From Linear To Circular Maintenance Management MPT 2024
From Linear To Circular Maintenance Management MPT 2024
From Linear To Circular Maintenance Management MPT 2024
arge girth gear drives have prov- view of how to maximize the lifetime time. Their main task is an early fail-
en effective in plant engineering and performance of gear drives. ure detection of wear and cracks at
for many decades and their reli- bearings and gears. In addition, even
ability and operational safety is of ut- Machine Monitoring slight changes in the gear meshing can
most importance. Given the total cost An objective machine health assess- be detected and the effects of repair
of such equipment as well as their im- ment of the drive system is the foun- works (e.g. repair lubricants, reprofil-
pact on production performance, steel dation for a cost efficient TPM system ing) can be evaluated. Conventional
manufacturers and metal processors (Figure 1). The goal is to prevent any vibration analysis at low speeds gener-
should adopt the right maintenance ally fails to detect vibrations caused by
strategy for each life stage of a gear. a faulty bearing due to its low energy,
Four maintenance strategies can be high and variable loading conditions
distinguished: and the high noise levels from the
1. Curative: repair after damage mechanical components of other
to return to normal opera- low-speed machines, such as
tion gear systems, in the vicinity.
2. Preventive: perform rou- Dalog uses a combination
tine maintenance for of acceleration and speed
sustainable operation sensors with a high-per-
3. Predictive: minimize formance online condi-
unplanned shutdown tion monitoring system
4. Proactive: implement to detect early-stage fail-
a Total Productive ures at low speed girth
Management (TPM) gears and bearings. The
system for continu- data logger system must
ous improvement be able to sample the sig-
To achieve the highest pos- nals at a high rate and per-
sible return on investment, form signal filtering. The
all of these strategies should output of the Dalog system is
be implemented at the right in the form of intuitive compo-
time and with the appropriate nent related indicators (e.g., pin-
Sources: Klüber Lubrication
Figure 3
Figure 5: Repair lubricants are not applicable when profile deformation is excessive
Figure 6: a) Profile deformation before intervention : 4,7mm; b) Profile deformation after reprofiling by Novexa : accuracy 0,07mm
thus creating similar wear on each and worn gear. This situation often • Cost of production: a reduction of
tooth. Pinion / gear wear always shows generates very high vibrations coupled energy consumption exceeding 3%
in the form of: with shocks during rotation (mainly on through proper lubrication can be
• A pinion root notch mills which have an elevated rotation achieved and demonstrated using
• A recess below the pitch diameter speed). As long as the pinion’s and big data algorithms, a long-term
area gear’s profiles are not matched, vibra- reduction of lubricant consump-
• A hump on the tooth’s head, tions will remain. The pinion’s wear tion exceeding 50% compared to a
above the pitch diameter area speed will drastically increase until the conventional lubricant can be
This profile deformation generates pinion’s wear level reaches that of the achieved without the risk of dam-
modifications in the meshing condi- gear so that their profiles will finally age for the gear
tions and contact ratio. When wear match. By this time, the pinion’s wear • Cost of maintenance: remote moni-
reaches a critical level, one can also will be almost as high as it was before toring and field inspection make
notice: its replacement and customer will face the status of the large gear trans-
• An excessive vibration level the same issues as before the replace- parent and predictive. The system
• In some cases, and without inter- ment. In some cases, when the gear’s triggers ahead of time the need for
vention: appearance of fatigue maximum wear level does not exceed Inspection, Repair, Reprofiling or
cracks with risk of tooth breakage 0.5% of the module (i.e. 0.15mm for a Replacement to avoid costly emer-
The replacement or reversal of dam- module of 30), a chemical running in gency solutions. It also offers large
aged gears (when possible) is not the process by a running-in lubricant can possibilities for automation like
only available option. An intervention be carried out. Otherwise, only a me- condition-based lubrication sys-
called “Reprofiling” represents an al- chanical reprofiling intervention on tems to make Industry 4.0 a reality
ternative solution (assuming that the the girth gear will allow to restore the • Cost of unexpected shutdown: this
remaining thickness is sufficient) perfect involute profiles and bring a is likely to exceed 0.5 to 1 million
which is faster and substantially less sustainable solution (Figure 6). € combining the cost of replace-
expensive than replacement or rever- After a reprofiling intervention in- ment of the gear (purchasing cost
sal. cluding setting and alignment, all and installation), the loss of pro-
During the last 20 years, Novexa has meshing conditions have to be main- duction (lead time until installa-
developed a unique reprofiling method tained in their optimal state by means tion of the new gear) and various
which allows, in a few days only and of perfect lubrication conditions and additional costs (labour, third par-
without dismantling the gear, to re- permanent remote monitoring in or- ty and others)
store the original gear’s involute pro- der to enable optimum running condi- With the combined competences of
file, with a machining accuracy of tions over many years. Klüber Lubrication, Novexa and Dalog,
0.07mm. each of them being an acknowledged
This on-site machining technique is Summary global expert in their respective sectors,
specially recommended in cases of pin- “Circular Maintenance Management” steel manufacturers and metal proces-
ion replacement on a worn gear. Many is a holistic approach to get the best sors manufacturers are offered an inno-
clients do not take into account the out of rotary tubes in a more lasting vative approach in maintenance man-
girth gear’s wear when replacing their and transparent way without the risk agement. The combination of machine
pinion. In such situations, at restart- of unexpected shutdown. Beside the monitoring, on-site inspection, repair
ing, meshing conditions are complete- long-term gain of performance, this lubrication and reprofiling helps to re-
ly disturbed, and the contact pattern solution offers a large saving potential duce costs, makes maintenance more
is very poor due to the incompatibility making the payoff extremely attrac- efficient and thus supports the attain-
between the profiles of the new pinion tive. ment of sustainability goals.