Operations Research
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Introduction -Flow -Shop sequencing -njobs through two machines – n jobs through
three machines – job shop sequencing – two hobs through m machines
Introduction – Replacement of items that deteriorate with time- when money value is
not counted and counted – Replacement of items that fall completely – Group
Module 4:
Theory of Games
Introduction-Terminology -Solution of games with saddle points and without saddle
points 2 X 2 games – dominance principal -m X 2 & 2 Xn games – Graphical
Introduction -Single Item, Deterministic models – purchase inventory models with
one price break and multiple price breaks – Stochastic Models – Demand may
bediscrete variables or continuous variables – single period model and no setup cost.
Write a Program for a problem on the Inventory model.
Module 5:
Waiting Lines:
Introduction -Terminology – single Channel – Poisson arrivalsandExponential
Times with infinite population
Dynamic Programming
Introduction – Terminology,Bellman’s principle of optimality – Applications of
dynamic programming – Shortest path problem – Linear Programming Problem
Text Books:
1. Operations Research/J .K. Sharma /Macmilan
2. Introduction to OR/Hillier &Libemann/TMH
3. Operations Research: An Introduction by Taha Hamdy
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to OR/Taha/PHI
2. Operations Research/ NVSRaju/ SMS Education/Latest Revision
3. Operations Research/Wagner/ PHI Publications
Course Outcomes:
Understanding the problem,
identifying variables and formation of the optimization model, and
applying appropriate optimization techniques.
Course Objectives: The goal of the course is to familiarize the students with the
concepts and techniques in robotic engineering, manipulator kinematics,
dynamics and control, chose, and incorporate robotic technology in
engineering systems.
Make the students acquainted with the theoretical aspects of Robotics
Enable the students to acquire practical experience in the field of Robotics
through design projects and case studies.
Make the students to understand the importance of robots in various fields of
engineering. Expose the students to various robots and their operational
Module – I
Module – II
Motion Analysis: Basic Rotation Matrices, Equivalent Axis and Angle, Euler
Angles, Composite Rotation Matrices. Homogeneous transformations as applicable
to rotation and translation – problems.
Manipulator Kinematics-DH notation-DH method of Assignment of frames-DH
Transformation Matrix, joint coordinates and world coordinates, Forward and
inverse kinematics – problems on Industrial Robotic Manipulators.
Module - III
Feedback components:
Feedback components: position sensors – potentiometers, resolvers, encoders –
Velocity sensors, Tactile and Range sensors, Force and Torque sensors – End
Effectors and Tools.
1. Industrial Robotics / Groover M P /Mc Graw Hill
2. Introduction to Industrial Robotics / Ramachandran Nagarajan / Pearson.
3. Industrial Robotics by Mikell Groover.
1. Robot Dynamics and Controls / Spony and Vidyasagar / John Wiley
2. Robot Analysis and control / Asada, Slotine / Wiley Inter-Science
3. Robotics – Fu et al / TMH Publications.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the basic components of robots and its working principle.
CO2 Understand the selection of activators and sensors based on applications.
CO3 Identify types of robot configurations and its industrial applications.
CO4 Analyze forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulators.
CO-PO Mapping:
Pre-requisite:Engineering Mechanics
Course Objectives:
Understand various levels of vibrations and remedies for each of them
Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Module 4:
Continuous system
Free vibration of strings – longitudinal oscillations of bars- traverse vibrations of
beams- Torsional vibrations of shafts.
Critical speeds of shaftsCritical speeds without and with damping, secondary critical
Numerical Methods
Rayleigh’s stodola's, Matrix iteration, Rayleigh- Ritz Method and
Holzer'smethods.Vibration measuring instruments: Vibrometers, velocity meters &
Module 5:
Text Books:
1. Elements of Vibration Analysis / Meirovitch/ Mc Graw Hill
2. Principles of Vibration / Benson H. Tongue/Oxford
3. "Mechanical Vibrations" by Singiresu S. Rao, Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1.Mechanical Vibrations / SS Rao / Pearson
2. Mechanical Vibration /Rao V. Dukkipati, J Srinivas/ PHI
3. Mechanical Vibrations/ G.K. Grover/ Nemchand& Brothers
Web resource:
Course Outcomes:
CO1 –Analyze the causes and effects of vibration in mechanical systems.
CO2 – Design schematic models for physical systems and formulate governing
equations of motion.
CO3 – Analyze the role of damping, stiffness and inertia in mechanical systems
Analyze rotating and reciprocating systems and compute critical speeds.
CO4 – Analyze and design machine supporting structures, vibration isolators and
CO-PO/PSO Mapping Chart
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation)
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 - Low
Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 2
CO2 3 2 3 2
CO3 3 3 3 2
CO4 3 2 3 2
Module I
Module II
Module III
Module IV
Power Screws and Spindles, Functions and Types of Guide-ways.
Design of Guide ways
Design of Guide-ways, Design of Aerostatic Sideways, Design of Anti-Friction
Guide-ways, Combination Guide-ways, Design of Power Screws.
