Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions
Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Solutions
Unit :4 :1 Spreadsheet (Basic)
Session 1
Self Assessment
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Ans. : 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a)
B. Answer the following
Ans-1 : Range of Cells : A group of cells in continuous locations is called a range of cells. A range is specified by giving the
address of the first cell and the last cell. A range can be specified in three different manners.
Ans-2 : Workbook : A file in Calc is called a workbook. By default it is named as Book1, Book2, etc.
Worksheets : A workbook is made up of many worksheets. The default names of the worksheets are Sheet1,
Sheet2, etc. You can rename them as you want.
Ans-3 : To create a new workbook, follow these steps :
Step-1: Click the File menu.
Step-2: Click New option.
Ans-4 : You can add numbers, text and date type information by just typing it into the cells. Technically, you can enter
numbers, alpha-numeric characters or formulae into a cell by placing the cell pointer at any cell and just typing in the
Ans-5 : Follow the given steps to remove a worksheet :
Step-1: Right-click on the desired sheet tab and select Delete Sheet option.
Step-2: Click Yes for confirmation. The selected sheet will be deleted.
C. Practical Work
Ans. : To be done by students.
Session 2
Self Assessment
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Ans. : 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a)
B. Answer the following
Ans-1 : If you type something wrong, you can delete the contents of the cell by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.
Ans-2 : When the data is entered in the cell, it appears in the Input line.
Ans-3 : Cell referencing is a term used with the behaviour of cell address in the formulae when they are copied from one cell
to the other. All the formulae will be visible in the formula bar and the cell will have the results.
Ans-4 : Mixed referencing
Ans-5 : To subtract data, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Enter the data in A1 and A2 cells.
Step-2: Select the cell A3 to enter formula.
Step-3: Type the formula =A1 – A2 and press the Enter key.
Step-4: The result will be displayed in A3.
Ans-6 : (a) Enter 13 in A1
Enter 27 in B1
Type =(B1 – A1) in C1
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(b) Enter 282.3 in A1
Enter 92.5 in B1
Type =(A1 – B1) in C1
(c) A3 = 25
G3 = 10
In E5 write =(A3 – G3)
Ans-7 : To multiply data, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Enter the data in A1, A2 and A3.
Step-2: Select the cell A4 to enter formula.
Step-3: Type the formula =A1*A2*A3 and press the Enter key.
Step-4: The result will be displayed.
Ans-8 : To add data, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Enter the data in A1, A2 and A3 cells.
Step-2: Select the cell A4 to enter formula.
Step-3: Type the formula = A1+A2+A3 and press the Enter key.
Step-4: The result will be displayed.
Ans-9 : To be done by students
Ans-10 : To divide data, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Enter the data in A1 and A2 as 12 and 4 respectively.
Step-2: Select the cell A3 to enter formula.
Step-3: Type the formula =A1/A2 and press the Enter key.
Step-4: The result will be displayed.
Ans-11 : To be done by students
Ans-12 : Calc has a magic wizard which can help you write functions. You can invoke this wizard by clicking on the Function
Wizard icon from the Formula toolbar. As you click on Insert Function icon, the Function Wizard dialog
box appears. Another way of opening Function Wizard dialog box is Insert menu → Function or Press Ctrl+F2.
Once the Function Wizard opens up, you can select the function and see its usage and syntax for a better understanding.
Ans-13 : Steps to insert new Cells
Step-1: Position the cell pointer at the place you want new cell to be inserted.
Step-2: Click Insert → Cells. The Insert Cells dialog box appears.
Step-3: Now, choose the required option from the dialog box.
C. Practical Work
Ans. : To be done by students.
Session 3
Self Assessment
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Ans. : 1. (b) 2. (c)
B. Answer the following
Ans-1 : To apply borders, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Select the cells.
Step-2: Click Format → Cells. The Format Cells dialog box appears. Select the Borders tab in it.
Step-3: Select the style of border from the Style section and colour from the Color section. Then click OK button.
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You can also select line arrangement and shadow style of borders.
Ans-2 : To align the cell content, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Select the cell(s).
Step-2: Click on Format menu → Cells. The Format Cells dialog box appears.
Step-3: Click on the Alignment tab and select the alignment (Horizontal or Vertical) as per your choice.
Step-4: Select the required options under Vertical text alignment or Horizontal text alignment and click OK.
Ans-3 : To format numbers, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Select the cells to be formatted.
Step-2: Click Format → Cells. The Format Cells dialog box appears.
Step-3: Click on the Numbers tab and select the Number option from the Category section.
Step-4: Choose the desired number format from the displayed list and click on OK button.
Follow the same steps to format Data using Format Cells dialog box.
Ans-4 : Calc allows users to change date in various date formats. To do so, follow the given steps :
Step-1: Select the range of cells.
