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Begginers Bilingual Dictionary Spanish

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AJR English/Spanish


FOW Bilingual Dictionary
GPX for ESL Beginners

HQY Diccionario bilingüe básico para estudiantes

de inglés como segundo idioma

The work on this production was supported by a large number of
ESL teachers who assisted in the choice of lexicon.
© 2001 New South Wales Department of Education and Training
Student Services and Equity Programs, Multicultural Programs Unit,
Level 14, 1 Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Phone 9244 5764 or 9244 5324


The printed material in this publication is subject to a restricted waiver
of copyright to allow the purchaser to make photocopies of the
material contained in the publication for use within schools or
institutes subject to the conditions below.
1. All copies of the printed material shall be made without
alteration or abridgement and must retain acknowledgement of
the copyright.
2. The school or college shall not sell, hire or otherwise derive
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ISBN No: 0 7310 77539


Introduction i

How to use the dictionary ii

Dictionary 1


1. Numerals and ordinals 80

2. Common countries/states and their adjectival forms 81
3. Common irregular verbs 82
4. Times 84
5. Days of the week/months of the year/units of time 85
6. Weights and measures 85

Bibliography 85
The Bilingual Dictionary for ESL Beginners has been developed
for use by students in the early stages of learning English as a
second language.

The list of words contained in this dictionary includes the most

common words that students use in everyday communication
and in the classroom. This list provides a scaffold for further
language acquisition.

The Bilingual Dictionary for ESL Beginners takes into

consideration the Australian culture and way of life including
frequently encountered colloquial words and phrases. It is
expected that students will use this publication as a reference
point for the first 12 to 18 months of English language

A companion volume titled Thematic Picture Dictionary for ESL

Beginners may be used in conjunction with this volume. It
contains over 400 illustrated words, all of which can be found
with their translations in this volume.

The two dictionaries are designed for individual student use at

school and at home to support English language acquisition.

The skills of many ESL teachers were utilised in the choice of

lexicon for this dictionary. Their enthusiastic participation has
helped to produce a valuable teaching and learning resource
suited to the needs of beginner ESL students.

How to use this dictionary
Notes for the teacher

The information in this dictionary is presented simply showing part of speech, headword in bold,
definition if required and phrases for words which need to be read in context for clarity of meaning.
You will find explanations regarding the organisation of the dictionary below.

Page Header

The page header is found at the top left of each page in bold for easy identification of the page
contents. It shows the first and last English entry on the page.

Example from page 1:

a - afterwards indicates that the first entry on this page is a and the last entry is afterwards.

The Headword

The headword is the word being defined in an entry. It appears in large bold type and is
alphabetically ordered. Definitions of the headword appear under the headword (if applicable) and
are numbered. Phrases, colloquial phrases, phrasal verbs and interjections containing the
headword are translated in full and appear under the definitions.

Example from page 4:

Headword Translation
part of back
n Definition 1. body part only the word back is translated as a noun with
the meaning body part
adv Definition 2. opposite front only the word back is translated as an adverb
with the meaning opposite front
phrase 3. give it back the phrase give it back is translated in full

Example from page 31:

Headword Translation
part of help
n Definition 1. aid only the word help is translated as a noun with
the meaning aid
phrase 2. help yourself the phrase help yourself is translated in full with
(serve yourself) the meaning serve yourself
colloq 3. I can't help it (I have the colloquial phrase I can't help it is
phr no control over it) translated in full with the meaning I have no
control over it

Where there is more than one meaning for an item of lexicon but only one is in common usage the
meaning for translation has been included next to the headword in brackets.
Example from page 2:

Headword Translation
n angle (mathematical usage) only the word angle is translated as a noun
with the meaning mathematical usage

Words commonly found in the lexicon as abbreviations appear in the dictionary as abbrev and are
not translated. They indicate the full spelling of the word where the translation may be found.

Example from page 4:

Headword Translation
abbrev barbie *see barbecue no translation - translation is found at the entry

Common present and past tense verb forms

Commonly used irregular present and past tense verb forms have been included in the body of the
dictionary as they may not be recognised by the student as a derivative of the base form. These
are not translated however and indicate the base form where the translation may be found.

Examples from page 2:

Headword Translation
prt v am *see be no translation - translation is found at the entry
prt v are *see be no translation - translation is found at the entry


Six appendices have been included and may be found at the end of the word list. These are:

1. numerals and ordinals

2. common countries/states and their adjectival forms
3. common irregular verbs showing the base form, past tense and past participle forms
4. times in analog and 24 hour format
5. days of the week/months of the year/units of time
6. weights and measures.

These appendices have not been translated.

Parts of speech

Parts of speech are abbreviated and found in the left hand column of the English text in the
dictionary. Other descriptors such as colloquialism are also abbreviated. A full list of abbreviations
used is shown below.

Abbreviations used in this dictionary

Abbreviation Meaning
abbrev abbreviation
adj adjective
adv adverb
colloq colloquialism
colloq phr colloquial phrase
conj conjunction
det determiner
int interjection
n noun
phr v phrasal verb
prep preposition
pron pronoun
prt v present tense verb form
pt v past tense verb form
v verb

a – afterwards
det a/an un/una
n ability habilidad
v 1. be able to poder
adj 2. talented capaz
n Aboriginal person aborigen
adv 1. approximately aproximadamente
prep 2. concerning acerca de
prep 1. over arriba
phrase 2. the example above más arriba
adj absent ausente
adv absolutely absolutamente
n accent acento
v accept aceptar
adj acceptable aceptable
n accident accidente
adj accidental accidental
v accompany acompañar
n account cuenta
v ache doler
v achieve lograr
n achievement logro
prep across al otro lado de
v act actuar
n activity actividad
n actor actor/a
v add agregar
n addition adición
n address dirección
n adjective adjetivo
v 1. tell the truth about admitir
v 2. allow to enter admitir
v adopt (take on) adoptar
n adult adulto
n advantage ventaja
n adventure aventura
n adverb adverbio
n advice consejo
n aerobics aerobismo
n aeroplane aeroplano
v afford permitirse
adj afraid tener miedo
prep after después
n afternoon tarde
adv afterwards después

again – argue

adv again (one more time) otra vez

prep 1. next to contra
prep 2. anti contra
n age edad
adv ago hace
v agree estar de acuerdo
n 1. help ayuda
v 2. help ayudar
v aim (try) intentar
n air aire
n airport aeropuerto
adj all (every) todos/as
v allow permitir
adv alone solo/a
adv aloud en voz alta
n alphabet alfabeto
adv already ya
adv also (too) también
conj although aunque
adv altogether totalmente, completamente
adv always siempre
prt v am *see be soy/estoy
n ambulance ambulancia
n amount cantidad
n amphibian anfibio
v analyse (study) analizar
conj and y
n angle (mathematical usage) ángulo
adj angry enojado/a
n animal animal
n ankle tobillo
adj annual anual
n 1. reply respuesta
v 2. reply responder
adj any cualquier
adv anymore más
pron anyone alguien
pron anything algo
adv apart (separate) aparte
n apology disculpa
v appear (come into view) aparecer
n apple manzana
n appointment cita
prt v are *see be
n area área, superficie
v argue discutir

argument – autumn

n argument discusión
v arise surgir
n arm (part of body) brazo
n army ejército
prep around alrededor
v 1. put in order ordenar
v 2. make plans organizar
v arrest (take into custody) arrestar
v arrive llegar
n arrow flecha
n art arte
n artist artista
adv as (to such a degree) tanto
n ash ceniza
adj ashamed avergonzado/a
v ask preguntar
v assemble reunir, armar
n assembly reunión
n assignment (for school) tarea/deberes
v assist asistir
n assistant asistente
prep at en
pt v ate *see eat
n athletics atletismo
phrase athletics carnival campeonato de atletismo
n atom átomo
v attach adjuntar
n 1. fight ataque
v 2. fight atacar
n 1. try prueba, intento
v 2. try probar
v attend asistir
n attendance asistencia
n attention atención
v attract atraer
adj attractive atractivo/a
n aunt tía
abbrev Aussie *see Australian
n Australia australiano/a
adj Australian australiano/a
n Australian flag bandera australiana
n Australiana (literatura y objetos típicos de Australia)
n author autor/a
n autumn otoño

average – basketball

n 1. arithmetical mean promedio
adj 2. ordinary típico/a, tipo, normal, ordinario/a
v avoid evitar
adj awake despierto/a
adv away lejos
prep away from lejos de
adj awful espantoso
pt v awoke *see awake
n axe hacha

n baby bebé
n 1. body part espalda
adv 2. opposite front atrás
phrase 3. give it back devolver
n backbone columna vertebral
n background fondo, antecedentes
n backpack mochila
n backyard patio
adj bad malo/a
n badminton bádminton
n bag bolsa
v bake hornear
v balance balance, equilibrio
n balcony balcón
adj bald calvo/a, pelado/a
n 1. toy pelota
colloq phr 2. have a ball (good time) divertirse mucho, pasarlo en grande
n balloon globo
n banana banana
n band (music group) banda
n bangle pulsera
n bank banco
n 1. place to drink bar
v 2. stop from something prohibir
n 3. metal rod barra
n barbecue barbacoa, parrillada
abbrev barbie *see barbecue
adj bare descubierto/a, desnudo/a
n barrier barrera
n base (bottom) base
n basin (wash) lavabo, pileta
n basket canasta, cesto
n basketball baloncesto, básquetbol

basketball court – bid

n basketball court cancha de básquetbol

n 1. sporting equipment bate
n 2. animal murciélago
n bath baño, bañera
n bathroom baño, cuarto de baño
n battle batalla
n bay (inlet) bahía
abbrev BBQ *see barbecue
v be ser
n beach playa
n beach towel toalla de playa
n beach umbrella sombrilla de playa
n beak descanso, pausa
n 1. ray of light rayo
n 2. wooden plank viga
n bean frijol, judía, poroto
n beard barba
v 1. win ganar
v 2. hit golpear
n 3. rhythm ritmo
adj beautiful hermoso/a
pt v became *see become
conj because porque
v become volverse, convertirse
n bed cama
n bedroom dormitorio
n bee abeja
n beef carne de vaca, bife
pt v began *see begin
v begin comenzar
n beginner principiante
v behave comportarse
n behaviour comportamiento
prep behind atrás
n bell campana
v belong pertenecer
n belt cinturón
n bench banco
v bend doblar
pt v bent *see bend
adj best el/la mejor
v bet apostar
adj better mejor
prep between entre
n bicycle bicicleta
v bid ofrecer, hacer una oferta

big – boat

adj big grande

abbrev bike *see bicycle
n 1. money billete
n 2. account cuenta
n 3. of a bird pico
n bird ave, pájaro
n 1. act of being born nacimiento
phrase 2. date of birth fecha de nacimiento
n birthday cumpleaños
n biscuit galleta, galletita
n 1. small piece pedazo, trozo
phrase 2. a little bit un poquito
pt v 3. *see bite
v bite morder, picar
adj black (colour) negro/a
n blackboard pizarra
n blade hoja
n 1. censure culpa
v 2. lay responsibility with culpar
adj blank en blanco
n blanket manta, frazada
v bleed sangrar
pt v blew *see blow
adj 1. unable to see ciego/a
n 2. window covering persiana
n blindness ceguera
n 1. child's toy cubo
v 2. stop from doing something bloquear, impedir
phrase 3. a block away a una manzana desde aquí
phrase 4. block of flats edificio de apartamentos
adj blond rubio/a
n blood sangre
adj bloody ensangrentado/a, sangriento/a
n 1. hit golpe
v 2. pertaining to wind soplar
phr v 3. blow up estallar
adj 1. colour azul
colloq 2. sad triste, deprimido/a
n board (stiff material) tabla
n board game juego de mesa
n boat bote

body – break

n body cuerpo
v boil hervir
adj 1. as typeface negrita
adj 2. daring audaz
n bomb bomba
n bone hueso
n book libro
n bookshelf estante
n boomerang bumerang
n 1. of car maletero
n 2. footwear bota
n 1. as of country, state frontera
n 2. edge borde
adj bored aburrido/a
adj boring aburrido/a, aburridor
v borrow pedir prestado
n 1. person in charge jefe
v 2. tell what to do mandonear
adj both ambos
v bother molestar
n bottle botella
n 1. body part trasero
n 2. lower edge fondo, de más abajo
pt v bought *see buy
v bounce rebotar
n bowl bol, tazón
n box caja
n boy niño, nene, muchacho
abbrev bra *see brassiere
n brain cerebro
n 1. of tree rama
v 2. separate bifurcarse, ramificarse
n brassiere sostén, corpiño, soutien
adj brave valiente
adv bravely valientemente
n bread pan
n breadth anchura, ancho
n 1. pause descanso, pausa
v 2. opposite of fix romper
phr v 3. break down (as in car) estropearse, descomponerse
phr v 4. break down (as health) debilitarse, enfermarse

breakfast – bus stop

phr v 5. break in (as housebreak) entrar (para robar)

