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Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Commelina Diffusa Burm: An Updated Systematic Review

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2021; 10(4): 53-59

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
www.phytojournal.com Traditional uses, phytochemistry and
JPP 2021; 10(4): 53-59
Received: 22-05-2021 pharmacology of Commelina diffusa Burm: An
Accepted: 24-06-2021
updated systematic review
Md. Mizanur Rahman
Department of Pharmacy,
Stamford University Md. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Abdul Mannan, Razia Sultana Nijhu and
Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari Ambia Khatun
Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Mannan Abstract

Department of Pharmacy, The goal of this research is to compile information on Commelina diffusa's traditional applications,
Stamford University phytochemistry, and pharmacological activity. Scientific databases such as PubMed, Google, Google
Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari Scholar, and Research gate were searched using certain keywords. It's been used for centuries to treat
Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh urinary tract infections, swellings, inflammation, diarrhoea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, and ophthalmia.
Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, and steroids were discovered by
Razia Sultana Nijhu phytochemical analysis. The existence of 21 phytochemical components was confirmed by GC-MS
Department of Pharmacy,
spectrum profiles, the majority of which were sterols, terpenoids, and alkanes. Commelina diffusa
Stamford University
contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal, nephro-protective,
Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari
Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh hepatoprotective, diuretic and CNS depressant properties, according to scientific evidence.
Toxicologically, there was no evidence of toxicity. More research is needed to determine the processes
Ambia Khatun that mediate the plant's bioactivities in connection to therapeutic purposes, as well as to look into any
Department of Pharmacy, potential toxicity in preparation for future clinical trials.
Stamford University
Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari Keywords: Commelina diffusa, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology
Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
1. Introduction
Due to the emergence of hazardous side effects of chemical pharmaceuticals and
uncontrollable hazards of biological agents, tremendous efforts have been made to investigate
reliable alternative therapies and medicinal natural products, especially those derived from
plants, as public health awareness has increased. A botanical (plant-based) natural product is a
substance made from a number of natural sources that might be a complicated mixture
extracted from raw material or a single ingredient [1]. Medicinal plants have a significant role
in primary health care and as a source of active principles in this regard. As a result, they are
useful instruments for finding new medications that are well tolerated. Commelina diffusa,
often known as a climbing or spreading dayflower, is a member of the Commelinaceae family.
The Commelinaceae are a pantropical herbaceous plant family. There are 170 species of
Commelina in the tropics and warm temperate parts of the world, and 50 species of Murdannia
in the tropics and warm temperate parts of the world, with Tropical Asia having the most
diversity [2]. It is found in Bangladesh in 10 taxa and 27 species [3]. Commelina diffusa
(Bengali name: Manaina), a medicinal herb found in tropical and subtropical places around the
world, belongs to the Commelinaceae family. This medicinal herb has long been used to treat a
variety of ailments [4].
This review provided comprehensive and up-to-date information on Commelina diffusa's
botanic characterization, distribution, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and
toxicological activities in order to investigate the medicinal plants' scientific ability and future
potential applications.

2.Taxonomical Classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Phylum : Spermatophyta
Subphylum : Angiospermae
Corresponding Author:
Class : Monocotyledona
Md. Abdul Mannan Order : Commelinales
Department of Pharmacy, Family : Commelinaceae
Stamford University Genus : Commelina
Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari Species : Commelina diffusa Burm.
Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
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3. Synonyms: Commelina agraria Kunth, Commelina to 100 cm. The leaves are 4-6 cm long, lanceolate to broadly
aquatica Morton, Commelina communis Benth., Commelina lanceolate, and eventually become acute to acuminate. The
longicaulis, Commelina nudiflora auct [5]. flower (spathe) is surrounded by bracts that are broad,
rounded, or shallow heart-shaped at the base and gradually
4. Vernacular Names taper above to a relatively acute apex 2-3 cm long, 1.5-2 cm
English : Climbing dayflower, Creeping- wide when opened. The margins of the leaves have hairs on
spiderwort, Dayflower, Spreading them. Flowers are actinomorphic, with three fertile stamens
dayflower, Wandering Jew, French and two (sometimes three) sterile stamens that open only in
weed, Pond grass, Water grass the morning (staminodes). There are three petals that are
Spanish : Babosilla, Canutillo, Tripa de pollo unattached. The fruit is a three-celled capsule that is 4-5 mm
French : Curage, Herbe de l'eau long and contains five seeds. Seeds are 2-3 mm long, dark
Bangladesh : Manaina brown, reticulate-ribbed, ridged on one side, and delicately
Cuba : Canutillo reticulated [5].
Indonesia : Brangbangan
Japan : Shimatsuyukusa
Philippines : Alibangon
Thailand : Phak-prap [5].

