Ket Vocabulary List
Ket Vocabulary List
Ket Vocabulary List
The KET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation
with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the KET
examination. It drew on vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Waystage (1990)
specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency.
The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the
candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus of a question) and
productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to answer a
The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the KET and KET
for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to
the list alone.
A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting the
Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where
words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, bank is
is followed by ‘I
changed my money in a bank’ – this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial
institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a river bank’.
• Multi-word verbs
All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a KET or KET for Schools candidate might be
expected to know are included in the list. These verbs include ‘literal’ verbs (i.e. where the
meaning is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and
and ‘non-literal’ verbs, e.g. look after , get up.
Topic lists
In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common KET and/or KET for
Schools themes, such as
as ‘Food and Drink’,
Drink’, ‘House and Home’ and ‘Sport’.
Unsuitable topics
Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset
candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. A
number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in KET and KET for Schools,
for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the KET
Vocabulary List.
Personal vocabulary
The content of the KET Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover
completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by candidates. Candidates
should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for
example hobbies, likes and dislikes.
Abbreviations used
used in the KET Vocabulary
Vocabulary List are:
abbrev abbreviation
abbreviatio n or acronym mv modal verb
adj adjective n noun
adv adverb phr v
v phrasal verb
av auxiliary verb pl
pl plural
Am Eng
Eng American English
English prep
prep preposition
Br Eng British English prep phr prepositional
prepositional phrase
conj conjunction pron
pron pronoun
det determiner sing singular
exclam exclamation v verb
also (adv)
A always (adv)
always (adv)
a.m. (adv)
a/an (det)
a/an (det) amazing (adj)
amazing (adj)
able (adj) ambulance (n)
• be able to
to among (prep)
about (adv & prep) an (det)
• What about a cold drink? and (conj)
• I have about £3
£3.. (adv)
(adv) angry (adj)
a book about animals (prep)
(prep) animal (n)
above (adv & prep) another (det
(det & pron)
accident (n)(n) answer (n & v) v)
across (adv & prep) any (det & pron)
• The bank’s across the road. anybody (pron)
anymore (adv)
anymore (adv)
• He walked across the bridge.
act (n & v) anyone (pron)
activity (n)
activity (n) anything (pron)
actor (n)
(n) anyway (adv)
actually (adv) anywhere (adv)
apartment (n)
apartment (n)
ad (n)
apartment building (n)
building (n)
• an ad on TV
apple (n)
apple (n)
add (v)
appointment (n)
address (n)
address (n)
• an appointment
appointment with the doctor
advanced(adj & n)
(adj) area (n)
arm (n)
adventure (n)
advertisement (n)
advertisement (n) armchair (n)
advice (n)
advice (n) around (adv & prep)
aeroplane (n)
aeroplane (n) • to travel around (adv)
afraid (adj)
afraid (adj) • to sit around the table (prep)
table (prep)
after (adv
(adv & prep) arrive (v)
afternoon (n)
afternoon (n) art (n)
afterwards (adv)
afterwards (adv) article (n)
article (n)
again (adv)
again (adv) • an article about skiing
against (prep) artist (n)
artist (n)
• We watched England play against France. as (conj & prep)
age (n)
age (n) • as good as
• I don’t know his age. • as soon as possible
aged (adj)
(adj) the same as
ago (adv)
ago (adv) ask (v)
agree (v) assistant (n)
• Yes, I agree with you. as well (adv)
• Don’t you agree, Sam? as well (as) (prep)
air (n) at (prep)
• to travel by air at / @ (prep)
@ (prep)
airport (n) My email address is
• david@cambrid
alarm clock (n) attractive (adj)
album (n) (n) aunt (n)
all (adv, det & pron) autumn (n)
all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam) available (adj)
available (adj)
almost (adv) away (adv)
alone (adj & adv) He’s gone away.
along (prep)
(prep) It’s two kilometres away.
biology (n)
B bird (n)
birth (n)
birth (n)
baby (n) birthday (n)(n)
back (n, adv & adj) biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: cookie
Eng: cookie))
backpack (n)
backpack (n) bit (n)
bad (adj) • Just a small bit of cake, please.
badly (adv) black (adj & n)
badminton (n)
badminton (n) blackboard (n) (n)
bag (n) blanket (n)
bake (v)
bake (v) block (n)
ball (n) • Shall we walk round the block?