phr v 6. break up (for holidays) las clases terminan
n breakfast desayuno
n breath aliento
v breathe respirar
v breed criar, producir
n brick ladrillo
n bridge puente
adj 1. shiny brillante
adj 2. clever inteligente
v brighten iluminar, alegrar
adj brilliant brillante
v bring traer
adj broad amplio/a, ancho/a
n broccoli brócoli
pt v broke *see break
colloq broke (penniless) estar pelado, estar en la ruina
phrase broken arm brazo quebrado
n brother hermano
pt v brought *see bring
n brush cepillo, pincel
n bucket balde, cubo
v build construir
pt v built *see build
n bulb (electric light) bombita, bombilla
n bullet bala
n 1. person who harasses others (que acosa, intimida), peleador/a
v 2. harass victimizar, acosar, hostigar
n 1. group grupo, montón
phrase 2. bunch of flowers ramo de flores
n 1. injury caused by fire quemadura
v 2. be on fire quemarse
v burst reventar
v bury enterrar
n bus autobús, bus, ómnibus
n 1. outback campo, interior, monte
n 2. small tree arbusto
n 1. company negocio
colloq phr 2. mind your own business no te metas en lo que no te importa
n bus stop parada de autobús

bust – cardboard

colloq 1. break romper
n 2. female body part busto
adj busy ocupado/a
conj but pero
n butcher carnicero
n button botón
v buy comprar
prep by por

n cabbage repollo, col
n cable cable
n cafe café, cafetería
n cage jaula
n cake pastel, torta
v calculate calcular
n calculator calculadora
n calendar calendario
v 1. name llamar, llamarse
n 2. as for phone llamar
phr v 3. call for pedir, requerir
phr v 4. call off suspender
phr v 5. call out llamar
adj 1. peaceful calmo/a, calmado/a
phr v 2. calm down calmar, calmarse
pt v came *see come
n camera cámara
v camp acampar
v 1. able to poder
n 2. steel container lata
n candle vela
n canteen (tuck shop) cantina
n 1. headwear gorro, gorra
n 2. top tapa
n 1. important location capital
phrase 2. capital letter mayúscula
n capsicum pimiento, ají, morrón
n capsule cápsula
n captain capitán
n car coche, auto, automóvil
n card tarjeta
n cardboard cartón

care – chalk

v care cuidar
adj careful cuidadoso/a
adv carefully cuidadosamente
n carnival carnaval, campeonato
n carrot zanahoria
v 1. take llevar
phr v 2. carry on (keep going) seguir, continuar
n 1. bag maleta, valija
phrase 2. just in case por si acaso
n cash dinero en efectivo
phrase 1. audio cassette audiocassette, cinta de audio
phrase 2. video cassette videocassette, videocinta
n 1. of a play reparto, elenco
v 2. throw arrojar, lanzar
n castle castillo
adj casual ocasional, informal, de sport
n cat gato
phrase 1. catch a train tomar
phrase 2. catch a cold resfriarse
colloq phr 3. catch on (understand) darse cuenta, caer
phr v 4. catch up (reach) alcanzar, ponerse al día
pt v caught *see catch
n 1. reason causa
v 2. make happen causar
n cave cueva
abbrev CD *see compact disc
n ceiling techo, cielo raso
n cell célula, celda
n cent centavo
adj central central
central processing unit
n 1. pertaining to computer unidad central de proceso
abbrev 2. CPU
n centre centro
n century siglo
n cereal cereal
n ceremony ceremonia
adj certain seguro, cierto/a
adv certainly por cierto, desde luego
n chain (jewellery) cadena
n chair silla
n chalk tiza

chance – cigarette

n chance oportunidad
n 1. money cambio, vuelto
v 2. alter cambiar
phrase 3. change one's mind cambiar de parecer
phrase 4. change clothes cambiarse de ropa
adj changeable cambiante
n change room vestuario
n channel canal
n chapter capítulo
n character (literary) personaje
n 1. cost precio
v 2. as for battery cargar
phr v 3. in charge a cargo
v chase perseguir
adj cheap barato/a
v cheat hacer trampas, engañar
v check revisar, comprobar
n cheek (body part) mejilla
colloq cheeky (naughty) pícaro/a
v 1. make happy alegrar
n 2. sound expressing enthusiasm hurra, viva
n chemist farmacéutico, químico
n cheque cheque
n cherry cereza
n chess ajedrez
n chest pecho
n chewing gum goma de mascar
n 1. animal pollo
colloq 2. not brave gallina, miedoso
n child niño/a
adj childish infantil
n chin mentón, barbilla
n 1. hot variety papas/patatas fritas
n 2. cold crisps papas chip, patatas fritas (de bolsa)
n chocolate chocolate
n choir coro
v choose elegir
n 1. meat cut chuleta
v 2. cut cortar
pt v chose *see choose
n church iglesia
n cigarette cigarrillo

cinema – coin

n cinema cine
n circle círculo
adj circular circular
n circumference circunferencia
n city ciudad
n 1. assertion afirmación
v 2. assert afirmar, sostener
n 1. loud noise ruido, estampido
v 2. show appreciation aplaudir
n class (group of students) clase
n classmate compañero/a de clase
n classroom aula, salón de clase
phrase classroom block edificio (de aulas)
n claw garra
n clay arcilla
v 1. remove dirt limpiar
adj 2. opposite dirty limpio/a
adj clear claro/a
adj clever inteligente
n cliff precipicio, acantilado
v climb subir, trepar
v cling aferrarse, adherirse
n clock reloj
v 1. shut cerrar
adj 2. near cerca
adj closed cerrado/a
n cloth tela, paño
n clothes ropa
n clothes line tendedero
n clothing ropa
n cloud nube
adj cloudy nublado/a
n 1. group of people club
n 2. implement garrote, palo
n clue pista
n coal carbón
n coast costa
adj coastal costero/a
n coat abrigo
n cockatoo cacatúa
n coconut coco
n coffee café
n coin moneda

cold – concern

n 1. illness resfrío
adj 2. opposite hot frío/a
adj cold-blooded a sangre fría, desalmado
n collar cuello, collar
v collect juntar, coleccionar, recoger
n collection colección
n college colegio, escuela
n 1. hue color
v 2. make colourful pintar, colorear
adj colourful colorido/a
n 1. hair accessory peine
v 2. do one’s hair peinar
v 1. move towards venir
phr v 2. come from venir de, ser de
phr v 3. come out (as in sun) salir
colloq phr 4. Come on! (Let’s go.) ¡Vamos!
adj comfortable cómodo/a
n comic cómico
n comic strip tira cómica, historieta
v command ordenar
adj common común
n commonsense sentido común
n communication comunicación
n community comunidad
n compact disc disco compacto
n company (business) compañía
v compare comparar
n compass brújula
n compasses (geometry compás
v compete competir
n competition competencia
v complain quejarse
n complaint queja
v 1. finish completar
adj 2. finished completo/a
v complicate complicar
adj complicated complicado/a
n complication complicación
n composer compositor
n composition composición
n computer computador/a
n concern preocupación, inquietud

concerned – couple

adj concerned preocupado/a

n concert concierto
n condition condición
n cone (geometrical shape) cono
v confuse confundir
v congratulate felicitar
v connect conectar
n connection conexión
adj conscious consciente
v consider considerar
phr v consist of consistir en
n consonant consonante
v contain contener
n container recipiente, contenedor
n contents (as of a book) contenido
v continue continuar
n 1. difference contraste
v 2. find differences contrastar
v control controlar
n conversation conversación
n 1. person convicted of a crime presidiario, convicto
v 2. find guilty of a crime condenar
v cook cocinero
adj 1. opposite warm fresco/a
colloq 2. trendy estar en la onda
n 1. imitation copia
v 2. imitate copiar
n corner esquina
v 1. make right corregir
adj 2. right correcto/a
n corridor corredor
v cost costar
n cotton algodón
n cotton wool lana
n 1. the act or sound of coughing tos
v 2. expel air from the lungs toser
n council consejo, ayuntamiento
n counsellor concejal
n 1. political division país
n 2. opposite city campo
n couple pareja

courage – crush

n courage coraje
adj courageous valiente
n 1. set of lessons curso
n 2. way to go curso, camino
phrase 3. of course (naturally) por supuesto
n court (as tennis court) cancha
n cousin primo/a
n 1. outside of a book tapa, cubierta
v 2. put cover on something tapar
n coward cobarde
n crab cangrejo
v crack romper, rajar
n 1. vessel embarcación
n 2. handiwork artesanía
n 1. collision choque
v 2. shatter estrellarse
adj crazy loco/a
n creature animal, criatura
n creek arroyo
v creep arrastrarse
n crescent (shape) media luna
n 1. insect grillo
n 2. sport críquet
n 1. person who commits crime delincuente
adj 2. against the law penal, delictivo, criminal
n crocodile cocodrilo
adj crooked torcido/a
n crops cultivos
n 1. a symbol of two cruz
intersecting lines
adj 2. angry enojado/a
v 3. move from one side to another cruzar
phr v 4. cross out (delete) tachar
n crossword crucigrama
n crowd gentío, muchedumbre
adj crowded lleno/a, muy concurrido
adj cruel cruel
v 1. flatten aplastar
colloq 2. a liking for someone estar loco por

cry – darkness

n 1. loud utterance grito
v 2. weep llorar
n cube cubo
n cucumber pepino
n cupboard armario
v cure curar
adj curious curioso/a
n 1. ringlet of hair rulo, rizo
v 2. form curls rizar, enrular
n currency (money) moneda
adj 1. topical actual
n 2. moving water corriente
n curtain cortina
n curve curva
n custom costumbre
n customer cliente
v cut cortar
adj cute mono/a, amoroso/a
v 1. ride ir en bicicleta
n 2. circular event ciclo
n cylinder cilindro

abbrev dad *see father
abbrev daddy *see father
adj daily diario
n 1. injury daño
v 2. cause injury dañar
adj damp húmedo/a
n damper (type of bread) damper
n 1. social gathering for dancing baile
v 2. rhythmical movement bailar
n danger peligro
adj dangerous peligroso/a
adj daring osado/a, audaz
adj 1. opposite light oscuro/a
adj 2. opposite fair moreno/a
n darkness oscuridad

date – dependable

n 1. calendar fecha
n 2. fruit dátil
n daughter hija
n day día
adj dead muerto/a
adj deaf sordo/a
n 1. amount mucho, bastante
v 2. give out dar, repartir
n death muerte
n debt deuda
n 1. decomposition descomposición
v 2. rot descomponerse, pudrirse
v deceive engañar
v decide decidir
n decimal decimal
n decision decisión
n deck (of house) terraza
v declare declarar
n 1. diminution disminución
v 2. become smaller in number disminuir, decrecer
adj deep profundo/a
n 1. loss derrota
v 2. beat derrotar
v define definir
n 1. of temperature grado
n 2. amount grado
n 1. hold up demora
v 2. put off till later demorar, retrasar
abbrev deli *see delicatessen
n delicatessen fiambrería
n delight placer, deleite
adj delightful encantador/a, precioso/a
v deliver entregar
n 1. urgent requirement exigencia
v 2. ask for with authority exigir
v demonstrate demostrar
n demonstration demostración
n dentist dentista
v depend depender
adj dependable confiable, serio/a, formal

dependant – discussion

adj dependant dependiente

n depth profundidad
v descend descender
v describe describir
n description descripción
n 1. hot, dry place desierto
v 2. leave desertar, abandonar
v deserve merecer
n 1. longing deseo
v 2. wish for desear
n desk escritorio
v destroy destruir
n destruction destrucción
n 1. minute part detalle
v 2. describe fully detallar
n detective detective
n detention (pertaining to school) quedarse castigado después de clase
v dial discar, marcar
n diameter diámetro
n 1. precious stone diamante
adj 2. shape rombo
n diary diario, agenda
n dictionary diccionario
pt v did *see do
n didgeridoo didgeridoo
v die morir
n diet dieta
adj different diferente
adj difficult difícil
v dig cavar
n dingo dingo
n dinner cena
n dinosaur dinosaurio
n direction dirección
n dirt suciedad
adj dirty sucio/a
v disagree no estar de acuerdo, discrepar
n disagreement desacuerdo
n disc (round, flat object) disco
n disco discoteca
v discover descubrir
n discovery descubrimiento
v discuss discutir, hablar de
n discussion discusión, deliberación

disease – drop

n disease enfermedad
n dish plato, fuente
n dishwasher (appliance) lavaplatos, lavavajillas
n disk (of computers) disco
n disk drive unidad de disco
v dislike desagradar, no gustar
v dismiss despedir, descartar
n distance distancia
v disturb perturbar, molestar
v dive zambullirse
v divide dividir
n division división
v divorce divorciar
v 1. perform hacer
phrase 2. What does she do? ¿Qué hace ella? ¿A qué se dedica?
(what's her job?)
phrase 3. How do you do? (greeting) Mucho gusto. Encantado.
n doctor doctor/a
n document documento
n dog perro
n dollar dólar
n door puerta
v double doblar, duplicar
n 1. uncertainty duda
v 2. hesitate to believe dudar
v drag arrastrar
n dragon dragón
pt v drank *see drink
v draw dibujar, retirar
n drawer cajón
n 1. images during sleep sueño
v 2. imagine soñar
pt v dreamt *see dream
n 1. woman's clothing vestido
v 2. to put on clothing vestirse
pt v drew *see draw
n 1. beverage bebida
v 2. swallow liquid beber
v drive manejar, conducir
n driveway entrada (para coches)
n 1. small amount of water gota
v 2. let fall caerse, tirar