Module V
1 Tool Design/ Donaldson/ Fifth Edition, Mc Graw Hill
2. Principles of Machine Tools/ G.C. Sen and A. Bhattacharyya /New Central Book
3. Design of Machine Tools / D. K Pal, S. K. Basu / Oxford
1. Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control/ N.K. Mehta / Mc Graw Hill
2. Metal Cutting and Tool Design/ Ranganath B.J./ Vikas Publishers
3. Fundamentals of Tool Design/ ASTME, PHI
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand basic motions involved in a machine tool.
2. Design machine tool structures.
3. Select subsystems for achieving high accuracy in machining.
4. Identify control strategies for machine tool operations and appropriate quality tests
for quality assurance.
Course Objectives:
1. To discuss the modeling technique for machining processes.
2. To discuss interpretation of data for process selection.
3. To discuss the mechanics and thermal issues associated with chip formation.
4. To discuss the effects of tool geometry on machining force components and surface
5. To discuss the machining surface finish and material removal rate.
Module I
Introduction – Need for non-traditional machining methods-Classification of modern
machining processes – considerations in process selection. Materials. Applications
Ultrasonic machining – Elements of the process, mechanics of metal removal
process, parameters, economic considerations, applications and limitations, recent
Module II
Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining And Abrasive Water Jet
Machining: Basic principles, equipment, process variable, and mechanics of metal
removal, MRR, application and limitations.
Module III
Power circuits for EDM, Mechanics of metal removal in EDM, Process parameters,
selection of tool electrode and dielectric fluids, methods surface finish and machining
accuracy, characteristics of spark eroded surface Power circuits for EDM, Mechanics
of metal removal in EDM, Process parameters, selection of tool electrode and
dielectric fluids, methods surface finish and machining accuracy, characteristics of
spark eroded surface
Module IV
Generation and control of electron beam for machining, theory of electron beam
machining, comparison of thermal and non-thermal processes
General Principle and application of laser beam machining – thermal features, cutting
speed and accuracy of cut.
Module V
Application of plasma for machining, metal removing mechanism, process
parameters, accuracy and surface finish and other applications of plasma in
manufacturing industries
Text Books:
1. Advanced Machining Processes / VK Jain / Allied publishers
2. Modern Machining Processes - P. C. Pandey, H. S. Shan/ Mc Graw Hill
3."Advanced Machining Processes: Non traditional and Hybrid Machining Processes" by
Hassan El-Hofy and Yusheng Shi, published by CRC Press
Reference Books:
1.Unconventional Manufacturing Processes/ Singh M.K/ New Age Publishers
2. Advanced Methods of Machining/ J.A. McGeough/ Springer International
3. Non-Traditional Manufacturing Processes/ Benedict G.F./ CRC Press
Course Outcomes:
1) Identify the selection of machining processes and its basic principle
2) Estimate the material removal rate and cutting force and Mention the real time
application of unconventional machining process
3) Develop the economic aspects of the different unconventional machining process.
4) Analyze surface properties after machining without destructing the material
Course Objectives:
Course Objectives: Understand the importance of Production planning & control.
Learning way of carrying out various functions so as to produce right product, right
quantity at right time with minimum cost.
Module 1
Introduction: Definition – Objectives of Production Planning and Control –
Functions of production planning and control - Types of production systems -
Organization of production planning and control department
Forecasting – Definition- uses of forecast- factors affecting the forecast- types of
forecasting- their uses - general principle of forecasting. Forecasting techniques-
quantitative and qualitative techniques. Measures of forecasting errors
Module 2
Inventory management – Functions of inventories – relevant inventory costs – ABC
analysis – VED analysis – Basic EOQ model- Inventory control systems –continuous
review systems and periodic review systems, MRP I, MRP II, ERP, JIT Systems -
Basic Treatment only
Aggregate planning – Definition – aggregate-planning strategies – aggregate
planning methods – transportation model.
Module 3
Line Balancing: Terminology, Methods of Line Balancing, RPW method, Largest
Candidate method and Heuristic method.
Routing – Definition – Routing procedure – Factors affecting routing procedure,
Route Sheet.
Module 4
Module 5
Dispatching: Definition – activities of dispatcher – dispatching procedures – various
forms used in dispatching.
Follow up: definition – types of follow up – expediting – definition – expediting
procedures-Applications of computers in planning and control.
Text Books:
1."Operations Management" by Jay Heizer and Barry Render, published by Pearson
2.Production and Operations Management / Ajay K Garg / Mc Graw Hill.
3."Production Planning and Control: Text and Cases" by K. K. Chitkara, published by Tata
McGraw Hill Education.
Reference Books:
1.Production Planning and Control- Text & cases/ SK Mukhopadhyaya /PHI.
2. Production Planning and Control- Jain & Jain – Khanna publications
3."Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Modeling,
Analysis, and Systems" by Andreas J. G. Reindl and Robert W. Grubbström, published by
Course Outcomes:
Module I
Introduction to Finite Element Methods:
General Procedure – Engineering Applications – Stress andEquilibrium,Strain–
Dimensional,3-Dimensional&Interpolation Elements.
One Dimensional Problems:
1-D Linear and 1-D Quadratic Elements - Finite element modelling,Coordinates and
shape functions. Assembly of Global stiffness matrix and load vector.Finite
elementequations,Treatmentofboundary conditions,Quadraticshapefunctions.
