DLPS-HIP-Abqaiq Chiller Plant Demolition-Rev-00
DLPS-HIP-Abqaiq Chiller Plant Demolition-Rev-00
DLPS-HIP-Abqaiq Chiller Plant Demolition-Rev-00
HSE Project
00 03.08.2024 Issued for Approval
Manager Manager
Prepared Checked Reviewed Approved
by by by by
Hazard Identification Plan, In addition to all the usual known hazards associated
with ABQ-CHILLER PLANT-DEMOLITION in general such as injury or death,
damage to equipment and property, resulting from the mishandling of tools or
construction equipment, cutting into live electrical cables, falls from heights etc.,
other potential hazards may be present in the immediate area or from the Plant
environment. It is therefore of vital importance that all these hazards can be
formulated and incorporated in to the safety procedures for the particular project
or work which is to be carried out, prior to the commencement of demolition. The
purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines on how and when risk
assessment will be performed and recorded in order to implement DLPS
commitment to continual improvement and in the prevention of accident and
Contract details:
the work required to carry out but not limited to provide complete Demolition of
Abqaiq chiller plant.
Ensure that all relevant connections are removed and equipment is free for
removing by using crane and loading on trailer. Remove the equipment using
crane and trailer.
Hot cutting of equipment chiller plant be carried out using oxy acetylene gas
cutter by a certified gas cutter. Cutting should be carried out by observing all
safety precautions (appropriate PPE, use welding mask, ventilate the area, Use
welding gloves or welders outfit, Ear plug / ear muff)
Asset movement.
Make sure to fulfil the reclamation form SA-630 which is required for asset
movement. All drivers/operators shall have valid government license. Drivers
shall check vehicles daily for serviceability of such basic equipment as tires,
brakes, lights, fluid level, glass, mirrors, etc. and shall be corrected immediately.
Report any damage immediately to the supervisor in–charge. Ensure the vehicle
is safe to operate and contains all required safety requirements prior to use.
Reinstatement of area.
Reinstatement of area shall be carried out by removal of all unwanted items and
backfilling and levelling of the area.
List of Manpower
List of Equipment
# Equipment
1 Hot cutting set
2 Clamp loader with Operator (Aramco approved/Third party certified)
3 Excavator with Operator (Aramco approved/Third party certified)
4 High Bed with Driver
CSM CSAR Page no. 18 of 50, 6.0 Hazard Identification Plan and other
All on-job injuries/ illness are to be reported to Aramco within 1(one) hour of
learning of an on-job injuries/ illness.
c. A complete accident investigation report with the Root Cause Analysis of the
accident/incident and the committee’s recommendations for preventative
action(s) shall be submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO Site Management within 3
days after the incident occurred. Copies of all relevant documents must be
attached to support the report.
These practices are designed to integrate appropriate health risk controls into
project/site construction activities. Project management has overall responsibility
for execution of these health management practices. Project employers are
required to include health risks controls within their method statements to
mitigate against potential health hazards and to provide that sufficient equipment
and resources are available to effectively execute the requirements of these
health management practices.
Project management will provide first-aid facilities for personnel who are
assigned to a project/site. Trained first-aid attendants will be available to
administer treatment at all times while personnel are at a site. A record of all
workplace first-aid/medical treatments will be maintained by the person
administering the treatment.
A person must be appointed to oversee that employees who are injured or ill are
placed in a rehabilitation program and will submit a monthly report to the Project
Manager on activities. The Project Manager will monitor trends in injuries and
occupational health through regular review of the treatment records.
Do not hang up the phone until told to do so. After the information has
been given successful the individual person should immediately live and
precede safety to the nearest assembly point areas.
