Unit - 2 Mob
Unit - 2 Mob
Unit - 2 Mob
Planning 0s the fundamental function of management. Iit is bastc to all other management functlons. It
providea foundatlon upon which organizing, staffing, directing and corntraling functlons can be carrled
According to Alford and Beatt, "Planning is the thinking process, the organized foresight, the
vision based on fact and experience that is required for lntelligent action."
Acording to Theo Haimann, "Plannlng is deciding in advance what is to be done. When a
manager plans, he projects a course of action for further attempting to achieve a consistent coordinate
structure of operations almed at the desired results.
According to Koontz and 0' Donnell, "Planning is an Intellectual process, conscious
determination of course of action, the basing of decislon on purpose, facts and considered estimates."
According to Allen, "A plan is atrap lald to capture the future."
Nature or Features of Planning:
Managerial function has some unique charåcteristics of its own whlch separate it from other functions.
They are:
Planning is goal-oriented: Planning is not an end itself. Rather, it is a means towards the
acompliahment of objectives.
Planning Is a primary function: Planning Is the first and foremost activity bf Managerial fünction.
Management starts with planning. Planning gives base for other functlons like organizing,
staffing, directing controling etc. It is equally important like all other managerial functions.
Plannng is Al-pervasive: Planning is a function whlch exists in al levels of managerial hierarchy.
The content and quality of planning differ in different levels.
3 Planning Is an intellectual process: Planning is a process which needs the ability to
think in a
logical way and understanding things. It needs the ability or skill to vlew the future opportunity
and threats.
Plannlng is a çontinuous process: Plannlng is an on-going or dynamlc process and it is
the external and internal changes of environment. It Is a based on
continuous process of assessment and
reassessment of goals, resources, directlons opportunitles and problems of the organizatlon.
Planning Is future oriented: Planning s always future oriented. It is a process which
or thinks ahead and making provision to tackle future looks ahead
event. Whlle planning for the future
managerS would conslder the sltuations and events of present and past within and
outside the
Planntng Invoives decislon making; Planning involves declslon making and problem solving. It
also Involves ldentificatlon of the Issues whlch
needs to be addressed, collection of relevant
Informatlon or facts, finding out the most approprdate alternative course of actlon or
Planning Is directed towards efflclency: Planning has no relevance If It does not facllltate
achievement of objectves economlcally and efficlently.
anning sone of the most Important and cruclal functions of management
Reductlon of Uncertalnty: Futüre is always full ßf uncertaintea. a business organisation has to
functlon in these uncertalnties. It can operate successfully If.it is able to predict the
uncertainties. Sone of the uncertalntles can be predicted by undertakíng systematic. Some of
the uncertalnfies can be predicted by undertaking systematlc forecasting
$ Better Utillzatlon of Resources: An Important' advaDtage of planning Is that it makes effettive
and proper uilzation of enterprise resources. it kdentifies all süch avallable resources and
makes optimumnuse of these resources.
* Inereases Organtzatonaf Efectvnessé "Planning ensures otganizatlonal effecthveness.
..Efectiveness ensures that the eorganisation is In a position to achleve its objectve due to
Ingreased efficdency of the organisatlon.
Reduces the Cost of Performance: Planning assists In reducdng the cost of performance. It
includes the selection of only one course of actlon amongst the different, courses of action that
woukd yield the best results at minium cost. It removes hesitancy, avokds crises and chaos,
eliminates false steps and protects against improper deviations.
Concentration on Objectivess, It is a basic characteristic of planning that It is related to the
organlzational objecth AT the operations,arg planned to achieve the organlzational
objecthves. Planning facilitates the achievement of objectives by focusing attention on them. It
-requites the.clear definitlon of objectives so that most approprate alternative courses of action
are chosen.
Helps in Co-ordinatlon: Goodplans unify the interdepartmental activity and clearty lay down the
area o eedor-In: the deyelopment of various sub-plans. Various departments work in +
accordance with the overall plans of the organlsation. Thus, there s harmony in the
orghkátionfand duplication of efforts and conflict of jurisdictlon are avolded.
" Makes Control _Effective: Planning anid control are InsepaYable in thé' sense th¯t unplanned
actlon cannot be controlled because control involves keeping activities on the predetermined
course by rectfyng deviations from plans. Plannlng helps ontrol by furnishing standärds of
o Encouragement to Innovatlon: Planning helps Innovative and creative thinklng among the
managers because many new ldeas come to the mind of a manager when he is planning. It
reatesa forward-locoking attitude among the managers.
Increase In' Competitive Strength: Effecthe planning gives a competitve edge to the enterprise
over other enterprises that do not have plannlng or have lheffectve plannlng. This ls because
planning may Inyolve expanslon of capaclty, changes in work methods, changes in quality,
antlcipation of tastes and fashlons of people and technologlcal changes etc.