Module II
Analysis of Beams
Element stiffness matrix for two nodded, two degrees of freedom per node
beamelement,Load Vector,Deflection.
Module III
ns,Estimation of LoadVector,Stresses
Finite element modelling of Axi-symmetric solids subjected to Axi-symmetric
loading with triangular elements. Two dimensional four noded Isoperimetric elements
and numerical integration.
Module IV
Steady State Heat Transfer Analysis: one dimensional analysis of Slab, fin and two-
dimensional analysisofthin plates.
Steady State Heat Transfer Analysis and two-dimensional analysis of thin plate
Module V
Dynamic Analysis: Formulation of finite element model, element - Mass matrices,
evaluation of Eigenvaluesand Eigenvectorsfora stepped bar,trussand beam.
Finite element – formulation to 3 D problems in stress analysis, convergence
requirements, Meshgeneration. techniques such as semi-automatic and fully
Automatic use of software’s such as ANSYS,ABAQUS,NASTRANusing
Hexahedraland TetrahedralElements
1. FiniteElement Methods: BasicConceptsandapplications/Alavala/PHI
2. IntroductiontoFiniteElementsinEngineering,Chandrupatla,AshokandBelegun
3. "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering" by Tirupathi R.
Chandrupatla and Ashok D. Belegundu, published by Prentice Hall.
1. An Introductionto theFinite ElementMethod /J.N.Reddy/McGrawHill
2. FiniteElementAnalysis/SS Bhavikatti/NewAge
3. FiniteElement Method/ Dixit/Cengage
Course Outcomes:
1CO1.-Discuss the basic concepts and principles related to finite element methods.
2. CO2 - ApplyFEM process for bars, trusses, beams, axi- symmetric and
isoperimetric elements.
3. CO3 - Calculate heat transfer for 1D and 2D elements using FEM.
4. CO4 - Solve dynamic analysis problems of FEM in bars, truss and beams.
Course Objectives:
Introduction, Glass Fibers, Boron Fibers, Carbon Fibers, Organic Fibers, Ceramic
Fibers, Whiskers, Other Non-oxide Reinforcements, Comparison of Fibers
Micromechanics of Composites
Reference Books:
2.Structure and Properties of Composites, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 13,
VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 1993.
3.Composite Materials: Engineering and Science, F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawlings,
Chapman & Hall, London, 1994
Web References:https://youtu.be/2uCzruEduDs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO-PO Mapping:
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamental concepts of Additive Manufacturing (i.e.
Rapid Prototyping) and 3-D printing, its advantages and limitations.
2. To classify various types of Additive Manufacturing Processes and know
their working principle, advantages, limitations etc.
3. To have a holistic view of various applications of these technologies in
relevant fields such as mechanical, Bio-medical, Aerospace, electronics etc.
Module I
Introduction to Rapid prototyping
Prototyping fundamentals, Historical development, Fundamentals of Rapid
Prototyping, Advantages and Limitations of Rapid Prototyping, commonly used
Terms, Classification of RP process, Rapid Prototyping Process Chain: Fundamental
Automated Processes.
Liquid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems
Stereo lithography Apparatus (SLA): Models and specifications, Process, working
principle, photopolymers, photo polymerization, Layering technology, laser and laser
scanning, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Solid ground
curing (SGC): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications,
Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies
Module II
Solid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems
Solid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Models and
specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): Models and specifications, Process, working principle,
Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies.
Powder-based Rapid Prototyping Systems
Powder Based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Selective laser sintering (SLS): Models
and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Case studies. Three-dimensional Printing (3DP): Models and
specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Case studies.
Module III
Rapid Tooling
Introduction to Rapid Tooling (RT), Conventional Tooling Vs RT, Need for RT.
Rapid Tooling Classification; Indirect Rapid Tooling Methods: Spray Metal
Deposition, RTV Epoxy Tools, Ceramic tools, Investment Casting, Spin Casting, Die
casting, Sand Casting, 3D Keltool process.
Direct Rapid Tooling
Direct AIM, LOM Tools, DTM Rapid Tool Process, EOS Direct Tool Process and Direct Metal
Tooling using 3DP
Module IV
Features of various RP software’s like Magics, Mimics, Solid View, View Expert, 3
D View, Velocity 2, Rhino, STL View 3 Data Expert and 3 D doctor.
Module V
RP Applications-1
Application - Material Relationship, Application in Design, Application in
Engineering, Analysis and Planning, Aerospace Industry, Automotive Industry,
Jewelry Industry, Coin Industry, GIS application, Arts and Architecture.
RP Applications-2
RP Medical and Bioengineering Applications: Planning and simulation of complex
surgery, Customized Implants & Prosthesis, Design and Production of Medical
Devices, Forensic Science and Anthropology, Visualization of Biomolecules.
Text Books:
1. Rapid prototyping; Principles and Applications /Chua C.K.,
Leong K.F. and LIM C.S/World Scientific Publications
2. Rapid Manufacturing /D.T. Pham and S.S. Dimov/Springer
3. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping,
and Direct Digital Manufacturing" by Ian Gibson, David Rosen, and
Brent Stucker, published by Springer.
