Neha Rai
Neha Rai
Neha Rai
AgroEnvironmental Sustainability, 2023, 1(2), 86-92
Abstract EDITOR
An experiment was conducted from February 19, 2022, to July 4, 2022, in the farmer's field of Itahari Fidelis O. Ajibade
Sub-metropolitan city in Nepal under well water and drought conditions to screen thirty drought-
tolerant spring rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes using various drought tolerant indices for its
cultivation under rainfed and drought areas. Analysis of variance revealed that grain yield under
both conditions were significantly different and yield under well-watered condition was higher than COPYRIGHT
yield under drought condition. The greater value of tolerance index (TOL) was reported in Chaite-2 © 2023 Author(s)
and IR-80991-B330-0-2 and the minimum value of TOL was reported in IRE16L1661 and IR16L1004. eISSN 2583-942X
The lowest value of stress susceptibility index (SSI) was reported in IRE16L1661, the maximum value
of yield susceptibility index (YSI) was reported in IRE16L1661, and the maximum values of mean LICENCE
productivity index (MP), geometrical mean productivity (GMP), and stress tolerance index (STI) were
reported in IRE 1621661. Correlation analysis revealed that the high-yielding genotype under well-
watered conditions also yielded higher under-stress conditions. For grain yield, analysis of variance This is an Open Access
and principal component analysis revealed that IRE 1621661 is suitable for both conditions and Article published under
genotype IRE16L1661 is stable under drought conditions based on drought tolerance indices. Thus, a Creative Commons
these two genotypes can be recommended under drought stress in the inner plains of Nepal with Attribution-NonCommercial
appropriate agronomic practices. 4.0 International License
Citation: Rai, N., Thapa, S., Rawal, S., Jamkatel, D. P., & Maharjan, B. (2023). Yield Performance Evaluation of Thirty Spring Rice
(Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars Under Terminal Drought Conditions Using Various Drought-Tolerant Indices. AgroEnvironmental
Sustainability, 1(2), 86-92.
Statement of Sustainability: This study focuses on the role of water stress conditions in food security, as the yield of a crop is
directly affected by how well it is irrigated, depending on the crop. Therefore, this study emphasizes SDG 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero
hunger), and 13 (climate action). We focused on selecting genotypes that are suitable for both well-watered and water-stressed
conditions to ensure that grain yield is not greatly affected by future climatic variability. Therefore, genotypes IRE 1621661 is
suitable for both conditions and can be further studied under different environmental conditions under different packages of
practices to ensure sustainability in production.
1. Introduction
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important staple food, consumed by more than half of the world's population (Dawe et
al., 2010). Rice is a cereal crop in the family Poaceae, belonging to the genus Oryza (Singh et al., 2018). Two species of
rice, Oryza sativa (Asian rice) and Oryza glaberrima (African rice) are known to be widely cultivated for their commercial
value (Gadal et al., 2019). Asia produces the lion's share of the world's rice, which is mostly grown in tropical areas with
abundant rainfall - about 90% of the rice consumed globally is produced there. In 2019, about 418.56 million tons of
rice will be produced in East and Southeast Asia, accounting for about 55.4% of global rice production and 47.6% of the
region's total cereal production (Lin et al., 2011). Rice contributes 15% of the protein and 21% of the carbohydrate
consumed per capita by humans worldwide, and provides trace amounts of minerals, vitamins, and fiber (Dawe et al.,
In Nepal, rice is divided into agro-ecological zones (terai, mid-hills, and mountains), growing seasons (spring,
summer, rainy, and winter), and varieties (O. indicia, O. japonica, and O. javanica) (Adhikari and Haefele, 2014). In Nepal,
rice is grown in three seasons: main season rice (Barkhe dhan), boro rice (winter season rice), and spring season rice
(Chaite dhan). Irrigated and rainfed habitats account for 49% and 51% of Nepal's productive ecosystems, respectively
(Ghimire and Mahat, 2019). Due to the availability of rainfall, main-season rice has a larger area than other rice; however,
the yield is higher in the spring season (Rajapur, 2021). Despite having a larger yield than main season rice, spring rice
production in Nepal is limited to a small region, this might be caused by lack of water availability during spring rice
cultivation, resulting in drought. In Nepal, main-season rice accounts for 92 percent of the country's total rice supply,
while spring rice, also known as Chaite rice, accounts for only 8 percent (MoLAD, 2021). Large annual and seasonal
variations in rainfall cause significant fluctuations in total rice production, as a large proportion of the total rice area in
Nepal is rainfed (about 65%). Due to rice's high susceptibility to water stress, which can result in either partial or total
yield loss, drought can cause significant damage at any stage of crop growth and development (Adhikari et al., 2018).