5. Description
Commelina diffusa is an annual or perennial herb with
creeping stems climbing above and branching below that is
smooth and sparingly hairy. It quickly establishes roots at
nodes and reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds. In
temperate climates, the weed is always an annual, whereas in
tropical and subtropical climates, it is either an annual or a
perennial, depending on moisture availability [5].
The long, open spathe with a sharp apex, the lanceolate to
broadly lanceolate leaves, and seeds that are coarsely
reticulated and ridged on one side distinguish it from other Fig 1: Commelina diffusa Burm.
species; it is not geocarpic. The stem can reach a length of up

Table 1: Plant description of Commelina diffusa Burm.

Pictures Part of plant Description

Stems are up to 1 meter long, thick, cylindrical, and


The leaves are glabrous, oblong to lanceolate in shape,

Leaves bright green in color, and 2 to 5 cm long and 0.5 to 2
cm wide.

A three-celled capsule-like structure measuring 4 to 5

mm in length.

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Each of the three capsules contains five seeds that are

Seeds reticulate-ribbed, brownish, and measure 2 to 3 mm in

Flowers with three fertile stamens and two sterile

Flowers stamens are actinomorphic. It is blue in color and
opens in the morning.

6. Geographic Range pastures in Hawaii and coffee in Costa Rica [5]. Commelina
6.1. Distribution: Commelina diffusa can be found in the diffusa is a major weed of soyabeans in various states in the
tropics of America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, as well as in United States [8-10]. In Central America, Commelina diffusa is
the subtropics of the United States, South America, Australia, also found in maize, rice in Mexico, wheat in Costa Rica and
and the South Asian Islands [5]. potatoes in Guatemala [11]. Commelina diffusa is a weed that
has been noted as a problem in Japanese forest nurseries and
6.2. Habitat citrus plantations [12, 13]. In Russia, Commelina diffusa is a
Commelina diffusa is a pantropical (a lesser degree significant weed of wheat, oats, barley, and soyabeans. In
Cameroon's cocoa farms, Commelina diffusa is tough to
subtropical) weed that thrives in open, damp environments,
manage [14]. Commelina diffusa is considered one of the most
such as rice fields. It can resist wet circumstances and
important weeds in rice production in Texas, where it fights
flooding for a short period of time. Commelina diffusa is a fiercely for nutrients and light [15]. Commelina diffusa was
weed that can be found on cultivated land, field boundaries, discovered to be infesting 55 percent of Texas' rice fields and
moist grazing lands, roadside ditches, gardens, and waste growing at a rate of 10% each year. Cuscuta filiformis and
areas [5]. Commelina sandwichiana, as well as the root-knot nematode
Meloidogyne incognita, have alternate hosts in Commelina
6.3. Growth Stages diffusa [16]. In Brazil, a link was discovered between
Seedling stage, Vegetative growing stage [5]. Commelina diffusa development and four different fungal
species [17].
6.4. Biology and Ecology
Commelina diffusa is an annual plant in temperate areas and a 6.7. Similarities to Other Species
perennial plant in tropical and subtropical lowlands [5]. The There are several other weedy Commelina species that can be
weed may be practically subaquatic when growing on rice and confused with Commelina diffusa, but the following
other lowland crops. Commelina diffusa thrives on cultivated characteristics can be used to distinguish it from the majority
regions, roadside ditches, pastures, and wastelands, and can of them: all three petals are blue, leaves are narrowly elliptical
endure flooding. Commelina diffusa is mostly an issue in (length 3-4 times width), spathe is elongated and open, seeds
immature crops during the first 2-5 weeks, but because of its are shallowly reticulated, and there are no stolons. Commelina
sprawling behavior, it may even be a problem in older crops benghalensis, the most frequent other species, has a triangular
[6] pocket formed by the spathe being shut along two corners; it
. Seedlings of Commelina diffusa began to emerge at
also has wider leaves (length 2-3 times width), stolons with
temperatures below 10 °C and attained a peak emergence
subterranean flowers, and leaf sheaths with reddish-brown-
temperature of 10-15 °C. When it infests crops, the weed's tipped hairs. Commelina forskalaei possesses stolons, rough
pace of growth and sprawling leads to quick establishment. In seeds, a sealed spathe, and wavy-edged leaves [18, 5, 19].
general, the species is tenacious [7]. Commelina sikkimensis and Commelina caroliniana, two
additional South Asian species, are quite similar to
6.5. Natural Enemies Commelina diffusa, with the exception of the seeds, which are
Natural enemies of Commelina diffusa have been discovered severely pitted in Commelina sikkimensis and smooth in
to be Puccinia spp. and Kordyana celebensis [5]. Commelina caroliniana. Commelina communis, which is
widely distributed in North America and other parts of the
6.6. Impact world, and Commelina latifolia, which is prevalent in
In Mexico and Hawaii, Commelina diffusa is a major weed of Ethiopia, each have the lower petal white or very pale, not
bananas; in Mexico, it is a weed of beans, oranges, lemons, blue [20].
grapes, apricots, coffee, and cotton; in Hawaii, it is a weed of
papaya; in Puerto Rico, it is a weed of sugarcane; and in 7. Traditional Uses
Thailand, it is a weed of sorghum. Maize and vegetables in For millennia, Commelina diffusa has been applied as a
Mexico; bananas, papayas, and pineapples in the Philippines; medicinal herb. The use of Commelina diffusa leaves to cure
rice in Colombia; sugarcane in Mexico and Trinidad; taro and edema was a common medical practice in ancient China.
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Urinary tract infections, swellings, inflammation, diarrhoea, Cyclopenten-1-one, 4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-(2-propenyl)-