Reference Books:
Online references:
Course Outcomes:
1. CO1 – Describe various cad issues for 3d printing and rapid prototyping and
related operations for stl model manipulation
2. CO2 – Solve typical problems on reverse engineering for surface
reconstruction from physical prototype models through digitizing mesh
models through topological modelling and spline-based surface fitting,
subdivision surface fitting
3. CO3 – Explain about the principles and key characteristics of additive
manufacturing technologies and commonly used 3d printing and additive
manufacturing systems
4. CO4 – Summarize typical rapid tooling processes for quick batch production
of plastic and metal parts
Introduction: Types and strategies of automation, pneumatic and hydraulic
components circuits,
Automation in machine tools
Automation in machine tools, mechanical feeding and too changing and machine tool
control transfer the automaton.
Automated flow lines: Methods or work part transport transfer Mechanical buffer
storage control function, design and fabrication consideration.
Analysis of Automated flow lines: General terminology and analysis of transfer lines
without and with buffer storage, partial automation, implementation of automated
flow lines.
Assembly system and: Assembly process and systems assembly line,
Line balancing
line balancing methods, ways of improving line balance, flexible assembly lines.
Automated material handling: Types of equipment, functions, analysis and design
of material handling systems conveyor systems, automated guided vehicle systems.
Automated storage systems: Automated storage and retrieval systems; work in
process storage, interfacing handling and storage with manufacturing.
Fundamentals of Industrial controls:
Review of control theory, logic controls, sensors and actuators, Data communication
and LAN in Manufacturing.
Business process Re-engineering: Introduction to BPE logistics, ERP, Software
configuration of BPE.
1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing: M.P.
Groover 3e./PE/PHI, 2009..
2. Frank Lamb - Industrial Automation , Mc Graw Hill,2013.
3. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems: Yoram Coren
1. Computer Aided Manufacturing, Tien-Chien Chang, Richard A. Wysk and Hsu-Pin
Wang, Pearson, 2009.
2. Robotics and Control by R. K. Mittal and I. J. Nagrath, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Private Limited.
3. Morris, S.Brian (1994), “Automated Manufacturing Systems”, (McGraw
Hill) ISBN: 0-07-113999-0.
Course Outcomes:
CO PO Mapping
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 1 2
CO 02 02 02 02 - - - - - - - -
- -
CO 02 03 01 01 - - - - - - - -
- -
CO 03 01 02 - - - - - - - - -
- -
CO 02 03 03 02 - - - - - - - -
1 1
B. Tech IV Year–I Sem L T P C
Subject Code: 21PE7ME33 3 0 0 3
Introduction to MEMS and Micro fabrication: MEMS Roadmap MEMS markets-
MEMS foundriesBenefits of Miniaturization -Benefits of Scaling.
Micro fabrication: Basic Fabrication Processes– oxidation -film deposition
lithography–etching-ion implantation– diffusion.
Surface Micromachining and Bulk Micromachining: Surface Micromachining:
Basic process flow– release–stiction-material choices-residual stress-Electroplating..
Bulk Micromachining: LIGA-Wet Etchbased-dissolved wafer process- SOI MEMS–
MEMS Devices: Pressure sensors-Accelerometers-Gyroscopes-RF MEMS Switch-
Temperature sensors Humidity sensors.
Microactuators: Electrostatic–piezoelectric–SMA–Thermoelectricelectromagnetic.
Fluid Dynamics and Micro pumps: Viscosity–density-surface tension-continuity
equation-Newton’s second law-Navier-Stokes equation and its interpretation-flow
Micro fluidics: Electro kinetics electro osmosis–electrophoresis-fabrication methods-
Lab ona Chip– micropumps-microvalves.
1. MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacture/ Tai-Ran Hsu/ Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004..
2. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Micro systems Design and Manufacture, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. GK Anantha Suresh, et. al, Micro and Smart Systems, Wiley-India, 2010.
1. Marc Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, 2002.
2. Chang Liu, Foundation of MEMS, Pearson Education Inc., NJ, 2006.
3. Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Course Outcomes:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
CO 01 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
CO 02 3 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
CO 03 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
CO 04 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Course Objectives:
The course content enables students to:
Module I
Introduction to DFMA:
Steps for applying DFMA during product design,Advantages of applying DFMA
during product design, Reasons for not implementing DFMA.
Introduction to ManufacturingProcess:
Classification of manufacturing process, Basic manufacturing processes, Mechanical
properties of material, Classification of engineering materials, Material selection for
product design
Module II
Sand casting:
Introduction to sand casting, Typical characteristics of a sand castpart, Design
recommendation for sand casting.