Drought stress is one of the major issues due to climate change and the intensification of agricultural production.
Rice is the major cereal crop of Nepal and ranks 3rd in the world. Despite being the major staple food crop of Nepal
and having the largest area under cultivation, the average production and productivity still show a huge difference when
compared to the neighboring countries of China and India. In rainfed systems, drought is the major limiting abiotic
stress that reduces productivity by 13-35% (Kandel et al., 2022; Tiwari et al., 2019). The yield of rainfed rice is very low
compared to favorable growing conditions (Kandel et al., 2022; Kumar et al., 2012; Pavithra and Vengadessan, 2020;
Raman et al., 2012). The development and deployment of drought stress-tolerant rice genotypes specific to agroclimatic
conditions have been recommended by several authors to enhance production and maintain food security (Amgai, 2020;
Kandel et al., 2022; Majumder et al., 2016; Mau et al., 2019; Ouk et al., 2006; Tiwari et al., 2019).
Various drought tolerance indices are used to screen for drought-tolerant genotypes under normal and drought-
stress conditions, and their success in selecting the stress-tolerant rice genotype has also been reported by Kandel et
al. (2022). Rice is susceptible to water stress and can have very low to almost no economic yield. Moreover, drought
stress is associated with heat waves (Hussain et al., 2019), which further enhances pollen sterility, resulting in husked
grains. Thus, this experiment was conducted to screen the drought-tolerant rice genotypes based on the grain yield
suitable for the spring season in the rainfed and drought-prone inner plains of Nepal.
40 600
Precipitation (mm)
20 300
0 0
feb mar apr may jun jul
Figure 1. Agro-climatic parameters (TMAX: maximum temperature; TMIN: minimum temperature) of the experimental site. [87]
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analysis of variance results. In addition, yield under ideal (well-watered) and drought conditions, as well as all drought-
tolerant metrics, varied significantly (P≤0.05). Grain yield under ideal conditions ranged from 4472.5 to 2969.5 kg/ha,
with a mean yield of 3555.35 kg/ha (Table 2). Under ideal conditions, genotype IRE 1621661 was the best performer,
followed by Chaiate-2 and Chaite-1, while IR-192077-21-21-3-B (2969.5 kg/ha) was the worst performer. Under drought
conditions, genotype IRE 1621661 (3099.5 kg/ha) had the highest grain production, followed by IR- 12907721-36-8-B
(2888.5 kg/ha) and IR-129077-11-12-7-B (2750 kg/ha). Yield under ideal and drought conditions was used to determine
drought tolerance indices (Muthuramu and Ragavan, 2020). To reduce the trade-off between water and grain yield,
genotype selection is also influenced by the performance of a genotype under optimum conditions. Under water stress
conditions, the grain yield of drought-tolerant genotypes is higher than that of drought-susceptible genotypes (Garg
and Bhattacharya, 2017).
Table 2. Mean Performance of thirty rice genotypes using various drought tolerant indices.