drought – email

n drought sequía
pt v drove *see drive
v drown ahogarse
n drug droga, fármaco
n drum tambor
n drunk (person who drinks borracho/a, ebrio/a
too much alcohol)
adj dry seco/a
pt v dug *see dig
adj dumb tonto/a, bobo/a
prep during durante
n 1. dirt polvo
v 2. clean of dirt quitar el polvo, sacudir
n duster trapo del polvo, plumero
n duty (something you must do) deber

n eagle águila
n ear oreja
adj early temprano/a
v earn ganar
n earring pendiente
n earth tierra
n east este
adj easy fácil
v eat comer
n echidna puercoespín australiano
n edge borde
v edit corregir, publicar, editar
n education educación
n effect efecto
n effort esfuerzo
n egg huevo
adj either o, ni
n elastic elástico
n elbow codo
adj 1. older than mayor que
n 2. older person persona mayor, anciano/a
n election elección
n electrician electricista
n electricity electricidad
n 1. Internet letter correo electrónico, email
v 2. send an Internet letter enviar por correo electrónico

embarrass – excellent

v embarrass avergonzar
adj embarrassed dar vergüenza, avergonzado/a
n emergency emergencia
n emigrant emigrante
n emotion emoción
v employ emplear
n employee empleado/a
n employer empleador, patrón
n employment empleo
adj empty vacío/a
n emu emú
v encourage alentar
n 1. termination fin
v 2. finish finalizar
n enemy enemigo/a
adj 1. busy ocupado/a
adj 2. soon to be married comprometido/a
n engine motor
v enjoy disfrutar
adj enormous enorme
adj enough suficiente
v enquire preguntar, averiguar
v enter entrar, ingresar
v entertain entretener, invitar, agasajar
n entertainment entretenimiento, diversión
n entrance entrada
n entry entrada
n envelope sobre
n environment medio ambiente
adj equal igual
n equator ecuador
n equipment equipo
n 1. an act of escaping escape
v 2. get away escapar
adv even (divisible by two) par
n evening tarde, noche
n event evento
adj every cada
abbrev exam *see examination
n examination examen
n 1. illustration ejemplo
abbrev 2. e.g.
adj excellent excelente

exchange – factory

n 1. act of exchanging intercambio
v 2. give up for an equivalent intercambiar
v excite excitar, entusiasmar
adj excited excitado/a, entusiasmado/a
n excitement excitación, entusiasmo
adj exciting excitante, emocionante
n excursion excursión
n 1. justification excusa
v 2. pardon disculpar, perdonar
int 3. Excuse me! Con permiso. Permiso. Perdón.
n 1. physical work ejercicio
n 2. class work ejercicio
n 3. exercise book cuaderno
n 1. way out salida
v 2. go out salir
v expect esperar
adj expensive caro/a
n 1. thing undergone experiencia
v 2. undergo experimentar
n 1. science trial experimento
v 2. try something experimentar
v explain explicar
n explanation explicación
v explode explotar
v explore explorar
adj 1. fast expreso
v 2. say expresar
n 1. on face expresión
n 2. in words expresión
adj extra extra
n eye ojo
n eyebrow ceja

n 1. part of body cara
phrase 2. face the front mirar hacia el frente
colloq phr 3. Face it! (believe it) ¡Sé realista!
n fact hecho
n factory fábrica

fade – fence

v fade desvanecerse
v fail fallar
adj 1. not dark tenue
v 2. become unconscious desmayarse
adj 1. just justo/a
adj 2. light claro/a
adv fairly (quite) bastante
n fairy hada
v fall caer
adj false falso/a
adj familiar familiar
n 1. kin familiar, pariente
n 2. family tree familia
adj famous famoso/a
n 1. great admirer fan, hincha
n 2. equipment to blow air ventilador
adj far lejos
n fare (cost for trip) pasaje
n farm granja
n fashion moda
adj fashionable de moda
adv 1. quick rápido/a, veloz
adv 2. forward in time adelantado
v 3. go without food ayunar
v fasten sujetar
adj fat gordo/a
n father padre
n fault culpa, defecto
n favour favor
adj favourite favorito/a
n fax fax, facsímil
n 1. feeling of impending danger miedo
v 2. be afraid temer, tener miedo
n feather pluma
v feed alimentar, dar de comer
v 1. as emotion sentir
v 2. touch tocar, palpar
pt v fell *see fall
pt v felt *see feel
adj female (of gender) femenino/a
n fence cerco, cerca

ferry – flashing

n ferry ferry
n festival festival
n fever fiebre
adj few pocos/as
n 1. where sport is played cancha
n 2. open land campo
adj fierce feroz
n 1. battle pelea
v 2. engage in battle pelear
n 1. number cifra
n 2. person personaje, figura
phr v 3. figure out (understand) entender, descifrar
v fill llenar
n film película, filme
adj final final
v find encontrar
adj 1. not raining bueno, buen tiempo
adj 2. opposite thick fino/a
adj 3. well (healthy) muy bien
n finger dedo
n 1. end point final
v 2. end terminar
v 1. cease to employ echar, despedir
v 2. shoot disparar
n 3. something burning fuego, incendio
n fireworks fuegos artificiales
adv first primero/a
n first aid primeros auxilios
n 1. water creature pez
v 2. catch fish pescar
n fishing rod caña de pescar
adj 1. healthy en forma, sano/a
n 2. size caber, encajar, quedar bien
phrase 3. fit in with (match well) concordar, corresponder, encajar
v fix arreglar
n flag bandera
n flame llama
n flash (bright light) flash, destello
adj flashing intermitente

flat – form

n 1. dwelling apartamento
adj 2. shape plano/a, chato/a
n flavour sabor
pt v flew *see fly
n flight vuelo
v float flotar
n flood inundación
n 1. part of a room piso
n 2. level of a building piso
n floppy disk disco (blando)
v flow fluir
n flower flor
abbrev flu *see influenza
n 1. insect mosca
v 2. move through the air volar
n fog (weather condition) niebla, neblina
adj foggy nebuloso/a
v fold doblar
n folder carpeta
v follow seguir
n font fuente, font
n food comida, alimento
n fool tonto/a
adj foolish tonto/a
n foot pie
n football fútbol
n footwear calzado
phrase 1. for us para nosotros
phrase 2. for NSW para NSW
phrase 3. for $5 por $5
n 1. strength fuerza
v 2. impose on forzar
adj foreign (not native) extranjero/a
n foreigner extranjero/a
n forest bosque
pt v forgave *see forgive
v forget olvidar, olvidarse
v forgive perdonar
pt v forgot *see forget
n fork tenedor
n 1. paper you fill in formulario
v 2. make formar

fortnight – funeral

n 3. shape forma
n fortnight quincena, quince días
adj fortunate afortunado/a
adv fortunately afortunadamente
n 1. large amount of money fortuna
n 2. luck suerte
pt v fought *see fight
pt v found *see find
n fountain fuente
n fraction fracción
n frame marco
adj 1. costing nothing gratis
adj 2. unoccupied libre, desocupado/a
v 3. let go liberar
n freedom libertad
v freeze congelar, congelarse
n freezer (appliance) congelador
adj frequent frecuente
adj fresh fresco/a
abbrev fridge *see refrigerator
n friend amigo/a
adj friendly simpático/a, agradable
n fright susto
v frighten asustar
phrase 1. from Sydney desde Sydney
phrase 2. from my grandmother de mi abuela
phrase 3. from $10 desde $10
adj 1. opposite back frente
prep 2. in front of enfrente
n front door puerta del frente
n front steps escalera/escalones del frente
v frown fruncir el ceño
pt v froze *see freeze
n fruit fruta
adj 1. opposite empty lleno/a
adj 2. not hungry lleno/a
n full stop (punctuation mark) punto
n 1. mirthful amusement diversión, divertido
colloq phr 2. make fun of (ridicule) reírse de
n funeral funeral

funny – girl

adj 1. humorous cómico/a, gracioso/a
adj 2. strange raro/a, extraño/a
n fur piel
n furniture muebles
adj further más, aún más
n future futuro

v gamble jugar, apostar
n game juego
n gaol *see jail
n gap espacio, brecha
n garage (of house) garaje
n garden jardín
n garlic ajo
n gas gas
n gate verja, entrada
v gather juntar, recoger
pt v gave *see give
adj 1. happy alegre
adj 2. homosexual homosexual, gay
n gender género, sexo
adj 1. usual general
n 2. rank in army general
adv generally generalmente
n generosity generosidad
adj generous generoso/a
adj gentle dulce, delicado/a, tierno/a
v 1. become ponerse, volverse
v 2. receive recibir
v 3. possess tener
v 4. arrive llegar
v 5. obtain conseguir, obtener
phr v 6. get on with (like) llevarse bien con
phr v 7. get out (leave) salir
phr v 8. get together (meet) reunirse
phr v 9. get up (arise) levantarse
phr v 10. get rid of (dispose of) deshacerse de
n 1. huge mythical being gigante
adj 2. very big gigante
n gift regalo, obsequio
n girl niña, nena, muchacha

give – grain

v 1. hand to dar
phr v 2. give in (hand in) entregar
colloq phr 3. give in (surrender) rendirse, darse por vencido
phr v 4. give out (distribute) repartir
phr v 5. give up (surrender) renunciar
phr v 6. give up (stop as for smoking) dejar
adj glad contento/a
n 1. window material vidrio
n 2. drinking vessel vaso, copa
n glasses (for eyesight) gafas, lentes, anteojos
n glove guante
v 1. move ir
phrase 2. go by bus ir en autobús
phrase 3. go out with salir con
phr v 4. go wrong salir mal, fallar
phr v 5. go on with (continue) seguir con
phr v 6. go well salir bien
phr v 7. go over (check) revisar, examinar
phr v 8. go through (check) registrar, revisar
phr v 9. go after (chase) perseguir
n god dios
n gold oro
adj golden dorado/a
adj 1. opposite bad bueno/a
phrase 2. vegetables are good for you las verduras son buenas
colloq phr 3. Good for you! (congratulations) ¡Felicitaciones! ¡Muy bien!
int 4. Good afternoon (greeting) Buenas tardes
int 5. Goodbye Adiós
int 6. Good day (greeting) ¿Que tal?
int 7. Good morning (greeting) Buenos días
int 8. Good night (farewell) Buenas noches
n 1. virtue bondad
int 2. My goodness! (expression of ¡Dios mío!
n goods artículos, mercancía, mercadería
n gossip chisme, chismorreo, cotilleo
pt v got *see get
v govern gobernar
n government gobierno
n governor gobernador
v grab agarrar, aprovechar
adv gradually gradualmente
n grain grano

grand – habit

adj grand gran, magnífico/a, fabuloso/a

n grandchild nieto/a
n granddaughter nieta
n grandfather abuelo
n grandmother abuela
n grandparent abuelo
n grandson nieto
n grape uva
n graph gráfico/a
n grass pasto
adj grateful agradecido/a
n grave grave, serio/a, tumba, sepultura
adj great gran, bárbaro/a, fabuloso/a
n greed gula, codicia
adj greedy codicioso/a, glotón/ona
adj green verde
v greet saludar
n greeting saludo
pt v grew *see grow
adj grey gris
n grief profunda pena, pesar
v grieve sufrir, lamentar, llorar
v grill (cooking) hacer a la parrilla
adj 1. total bruto/a
colloq 2. disgusting asco, ordinario/a
n 1. earth suelo
adj 2. bottom (as for ground floor) planta baja
n group grupo
phrase group of students grupo de estudiantes
v grow crecer
n grown-up persona mayor
v guard vigilar, guardar
n guardian tutor/a
v guess adivinar
n guest invitado
n 1. leader guía
v 2. show the way guiar
n guilt culpa
adj guilty culpable
n guitar guitarra
n gum tree eucalipto
abbrev gym *see gymnasium
n gymnasium gimnasio

n habit hábito, costumbre

had – have

pt v had *see have

n hail (weather condition) granizo
n hailstorm granizada
n hair cabello, pelo
n haircut corte de pelo
adj halal halal (faenado)
adj 1. equal part of medio/a
phrase 2. half-past eight ocho y media
n hall salón
n hallway pasillo, corredor
v halve partir por la mitad, dividir por dos
n hamburger hamburguesa
n hammer martillo
n 1. body part mano
n 2. hand-out repartir
phr v 3. hand in entregar
n handbag cartera
n handball handball, balonmano
n 1. thing that may be held mango, asa
v 2. touch tocar, manejar
adj handsome apuesto, buen mozo
n handwriting letra (de mano/cursiva)
v 1. suspend colgar, tender
phr v 2. hang around (loiter) vagar, andar dando vueltas
phr v 3. hang onto (hold) agarrarse
phr v 4. hang up (put receiver down) colgar
int 5. Hang on! (wait) ¡Espera!
v happen ocurrir, suceder
n happiness felicidad
adj happy feliz
n harbour puerto
adj 1. difficult difícil
adj 2. not soft duro/a
adv hardly (rarely) apenas
v harm dañar, hacer daño
n harvest cosecha
n hat sombrero
v hate odiar
v 1. own tener, poseer
phrase 2. have a headache tener dolor de cabeza
phrase 3. have dinner cenar
phrase 4. have a hair cut cortarse el pelo
phr v 5. have on (wear) vestir, tener puesto