Die casting:
Introduction to die casting, Advantages of the die casting process, Disadvantages of
the die casting process, Applications, Suitable material consideration, General design
consideration, Specific design recommendation
Module III
Design for machining:
Introduction to machining, Recommended materials for machinability, Design
Design for tuning operation:
Process description, Typical characteristics and applications, Suitable materials,
Design recommendations, Design for machining round holes
Module IV
Metal Extrusion:
Process, Suitable material for extrusion, Design recommendation for metal extrusion,
Metal stamping: Process, Characteristics and application of metal stamping, Suitable
materials for stamping, Design Recommendations for metal stamping,
Module V
Introduction to CAD:
Geometric Representation in CAD, Extraction of part feature information from CAD
Model: Introduction, Feature recognition techniques, Free Form Features, Hybrid
Techniques, Reference, Extraction of assembly feature information from CAD Model
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. DFM DFA Guidelines: For Developing Factory Automation Equipment" by David
M. Anderson (1st Edition, 2001, CIM Press)
2. Design for Manufacturability Handbook" by James G. Bralla (2nd Edition, 2014,
McGraw-Hill Education)
3. Design for X: Concurrent Engineering Imperatives" edited by Andrew Kusiak (1st
Edition, 1996, CRC Press)
Equivalent Mooc Courses if any:
Course Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate the fundamentals of evaluation method, Process
capability,Feature tolerances, Geometric tolerances, Assembly limits, Datum
features,Tolerance stacks.
2. Formulate Factors Influencing Form Design: Working principle,
Material,Manufacture, Design Possible solutions,
3. Determine the Component Design in Machining &Casting Considerations
4. Design for Manufacture and Case Studies, Identification of uneconomical
design, Design for economy
1. The goal of this course is to become prepared for professional engineering design
of conventional and alternative power-generation plants. The learning objectives
2. Analysis and preliminary design of the major systems of conventional fossil-fuel
steam-cycle power plants.
3. A working knowledge of the basic design principles of nuclear, gas turbine,
combined cycle, hydro, wind, geothermal, solar, and alternate power plants.
4. Awareness of the economic, environmental, and regulatory issues related to power
Module I
Module II
Module III
Hydro Electric Power Plant:
Water power – Hydrological cycle / flow measurement – drainage area characteristics
– Hydrographs – storage and Pondage – classification of dams and spill ways.
Hydro Projects and Plant:
Classification – Typical layouts – plant auxiliaries – plant operation pumped storage
Module IV
Nuclear Power Station:
Nuclear fuel – breeding and fertile materials – Nuclear reactor – reactor operation.
Types of Reactors:
Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, sodium-graphite reactor, fast Breeder
Reactor, Homogeneous Reactor, Gas cooled Reactor, Radiation hazards and shielding
– radioactive waste disposal.
Module V
Power Plant Economics and Environmental Considerations:
Capital cost, investment of fixed charges, operating costs, general arrangement of
power distribution, Load curves, load duration curve.Definitions of connected load,
Maximum demand, demand factor, average load, load factor, diversity factor – related
Effluents from power plants and Impact on environment
pollutants and pollution standards – Methods of Pollution control.
Text Books:
1. Power Plant Engineering" by P.K. Nag (4th Edition, 2014, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Power Plant Technology" by M.M. El-Wakil (2nd Edition, 2012, McGraw-Hill
3. Thermal Power Plant: Design and Operation" by Dipak Sarkar (1st Edition, 2015,
Academic Press)
Reference Books:
1. Boiler Operation Engineering: Questions and Answers" by P. Chattopadhyay (3rd
Edition, 2013, Khanna Publishers)
2. Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Handbook: A Guide to Thermal Power
Plants" by Swapan Basu (1st Edition, 2014, Academic Press)
3. Power Plant Maintenance Selection System Practice Questions: MASS Practice
Tests & Exam Review for the Power Plant Maintenance Selection System" by MASS
Exam Secrets Test Prep Team (2013, Mometrix Media LLC)
Course Outcomes:
1. Investigate the efficiency of steam power plant layout
2. Analyse the quality of coal and combustion process
3. Compare the different methods of Pollution control.
4. Explain the different types of energy sources
To know the various aspects of hybrid and electric drive trains such as their
Students should understand various automotive systems and the basics of the drive
train in automobiles.
Braking System: Hydraulic brake system, Master cylinder, wheel cylinder tandem
master cylinder Requirement of brake fluid, Pneumatic.
Steering System:
Steering geometry – Ackerman steering mechanism, Davis steering mechanism,
Hydraulic and electric power steering-working principle, construction and working.
Introduction To Hybrid Vehicles:
History of hybrid and electric vehicles, social and environmental importance of hybrid
and electric vehicles, the impact of modern drive-trains on energy supplies.
Module -IV
Hybrid Electric Drive-Trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction, introduction to
various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow control in hybrid drive-train
topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Module -V
1. Automobile Engineering/WilliamHCrouse.
2. ATextBookAutomobileEngineering–
3. R. K. Rajput, ―A Text Book of Automobile Engineering‖, Laxmi Publications,
1st Edition, 2015.
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Module I
Global and National Energy Scenario: Over view of conventional & renewable energy
sources, need & development of renewable energy sources, types of renewable energy
Solar Energy Collection:
Flat plate and concentrating collectors, classification of concentrating collectors,
Instruments for measuring solar radiation and sun shine, solar radiation data.
Module II
Solar Energy: Solar energy system, Solar Radiation, Availability, Measurement and
Estimation, Solar Thermal Conversion Devices and Storage,
Applications Solar Photovoltaic Conversion:
Solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, applications of solar energy systems.
