9 NİSAN 2023 YDS
9 NİSAN 2023 YDS
9 NİSAN 2023 YDS
E) insufficient
7.To appeal to our desire for lower-fat 10.Adolescents and adults ----- insecure
substitutes for our favourite high-fat foods, patterns of attachment exhibit higher rates of
the commercial food industry ----- lower-fat affective disorders than securely attached
versions of many foods ----- various fat peers, and this insecure attachment is also
substitutes. seen as a risk factor for poor relational quality
----- marriage.
A) is developing / used
A) for / at
B) developed / to use
B) against / to
C) has developed / using
C) under / on
D) would develop / being used
D) with / in
E) develops / to be used
E) about / through
E) beyond / into
9.During the 20th century, numerous
technological breakthroughs in
pharmaceutical therapy made it possible ----- 12.----- autism can be a gift to higher
most of the diseases that ----- millions of functioning individuals, improving their ability
people each year. in subjects such as mathematics and software,
it is hardly true to say that everyone with the
A) to be curing / would kill
condition is a genius.
B) having cured / had killed
A) Because
C) to cure / have killed
B) Although
D) curing / killed
C) Once
E) to have cured / might have killed
D) If
E) Until
13.Some materials are common and not very 16.-----the red haemoglobin in human blood,
special, such as ordinary rocks and soil ----- which has an iron atom in its molecule,
others such as diamonds, rubies, and other lobsters and other large crustaceans have blue
jewels are prized because they are rare and blood containing hemocyanin.
have beautiful colours.
A) Such as
A) unless
B) Instead of
B) once
C) By means of
C) as if
D) In conjunction with
D) while
E) As a result of
E) just as
A) until
B) given that
C) only when
D) unless
E) provided that
B) as / as
C) whether / or
17. A) raised
C) sees D) occurred
E) had seen
A) only if
B) unless
C) whether
D) as if
E) as
The earliest scientific system for identifying 23.
people by their physical appearance was called
A) absolute
Bertillonage, after its French inventor
Alphonse Bertillon (1853-1914). This system B) fundamental
used measurements of the body, such as the
lengths of arms and legs, the diameter of the C) descriptive
head, and other statistics, (22)----- body D) complicated
markings such as scars or tattoos, and
photographs of the suspect. Although the E) feasible
system was slow and (23)-----, and could not
always tell people apart, it was used by many
police forces for years. It suffered a blow in 24.
1903 when an American called Will West was
A) from
sent to prison, before it was discovered that
another prisoner there had almost the same B) for
Bertillon measurements - and was named
C) about
William West. Bertillon measurements were
supplemented (24)----- photographs, which D) into
came to be called 'mugshots'. Usually a
E) with
photograph (25)----- from the side ('in profile')
and from the front. If the person committed a
crime at some future time, his mugshot would
be widely distributed, (26)----- he could be 25.
recognised by policemen on the beat or by the A) might have been taken
B) must have been taken
C) would be taken
D) can be taken
E) should have been taken
A) as a consequence of
B) as well as
C) as opposed to
A) even if
D) because of
B) after
E) similar to
C) so that
D) while
E) as if
27.While ancient astronomers noticed some 29.While 'literacy' is basically thought of as the
spots on the Sun's surface, -----. ability to read and to write, -----.
A) The myth involving the Roman way of living A) treatment strategies have been devised
endured long after the last soldiers of the that have cut the fatality rate of cholera to 1%
empire died in the last decades
B) The Roman army is remembered today as B) severe diarrhoea and vomiting that
the mightiest fighting machine that the characterise this disease can lead to death due
ancient world had ever seen to dehydration
D) Rome's army was raised on an as-need D) people recovering from it continue to shed
basis from the citizenry based on property the organism in their faeces for weeks to
qualifications months after the initial infection
E) Roman soldiers were more literate than the E) one of the ways to prevent cholera is to
general population and were more likely to identify and treat cholera carriers in areas
leave records of their lives where it is endemic
32.Although no single security technology can 34. It is easy to get distracted halfway through
make a system completely safe, -----. a newspaper article, -----.