I Emergency Numbers
Saudi Aramco
1.1 Transportation of employees a) Vehicle driver without driving license 1. Only Saudi Arabian Government (SAG) licensed driver can operate A
b) Not wearing seat belts motorized vehicle on and off the job as stated in the GI 6.030 – sub
c) Over speeding element 1.2.1
d) Over loading 2. The driver and passengers shall wear seat belts, at all times, whilst
e) Riding/seating on undesignated seat vehicles are in motion as stated in GI 6.030 – sub element 1.2.6
f) No assigned bus stop. 3. Posted speed limit signs and regulations shall be observed and followed at
g) Boarding and alighting while the vehicle is still in all times.
motion 4. Specially in the Aramco facilities and camps as stated in GI 6.030 – sub
h) No loading and unloading zone for passenger. element 1.2.5
i) Use of emergency exit door 5. Drivers shall not allow more passengers or cargo than the registered
j) Rushing/Pushing each other during boarding and capacity onto his vehicle.
alighting from bus. 6. Loading and unloading zone shall be established.
k) Late arrival of service bus 7. Emergency exit door shall not be used except for emergency case only.
l) Insufficient Service Bus 8. Queue system shall be implemented during boarding on passenger bus.
m) Using Mobile phone while driving. 9. Vehicle shall be always on time to avoid rushing and pushing each other.
n) Hot Weather condition 10. Company employees as well drivers are not allowed to use mobile phone
o) Bad Weather(Sand Storm, Fog, Rain) even in attached head set mode as stated in GI 6.030 – supplement page
p) Trapped at Desert 3.
q) Poor Maintenance 11. Drivers are responsible for adequate water as stated in GI 6.030 –
r) Animal Crossing supplement page 3.
s) Driver Fatigue 12. Follow the 6sec procedure as discussed in the defensive driving
training.(Maintaining a minimum distance from the vehicle ahead of you of
6 sec)
13. Use the vehicle check list and hand over to the journey manager
14. Do not rush during animal crossing
15. Use GPRS,
16. Ensure proper communication system and comply journey management
system according to GI 6.030– sub element 1.2.3
17. Ensure proper off road training for the drivers as stated in GI 6.030 – sub
18. Use check list of off road requirements such as shovel, flash light etc.
19. Comply the Journey Management Plan
1.2 Driving on two way single a) Over Speeding 1. Vehicle speeding must be as mentioned on high way and the speeding in A
Road b) Sand storm/fog/heavy rain the Aramco premises will be 40KPH unless or otherwise posted
c) Camel crossing the road RefGI6.030.
d) Night time driving 2. All the drivers must be trained for defensive driving prior to assign.
3. All the drivers need to comply 6sec procedure as educated in Defensive
driving training. (Maintaining a minimum distance from the vehicle ahead of
you of 6 sec)
1.3 Mobilizing and demobilizing a) Traffic hazards 1. Prepare the area / clear of obstructions prior to mobilization of Equipment A
of Equipment and materials b) Property damage 2. Ensure all tools / equipment / are pre-inspected before mobilization.
tothe jobsite or location and c) Unattended 3. Only trained and certified operator shall be permitted to operate the
Positioning d) Reversing/maneuvering vehicle Equipment.
e) Unstable base condition 4. Equipment shall not be operated without a valid 3rd party inspection.
f) Unknown weight / Overloading 5. Secure the area with barricade and warning signboards at reasonable
2.1 Excavation for Pipe a) Cave-in hazards due to improper excavation 1. Lead personnel and the safety office will ensure the compliance of Aramco A
removal planning procedure before the execution as stated in Cave-in hazards due to
b) Soil collapse improper excavation planning.
c) Damage to underground utilities 2. Excavation needs to be more than 2.4m, suitable protective plan must be
d) Vehicles falling in to excavation
e) Improper access and egress developed and Authorization letter shall be secured prior to use
f) Lack of Confined space entry Permit Mechanical Excavation
Defective equipment 3. Mechanical Excavator Shall not be used within 3meters of Existing
Underground Utilities
4. Pre- excavation Check list shall be completed and Abqaiq Plants
Excavation Authorization shall be Available at site before start the work
5. An Excavation plan shall be Kept at least 2ft Edge of excavation and
removed from site on timely manner. An excavation plan will be developed
according to CSM II-1; Table 1.1 Excavation whilst the excavation needs to
be more that 8ft.