Module III
Wind Energy:
Wind Energy Conversion, Potential, Wind energy potential measurement, Site
Types of wind turbines, Wind farms, wind Generation and Control. Nature of the
wind, power in the wind, factors influencing wind, wind data and energy estimation,
wind speed monitoring, classification of wind, characteristics, applications of wind
Hybrid systems:
Betz limit, site selection, wind energy conversion devices. Wind mill component
design, Safety and environmental aspects, wind energy potential and installation in
Module IV
Properties of biogas (Calorific value and composition), biogas plant technology and
status, Bioenergy system, design and constructional features. Biomass resources and
their classification.
Biomass conversion processes:
Thermo chemical conversion, direct combustion, biomass gasification, pyrolysis and
liquefaction, biochemical conversion, anaerobic digestion, types of biogas Plants,
applications, alcohol production from biomass, bio diesel production, Urban waste to
energy conversion, Biomass energy programme in India.
Module V
Ocean Energy:
Ocean wave energy conversion, principle of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
(OTEC), ocean thermal power plants, tidal energy conversion, Tidal and wave energy
its scope and development, Scheme of development of tidal energy.
Small hydro Power Plant:
Importance of small hydro power plants and their Elements, types of turbines for
small hydro, estimation of primary and secondary power.pollutants and pollution
standards – Methods of Pollution control.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Renewable Energy Technology and the Environment" by Michael E. Webber and
Sujit S. Jogwar (2nd Edition, 2019, CRC Press)
2. Handbook of Renewable Energy Technology" by Soteris Kalogirou (2nd Edition,
2016, CRC Press)
3. Renewable Energy Integration: Practical Management of Variability, Uncertainty,
and Flexibility in Power Grids" by Lawrence E. Jones (1st Edition, 2014, Academic
Course Outcomes:
1. Evaluate the performance of various non-conventional sources of energy like wind,
OTEC etc.
2. Acquire knowledge of modern energy conversion technologies.
3. Compare the working of various direct energy conversion systems
4. Describe solar radiation and energy collection.
CO-PO/PSO Mapping Chart
(3/2/1 indicates strength of correlation)
3 – High; 2 – Medium; 1 - Low
Course Program Outcomes (POs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 2
CO2 3 3 2
CO3 3 2 2 3
CO4 2 3 3
Pre-requisites: IC Engines.
Course Objectives:
Understand the concept of working principles of Main, assisted and electrical
systems of automobiles.
Understand the working principles and operational details of Assisted and
electrical systems
Analyze the working principles and operations details of transmission and
suspension systems.
Evaluate the operational details and design principles of breaking and steering
Compare the effects of emissions from automobiles. And to know the ways
and means of reducing emissions.
1. Automobile Engineering/William HCrouse
2. ATextBookAutomobileEngineering–Manzoor,Nawazish
3. K. Netwon, W. Steeds, T. K.Garrett, ―Automotive Engineering‖,
Butterworth-Heinamann, 13th Edition, 2016.
Reference Books:
1. R. K. Rajput, ―A Text Book of Automobile Engineering‖, Laxmi
Publications, 1st Edition, 2015.
2. S. Srinivasan, ―Automotive Engines‖, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2003.
3. 5. Khalil. U. Siddiqui, ―A Text Book of Automobile Engineering‖, New Age
International, 1st Edition, 2012
Web References:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Explain the different body components and assisted systems (air, fuel,
cooling, ignition, lubrication)of the automobile.
CO2 Explain the working of various components in power transmission system
CO3 Describe how the brakes , steering and the suspension systems operate
Discuss the environmental implications of automobile emissions and
future developments in the automobile industry
CO-PO Mapping
Course Objectives:
Finite Difference Method: Basic aspects of Discretization–Finite Difference
formulae for first order and second order terms – Solution of physical problems with
Elliptic type of Governing Equations for different boundary conditions
FirstorderandSecondorderwaveequations–Discretization using Explicit
method - Stability criterion – Courant Number – CFL Condition – Its
significance-Treatment of simple problems.
1. Computational Fluid Dynamics: The basics with applications/John
2. NumericalHeatTransferandFluidFlow/S.V.Patankar/McGrawHill
1. ComputationalFluidFlowandHeatTransfer/
2. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics/Firziger
Course Outcomes:
Turbo machinery
Course Objectives:
Fundamental Concepts of Axial and Radial Machines: Euler‘s equation of
energy transfer, vanecongruent flow, number of vanes on velocitytriangles, slip
factor, Stodola, Stanitz and Balje‘s slip factor
x blade,Bladeanglesforvariabledegreeofreaction.
1. PrinciplesofTurboMachines/DGShepherd/Macmillan
2. Turbines, Pumps,Compressors/Yahya/ McGrawHill
3. ATreatiseonTurbomachines/G.GopalKrishnanandD.Prithviraj/SciTech
4. GasTurbineTheory/Saravanamuttoo/Pearson
5. TurboMachines/AValanArasu/VikasPublishingHousePvt.Ltd
Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Course Objectives:
Toanalyzedifferenttypesofrefrigerationandair conditioning systems.
Tounderstand thefunctionalityofthemajorcomponents
Vapour compression refrigeration – working principle and essential components
of the plant – SimpleVapourcompressionrefrigerationcycle–COP–
effectof sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis – Actual cycle
Influence of various parameters onsystemperformance – Useofp-hcharts–
WorkingPrinciples.Evaporators–classification –
Brsystem.PrincipleofoperationThreeFluidabsorptionsystem, salientfeatures..