A) using them together with recognised A) but reading long novels is not a challenge
security practices provides many impediments when the narrative structure is easier to follow
to intruders and malware
B) since news agencies deliberately choose
B) the cyber security community has failed to thought-provoking articles that hook their
respond to the growing threat with new readers
technologies and guidelines
C) even though the newspapers write about
C) companies whose computer systems get dull and uninteresting topics such as trivial
attacked are more often held liable for the disputes between individuals
harm it causes their customers
D) so that narratives can be a universal form of
D) software developers now take security communication and much has been written
more seriously than they did at the turn of the about them
E) while a best-selling and critically-acclaimed
E) many see security not as the top priority novel can only deal with the society's
but as a trade-off with other objectives, such dilemmas
as functionality and performance
35. -----, there are also great environmental
benefits such as advances in productivity that
has been brought about by chemical use.
A) Akupunktur, genellikle Batı kökenli ilaçlarla A) Düşük gelirli ülkelerde çoğu yiyecek daha
tamamen tedavi edilemese de bu ilaçlara aşırı satışa sunulmadan bozulur ancak bu israf,
bağımlılık yaratan astım gibi kronik yenilikçi teknolojilerin yanı sıra üretici ve
hastalıkların belirtilerinin hafifletilmesine çiftçilere sunulan mesleki eğitimi geliştirerek
yardımcı olur. azaltılabilir.
B) Akupunktur, Batı kökenli ilaçlarla tamamen B) Düşük gelirli ülkelerde çoğu yiyeceğin daha
tedavi edilemeyen ya da bu ilaçlara aşırı satışa sunulmadan bozuluyor olmasından
bağımlılık yaratan astım gibi kronik ortaya çıkan israf, yenilikçi teknolojilerin yanı
hastalıkların belirtilerinin hafifletilmesine sıra çiftçi ve üreticilere verilen mesleki
genellikle yardımcı olur. eğitimlerin geliştirilmesiyle azaltılabilir.
C) Batı kökenli ilaçlarla tamamen tedavi C) Düşük gelirli ülkelerdeki çoğu yiyecek satışa
edilemeyen ya da bu ilaçlara aşırı bağımlılık sunulmadan bozulur fakat bu israf, sadece
yaratan astım gibi kronik hastalıkların geliştirilen yeni teknolojilerle değil çiftçi ve
belirtileri, genellikle akupunktur yardımıyla üreticilere verilen mesleki eğitimlerle de
hafifletilir. azaltılabilir.
D) Astım gibi kronik hastalıklar, Batı kökenli D) Düşük gelirli ülkelerde, çoğu yiyecek satışa
ilaçlarla tamamen tedavi edilemeyebilir ya da sunulmadan bozulur ancak bu israfı yenilikçi
bu ilaçlar aşırı bağımlılık yaratabilir ancak teknolojilerin vanı sıra üretici ve ciftcilere
akupunktur, bu gibi hastalıkların belirtilerini verilecek mesleki eğitimlerle azaltmak
hafifletmeye genellikle yardımcı olur. mümkündür.
A) Bazı bilim insanları belli türleri değil A) The benefits of shopping online range from
ekosistemleri korumamız gerektiğini being able to shop whenever you want
düşünürken diğerleri, genetik çeşitlilik, without leaving home, to the convenience of
ekosistemleri iklim değişikliğine dayanıklı having heavy deliveries brought to your door
kılabildiği için bir türün yok olmasına izin often for free.
vermenin yanlış olduğuna inanmaktadır.
B) The advantage of shopping online is not
B) Genetik çeşitlilik, ekosistemlerin iklim only shopping whenever you like without
değişikliğine dayanıklı olmasını sağlar ve bu leaving your home but also having heavy
nedenle belli türler yerine ekosistemleri deliveries brought to your door generally for
korumamız gerektiğini düşünenlerin aksine free.
bazı bilim insanları bir türün yok olmasına izin
C) Shopping online has a variety of benefits
vermenin yanlış olduğuna inanmaktadır.
such as shopping whenever you want without
C) Bazı bilim insanları belli türlerden ziyade leaving your home and easily having heavy
ekosistemleri korumamız gerektiğine inansa da deliveries brought to your door often for free.
bir türün yok olmasına izin vermenin yanlış
D) From the advantage of shopping without
olduğunu düşünenler, genetik çeşitliliğin
leaving home to the comfort of having
ekosistemleri iklim değişikliğine kareı dayanıklı
deliveries carried to your door whenever you
kıldığını ileri sürmektedir.
want and often for free, the benefits of
D) Belli türler yerine ekosistemleri korumamız spending online vary substantially.
gerektiğine inanan bazı bilim insanlarının
E) Being able to shop whenever you want and
aksine diğerleri bunun yanlış olduğu
without leaving home as well as having heavy
görüşündedir çünkü bir türün yok olmasına
deliveries carried to your door often for free
izin verildiğinde genetik çeşitlilik yok olur ve
are among various benefits of shopping
ekosistemler iklim değişikliğine karşı dayanıksız
hale gelir.
