Adsorbed Gas Storage Digital Twin: JOM, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2024
Adsorbed Gas Storage Digital Twin: JOM, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2024
Adsorbed Gas Storage Digital Twin: JOM, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2024
2, 2024
Ó 2023 The Author(s)
One possibility for energy storage are fuels. With gaseous fuels like hydrogen
or methane, significant efforts are necessary for a feasible storage in terms of
compression or liquefaction. This is of particular importance in the mobility
sector. An alternative to high-pressure or cryogenic gas storage is the storage
by adsorption in porous media using nano-carbons, metal–organic frame-
works, or metal hydrides as adsorbents. In order to assess the performance of
the charging and discharging of adsorption tanks, the mass and energy bal-
ance as well as the phase equilibrium (adsorption isotherm) and, if present,
the spatial distribution of properties has to be considered. In order to simplify
the analysis and prediction of these models, an attempt is made to develop
digital twins based on machine learning. Neural networks and Gaussian
process regression are applied to replace the system of coupled nonlinear and
differential equations. The data basis used is generated by simulations. Thus,
it is possible to easily predict the performance of a storage tank for different
gases or to determine an optimum storage device (material selection and tank
952 Klepp
materials extends from reprocessed waste to use data-driven models which are computationally
designed structures in the nano-range. In addition less expensive than the physical models based on
to physisorptive bonding, chemisorption may also be nonlinear and differential equations. Here, we will
used to enhance the bonding. Here, the focus is on develop a machine learning model for the adsorp-
the application and modeling of physical adsorption. tion equilibrium and the mass end energy balance.
Due to the heat of adsorption, the temperature It might be used for the application of tanks with
decreased during charging and increases during nearly constant temperature and concentration
discharging, thus affecting the adsorption equilib- distribution in the adsorbent. It can also model the
riums: with decreasing temperature, the adsorption adsorption heat and mass transfer in a control
capacity decreases, while, with increasing temper- volume implemented in a CFD simulation. Espe-
ature, the adsorption capacity increases. Thus, the cially for the latter case, the iterative solution and
ability of quickly charging or discharging the tank is time consuming coupling of additional differential
influenced by the ability to adjust the temperature equations is replaced by the solution of algebraic
in the adsorbent. An optimization of the charging equations.
and discharging process includes the sizing of the Here, the feasibility of replacing the physical
tanks, the shape of the adsorbent material, addi- model of the adsorption with a data-driven model
tional cooling/heating of the tanks, adaption of the and its application to the charging and discharging
pressure level, and mass flow rates for single tank of gaseous fuels in adsorption tanks is investigated.
and tank bundles. The charging of a methane hydrogen mixture in
Adsorption gas storage is of particular interest for activated carbon (NORIT RGM1) has been chosen
applications with high volumetric storage capacity, as an example to implement this approach.
i.e., as fuel tanks in vehicles (e.g., ANG tank, First, the governing equations and the output of
Ingevity, North Charleston, SC, USA). Thus, some the computations are presented. Then, the methods
experience is already available concerning the stor- used for machine learning are described. Finally,
age of methane (natural gas) and hydrogen (for fuel the results are shown and the feasibility of this
cells).4–16 There are also seasonal energy storage approach is discussed.
applications (hydrogen stored in metal hydrides) for
domestic use (e.g., LAVO Energy Storage, Sydney, PHYSICAL MODEL
Australia or Picea, Home Power Solutions, Berlin,
A lumped parameter model for a cylindrical
adsorption tank with area-averaged pressure and
The charging and discharging has been modeled
temperature values has been derived based on the
based on the adsorption equilibrium and the mass
mass and energy balance equations and an adsorp-
end energy balance. With regard to the distribution
tion isotherm model. This model is described in
of the concentration and temperature, lumped
detail in Ref. 19.
parameter models and computational fluid dynam-
The change in the gas mass stored in the tank
ics (CFD) models14–16 have been used. For simple
results from the amount in the gas phase and the
geometries and cooling by natural convection only,
adsorbed phase, with the adsorbent total porosity
the temperature and pressure distribution is
known. The gas density has been computed with the
roughly uniform. For real-life applications, the
ideal gas equation of state.
geometries are more complex, and the distribution
The inflow and outflow (mass flow rate) are
is not uniform. In order to reduce the time for
prescribed. Charging has been implemented by a
charging and discharging, temperature control may
positive mass flux and an increase in pressure,
be applied. With a large number of sorption and
discharging by a negative mass flux and decreasing
desorption cycles, the storage capacity deteriorates.
