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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020



Course Title: Control Systems Course Code : I7EI5DCCTS

Semester / Year : V / III Course Group : Core

Teaching Scheme in Hr (L:T:P) : 4:0:0

Credits : 4

Type of course : Lecture Total Contact Hours : 50

CIE : 50 Marks SEE : 50 Marks

1.Familiarity with Laplace &Inverse Laplace Transform Techniques
2. Elementry knowledge of Differential Equations and Electric Circuit Analysis.

Course Objectives : The students should be able to Learn

1. Understand the basic concepts and Mathematical modeling of physical systems.
2. Obtain the transfer function by reduction and signal flow graph techniques and analyze the
time response of given system.
3. Analyze the system stability using time domain techniques R-H criteria and root locus
4. Analyze the frequency domain techniques like Nyquist and Bode plot methods.
5. Understand Simulink and control system tool box in MATLAB.
6. Compare modern and classical control system.

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to
1. Understand and Demonstrate the fundamentals of feedback control system.
2. Apply various mathematical principles (from calculus and linear algebra) to solve control
system problems.
3. Model the physical system using transfer function.
4. Determine time domain and frequency domain characteristics of SISO linear Time Invariant
Control System.
5. Analyse the stability of SISO linear control systems using analytical and graphical procedures.
6. Analyse the response of the given control systems using MATLAB tools.

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020

Mapping CO-PO-PSO Attain Matrix

CO1 3 - - - 2
CO2 2 2 - - - 2
CO3 3 2 - - - 2
CO4 2 2 - 2 2
CO5 2 2 - - 2 2
CO6 2 - - 2 2

Level 3- Highly Addressed,

Level 2-Moderately Addressed,
Level 1-Low Addressed.

Blooms Taxonomy
Course Outcome PO &PSO Linked
Demonstrate an understanding of
CO1 the fundamentals of feedback PO1,PSO1 L3
control system.
Apply various mathematical
principles (from calculus and
linear algebra) to solve control
system problems.
Model simple & Moderately
CO3 complex control systems using PO1,PO2,PSO1 L3
transfer function.
Explain time domain and
CO4 frequency domain characteristics PO1,PO2,PO5,PSO1 L3
of SISO linear control system.
Determine the stability of SISO
linear control systems using
analytical and graphical
Analyse the response of the given
control systems using MATLAB
CO6 PO5,PO10,PSO1 L3
tools and communicate the
results in written reports.

Course Contents

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020

MODULES Contents of the Module COs
Modeling of Systems and Block diagram:
Introduction to Control Systems, Types of Control
Systems, with examples. Concept of mathematical
modeling of physical systems- Mechanical,
1. Translational (Mechanical accelerometer, systems 10 CO1,CO2,CO3
excluded), and Rotational systems, Analogous systems
based on force voltage analogy and force current
analogy. Introduction to Block diagram reduction.
Numerical problems.
Signal Flow graph: Introduction to Signal Flow
graph, Mason’s gain formula Obtaining Transfer
functions for the given SFG using Mason’s gain
Time response analysis: Introduction. Standard test
2. signals, response of first order & second order systems 10
for unit step input. Time domain specifications-
Steady state errors & Error constants. Numerical
problems on all topics. MATLAB simulation of first
and second order systems subjected to standard test
input signals.
Concepts of stability: The Concept of stability.
Necessary conditions for stability. Hurwitz stability
criterion. Routh stability criterion. Relative stability
analysis using R-H Criterion.
3. The Root Locus Technique: Introduction. Root locus 10 CO5,CO6
concepts Construction of root loci. Stability analysis
using Root locus Techniques. MATLAB simulation of
root locus plot for the given open loop transfer
Frequency domain Analysis: Introduction to
frequency domain analysis, Correlation between time
4. & frequency response, advantages of Frequency 10 CO4,CO6
response Over time response. Frequency domain
specifications and Numerical problems.
Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain: Polar plot-
Nyquist plot-Bode Plot-M and N circles. Finding GM
5 and PM for the closed loop system from open loop 10 CO5,CO6
transfer function using MATLAB programs.
Numerical problems.

Total Duration 50Hrs

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020

1. .J. Nagarath and M. Gopal “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International (P)
Limited, Publishers, Fifth edition – 2012.
2. Joseph J Distefano “Feedback and Control System”, III et al., Schaum’s Outlines, TMH,
2nd Edition 2007.
3.. Benjamin C. Kuo “Automatic Control Systems”, , John Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 8thEdition,
4. K. Ogata “Modern Control Engineering” Pearson Education Asia/ PHI, 4thEdition, 2002.

Course Delivery
The course will be normally delivered through Four-hour lecture per week. In Module-I to,
Module V MATLAB practice are carried out concurrently.

S.No No. of Text/Ref Teaching

Topics Page. No.
. hours Books Methodology

Module I: Modeling of Systems and Block diagram:

Objective: The students should be able to Learn the type of System, dynamics of physical systems,
classification of control system.

