NSTP CWTS Module 3
NSTP CWTS Module 3
NSTP CWTS Module 3
The vulnerability of young people towards drug addiction and abuse remain to be a challenger
for our society. Numerous young people, due to ignorance and curiosity, have succumbed to
drug addiction which affected their personal and social well-being. In order to further equip to
students against addiction, this module presents foundational and scientific information on drugs
and drug addiction. Through information and education, it helps them to better negotiate against
the influence of friends/ peers, thus reducing propensity towards addiction.
At the end of the module, it is expected that the students shall:
1. Know basic concepts and definitions on drugs and drug abuse.
2. Understand the effects and sign of drug abuse.
3. Classify different kinds of drug users.
4. Equip themselves to say no and refuse drugs.
Collage making. Prior the end of the module 2, group the students into ten groups (at least 5
members in each group). In a one whole white cartollina, ask each group to make a collage of
their perceptions on drugs, drug abuse and drug addiction. In the collage, there are no rules or
restrictions. Each group is free to decide on how they put together their collage. What is
important is that they will express their thoughts on drugs, drug abuse and drug addiction.
Select two to three best collage and proceed immediately with the lecture as outlined in the
module. As you discuss, you can use the poster as an example or illustration (visual supplement
to your lecture).
After the lecture, group again the students (using the same grouping mechanism during the
collage-making), give the students 10-20 minutes to come up with a jingle on drugs, drug abuse,
and drug addiction. They can use the melody of popular song, just replacing the lyrics of the
song depicting drugs, drug abuse, and drug addiction.
A drug is any substance that brings physical, psychological, emotional and behavioral changes
when used.
Classification Management
Abstainer Preventive Education
Experimenters Counselling
Occupational Users
Regular Users
Drug Dependent Drug Rehabilitation
Mentally III Chemical Abuser Psychiatric Treatment
(Substance Induced Psychosis)
There are several reasons why a person takes prohibited drugs. The probability of becoming too
much dependent on these illegal substances leads a person to manifest behavior, mental reasoning, and
habits that are negatively affecting the way he or she treats his or her family, other people around him or
her, the society where he or she live, and most especially himself or herself.
Drug dependency is extremely hazardous to a person’s health, the people who care for him or her
and to his or her future as well.
A drug dependent can still be saved from his or her present situation as long as there are people
who are willing to listen, understand and help him or her until full recovery is achieved.
Let’s Reflect.
1. Write a short essay on how your school and barangay can help in preventing drug
2. Prepare a slogan about drug prevention. Present and explain it to the class.
o Inadequate (5 points): Most facts are wrong.
o Needs improvement (10 points): Some facts are wrong.
o Adequate (15 points): Technical details are generally correct.
o Professional quality (20 points): All facts are correct, and the technical
explanation is both concise and complete.
RA 9165, RA 916, Suggested POI on Drugs Education, Dangerous Drug Board
Resolutions and Regulations