1. Refrigeration and Airconditioning/CPArora/McGrawHill
2. RefrigerationandAir-Conditioning/RCAora/PHI
Pre-requisite: Thermodynamics
Course Objectives:
1. To understand fuel cell fundamentals.
2. Analyse the performance of PEM fuel cell system
3. Demonstrate the operation of fuel cells
4. Apply the modelling techniques for fuel cell systems
Module 1:
Overview of Fuel Cells: Description of fuel cell, brief history, classification, working
principle, Fuel cell basic chemistry and thermodynamics of fuel cell and performance.
Module 2:
Fuel cell electrochemistry: electrode kinetics, types of voltage losses, polarization
curve, fuel cell efficiency, Tafel equation, exchange currents.
Fuel Cell Modeling: A Basic Fuel Cell Model, 1-D PEM Fuel Cell Model,
Module 3:
Fuels for Fuel Cells: Hydrogen, Hydrocarbon fuels, effect of impurities such as
CO, S and others, hydrogen generation and storage; limitations, recent advances.
Overview of fuel cell types: Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), Polymer electrolyte
membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), Alkaline fuel cell (AFC), Molten carbonate fuel cell
(MCFC), Solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and other fuel cells.
Module 4
PEM Fuel cell components: Main PEM fuel cell components, materials, properties
and processes: membrane, electrode, gas diffusion layer, bi-polar plates, flow field
plate design, Fuel cell operating conditions: pressure, temperature, flow rates,
Direct methanol fuel cell, active and passive DMFC, methanol cross over and
techniques to reduce, current collectors.
Module 5
Main components of solid-oxide fuel cells, Cell stack and designs, Electrode
polarization, testing of electrodes, cells and short stacks, Cell, stack and system
Text Books:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Describe the fuel cell fundamentals
CO2 Analyse the performance of PEM fuel cell system.
CO3 Demonstrate the operation of fuel cells.
CO4 Apply the modelling techniques for fuel cell systems.
* If more PSOs are there in a particular branch, the required no of columns can be
Course Objectives:
1)Understand the execution of operations Management functions
2)Explain the aggregate planning and implant MRP or JIT
3)Analyze the jobs so as to complete them in minimum makespan time
4)Create the Network analysis
Module 1
Introduction: Operation Management – Definition – Objectives – Types of
production systems – historical development of operations management – Current
issues in operation management.
Product design – Requirements of good product design – product development –
approaches – concepts in product development – standardization – simplification –
Speed to market – Introduction to concurrent engineering.
Module 2
Value engineering – objective – types of values – function & cost – product life cycle-
steps in value engineering – methodology in value engineering – FAST Diagram –
Matrix Method.
Location – Facility location and layout – Factors considerations in Plant location-
Comparative Study of rural and urban sites – Methods of selection plant layout –
objective of good layout – Principles – Types of layout – line balancing.
Module 3
Aggregate Planning – definition – Different Strategies – Various models of Aggregate
Planning – Transportation and graphical models.
Advance inventory control systems push systems – Material Requirement –
Terminology – types of demands – inputs to MRP- MRP logic – Lot sizing methods –
benefits and drawbacks of MRP – Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP –II), Pull
systems – Vs Push system – Just in time (JIT) philosophy Kanban System –
Calculation of number of Kanbans Requirements for implementation JIT – JIT
Production process – benefits of JIT
Module 4
Scheduling – Policies – Types of scheduling – Forward and Backward Scheduling –
Grant Charts
Flow shop Scheduling – n jobs and 2 machines, n jobs and 3 machines – job shop
Scheduling – 2 jobs and n machines – Line of Balance.
Module 5
Project Management – Programming Evaluation Review Techniques (PERT) – three
times estimation
critical path – probability of completion of project – critical path method – crashing of
simple nature. – Total Quality Management – ISO 9000 Series Standards – Six Sigma
Text Books:
1. Operations Management/ Chase/ TMH
2. Production and Operations Management/ S.N. Chary/ TMH
Reference Books:
12“Operations Management / E.S. Buffs/ Wiley
2. “Operations Management “Theory and Problems/Joseph G. Monks.
3. “Production Systems Management /James I. Riggs.
4. “Production and Operations Management /Panner Selvam/ PHI
5. “Production and Operations Analysis/ Nahima/ 6. Operations Management/
William J. Stevenson/ Mc Graw Hill
Course Outcomes:
Module I
Module II
Module III
Module IV
Air lubricated bearing:
Advantages and disadvantages, application to Hydrodynamic journal bearings,
hydrodynamic thrust bearings. Hydrostatic thrust bearings.
Hydrostatic bearing Analysis including compressibility effect:
Study of current concepts of boundary friction and dry friction.
Module V
Types of bearing oil pads:
Hydrostatic bearing wick oiled bearings, oil rings, pressure feed bearing, partial
bearings -externally pressurized bearings.
