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Ders 24 Impact12 MPT06

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1. Bu sınavda 40 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 10. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. Although the poet Daljit Nagra was born in 3. Halle Berry ---- joins Internet chat rooms to
England, he is of Indian ----. escape her famous persona so that she can
have a normal conversation with people.
A) descent B) successor
A) anonymously B) formerly
C) potential D) talent
C) vividly D) conversely
E) inheritance
E) mutually

2. Although Christmas traditions are often 4. As soon as hearing the possibility of a

similar with only ---- variations from country worldwide flood, Lu bought a huge ship to
to country, some of them are very different. ---- that he and his family are protected.

A) abrupt B) genuine A) acknowledge B) ensure

C) slight D) intricate C) avoid D) prevent

E) massive E) hinder

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 1

5. A team of Iranian scientists will ---- Moscow 8. A dominant culture ---- a particular region
to solve the mystery of an unknown animal can change over time in response ----
seen by the locals. internal or external factors.

A) face up to B) run out of A) among / with

B) in / from
C) go along with D) look in on C) within / to
D) at / through
E) set off for E) inside / by


6. Throughout the last century, several studies 9. A boycott is designed to exert pressure ---- a
---- that cold temperatures ---- the chance of company to reform its strategies in a way
becoming infected by a virus. that satisfies the people involved ---- the
A) show / didn’t increase
B) are showing / haven’t increased A) on / in
C) had shown / weren’t increasing B) over / with
D) have shown / won’t increase C) at / of
E) will show / don’t increase D) upon / at
E) with / on

7. In order to prevent possible security 10. The Chinese built The Great Wall of China
problems, a data protection company ---- ---- they could protect themselves ---- the
Facebook to end its policy of making enemies who lived in the north.
members ---- their real names.
A) because / towards
A) ordered / using B) although / of
B) had ordered / to use C) as long as / for
C) will order / used D) in case / from
D) has ordered / use E) so that / against
E) was ordering / having used

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 2

11. – 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 16. – 18. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to 16. ----, the first thing the veterinarian does is to
escape from the island (11)---- he and his father check for any suitable donors at that time in
were trapped. His father constructed wings from the clinic.
feathers and wax and warned his son not to fly too
close to the sun, (12)---- too close to the sea. Icarus A) Before the family of a patient who needs a
(13)---- the instructions about the wings and he heart transplant are tested for a match
didn’t follow his father’s path of flight. (14)---- with B) If a cat needs an emergency blood
the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared transfusion
through the sky curiously, but he came so close to C) Though donors are crucial to the
the sun that it melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping fundraising success of most organizations
his wings, but the melting wax caused him to fall D) In the event that a person’s one of the
into the sea which today bears his name, the Icarian organs fails
Sea. In an alternative version of the story, he flew E) Since one of the first steps in dealing with
too close to the sea and the feathers that got wet donors is to find information about them
didn’t work (15)---- the added weight.

A) that
B) to which
C) where
D) with whom
E) ----

12. 17. As long as Turkey does not start taking gun

A) nor control measures, ----.
B) but
C) so A) the country might face mass shootings like
D) yet the ones in the U.S.A.
E) for B) that must make it harder for people to own
a gun
C) it would prompt them to resort to violence
for no reason
D) only police officers and soldiers will be
13. allowed to use guns
A) aggravated E) there has always been a plea for ban on
B) ignored guns after a murder
C) forbade
D) perished
E) crashed

A) Having overcome
B) To overcome
C) Overcoming
D) Overcome 18. ---- although they are not as popular as they
E) Overcame once were.

A) A denim jacket is a nice option for outer

B) Hot-air solar systems are less often used
15. for space heating
A) in spite of C) Prices of some electronic devices that are
B) notwithstanding purchased by the thousands go down
C) therefore D) Many children used to play games with
D) in addition to marbles
E) due to E) Handkerchiefs still make a lovely gift

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 3

19. – 21. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

There are over 200 different strains of cold viruses, “Xoxo” is commonly known to refer to the phrase
mainly made up of rhinoviruses, which are usually “kisses and hugs”, but how did these two letters
associated with mild symptoms. Up to 25% of come to represent it? One logical explanation is that
people infected with rhinoviruses won’t show any an “X” is a stylized representation of two mouths
symptoms at all. Most won’t get a fever, and if they kissing, while the “O” represents two pairs of arms
do, it will be low, around 37C. Their runny nose and coming together to complete a hug. This makes
cough will also tend to be mild. What’s more, these sense, but the true explanations are more likely
viruses don’t transmit through the air. Instead, rooted in religious history. Since many people in the
people become infected by coming into direct Middle Ages could not read or write, they would sign
contact with someone who has an infection. important documents with an “X,” which was both a
Influenza, however, is a much more sinister beast. simple mark to make and a reference to the
This virus tends to start with sudden onset of a Christian cross. The signee would then kiss the “X”
higher fever between 37-40C. It then progresses to demonstrate his sincerity and that what was
into a headache, muscle aches and a loss of written in the document was true. Tracing the origin
appetite. Flu can also lead to more serious of how the “O” came to represent a hug is more
conditions like bronchitis and pneumonia. Those difficult. One possible explanation is that illiterate
whose immune systems might be compromised, like Jewish immigrants, upon arriving in the U.S., would
the elderly or chronically ill, are at risk of death, so sign documents with an “O”, instead of using an “X,”
these people use the expression ‘to catch a death’ which invoked Christ.
when they catch a flu virus.