A) As opinion leaders are people who are A) Chinese scientists in medieval times were
more at the forefront than other people hoping to find a life-lengthening drink by
within a society due to their accumulation of mixing chemicals when they accidentally
knowledge and cultural qualifications, people invented gunpowder, however, after nearly
in their surroundings consult these people on half a century this invention turned out to be
their knowledge. something life-shortening.
B) Opinion leaders are people who are more at B) Medieval Chinese scientists invented
the forefront than other people within society gunpowder by mistake when they were mixing
due to their accumulation of knowledge and chemicals with the aim of finding a life-
cultural qualifications, and thus consulted on lengthening drink; however, it took nearly half
their knowledge by the people in their a century to realise that this invention is
surroundings. something life-shortening.
E) Opinion leaders are people who are E) Medieval Chinese scientists invented
consulted on their knowledge by the people in gunpowder by accident when they were
their surroundings due to their accumulation mixing chemicals in the hope of finding a life-
of knowledge and cultural qualifications, lengthening drink, but after nearly half a
which puts them more at the forefront than century this invention turned out to be
other people within society. something life-shortening.
Rome's 11 aqueducts, some extending for more 44.According to the passage, water flowing
than 80 kilometres, transported enough water to through a channel ---
feed the city's 591 public fountains, as well as
countless private residences. However, experts A) creates sediments which are formed on
have long been divided about how much water account of the materials used in aqueduct's
each aqueduct could actually convey. "Many structure
assumptions have been made based on some
pretty unreliable ancient data concerning the size B) may leave some traces that might be used
of the flows of Rome's aqueducts, giving some very later on to make some estimates regarding the
inflated figures," says archaeologist Duncan channels' capacity
Keenan-Jones of the University of Glasgow. "We
thought it was important to adopt a more scientific C) will erode the materials that convey the
approach." Keenan-Jones is part of a team of water to the private residences in the course
scientists who evaluated the amount of residual of time
mineral deposits in the Anio Novus aqueduct to
accurately gauge the depth and flow rate of water.
D) can be measured precisely just by looking
By analysing travertine -a type of limestone at an aqueduct's maximum water transport
deposit- that was left on the aqueduct's interior capacity
walls and floor, the researchers calculated a flow
E) will become richer in minerals as the
rate of between 100,000 and 150,000 cubic meters
per day a number below traditional flow. "Our
channel transporting it gets longer
work has shown that often, even shortly after the
aqueducts were built, the flow rates were well
below the capacity estimates," says Keenan-Jones. 45.The water flow rate assumptions based on
"Ancient Rome had a lot of water, but not nearly as ancient data is much higher than the assumptions
much as has often been claimed." based on more scientific approaches because ---.
E) compensate
A persuasive message should have its greatest 48.Why does the author mention the findings
impact just after it is presented. It is counter- of the Yale attitude changing programme?
intuitive to think that its power might increase
A) To provide supportive evidence for the
with the passage of time, and yet this is
sleeper effect theory
precisely what the sleeper effect suggests. An
early finding in the Yale attitude changing B) To exemplify the sympathetic attitude of the
programme was that films promoting more American soldiers
positive attitudes among American soldiers
towards their British allies in the Second World C) To mention an effective military tactic used
War became more effective well after they in World War II
had been viewed. Kelman and Howland D) To emphasise the impact of films on morale
reasoned that we initially associate the during a war
conclusion of a message with the quality of its
argument and other cues such as the E) To show the importance of positive
credibility of its source. Of these, memory of attitudes among allies
the argument becomes more enduring as time
goes by. Were we to take a measure of the
impact of an extreme message about a month 49.The underlined word 'enduring' in the
later, the sleeper effect predicts that the less passage is closest in meaning to --.