balloon (n)
balloon (n) blond(e) (adj)
blond(e) (adj)
banana (n) blood (n)
band (n) blouse (n)(n)
bandage (n)
bandage (n) blue (adj & n) n)
bank (n) board (n)(n)
• I changed my money in the bank. • The teacher’s writing on the
barbecue (n) (n) (black/white)board.
baseball (n) (n) board game (n)
game (n)
basketball (n) boat (n)
bat (n)
bat (n) body (n)
bath (n) boil (v)
bathing suit (n) (n) boiled (adj)
boiled (adj)
bathroom (n) book (n & v)
bathtub (n)
bathtub (n) bookcase (n) (n)
battery (n)
(n) bookshelf (n) (n)
be (av & v) bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore
Eng: bookstore))
beach (n) bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop
Eng: bookshop))
bean (n)
bean (n) boot (n)
bear (n) • a pair of boots
beard (n) bored (adj)
beautiful (adj) boring (adj)
because (conj) born (v)
become (v) • I was born in Manchester.
bed (n) borrow (v)(v)
bedroom (n) • She borrowed a book from the library.
bee (n) boss (n)
before (adv,
before (adv, conj & prep)
begin (v) both
both (pron
bother (v) & det)
beginner (n) bottle (n)
beginning (n) bottom (n)
behind (adv & prep) • at the bottom of the stairs
believe (v) bowl (n)
belong (v) box (n)
below (adv & prep) prep) boy (n)
belt (n) boyfriend (n)
beside (prep) brain (n)
best (adj & adv) brave (adj)
brave (adj)
better (adj & adv) bread (n)
between (prep)
(prep) break (n & v)
bicycle (n)
(n) • a break for lunch (n)
big (adj)
• Someone’s broken the window. (v)
bike (n)
bill (n) breakfast (n)
bridge (n)
• Can I have my bill, please?
clearly (adv)
climb (v)
climb (v) of course (not)
department store (n)
store (n) during (prep)
describe (v) DVD (n)
DVD (n)
desert (n) DVD player (n)
desk (n)
dessert (n)
detail (n) E
diary (n)
diary (n)
dictionary (n)
(n) each (det & pron)
die (v)
(v) ear (n)
difference (n) (n) early (adj & adv)
different (adj) earn (v)
difficult (adj)
(adj) earring (n)(n)
digital (adj)
digital (adj) easily (adv)
easily (adv)
digital camera (n)
camera (n) east (n, adj & adv)
dining room (n) (n) easy (adj)
dinner (n)(n) eat (v)
dinosaur (n) (n) egg (n)
diploma (n) electric (adj)
electric (adj)
dirty (adj) electricity (n)
disco (n) elephant (n)
discount (n) elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift
discuss (v)
discuss (v) else (adv)
dish (n) Anything else?
dot (n)
(n) competition?
• dot com Please enter through the side door.
I downloaded
download(v)..ed the songs from the
(v) euro
even (n)
downstairs (adv)
(adv) evening (n)
Dr (n)
(n) ever (adv)
draw (v) every (det)
drawer (n)
(n) everybody (pron)
drawing (n)(n) everyone (pron)
dream (n & v) everything (pron)
dress (n & v) everywhere (adv)
dressed (adj)
dressed (adj) exactly (adv)
drink (n & v) v) examination/exam (n)
drive (v) example (n)
example (n)
driver (n)
(n) Look at the example first.
drugstore (n)
drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist
chemist)) excellent (adj)
drum (n)
(n) except (conj & prep)
dry (adj & v) excited (adj)
duck (n)
duck (n) exciting (adj)
grandparent (n)
(n) helicopter (n)
grandson (n) hello (exclam)
hello (exclam)
granny (n)
husband (n)
(n) juice
jump (n)
jump (v)
jumper (n)
I just (adv)
I’ve just seen Tom.
ice (n)
ice cream (n)
ice skating (n)(n) K
ID (n)
ID card (n)
card (n) keep (v)
idea (n)
(n) May I keep this?
identification (n)
(n) Keep right!
if (conj)
(conj) key (n)
ill (adj)
(adj) keyboard (n)
immediately (adv)
immediately (adv) I play the keyboard in a band.
important (adj)
(adj) The keyboard for my computer is broken.
improve (v)
lazy (adj)
lazy (adj) lorry (n)
learn (v) lose (v)
least (adv)
least (adv) We lost the game.
million (n)
mind (v)
Do you mind if I close the window?