Name Code Genotype Yield (Optimum) Yield (Drought) TOL YSI MP GMP SSI STI
1 Chaite-1 4011 2641.5 1369.5 0.66 3326.25 3254.89 1.02 0.83
2 Chaite-2 4051.5 2402 1649.5 0.59 3226.75 3117.92 1.22 0.77
3 HARDINATH-1 3839.5 2570.5 1269 0.67 3205 3141.139 0.99 0.78
4 IR- 12907721-36-8-B 3844 2888.5 955.5 0.75 3366.25 3332.16 0.74 0.87
5 IR10L192 3636.5 2420 1216.5 0.66 3028.25 2963.89 1.02 0.77
6 IR-10L192 3141.5 2073 1068.5 0.67 2607.25 2551.36 1.02 0.55
7 IR-1-19-2-1-1-1-186515 3679.5 2524 1155.5 0.68 3101.75 3043.26 0.95 0.76
8 IR129077-11-12—7-B 3641 2750 891 0.75 3195.5 3163.61 0.73 0.79
9 IR129077123-1-1-55-8-B-83 3544.5 2572 972.5 0.72 3058.25 3018.90 0.82 0.72
10 IR-129077-21-42-5-B 3822 2181 1641 0.57 3001.5 2887 1.28 0.66
11 IR129077-21-7-8-B 3722.5 2580 1142.5 0.69 3151.25 3099.03 0.91 0.76
12 IR1611795 3673 2505.5 1167.5 0.67 3089.25 3021.63 0.99 0.75
13 IR1621004 3505.5 2215 1290.5 0.63 2860.25 2786.22 1.10 0.61
14 IR1621226 3638 2375.5 1262.5 0.66 3006.75 2937.68 1.04 0.68
15 IR16L1004 3179 2399 780 0.75 2789 2761.04 0.73 0.60
16 IR16L1226 3370 2511.5 858.5 0.74 2940.75 2908.70 0.77 0.68
17 IR16L1411 3032.5 2200 832.5 0.72 2616.25 2582.89 0.82 0.53
18 IR17A1723 3249.5 1604.5 1645 0.49 2427 2282.28 1.51 0.42
19 IR17L1317 3894.5 2694.5 1200 0.69 3294.5 3239.03 0.92 0.83
20 IR-192077-21-21-3-B 2969.5 1969.5 1000 0.66 2469.5 2418.05 1.00 0.46
21 IR-80991-B330-0-1 3534.5 2207.5 1327 0.62 2871 2791.85 1.12 0.62
22 IR-80991-B330-0-2 3782 2384 1398 0.63 3083 3002.72 1.10 0.71
23 IR96321-1447651-B-1-1-2 3292 2036 1256 0.61 2664 2588.79 1.14 0.53
24 IRE 1621661 4472.5 3099.5 1373 0.69 3786 3722.97 0.92 1.20
25 IRE16L1661 3358 2628.5 729.5 0.78 2993.25 2970.35 0.65 0.70
26 NR2184 3461.5 2266.5 1195 0.65 2864 2800.88 1.03 0.62
27 Sukkha-3 3506 2200 1306 0.61 2853 2771.33 1.14 0.62
28 Sukkha-4 3240 1889 1351 0.58 2564.5 2473.68 1.25 0.49
29 Sukkha-6 3556.5 2332.5 1224 0.65 2944.5 2878.99 1.03 0.66
30 SVIN-312 3013 1827 1186 0.60 2420 2345.27 1.179 0.44
Grand Mean 3555.36 2364.93 1190.43 0.66 2960.15 2895.24 1.01 0.68
CV% 7 13.9 9.3 7.2 9.7 10.4 14.2 20.8
F-test ** ** ** ** * ** ** *
*: Denotes level of significance at P-value≤0.05; **: denotes Level of significance at P-value ≤ 0.01, CV: coefficient of variation; TOL: tolerance index;
YSI: yield susceptibility index; MP: mean productivity; GMP: geometric mean productivity; SSI: stress susceptibility index: STI: stress tolerance index.
The higher value of TOL was reported in Chaite-2 and IR17A1723. The lowest value of TOL was reported in
IRE16L1661 and IR16L1004. The higher stress tolerance of a particular variety is indicated by the lower value of TOL
(Adhikari et al., 2019). The lower SSI value indicates higher yield stability as reported in IRE16L1661. Maximum YSI was
reported in IRE16L1661 and minimum in IR17A1723. Adhikari et al. (2019), reported that genotypes with lower SSI have
high drought tolerance capacity. Kandel et al. (2022) also reported that stress-tolerant cultivars had lower TOL; SSI and
TOL are important drought-tolerant indices as they favor the selection of high-performing (high-yielding) genotypes
under drought-stress conditions. In addition, MP, GMP, and STI are used to identify the genotype that produces a high
yield under both conditions. Maximum MP, GMP, and STI were reported in IRE 1621661. The genotypes with high levels [89]
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of STI and MP index and low levels of SSI are considered drought-tolerant genotypes. The importance of STI in the
selection of stable and resistant genotypes has also been reported by (Kandel et al., 2022).