hemorrhoids, enteritis, eye irritation, conjunctivitis, and (1.12%), Cyclopentaneundecanoic acid (2.60%), 1-{2-[3-(2-
ophthalmia are all common uses. The stem juice is used to Acetyloxiran-2-yl)-1,1-dimethylpropyl]cycloprop-2 en
treat laryngitis and sore throats acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, (0.77%), Cyclopentaneundecanoic acid (0.09%), Di-
otitis media, and nose bleeding. Abscess, boils, fever, malaria, noctylphthalate (1.37%), 3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-
insect, snake, bug bites, rheumatoid arthritis, mumps, hexadecen1-ol (1.31%), Cyclopropanedodecanoic acid, 2-
gonorrhea, common cold, cough, coughing up blood, octyl-, methyl ester (1.40%), n-Hexadecanoic acid (1.93%),
influenza, bladder infection, and edema are among conditions 9,12- Octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester (10.67%), Phytol
that the herb is used for topically or orally. The plant (0.91%), Methyl stearate (1.00%), 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic
components are utilized in dermatitis and burns all across acid, (Z,Z,Z)- (9.59%), Octadecanoic acid (41.49%),
Latin America [21]. Hemorrhoids, an irritated uterus, laryngitis, Hexadecanoic acid, 15-methyl-, methyl ester (0.02%),
leprosy, malaria, mumps, otitis media, painful menses, Carbonic acid, 2- dimethylaminoethyl propyl ester (0.15%),
pharyngitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sore throats, snake bites, 9-(2',2'- Dimethylpropanoilhydrazono)- 3,6-dichloro-2,7-bis-
tonsillitis, and tumors are all treated with it in Nepal. The [2-(d (0.61%), 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid, 2,3-
plant is used as a refrigerant and tonic in Egypt to heal dihydroxypropyl ester, (Z,Z, (1.00%). The other ingredients
stomach and groin ailments [22]. The herb is used as a tea to were present in trace amounts. The most prevailing major
prevent influenza and in therapeutic baths by Caribbean components were Phenol, 4- ethenyl-, acetate (17.90%), n-
Indians. It is used to treat conjunctivitis, dermatitis, and Hexadecanoic acid (1.93%), 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid,
dysmenorrhea in Mexico. It's used to treat enteritis, methyl ester (10.67%), Phytol (0.91%), Methyl stearate
gonorrhea, and infertility in Paraguay. It's utilized for renal (1.00%), 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid, (Z,Z,Z)- (9.59%),
problems, leucorrhea, malaria, neurological illnesses, Octadecanoic acid (41.49%) etc., other major and minor
postpartum pain, TB, tumors, and venereal disorders in the compounds were also present. The GC-MS approach has been
Dominican Republic, Haiti, and South America. In Ecuador used to analyze many phytoconstituents in various regions of
and Peru, the small blue blooms are cooked to form a the world. Among the 21 phytochemicals studied, 10 have
headache-relieving tea [23]. been found to have biological action [34].
It's used as a depurative, bladder infection treatment, and
cooling medicinal infusions in Trinidad. It is used to treat 9. Pharmacological Activities
jaundice in young children in the Windward Islands and Cuba 9.1. Anti-inflammatory Activity
. Previous research has shown that Commelina diffusa has For many years, the leaves of Commelina diffusa have been
antibacterial action against a variety of Gram positive and used to treat inflammatory illnesses. It's also been used to
Gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi [25]. The extract's treat wounds as a healing agent [35]. This plant has an anti-
anti-inflammatory properties were investigated utilizing a inflammatory impact that is 1.1 times lower than diclofenac