have to – his

phr v have to (be compelled to) tener que

pron he él
n 1. body part cabeza
n 2. leader jefe, director
n headache dolor de cabeza
n heading (title) encabezamiento, título
n health salud
adj healthy sano/a, saludable
n heap (pile) montón, pila
v hear oír
pt v heard *see hear
n heart corazón
v 1. warm calentar
n 2. warmth calor
n heater (appliance) estufa, calentador, calefactor
adj heavy pesado/a
n height altura
pt v held *see hold
n helicopter helicóptero
int hello hola
n 1. aid ayuda
phrase 2. help yourself (serve yourself) sírvete
colloq phr 3. I can't help it (I have no no lo puedo evitar
control over it)
adj helpful servicial
n hemisphere hemisferio
phrase 1. ask her pregúntale (a ella)
phrase 2. her book su libro
adv here aquí
n hero héroe
v hesitate vacilar
n hexagon hexágono
int hi hola
pt v hid *see hide
v hide esconder
adj 1. tall alto/a
adj 2. as for musical note alto/a
phrase high-heeled shoe zapato de taco alto
n high school escuela secundaria, liceo
n hill cerro, colina
pron him lo, le
n hip cadera
v hire alquilar , contratar
pron his su

history – however

n history historia
v 1. strike golpear, dar un golpe
colloq 2. winner éxito
v hitch-hike hacer dedo
n hobby hobby, pasatiempo
v 1. grasp sostener, agarrar
n 2. hold-up (robbery) atraco
n 3. hold-up (delay) demora
int 4. Hold it! (stop) ¡Espera!
colloq phr 5. hold on (wait) un momento
n hole agujero
n holiday vacaciones
adj hollow hueco/a
adj holy sagrado/a
n home hogar
adj homesick echar de menos (familia, país)
n homework (school work you deberes, tarea
do at home)
n honest honesto/a
n 1. curved piece of metal gancho, percha
v 2. catch enganchar
n 1. expectation esperanza
v 2. wish esperar, desear
n horizon horizonte
n 1. animal part cuerno
n 2. car part bocina, claxon
adj horrible horrible
n horror horror, terror
n horse caballo
n hospital hospital
n host anfitrión/ona
n hostel albergue
adj 1. very warm caliente, mucho calor
colloq 2. very good muy bueno/a
n hotel hotel
n hot-plate hornalla, hornillo
n hour hora
n house casa
n housework (domestic work) tareas domésticas
adv 1. in what way cómo
colloq phr 2. how come? (why) cómo es que...
conj however sin embargo, no obstante

huge – industry

adj huge inmenso/a, enorme

adj 1. of people humano/a
n 2. human being ser humano
n humour humor
pt v hung *see hang
adj hungry tener hambre, hambriento/a
v hunt cazar
v 1. move quickly apresurarse
colloq phr 2. hurry up darse prisa, apurarse
v 1. injure hacerse daño, lastimarse
adj 2. wounded lastimado/a, herido/a
n hut cabaña, choza

pron I yo
n ice hielo
n ice-cream helado
adj ideal ideal
conj if si
adj ill enfermo/a
adj illegal ilegal
n illness enfermedad
n illustration ilustración
v imagine imaginar
adj immediate inmediato/a
adv immediately inmediatamente
n immigrant inmigrante
adj important importante
adj impossible imposible
v improve mejorar
prep 1. indicates enclosed place en
phrase 2. in Australia en Australia
phrase 3. in January en enero
phrase 4. in English en inglés
phrase 5. in pencil en lápiz
phrase 6. in love enamorado/a
phrase 7. in danger en peligro
phrase 8. in time (not late) a tiempo
v include incluir
n income ingresos
adj incorrect incorrecto/a
v increase aumentar
n index índice
adj indoor de interior
n industry industria

infect – is

v infect infectar
n infection infección
v influence influir
n influenza gripe
v inform informar
n information información
prep in front of en frente de
v inhabit habitar
n inhabitant habitante
adj 1. first inicial
n 2. first letter of name inicial
n injection inyección
v injure herir, lesionar
n injury herida, lesión
adj inner interior
adj innocent inocente
n insect insecto
v insert introducir, insertar
prep inside dentro de
v insist insistir
n 1. moment instante
adj 2. immediate instantáneo/a
adv instead en lugar de, en vez de
v instruct ordenar, dar instrucciones
n instruction instrucción, enseñanza
n instrument (musical) instrumento
n insurance seguro
adj intelligent inteligente
v intend tener la intención
n interest interés
adj interested interesado/a
adj interesting interesante
n Internet Internet
v interrupt interrumpir
n intersection intersección
n interview entrevista
prep into en, a
v introduce presentar, introducir
n introduction (of a book) introducción
v invent inventar
n invitation invitación
v invite invitar
n 1. metal hierro
n 2. household appliance plancha
v 3. as for clothing planchar
prt v is *see be

island – keyboard

n island isla
pron 1. subject el/ella
pron 2. object le, la, lo
pron its (possessive) su

n jacket chaqueta, terno, saco
n jail cárcel
n jar frasco, pote
adj jealous celoso/a, envidioso/a
n jeans vaqueros, jeans
n jet avión
n jewel piedra preciosa, joya
n jewellery joyas, alhajas
n job trabajo
v jog correr, hacer footing
n jogger persona que hace footing
v 1. unite unir
v 2. as a club hacerse socio
adj joint conjunto/a
n joke broma, chiste
n journey viaje
n joy alegría
n 1. person in court juez
v 2. make a decision about juzgar
n judgment fallo
n judo judo, yudo
n juice jugo
v jump saltar
n jumper (clothing) suéter, jersey, buzo, chomba
adv 1. only sólo
adj 2. fair justo/a

n kangaroo canguro
v 1. hold on to guardar, quedarse con
phr v 2. keep away no acercarse
phr v 3. keep going seguir
phr v 4. keep out no permitir
phr v 5. keep up continuar, mantenerse al día
colloq phr 6. The teacher kept us in El maestro nos hizo quedar después de clase
pt v kept *see keep
n key llave, tecla, clave
n keyboard teclado

keyring – large

n keyring llavero
n keyword palabra clave
v kick patear
colloq kid (child) chaval/a, cabro/a, pibe/a, botija
v kill matar
n killer asesino/a
adj 1. good hearted amable
n 2. type tipo, clase
n kindness amabilidad
n king rey
v kiss beso
n kitchen cocina
n knee rodilla
v kneel arrodillarse
pt v knelt *see kneel
pt v knew *see know
n knife cuchillo
v knit tejer
n knob botón, tirador, perilla
v knock golpear
n knot nudo
v 1. understand saber
v 2. be acquainted with conocer
phrase 3. Let me know (tell me) Avísame
n koala koala
n kookaburra kookaburra

abbrev lab *see laboratory
n label etiqueta
n laboratory laboratorio
n labour trabajo, mano de obra
v lack carecer
n lad muchacho
n ladder escalera (de mano)
pt v laid *see lay
n lake lago
n lamp lámpara
n 1. opposite of sea tierra
n 2. country país
v 3. as for plane aterrizar
n language lenguaje, idioma
n 1. body part falda
n 2. distance in a pool vuelta
adj large grande

last – less

adj 1. opposite of first último/a
v 2. endure durar
adv lastly por último
adj late (opposite of early) tarde
adv lately últimamente
adv later más tarde
v laugh reír
n laughter risa
n laundry lavadero
n law ley
n lawn césped
n lawyer abogado
v 1. as for eggs poner
v 2. put colocar
adj lazy perezoso/a, haragán/na
v 1. go first encabezar, guiar
n 2. holder for a dog correa
n leader líder, dirigente, jefe
n leadership liderazgo, dirección
n leaf hoja
v leak gotear, perder
v 1. incline inclinarse, apoyarse
adj 2. thin delgado/a, magro/a
v leap saltar
n leap year año bisiesto
v learn aprender
pt v learnt *see learn
adj least lo que menos, más mínimo/a
n leather cuero
v 1. separate from partir
n 2. time off licencia
phr v 3. leave alone dejar en paz
phr v 4. leave on dejar encendido/puesto
phr v 5. leave out omitir
pt v led *see lead
pt v left *see leave
adj left (opposite of right) izquierda
adj left-handed zurdo/a
n leg pierna
n lemon limón
v lend prestar
n length longitud
pt v lent *see lend
adv less menos

lesson – lizard

n lesson clase, lección

v 1. allow permitir
v 2. rent alquilar, arrendar
n 1. as of alphabet letra
n 2. correspondence carta
n letterbox buzón
n lettuce lechuga
adj level plano/a, parejo/a, derecho/a, nivelado/a
n liar mentiroso
n library biblioteca
n licence licencia, permiso
v lick lamer
n lid tapa
v 1. tell untruths mentir
phr v 2. lie down tenderse, acostarse
n life vida
n lifesaver salvavidas
v 1. raise levantar
n 2. elevator ascensor
n 3. car ride llevar, aventón
n 1. opposite of darkness claridad
n 2. as for electric light luz
adj 3. not dark claro/a
adj 4. not heavy liviano/a
n lighter (as for cigarettes) encendedor
n lightning relámpago
v 1. be fond of gustar
prep 2. similar to como
n limit límite
n line línea
n lip labio
n liquid líquido
n list lista
v listen escuchar
pt v lit *see light
n litter basura
adj little pequeño/a, chico/a
v 1. exist vivir, existir
adj 2. opposite of dead vivo/a
n living (job) vivir de
n living room sala, living
n lizard lagarto

load – lunch

v load cargar
n lobster langosta
n 1. person from a particular area lugareño, del lugar, de la zona
adj 2. pertaining to an area local
n location ubicación, situación, lugar
v lock cerradura
n log (wood) tronco
n lolly caramelo, dulce
adj lonely solo/a
adj 1. opposite of short largo/a
phr v 2. long for (want) anhelar, desear
phrase 3. How long?(as time) cuánto tiempo...
phrase 4. How long?(as length) de qué largo...
phrase 5. long ago hace mucho tiempo
n 1. glance mirada
phr v 2. look at mirar a
phr v 3. look after cuidar
phr v 4. look for buscar
phr v 5. look forward to estar deseando, tener ganas de
phr v 6. look up to admirar, respetar
phrase 7. look like (resemble) parecerse
adj loose holgado/a, suelto/a
v 1. opposite of find perder
v 2. opposite of win perder
phrase 3. she lost her mother perdió a su madre
(her mother died)
n loss pérdida
pt v lost *see lose
n 1. destiny suerte, destino
phrase 2. a lot of mucho/a, un montón de
adj loud fuerte, alto/a
n lounge room sala, living
n 1. passionate affection amor
v 2. feel passionate amar
adj low bajo/a
n lower case minúscula
adj loyal leal
n luck suerte
adj lucky afortunado/a
n lump bulto
n lunch almuerzo

machine – match

n machine máquina
adj 1. angry furioso/a
adj 2. insane loco/a
colloq phr 3. mad about (loves) loco por
n madam señora
pt v made *see make
n magazine revista
n magic magia
n magpie urraca
n 1. correspondence correspondencia, correo
v 2. send enviar por correo, echar (una carta)
adj main principal
v 1. manufacture hacer
phrase 2. make the bed hacer/tender la cama
phrase 3. make friends hacerse de amigos
phr v 4. make up (reconcile) hacer las paces, reconciliarse
n make-up maquillaje
adj male masculino/a
n mammal mamífero
n man hombre
v manage dirigir, administrar
n manager gerente, director, encargado
n mandarin mandarina
n mango mango
n manner (way) manera, forma
n manners (pertaining to modales
polite behaviour)
v manufacture fabricar, manufacturar
adj many muchos/as
n map mapa
n margin (of a book) margen
n marijuana mariguana, marihuana
v 1. correct corregir
n 2. numerical value for work nota
n 3. spot marca, mancha
n market mercado
n marriage matrimonio, casamiento
v marry casarse
n mat alfombrita, esterilla, colchoneta
v 1. suit hacer juego con
n 2. implement for lighting fósforo, cerilla

