CT Question AK Sawhney
CT Question AK Sawhney
CT Question AK Sawhney
428 depends upon:
winding of a
10. TIhe current in the primary transfomer installed system
winding of connected to the
(a) burden of the secondary which the C.T. is
in and load
(b) load connected to the system secondary winding
(c) both burden of the
ttransformer reduction of:
(d) none of the above.
in current
11. Turns compensation is used
(a) Phase angle cTOr
errors incidental
(b) both ratio and phase angle angle eTOr is
(c) ratio eror, reduction in phase transformer becausea :
current winding energized.
(d) none of the above. secondary side of a the pimary
12. Ashort-circuiting link is
provided onthe
C.T. is short-circuited by the link with
secondary winding of the primary winding
(a)when the flows on the primary side
by the link with the ammeter.
a very high curent winding of the CI. is short circuited circuit like replacing a
secondary winding primary
() when the
make any adjustments in the secondary winding open-circuited, the Current on the
is possible to secondary
when the short-circuiting link is opened with the
(c) side falls to almost zero.
winding energized
(d) all of the above.
transformer is open-circuited with the primary saturation) thereby
of acurrent (limited only
13. When the secondary winding value of flux in the core
primary current produces large
(a) the whole of the secondary winding. insulation
producing a large voltage in the hazard for the operators and may even rupture the
may act as safety
(6) the large voltagemagnetizing residual magnetism.
force is taken off it leaves a large value of
(c) when the large
(d) all of the above.
used because
14. Clamp on meters are the circuit.
with their use it is possible to measùre to current flowing a line without breaking
(b) their accuracy is high without them
(c) it is nef possible to measure
(d) all of the above.
potential transfor mer suddenly open circuited with primary winding
15. When the secondary winding ofa
excited :
(a) large voltages are produced in the secondary winding may be asafcty hazard to operating personnel.
(b) the large voltages so produced may rupture the insulation.
(c) the primary winding draws only the no load current
(d) none of the above.
16. The ratio and phase angle errors in potential transformers may be reduced hy
(a) increasing the exciting curent
(b) increasing the resistance and leakage reactance in the tran,fomer
(c) by not employing turns compensation
(d) none of the
17. Capacitive potential transformers are used
(a) for primary winding phase vollages above 100 kV
for keepingthe value of
they are cheapertransfomation
(b) ratio constant
(b)1e than he irespective of the burden by making certain adjustment
(d) all of the above. eleciromagnetic traunsfomers above a certain voltage range
18. The size of potential transformers
that of power
(a) is the sane as transformers of the
(b) is nuch greater
than that of power same VA rating
ratio and phase angle errors which trequire
of the
sanme VA rating designed forlow
(c) is smaller
tlhat that of
transfomers of the sized cores and windingbeçause they are
same VA rating
(d) none of the