Advt 140 v2
Advt 140 v2
Advt 140 v2
Scientist ‘B’ in DRDO Scientist ‘B’ in DST Scientist/Engineer ‘B’ in ADA
ISO 9001 Certified
579 vacancies 8 vacancies 43 vacancies
Advt. No. 140 (Including 51 Backlog vacancies for OBC/SC/ST)
ADA, Bengaluru, is an autonomous body under Ministry of Defence, Government of India entrusted with the design & development of the Light Combat Aircrafts for Defence
Services. ADA provides challenging career opportunities and excellent working environment. The candidates selected against ADA vacancies will be designated as
Scientist/Engineer ‘B’ and will not be part of DRDS. For further information about ADA, please visit ADA website
DST, Govt of India, is primarily entrusted with the responsibility of the formulation of S&T policies and their implementation; identification of thrust areas of research in different
sectors of S&T; technology information, forecasting and assessment; international collaboration; organizing, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country. For further
information about DST, please visit DST website
Table 1 given below shows discipline-wise details of vacancies and is divided into 2 parts – Part 1 (3 disciplines), Part-II (15 disciplines).
Table1 (Part-I): The recruitment in the disciplines mentioned below will be based on valid GATE score, a Written Examination and Personal Interview.
Item Subject/ Organi- No. of Vacancies Details of corresponding Equivalent acceptable subjects of
No. Discipline zation Essential Qualification (EQ) & Essential Qualification Degree
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
1 Electronics & DRDO 54 13 37 + 20 + 11 + 135 + Essential Qualification (EQ)#: 1. Electronics & Communication Engg
Comm. Engg 2. Electronics Engg
4@ 2@ 2@ 8@ At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
or Technology in Electronics & Communication 3. Electronics & Computer Engg
Engg from a recognized university or equivalent. 4. Electronics & Control Engg.
5. Electronics & Communication System Engg
Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following
6. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
additional requirements:
ADA 6 1 3 1 1 12 1. GATE Qualification: 7. Electronics & Tele- Communication Engg
8. Electronics & Telematics Engg
Valid GATE score in Electronics &
9. Industrial Electronics Engg
Communication Engg [Paper code: EC]
10. Tele Communication Engg
2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree, if
11. Telecommunication & Information Tech
done from an Indian Institute of Technology
12. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
(IIT) or National Institute of Technology (NIT).
13. Electronics & Electrical Communication Engg
DST - - - 2 - 2 14. Electrical with Communication Engg
15. Radio Physics & Electronics
16. Electrical Engg
17. Electrical & Electronics Engg
18. Electronics & Communication Engg (Avionics)
3 Computer DRDO 45 10 28 + 14 + 7 + 104 + Essential Qualification (EQ)#: 1. Computer Science/ Engg/ Technology
Science & Engg* 2. Computer Science and Engg./Technology
4@ 4@ 2@ 10@ At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
or Technology in Computer Science & Engg from a 3. Computer Science/Engg & Info Tech
recognized university or equivalent. 4. Computer Science & System Engg
5. Software Engg/ Technology
ADA 2 - 1 1 - 4 Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following
6. Computer Science & Automation Engg/ Tech
additional requirements:
7. Information Technology
1. GATE Qualification:
8. Computer Science/Technology & Informatics
Valid GATE score in Computer Science &
DST 2 - - - - 2 Information Technology [Paper code: CS]
9. Information Science & Engg/Technology
2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree, if
10. Computer & Communication Engg
done from an IIT or NIT.
11. Computer Networking
Table 1 (Part-II) : The recruitment in the disciplines mentioned below will be based on valid GATE score and Personal Interview.
