Crystal Structures and Defects B
Crystal Structures and Defects B
Crystal Structures and Defects B
Substitutional Interstitial
The rules mentioned above: the atomic radii for copper and
nickel are 0.128 and 0.125 µm, both have FCC crystal
structure, their electronegativities are 1.9 and 1.8; and the
most common valences are +1 for copper and +2 for nickel.
• Edge dislocations
An extra half-plane is generated in the crystal structure. This plane is also called the
dislocation line and around this region there is a distortion in the structure.
Burger vectors represents the magnitude and direction of the lattice distortion resulting from
a dislocation in a crystal lattice. Materials for Engineering 7
2.2. Imperfection is solids: defects
2.2.2. Linear defects
• Screw dislocations
This can be formed by the application of a shear stress that produces the distortion. Above
the dislocation the crystal is shifted one atomic distance to the right.
Dislocations play a very important role in the plastic behavior of crystals, since plastic
deformation corresponds to the movement of a number of dislocations. The yield strength
of materials is lower than the theoretical due to the presence of dislocations: dislocations
move quite easily because small readjustements occur between bonds. If there were no
dislocations, the forces of all bonds would have to be overcome for plastic deformation.
• Increase its density, making mobility difficult. The number of dislocations can be increased
by restoration and recrystallization.
• Twin boundaries
A twin boundary is a special type of grain boundary in which there is a mirror symmetry.
Twins are formed by the atomic displacements produced by mechanical shear forces and also
during annealing heat treatments.
Twinning happens on a specific cyrstallographic plane and in specific directions, and both
depend on the crystal structure.
Other defects greater than those described are pores or cracks. They are usually
introduced during the manufacturing stages.
Cracks Pores
Optical microscopy
This type of microscope uses light to study the microstructure. Different zones of the
microstructure may have different reflectivity and this allows determining the microstructural
Grinding and
Mounting Etching
The grain size is determined to characterize the properties of the material. Usually, the smaller
the grain size, the better mechanical properties.
Probably, the most common method is the determined by the American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM). A number ranging from 1 to 10 is assigned to each one, which is termed the
grain size number.
Grain size number is used extensively in the specification of steels. The way to assign the grain
size number is as follow.
N= 2𝑛−1
Where n is the grain size number and N is the average number of grains per square inch at a
magnification of 100x.