Table 3. Correlation analysis between yield under optimum and drought conditions, and various stress tolerance indices
Parameters Yield (Optimum) Yield (Drought) TOL YSI MP GMP SSI STI
Yield (Optimum) 1
Yield (Drought) 0.737** 1
TOL 0.425* -0.299 1
YSI 0.050 0.709** -0.878** 1
MP 0.936 **
0.928 **
0.078 0.398* 1
GMP 0.903** 0.955** -0.003 .0471** 0.997** 1
SSI -0.050 -0.709** 0.878** -1.000** -0.398* -0.471** 1
STI 0.907 **
0.948 **
0.011 0.452 *
0.995 **
0.997** -0.452* 1
*: Denotes level of significance at P-value≤0.05; **: denotes level of significance at P-value ≤ 0.01; TOL: tolerance index; YSI: yield susceptibility index;
MP: mean productivity; GMP: geometric mean productivity; SSI: stress susceptibility index: STI: stress tolerance index.
The first two principal components showed cumulative variation greater than 99% with an eigenvalue greater than
1. The first and second components contributed 65% and 34.5% of the variation, respectively. Principal component
analysis was performed for drought tolerance indices and genotype response. PC1 was positively correlated with all
traits except SSI and TOL (Figure 2). PC2 has a negative relationship with all traits except YSI and yield under drought.
Similar results were reported by Kandel et al. (2022). These drought indices Yp, Ys, SSI, MP, GM, and STI can be called
drought stress tolerance components. Genotypes with a higher value of PC1 and a low value of PC2 are high-yielding
genotypes under both conditions i.e., genotypes IR- 12907721-36-8-B, IR17L1317, and IRE1621661 (Figure 2). While
genotypes with a high value of PC2 and a low value of PC1 are low-yielding genotypes under stress conditions i.e., SVIN-
312, IR-192077-21-21-3-B, and IR10L192 which had relatively low performance under both conditions. Kamrani et al.
(2018) and Puri et al. (2020) reported similar results while evaluating durum wheat and spring wheat genotypes for heat
stress tolerance, respectively. A positive and significant correlation between STI, GMP, and MP with Yp and Ys has also
been previously reported by other researchers (Abdolshahi et al., 2013; Carvalho et al., 2022; Hussain et al., 2021; Pavithra
and Vengadessan, 2020; Garg and Bhattacharya, 2017; Ullah and Shakeel, 2019), which further supports our findings.
Therefore, genotype selection considering MP, GMP, and STI would determine the genotype with high yield potential.
Figure 2. PCA biplot analysis of various drought tolerant indices and genotypes. [90]
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4. Conclusion
Results from our study suggest that genotype IRE1621661 has paramount performance in both environmental
conditions and is suitable for cultivation under drought-prone and rainfed areas of the inner plains of Nepal to cope
with a yield penalty. However, stability in yield drought tolerant indices suggests that genotype IRE16L1661 with a low
value for TOL and SSI, and a higher value for YSI, which makes it suitable for drought-prone areas. Thus, genotypes
IRE1621661 and IRE16L1661 can be suggested for further testing for their response to agronomic practices and
commercial cultivation in drought-prone / rainfed areas.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Neha Rai, Sandesh Thapa, Sara Rawal; Data curation, Sandesh Thapa, Sara Rawal;
Investigation, Neha Rai; Methodology, Sandesh Thapa, Sara Rawal; Resources: Dinesh Prasad Jamkatel, Binaya Maharjan; Software,
Sara Rawal; Supervision, Neha Rai; Validation, Sandesh Thapa; Visualization, Neha Rai, Sandesh Thapa, Sara Rawal; Writing – original
draft, Neha Rai, Sandesh Thapa, Sara Rawal, Dinesh Prasad Jamkatel, Binaya Maharjan; Writing – review and editing, Neha Rai, Sandesh
Thapa, Sara Rawal, Dinesh Prasad Jamkatel, Binaya Maharjan. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: The authors did not receive any funding during and after the completion of the study.
Acknowledgment: The authors express their gratitude to RARS, Tarahara for providing genetic material, and farmers for providing
land for experimentation.
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