Step-2: Right click and select Format Cells or press Ctrl+1 to open Format Cells dialog box.
Step-3: Select Date from the Category list.
Step-4: Select the date format from the Format list.
Step-5: Click OK.
Ans-5 : To insert a currency symbol, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Right click on the cell where the currency symbol is to be inserted.
Step-2: Select Format Cells option. The Format Cells dialog box appears.
Step-3: Under Numbers tab, select Currency in the Category.
Step-4: Choose the desired format from the Format drop-down menu.
Step-5: Selected currency will be added in the cell.
C. Practical Work
Ans. : To be done by students.
Session 4
Self Assessment
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Ans. : 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a)
B. Answer the following
Ans-1 : The various components of a chart are :
Chart Area, Plot Area, X-axis, Y-axis, Data Series, Chart Title, Axes Titles, Legend, Data Labels and Gridlines
Ans-2 : Following are the types of chart:
Column Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Area Chart, X-Y (Scatter) Chart: Stock Chart, Net Chart, Column
and Line Chart and Bubble Chart.
Ans-3 : To insert a chart in Calc, follow these steps :
Step-1: Select the data to be included in the chart.
Step-2: Click the Chart icon on the Standard toolbar. The Chart Wizard dialog box appears.
Step-3: Select the required chart type and click on Finish button.
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Ans-4 : To move and chart, select the chart and place the mouse pointer on the chart area. You will notice that the mouse
changes to a four headed arrow . Now, press and drag it to the desired location. This will move your chart to the
desired location.
To resize a chart proportionally, click on the chart. You will observe the green square dots at the border of the
chart area. These are resizing handles. Now, move the mouse pointer to any of the resizing handles at the corner
of borders of the chart until it changes to a double headed arrow ( ). Drag the handle diagonally in the desired
direction to change its size.
C. Practical Work
Ans. : To be done by students.
Multiple Choice Questions
Ans : 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c)
5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (c)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (b)
Very Short Answers
Ans-1 : Active cell is the cell where the cell pointer is currently located. A range of cells are a continuous group of cells located
in the same row or column.
Ans-2 : The different data types which can be used to enter data in Calc are :
(a) Numbers (b) Text (c) Formulae (d) Mathematical Operators
Ans-3 : To print a worksheet, follow these steps:
Step-1: Click on the File menu.
Step-2: Select the Print option.
Step-3: Select the required printer from the Printer options, do the required settings and click Print.
Ans-4 : Various Number format are :
Ans-5 : Charts are pictorial or graphical representation of mathematical information in a worksheet.
Ans-6 : Actual calculations are done by set of symbols known as operators. They specify the type of calculation
that has to be performed on the elements or operands of a formula. OpenOffice Calc includes four
different types of calculation operators: arithmetic, comparative, text, reference and descriptive.
Ans-7 : Relative referencing → A2*2
Absolute referencing → $A$2*2
Ans-8 : It can be numbers, text, cell reference or a range of cells and logical values (True/False).
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Short Answers
Ans-1 : He can use spreadsheet to arrange the data in tabular format and perform calculations.
Ans-2 : Define the following
(a) AutoCorrect : This feature of Calc can correct common typing errors while working. For example, Calc
automatically changes ‘adn’ to ‘and’.
(b) What-If-Analysis : It is a process of changing the values in cells, which help to predict the outcome of formulae
on the worksheet.
(c) Auto Complete : This feature finishes typing a word that is used repeatedly in a column of a list after you type
a few letters of the word or phrase.
Ans-3 : Functions are inbuilt commands that act on a cell or range of cells and perform some particular operations quickly.
Calc provides a variety of functions for example :
(a) SUM Function (b) AVERAGE Function (c) COUNT Function
Ans-4 : Header and footer can be added to a worksheet to make it more understandable. Headers can be used to add some
additional but specific information like page numbers or name of the project or even an image. Footers can also be
used in the same way. Page numbers, name of the author and other data can be added to the footer for the reader’s
Ans-5 : (a) AVERAGE : This function returns the average of the arguments specified within the list. The arguments provided
must be numbers, cell references or ranges. If any range or reference contains text data, logical values or empty
cells, such values are ignored.
(b) MAX : This function returns the largest value from a specified set of values. The arguments can be numbers,
empty cells, logical values or text representations of numbers.
Ans-6 : Autofill feature is one of the most commonly used features and helps to complete task quickly. It lets you enter the
starting values of a series and completes the rest of it as you drag the handle of the cell pointer.
Ans-7 : (a) Pie chart
(b) B2 : D7
(c) It helps the viewer to understand the data quickly.
(d) No, Calc will automatically update the chart.
Ans-8 : (a) Calc
(b) Number, currencies, date, time, etc.
(c) Yes.