• I don’t mind if…
• Never mind. name (n)
• Mind your head! national (adj)
mine (pron)
(pron) nationality (n)
mineral water (n) nature (n)
minus (prep)
minus (prep) near (adv & prep)
minute (n)(n) nearly (adv)
mirror (n) neck (n)
Miss (n)
(n) necklace (n)
necklace (n)
miss (v) need (v)
missing (adj)
missing (adj) neighbour (n)
mistake (n) net (n)
net (n)
I found
• found a great website on the
the net.
never (adv)
(adv) or (conj)
new (adj)
(adj) orange (adj & n)
news (n)
(n) order (n)
newspaper (n)(n) other (det & pron)
next (adj & adv)
adv) our (det)
next to (prep)
(prep) ours (pron)
nice (adj) ourselves (pron)
night (n)
(n) out (adv)
no (adv, det & pron)
pron) outdoors (adv)
nobody (pron) out of (prep)
noise (n)
noise (n) outside (prep & adv)
noisy (adj) over (prep & adv)
noon (n) over 60 people (adv)
nose (n)
nose (n)
not (adv)
note (n & v) P
notebook (n) (n)
nothing (pron) pack (v)
notice (n)
notice (n) pack a suitcase
now (adv)
(adv) page (n)
number (n)(n) pain (n)
nurse (n) paint (v & n)
painter (n)
O painting (n)
pale (adj)
pair (n)
occupation (n) (n) a pair of shoes
o'clock (adv)
(adv) paper (n & adj)
of (prep)
(prep) pardon (exclam)
of course (not) (adv) Pardon?
off (adv) parent (n)
offer (n v)
(n & v) park (n & v)
office (n) parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car park)
often (adv) part (n)
oh (exclam)
the best part of the day
oil (n)
• car oil partner (n)
party (n)
• cooking oil pass (v)
OK/okay (exclam)
(exclam) You pass the station on the left.
old (adj)
(adj) to pass a driving test
omelette (n) (n)
passenger (n) (n)
on (prep & adv)
passport (n) (n)
once (adv)
past (prep)
• only once pasta (n)
one (det & pron)
pron) path (n)
onion (n)
(n) pay (v)
online (adj
online (adj & adv) PC (personal computer) (n)
only (adv & adj) pear (n)
• I only wanted to help. pen (n)
• the only one pence (n)
open (adj & v)
v) pencil (n)
opera (n)
(n) pencil case (n)
case (n)
opposite (prep)
penfriend (n)
(n) police car (n)
penny (n)
(n) police officer (n)
people (n pl)
pl) police station (n)
pepper (n)
(n) polite (adj)
polite (adj)
per (prep) pool (n)
perfect (adj) swimming pool
perfume (n)
perfume (n) poor (adj)
perhaps (adv) pop (n)
person (n)
(n) pop music
pet (n)
(n) popular (adj)
petrol (n) possible (adj)
possible (adj)
petrol station (n) (n) possibly (adv)
possibly (adv)
pharmacy (n) post (v & n) n)
phone (v & n) n) to post a letter
pillow (n)
(n) prefer (v)
You must practise if you want to play well.