With regard to the storage of gas mixtures, there
The changes of the averaged temperature are
are fewer data available.
given by the energy balance resulting from the heat
Hydrogen storage in a cylindrical reaction cham-
of adsorption and the heat flux to the ambient in
ber is described in Ref. 17 with an empirical model
dependence of the effective heat capacity, the heat
and a machine learning model based on data from a
transfer coefficient to the ambient, the exterior
numerical simulation. In Ref. 18, an adsorption
surface, the packing density, the heat of adsorption,
model based on machine learning methods success-
and the amount of adsorbed gas.
fully describes the adsorption behavior of supercrit-
The gas phase and the adsorbed phase are
ical CO2 and CH4 on three types of coal, based on
assumed to be in equilibrium and are described by
measured data. Thus, in addition to physical models
the Dubinin–Astakhov equation for the adsorption
and empirical correlations, machine learning mod-
isotherm. The adsorbed gas density was computed
els are a viable alternative to describe the adsorp-
from the boiling temperature and liquid density at
tion process.
boiling point and the thermal expansion of the
Physical adsorption models are complex, leading
liquefied gases. The adsorption potential was deter-
to expensive computations. Therefore, a more effi-
mined by the saturated vapor pressure calculated
cient and effective approach for design and opti-
from the critical values. The total volume adsorbed
mization purposes is desirable. One possibility is to
Adsorbed Gas Storage Digital Twin 953
was computed from the pure vapor adsorption We will investigate the prediction of the charging
volumes, assuming volume proportionality. The process of hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, car-
reference amount for each component was calcu- bon monoxide, and krypton in activated carbons in a
lated at the total pressure. cylindrical tank. The temperature, pressure, and
The data for the adsorbent (NORIT RGM1), are the mass of the adsorbed species have been com-
taken from the literature, as well as the data for the puted as a function of time, mass flow rate, maxi-
adsorbed gases and the property values.9 Mean mum storage pressure, and cylinder height and
values of the properties for the pressure and diameter.
temperature range considered in the simulation The methods used for machine learning are
have been used. artificial neural networks (ANN) and Gauss process
The differential equations were discretized with a regression (GPR), and the models have been used as
Euler-forward scheme. The time steps were implemented in Matlab.20
adjusted to ensure a steady change in the area- The datasets used for training, validation, and
averaged pressure. The step size was chosen to testing were generated with the method described
ensure the independence of the numerical solution in Ref. 9, and the parameter ranges are shown in
from the step size (average deviation smaller 1%). Table I. The ambient conditions were 300 K and
The adsorption equilibrium was solved at every 100 kPa. The parameters of the Dubinin–Astakhov
time step by iteration. In order to facilitate the equation are taken from the literature.21,22 As the
convergence and the computational effort, constant data points are generated for each time step, there
property values have been used. are significantly more data points in the time range
Some of the results for the charging of methane than for the other variable ranges. The value range
and hydrogen are shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. for NORIT RGM1pressure and mass span two
The computational costs are relatively high: the orders of magnitude. The data ranges of the vari-
step size is restricted due to the explicit computation ables characterizing the species have only five
(of particular importance with high storage pressures supporting points for the chosen species.
as for hydrogen) and the adsorption equilibrium was Neural networks are suitable for large datasets
solved by iteration. Thus, an alternative formulation, with no prior input about the underlying features.
which is computationally significantly less expen- They do not scale well for very large datasets. GPR
sive, is desirable. One possibility is to use a data- is therefore used for modeling smaller datasets with
driven machine learning model. some knowledge about the dependencies, and they
do scale well for very large datasets.
MACHINE LEARNING MODEL The dataset available has been divided into a
training and a validation set and, if possible, also a
The final target is to develop a machine learning
test set. The amount of data has to be sufficient.
model which can act as a digital twin of the
With the training/validation dataset, a five-fold
adsorption gas storage system. The significant
cross validation was performed.
amount of varied data can be computed by physical
models validated by experimental results. As a first
step, the feasibility of this approach has been
investigated and appropriate methods identified.
Fig. 1. Charging of cylindrical 33-L tank filled with nano-carbon with gas. Pressure (a) and temperature (b) distribution for hydrogen, methane,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and krypton at mass flux 3.9 10 3 kg/s; data from Ref. 19.
954 Klepp
Fig. 2. Charging of cylindrical 33L tank filled with nano-carbon with hydrogen. Pressure (a) and temperature (b) distribution for low mass flux
3.93 g/s and high mass flux 7.87 g/s; data from Ref. 19.
