ARTICULO Kinesio Taping Associated With Acupuncture
ARTICULO Kinesio Taping Associated With Acupuncture
ARTICULO Kinesio Taping Associated With Acupuncture
Research Article
Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde
de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Brazil
Physical Therapy Department, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
(UFCSPA), Brazil
Available online 4 January 2018
* Corresponding author. Departamento de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre e UFCSPA, Rua
Sarmento Leite, 245, 90050-170, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. CEP UFCSPA: 935.288.
E-mail: (F. Cechetti).
pISSN 2005-2901 eISSN 2093-8152
ª 2018 Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute, Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
68 M.S. Dall’Agnol, F. Cechetti
Figure 1 Image of the application. (A) The functional taping. (B) The acupuncture needles.
incidence of ischemic stroke and mean age. Similarly, the with this finding, Plavsic et al. conducted a study to eval-
study conducted by Kuster et al., in which 341 patients uate the long-term effects of acupuncture and therapeutic
admitted to a Brazilian hospital were evaluated, found that exercises on the frozen shoulder of patients with stroke.
59.2% had ischemic stroke, 29.6% suffered transient They found that the group receiving acupuncture and ex-
ischemic attack, and only 11.1% had hemorrhagic stroke. ercise therapy achieved better results on the reduction of
Moreover, there was no difference in gender and the mean spasticity [26]. Likewise, in a study involving three children
age [25]. with cerebral palsy, it was found that the concomitant use
Regarding spasticity, after intervention it was possible to of acupuncture and neurological physical therapy twice a
verify that both ACP and ACP-KT groups showed a signifi- week for 9 months decreased the muscle tone of the lower
cant decrease in intragroup muscle tone. Corroborating limbs and trunk in all participants [27].
Kinesio Taping and Acupuncture of the paretic upper limb 71
In this way, acupuncture is able to create many biolog- motor responses. However, neuroplasticity becomes slower
ical responses, distant or close to the site of application, the more chronic the disorder is. Therefore, stimuli pro-
such as circulatory and biochemical effects, considering the duced by taping on the integumentary system, which can
release of peptides and transmitters in both the brain and help nervous system plastic response, have diminished ac-
the spinal cord. Mainly, these responses are mediated by tion [32]. This may be a reason for the lack of significant
sensory neurons to various structures in the central nervous additional benefit from KT, as found in this study, since
system [28,29]. The sensory stimulation can modify cortical most patients had chronic stroke sequelae.
sensorimotor representation areas which may also be Regarding active goniometry, there was significant in-
altered by loss of sensory input, like amputation, as well as crease in ROM for flexion and extension of shoulder and
in response to focal brain lesions, including stroke. At any radial deviation and metacarpophalangeal extension of third
rate, many types of training, sensory stimulation, and finger for ACP group, along with extension and abduction of
activation may influence plasticity and, hence, rehabilita- shoulder and the extension of the elbow and wrist for ACP-
tion [28]. In addition, acupuncture may influence cortical KT. Although they are different muscle groups, both ACP and
circuits in the damaged area of the brain. The brain tissue, ACP-KT showed improvement in all four of them. Conse-
on its turn, attempts to modify itself at cellular level, quently, it can be inferred that KT did not significantly in-
comprising neuronal and glial cell extensions and synapses. fluence the treatment regarding the increase in ROM of the
Moreover, this reorganization happens in both cortical and paretic upper limb. So far, there has not been a specific
subcortical areas as well as in the spinal cord, justifying, at clinical trial on the treatment of the paretic upper limb
least partially, the results observed in this study [28,30]. through acupuncture and evaluation of active ROM. How-
On the other hand, even though Ludwig noted a ever, Alegre et al. state that spasticity directly influences
decrease in spasticity from stroke by KT treatment, it was the range of motion and causes changes in the soft tissues
not statistically significant [31]. Furthermore, it was also [33]. Accordingly, gains in ROM and the decrease in muscle
found that KT associated with kinesiotherapy had no effi- tone can be correlated. This perspective was confirmed by
cacy in reducing spasticity in patients with chronic hemi- Silva and Chiumento, who found that three patients with
plegia [32]. In addition, KT allows afferent sensorimotor spinal cord injury, undergoing aquatic physical therapy,
stimulation, taking information to cortex and then creating improved ROM of the knees and hips in that spasticity
72 M.S. Dall’Agnol, F. Cechetti
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