6. CSM II-1; Sec. 1.5 Underground Utilities and Installations guideline will also
be followed.
7. CSM II-1 Excavations and Shoring Appendix „A‟ will be referred in order to
avoid soil collapse and the effective plan will be developed.
8. Underground utilities are to be exposed manually and protected. Install
Warning barricade 3 meter away from the existing line.
9. Install warning sign, and barricades
10. Proper access shall be made to enter into confined space
11. Make sure Confined space permit is available before entering into confined
Daily equipment checklist shall be done and follow properly
3.1 Working inside the a) Confined Space 1. Safety officer will advise the group if the excavation is more than 1.2m then A
confinedspace b) Oxygen deficiency, flammable gases and chemicals the entrants will be confine and the procedure will be complied as stated in
Falling objects the CSM, vol - 2 part 1-6(confined Space general Requirements)
2. Make sure Confined space permit is available before entering into confined
3. Atmospheric gas testing shall be in accordance with GI 2.709 and Section
6.7. A Confined Space Entry Plan shall be Completed and available at site
4. All entrants will be trained
5. Confined space supervisor will be designated.
6. Confined space entry attendant will be assigned as stated in CSM 6.3.6
7. Confined space check list will be utilized to Ensure the safety requirements
are met as stated in CSM.
8. Warning signage will be posted conspicuously.
Communication device will be utilized in an effective manner.
4. H2S
4.1 Gas Test a) Hazardous and Flammable gases 1. Trained and Aramco approved gas tester must perform the gas test as A
stated in GI 2.709
2. Each Crew at site shall have adequate Number of Personal H2S Monitor
that is operatable and inspected Each testing equipment must sent for
calibration for regular period of interval as stated in GI 2.709-1
3. Appropriate respiratory protection needs to be don as referred in GI
When Personnel H2S Monitor is activated regardless of concentration,
order a stop work and evacuate the area immediately
4.2 Gas Test a) Potentially hazardous atmosphere A
1. Initial gas test will be made 15mins prior to enter inside the confined space
refer CSM 1-6.6-7-4
Other toxic gas testing must be conducted as stated in GI 2.709,3.1.4
5.1 Backfilling of a) Collapse of excavation. 1. Only site approved mechanical shovels/excavators are to be used to carry A
Excavation b) Physical injury due to proximity of plant and out this work.
Construction Equipment. 2. Plant and equipment used to backfill excavations will carry current
Removal of shoring certification and will be maintained in a safe condition.
3. Plant and equipment will only be operated by trained and authorized
4. Banks men will be used to control the backfilling operation in order to prevent
plant working too close to the excavation edge.
5. Unauthorized personnel will be excluded from areas where the backfilling of
excavations is taking place.
6. A survey of the area will be carried out to assess risks to any adjacent
7. Prior to backfilling, temporary shoring will be removed in a controlled manner
and placed away from the excavation e.g. 3m or 1.5 times the depth.
8. While removing shoring and its components extreme precaution shall be
taken, removal process will progress together with backfill from the bottom to
the top of excavation. Especially in unstable soil, ropes shall be used to pull
out the jacks or braces from above after all employees have exited the
When Mobile a Heavy Equipment is used the operator shall be certified for the
specific equipment being used or utilized.