credible source would probably be as
A) recurring
persuasive as the more credible source: the
message survives but the source does not. B) lasting
Crano and Prislin have described the sleener
C) concealed
effect usually associated with studies in mass
communication, as an "old chestnut". Its D) realistic
reliability has long been questioned, but it has
been replicated under quite strict conditions. E) widespread
47.According to the passage, the sleeper effect 50.Based on the sleeper effect, in the long run,
the credibility of the source ----
indicates that----
A) the initial effect of a message fades away as A) is not as important as the quality of the
time goes by argument presented
D) as time passes, the exact message is better D) needs to be established by replicating the
understood study under strict conditions
Silvia: Jenny:
- I am drowning in a sea of papers, documents, - I can't stop worrying about things. Every
old photographs, and other research time I do something, I get super anxious.
materials. What should I do?
- Worry is just a waste of time; it steals your
- I know, all that stuff can clutter your home or joy.
office and overwhelm you. There is a
technique called 'keep or toss' to help you.
- I know it ruins my life, but I can't help it. It
seems like a trait which is difficult to change.
- What is that? Sounds like a game to me. You know, I always see the grass greener on
the other side of the fence. I can't look at the
bright side.
- -----
- -----
- But what about things in between? I mean
those which belong to neither category.
- It's worth giving it a try. At least this way if I
recognise my worries, they won't spiral out of
- Keep them if you feel you will need them in control.
the future.
A) If you frame your thoughts and let
A) So many office workers used this technique negativity take over. it'll be much more
in the 1950s in USA, but it's rather obsolete problematic.
these days.
B) It's the problem of overthinkers I guess.
B) It's easy. Hold onto the necessary ones and They think about issues over and over again,
throw away what you don't really need. even by creating unrealistic scenarios.
C) It comes from a Chinese philosophy of life C) It's OK to worry about the unpleasant
which advises people not to collect things they outcomes of an event that had already
don't really need. happened. But why do you worry about the
future? You never know what will happen.
D) To be honest, I don't know much about it. I
guess we'd better search for it on the internet. D) There're some techniques to ease your
Who knows, maybe it can help you. worries. I know it may not be easy to stick to
them but it'll pay off in the end.
E) I have been using it since I started my job to
keep only the crucial ones for a couple of E) Worrying doesn't change the result, it just
years. complicates the issues further. You'll learn how
to stop it when you realise this.
65. 66.
Clive: Jamie:
- People say they're sick of targeted ads on social - As far as I see, you are quite good at
media because they feel like they are always being communicating with your plants in the garden.
tracked. But, the more certain companies learn You never return with an empty basket and
about us, the better they can create products and
your vase is always shining with new flowers.
services that match our needs.
- How about medical companies asking for consent - Yeah, you have a point. And more
to keep our medical data? We sign lengthy consent importantly, it's not random. I always know
forms without fully understanding their terms or the correct time to gather a new bunch of
implications. flowers from certain plants.
Clive: Jamie:
- ----- - ------
Anna: Sandra:
- What if such confidential data is leaked and - Strikingly, the order of species leafing out any
shared with third parties? I've heard about people
one garden is almost identical from year to
prevented from purchasing life insurance or
year, with some species always starting the
charged exorbitant fees by hospitals.
process early and others always late.
-Hmm, then these targeted ads could be a cause
for concern. - So, it means that a gardener just needs to
observe her plants to learn their usual
A) We may think we contribute to the field of flowering times.
medical science by doing so, but there're
many people trying to deceive others. A) How can you make sure that your plants
will give you the same number of flowers
B) They need this information for statistics and every year?
it helps them understand the prevalence of
certain conditions. Why are you so suspicious B) How is it possible that you can be so sure
of them? of the best time to expect a plant to flower?
C) I think seeing ads that match our needs is C) How do you keep your plants always in
time-saving. Isn't it great not to go through the good condition to make them produce
trouble of searching for exactly what you flowers?
D) How do you protect your plants from
D) Everything related to the internet is loaded warming temperatures at certain times of the
with uncertainty anyway which is why one has year?
to do online shopping only from the most
E) How have you learnt which colours each
secure devices.
plant flowers in a given time in your garden?
E) More and more people use applications
that prevent ads, which I think will make a
difference as to how much and what kind of
information can be collected about us
Sheila: -----
C) Current employees that assist students C) The best news programme may not have
during their stay in the organisation report ratings as high as a news programmes with a
feeling satisfied because they think that their very effective tease.
organisation approves their skills as mentors.