Bearing materials:
General requirements of bearing materials, types of bearing materials
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology: Volume I - Application and Maintenance, Second
Edition" by George E. Totten and Hong Liang (2nd Edition, 2012, CRC Press)
2. Advanced Tribology: Proceedings of CIST2008 & ITS-IFToMM2008" edited by J.P.
Davim (1st Edition, 2008, Springer)
3. Tribology in Manufacturing Technology" by J. Paulo Davim (1st Edition, 2013, Springer)
Equivalent Mooc Courses if any:
Course Outcomes:
1. Analyse theHydrostatic bearing load conditions
2. Comparethe different types of bearings
3. Analyse the different types of material used for manufacturing of bearing
4. Design the Hydrodynamic journal bearings
Course Objectives:
1)To understand the quality concepts and tools
2) To discuss about techniques relating to total quality management.
3)To understand the Principles and Practices of TQM
4) To understand the implementation of ISO 9000 AND Six sigma in a system
Module 1
Introduction: The concept of TQM, Quality and Business performance, attitude, and
involvement of top management, communication, culture and management systems.
Management of Process Quality: Definition of quality, Quality Control, a brief
history, Product Inspection vs. Process Control, Statistical Quality Control.
Management of Process Quality: Definition of quality, Quality Control, a brief
history, Product Inspection vs. Process Control, Statistical Quality Control, Control
Charts and Acceptance Sampling.
Module 2
Customer Focus and Satisfaction: Process vs. Customer, internal customer conflict,
quality focus, Customer Satisfaction, role of Marketing and Sales, Buyer – Supplier
Bench Marking: Evolution of Bench Marking, meaning of bench marking, benefits of bench
marketing, the bench marking procedure.
Module 3
Organizing for TQM: The systems approach, organizing for quality implementation,
making the transition from a traditional to a TQM organization, Quality Circles, seven
Seven Tools of TQM: Stratification, check sheet, Scatter diagram, lshikawa diagram,
paneto diagram, Kepner &Tregoe Methodology.
Module 4
The Cost of Quality: Definition of the Cost of Quality, Quality Costs, Measuring Quality Costs,
use of Quality Cost information, Accounting Systems and Quality Management.
Use of Quality Cost information, Accounting Systems and Quality Management.
Module 5
ISO9000: Universal Standards of Quality: ISO around the world, The ISO9000 ANSI/ASQC Q-
90. Series Standards, benefits of ISO9000 certification, the third party audit.
Documentation ISO9000 and services, the cost of certification implementing the system.Six
sigma and applications of sixsigma.
Text Books:
1. Total Quality Management / Joel E. Ross/Taylor and Franscis Limited.
2. Total Quality Management/P. N. Mukherjee/PHI
Reference Books:
1. Beyond TQM / Robert L.Flood
2. Statistical Quality Control / E.L. Grant.
3. Total Quality Management:A Practical Approach/H. Lal
4. Quality Management/Kanishka Bedi/Oxford University Press/2011
5. Total Engineering Quality Management/Sunil Sharma/Macmillan
Course Outcomes:
1) Understand the fundamental principles of Total Quality Management.
2) Analyze the different quality approaches
3) Evaluate the different tools in Total Quality Management
4) Describe the importance and implementing of ISO9000 in the system
Module I
Module II
Module III
Closed-Loop Production Systems
Life Cycle of Production Systems, Economic and Ecological Benefits of ClosedLoop
Systems, Machine Tools and Energy Consumption, LCA of Machine Tools, Process
Parameter Optimization, Dry Machining and Minimum Quantity Lubrication,
Remanufacturing, Reuse, Approaches for Sustainable Factory Design.
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Overview of Semiconductor Fabrication, Micro fabrication Processes, Facility
Systems, Green Manufacturing in the Semiconductor Industry: Concepts and
Challenges, Use-Phase Issues with Semiconductors, Example of Analysis of
Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Module IV
Environmental Implications of Nano-manufacturing
Introduction, Nano-manufacturing Technologies, Conventional Environmental
Impactof Nano-manufacturing, Unconventional Environmental Impactsof Nano-
manufacturing, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Nanotechnologies.
Module V
Packaging and the Supply Chain: A Look at Transportation
Introduction, Background, Recommended Method to Determine Opportunitiesfor
Improved Pallet Utilization, Discussion
Enabling Technologies for Assuring Green Manufacturing
Motivation, Process Monitoring System, Applying Sensor Flows in Decision
Making:Automated Monitoring, Case Study
Concluding Remarks and Observations about the Future
Introduction, Evolution of Manufacturing, Leveraging Manufacturing, Energy of
Text Books:
1.Ronald G. Askin and Jeffrey B. Goldberg, “Design and Analysis of Lean Production
Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
2.Stephen Doven, “Environment and Sustainability Policy : Creation, implementation,
Evaluation”, The Federation Press, 2005
3.“Green Co Case Study Booklet”, CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre,
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
1Understand the basic design concepts, methods, tools, the key technologies and the
operation of sustainable green manufacturing.
2Apply the principles, techniques and methods to customize the learned generic
concepts to meet the needs of a particular industry/enterprise.
3. Identify the strategies for the purpose of satisfying a set of given sustainable green
manufacturing requirements.
4. Design the rules and processes to meet the market need and the green
manufacturing requirements by selecting and evaluating suitable technical,
managerial / project management and supply chain management scheme.