6.1 Check or use the a) Electrocution 1. Only competent personnel will be allowed to work in live panel, Ref CSMIII- A
existing liveline b) Lack of communication and information. 3
Lack of experience and training. 2. Isolation process must be carried out as stated in CSM III- 3.3.7
3. Safety officer and the area supervisor must ensure the proper PPE such as
FRC gear, adequate rated gloves as ref in CSM III-3.3.9
4. Ensure the proper distance between the energized panel as stated in PDI
5. One trained First aider will be available in each working crew. Ref: CSM III
7.1 Work at heights a) Fall of personnel due to incomplete working 1. Ensure the proper scaffold and the components as stated in CSM II -2.4 A
platform 2. The rated safe work load must be complied, Ref:CSMII-2.1
b) Unavailability of access to working platform 3. Guard rail system, toe board should be as per the standard referred in
c) Falling materials, tools CSM II-2.5.4
d) Damage to plant and equipment/fall of personnel 4. Ensure Fall protection Equipment are protected with Visible Inspection
e) High wind Indicator (Color Coding). Proper Entry and Exit needs to be provide as per
Improper use PPE the standard Re: CSM II -2.5.7
Use Self -retracing lanyard when anchorage. point is less than 5.5 PPE is
mandatory as per the tag color and it has to be double lanyard
8.1 Equipment Removal a) Unauthorized and Incompetent Operator 1. Only Saudi Aramco certified operator and riggers are authorized to perform A
b) Poor Crane condition and maintenance the activity. All the internal combustion equipment need the work permit ,
c) Unplanned lifting activity GI2.100. REF: GI 7.028 Pg7
d) Overhead power lines / Energized panel 2. Any assembling, disassembling, or change of lattice boom configuration
e) High wind requires re- inspection by a certified inspector before the crane can be re-
Unstable base condition mobilized to perform any crane lifts.
3. Mechanism for free fall capability/ function through the physical and
permanent isolation of the function
4. Ensure that Daily inspection check list is signed and lifting tackle is
inspected and colour coded.
5. Crane must have a valid inspection sticker issued by Saudi Aramco. Ref
CSM III- 7.3.6
6. Area should be barricaded and LIFTING IN PROGRESS signage should
be placed
7. Area supervisor needs to classify the lifting whilst it is a critical, then the
critical lift plan should be approved by Saudi Aramco as stated in GI 7.028-
8. Safety Officer needs to check the safe distance before the execution as
stated in table 7.1 in CSMIII
9. All lifting needs to be cancelled if the wind speed is more than 32KM/H Ref:
10. Out rigger pad shall be used under all crane out rigger as specified in CSM
II -7.3.14,
Area must be isolated and adequate PPE must worn
9.1 Clamp loader operation a) Poor equipment maintenance and condition 1. Ensure that equipment must have valid inspection sticker and complete A
b) Unauthorized operator daily inspection. Any defects found equipment should not be used unless
c) Travelling on limited areas and working on repaired and in good condition
obstructed areas or blind zone 2. Only trained and certified operator shall be permitted to operate the
d) Unknown weight of materials or overloaded Equipment
e) Unbalance lifting of load 3. Qualified flagman should always present/available whenever equipment
f) Poor visibility or obstructed maneuvering
g) Uncompact soil, rough or uneven. 4. Weight of material must check and identify. Trial lift must be done prior
h) Fall of load lifting of material.
Entry of unauthorized person 5. Operator must locate the center mass of the material and balance
6. Ground or surface must be properly compacted.
7. Ensure no one is under the suspended load and the load is secured
Area must be barricaded with signage and flagman shall maintain the safe
10.1 Transportation of a) Fire/Explosion during transportation. 1. Cylinders to be supported and secured during transportation in order to A
CompressedGas b) Manual handling and health risk. prevent them falling over.
Cylinders Location of cylinder storage. 2. Cylinders to be segregated by type in order to prevent fire/explosion risk.
3. Valve caps to be fitted to all gas cylinders during transportation.
4. Loading / Offloading of cylinders to be carried out by the competent
persons, using cylinders Cage intended and acceptable for lifting operation
5. Cylinders shall have HAZCOM Label to indicate the content of the cylinders
being off-loaded from a vehicle will not be dropped to the ground and shall
not be rolled.
Cylinders storage area should be prepared and reserved for that purpose
7. Cylinders shall be stored in a safe and accessible location.
8. Cylinders storage location shall be dry and well ventilated.
9. Cylinders stored in the open shall not have direct contact with the ground
or under direct sun light exposure to extreme weather or contact withwater.
11.1 Chemical Handling a) Burn. 1. Make sure you have this instruction before you work with any hazardous A
b) Personal Injury substance, get the MSDS/ COSHH assessment
c) Fire 2. Always read the label on the container and MSDS. Make sure you
Explosion understand the information. If there is no label, do not use the contents.