Item Subject/ Organi- No. of Vacancies Details of corresponding Equivalent acceptable subjects of
No. Discipline zation Essential Qualification (EQ) & Essential Qualification Degree
UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
4 Electrical Engg DRDO 9 3 7+ 4 + 2 + 25 + Essential Qualification(EQ)#: 1. Electrical Engg
At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering 2. Electrical Power System Engg
1@ 2@ 2@ 5@
or Technology in Electrical Engg from a recognized 3. Electrical & Electronics Engg
ADA 1 - - 1 - 2 university or equivalent. 4. Electrical & Renewable Energy Engg
5. Power Engg
GATE Qualification: 6. Power Electronics Engg
DST - - - - 1 1 Valid GATE score in Electrical Engg [Paper code: EE] 7. Electronics & Electrical Communications Engg
8. Electrical with Communication Engg
5 Material Science DRDO 9 - 4 1+ 1 15 + Essential Qualification#: 1. Metallurgy & Material Tech
& Engg/ At least Firs Class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering 2. Metallurgy/Metallurgical Engg
1@ 1@ 3. Materials Engg
Metallurgical or Technology in Metallurgy from a recognized
Engg *
university or equivalent. 4. Material Science & Engg
5. Material Science & Metallurgical Engg
GATE Qualification:
Valid GATE score in Metallurgical Engineering
[Paper code : MT]
6 Physics * DRDO 10 3 6+ 5 24 + Essential Qualification#: 1. Physics
2. Physics (Electronics)
1@ 2@ 3@ At least First Class Master’s Degree in Physics from 3. Applied Physics
a recognised university or equivalent.
4. Solid State Physics
GATE Qualification : 5. Computational Physics
Valid GATE score in Physics [Paper code : PH] 6. Engineering Physics
7. Physics & Electronics
7 Chemistry* DRDO 9 3 6 4 3 25 Essential Qualification#: 1. Chemistry
At least First Class Master’s Degree in Chemistry 2. Organic Chemistry
from a recognised university or equivalent. 3. Inorganic Chemistry
4. Analytical Chemistry
GATE Qualification: 5. Physical Chemistry
Valid GATE score in Chemistry [Paper code : CY] 6. Applied Chemistry
8 Chemical DRDO 5 2 5+ 2+ 2 16 + Essential Qualification#: 1. Chemical Engg
Engg 3@ 1@ 4@ At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering 2. Chemical Technology
or Technology in Chemical Engg from a recognized 3. Chemical Plant Engg
DST - - 1 - - 1 university or equivalent. 4. Applied Chemical & Polymer Technology
5. Polymer Science & Chemical Technology
GATE Qualification: 6. Chemical Science & Technology
Valid GATE score in Chemical Engineering
[Paper code: CH]
9 Aeronautical DRDO 9 2 6 3+ 2 22 + Essential Qualification#: 1. Aeronautical Engg
Engg 1 @
1@ At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering 2. Aerospace Engg
or Technology in Aeronautical Engg from a 3. Aerospace Engg (Avionics)
recognized university or equivalent.
ADA 2 1 2 1 1 7
GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Aerospace Engineering [Paper
code : AE]
10 Mathematics* DRDO 3 1 2 1 - 7 Essential Qualification#: 1. Mathematics
At least First Class Master’s Degree in Mathematics 2. Applied Mathematics
from a recognised university or equivalent. 3. Mathematics & Computing
GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Mathematics [Paper code :
11 Civil Engg* DRDO 2 1 2+ 1+ 6 + Essential Qualification#: 1. Civil Engg
2. Civil & Structural Engg
2@ 1@ 1@ 4@ At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering 3. Civil & Environmental Engg
or Technology in Civil Engg from a recognized
university or equivalent. 4. Civil & Rural Engg
5. Civil & Water Management Engg
GATE Qualification : 6. Civil & Infrastructure Engg
Valid GATE score in Civil Engineering [Paper code : 7. Construction Engg & Management
12 Instrument- DRDO - - 1@ - - 1@ Essential Qualification#: 1. Instrumentation Engg
ation Engg* At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering 2. Instrumentation & Control Engg
or Technology in Instrumentation Engg from a 3. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
recognized university or equivalent. 4. Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engg
5. Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engg
ADA - 1 - - - 1 GATE Qualification : 6. Electrical and Instrumentation Engg
Valid GATE score in Instrumentation Engineering 7. Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engg
[Paper code : IN] 8. Power Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
9. Electronics Communication & Instrumentation
13 Material DRDO 3 1 2+ 2 1 9+ Essential Qualification#: 1. Material Science
Science* At least First Class Master’s Degree in Material 2. Material Science & Nano Technology
1@ 1@ 3. Nano Science
Science from a recognised university or equivalent.