Fig. 3. Charging of cylindrical 33-LKe tank filled with activated carbon with hydrogen. Pressure (a) and temperature (b) distribution for 0.482 g/s
up to 35 bar, 3.85 g/s up to 350 bar, and 7.7 g/s up to 700 bar.
over predictions. GPR is a non-parametric approach teaching and validation datasets. The values of R2
that can be used for regression problems and is were
P computed P by Matlab as implemented, R2 = 1–
particularly suited for small datasets. It is based on (yi yi, Model)2/ (yi yMean 2
P ) as well as 2the root mean
the assumption that the output variable is a real- square error (RMSE) = ( (yi yi, Model) /n )1/2.
ization of a Gaussian process, which is a collection of Some of the results of the machine learning and
random variables, any finite number of which have testing are shown in Tables II and III. There are
a joint Gaussian distribution. First, a prior distri- only small differences with regard to the GPR
bution is specified, then the probabilities are relo- method used (see Table II). The ANN with 2 layers
cated based on the evidence (i.e., the observed data). of 10 neurons performs best of all the ANN, but still
Unknown points are predicted assuming a Gaussian predicts worse than the GPR models (see Table II).
distribution. The prior distribution is described by a The best results are for the GPR method with an
mean function and a covariance function. The forms exponential covariance function, so this ML model
of the mean function and the covariance kernel was chosen for the analysis. The training and
function in the GPR are chosen and tuned during validation data as well as the test data for the
model selection. The mean function chosen is con- pressure and temperature values were predicted
stant (mean of the training dataset) and the covari- with very good accuracy. Nevertheless, the test data
ance kernel function chosen is varied using the for the adsorbed mass was predicted with very poor
function implemented in Matlab.20 Here, the best accuracy by the all-species model (see Table III).
results were for the exponential kernel and the The prediction of the test data with a one-species
squared exponential kernel. model was fairly accurate, with R2 equal to unity.
Here, the amount and variety of the input data with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION regard to the constants of the adsorption isotherm
model used in this analysis to generate the all-
For the modeling of the dependence on the
species model was not sufficient.
operating conditions and on the species concentra-
Using the one-species model, the charging of
tion, respectively, a dataset of 1747 9 11 points for
methane in a tank filled with activated carbon was
teaching and validation and a dataset of 1168 9 11
computed and compared with measured data from
points for testing were computed. Two types of
the literature15 (see Fig. 4). The predicted values
models were generated: models for single species
are slightly lower than the measured values, with
(methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) and one model
an average deviation for the computed pressure of
for all the species (methane, hydrogen, carbon
20% and, for the computed temperature, of 17%.
dioxide, carbon monoxide, krypton).
The deviations are higher for higher pressure
As input variables, time, maximum storage pres-
values, as the modeling error accumulates during
sure, mass flow, and tank diameter and height were
the charging process. The deviations of measured
used. The different gas species were characterized by
and computed data are mostly due to the simplifi-
their molecular weight, critical temperature, and
cations with regard to the time- and space-averaged
critical pressure. The output variables were pressure,
property values of the physical model used as basis
temperature, and adsorbed species concentration in
for the machine learning model.
the tank. Fivefold cross-validation was used for the
Table III. Correlation results of machine leaning for the all-species-model, and different output variables
Computation time 25 s 32 s 9s
Validation R2 1 1 1
Validation RMSE 11,500 0.271 0.0128
Test R2 1 1 0
Test RMSE 12,06 0.330 0.218
956 Klepp
Fig. 4. Charging of a cylindrical 1.82-L tank filled with activated carbon with 1 L/min, 10 L/min, and 30 L/min methane. Comparison of computed
and measured values (data from Ref. 15) for pressure (a) and temperature (b).
18. M. Meng, Z. Qiu, R. Zhong, Z. Liu, Y. Liu, and P. Chen, 21. H. Esfandian, N. Esfandian, and M. Rezazadeh, Int. J. Eng.
Chem. Eng. J. 368, 847 Trans. B Appl. 33(5), 712–719
008 (2019). 20.33.05b.01 (2020).
19. G. Klepp, In 14th International Renewable Energy Storage 22. K. Kawazoe, T. Kawai, Y. Eguchi, and K. Itoga, J. Chem.
Conference 2020 (IRES 2020), 225 (2020) Eng. Jpn. 7(3), 153 (1971).
20. The Math Works, Inc. MATLAB. Version 2021b, Mas- Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with re-
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