to 0 A, and 2e10 A. The results are re- experimental data; for the input current 10 to 0 A with a tc ¼
ported in Figs. 18 and 19. The aim is to estimate the accuracy 4s has shown a Er ¼ 2:52% and Em ¼ 0:12V; for the input
of the model in replicating the PEM stack voltage for different current 2e10 A with a tc ¼ 11s has shown a Er ¼ 4:19% and
current steps, different from those used to develop the model. Em ¼ 0:29V.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 1 8 8 1 7 e1 8 8 3 0 18827
Fig. 16 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 8 to 5 A.
Fig. 17 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 5 to 0 A.
Fig. 18 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 0 to 3 A, 0e6 A, and 0e10 A.
Fig. 19 e Comparison of the stack voltage between the experiments (solid line) and the model (dashed line) considering a
current range from 10 to 0, and 2e10 A.
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