Mouth Preparation For RPD Treatment-1-Modified
Mouth Preparation For RPD Treatment-1-Modified
Mouth Preparation For RPD Treatment-1-Modified
Indications for RPD therapy Vs
Fixed prosthodontics
- Replacement of teeth and tissue (aesthetics are of
prime concern
- Long span edentulous space not suitable for fixed
Prosthodontics (Ante’s law)
- Absence of distal abutments
- Abutments with poor periodontal support
- The need for cross-arch stabilisation
- Patients who can not tolerate long dental
- Financial constraints and patients’ desires
- Age of the patients: Risk of pulp exposure in
patients <18 Y
- Immediate need to replace missing teeth
Conditions favoring RPD than
- Unfavorable regional anatomy
- Uncontrolled systemic disease or high-dose
head and neck radiation
- Extreme surgical risk
- Financial incapability
Conditions favouring
complete dentures over RPD
- Poor abutments
- Rampant caries
- Periodontal disease
- Poor alignment of abutments
- Individuals who will not allow you to prepare
their teeth for RPD clasp assemblies
Stages of Co/Cr RPD
Success of any prosthodontic treatment is
dependant on good collaboration between the
clinician and the laboratory. The prescription on
the laboratory card must be clear and
The first diagnostic
1- A thorough general examination and medical history.
2- Dental history, evaluation of oral hygiene and caries
3- Taking radiographs.
4- Primary Impressions
· Selection of stock tray.
· Modification of the tray with impression compound or
autopolymerising acrylic as appropriate.
· Normally a high viscosity alginate should be used as this
will compensate for the lack of fit of the stock tray. A
thin layer of adhesive should be applied to the tray
before starting to mix the alginate.
- All casts at this stage should be poured in dental stone.
The second diagnostic
- Occasionally, the second visit will be for tooth preparation
and master impressions if the preliminary casts were
mounted and a design determined. If preliminary casts
could not be mounted, the second visit will be devoted to
recording the jaw relationship prior to mounting casts on
the articulator and developing a design.
- For the purpose of jaw relationships, partially dentate
patients can be divided into two categories:-
· Patients without an occlusal stop to indicate the correct
intercuspal position or vertical dimension of occlusion. For
those steps of jaw relation records follow those preformed
for complete denture construction taking into consideration
any tooth interference.
. Patients with occlusal contact in the intercuspal position.
For those patients, upper and lower occlusal rims are
adjusted to maintain natural tooth contacts and
records are taken using any bite registration material.