Delegation is Facilitated: Agood plan always facilltates delegatlon of authority In a better way to
Planning0Sa dynamlc process, It is very essential for every organization, to achleve thlr ultimate goals
These princples are as follows:
3 Prindple of ContributlonThe: purpose .ofplanging Is to ensure.the effectve, and
achlevement of corporateobjectives. The accomplishment of the objectves always depends efficlent
the soundness of plans and the adequate amount of contribution of
compamv towards the
Principle of Sound and Consistent Premising: Premises are the assumptions regarding the
environmental forces like economic and market conditlons, soclal, political, legal and cultural
spects, compethor's actlons, etc. These are prevalent during the period of the Implementatlon
of plans. Hence, Plans are made on the basis of premises accordingly, and the
future of the
company depends on the soundness of plans they make so as to face the state of'premises.
Princdple of LInHlting' factors: The limiting factors are the lack of motivated employees, shortage
of trained personnel, shortage of capital funds, government policy of price
regu<ation, etc. The
company tequlres.monitpring all these factors and needing to tackle the same in an efficlent
way soas to make a smooth way for the achlevement of Its ultimate objectives.
Principle of Commitment A commitment Is required to cary-on the business that Is
established. The planning shall has to be In such a way that the product diversification should
encormpass the particular perlod during whlch entire Investment on that product Is recovered.
Princlple of Timing: Number of major and minor plans of the organlisation should be arranged In
a systematia manner. The plans should be aranged, In a tÉme hlerarchy, Inltiation and
completion of those plans should be clearty determined.
PAnciple of Eifliclensýt Cost of planning constitutes human, physlcal and financlal resources for
thelr formulation and Implementation as well. Minimizing thà cost and achleving the eficient
udh~aton of resources shall haye to be the alm of the plans.
Princlple of Flexdblllty: Plans are supposed to be flexlble to favour the organisatlon to
Wthethe-unexpected environments. It Is always requlred to keep in mind that future wll be
different In actuallty. Hence companles, therefore, require preparing contingency plans
may be put Into operation In response to the sltuations. which
Princlple of Acceptance: Plans should be understood and
accepted by the employees, slnce the
SUCesshüHmplementatlon of plans requlres the willingness'ànd cooperathve efforts from them.
Communcation plays a crucial role in gaining the employee understanding and acceptance
of the plans by removing thelr doubts and
mlsunderstanding about the plans also their
ippYehiensions and anxleties about consequences of pláns for Yehlevement of thelr personal
Process of Planning
Types of Planning
1. Groupor Sectional or Unit Planning Thls plan refers to plannlng for specific group or sections
within a department or divislon. Such plan is prepared to implement departmental or divislonal
plans. It is formulated at the operating level of management.
2. Departmental or Divislonal or Functional Planning: This planndng includes the plans
formulated for various departments or divislons of an enterpise. It determines the scope and
actlvitles of a particular department. Departmental plans are formulated by mddle level of
management and,approved by thetop management...
3: Corporate Planning Planning for the company as a whole ls knowm as corporate planning. It
laysdown objectves, stratégles and policles for entire organizatlon. It Is done at the top level of
management. Such planning serves as the basis for departmental plannlng.
1. Long term planning this plan is usually 5to 15 years. It is also called as strategle planning. t
prepares the business to face the effects of long term changes.
The plan' sneeded for:'
a) Introduction of a new product
b) Enterlng a new market
c) Changing the technlque of productlon
"d) Increasing the scale of productlon
2. Medium term planning: it Is known as tactical planning, the perlod covered by the medium
term plan Is usualy 1-S years. The plan Is needed for: a) Maklng additlons to an Exlsting plant.
b) Expanding the factory
3. Short term planning: it Is known as operatlonal planning, the
period covered is less than one year. The plan ls needed for: a) Purchase of raw materlals
b) Arranging for employee training etc.
) Standing or Mut-use Plans: These p1ans are
used repeatedty in situatlons of similar nature. They are
long tem in nature and represent standing answers to
trainingof employees and in job rotation. They serve as guldesrecurring
to action.
problems. These plans help in
1.OBJECTVES: Every organization exists to achieve some purpases which are called its
defined as the ends, purposes or aims which an objectives. It is
time. The terms, objectves, mission, goal, target,organlation wants to achieve over varying periods of
standard,. quota, deadline, etc. are used
Interchangeably in management.
Characteristics of Organizational Objectives
An organization has multiple or several objectves, 8-, profits,
socdety etc survival, growth, service to.
Objectives have time span. Short tern and medlum-tem objectives are means of
long-term objectves. achieving
Objectves form a hierärchy. The hierarchy of objectives s a graded serles in which
organization's goals are supported by each sucoeeding managerlal level down to the level of an
Individual. This is depicted in the followtng chart:
Objettives may betangible or Intangible.
4 Objectives may be of short run or long run.
Essentlals of Valld Ob]ectives
Objectives are clear and specific. b. They should be stated in measurable tems. c. Ob]ectlves
'must be result orlented and time bound, d. Objectlves must be acceptable to employees. e.
Objectives should be communicated to all members of the organlzation. f, Objectves must
have soclal sanctlon.
4 Objectves are clear and specific.
They should be stated In measurable terms.
4 Objectves must be result orlented and time bound.
" Objecthves must be acceptable to employees.
Objectves should be communkated to all members of the organltaton.
Objectves must have soclal sanctlon.