Ans-9 : (a) Mixed referencing is when one part of the cell address is relative and the other is absolute. It means that either
column or the row number should have a $ along it. For example, $A2 means that the column number is fixed
to A, no matter where the formula is copied but the row number is relative and will change and adjust according
to the current position of formula.
(b) An absolute reference is specified by using the $ sign along with the column and the row number in the cell.
Using $ means fixed to a specific location. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the
absolute reference remains unchanged.
Ans-10 : Kiaan can change the orientation to Landscape.
Ans-11 : She can do so by formatting cells.
Ans-12 : He can do so by formatting cells
Ans-13 : To delete a cell/row/column, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Select the cell/row/column which you wish to delete.
Step-2: Click Edit menu → Delete Cells.
rom here, choose your selection among Shift cells up, Shift cells left, Delete entire row(s), Delete
Step-3: F
entire column(s) and then click OK button.
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Ans-14 : Follow the given steps to add a new worksheet.
Step-1: Click Insert menu → Sheet option.
Right click on sheet tab and select Insert Sheet.
The Insert Sheet dialog box appears.
Step-2: Select the position and number of sheets and click OK.
Long Answers
Ans-1 : The various components of a chart are :
(a) Chart Area : The complete region in which the chart lies.
(b) Plot Area : The region where the actual chart is plotted is called the Plot Area.
(c) X-axis : The horizontal axis in a chart is called the X-axis. It is also called the Category axis.
(d) Y-axis : The vertical axis in a chart is called the Y-axis. It is also called the Value axis. Both X and Y axes
together form the four quadrants.
(e) Data Series : The set of values that helps in plotting the graph is called Data Series.
(f) Chart Title : This is the title describing the chart and can be seen on the top of the Chart Area.
(g) Axes Titles : A simple chart usually has two axes X and Y, but you can also have a third one called Z axis.
(h) Legend : Legend refers to the colours or the notations used in a chart. It categorises them in a box.
(i) Data Labels : It is a label that provides additional information about a data marker or data point plotted on
the chart.
(j) Gridlines : Horizontal and vertical lines in the plot area are called gridlines. These lines make it easier to
view and evaluate the data on the chart. The lines at the major intervals on the axis are called
major gridlines and those at minor intervals are called minor gridlines.
Ans-2 : (a) SUM Function adds all the numbers in a specified range of cells.
Syntax : SUM(number1,number2, ...)
(b) COUNT Function counts the number of cells that contain numbers. It also counts the numbers within a list of
Syntax : COUNT (value1,value2,...)
(c) MIN Function returns the smallest value from a specified set of values.
Syntax : MIN(number1,number2,...)
Ans-3 : To print a worksheet, follow these steps:
Step-1: Click on the File menu.
Step-2: Select the Print option.
Step-3: Select the required printer from the Printer options, do the required settings and click Print.
Ans-4 : Copying a range means creating a duplicate copy of the contents and pasting it at other location.
Moving a range means removing the contents from one location and pasting it to other location.
Steps to copy cell contents
Step-1: Select the cell or range of cells to be copied.
Step-2: Press Ctrl+C to copy.
Step-3: Click on the cell where you want to paste and press Ctrl+V.
Steps to move cell contents
Step-1: Select the cell or range of cells to be cut.
Step-2: Press Ctrl+X to cut.
Step-3: Click on the cell where you need to paste and press Ctrl+V.
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Ans-5 : A named range is just a human-readable name for a range of cells in Calc. For example, if the range B2:B82 is
named as “Data”, user can use MAX function to get the maximum value in this range with a simple formula:
= MAX (Data)
To create a named range, just select a range of cells, and type a name into the Name box. Then press the Enter key,
the name gets created.
Ans-6 : OpenOffice Calc allows you to modify the type of an existing chart. For example, you can change a column chart to
a line chart, a pie chart to an area chart, etc.
To change the chart type, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Select the chart and right-click on it.
Click on Edit from the context menu.
Step-3: Click the Chart Type icon on the Formatting toolbar. The Chart Type dialog box appears.
Step-4: Choose the new chart type and its subtype.
Step-5: Click the OK button. Your chart gets changed.
Changing The Chart Colour
You can change the colour of any part (component) of the chart.
To change the chart colour, follow the given steps:
Step-1: Click on the chart. Double click on the component of a chart where you want to change the colour. For
example, Data point 2. A dialog box appears.
Step-2: Click on the Area tab.
Step-3: Select the Fill type and corresponding colour, gradient or hatching option from the list.
Step-4: Click OK button.
To change the border style, border colour and the width of the border, double click on the chart and the select
Borders tab in the Data Series dialog box and make the necessary changes, then click OK.
Ans-7 : Chart wizard is the series of dialog boxes that lets you make decisions regarding the chart you want to create.
Ans-8 : To be done by students
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