GATE Qualification : 4. Nano Science & Tech
Valid GATE score in Engineering Sciences [Paper 5. Physics (Material Science)
code : XE] 6. Nanotechnology
7. Material Engg and Nanotechnology
8. Physics with specialization in Material Science
Item Subject/ Organi No. of Vacancies Details of corresponding Equivalent acceptable subjects of
No. Discipline -zation UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Essential Qualification (EQ) & Essential Qualification Degree
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
14 Naval DRDO 2 - - 1 - 3 Essential Qualification#: 1. Naval Engg
Architecture* At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in 2. Naval Architecture & Ocean Engg
Engineering or Technology in Naval Architecture 3. Naval Architecture & Offshore Engg
from a recognized university or equivalent. 4. Naval Architecture & Marine Engg
5. Naval Architecture and shipbuilding
GATE Qualification : 6. Marine Engineering
Valid GATE score in Naval Architecture & Marine 7. Oceanography Engg
Engg [Paper code: NM]
15 Environmental DST 1 - - - - 1 Essential Qualification#: 1. Energy and Environmental Engineering
Science & Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in 2. Environmental Engineering
Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering from a 3. Civil and Environmental Engineering
recognized university or equivalent. 4. Civil Environmental Engineering
5. Energy Environment and Climate
GATE Qualification : 6. Environmental Science and Technology
Valid GATE score in Environmental Science & Engg 7. Renewable Energy and Environmental
[Paper code : ES] Engineering
8. Environmental and water resources Engineering
16 Atmospheric DRDO - - - - 1@ 1@ EssentialQualification#: 1. Atmospheric Science
Science* At least First Class Master’s Degree in Atmospheric 2. Meteorology
Science from a recognised university or equivalent. 3. Climate Science and Policy
4. Atmosphere and Ocean Science
GATE Qualification : 5. Climatology
Valid GATE score in Engineering Sciences[Paper
code : XE]
17 Microbiology* DRDO 1 - 1 - 1 3 Essential Qualification#: 1. Microbiology
At least First Class Master’s Degree in Microbiology
from a recognised university or equivalent.
GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Life Sciences [Paper code: XL]
18 Biochemistry* DRDO 1 - 1 - - 2 Essential Qualification#: 1. Biochemistry
At least First Class Master’s Degree in Biochemistry
from a recognised university or equivalent.
GATE Qualification :
Valid GATE score in Life Sciences [Paper code: XL]
TOTAL DRDO 214 53 142 + 79 + 40 + 528 +
21@ 19@ 11@ 51@
ADA 19 4 11 6 3 43
DST 3 - 1 2 2 8
#: a) Candidates who do not have First Class/Division in EQ degree can apply against the vacancies of DST only.
b) Candidates having their EQ degree from foreign universities should obtain equivalence certificate from ‘Association of Indian Universities, Delhi’ and submit the same
on or before the closing date of receipt of applications.
c) In case a particular institute does not have any criteria for First Class or equivalent, 60% marks will be taken as equivalent to First Class for that institute. In such cases
where conversion formula is not available, CGPA/CPI of 6.75 (for a 10 point scale) will be taken as equivalent to 60% as per AICTE guidelines. For scale other than 10
point scale the first class CGPA/CPI ( 6.75) will be converted proportionately.
@ : 51 out of the total vacancies of DRDO are Backlog vacancies of OBC (21 vacancies), SC (19 vacancies), ST (11 vacancies).
*: a) Thirteen out of the 579 vacancies of DRDO are reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in the following categories:
- Four (2 backlog+ 2 fresh) vacancies for PwD-Hearing Handicapped (HH) category, in the * marked disciplines.