D) The whole system is designed to stop you,
D) Such programmes are quite appealing to the audience, from using the remote-control
most organisations as they have additional button to switch channels.
workforce but they do not need to pay for it,
E) There are bright men and women who are
though it sometimes leads to exploitation.
knowledgeable journalists and who can and
E) It is estimated that three quarters of all do work as TV newscasters.
college students complete an internship
during their academic careers.
76. (I) The vertical farming concept is simple: 78. (1) Venus is the same size as Earth, and has
growing crops on vertically-stacked levels, an atmosphere, but it is too close to the Sun
rather than side by side in a field. (II) It costs for oceans to form. (II) On Earth the oceans
hundreds of thousands of sterlings to erect a absorb carbon dioxide from the air, reducing
mid-sized vertical farm, and its energy use is the greenhouse effect. (III) But on Venus there
prohibitively high. (III) Instead of the Sun, the are no oceans, so all the carbon dioxide
vertical farm uses artificial light, and where erupted by the planet's volcanoes has stayed
there is ordinarily soil, growers use nutritious in its atmosphere. (IV) When plants, soil, and
water, or evenly-dispersed mist. (IV) Vertical water warm up, more water evaporates from
farms take up an insignificant amount of land their surfaces and ends up in the atmosphere
compared to conventional farms. (V) They use as water vapour. (V) The result is a hugely
almost no water, do not flush contaminants powerful greenhouse effect that raises the
into the ecosystem, and can be built where surface temperature of Venus to above 500°C
people actually live. hot enough to melt lead.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
77. (I) In the 3rd and 2nd millennia BCE, 79. (1) More than 300 ways to convert widely
Eurasian networks of commercial and available chemical waste into a range of drugs
information exchanges reached further than and fertilisers have been identified by a
ever before. (II) By 2000 BCE, there existed software program. (II) The software created a
trading cities in Central Asia that had contacts vast database of all the possible combinations
with Mesopotamia, northern India, and China, of chemicals and the processes that could be
linking vast areas of Eurasia into loose used to combine them. (III) The researchers
networks of exchange. (III) Late in the first behind the tool believe it will optimise the
millennium BCE, goods and ideas began chemical industry and allow the recycling of
travelling regularly from the Mediterranean to by-products that would otherwise need to be
China and vice versa along what came to be stored. (IV) Running on a single high-end
known as the Silk Roads. (IV) The appearance server, the program took about a month to
of agricultural technologies supported larger, calculate the hundreds of billions of
denser, and more varied communities and combinations. (V) These were then narrowed
created first urban civilisations. (V) The scale down to only those processes that led to the
of these exchange networks may help explain creation of drugs, fertilisers or other useful
the universalistic claims of religions of this era, molecules.
such as Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
80. (I) Dogs both faithful and frightening have
featured in classical myths, legends, and folk
tales throughout the ages and in all countries.
(II) People have been writing about dogs for
around 2,000 years, but the earliest books
were practical guides for people who kept
dogs for working, primarily hunting. (III) None
is more loyal than Argos, Odysseus's hunting
dog, who waits 20 years to welcome his
master home. (IV) When Odysseus arrives
back to his homeland, Ithaca, Argos is the first
to recognise him. (V) And possibly none is
more monstrous than the three-headed
hound Cerberus, keeper of the entrance to
Hades, whose capture was the 12th and most
dangerous Labour of Hercules.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
48. A
1. B
49. B
2. A
50. B
3. D
51. C
4. D
52. A
5. C
53. E
6. B
54. C
7. C
55. C
8. A
56. E
9. C
57. D
10. D
58. D
11. B
59. A
12. B
60. C
13. D
61. B
14. B
62. C
15. D
63. B
16. B
64. D
17. A
65. B
18. B
66. B
19. C
67. D
20. D
68. B
21. E
69. A
22. B
70. D
23. D
71. D
24. E
72. B
25. C
73. B
26. C
74. A
27. C
75. D
28. B
76. B
29. D
77. D
30. C
78. D
31. B
79. C
32. A
80. B
33. C
34. A
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. A
39. A
40. A
41. B
42. E
43. C
44. B
45. E
46. B