chick carrageenan-induced foot oedema model [26]. It also and dexamethasone, according to a research [36]. In vitro
showed that MRC-5 cells are protected from reactive oxygen research done before to this study revealed that the plant's
species oxidation [27]. According to another study, the extract leaves are unable to suppress NF. -Kb. This study was proved
is useful in the treatment of cancer [28], antidiabetes [29], otherwise by another in-vivo study done later [37].
leprosy, and nervous system related disorders [30].
9.2. Antioxidant Activity
8. Phytochemical Constituents The antioxidant activities of an extract from the leaves of the
8.1. Chemistry of Commelina diffusa plant Commelina diffusa were investigated. Because the
Chemical constituents: anthocyanins, dammaranetriterpene, antioxidant effects of medicinal plants must be investigated
stigmasterol, n-octacosanol, n-triacontanol, ß-sitosterol, using many methods, numerous investigations were
alkanols, n-dotriacontanol, sterols, campesterol. Alkaloids, conducted before a result could be reached [38]. This plant's
flavonoids, saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, leaf extract has a high phenolic content of 193.7 mg/g of
and steroids were found in the methanolic extract of tannic acid per mg of extract, which might be related to the
Commelina diffusa, according to phytochemical analysis [31]. high phenolic content. Secondary metabolites such as
Commelina diffusa extracts exposed the presence of various reducing sugar, alkaloids, phytosterols, flavonoids, and
phytochemical element such as alkaloids, phenolic triterpenoids are also responsible for the antioxidant and anti-
compounds, tannins, steroids, flavonoids, proteins and inflammatory activities of the plant [36]. This plant's anti-
phyosteriods. Methanol extracts demonstrated the presence of inflammatory benefits are aided by its antioxidant properties
these substances with varied degrees of alkaloids, phenolic .
compounds, tannins, saponins, and proteins across the three
extracts. The other two extracts, chloroform and acetone, have 9.3. Antibacterial Activity
the greatest levels of flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolic The antibacterial testing was carried out using the crude
chemicals [32, 33]. extract of the plant Commelina diffusa. When compared to
The GC-MS study of the methanolic extract of Commelina water, the aqueous methanolic crude extract of the plant's
diffusa resulted in the discovery of a number of chemicals. leaves is a superior extraction solvent [40]. The extract was
These chemicals were detected using mass spectrometry in dried in the oven at 40 °C. It inhibited Staphylococcus aureus
conjunction with gas chromatography. The existence of 21 with a zone of inhibition of 13 mm, which is better than other
phytochemical components from Commelina diffusa was antibiotics employed as positive controls in the study [41].
confirmed by the GC-MS spectrum profile. The results
revealed that 1-Phenyl-2- butanone (1.62%), Phenol, 4- 9.4. Anti-Fungal Activity
ethenyl-, acetate (17.90%), 2- Methoxy-4-vinylphenol The anti-fungal test was carried out using a methanol extract
(0.26%), Piperidin-1-yl-acetic acid, hydrazide (0.33%), 2,6- of the leaves of the medicinal plant Commelina diffusa. Dry
Difluorobenzoic acid, 3,5- difluorophenyl ester (0.71%), 2- methods, such as oven drying at 40 °C or drying in the shade,
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are preferable drying procedures because they exhibit a determining the bioactivities of synthetic and plant