- Three (1 backlog + 2 fresh) vacancies for PwD-Locomotor Disability (LD) category including Leprosy cured (OL, OA), Acid Attack Victims (AAV), Dwarfism (Dw),
in the * marked disciplines.
- Six vacancies for PwD-AAV/Dw, in rest of the disciplines.
b) Shortlisting of candidates for the vacancies for PwD(HH), PwD(LD), PwD (AAV/Dw) categories – whether in Part-I or Part-II of Table 1 – will only be done through GATE
score and not through the Written Examination. This means that PWD engineering graduates from IITs/NITs having 80% or more and not having a valid GATE score will
not be eligible for selection against PWD vacancies. However, if a PwD candidate wants to compete against UR or her/his own category in permitted disciplines of
Table 1(Part 1), then such a candidate would also have to take the Written Examination, if shortlisted (Refer Para 5 below).
5. SCREENING / SHORTLISTING vii) In addition to the above, any other selection tool/test may be administered,
i) For Subjects/Disciplines under Part-I : at the sole discretion of RAC.
(a) Category I: Eligible candidates will be shortlisted for a Written
Examination on the basis of GATE score in the ratio of 1:25 subject to 9. LIABILITY TO SERVE
their availability in order of discipline-wise category-wise merit list. As per the Central Government Rules, selected candidates will have the
liability to serve anywhere in India including remote/ field area locations.
Category II: All eligible IIT and NIT graduate engineers with minimum
80% aggregate marks in the EQ degree will be called for a Written 10. CLOSING DATE
Examination. Online submission closes after 21 days from activation of Link.
i) Online application submission link is available at RAC website
ii) Those applications which are not locked/finalised by the candidates in
accordance with the instructions will be automatically rejected by the
computer system and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Therefore candidates are advised to submit/finalise the application
carefully and enclose all necessary documents as applicable.
iii) The applicants should ensure their eligibility in respect of age, essential
qualification etc.
iv) No request with respect to the change in any data submitted by the
candidates will be entertained once the closing date of online submission is
v) The OBC (Non-creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite
certificate in prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent
authority. The certificate must have been issued on or after 01 Apr 2022 and
must be valid through the Financial Year 2022-23.
vi) The EWS candidates are required to submit requisite certificate (Income &
Assets) in prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent
authority. The certificate must have been issued on or after 01 Apr 2022 and
must be valid through the Financial Year 2022-23.
vii) Applicants are advised not to change their registered mobile number as vital
information regarding their shortlisting/selection status will be intimated
through SMS.
viii) Shortlisted candidates shall be able to download their admit card for the
Written Examination (Only for Part-I disciplines) /call letter for interview
respectively along with its venue, date & time after successful registration
through RAC website. Intimation in this regard shall be sent as SMS on the
registered mobile number of the candidate. Candidates may please note
that the admit card for the Written Examination/call letter for interview
will not be sent by post/courier.
ix) Detailed guidelines for submission of online application are available on RAC
website (
x) Candidates are advised to keep visiting RAC website ( for
updates issued from time to time.
xi) The number of vacancies may vary.
xii) Translation ambiguity, if any, can be resolved to the English version of the
advertisement published in the Employment News.
xiii) Dispute, if any, will be subject to the courts/tribunals having jurisdiction over
Delhi only.
Misrepresentation or falsification of facts detected at any stage of the
selection process or instances of misconduct/misbehaviour at any stage
during selection process shall result in cancellation of candidature and
debarment from future DRDO recruitment. No correspondence in this regard
shall be entertained. Please note that RAC does not request for any payment
at any stage of recruitment process except the application fee as mentioned
at Para 4, as applicable. Candidates may note that no such demand, if any,
should be entertained and the matter may be brought to the notice of the
Chairman, RAC by e-mail, or by post to The Chairman,
RAC, DRDO, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054. The identity of the
candidate will be kept confidential.