Project 3
Project 3
Project 3
Proposal for Sam’s Office............................................................................................................... 2
SAM 2019
I write this proposal to you in hopes that you will consider some of these changes
in order to help enhance the current Youtube channel you have now. At the moment,
your channel is great as is – in that it’s highly beneficial to the students around the
world who are viewers. I, myself, am one of said subscribers but I am more of a passive
one than an actively engaged one. After considering making some of the following
suggestions, I believe your channel will thrive even more than it currently is.
Currently, despite how much your channel is currently thriving, there are multiple
steps you can choose to take to improve upon it. The table below compares your
channel to channels that operate with similar goals to yours.
From the table, it is clear that the two other Youtube channels have more overall
subscribers, numbers of views on their most popular video, and total channel views.
This, however, does make sense. The reason for this is because Sali Kaceli’s channel for
example, has the most amount of subscribers. I believe the reason for this is that his
channel his started posting Microsoft related videos. This means his viewers have been
able to count on him over the last six years to keep producing quality content on a
consistent basis. For Surfwtw’s channel, he began making Microsoft videos a little later
than Kaceli did. Surfwtw’s channel also isn’t just solely dedicated to helping people
with Microsoft. It is also a channel that he dedicates to making music covers. With a
split interest displayed on his channel, it is quite possible that his current subscribers
are going to look elsewhere for help going forward.
At the moment, your channel among the three, is the newest. This means there is
plenty of room for growth as well as improvements!
The steps I recommend consist of the following:
A ssistin g w ith th e te x tb o o k in stru c tio n s fro m N e w
P e rsp e c tiv e s M ic ro so ft O ff ic e 3 6 5 & E x c e l 2 0 1 6 :
In te rm e d ia te
H a v in g c lo se d c a p tio n in g fo r e v e ry sin g le v id e o o n th e
Y o u tu b e c h a n n e l
H a v in g a se c tio n d e d ic a te d to b e g in n e r tu to ria ls
B e in g c o n siste n t!