1  Mission, Vision of the institute

and Department decimation
through PPT.
 Discussion on Course outcomes,
Syllabus, Course Evaluation and
Assessment methods
Basic elements in control systems , Open Chalk and
and closed loop systems Board
1 T1 1-20
 Definition of control system,
 Open loop and Closed loop
system Examples, Comparison

2 Transfer function (Concept of 1 T1

Mathematical Modeling) 21-90

● Electrical systems
● Mechanical translational systems
● Mechanical rotational systems
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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020
3 Electrical analogy of mechanical and 1 T1
electrical systems

F-V,F-I,T-V,T-I Analogy

4 Transfer function & Analogy of 1 T1

Chalk and
5 Transfer function & Analogy of 1 T1

6 Block diagram``m reduction techniques- 1 T1


7 Block diagram reduction techniques- 1 T1

problems 54-62

8 Block diagram reduction techniques- 1 T1


9 Block diagram reduction using 1 T1


10 Solving University questions 1 T1

Outcome: Student able to

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of feedback control system.

2. Apply various mathematical principles (from calculus and linear algebra) to solve control
system problems.

3. Model simple & Moderately complex control systems using transfer function.

Module II: Signal Flow Graph and Time Response

Objective: To provide adequate knowledge in time response of the control systems & error analysis.

11 Introduction to signal flow graph 1 T1 Chalk and

12 Signal flow graph-problems 1 T1 Board,PPT

13 Signal flow graph-problems 1 T1

14 Introduction to Time response, standard 1 T1 194-267

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020
test signals

15 I and II order system response Derivation 1 T1 Chalk and

Board, PPT
16 Time domain specifications- Derivation 1 T1

17 Time domain specifications- problems 1 T1

18 Steady state errors and error constants 1 T1

19 Time response analysis using MATLAB 1 T1

20 Review of SFG,Time response analysis 1 T1

Outcome: With the knowledge of test signals the student will be able to analyze the systems
dynamic behavior. They will be able to evaluate the error for the given system

Module III: Concept of Stability

Objective : To understand the concept of stability of the systems.

21 Characteristics equation – Location of 1 T1

roots in S plane for stability

22 Routh Hurwitz criterion-Sufficient and 1 T1

Necessary condition-Different cases 270-295

23 Relative stability in RH 1 T1
Chalk and
24 Problems in RH 1 T1 Board,PPT

25 Root locus construction-Procedure 1 T1

26 Root locus construction-Problems 1 T1

27 Root locus construction-Problems 1 T1 298-340

28 Effecting adding poles and zeros to the 1 T1


29 Root Locus using MATLAB 1 T1

30 Review Module III

Outcome: : The student will be able to comment on the stability of any practical system
using analytical and graphical procedures.

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020
Module IV: Frequency Domain Analysis

Objective: To understand the frequency response of the systems and their specifications.

31 Introduction to Frequency response 1 T1

● Definition, frequency domain


32 Correlation between time response and 1 T1

frequency response.
Chalk and
33 Advantages of frequency response over 1 T1 346-352
time response.

34 Frequency domain specifications - 1 T1


35 Frequency domain specifications - 1 T1


36 Frequency domain specifications - 1 T1


37 NPTEL Video Lecture

38 Open book Assignment

39 NPTEL Video Lecture

40 Review Module IV

Outcome: Student will be able define frequency domain specifications.

Module V: Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain

Objective: To understand the frequency response plots and find the stability of control systems

41 Polar plot- General procedure 1 T1

42 Polar plot- Problems 1 T1 352-355

43 Polar plot- Problems 1 T1

44 Bode plot -General procedure 1 T1 355-366

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45 Bode plot-Problems 1 T1 PPT,Chalk
and Board
46 Bode plot-Problems 1 T1

47 Nyquist stability criterion 1 T1

48 Nyquist stability criterion-Problems 1 T1

49 M and N Circles 1 T1 410-412

50 Finding Phase Margin and Gain Margin 1 T1

using MATLAB

51 Control system components 1 T1 131-192 PPT

52 Introduction to state space analysis 1 T1 569-640 PPT

Outcome: Outcome: The student will be able to find the stability of control system using
graphical techniques

Total 50


S.No. Topics Relevance to PO, PSO's

1 Control system components PO1,PSO1

2 Introduction to state space analysis PO1,PO2, PSO1


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S.No. Topics Relevance to CO's

Problems in transfer function block diagram, signal

1 CO3,CO4
flow graph, time response.

2 Problems in Bode, polar plots and Nyquist Plot. CO5


S.No. Topics Activity planned

1 Time Response Analysis Quiz

2 Need of State space analysis Group discussion


S.No. Topics Source

1 Case Study - Modeling

2 State space representation

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme

To (Frequency Evidence Course
Method What Max
Whom in the Collected Outcome
3 IA tests
30 Blue Book 1 to 6
and average


IA Exam

is taken

Open book Assignment


1 to 6
assignment 10 Book

AAT 10 AAT sheet 1 to 6

SEE(Semester End

End of the Result

End Exam

50 1 to 6
course Sheet

Total 100

1 to 6

Course Exit of Delivery
End of the Question
Survey of Course,
Semester naires

CIE – Continuous Internal Evaluation

SEE – Semester End Examination
1. I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation
2. Rubrics to be devised appropriately by the concerned faculty to assess Student activities