19. The passage largely deals with ----. 22. From the passage, we understand that the
author thinks ----.
A) the symptoms of rhinovirus
A) it is plausible that “X” represents a mouth

B) the risks that are brought about by viruses

C) comparison of three cold viruses kissing, and “O” arms hugging
D) how catching a flu can be dangerous B) he has found the right explanation of the
E) the ways in which viruses are transmitted term “xoxo”
C) not many people are familiar with the
phrase “hugs and kisses”
D) it is strange that the letters “X” and “O”
could manage to come together
E) drawing an “X” is simpler than drawing an

20. According to the passage, when someone is

infected with rhinoviruses, they ----. 23. According to the passage, people living in
the medieval period ----.
A) still feel hungry a lot
B) do not exhibit any symptoms A) were either American Christians or
C) are likely to infect others when they cough immigrant Jews
D) mostly complain about a mild fever B) would kiss documents they signed to show
E) may experience a slightly runny nose they valued their religious beliefs
C) started using the “X” as a signature to
honour the Christ
D) were all lack of education, thus were
E) put an “X” on significant documents as a
signature partly because it was easy

21. We can infer from the passage that ----.

24. According to the passage, the reason why
A) rhinoviruses are the least dangerous “O” was used to sign documents ----.
among all the cold viruses
B) people with pneumonia are highly prone to A) is more sensible than that of “X”
go down with flu B) might be that the Jewish substituted it for
C) influenza is transmitted from animals to “X” as it hinted at Jesus
human-beings C) is something no one can make a guess at
D) flu might kill a person if he has a weak D) cannot be uncovered as its origins are hard
immune system to find
E) rhinoviruses make up of the quarter of the E) was because it symbolized the actual cross
cold viruses itself

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25. − 26. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın 27. – 28. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
ifadeyi bulunuz.

25. Hillary: 27. An area in South Korea, Gangnam is home

- Today, our English teacher told us not to to about 1% of the population of Seoul and
use the word “factoid”. Isn’t it weird? is about the size of Manhattan.

Bernard: A) Making up almost 1% of the population of

- ---- South Korea, Gangnam is an area in Seoul,
which is about the size of Manhattan.
Hillary: B) Gangnam is an area in South Korea, where
- But, don’t they mean the same? almost 1% of the population of Seoul lives,
though it is nearly the size of Manhattan.
Bernard: C) What makes Gangnam home to almost 1%
- Not exactly. One refers to an of the population of Seoul is its being about
unquestionable truth while the other the size of Manhattan and its being located
means something trivial. in South Korea.
D) About 1% of the population of Seoul lives in
A) I’m sure she just got tired of correcting your Gangnam, which is an area in South Korea,
mistakes. and which is nearly the same size as
B) Are you sure you heard her right? She Manhattan.
might have said try not to use it. E) Gangnam is not only home to about 1% of
C) Actually, many language guides also the population of Seoul, but it is also about
recommend against using it. the size of Manhattan, an area in South
D) Maybe you were repeatedly using it Korea.
incorrectly, as if it meant a fact.

E) On the contrary! It is very rational thinking

that the confusion surrounding it.

26. Cameron:
- ----

- Most probably! Strong flash directed
straight at a person fattens him up. 28. The director Mulloy would rather most of the
actors of his film had been able to attend the
Cameron: premiere.
- I think that’s just an excuse made up by
people who are unhappy with the way A) The director Mulloy was sad because the
they look. actors of his film weren’t present during
most of the premiere.
Matt: B) Had the actors known that director Mulloy
- But you’re forgetting that with only one would like to see them at the premiere of
eye, a camera lacks a depth perception, his film, most would have attended it.
leading it to show anything wider. C) Some actors of the director Murroy’s film
were able to attend the premier, but he
A) Why do you hate seeing the old photos of wishes most of them had.
yours? D) Director Mulloy had expected all the actors
B) Most people claim that they’re slimmer than of his film to attend the premiere, but only a
they seem in the pictures. Can it be true? few showed up.
C) What do you say about the claim that E) Although the actors could have attended
cameras take 5 kilograms off people? the premiere, most of them didn’t, which
D) Does holding a camera at a certain angle wasn’t what the director Mulloy wished for.
changes how we look in a picture?
E) Some hate being pictured when they don’t
feel OK. What about you?