3. Do not assume that because two containers look the same, they contain
the same material.
4. Chemicals may be: explosive, flammable, poisonous, irritant or corrosive.
A chemical may have more than one of these hazards. Check for danger
symbols on the label before opening the container.
5. Always check that you are wearing the correct PPE before handling
chemicals. Gloves, eye protection, protective clothing, rubber boots or
respirators may be required. All these must be kept in good order. Check
the MSDS/ COSHH assessment.
6. Explosive chemicals must be treated with great care.
7. Some chemicals become unstable when old, and explosions can result if
these are mishandled. Check the condition of all chemical containers for
indications of leakage or age.
8. All flammable liquids give off vapors which travel unseen into the air, and
13.1 Working during Hot a) Loss of bodily fluids through perspiration and failure 1. Plentiful supplies of cool fresh drinking water shall be available and A
weather to replace them. employees shall be advised to increase their fluid intake early in the day,
b) Loss of bodily electrolytes and failure to replace before they start to loose fluids.
them 2. Ensure All Personal working at site have completed about Heat Stress
c) Extreme air temperature Awareness Training Employees shall be advised to avoid caffeine and other
d) Lack of air movement diuretic drinks both the night before work and during the day
e) Direct heat from the sun and lack of shade 3. Employees shall be advised to wear only loose fitting clothing and to avoid
f) Reflected, conducted and radiated heat from layering their clothes.
structures or sand 4. Electrolyte solutions shall be provided where and when deemed necessary.
g) Prolonged and/or strenuous activities 5. Employees shall be encouraged to wear sunscreen creams and to cover
High humidity coupled with high temperatures their necks and face from the sun
6. Breaks of between 1 - 2 minutes, every 20 minutes shall be actively
encouraged Ref CSMI-13 Appendix A
7. Dedicated vehicle will be assigned with first aid box and AED during survey
8. Trained (3 Party) first aider will be available in each group for off road
Ambulance with nurse will be available during construction
14.1 Isolation/ Lockout/ Hold a) Inexperienced / untrained worker 1. Plan the work involving Permit Applicant, Permit Issuer & Worksite A
Tag b) Lack of communication Supervisor
USE OF HOLD TAGS G.I. 6.012 procedure to be followed
d) Unintended shutdown of other equipment/ Unit/ 3. Ensure the correct tools & required PPE’s are ready to use prior to carrying
System isolation. Test check for bleed down any residual electrical energy.
Unauthorized isolation 4. Identify the equipment to be isolated and any safety override to be carried
out prior to isolation.
Ensure the isolation to be carried out by authorized and trained person only
15.1 Cold cutting of existing a) Miss-Communication / Understanding 1. Coordinate and obtain approval from Saudi Aramco operations and Work A
line(using Hydraulic b) Improper coordination Permit Issuer prior to start of work
Pipe Cutters) c) Inaccurate reading and computation of pressure 2. Ensure Portable Equipment E.g. Air compressor have completed pre- or
and flow requirements pre- use inspection. Perform regular gas testing / gas Monitoring on the
d) Pipe rupture work area by competent/qualified personnel.
e) Explosion 3. Ensure that Air compressor should have valid third-party certification and
Exposure to Hazardous Gases and Liquids preventive maintenance PM.
4. Hose connections should have whip lash arresters.
5. Ensure the pipe is confirmed isolated and cleaned/purged before cutting.
6. Assign skilled, competent and trained workers for the task
7. Fire watch with UL Listed fire extinguisher and standby/hole watcher.
8. Task appropriate PPE
9. Emergency Response Plan and Contingency Plan to be prepared and
familiarized by all crew members who will be performing the job.
15.2 Cold Cutting the chiller a) Defective equipment 1. Equipment should have valid Third party certification A
plant part by part using b) Incompetent operator. 2. Daily equipment checklist shall be done and follow properly.