pilot (n)
(n) prepare (v)
pink (adj)
(adj) present (n)
pity (n)
(n) a birthday present
project (n)
• to play football (v) a school project
roof (n)
room (n)
R a double room
round (adj)
rabbit (n)
(n) roundabout (n)
race (n & v) rubber (n)
• a running race (n)
(n) rugby (n)
• She raced her brother to the bus stop. (v)
(v) ruler (n)
racket (n) run (v)
• Can I borrow your tennis racket? runner (n)
radio (n)
(n) running (n)
railway (n)
rain (n & v)
rap (n) (n)
read (v) sad (adj)
reading (n)
reading (n) safe (adj)
ready (adj) sail (v)
sail (v)
• When will it be ready? sailing (n)
real (adj)
(adj) salad (n)
really (adv) sale (n)
reason (n) for sale
receipt (n)
receipt (n) salt (n)
receive (v)
(v) same (adj & pron)
receptionist (n) (n) at the same time (adj)
• (adj)
record (v)
(v) Your watch is the same as mine. (pron)
• (pron)
red (adj) sandwich (n)
refrigerator (n)(n) sauce (n)
sauce (n)
remember (v) sausage (n) (n)
rent (v)
(v) save (v)
repair (v) to save money
repeat (v)
repeat (v) to save time
sell (v)
(v) skiing (n)
skiing (n)
send (v)
(v) skirt (n)
sentence (n) sky (n)
serve (v) sleep (v)
set (n)
set (n) slice (n)
several (det & pron) slim (adj)
slim (adj)
shall (mv) slow (adj)
shame (n) slowly (adv)
slowly (adv)
• What a shame! small (adj)
shampoo (n & v) smoke (v)
share (v)
(v) smoking (n) (n)
she (pron) snack (n)
sheep (n)
sheep (n) snow (n & v)
sheet (n)
(n) snowboard (n)
snowboard (n)
• a bed sheet snowboarding (n)
shelf (n) so (conj & adv)
ship (n) So, I think it’s right. (conj)
• (conj)
shirt (n)
(n) He ate too much, so he felt ill. (conj)
• (conj)
shoe (n)
(n) He wanted to go but he didn’t say so. (adv)
• (adv)
shop (n & v) v) soap (n)
shop assistant (n) soccer (n)
shopping (n)
shopping (n) sock (n)
short (adj)
(adj) sofa (n)
• a short time soft (adj)
shorts (n pl) pl) software (n) (n)
should (mv) some (det & pron)
shout (v)
(v) somebody (pron)(pron)
show (v & n) someone (pron)
• Show me your photos. (v)
(v) something (pron)
• a film show (n)
(n) sometimes (adv) (adv)
shower (n)(n) somewhere (adv)
shut (v) son (n)
sick (adj) song (n)
side (n) soon (adv)
• this side of the room sorry (adj)
sightseeing (n) • late.
I’m sorry I’m late.
sign (n)
sign (n) Sorry, I don’t understand that.
ski (v)
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there (adv)
(adv) true (adj)
true (adj)
these (det & pron)
pron) try (v)
they (pron) try on (phr v) v)
thin (adj)
(adj) T-shirt (n)
thing (n)
(n) turn (v)
think (v)
(v) turn off (phr v)
thirsty (adj)
(adj) Turn the gas off.
through (prep)
(prep) twice (adv)
throw (v) type (n)
thunderstorm (n) (n) tyre (n) (Am Eng: tire
ticket (n)
tidy (adj & v)
tidy up (v) U
tie (n)
tiger (n) umbrella (n)
tights (n pl) pl) uncle (n)
till (prep)
(prep) under (prep)
time (n) underground (n & adj)
timetable (n) (n) understand (v)
tired (adj)
(adj) unfortunately (adj)
to (prep) unhappy (n)
unhappy (n)
toast (n)
toast (n) uniform (n)(n)
today (n & adv) university (n)(n)
toe (n)
(n) until (prep)
together (adv) (adv) unusual (adj)
toilet (n)
(n) up (prep & adv)
tomato (n) (n) upset (adj)
tomorrow (n & adv) adv) upstairs (adv)
tonight (n & adv) adv) us (pron)
too (adv)
(adv) use (v)
tooth (n)(n) useful (adj)
toothbrush (n) (n) usual (adj)
top (n) usually (adv)
• the top of the page
total (adj & n)
tour (n)
(n) V
tour guide
tourist (n) (n)
(n) (n) v/versus (prep)
tourist information centre (n)
(n) Manchester United v Liverpool
towel (n)
(n) variety (n)
town (n)
(n) various (adj)
toy (n) vegetable (n) (n)
traffic (n)
(n) very (adv)
traffic light (n)
(n) video (n)
train (n) video game (n)
game (n)
trainer (n) view (n)
• a pair of trainers village (n)
tram (n)
(n) violin (n)
travel (v)
(v) visit (v)
tree (n)
(n) visitor (n)
trip (n)
(n) vocabulary (n)
vocabulary (n)
trouble (n) volleyball (n)
trousers (n pl)
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when (adv)
(adv) yog(h)urt (n)
where (adv)
(adv) you (pron)
which (det & pron) young (adj)
while (conj) your (det)
white (adj)
(adj) yours (pron)
who (pron)
(pron) yourself (pron)
whole (adj & n)
the whole world (adj)
the whole of July (n)
why (adv)
zero (n)
wide (adj)
wife (adj)
(n) zoo (n)
wild (adj)
• wild animals
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Appendix 1
Word sets
In addition to the words in the alphabetical list, KET and KET for Schools candidate
are expected to know:
Cardinal numbers
one, two, three, etc. to one thousand
Ordinal numbers
first, second, third, fourth, etc. to thirty-first
China/Chinese, France/French, Ireland/Irish, India/Indian,
India/Indian, Italy/Italian, Spain/Spanish, etc.
