Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
researchers in local and abroad which provided the researchers a legal basis
related to the variables of this study. The first independent variable of this
study is the study habits with two indicators namely note taking, and time
management as proposed by Caylan et. al. (2024). On the other hand, the
Study Habits
inefficient. Efficient study habits are essential for promoting positive academic
that when both parents and teachers work together to provide the necessary
feedback, and guidance, effective study habits not only improve academic
study habits, while at home, parents must also provide support and
encouragement. Therefore, it is the shared responsibility of both teachers and
parents to identify students’ effective study habits and guide them accordingly
(Khan, 2016).
studying at one time or another, and it is through diligent efforts that students
outcomes but also cultivate essential skills for lifelong learning. Ultimately,
students who adopt effective study strategies are better equipped to navigate
the complexities of their educational journeys and achieve their goals (Malini
day experiences and represent the practices that allow learners to sustain
habitual tendencies and practices that students consistently exhibit during the
students can better manage the academic challenges they face and
college life, which can often be quite stressful. As indicated by Tus et al.
(2020), the process of developing and refining study habits can serve as a
students found that the majority of participants identified several key factors
affecting their study habits. These factors included the regular attendance of
ensuring at least six hours of sleep each night, sticking to a designated study
breaks for activities such as walking, snacking, or using the phone, ensuring
when preparing for examinations or learning new academic material, and they
habits are critical for enhancing learning outcomes because they enable
students to engage more deeply with academic content and retain information
consistent routines such as regular review and active learning strategies help
with better habits leading to higher levels of academic performance. For this
reason, both schools and parents must focus on encouraging and fostering
students often transcribed every word taught in class, resulting in lengthy and
engage more deeply with the material, as they must actively process and
summarize the content. Ultimately, effective note-taking not only aids memory
instance, the most common in-class strategy involves selecting key points,
gender differences are evident, with females being more likely to use
review and recall key concepts later. However, the effectiveness of note-
the format and structure of the notes taken. Additionally, specific note-taking
features, such as the use of symbols or diagrams, can also play a critical role
in determining how well students benefit from their notes (Jin et al., 2023).
Cornell system can be helpful, some students may find them too demanding.
lectures, adjusting the pace of delivery, and providing cues for key points
(Jiwane, 2019).
students. The research, based on survey data from 160 students, found that
effective note-taking improves material recall, understanding of course
GPA. These findings suggest that proper note-taking is a crucial skill for
execution of plans. Crucially, this skill helps individuals organize and plan
activities more efficiently, with time resources allocated thoughtfully and tasks
even more critical. It requires various strategies and techniques, such as goal
setting, planning, prioritization, and delegation. The advent of digital tools has
maintaining regular sleep patterns and utilizing digital tools like to-do lists, has
performance. Students who use digital tools, in particular, benefit from better
Despite the clear advantages of these practices, studies indicate that fewer
reveals a gap between knowledge of these tools and their actual application.
and promote the regular use of effective time management practices to further
chaos and a plethora of unfinished tasks. Proper time management not only
enables individuals and companies to meet their objectives on time but also
strategies in their daily lives. This underscores the need for a better
Academic Performance
factors, and its study has attracted significant research attention in the past
helps them develop skills that are essential for both academic success and
attend their classes, they are more likely to stay engaged, develop a routine,
and absorb material that helps build the foundational knowledge required for
These sessions often focus on clarifying difficult concepts and practicing test-
like questions, thereby enabling students to feel more confident and better
prepared for assessments. Studies have indicated that students who actively
their peers who do not, as these sessions enhance memory retention and
logistical regression, found that students who attended over 70% of their
classes had approximately five times better chances of passing their exams
compared to those who missed more than 30%, indicating a strong link
peer influence, the child's academic ambition, and the child's effort in relation
factors. The study found that when parents are involved and encourage high
shaping students' beliefs about their capabilities (Asanre & Chinaka, 2024).
Studies consistently show that students with high self-efficacy are more likely
to set challenging goals, persist in the face of difficulties, and exhibit higher
that students who believe in their capabilities tend to achieve better results
strengths and identify areas for growth, reinforcing their confidence. Modeling
and learn from their mistakes. By fostering a culture that values effort and
motivation among students. Those with higher self-efficacy are more inclined
beliefs, helping them view tasks as valuable and achievable. As a result, this
perspective increases their effort and persistence when faced with challenges
The study finds that students living away from their parents tend to have
This study aligns with Virgil's quote, "They are able who think they are able."
implemented by the school or institution. This policy outlines the criteria for
may vary, with class representatives, teachers, or both handling the process,
essential, as they not only reflect student engagement but also impact
factors influencing low attendance among senior high school students. They
because students are more likely to succeed academically when they attend
behind academically, students who are not in school regularly are more likely
low attendance, with boys attending less frequently than girls. Key reasons for
such as caring for siblings and performing household chores, especially when
parents are away, while some boys work in the fields during peak agricultural
better than those with low attendance, demonstrating that regular participation
classes are more likely to perform poorly. Therefore, education policies should
investment, and effort that they dedicate to their work. In this context,
engaged students not only participate actively but also contribute to creating a
lecture content. Additionally, their research identifies potential areas for future
which enhances their overall performance. Indeed, research has also found
classroom dynamics, and external support systems (Mendoza & King, 2020).
Consequently, classroom engagement is essential for fostering
grades and increased motivation. For example, one study found that effective
are more likely to develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of
the material. This deeper connection to their learning can also lead to a
et al., 2021).
where students feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts and asking
take an active role in their learning. When students feel valued and
understood, they are more likely to invest effort into their education. In
addition, breaking large courses into smaller working groups enables more
better academic outcomes. This is especially true when lessons are aligned
essential life skills, such as teamwork and communication, which are crucial
Several studies have found the impact of study habits on the academic
performance of students, with those who established good habits being more
regular review sessions, prioritize their tasks, and maintain organized study
study habits, emphasizing that academic performance and study habits are
effective study techniques from an early age. Additionally, Bentil et al. (2018)
students in Ghana, indicating that these skills are vital for academic success.
reported that study habits affect academic performance, highlighting that the
in their outcomes. Furthermore, Siahi and Maiyo (2015) also found a strong
senior high school students, suggesting that consistent and effective study
practices are crucial during these formative years. Singh et al. (2022) further
academic achievement, reinforcing the notion that students who adopt good
of nursing students in Peru found that 66.2% of students with good study
habits were more likely to have average performance (Soto & Rocha, 2020).
In synthesis, the relationship between study habits and academic
revealing not only the strategies that most effectively foster student
guidance for students who aim to enhance their performance, equipping them
educators alike and paving the way for lifelong learning and achievement.