Hydraulically operated c) Personnel injury 3. Operator shall Aramco certificate and familiar to the equipment they are
rippertool mounted on d) Pinch point operating.
excavator e) Slips, trips and fall 4. Banks man / Flagman in place
f) Struck by rotating equipment 5. Barricade and signage in place
g) Muscular stress 6. Unauthorized personnel not allowed in area
Collapse of excavated materials Task appropriate PPE
15.3 Cold cutting of existing a) Miss-Communication / Understanding 8. Coordinate and obtain approval from Saudi Aramco operations and Work B
line(using Hinge Pipe b) Improper coordination Permit Issuer prior to start of work
Cutters) c) Inaccurate reading and computation of pressure 9. Perform regular gas testing / gas Monitoring on the work area by
and flow requirements competent/qualified personnel.
d) Pipe rupture 10. Ensure to follow correct procedure in existing line cutting.
g) Explosion 11. Ensure all workers are aware the procedure for emergency response, the
Exposure to Hazardous Gases and Liquids method statement and the correct PPE to be used.
12. Assign skilled, competent and trained workers for the task like SCABA
13. fire watch and standby/hole watcher.
14. Task appropriate PPE (SCBA or air supply hood must be worn during
execution of work)
15. Emergency Response Plan and Contingency Plan to be prepared and
familiarized by all crew members who will be performing the job.
16.1 Using Hand tools and a) Defective plugs/cords 1. All portable electric tools shall be of 110Volts. B
Powertools during b) Unavailability of guards/handles 2. They shall only be connected to a circuit fitted with a ground fault interrupter
welding and cutting. Improper handling and storage .CSMIII-3.3.5
3. All electrical tools shall be double insulated or properly grounded
4. All extension cords shall be as short as possible and shall be fully unwound
5. Ensure power tools are 3rd party tested by SA approved agencies like
UL/FM, KENA, KEUM. Plugs and sockets shall meet the Aramco
6. A competent electrician shall inspect all tools once in a month and cooler
7. Tools shall be stored in a clean dry place.
8. All tools shall be fitted with the required guarding as detailed in the Saudi
Aramco Construction Safety Manual Section II 10.0.
9. Ensure portable power source (e.g., generator) or electric extension
equipped with residual current device (RCD) rated at 10mA trip
10. Ensure Job-mate electrical extension plug and labeled IP 55. OR
HIEGHER OR NEMA TYPE 4/4x. All extension cords shall be fitted with
grounding pin and be of the three-wire conductor type
17.1 Loading/ Unloading of a) Forceful exertion in a bent or twisted posture that 1. Know the proper manual handling procedure through HSE Training and B
material can cause musculoskeletal disorders Seminar
b) Pushing, pulling, carrying and lifting of heavyobjects 2. Set up workstations to prevent awkward postures
that can cause back injury 3. Relocate frequent used items to within the preferred working zone
Use powered mechanical aids to handle large bulky or awkward items or ifnot
reasonably practicable, use an ergonomically designed trolley
18.1 Bolt loosening, removal a) Hand tools are likely to cause minor injuries if not 1. All hand tools shall be in good condition and free from defects. C
used properly 2. Only the correct tool shall be used for the task
Potential for non-insulated tools to become livewhen 3. Hammers and cold chisels shall be free from “mushrooming”.
working near or on live equipment 4. Handles shall be free from cracks or other defects.
5. All hand tools shall be kept clean and, where necessary, sharp and oiled.
6. Hand tools shall be inspected before and after use.
7. Storage shall be in boxes
8. Damaged, defective and homemade tools shall be withdrawn from use.
Only insulated and non-conductive tools to be used near electrical
I am calling from: Provide Incident LOCATION (E.g. Area, Well Head Number.)
I see a: Provide NATURE OF EMERGENCY, (e.g., Fire. Explosion, Gas Release, Hostile Act. Medical,
Bomb Threat. Security threat, Inland Oil Spill)
There are:
Provide QUANTITY or people hurt and requiring medical Assistance I Ambulance.