Lect 35
Lect 35
Lect 35
L25 1
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
Just because a graph is drawn with edges
crossing doesn’t mean its not planar.
Q: Why can’t we conclude that the following is
L25 2
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 3
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 4
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 5
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 6
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 7
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 8
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 9
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 10
Planar Graphs
-Common Misunderstanding
A: Because it is isomorphic to a graph which is
L25 11
The first invariant of a planar graph will be the
number of regions that the graph defines in the
plane. A region is a part of the plane completely
disconnected off from other parts of the plane by
the edges of the graph.
EG: the car graph has 4 regions:
1 2 12
Q: How many regions does the 3-cube have?
L25 13
A: 6 regions
6 4 1 2
L25 14
THM: The number of regions defined by a connected
planar graph is invariant of how it is drawn in the
plane and satisfies the formula involving edges and
r = |E | - |V | + 2
EG: Verify formula for car and 3-cube:
4= 6-4+2 3
3 6= 12-8+2 4 1 2
L25 1 2 15
Planar Graphs
• A graph is called planar if it can be drawn on
the plane in a way that no two of its edges
cross each other
Planar graphs
number number of regions
of vertices of edges or faces
Recall the Handshaking Theorem
Theorem: Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph. Then
Example of Handshaking Theorem
• Draw a graph with 4 edges and 4 vertices , having degrees
• Solution: No such graph exists. The sum of the degrees of
all the vertices should be equal to twice the number of
edges. Half of the sum of the degrees is 5, which is not
equal to actual number of edges required in the question
• (1+2+3+4)/2 = 5, 5 =/= 4.
Planar Graphs
Example where Euler’s theorem holds
• v=4,e=5,r=3,
• v-e+r=2
Planar graphs
A graph (or multigraph) G is called planar if G can be
drawn in the plane with its edges intersecting only at
vertices of G, such a drawing of G is called an embedding
of G in the plane. Used in VLSI design, where
overlapping edges requires extra layers, wires cannot
overlap on the circuit board. Representation examples:
K1,K2,K3,K4 are planar, Kn for n>4 are non-planar
Utility Problem(again)
• There are three houses and three utility companies--say, gas, electric,
and water--and asks if each utility can be connected to each house
without having any of the gas-water-electric lines pass over any
other. This is equivalent to the equation "Can a planar graph be
constructed from each of three nodes ('houses') to each of three
other nodes ('utilities')?" No such planar graph exists.
Not planar
Here is an example of a
graph which doesn't have
K5 or K3,3 as its
subgraph. However, it has
a subgraph that is
homeomorphic to K3,3
(replace red lines with
yellow line) and is
therefore not planar.
e d
Graph Theory Ch. 1. Fundamental Concept 28
• Example: H1, H2, and H3 are subgraphs
of G
a b
G c
e d
a b
a b
c H3 c
H1 H2
d e d
e d
vj vk
Complete Graph
r s u v w y z
q t p x
– An n-vertex graph with no edges has n
– Each edge added reduces this by at most
– If k edges are added, then the number of
components is at least n - k
• Examples:
Proof: (necessity)
• Let G be a bipartite graph.
• Every walk alternates between the two sets of a
• So every return to the original partite set happens
after an even number of steps
• Hence G has no odd cycle
• In the proof of Theorem 1.2.26
– It is noted that every even nontrivial graph
has a cycle
– The deletion of a cycle leaves an even
• Thus this proposition follows by
induction on the number of edges
Proof: (1/2)
• Let u be an endpoint of a maximal path P in
• Since P does not extend, every neighbor of
u is in V(P).
• Since u has at least k neighbors and G is
simple, P therefore has at least k vertices
other than u and has length at least k.
d(B) = 3, d(C) = 2
Δ(G) = 3, δ(G) = 2
• G is regular if (G ) = (G )
• G is k-regular if the common degree is k.
• The neighborhood of v, written Ng (v ) or N
(v ) is the set of vertices
adjacent to v.
• Summing the degrees counts each edge
– Because each edge has two ends and
contributes to the degree at each endpoint.
d (x) = k
d (x) = k y d (y) = k
• By proposition 1.2.11, every graph with n vertices
and k edges has at least n-k components.
• Hence every n-vertex graph with fewer than n-1
edges has at least two components and is
• The contrapositive of this is that every connected n-
vertex graph has at least n-1 edges. This lower
bound is achieved by the path Pn.
Proof: 1/2
• Choose u,v V (G ).
• It suffices to show that u,v have a common
neighbor if they are not adjacent.
• Since G is simple, we have
|N(u) | (G ) (n-1)/2,
and similarly for v.
– Recall: (G ) is the minimum degree,
|N(u)| = d(u) Hence: |N(u) | (G )
Proof: 2/2
• When u and v are not connected, we have |N(u )
N(v )| n - 2
– since u and v are not in the union
• Using Remark A.13 of Appendix A, we thus
G is a planar
graph if and only
if G does not
contain a
to either K 5 or K
Isomorphism and adjacency matrices