Africa, Australia, North
North America, Sou
th America, Asia, Antarctica,
Antarctica, Europe
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Appendix 2
Topic Lists
camera DVD (player) laptop telephone
CD (player) electric lights television / TV
cell phone electricity mobile (phone) video
black golden orange red
blue green pale white
brown grey pink yellow
dark light purple
advanced course lesson ruler
beginner desk level school
biology dictionary library science
blackboard diploma mark student
board eraser maths/mathemati
cs studies
book exam(ination) note study (v)
bookshelf geography physics subject
chemistry history practice (n) teach
class homework practise (v) teacher
classmate information project term
classroom instructions pupil test (n)
clever know read university
coach language remember
college learn rubber
card film
fun (n & v)
v) opera
paint (v)
(v) show (n)
sing (n)
cartoon go out painter singer
CD (player) group photograph song
chess guitar photographer
photographer television / TV
cinema hip hop photography theatre
classical (music) instrument piano ticket
competition keyboard picture video (game)
concert laugh play (n) watch (v)
dance (n & v)
v) listen to pop (music)
dancer look at practice (n)
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centimetre / centimeter hour minute week
day kilo(gram[me])/kg
kilo(gram[me])/kg moment year
degree kilometre/km/kilometer
kilometre/km/kilometer quarter
gram(me) litre / liter second
half metre / meter temperature
brave great
happy pretty
quick unhappy
brilliant hard quiet well
busy heavy ready worried
careful high real wrong
clear hungry rich young
clever important right
cool interested slow
different interesting small
Places: Buildings
apartment (building) college hospital school
bank department store hotel shop
block disco house sports centre
bookshop elevator library stadium
bookstore entrance lift supermarket
building exit museum swimming pool
cafe/café factory office theatre
cafeteria flat pharmacy university
castle garage police station
cathedral grocery store post office
cinema guest-house railway station
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Places: Countryside
area forest path sky
beach hill railway village
campsite island rainforest wood
farm lake river
field mountain sea
bank doctor petrol station theatre
cafe / café garage post office tourist information
cafeteria hotel restaurant
cinema library sports centre
dentist museum swimming pool
ad / advertisement
advertisement cheque
cheque expensive shop
assistant close (v)
close (v) for sale shop assistant
bill closed
closed open (v & adj) shopper
bookshop cost (n & v)
cost (n pay (for) shopping
buy (v)
buy (v) credit card penny spend
cash (n & v) customer pound store
ball football riding
riding swimming
badminton football player rugby swimming costume
baseball game run (v)
(v) swimming pool
basketball goal sailing swimsuit
bat golf sea table tennis
bathing suit
beach hockey
kit skate (v)
(v) (n)
skateboard (n) team
bicycle luck ski (v)
(v) tennis player
bike member skiing throw (v)
throw (v)
boat play (v)
play (v) snowboard (n)(n) ticket
catch (v)
catch (v) player snowboarding tired
climb (v)
(v) pool (n)
(n) soccer trainers
club practice (n)
practice (n) sport(s) v / versus
coach (n)
(n) practise (v) sports centre volleyball
competition prize stadium walk
walk (v)
cricket race (n & v) surf watch (v)
watch (v)
cycling racket surfboard win
win (v)
enter (a competition) rest
rest (n
(n & v) surfboarding windsurfing
fishing ride (n & v)
v) swim winner
afternoon evening morning tonight
a.m./p.m. half (past) night week
appointment holidays noon weekday
autumn hour o’clock weekend
birthday January - December past weekly
calendar meeting quarter (past/to) winter
century midnight second working hours
clock minute spring year
daily moment summer yesterday
date Monday - Sunday time
day month today
diary monthly tomorrow
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cloud hot sun wet
cloudy ice sunny wind
cold rain thunderstorm
thundersto rm windy
fog snow warm
foggy storm weather
desk guide
instructions police
queen officer
diary job receptionist