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17EI5DCCTS Control System 2019-2020

Scheme of Evaluation for Semester End Exam

Sl. No. Scheme Max. Marks

Each Question carries 1 Mark (including all
1. modules)-Objective / Short questions from Module I 20
to Module V
2. Compulsory question – Module 1 16
3. Compulsory question – Module 2 16
4. Compulsory question – Module 3 16
Optional question – Module 4 (or)
5. 16
Optional question – Module 4
Optional question – Module 5 (or)
6. 16
Optional question – Module 5

Model Questions for Semester End Examination Course Code: EI53


(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru-560078

UG Semester End Examination

Model Question Paper
Course: Control Systems
Course Code: I7EI5DCCTS Maximum marks: 100

Semester: V Duration: 3 hours

1 (a).The class of LTI causal SISO dynamic systems are typically 1 x 20
characterized by

(i) linear ODE with constant coefficients

(ii) nonlinear ODE with constant coefficients

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(iii) linear ODE with time varying coefficients

(iv)nonlinear ODE with time varying coefficients

(b).A mass damper system is governed by 𝑿̈(𝒕) + 𝟐𝒕𝑿̇(𝒕) + 𝑿(𝒕) =

𝒇(𝒕).This system is

(i)nonlinear time invariant

(ii)linear time invariant

(iii)nonlinear time varying

(iv)linear time varying

(c) .The response of a system to non-zero initial condition is called

(i) forced response

(ii) transient response

(iii)free response

(iv) steady state response

(d)A ---------------------- loop is a path which originates and terminates at

the same node and along which no node is traversed more than once.

(e) If the system has non repeated poles on the jw axis, the system is


(iii) marginally stable

(iv)conditionally stable

(f) Root Locus is a

(i)time-domain approach

(ii)frequency domain approach

(iii)combination of both

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(iv)none of these

(g) The frequency where M has peak value is known as the

(i) peak frequency

(ii)resonant frequency

(iii)normalized frequency

(iv)none of these

(h)Mr does not exist for

(i) ξ = 0

(ii) ξ >0.707

(iii) ξ<0.707

(iv)all the values of ξ

(i)The gain margin of the system is 0 dB.It represents a

(i) stable system

(ii)unstable system

(iii) conditionally stable system

(iv) marginally stable system

(j) A point lying inside the closed contour is said to be

(i) enclosed by it

(ii)encircle by it

(iii)closed by it

(iv)none of these

2 (a) For the mechanical system shown in Figure.Q2(a) 8

(i) Draw the mechanical network diagram

(ii) Write the differential equations governing its dynamic behaviors

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(iii) Write force-current(F-I) analogous electrical networks

(iv) List all the analogous quantities

2 (b) 𝑪
Find 𝑹 for the Figure Q2.b using block diagram reduction techniques.

Figure Q2.b

3(a) 8
Determine the transfer function 𝑹(𝑺) for the Signal Flow Graph shown
in Figure Q3.a.

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Figure Q3.a

Determine (i)Rise Time (ii)Peak Time (iii) Peak overshoot (iv)Settling

3(b) time for open loop transfer function of unity feedback control system is
G(s) =𝑺(𝑺+𝟏) 8

4(a) Investigate the stability of the system give by characteristic equation 6

(𝑺𝟔 + 𝟑𝑺𝟓 + 𝟓𝑺𝟒 + 𝟗𝑺𝟑 + 𝟖𝑺𝟐 + 𝟔𝑺 + 𝟒 = 𝟎).Determine the roots on
imaginary axis using auxiliary equation.

4(b) Sketch the root locus for a unity feedback control system with open loop
transfer function 10
G(S)= 𝑺(𝑺+𝟏)(𝑺+𝟐)(𝑺+𝟑)

5(a) Define the following terms 8

(i) Resonant Peak
(ii) Resonant frequency
(iv)Cut off frequency

(b) The open loop transfer function of an unity feedback control system is
𝑲 8
G(S) = .(i)Find the value of K and a so that Mr = 1.04 and
Wr=11.55 rad/sec.

(a) 𝟏 8
Find the frequency response of a system G(s) = 𝑺𝟐 +𝟐𝑺+𝟒

(b) Derive the expression for Bandwidth in frequency response analysis. 8

6(a) Sketch the Bode plot for the transfer function 12

G(S) = .Determine (a) Gain Margin (b)Phase
Margin(c)Gain cross over frequency(d)Phase cross over frequency (e)

(b) State and explain Nyquist stability criterion 4

(a) Draw the Polar plot for open loop transfer function 10

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G(S) = 𝑺(𝑺+𝟏)(𝟏+𝟐𝑺) and determine PM,GM

Explain stability analysis using M and N circles

(b) 6

Prepared by Approved by
Dr V S Krushnasamy Dr.J.S.Rajashekar
Associate Professor Professor & Head
Dept. of IT Dept. of IT


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