2. POuaES: A
polisy ls a broad statement formulated to provide gukdance In declalon making at
lower levels of management. It defines the erea or lmlts within whlch decislons can be made. "Ouslnes
pollcy ls an Impled overall gulde, setting up boundarles, that supply the general limlts and directlon In
whlch management action will take place Prof. George Terry Need and Importance of Pollky The
purposes of policy essentlals or effect are;
darify objectves
" Havea planning gulde
" Help subordinate in decison malung
" Faciltate overall coordinatlon and control
" Set up yard stlcks for measurlng the accomplshment of poldes both qualitattvely and
o Build up employee loyalty and enthuslasm
Ensure conslstency and uniformity In dectsions and so r
envronment. Imited number of products,
FAStabitity Strategy: an onganization that has a stable
onganization s satisfied with Its exdisting
astomers, suppliers and competitors they follow stability. The
vel of áctivitles and wants the same to continue.'
may adopt growth
B.Growth Strategy: An organization that wants to raise Its level of performance
Strategy. Development of new products for existing markets
i) Creatlon of new customers for existing products
i) Development of new products for new markets
may declde to produce the raw materlals
C Vertlcal Integratlon Strategy Abusiness enterprise itself start Its own sales outlets to
will declde to
needed for production to ensure continuous supply and It
serve Its cUstomers better, It ls called vertlcal Integration strategy.
productlon and sales and thereby derive the
D. Merger Strategy: The onganlzatlon may combine
benefits of economles of large scale operatlons that ls called merger strategy
become unpopular
SPnduct tmintion Strater The orzanzaton may elminate products that have
Nh the buets and brrg orty losses so product elhatlon strategy ls adopted.
PROCEDURES: Aprocedure k a chronologca! eaquence of steps to be undertaken to enforce a policy
Rngto thieve an Gtjecthe. t Lrs dwn the soedfc manner In whlch a task b to be performed
POCedures an be defneds 'A eres of functions or stepstaken up to accomplsh aspecific task
portance of Procedures:
o it out the detailed and essenttal steps and then taken up performance
o Etablish ccountablity and responsblity then standardize the procedure
o AI the phases are to be linked wth cortrol so that performance can be reviewed
They shoud be stable and not ried
Derelop frutttu dedsions n polides by tadng into conslderaton, time, cost and evironmet
o Ay changes to be made shoutd be taken up wel in advance and should be'writen down to help
eæsy understanding
These procedures should be understood, acepted and known to everyone ivoved with them.
Umitatlons of Procedures:
The procedural formalities make delay in the performance of the work.
Afew procedures result in confusion.
4. RULES: Rules are prescribed guides for conduct or action. They specify what should be done or not
pone in a gven situations. Arule ba riggd and definite plan leaving no scope for discretion or deviatlon.
iheios to ensure desired behavior on the part of employees and make actions prediktable. They
Sditate discipline and uniformity of action in the organizatlon. There s always a fine or penalty for the
volation of rdes. Eg No Smoking in the workplace.
SMETHODS: Methods are formalized and standardized ways of accomplishing repetitive and routine
1DD. They are desgned to keep operations running on panned and desired lines, to prevent confusion
I0d to ensure economy and efficlency. Methods are helpful in the simplficatlon, standardizatlon and
HHematization of work.
6TÁCTICS: Tactics 0s defined as"The
nature, tactlcs are
of strategies devised. detalled program prepared by the management for the effectlve
Thus, whlle
minute. Applications of Tattics strategles are master documents and are broad in
To meet
competition effectively -Wheel was Introduced when
Continuous efforts to curb aggresstve
firns-Surf to
Nirma came up.
To retaln competitive posltion prevent Ariel Excel.
meet everyone need -Colgate has Introduced several different types of varlants to
9 iTo consolidaté
products gains-BPL withdrew certaln products to consolidate on the
For retreating Into certaln
existing range of
specific areas-Godrej soapa.
Hsingle-use plan in a business environment refers to plans developed for a
Bnat nas one specific goal or
objective. one-unie pruject or event
PROGRAMMES: Programs deal with the guldelines that are set for accomplishng a
Within the organization. The project may not be In existence for the specdal project
entire tenure
NTit the project Is accomplished, It might result in short-tern success of the of the organization,
aIumately prove to be extremely helpful. organizatlon which might
". An effectve program has the following steps.
tís divded into several'steps for achleving objectives.
cIt establishes relationship between several steps toensure a smooth flow of the
sequence of
Itdecddes responslbility and adcountability
tdetermines the resources needed f. It fixes the time limit by assigning a time for each program
BUDGETS: A budget is a'plan whicu States expected results of a given period In numerical terms. It is
DIantotjaction or blueprínt designed to achleve aspecific goal. It may be expressed in terms of tlme,
ionevior other units. Budget may be prepared for productlon, sales, materials, cash, capltal
RROJECTS: Aproject is acomplex scheme for the Ivestment of resources which çan be analysed and
AILated 'as an Independent unit. The projects helps In preckse allocation of dutiles, effective control,
SWIDDIementatlon of the'plan' and fxatlon of responsibility. The main features of projects are as