defined zone of inhibition. The leaves of this plant have anti- compounds. This approach was used to verify the
fungal action, according to the study, and can be utilized to ethnomedical claim that Commelina diffusa can help with
treat a variety of skin conditions [41]. cancer therapy. The crude extract has an LC50 value of 3.79
g/mL, as determined by regression analysis after 24 hours.
9.5. Nephro-Protective Activity When compared to the conventional vincristine sulfate (0.81
An experiment was conducted using ethanolic leaf extract of g/ml), the crude extract was shown to be fatal, indicating its
Commelina diffusa at 200 and 400 mg/kg, which was given to potential therapeutic value against tumor cells, as well as
albino rats for 20 days while they were also given insecticides and herbicides [45]. The rats were housed in
doxorubicin. In the study, the rats that were pretreated with separate cages and given food and drink ad libitum after
the extract had normal kidney stroma with Bowman's capsule, receiving Commelina diffusa extract at dosages of 500, 1000,
glomerulus, and renal tubules, indicating that the extract had a and 2000 mg/kg body weight. For the next 72 hours, the
beneficial nephroprotective activity of the plant [42]. animals were monitored for behavioral changes, allergic
reactions (skin rash, itching), and death. Up to a dosage of
9.6. Hepato-Protective Activity 2000 mg/kg, there was no fatality. The activity of the animals
Hepatoprotective properties have been identified for was seen to decrease significantly from 12 to 4 hours, after
Commelina diffusa. The liver secretions of albino rats treated which they returned to normal. As a result, Commelina diffusa
with doxorubicin were shown to exhibit neutrophil infiltration is thought to have a low toxicity profile, with an LD50 of more
and patchy inflammation, according to studies. Rats than 2000 mg/kg [31].
pretreated with 200 and 400 mg/kg of the plant's leaf extract
exhibited better cell integrity, as seen by normal hepatic 11. Conclusions
stroma with hepatocytes, sinusoid and central vein [42]. Despite the fact that Commelina diffusa plants have a long
history of use, pharmacological research has been lacking. As
9.7. Diuretic Activity a result, additional secondary metabolites must be
This work provides a mathematical foundation to explain the investigated in order to conduct more in-depth
traditional folkloric usage of Commelina diffusa as a diuretic, pharmacological research. More research is needed to
which may function by lowering sodium ion reabsorption in determine the processes that mediate the plant's bioactivities
the kidneys, in addition to its potassium sparing function and in connection to therapeutic purposes, as well as to look into
low toxicity. This effective diuretic feature supports its use any potential toxicity in preparation for future clinical trials.
among Cameroonians and others [43].
12. Conflict of interest statement
9.8. Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressant Activity We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
The methanolic extract of Commelina diffusa was tested in
mouse models using standard depression models to identify 13. Acknowledgements
the plant's CNS depressive effects. The mice models were Authors wish to thank Stamford University Bangladesh,
given 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg plant extracts orally, as well as Department of Pharmacy for constant help and
distilled water (0.1 mL/mouse, p.o.). Diazepam (1 mg/kg) was encouragement.
regarded as a typical medication. In comparison to the control
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