S.W.O.T Analysis of Indian Mining Industry
S.W.O.T Analysis of Indian Mining Industry
S.W.O.T Analysis of Indian Mining Industry
Coal Mining
The majority of the energy requirement in India is met by coal, largely mined in the eastern and the central regions of the country. In 2004-05, the total coal production in the country was around 350 million MT and majority of it catered to the core sectors of power, steel and cement. Inspite of various policy initiatives to diversify the fuel mix, it is becoming increasingly evident that coal will continue to play the major role in sustaining the growth momentum of India. Based on estimates, the consumption of coal is projected to rise by nearly 40 percent over the next five years and almost to double by 2020. However, in the recent past, the coal sector in the country has come under pressure over its inability to meet demand (both planned and unplanned) of the user industries. By Government's own estimates, coal production will lag behind demand by about 100 million MT as of 2012 and by 250 million MT by 2020.
Metal Mining
India is rich in mineral resources with large reserves of primary metal ores like iron ore, bauxite, chromium, manganese and titanium. India has y y 13 billion tonnes of iron ore reserves 5th largest reserve base in the world 2.3 billion tonnes of bauxite reserves 4th largest reserve base in the world
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160 million tonnes of manganese reserves 2nd largest reserve base in the world 57 million tonnes of chromium reserves 3rd largest reserve base in the world
Indian deposits of bauxite and iron ore are among the best in the world in terms of quality and mineability
y Coal mining in India is associated with poor employee productivity. The output per miner per annum in India varies from 150 to 2,650 tonnes compared to an average of around 12,000 tonnes in the U.S. and Australia; and Historically, opencast mining has been favored over underground mining. This has led to land degradation, environmental pollution and reduced quality of coal as it tends to get mixed with other matter; India has still not been able to develop a comprehensive solution to deal with the fly ash generated at coal power stations through use of Indian coal. Clean coal technologies, such as Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, where the coal is converted to gas, are available, but these are expensive and need modification to suit Indian coal specifications. Poor infrastructure facilities Mining technology is outdated Labor force is highly un-skilled and inexperienced High rate of accidents Most of the Indian mining companies do not have access to Indian capital market There is a lack of respect for the mining industry and it suffers from the incorrect perception that ore deposits are depleted. There is limited access to capital, and mines are increasingly more costly to find, acquire, develop and produce. There are long lead times on production decisions. The Indian mining industry suffers from an out-dated, unattractive approach to mining education that is partly to blame for insufficient human resources. Improvement in operational efficiency of the mining companies - Mining companies are in need of an organizational transformation to gradually align its operating costs to international standards. Mining costs of Indian companies are at least 35 percent higher than those of leading coal exporting countries such as Australia, Indonesia, and South Africa. To match productivity, they will need to invest in new technologies, improve processes in planning and execution of projects, and institutionalize a comprehensive risk management framework. Mining operations are not environment friendly. Least importance is given to environment concerns.
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Opportunities :
India has an estimated 85 billion tonnes of mineral reserves remaining to be exploited. Besides coal, oil and gas reserves, the mineral inventory in India includes 13,000 deposits/ prospects of 61 non-fuel minerals. Expenditure outlay on mining is a meager sum when compared to other competing emerging mining markets and the investment gap is most likely to be covered by the private sector. India welcomes joint ventures between foreign and domestic partners to mobilise finances and technology and secure access to global markets. y Potential areas for exploration ventures include gold, diamond, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, lithium, tin, tungsten, silver, platinum group of metals and other rare metals, chromite and manganese ore, and fertiliser minerals. The main opportunities in the mining sector (excluding coal and industrial minerals) are in the development and production of surplus commodities such as iron ore and bauxite, mica, potash, few low-grade ores, mining of small gold deposits,
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development of placer gold resources located on the frontal belt of the Himalayas, mining known deposits of economic and marginal categories such as base metals in Bihar and Rajasthan and exploitation of laterite for nickels in Orissa, molybdenum in Tamil Nadu and tin in Haryana. Considerable potential exists for setting up manufacturing units for value added products. There exists considerable opportunities for future discoveries of sub-surface deposits with the application of modern techniques. Current economic mining practices are generally limited to depths of 300 meters and 25 percent of the reserves of the country are beyond this depth Strengthening of logistics in coal distribution - In India, the logistics infrastructure such as ports and railways are overburdened and costly and act as bottlenecks in development of free market. Privatization of ports may bring the needed efficiencies and capacities. In addition, capacity addition by the Indian Railways is necessary to increase freight capacity from the coal producing regions to demand centers in the northern and central parts of the country. On the Indian rail network, freight trains get a lower priority than passenger trains, a problem that promotes delays and inefficiency. Special freight corridors would raise speeds, cut costs, and increase the system's reliability. Focusing on technology for future - India's numerous technology research institutes are working on energy related R&D. However, there is a possibility that they are operating in a fragmented fashion. The Government may get improved recoveries on its investment by concentrating on few important technology areas. To start with focus may be applied for tighter emission standards and development of inexpensive clean-coal technologies viz. extraction of methane from coal deposits. Estimated 82 billion tonnes of reserves of various metals yet to be tapped While India has 7.5% of the world's total bauxite deposits, aluminium production capacity is only 3% of world capacity, indicating the scope and need for new capacities
y Foreign Investment in the Mining Sector During 1999, the Government had cleared 7 more proposals of leading international mining companies for prospecting and exploration in the mineral sector to the tune of US$ 62.5 million. 65 licenses have been issued till date for prospecting an area of around 90,142 sqkms in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. Prospecting licenses have been granted in favour of Indian subsidiaries of well-known mining companies. These include BHP Minerals, CRA Exploration supported by Rio Tinto (RTZ-CRA), Phelps Dodge of USA, Metmin Finance and Holding supported by Metdist Group of Companies UK, Meridien Minerals of Canada, RBW Mineral Industries supported by White Tiger Resources of Australia, etc. y y y y y Large integrated international metal manufacturers including POSCO, Mittal Steel and Alcan have announced plans for expansion in India Mining companies and equipment suppliers are under the constant threat of being taken over by foreign companies. A heavy tax burden discourages further investment. Politicians undervalue the industry's contributions to the economy. Stricter environment rules restricting mining activities.