mate – midday

n 3. game partido, match, combate

n mate (friend) amigo/a, compañero/a
n material material
n mathematics matemáticas
abbrev maths *see mathematics
n 1. substance materia
phrase 2. What's the matter? ¿Qué pasa?
phrase 3. It matters a lot Importa mucho
v may (allowed to) poder
adv maybe quizás, puede ser
pron me mi
n meal comida
v 1. intend tener la intención, querer decir
n 2. average promedio
phrase 3. I didn't mean it (accidental) No fue mi intención. Fue sin querer.
n meaning significado
n means (resources) medios, recursos
pt v meant *see mean
adv meanwhile mientras tanto, entre tanto
v measure medir
n measurement medida
n meat carne
n meat pie pastel de carne
n mechanic mecánico
n medication medicamento, medicación
n medicine medicina, medicamento, remedio
adj medium mediano/a
v meet encontrarse con
n melon melón, sandía
v melt derretirse
n member miembro, socio/a
v memorise memorizar
n memory memoria
v mend arreglar, remendar
adj mental mental
v mention mencionar
n 1. list in restaurant menú
n 2. list on a computer menú
n mess desorden, revoltijo
n message mensaje
pt v met *see meet
n metal metal
n method método
n microscope microscopio
n microwave (oven) horno microondas
n midday mediodía

middle – moist

adj 1. central medio, del medio
n 2. centre centro, medio
adj middle-aged de mediana edad, de edad madura
n midnight medianoche
v 1. express possibility podría, podríamos
n 2. strength poder, fuerzas
n migrant emigrante, extranjero
adj mild suave, leve
n military los militares, el ejército
n milk leche
n milkbar bar lácteo
n 1. consciousness mente
phrase 2. Keep in mind tener en mente
phrase 3. Never mind (don't worry) No importa. No te preocupes.
phrase 4. I don't mind No me molesta.
phrase 5. Mind the step (be careful) Cuidado con el escalón.
pron 1. possessive mío
n 2. underground excavation mina
n mineral mineral
n minister (government) ministro
prep minus menos, de menos
n 1. unit of time minuto
adj 2. very small diminuto/a
n mirror espejo
adj miserable desconsolado/a, deprimente
v misplace perder, traspapelar
n 1. woman's title señorita
v 2. long for echar de menos, extrañar
v 3. opposite of hit fallar, errar, perder
adj missing faltante, perdido, faltar, desaparecer
n Missus mujer, doña
n Mister señor, don
n mistake error
v misunderstand entender mal, malinterpretar
v mix mezclar
n mixture mezcla
n mobile phone teléfono celular/móvil
n 1. representation modelo, maqueta
n 2. person who shows clothes modelo
adj modern moderno/a
adj modest modesto/a
adj moist húmedo/a

moment – naked

n moment momento
n money dinero
n monitor (computer) monitor
n month mes
n mood (frame of mind) humor, ánimo
n moon luna
adj moral moral
adv more más
n morning mañana
n mosque mezquita
adj most la mayoría, la mayor parte
n mother madre
n motor motor
n motor bike moto
n motor scooter motoneta, scúter
n 1. animal ratón
n 2. computer part ratón
phrase mouse button (computer) botón del ratón
n mousepad almohadilla
n moustache bigote
n mouth boca
v move mover
n movement movimiento
n movie película
abbrev Mr *see Mister
abbrev Mrs *see Missus
n Ms Sra.
adv much mucho/a
adj multicultural multicultural
n multiplication multiplicación
v multiply multiplicar
abbrev mum *see mother
n 1. unlawful killing asesinato
v 2. kill unlawfully asesinar
n muscle músculo
n mushroom hongo, seta
n music música
v must deber, tener que
pron my mi, mis
n mystery misterio

n nag rezongón/ona, gruñón/ona
n 1. body part uña
n 2. metal spike clavo
adj naked desnudo/a

name – nobody

n 1. title nombre
phrase 2. given name nombre de pila
phrase 3. family name apellido
adj narrow angosto/a
adj nasty desagradable, malo/a
n nation nación
adj nationality nacionalidad
adj native natal, nativo/a, autóctono/a
n 1. person's character carácter, naturaleza
n 2. environment naturaleza
prep near cerca, próximo/a
adv nearby cerca, cercano/a
adv nearly casi
adj neat prolijo/a, ordenado/a
adj necessary necesario/a
n neck cuello
v need necesitar
n needle aguja
n 1. film negativo/a
adj 2. opposite of positive negativo/a
v neglect desatender, descuidar
n neighbour vecino/a
adv neither ni, tampoco
n nerve nervio
adj nervous nervioso/a
n nest nido
n 1. trap red
n 2. sport equipment red
abbrev Net *see Internet
n netball (game) netball
adv never nunca
adj new nuevo/a
n newspaper diario, periódico
adv 1. after this luego, después
adj 2. following siguiente, próximo/a
phrase 3. next door al lado
adj nice amable, bueno/a, bonito/a
n night noche
n nightclub club nocturno, boîte
n night dress camisón
int 1. opposite yes no
det 2. not at all no
pron nobody nadie

nocturnal – obvious

adj nocturnal nocturno/a

v nod asentir (con la cabeza)
n noise ruido
adv noisily ruidosamente
adj noisy ruidoso/a
pron none ninguno/a
n noon mediodía
pron no-one ninguno/a
conj nor tampoco
adj normal normal
n north norte
n nose nariz
n nosebleed hemorragia nasal
adv not no
n 1. money billete
n 2. short piece of writing nota
phrase 3. take note (be careful) fíjarse, observar, notar
phrase 4. take notes tomar nota
pron nothing nada
n notice letrero, aviso
n notice board tablero de anuncios
n noun sustantivo, nombre
n novel novela
adv now ahora
adv nowadays hoy en día
adv nowhere ningún lado, ninguna parte
adj nude desnudo/a
n 1. numeral número
v 2. count contar
phrase 3. a number of un número de, varias/os
abbrev 4. no.
n nurse enfermera/o
n 1. fruit fruto seco (nuez, almendra, etc)
colloq 2. mad person chiflado/a
n nutrition nutrición

adj obedient obediente
v obey obedecer
n 1. thing objeto
n 2. aim objetivo
v 3. be against objetar
n objection objeción
v obtain obtener
adj obvious obvio/a

occasion – only

n occasion ocasión
adv occasionally ocasionalmente
n occupation ocupación
n ocean océano
adv o'clock en punto (hora)
adj 1. strange raro/a, curioso/a
phrase 2. odd number impar
prep of de
int of course por supuesto, desde luego
adv 1. away from de, desde, falta
prep 2. opposite on apagado/a (luz, TV, etc.), sin
colloq phr 3. Off you go! ¡Andando! ¡Fuera!
n offence infracción, delito
n 1. proposal oferta
v 2. present for approval ofrecer
n office oficina
n officer funcionario, oficial
adj official oficial
adv often a menudo
int oh! ¡ah!, ¡ay!
n 1. of petroleum petróleo
v 2. grease aceitar
int okay bueno, vale, okey, bien
adj 1. opposite new viejo/a
adj 2. opposite young viejo/a
n old age vejez
adj old-fashioned anticuado/a
prep 1. representing location en
adj 2. opposite off encendido/a (luz, TV, etc.)
phrase 3. on fire en llamas
phrase 4. on foot a pie
phrase 5. on time puntualmente
phrase 6. on holidays de vacaciones
phrase 7. on the left a la izquierda
phrase 8. on the right a la derecha
phrase 9. on top arriba, encima
adv 1. one time una vez
phrase 2. at once a la vez, inmediatamente
phrase 3. once a week una vez por semana
adj one un, una
n onion cebolla
adv only sólo, solamente

open – overcrowded

adj 1. opposite of closed abierto/a
phrase 2. in the open (outside) al aire libre, afuera
n opening abertura
v 1. work funcionar, actuar
v 2. carry out surgery operar
n operation operación
n opinion opinión
n opportunity oportunidad
v oppose oponerse
n opposite opuesto, contrario
adj 1. colour anaranjado/a
n 2. fruit naranja
n orchestra orquesta
n 1. numerical sequence orden
n 2. direction for a supply pedido, encargo
v 3. put in sequence ordenar
v 4. arrange supply of pedir, encargar
adj ordinary normal, común
n 1. musical instrument órgano
n 2. body part órgano
n organisation organización
v organise organizar
n origin origen
pron other otro/a
conj otherwise si no, de lo contrario
pron our nuestro/a
adv 1. opposite in fuera
prep 2. out of fuera
phrase 3. Lights out! ¡Apaguen las luces!
phrase 4. made out of hecho de
phrase 5. out of bounds zona prohibida
phrase 6. out of date vencido/a, pasado/a de moda
phrase 7. out of order no funciona, descompuesto
phrase 8. out of work sin trabajo
adv outside fuera, afuera
adj oval (shape) ovalado/a
adv 1. finished terminar
prep 2. pertaining to location sobre, encima de
phrase 3. over and over una y otra vez
phrase 4. over there allá
phrase 5. fall over caerse
adj overcrowded abarrotado/a, atestado/a

overdo – pass

v overdo exagerar, pasarse

adj overdue retraso, vencer (plazo)
n overhead projector proyector de transparencias
v overhear oír (por casualidad)
adj overnight una noche, de la noche a la mañana
adv overseas exterior, extranjero
v oversleep quedarse dormido/a
v overtake adelantar, pasar
v owe deber
phrase owing to (due to) debido a
v 1. have tener, ser dueño de
phrase 2. his own money su propio dinero
n owner dueño/a
n oxygen oxígeno

v pack empaquetar, empacar
phrase pack of cards baraja, mazo de cartas
n packet paquete
n pad (as note-pad) bloc
n paddock potrero
n page página
pt v paid *see pay
n pain dolor
v paint pintar
n painting pintura
n pair par
adj pale pálido/a
n pan cacerola, sartén, olla
n pants pantalón
n pantyhose medias (de mujer), pantimedias
n paper papel
n paragraph párrafo
adj parallel paralelo/a
n parallelogram paralelogramo
n parent padre (padre y madre)
n 1. green space parque
v 2. as a car estacionar, aparcar
n part parte
n participle (grammar) participio
adj particular particular, concreto/a, determinado/a
n partner compañero/a, socio/a
adj part-time a tiempo parcial
n party (gathering) fiesta
v 1. go by pasar
v 2. opposite of fail aprobar, salvar, pasar

passage – persuade

v 3. hand over pasar

n 4. train pass pase, abono
n passage pasaje, corredor
n passenger pasajero
n passport pasaporte
n 1. time gone by pasado
phrase 2. walk past pasar (caminando) por, pasar de largo
phrase 3. half past three tres y media
phrase 4. past tense pasado
n pasta pasta
n 1. glue pegamento, cola
v 2. stick with paste pegar
n path sendero, camino
n 1. a person under medical paciente
adj 2. calm under stress paciente
n pause pausa
n paw pata, garra, zarpa
n 1. earnings paga, salario
v 2. provide with money pagar
n pea arveja, guisante
n peace paz
adj peaceful tranquilo/a, pacífico/a
n pen lapicera, bolígrafo
n pencil lápiz
n pencil case estuche (para lápices), cartuchera
n penguin pingüino
n pentagon pentágono
n pepper pimienta
adv per cent por ciento
n percentage porcentaje
adj perfect perfecto/a
v perform actuar, desempeñar, rendir
n perfume perfume
adv perhaps quizás
n 1. school day division hora
n 2. pertaining to menstruation período, regla
n 3. amount of time período
n permission permiso
n 1. licence permiso
v 2. allow permitir
n person persona
v persuade persuadir

pet – plate

n pet animal doméstico, mascota

n petrol gasolina, nafta, bencina
abbrev phone *see telephone
n photocopy fotocopia
n 1. picture fotografía
v 2. take a picture fotografiar
n phrase frase
adj physical físico/a
n pianist pianista
n piano piano
v 1. choose elegir
colloq phr 2. pick on (bully) meterse con (victimizar)
colloq phr 3. pick up some English aprender algo de inglés
phrase 4. take your pick elige, escoge
n picnic picnic
n picture dibujo, ilustración, cuadro
n piece pedazo, trozo
n pile montón, pila
n pill píldora
n pillow almohada
n pilot piloto
n pin alfiler
n pineapple ananá, piña
n pipe pipa, tubo, cañería
n 1. shame lástima, pena
v 2. feel sorry for tener lástima
n 1. location lugar
v 2. put poner, colocar
phrase 3. take place (occur) tener lugar
phrase 4. my place (home) mi casa
n 1. field llanura
adj 2. ordinary sencillo/a, común
phrase 3. It's plain (clear) Está claro
n 1. scheme plan
v 2. organise planificar, planear
abbrev plane *see aeroplane
n planet planeta
n plant planta
n 1. resinous substance de plástico
adj 2. mouldable plástico
n plate (household item) plato

platform – pool

n 1. on station andén
n 2. for diving plataforma, trampolín
n platypus ornitorrinco
n 1. drama obra de teatro
v 2. have fun jugar
phrase 3. play a game jugar un juego
phrase 4. play a CD poner un CD
n playground patio (de recreo)
adj pleasant agradable
int please por favor
adj pleased satisfecho/a, contento/a
n pleasure placer
n plenty mucho/a
n 1. stopper tapón
n 2. electrical enchufe
phr v 3. plug in enchufar
adj 1. more than one en plural
n 2. grammar form plural
prep plus más
n 1. pouch bolsillo
n 2. pocket money dinero para gastos personales
n poem poema, poesía
n poet poeta
n poetry poesía
n 1. sharp end punta
n 2. reason razón, sentido
n 3. numerical value punto
v 4. gesture with finger indicar, apuntar
phr v 5. point out señalar
phrase 6. point of view punto de vista
v poke asomar, atizar (el fuego)
n pole poste, mástil
n police policía
n 1. substance used for shining betún, cera
v 2. make glossy lustrar
adj polite cortés, educado/a
n politics política
v pollute contaminar
n pollution contaminación
n pool (of water) piscina, charco/a

