Quotation For Inerior - Amith
Quotation For Inerior - Amith
Quotation For Inerior - Amith
A home is a realization of untold aspirations and dreams of the family. We not only understand this; we're extremely honoured to be entrusted with
this responsibility.
We're excited to come to work everyday to create your dream home. We are Changing the World, One Home at a Time.
2 Wardrobes Sliding door channel from Topline 22 by Hettich (2 Doors) x2 44,000.00 10 inch concealed handles
* Any delay in terms of payment as per above payment schedule then there might be a delay in the execution for which Houzlook wont be responsible.
* Price may be revised if there is any hike in the raw material announce officially by the supplier if the project is still in designing stage and is yet to enter production stage.
No revision
* Once an order is confirmed and of price forwants
customer projects which the
to cancel are order
NO amount will be refunded.
* Any corrections beyond 02 times, INR 3000 per each rendering image will be charged to the client.
* If there is any change in the structure\add-ons or for extra work, which will be treated as a new project with additional timeline and will be charged extra.
* Time Lines for production and handover after design confirmation:- 02 BHK is 6-8 weeks; 03 BHK is 8-10 weeks; 04 BHK\Villa is 10-14 weeks. Again the time line will be
*decided depending
During the project on the volume
execution and
at the sitescope of work.
no one shouldSundays,
be livingPublic
at theholidays,
site frompower cut side.
customer & emergency or nature
It might disturb calamity
work days will
and impact thenot be considered
project completionindate.
* No deviation from the timeline for designing & production required will be considered, as it disturbs other project and quality of work which are in pipeline.
* If a site has difficulty in execution like power cut, society restriction for any certain association rules, workers may be moved to some other work area where
manpower is required.
* Houzlook Labour
does not do notany
undertake sit idle
their income is basedwork
and exterior on more work
at the site.inClient
their timelines. Client will
need to arrange not question
or have the workHouzlook for our
done before any work
moving of labour
* Electricity and water supply with complete site readiness should be available at the site before we start the execution work.
* For any additional electrical work required, customer can arrange by their own or if Houzlook has to arrange, then there will be an additional cost charged.
* Houzlook will be responsible for all wood work cleaning with proper finishing during handover to customer. During site execution there might be dust and some minor
scratches might happen at
* Chimney, site for which
dishwasher, sinkHouzlook
and Hobswont be included
are not responsible. If customer
in the wants Houzlook
above quotation. to docan
But Houzlook the arrange
paint work then
from if there
KAFF is any
vendor onlyscratches are
* Electrical machines like Microwave, Mixer, Grinder, Toaster, Aqua Guard etc shown in the image are just a part of design and not provided by Houzlook.
* Items covered in the quotation will be executed. But in the designs, we will visualize lot of other items which are not included in the quotation. They are purely
used as design elements and not given by Houzlook.
* MR board\Ply fromHB Neem wood will be used for all items and BWP 710 grade Ply from Green gold ply will be used for kitchen, utility & bathrooms (except loft area)
* InPreLam MDF\PB
wardrobe board
drawers will be
system willfrom Century, Green,
be considered Actions,will
as 01 shutter Associates
have 01 brands. Pre-Lam
drawer as MDF shutters
per international with DWR
standard. Any(densified
additionalwater resistant)
requirement willforbekitchen,
* Most of the basic hardware and accessories items will be used frominHettich
the quotation offered.
brand. Door\Drawer locks, handles, tarbolt, kitchen skirting, hanger pipe etc will be
* Handles for exterior area client has an optionprovided
to selectfrom
fromother good For
Houzlook. brands likecabinet,
inside Godrej,drawers
Ebco, Rehayu etc.
etc. company standard handles, knobs will be provided.
* All the above work will be having edge band finish at our own production unit.
* Only Hettich telescopic channels and hinges will be used in all work items.
* 1mm laminates will be used for out side surface and 0.8mm will be used for inside surface of all work items.
* In wardrobes internal drawers will be provided based on the no of doors, top unit will be open with hanger provision and bottom unit will be having 1 shelves in
each sides. Upto 4 no's internal drawershinges
* Normal locks and
will 4beno's
usedouter lock
for all will be provided in all wardrobes.
* Inside finish for all structure\units will be having laminated finish with white color\company standard color.
* Veneer will be from GreenPly, CenturyPly and Legend.
* Laminates will be from GreenLam, MerinoLam and CenturyLam, Virgo, SPECTRA.
* All locks will be from Godrej or Europa.