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 5

29. – 30. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun 31. – 32. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
düşen cümleyi bulunuz. parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
29. You’re a receptionist in a highly prestigious
hotel, and a very famous celebrity wants to 31. New-born babies are incapable of producing
book a room. Though no room is available, actual tears because their tear ducts haven’t
he insists that you find one as he’s an fully formed yet. They are born with basal
important person. Without being rude and tearing, which means that their tear ducts
reminding of the other guests, you say to create enough moisture only to keep the
him: ---- eyes wet and healthy. ---- In some cases, it
will take even longer, up to the first several
A) Should I tell Jennifer Lopez to check out months of a baby’s life.
because you’re more famous than her?
B) Sir, all of our guests are important for us, A) Therefore, babies cry without tears when
so I’m terribly sorry for not being able to do they are born
anything for you. B) Their underdeveloped tear ducts can be
C) I am truly sorry that I can’t find a room for clogged with amniotic fluid after birth
you, but you’re welcome to use our pool. C) Proper tears in babies begin when they are
D) Are you aware that all of our guests are 3 to 12 weeks old
eminent people, even more than you are? D) Interestingly, despite this lack of “crying”
E) If you had been organized enough to make tears, new-borns do have reflex tearing
a reservation in advance, just like our E) Swallowing saliva is a learned skill which
guests, you could stay in our hotel. takes a new-born some time to develop

30. A friend of yours claims that her exams are 32. The Beatles were famous for their beautiful,
very difficult as she needs to read very long inspired love songs dedicated to women, or
books for the exams. But you know that just centred on different women who had
because something is long doesn’t mean touched the Beatles in different ways. ----
that it’s difficult. So you tell her One of them, for example, is about a
sarcastically: ---- bearded religious guide whom they met on
their trip to India.
A) Come on! When something is long, it
usually means it’s easier! A) Even some Beatles’ classics were graced
B) I am tired of your complaints about your with titles using proper nouns like Julia and
exams. Michelle.
C) Oh, do you really think that you are the only B) The Beatles even wrote a song about
one who has to read thick books to chocolate.
graduate! C) Of these songs, “P.S. I Love You” was
D) I think you can manage it, as I know that especially popular.
you are a dedicated bookworm. D) In addition, some of their songs were about
E) You’re right, as I always find travelling by their ex-girlfriends and wives.
train very difficult, thinking that trains are E) However, though some of their songs
very long. sound like they were written about women,
they were, in reality, written about men.

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33. – 35. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

33. Set in North Dakota in the 1980s, Louise 35. Water usage differs greatly from country to
Erdrich’s novel is a classic Western tale country, depending on how developed
narrated by a thirteen-year-old child. agriculture and water supply networks are.

A) Louise Erdrich’in, 1980’lerde Kuzey A) Su kullanımı, hem tarımın hem de su

Dakota’da geçen romanı, on üç yaşında bir şebekesi ağlarının ne kadar gelişmiş
çocuk tarafından anlatılan klasik bir batı olduğuna bağlı olarak ülkeden ülkeye
masalıdır. büyük ölçüde değişmektedir.
B) Louise Erdrich’in on üç yaşında bir çocuk B) Tarımın ve su şebekesi ağlarının ne kadar
tarafından anlatılan ve klasik bir batı masalı gelişmiş olduğu, su kullanımını ülkeden
olan romanı, 1980’lerde Kuzey Dakota’da ülkeye büyük ölçüde değiştirmektedir.
geçmektedir. C) Tarım, su şebekesi ağlarının ne kadar
C) Louise Erdrich’in, on üç yaşında bir çocuğa gelişmiş olduğuna bağlı olarak her ülkedeki
anlattırdığı romanı, 1980’lerde Kuzey su kullanımını büyük ölçüde
Dakota’da geçen klasik bir batı masalıdır. değiştirmektedir.
D) Louise Erdrich’in, on üç yaşında bir D) Su kullanımı, tarımın ve su şebekesi
çocuğun anlattığı romanı, 1980’lerde Kuzey ağlarının ne kadar gelişmiş olduğuna bağlı
Dakota’da geçen klasik bir batı masalıdır. olarak ülkeden ülkeye büyük ölçüde
E) Louise Erdrich’in, 1980’lerde, on üç yaşında değişmektedir.
bir çocuk tarafından klasik bir batı masalı E) Su kullanımının ülkeden ülkeye büyük
olarak anlatılan romanı, Kuzey Dakota’da ölçüde değişmesi, tarımın ve su şebekesi
geçmektedir. ağlarının ne kadar gelişmiş olduğuna