poor – preparation

adj 1. opposite rich pobre
adj 2. not very good escaso/a, pobre, insuficiente
colloq 3. pitiable pobre
abbrev pop *see popular
adj popular popular
n population población
n 1. location posición, ubicación
n 2. viewpoint on postura
adj 1. opposite negative positivo/a
adj 2. sure positivo/a
v possess poseer
n possession bien, posesión
adj possible posible
n possum zarigüeya, oposum
v post echar al correo, echar al buzón
n postage stamp sello de correos
n postcard postal
n post office oficina de correos
n poster afiche
n pot (container) maceta, olla
n potato papa, patata
n pot plant planta (en maceta)
n pouch bolsa
n powder polvo
n 1. strength poder
phrase 2. in power (in charge) ocupar el poder
adj powerful poderoso/a
phrase power point tomacorriente
adj practical práctico/a
n practice práctica
v practise practicar
n 1. approval elogio
v 2. express approval elogiar
v pray rezar, orar
n prayer oración/a
adj precious valioso/a, precioso/a
v prefer preferir
adj pregnant embarazada
n prejudice prejuicio
n 1. state government leader primer ministro (estatal)
adj 2. leading principal
n preparation preparación

prepare – progress

v prepare preparar
n preposition preposición
n prescription (doctor's) receta (médica)
n 1. gift regalo
v 2. give out regalar
adj 3. opposite absent presente
phrase 4. at present (now) actualmente
n president presidente
n 1. media prensa
v 2. push apretar, pulsar
v pretend fingir, aparentar
adj pretty bonito/a
v prevent impedir
adj previous previo/a
n price precio
v prick pinchar
n pride orgullo
adj primary primordial
n primary school escuela primaria
n prime minister primer ministro
n 1. school head director/a
adj 2. leading principal
n principle principio
v 1. of handwriting escribir con letra de imprenta
v 2. of machine imprimir
n printer (computer) impresora
n prison prisión
adj private privado/a
n prize premio
n probability probabilidad
adj probable probable
adv probably probablemente
n problem problema
v proceed avanzar, proceder
n process proceso
n procession procesión
n 1. yield productos
v 2. make producir
n product producto
n profession profesión
n professor catedrático/a, profesor/a
n profit ganancias
n program programa
n progress progreso

project – pyjamas

n project (as school project) trabajo

n 1. assurance promesa
v 2. vow prometer
n pronoun pronombre
v pronounce pronunciar
n pronunciation pronunciación
n proof prueba
adj proper correcto/a, apropiado/a
adv properly correctamente, debidamente
n property propiedad
v protect proteger
n protection protección
n 1. objection protesta
v 2. object protestar
adj proud orgulloso/a
v prove probar, demostrar
v provide proporcionar, suministrar
n pub bar
adj public público/a
n public school escuela pública
phrase public transport transporte público
v 1. tug tirar de
phr v 2. pull down (demolish) echar abajo
phr v 3. pull up (stop) levantar, subir
colloq phr 4. pull oneself together calmarse
n pump bomba, inflador
adj punctual puntual
v punish castigar
n punishment castigo
n 1. eye part pupila
n 2. school student alumno/a, discípulo/a
adj pure puro/a
adj purple morado/a, púrpura
v 1. exert force empujar
phr v 2. push in (go before your turn) colarse
v 1. place poner, colocar
phr v 2. put away (pack up) guardar
phr v 3. put off (delay) aplazar
phr v 4. put on (dress in) ponerse
phr v 5. put out (as fire) apagar
phr v 6. put up with (endure) aguantar, soportar
n puzzle rompecabezas
n pyjamas pijama

pyramid – realise

n pyramid pirámide

v qualify (make competent) habilitar, facultar
adj quality calidad
n quantity cantidad
v quarrel pelea, riña
n quarter cuarta parte, cuarto
n queen reina
n question pregunta
n queue cola
adj quick rápido/a
adv quickly rápidamente
adj quiet silencioso/a
adv quietly silenciosamente
v quit dejar, abandonar
adv quite bastante

n 1. competition carrera
n 2. ethnicity raza
v 3. compete participar en una carrera
n racism racismo
n radio radio
n radius radio
n railing reja, verja
n railway ferrocarril, vía de ferrocarril
n rain lluvia
n rain coat impermeable
v raise levantar
pt v ran *see run
pt v rang *see ring
n range gama, variedad
v rank clasificar
adj rapid rápido/a
adj rare raro, poco común
n rash (skin eruption) sarpullido, erupción
adv rather (to a certain extent) bastante, un poco
adj raw crudo/a
v 1. arrive at llegar a
phrase 2. out of reach (unobtainable) fuera del alcance
v react reaccionar
n reaction reacción
v read leer
adj ready listo/a
adj real real
v realise darse cuenta de

really – republic

adv really realmente, en realidad

adj rear parte de atrás
n reason razón
v receive (get) recibir
adj recent reciente
n recess (morning tea) recreo, descanso
colloq reckon (think or suppose) calcular, creer, opinar
v recognise reconocer
v record anotar, registrar, grabar
n 1. story genre narración
v 2. narrate narrar
v 1. get back recuperar
v 2. get better recuperar
n rectangle rectángulo
adj red rojo/a
v reduce reducir
v refer referir, remitir
n referee árbitro
n refrigerator refrigerador, heladera, nevera
n refugee refugiado/a
v refuse rehusar, rechazar
n region región
v regret lamentar
adj regular con regularidad, habitual
adv regularly regularmente
n relation (kin) pariente
n relationship relación
n relative pariente, familiar
v relax relajarse
n religion religión
v remain quedarse, seguir, continuar
n remark comentario, observación
v remember recordar
v remind recordarle a, hacerle acordar a
n reminder recordatorio
v remove quitar
n 1. payment for accommodation alquiler, arrendamiento
v 2. hire alquilar, arrendar
v repeat repetir
v replace reemplazar
v reply responder
n 1. written account informe
v 2. give an account informar
n reporter periodista, reportero/a
n republic república

request – ring

n 1. petition pedido, petición
v 2. ask for pedir, solicitar
v rescue rescatar
n 1. park reserva
v 2. keep aside reservar
n resident residente
n respect respeto, respecto
n responsibility responsabilidad
adj responsible responsable
n 1. relaxation descanso
v 2. relax descansar
n 3. remainder resto
n restaurant restaurante, restorán
n rest room baño, servicio
n result resultado
n 1. arrival back regreso, retorno
v 2. go back to volver, regresar, retornar
v 3. give back to devolver
phrase 4. return tickets boleto/billete de ida y vuelta
adj 1. opposite forward marcha atrás
v 2. go backwards dar macha atrás
v revise modificar, repasar
n 1. full circle revolución
n 2. war revolución
n reward recompensa
n rhythm ritmo
n ribbon cinta
n rice arroz
adj rich rico/a
v rid deshacerse de, quitar
v ride ir en (bicicleta, bus, etc.), ir a caballo
adj 1. opposite wrong bien, correcto/a
adj 2. opposite left derecha
adv 3. direction derecho
n 4. just claim derecho, directamente
phrase 5. all right (as for health) muy bien
phrase 6. all right (as for agreement) bueno, de acuerdo, vale
phrase 7. right now (immediately) ahora mismo
n right angle ángulo recto
n 1. jewellery anillo
v 2. as a phone llamar por teléfono

ripe – run

v 3. as a bell sonar
adj ripe maduro/a
n 1. ascent subida, ascención
v 2. get up subir, ascender
n risk riesgo
n river río
n road calle, carretera
v roar rugir
n robot robot
n rock roca
n rockpool posa
n rod varilla
pt v rode *see ride
n 1. absentee list lista
n 2. form of bread pancito, panecillo
v 3. move by turning over rodar
n roof techo, tejado
n room habitación
n root raíz
n rope cuerda
n 1. flower rosa
pt v 2. *see rise
adj rough áspero/a, rugoso/a, agreste
adj 1. circular redondo/a
phrase 2. round the corner a la vuelta de la esquina
n 1. arrangement in a line fila
n 2. fight pelea, riña
v 3. as a boat remar
adj royal real
v rub frotar
n rubber goma
n rubbish basura
adj rude maleducado/a, descortés
v ruin arruinar
n 1. regulation regla, norma
v 2. as a line trazar con una regla
v 3. govern gobernar, reinar
n ruler (school equipment) regla
v 1. move fast correr
phrase 2. a river runs into the ocean el río desemboca en el océano
phr v 3. run away from escaparse
phr v 4. run out of acabarse, quedarse sin

rung – scissors

phr v 5. run over (with a car) atropellar

n rung (of a ladder) travesaño
n runner-up segundo puesto
phrase runny nose gotear la nariz
v rush prisa, apuro

adj sad triste
adj safe seguro/a, a salvo
pt v said *see say
n 1. part of ship vela
v 2. cause movement of ship navegar
using wind
n salad ensalada
n salary sueldo, remuneración
n sale venta
n salt sal
adj same mismo/a
n sand arena
n sandal sandalia
n sandwich sándwich, emparedado, bocadillo
pt v sang *see sing
pt v sat *see sit
n satisfaction satisfacción
adj satisfactory satisfatorio/a
adj satisfied satisfecho/a
v satisfy satisfacer
n sauce salsa
n sausage salchicha
v 1. rescue salvar, socorrer
v 2. keep on computer guardar, almacenar
v 3. keep as money ahorrar
n 1. tool sierra, serrucho
pt v 2. *see see
v say decir
n 1. covering on animals escama
n 2. measuring device balanza
adj scarce escaso/a
n scarf bufanda
n scene escena
n scenery paisaje
n school escuela
n school shoe zapato escolar
n science ciencia
n scissors tijeras

score – set

n 1. points made in a game resultado, puntaje
v 2. to get points marcar, obtener (puntos)
v scream gritar
n screen pantalla
n screw tornillo
n sea mar
n seagull gaviota
n 1. the act of searching búsqueda, inspección
v 2. look for registrar, revisar
n season estación (del año)
n seat asiento
n 1. unit of time segundo
adj 2. after first segundo/a
adv secondly en segundo lugar
n 1. something hidden secreto
adj 2. unknown by others secreto/a
n section sección
v see ver
n seed semilla
v seek buscar, tratar de encontrar
adv seldom rara vez
v select seleccionar
adj selfish egoísta
v sell vender
v send enviar
n 1. one of the five faculties sentido
phrase 2. make sense (be intelligible) tener sentido
adj sensible sensato/a
pt v sent *see send
n sentence oración, sentencia
adj 1. disconnected separado/a
v 2. to keep apart separar
n sequence secuencia
n series serie
adj 1. important serio/a, en serio
adj 2. opposite of lighthearted serio/a
n servant sirviente
v serve servir
n service servicio
v 1. to put in a particular place poner, colocar
n 2. a group of things juego, conjunto

settle – short cut

phr v 3. set off (go) salir

phr v 4. set out (put in order) colocar, exponer
phr v 5. set up (prepare) preparar
v 1. to live in colonizar, poblar
phr v 2. settle on (agree on) acordar, fijar
n settlement acuerdo, pago
n settler colono
adj several varios/as
v sew coser
n sex sexo
n sexism sexismo
n shade sombra
n shadow sombra
v shake agitar, sacudir
v shall (verbo auxiliar)
adj shallow llano/a, poco profundo/a
n shame vergüenza
n shampoo champú
n shape forma
n 1. portion parte
v 2. divide up compartir, dividir
adj sharp filoso/a, afilado/a
n sharpener sacapuntas
v shave afeitar, afeitarse
pron she ella
n sheep oveja
n 1. of paper hoja
n 2. of bedding sábana
n shelf estante, repisa
n shell (of sea) concha, caparazón
n shelter refugio
v shine brillo
adj shiny brillante, lustroso/a
n ship barco
n shirt camisa
n shock choque, impacto
n shoe zapato
v shoot disparar, tirar
n 1. place to buy goods tienda, negocio
v 2. buy goods comprar
n shore orilla, costa
adj 1. opposite tall bajo/a
adj 2. opposite long corto/a
n short cut atajo, cortada

shorts – skate

n shorts (clothing) shorts

n 1. gunfire disparo, balazo
pt v 2. *see shoot
v should (verbo auxiliar)
v shout gritar
v shove empujar, meter
v 1. display mostrar
n 2. as on TV programa, show
phr v 3. show off (be pretentious) presumir de, jactarse
n 1. weather condition lluvia
v 2. wash oneself ducharse
n 3. bathroom apparatus ducha
v shrink encoger
v shut cerrar
adj shy tímido/a
adj sick enfermo/a
n sick bay enfermería
n side lado
adv sideways de costado
n sight vista
n 1. information board letrero, cartel
v 2. write one's signature firmar
n signal señal
n signature firma
n sign language lenguaje por señas, dactilología
n silence silencio
adj silent silencioso/a
n silk seda
adj silly tonto/a
n silver plata
adj similar similar
adj simple sencillo/a, simple
v sing cantar
adj single solo/a, soltero/a
n singlet camiseta
n singular (grammatical) singular
n 1. tub for washing pileta, lavabo, fregadero
v 2. go down hundirse
n Sir (respectful form of address) señor, caballero, sir
n sister hermana
v sit sentarse
v 1. glide over the ground patinar
n 2. equipment for skating patín

