Test Paper 2
Test Paper 2
Test Paper 2
1) ISA 100 x 100 x 10mm (cross sectional area = 1908 mm2) serves as tensile member. This
angle is welded to a gusset plate along A and B appropriately as shown. Assuming the
yield strength of the steel to be 260 N/mm2 the tensile strength of this member can be
taken to be approximately.
a) 500 kN
b) 300 kN
c) 225 kN
d) 375 kN
2) A round bar of steel tapers uniformly from a diameter of 2.5 cm to 3.5 cm in length of 50
cm. If an axial force of 60000N is applied at each end, then the elongation of the bar will
be (assume E = 205kN/mm2)
a) 0.512mm
b) 0.413mm
c) 0.213mm
d) 0.113mm
4) A steel wire of 6mm diameter is used for lifting a load of 1.5kN at its lowest end, the
length of wire hanging vertically being 160m. Taking the unit weight of steel = 78 kN/m 3
and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2, the total elongation of the wire will be
a) 47.44 mm
b) 57.44 mm
c) 67.44 mm
d) 77.44 mm
5) A flitched beam consists of a wooden joist 15cm wide and 30cm deep strengthened by
steel plates 1cm thick and 30 cm deep one on either side of the joist. If modulus of
elasticity of steel is 20 times that of wood, then the width of equivalent wooden section
will be
a) 15 cm
b) 35 cm
6) A beam of I section 600 mm deep and 200 mm wide has flanges 25 mm thick and web
20 mm thick. If the shear stress in the web at the junction of flange and web is q, then
the shear stress in the flange at the junction is
a) 10q
b) q
c) 0.5q
d) 0.1q
7) Side face reinforcement is provided when the depth of the beam exceeds
a) 250mm
b) 450mm
c) 550mm
d) 750mm
10) A simply supported beam with rectangular cross section is subjected to central
concentrated load. If the width and depth of the beam are doubled, then the deflection
at the centre of the beam (ignoring increase in self weight) will be reduced by
a) 50%
b) 25%
c) 12.5%
d) 6.25%
11) For a clay slope of height 10m, the stability number is 0.05, bulk density =20 kN/m²,
cohesion c= 25kN/m². The critical height of the slope in this soil is
a) 4m
b) 12.5m
c) 25m
d) 15m
13) Calculate the allowable tensile capacity of a single ISA 100 x 100 x 10 mm. The member
is connected by one leg using a group of 21.5 mm diameter rivets. Assume maximum
tensile stress of 150 N/mm2.
a) 210kN
21.5 mm
b) 253kN
c) 238kN
d) 333kN
100 mm
b) 237.5 mm
c) 250 mm
d) 275 mm
15) The major and minor principal stresses at a point are 3MPa and -3MPa respectively. The
maximum shear stress at the point is
a) Zero
b) 3 MPa
c) 6 MPa
d) 9 MPa
20) The angle of dispersion of a concentrated load on the flange to the web plate of a steel
beam is
a) 90° with the horizontal
b) 60° with the vertical
c) 45° with the horizontal
d) 30° with the vertical
3) A strut in a steel truss is composed of two equal angles ISA 150mm x 150mm of
thickness 10mm connected back to back to the same side of the gusset plate. The cross
sectional area of each angle is 2921 mm2 and moment of inertia (Ixx = Iyy) is 6335000mm4.
The distance of the centroid of the angle from its surface (Cx = Cy) is 40.8mm. The
minimum radius of gyration of the strut is
a) 93.2mm
b) 62.7mm
c) 46.6mm
d) 29.8mm
4) A square steel slab base of 1m2 is provided for a column made of two rolled sections.
The 300mm x 300mm column carries an axial compressive load of 2000kN. The line of
action of the load passes through the centroid of the column section as well as of the
slab base. The permissible bending stress in the slab base is 185 MPa.
The required minimum thickness of the slab base is
a) 110mm
b) 89mm
c) 63mm
d) 55mm
6) The percentage loss of prestress due to anchorage slip of 3mm in a concrete beam of
length 30m which is post tensioned by a tendon with an initial stress of 1200N/mm 2 and
modulus of elasticity equal to 2.1 x 105 N/mm2 is
a) 0.0175
b) 0.175
a) 42.3 kN
b) 52.65 kN
c) 59.5 kN
d) 63.1 kN
8) A bar of length L and uniform cross section area A and second moment of Area I is
subjected to a pull of P. If the Young’s Modulus of elasticity of the bar material is E, the
expression of strain energy stored in the bar will be
a) P2L/2AE
b) PL2/2EI
c) PL2/AE
d) P2L/AE
9) A double U type butt weld is used to connect two plates 180mm x 18mm each, where
the longer dimension is the depth and smaller is the width. A moment of 13 kNm is
acting, then amount of stress developed will be
a) 154.78 N/mm2
b) 117.50N/mm2
c) 133.74 N/mm2
d) 163.00 N/mm2
10) If a thick cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure , then hoop stress , radial
stress and longitudinal stress at a point in the thickness will be
a) Tensile, compressive and compressive respectively
b) All compressive
c) All tensile
d) Tensile, compressive and tensile respectively
11) For the section shown below, second moment of the area about an axis d/4 distance
above the bottom of the area is
12) Consider the beam AB shown in the figure below. Part AC of the beam is rigid while Part
CB has the flexural rigidity EI. Identify the correct combination of deflection at the end B
and the bending moment at the
end A, respectively.
a) , 2PL
3 EI
b) , PL
3 EI
8P L
c) , 2PL
3 EI
8P L
d) , PL
3 EI
13) A beam with the cross section given below is subjected to a positive bending moment
(causing compression at the top) of 16 kNm acting around the horizontal axis. The
tensile force acting on the hatched area of the cross section is
a) Zero
b) 5.9 kN
c) 8.9 kN
d) 17.8 kN
14) A soil sample has a shrinkage limit of 15% and specific gravity of soil solids 2.5. the
porosity of the soil at shrinkage limit is
a) 27%
b) 36%
c) 20%
d) 18%
a) Determine the depth of the centroidal axis ȳ and the second moments of area, Ixx
and Iyy,eff of the compound section. For computing Iyy,eff include the full
contribution of the channel section, but only the top flange of the I-section.
b) Determine the maximum compressive stress that develops at a top corner
location on account of a vertical bending moment of 550 kNm, combined with a
horizontal bending moment of 15 kNm.
2) A group of 16 piles (4 in each row) was installed in a layered clay soil deposit shown
below. The diameter of each pile is 500 mm and their c/c distance is 1m. The length of
the pile group is 18m. Estimate the safe load capacity of the group with a factor of safety
of 2.5. The adhesion factors (α) between the pile and soil in each layer are shown in the