Diabetes Mellitus 1
Diabetes Mellitus 1
Diabetes Mellitus 1
Part 1
sex hormones
I stage –
genetic predisposition:
1. Type I DM:
(destruction of pancreas β-cells and
absolute insulin insufficiency)
А. Autoimmune
Б. Idiopathic
2. Type II DM
- at onset of disease – increased
- at progressing ketoacidosis – decreased
- at the peak of disease - anorexia
Nausea, coffee-ground vomit
Pains in the abdomen:
- at first: spastic intermittent pains
round the umbilicus or in the right hypochondrium
- later: intensive and constant pain
- sometimes symptoms of pseudoperitonitis are
present: (abdominal muscle defence and
Blumberg's sign)
- In children before 3 years – diarrhea
- In children over 3 years - constipations
Dehydration (loss of weight):
- dry, desquamation, acrocyanosis
(sometimes mycotic and purulent infection)
Heart sounds:
muffled, tachycardia
Pulse: frequent, weak
Metabolic acidosis
Diagnostic Criteria
of Diabetes Mellitus
(WHO, 1999)
Self-control of glycemia
Basic Principles of Diet
1. Estimation of carbohydrates is made
in grains (gr).
1 gr increases glycemia
by 1.7 – 2.8 mmol/l
1-3 years 10 - 11
4-6 years 12 - 13
7-10 years 15 - 16
Basal (constant) secretion of insulin –
for basal metabolism
50 % of daily dose
50 % of daily dose
Protafan NM 1-2h 4 - 12 h Up to 24 h
Humulin 1-2h 4 - 12 h 17 - 22 h
Classification of Insulins
Long-acting Insulins
Type of insulin Onset of Peak Duration of
action action action
Glycemia 3.6 – 6.0 not < 3.6 < 3.6 < 3.0
at night Not > 9.0 or > 9.0 or > 11.0
HbA1c % < 6.0 < 7.6 7.6 – 9.0 > 9.0
Late Complications of Type I DM
Diabetic neuropathy
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic cataract
Diabetic hieropathy
Fatty hepatosis
Lipoid necrobiosis
Diabetic encephalopathy
Diabetic myocardiodystrophy
Physical and sexual retardation
Mauriac's syndrome
Nobekur’s syndrome
Lipodystrophies (insulinotherapy complications)
Diabetic Neuropathy
Decrease of tactile, temperature, pain, vibration
sensitivity in low extremities
Dull pains in extremities
Paresthesias, spasms
Decrease of knee reflexes
Absence of Achilles reflexes
Dry skin, hyperkeratosis
Disturbance of nail growth
Infectious complications
Autonomic (vegetative) neuropathy:
Cardiovascular system -
(arrhythmias, palpitation, change of arterial blood
pressure, dizziness, myocardial ischemia)
Gastrointestinal tract -
(nausea, vomiting,diarrhea or constipations)
Genitourinary tract –
(hypotonia and dilatation of the urinary bladder)
Diabetic Nephropathy
is glomerulosclerosis and chronic renal insufficiency
Glomerulosclerosis - 50-75 %
V stage – uremia:
II stage – preproliferative:
Multiple hemorrhage
Dilatation of capillaries
Local thrombosis
Formation of shunts (new vessels)
Reduction of visual acuity (significant)
II stage – preproliferative:
Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy
(E.M. Kohner M. Porta, 1992)
Retinal detachment
Vitreous body hemorrhage
Loss of vision (blindness)
III stage– proliferative
Лазерная фотокоагуляция
Diabetic Cataract –
opacity of the ocular lens
1 stage – affection of up to
3 fingers
Enlarged, dense, painless
Syndrome –
results from
of type I DM
(insufficient dose
of insulin
and / or
a diet)
Mauriac's Syndrome
Retardation of growth
Obesity (Cushing's syndrome)
Hyperemia of face
Xanthochromia of palms and soles
Delay of sexual development
Frequent ketoacidosis and
hypoglycemia states
Nobekur's Syndrome
Retardation of growth
Delay of sexual development
Obesity is absent!