skateboard – so

n skateboard skateboard, patineta

n skateboarding skate, skateboarding
n ski esquí
n skiing esquí
adj skilful hábil
n skill habilidad, capacidad, experiencia
n skin piel
v 1. jump brincar, dar saltitos
v 2. pass over saltarse, saltearse
n skirt falda, pollera
n sky cielo
n slang argot, jerga
v slap dar una bofetada, abofetear
n slave esclavo
v sleep dormir
adj sleepy adormilado/a, somnoliento/a
pt v slept *see sleep
n slice rebanada
v slide deslizarse
adj slim esbelto/a, delgado/a
n sling cabestrillo, honda
v slip resbalar, resbalarse
n slipper (type of shoe) zapatilla, pantufla
adj slippery resbaladizo/a
v slit cortar, hacer un tajo
n slope cuesta, pendiente
adj 1. opposite fast lento/a
adj 2. behind time atrasado/a
adv slowly lentamente
adj small pequeño/a
adj smart (clever) listo/a, inteligente
v smash romper, hacer añicos
n 1. odour olor
v 2. inhale an odour oler
n 1. facial expression sonrisa
v 2. make facial expression sonreir
n 1. visible substance from fire humo
v 2. inhale a substance fumar
adj smooth suave, liso/a
n snack tentempié, refrigerio, comida rápida
n snake víbora, serpiente
v sneeze estornudar
n snow nieve
conj so (consequently) así que, por lo tanto

soap – sphere

n soap jabón
n soccer fútbol
n society sociedad
n sock (clothing) calcetín, media
adj 1. opposite hard blando/a
adj 2. opposite loud suave, bajo/a
adv softly suavemente, sin hacer ruido
pt v sold *see sell
adj 1. three dimensional figure sólido/a
n 2. matter that is not liquid or gas sólido
n 1. answer solución
n 2. mixture (scientific) solución
v solve resolver, solucionar
det some algunos/as
n somebody alguien
n someone alguien
adv sometimes a veces, algunas veces
n son hijo
n song canción
adv soon pronto
adj 1. painful dolorido/a
n 2. painful spot llaga, úlcera
phrase 3. sore throat dolor de garganta
adj sorry sentir, lamentar, disculparse
v sort clasificar
n soul alma
n sound sonido
n soup sopa
adj sour agrio/a, ácido/a
n south sur
n 1. outside earth's atmosphere espacio
n 2. room espacio
n spade pala
adj spare de más, de repuesto
v speak hablar
adj special especial
n speech habla, discurso
n 1. rapidity velocidad
v 2. go fast ir a velocidad
v spell deletrear
v spend gastar
pt v spent *see spend
n sphere esfera

spill – starfish

v spill derramar
v spin girar, hacer girar
n spirit (soul) espíritu
v spit escupir
v splash salpicar
v split partir, rajar
v spoil estropear, arruinar
pt v spoke *see speak
n spoon cuchara
n sport deporte
n sports oval campo de deportes
n sports shoe calzado deportivo
n 1. circular pattern lunar
n 2. sore grano
n 3. place lugar
v 4. see encontrar
v spread extender, difundir
n 1. season primavera
v 2. jump saltar, brincar
n 1. person who keeps secret espía
watch on others
v 2. watch espiar
n 1. plane figure cuadrado
adj 2. shaped as a square cuadrado/a
n staffroom sala de profesores
n stage escenario
n stair escalera
n 1. as for postage sello, estampilla
v 2. impress a mark on estampar, dejar la impronta
v 3. strike with foot dar una patada en
v 1. take upright position ponerse de pie, levantarse
phr v 2. stand back apartarse
phr v 3. stand for (signify) significar
phr v 4. stand up for (defend) defender
colloq phr 5. I can't stand it (I hate it) No lo aguanto.
n standard calidad, nivel
n 1. astral body estrella
n 2. famous actor, singer etc. estrella
adj 3. shape estrella
n starfish estrella de mar

start – stop

n 1. beginning comienzo
v 2. begin comenzar
v 1. say exponer, plantear
n 2. political division estado
n statement declaración, afirmación
n 1. of railway estación (de ferrocarril)
n 2. police station comisaría
n statue estatua
v stay quedarse, permanecer
adj steady firme, seguro/a
n steak filete, churrasco
v steal robar
n steam vapor
n steel acero
adj steep empinado/a, abrupto/a
n stem tallo
v 1. move using feet pisar, entrar, salir
n 2. stair escalón
phrase 3. watch your step (be careful) andar con cuidado
n stepbrother hermanastro
n stepfather padrastro
n stepmother madrastra
n stepsister hermanastra
v 1. fasten pegar, pegarse
n 2. piece of wood palo, vara
adj sticky pegajoso/a
adj stiff duro/a, tieso/a
adv 1. without moving quieto/a, en calma
adv 2. yet aún
v sting picar, arder
n 1. bad odour mal olor
v 2. smell very bad apestar
v stir revolver, remover, agitar
pt v stole *see steal
n stomach estómago
n stomach-ache dolor de estómago
n stone piedra
pt v stood *see stand
n 1. cessation pausa, parada
v 2. halt parar

store – suburb

n store tienda, almacén

n storey piso, planta
n storm tormenta
n story historia, cuento
n stove cocina
n stove top hornalla, quemador
adj 1. not crooked derecho/a
adj 2. not wavy or curly (of hair) lacio/a
phrase 3. straight ahead hacia delante, derecho
v straighten enderezar
v strain forzar
adj strange extraño/a
n stranger extraño/a, desconocido/a
n strawberry frutilla, fresa
n stream arroyo, riachuelo
n street calle
n strength fuerza
v 1. put emphasis on enfatizar, recalcar
n 2. tension tensión, estrés
adj strict estricto/a
v 1. hit pegar, golpear
n 2. blow golpe
phrase 3. on strike (not working) huelga
n string cordel, piolín
n strip tira, franja
v stroke acariciar
adj strong (powerful) fuerte
n struggle lucha
pt v stuck *see stick
n student estudiante, alumno/a
n 1. room of house estudio
v 2. endeavour to acquire estudiar
n 1. material cosas
v 2. push meter
adj stupid estúpido/a
n style estilo
n 1. course of study asignatura, materia
n 2. topic tema
n substance substancia
v subtract restar
n subtraction resta
n suburb barrio, suburbio

succeed – survey

v succeed conseguirlo, tener éxito

n success éxito
v suck chupar, aspirar
adj sudden repentino/a, súbito/a
adv suddenly de repente, de pronto
v suffer sufrir
n sugar azúcar
v suggest sugerir
n suggestion sugerencia
n 1. clothing traje
v 2. be appropriate convenir, venir bien, ir bien
adj suitable adecuado/a, apropiado/a
n sum (total) suma
n summer verano
n sun sol
n sunburn quemadura de sol
n sunglasses gafas/lentes/anteojos de sol
n sunhat sombrero
adj sunny soleado/a
n sunscreen filtro solar
n sunshine sol
n 1. provisions suministro, provisión
v 2. provide suministrar, abastecer
n 1. assistance ayuda, asistencia
v 2. provide assistance mantener, sustentar
v suppose (assume) suponer
adj sure seguro/a
n 1. seaswell oleaje
v 2. ride a surfboard hacer surf
n surface superficie
n surfboard tabla de surf
n surfer surfista
n 1. doctor's room consultorio
n 2. operation by doctor cirugía
n surname apellido
n 1. unexpected event sorpresa
v 2. catch unprepared sorprender
adj 3. unexpected sorpresa, sorpresivo/a
v surrender rendirse, entregarse
v surround rodear
n 1. poll encuesta, sondeo
v 2. ask questions of encuestar, hacer un sondeo

survival – tame

n survival supervivencia
v survive sobrevivir
n swagman caminante, errante
v swallow tragar
pt v swam *see swim
v 1. use bad language decir palabrotas, insultar, jurar
v 2. take oath of truth jurar
v sweep barrer
adj sweet dulce
n sweet corn maíz, choclo
n sweet potato batata, boniato, camote
v swim nadar
n swimmer nadador/a
n swimming natación
n swimming carnival campeonato de natación
n swimming costume traje de baño
v 1. sway columpiarse, hamacarse
n 2. play equipment columpio, hamaca
n 1. device for turning on/off llave, interruptor
v 2. change cambiar de, intercambiar
adj swollen hinchado/a
phrase swollen ankle tobillo hinchado
n sword espada

n 1. furniture mesa
n 2. list tabla
n table tennis ping pong
n tablet (medication) tableta
n tail cola
v 1. seize tomar
v 2. last for (as time) tomar, llevar
phr v 3. take away (mathematical) menos, restar
phr v 4. take away (remove) llevarse
phr v 5. take away (fast food) para llevar
phr v 6. take off (as clothing) quitarse
phr v 7. take off (as plane) despegar
n tale cuento, relato
n 1. conversation conversación
v 2. converse conversar
adj tall alto/a
adj tame manso/a

tan – terrific

v 1. sunbake broncearse
adj 2. colour bronceado/a, tostado/a, habano
n tank tanque
n tap (as for water) llave, grifo, canilla
v tape (record) grabar
n task tarea
v 1. sample probar
phrase 2. the food tastes good la comida sabe bien
adj tasty sabroso/a
pt v taught *see teach
n tax impuesto
n taxi taxi
n 1. beverage té
n 2. dinner cena
v teach enseñar
n teacher maestro/a, profesor/a
n teacher's aide asistente escolar
n team equipo
v 1. rip rasgar
n 2. liquid from the eye lágrima
v tease burlarse, tomar el pelo
n technology tecnología
n teenager adolescente
n 1. device for phoning teléfono
v 2. ring llamar por teléfono
n telephone booth cabina telefónica
n telescope telescopio
n 1. receiver for broadcasts televisor
abbrev 2. TV
v tell decir
n temper carácter, genio
n temperature temperatura
n temple templo
adj temporary temporal, temporario/a
n tennis tenis
n tent carpa, tienda
n 1. a period of time período, trimestre
n 2. a naming word término
adj terrible espantoso/a, terrible
adj terrific tremendo/a, genial

test – tie

n 1. examination examen, prueba
v 2. check examinar, probar
n text texto
v 1. express appreciation agradecer
phrase 2. give thanks dar gracias
int 3. thank you (polite expression gracias
of gratitude)
pron 1. indicator of person or thing ésa, ése
conj 2. used as subject of que
relative clause
det the el, la, los, las
n theatre teatro
pron their su, sus
pron them los, las, les, ellos, ellas
adv then entonces
adv there ahí, allí, allá
conj therefore por lo tanto
n thermometer termómetro
pron they ellos, ellas
adj thick grueso/a, espeso/a
n thief ladrón/ona
adj thin delgado/a
v think pensar
n thong (footwear) ojota, chancleta, sandalia
n 1. idea pensamiento
pt v 2. *see think
n 1. cotton hilo, hebra
v 2. put through eye of needle enhebrar
pt v threw *see throw
prep through (from one side por, atravesar
to another)
v throw tirar, lanzar
n thumb pulgar
n thunder trueno
n thunderstorm tormenta eléctrica
adv thus así, de este modo
v tick (indicate correctness) tildar, marcar (con un visto)
n ticket billete, boleto
n tide marea
adj tidy ordenado/a, prolijo/a
n 1. clothing corbata
v 2. fasten atar
n 3. equal place empate

tight – town

adj tight ajustado/a, ceñido/a

v tilt inclinar
n 1. measurement of duration tiempo
phrase 2. in time (not late) a tiempo
phrase 3. on time (at the appointed time) a su hora, en hora, puntualmente
phrase 4. at times a veces
phrase 5. a good time un buen rato (divertirse)
phrase 6. take your time (don't rush) tómate el tiempo que quieras,
hazlo con calma
phrase 7. What's the time? ¿Qué hora es?
phrase 8. two times four (mathematical) dos por cuatro
n timetable horario
n 1. hint consejo práctico
n 2. rubbish dump vertedero, basurero
v 3. tilt inclinarse
n 4. pointed extremity punta
phr v 5. tip over (spill) volcar, caerse
n tissue pañuelo de papel, tejido
n title título
prep to a, hacia
n today hoy
n toe dedo (del pie)
adv together juntos/as
n toilet baño, servicio
pt v told *see tell
n tomato tomate
n tomorrow mañana
n tongue lengua
pt v took *see take
n tool herramienta
n tooth diente, muela
n toothache dolor de muelas
n 1. highest point parte superior, parte de arriba
n 2. clothing blusa, suéter, etc.
n topic tema
pt v tore *see tear
n 1. complete amount total
v 2. add up sumar, totalizar
v touch tocar
n tour gira, visita, recorrido
v tow remolcar
prep towards hacia
n towel toalla
n tower torre
n town pueblo

