Kirkuk Dentistry Collage: Complete Denture
Kirkuk Dentistry Collage: Complete Denture
Kirkuk Dentistry Collage: Complete Denture
A complete denture is a mechanical object, much of which is
fabricated outside the dental operatory. Its specific fabrication,
however, is dictated by clinical facts, as outlined in instructions
provided by the dentist. This mechanical object must function in
a biologic atmosphere, and every effort must be made to assure a
harmonious relationship between the mechanical and the
biologic. The wax trial denture stage becomes a critical phase of
complete denture care in evaluating this relationship.
Trail denture
Th try-in procedure:
Extra oral examination of the trial denture:
1-On the articulators.Maintaining the Virtical
dimension,firmly screwed.
2-The master cast. As the finished denture is processed on
the master cast. So the master cast should be: In good shape.
Free from air bubbles or scratches,wax debris which lead to
improper adaptation of the trial denture bases leading to
false relationships.
3-The trial denture bases:round without sharp edges
4-The teeth. Select the proper shade
5denture occlusion.
Intraoral examination of the trial dentures to reduse the
cross contamination,it spread with antiseptic and washed by
water before insertion *Checking the trial dentures
separately a) Trying- in the upper denture b) Trying- in the
lower denture
*Checking occlusion dentures together
*Denture base extension , Retention , Stability, Height of
the occlusal plane.