36. – 38. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye

anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

34. Though once located on wetland soil, the 36. Devlet, eğitim almak isteyen mahkûmların 25
capital of Indonesia, which is negatively yaşın altında olmaları şartı ile, hapishanede
affected by climate change, is now in trouble eğitim için ödenek veriyor.
finding clean water.
A) Only if inmates seeking to receive
A) Bir zamanlar sulak topraklarda bulunan education are younger than 25 will the
Endonezya’nın başkenti, iklim government fund education in prison.
değişikliğinden olumsuz etkilendiği için B) The government funds education in prison
artık, temiz su bulmakta sıkıntı çekiyor. only for young inmates seeking to receive
B) Bir zamanlar sulak topraklarda bulunan education until they are 25.
Endonezya’nın başkentinin artık, temiz su C) The government funds education in prison
bulmakta sıkıntı çekmesinin nedeni, iklim on the condition that inmates seeking to
değişikliğinin olumsuz etkileridir. receive education are younger than 25.
C) Endonezya’nın başkenti, bir zamanlar sulak D) Unless inmates seeking to receive
topraklarda bulunuyordu ancak iklim education are younger than 25, the
değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerinden dolayı government doesn’t fund education in
artık, temiz su bulmakta sıkıntı çekiyor. prison.
D) İklim değişikliğinden olumsuz etkilenen E) In order for the government to fund
Endonezya’nın başkenti, bir zamanlar sulak education in prison, inmates seeking to
topraklarda bulunduğu hâlde artık, temiz su receive education should be younger than
bulmakta sıkıntı çekiyor. 25.
E) Endonezya’nın başkenti, bir zamanlar sulak
topraklarda bulunduğu hâlde, iklim
değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerinden dolayı
artık, temiz su bulmakta sıkıntı çekiyor.

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 7

37. Sadece bir güvercin boyunda olan ve 39. – 40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
birçoğu daha yeni keşfedilmiş kuş tüylü okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
dinazorlar, bilim insanlarının kuşların bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
uçmaya nasıl başlamış olabileceğini
anlamalarına yardımcı oluyor.
39. (I) Dynamite was discovered when Alfred Nobel
A) Feathered dinosaurs, many of which have was looking for a way to make nitro-glycerine
just been discovered, are only the size of a more stable. (II) By combining nitro-glycerine
pigeon and help scientists understand how with diatomaceous earth and sodium carbonate,
birds may have started to fly. Nobel took explosives in a whole new direction.
B) Feathered dinosaurs, which are only the (III) Since it was stable and wouldn’t explode
size of a pigeon and many of which have from jiggling, like nitro-glycerine, dynamite was
just been discovered, help scientists marketed as Nobel’s Safety Blasting Powder.
understand how birds might have started to (IV) Moreover, an explosion at the family factory
fly. killed Alfred’s brother Emil. (V) Nobel used the
C) Only the pigeon-sized, feathered dinosaurs, huge profits from his dynamite patent to endow
many of which have just been discovered, the Nobel prizes, one of which is, ironically, for
can help scientists understand how birds peace.
may have started to fly.
D) Scientists can understand how birds might A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
have started to fly only with the help of the
pigeon-sized, feathered dinosaurs, which
they have just discovered.
E) Feathered dinosaurs, many of which have
only just been discovered help scientists
understand how birds that are only the size
of a pigeon might have started to fly.

38. Çeşitli nedenlerden kaynaklanan yorgunluk,

bazıları için kısa sürede atlatılacak kadar
hafif olabilirken, diğerleri için yataktan
çıkamayacak kadar şiddetli olabilir.

A) While for some, fatigue, which is caused by

various factors, can be mild enough to be
shaken off in a short time, it can be too
severe for others to get out of bed.
B) Various factors can cause fatigue, which,
for some, can be mild enough to be shaken 40. (I) The hydrological cycle not only renews the
off within a short time or too severe for supply of water but cleans it as well. (II) The
others to get out of bed. process begins as heat from the sun causes
C) Fatigue, caused by various factors, can be sea water to evaporate and form clouds.
either mild enough to be shaken off within a (III) Because water evaporates at lower
short time or too severe for some to get out temperatures than most pollutants, the water
of bed. vapour that rises from the seas is relatively pure
D) For some, fatigue, caused by various and free of contaminants. (IV) The polluted sea
factors, can be mild enough to be shaken water kills fish or makes them dangerous to eat,
off in a short time, but for others, it can be posing health problems for those who consume
too severe to get out of bed. them. (V) And then, water returns to earth as
E) Although fatigue, caused by various factors, rain, which drains into streams and rivers and
can be too severe for some to get out of rushes toward the sea.
bed, for others, it can be mild enough to be
shaken off in a short time. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Impact Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 8

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