toy – turn

n toy juguete
v trace calcar, localizar
n track (pathway) pista
n tracksuit equipo deportivo
n tractor tractor
n 1. exchange of commodities comercio
v 2. carry on trade comerciar
n traffic tráfico, tránsito
n 1. means of transport tren
v 2. practise entrenar
n 1. device for catching things trampa
v 2. catch atrapar
n trapezium trapecio
v travel viajar
v tread pisar
v treat (as a disease) tratar
n tree árbol
v tremble temblar
n triangle triángulo
phrase triangular prism prisma triangular
n tribe tribu
v trick trampa, broma, truco
v trim recortar
n 1. journey viaje
v 2. fall over tropezar
adj tropical tropical
n 1. problem problema
v 2. cause worry preocupar, inquietar
phr 3. in trouble with en problemas con
n trousers pantalón
n truck camión
adj true verdad
n trunk (as of elephant) trompa
n 1. attempt intento
phrase 2. try hard esforzarse, tratar por todos lo medios
phr v 3. try on (as for clothing) probarse
phr v 4. try out for (audition for) presentarse a (una prueba)
n T-shirt camiseta
n tub tina, bañera
n tube tubo
v 1. move around girar

twice – urge

n 2. action following someone turno

phr v 3. turn into (become) transformar, convertir
phr v 4. turn off (switch off) apagar, cerrar
phr v 5. turn on encender, abrir
phr v 6. turn up (arrive) llegar, aparecer
adv twice dos veces
v twist retorcer
n 1. kind tipo
v 2. use a machine to write escribir a máquina
n tyre neumático

adj ugly feo/a
n umbrella paraguas, sombrilla
n uncle tío
adj unconscious inconsciente
prep under debajo de
v undergo sufrir, pasar por (cambios)
adj underground subterráneo/a
v underline subrayar
adv underneath debajo de
n underpants calzoncillos
v understand entender
pt v understood *see understand
n underwear ropa interior
v undo deshacer
adj unemployed desempleado/a, desocupado/a
n uniform uniforme
n union unión
n 1. type of housing apartamento
n 2. measurement unidad
v unite unir
n universe universo
n university universidad
prep until hasta
adj unusual poco común
prep up (to a higher place) subir
prep upon (up and on) sobre, encima
adj upper superior
adj upright vertical, derecho/a, erguido/a
adj upset disgustado/a
adj upside-down al revés, cabeza abajo
adv upstairs arriba, subir
v urge exhortar, instar

urgent – wall

adj urgent urgente

pron us nos, nosotros/as
n 1. the act of using uso
v 2. employ usar
adj used (not new) usado/a

n vaccination vacuna
adj vain vanidoso/a, vano/a
n valley valle
adj valuable valioso/a
n 1. worth valor
v 2. to hold in high esteem valorar
n van (truck) camioneta, furgoneta
n variety variedad
v vary variar
adj various diversos/as
n vegetable verdura, vegetal
n vegetable garden huerta
n vegetarian vegetariano/a
n vehicle vehículo
n verandah galería, terraza, veranda
n verb verbo
adv very muy
abbrev vet *see veterinarian
n veterinarian veterinario
n video (recording) video
n view vista
n village pueblo, aldea
adj violent violento/a
n violin violín
v visit visitar
n visitor visita
n voice voz
n volleyball (game) vóleibol
n volume volumen
v vote voto
n vowel vocal
n voyage viaje, travesía

n wage salario
v wait esperar
v wake despertar, despertarse
v walk caminar
n walkway pasillo, pasaje, pasadizo
n wall pared, muro

wallaby – Web

n wallaby wallaby, ualabí

n wallet billetera
v wander pasear, deambular
v want querer
n war guerra
n waratah waratah
n wardrobe armario, ropero
adj warm (opposite cool) tibio/a
adj warm-blooded de sangre caliente
v warn advertir
n warning advertencia
pt v was *see be
v 1. clean with water lavar
phr v 2. wash up (of dishes) lavar, fregar
n washing machine (clothes) lavarropas
v 1. employ uselessly desperdiciar
n 2. rejected products desperdicio
n 1. timepiece reloj
v 2. look at mirar
phr v 3. watch out (be careful) tener cuidado
n 1. liquid agua
v 2. moisten regar
n watermelon sandía
n wattle tree acacia
n 1. swell of water ola
v 2. make a hand signal decir adiós (con la mano)
adj wavy ondulado/a
n wax cera
n 1. road camino
phrase 2. a long way quedar muy lejos
phrase 3. a good way buena forma
phrase 4. give way ceder el paso
pron we nosotros/as
adj weak débil
n wealth riquezas
adj wealthy adinerado/a
n weapon arma
v 1. erode desgastar
v 2. put on (as for clothing) vestir
n web (as for spider) tela
abbrev Web *see World Wide Web

wedding – width

n wedding boda, casamiento

n week semana
v weigh pesar
n weight peso
n 1. a kind greeting bienvenido/a
int 2. You're welcome! De nada. No hay de qué.
(polite response to thank you)
n 1. hole in earth pozo
adj 2. in good health bien
adv 3. in a satisfactory manner bien
int 4. Well! (expresses relief, pause) pues, bueno
int 5. Well done! ¡Muy bien!
pt v went *see go
pt v were *see be
n west oeste
v 1. moisten mojar, humedecer
adj 2. opposite dry mojado/a
pron what (interrogative) qué
n wheel rueda
pron when (interrogative) cuándo
conj whenever siempre que
pron where (interrogative) dónde
pron 1. what one of a number cuál, cuáles
pron 2. relative (refers to something el/la cual, los/las cuales
previously mentioned)
conj while mientras
n whip fusta, látigo
v whisper susurrar, cuchichear
v 1. make a musical sound silbar
n 2. equipment used to make silbato, pito
a sound
adj white blanco/a
n whiteboard pizarra blanca
pron 1. interrogative quién, quiénes
pron 2. relative pronoun quien
adj whole entero/a
adv why por qué
adj wicked malvado/a
adj wide ancho/a
n widow viuda
n widower viudo
n width ancho, anchura

wild – write

adj wild salvaje, silvestre

v 1. auxiliary used in future tense (verbo auxiliar)
n 2. declaration of wishes on testamento
one's death
n 3. choice of one's actions voluntad
v win ganar
n 1. movement of air viento
v 2. turn in a circular way hacer girar
colloq phr 3. wind up (finish) terminar
phr v 4. wind up (as a clock) darle cuerda
n windmill molino de viento
n window ventana
n window sill alféizar
adj windy ventoso/a
n wing ala
n winter invierno
v wipe limpiar, pasar un trapo
n wire alambre
adj wise sensato/a, sabio/a
n wish deseo
prep with con
v withdraw (as for money) retirar
n witness testigo
pt v woke *see wake
n woman mujer
n wombat wombat
pt v won *see win
v wonder preguntarse, maravillarse
n wood madera
n woodwork trabajo de carpintería
n wool lana
n word palabra
pt v wore *see wear
n 1. labour trabajo
v 2. carry out labour trabajar
v 3. be operational funcionar
phr v 4. work out (solve) resolver
n world mundo
n World Wide Web World Wide Web
v worry preocuparse
adv worse peor
n worth valor
v wrap envolver
v wring escurrir, retorcer
n wrist muñeca
v write escribir

wrong – zucchini

adj wrong (incorrect) mal, equivocado/a

pt v wrote *see write
abbrev www *see World Wide Web

n x-ray rayos X

n yacht yate
n yard patio
v yawn bostezar
n year año
adj yellow amarillo/a
int yes sí
n yesterday ayer
pron you tú, usted
adj young joven
pron your (possessive) su, sus

n zone zona
n zoo zoológico
n zucchini calabacín, zapallito

Appendix 1
Numerals and Ordinals
Symbol Numeral Ordinal
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred one hundredth
1000 one thousand one thousandth
10000 ten thousand ten thousandth
100000 one hundred thousand one hundred thousandth
1000000 one million one millionth

Appendix 2
Common Countries/States and their Adjectival Forms

Country/State Adjectival Form Country/State Adjectival Form

Afghanistan Afghani Japan Japanese

Argentina Argentinian Korea Korean

Bangladesh Bangladeshi Kosovo Kosovar

Bolivia Bolivian Kurdistan Kurdish

Brazil Brazilian Laos Laotian

Bulgaria Bulgarian Lebanon Lebanese

Cambodia Cambodian Macedonia Macedonian

Chile Chilean Malaysia Malaysian

China Chinese Nigeria Nigerian

Colombia Colombian Pakistan Pakistani

Cook Islands Cook Islanders Peru Peruvian

Croatia Croatian Philippines Filipino

East Timor East Timorese Poland Polish

Ecuador Ecuadorian Portugal Portuguese

Egypt Egyptian Russia Russian
El Salvador El Salvadorian Samoa Samoan

Eritrea Eritrean Serbia Serbian

Ethiopia Ethiopian Somalia Somalian

Fiji Fijian Sudan Sudanese

Ghana Ghanian Syria Syrian

Greece Greek Taiwan Taiwanese

Hungary Hungarian Thailand Thai

India Indian Tonga Tongan

Indonesia Indonesian Turkey Turkish

Iran Iranian Ukraine Ukrainian

Iraq Iraqi Uruguay Uruguayan

Israel Israeli Venezuela Venezuelan

Italy Italian Vietnam Vietnamese

Appendix 3

Common Irregular Verbs

Base Form Past Tense Past participle
awake awoke awoken
be was, were been
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bid bid bid
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt
drive drove driven
drink drank drunk
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held

Common Irregular Verbs (continued)

Base Form Past Tense Past participle

hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
show showed showed/shown
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Appendix 4

Analog time 24 hour time
12.00am 12 o'clock; midnight 00:00 zero zero hundred hours
1.00am 1 o'clock 01:00 zero one hundred hours
2.00am 2 o'clock 02:00 zero two hundred hours
3.00am 3 o'clock 03:00 zero three hundred hours
4.00am 4 o'clock 04:00 zero four hundred hours
5.00am 5 o'clock 05:00 zero five hundred hours
6.00am 6 o'clock 06:00 zero six hundred hours
7.00am 7 o'clock 07:00 zero seven hundred hours
8.00am 8 o'clock 08:00 zero eight hundred hours
9.00am 9 o'clock 09:00 zero nine hundred hours
10.00am 10 o'clock 10:00 ten hundred hours
11.00am 11 o'clock 11:00 eleven hundred hours
12.00pm 12 o'clock; midday; noon 12:00 twelve hundred hours
1.00pm 1 o'clock 13:00 thirteen hundred hours
2.00pm 2 o'clock 14:00 fourteen hundred hours
3.00pm 3 o'clock 15:00 fifteen hundred hours
4.00pm 4 o'clock 16:00 sixteen hundred hours
5.00pm 5 o'clock 17:00 seventeen hundred hours
6.00pm 6 o'clock 18:00 eighteen hundred hours
7.00pm 7 o'clock 19:00 nineteen hundred hours
8.00pm 8 o'clock 20:00 twenty hundred hours
9.00pm 9 o'clock 21:00 twenty one hundred hours
10.00pm 10 o'clock 22:00 twenty two hundred hours
11.00pm 11 o'clock 23:00 twenty three hundred hours
Examples of quarter and half hours (analog)

quarter to three three o'clock quarter past three half past three
2.45am or 2.45pm 3.00am or 3.00pm 3.15am or 3.15pm 3.30am or 3.30pm

Examples of quarter and half hours (24 hour time)

zero two forty five zero three hundred hours zero three fifteen zero three thirty

Appendix 5
Days of the week/Months of the year/Units of time

Days Months Units of time

Monday January 60 seconds = 1 minute
Tuesday February 60 minutes = 1 hour
Wednesday March 24 hours = 1 day
Thursday April 7 days = 1 week
Friday May 4 weeks = 1 month
Saturday June 12 months = 1 year
Sunday July 4 years = 1 leap year
August 10 years = 1 decade
September 100 years = 1 century
October 1000 years = 1 millenium

Appendix 6
Weights and measures

Weight (mass) Length Volume

1000 milligrams = 1 gram 1000 millimetres = 1 metre 1000 millilitres = 1 litre
1000 grams = 1 kilogram 100 centimetres = 1 metre 1000 litres = 1 cubic metre
1000 kilograms = 1 metric tonne 1000 metres = 1 kilometre


Australian Learners Dictionary, 1997, National Centre for English Language Teaching
and Research, Macquarie University, NSW.

Horton, D. (ed.) 1994, The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia: Aboriginal Torres

Strait Islander History, Society and Culture, vols 1-2, Aboriginal Studies Press,

The Macquarie Dictionary, 1997, 3rd edn, Macquarie University, NSW.

My First Macquarie Dictionary, 1987, Jacaranda Press, Sydney.

NSW Department of School Education. 1994, New Arrivals Dictionaries, 16 vols,

Disadvantaged Schools Program, Erskineville.

Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary, 1994, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press,


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